-srr 4 'i -4 I 4 '!.1- s -r j.- TO 1 if I a.v P j HI ? if T if I !1 1 ' 4 nf. 7 5i Hi V'f: fit 3 3( 5V ..if " ID .JEGDJH MLIKK OIHtBT.PKABti II 1AVMX ITIV19 THE VICAU F BRAY. v-r . r-.i Copied from tbs KichmonJ Wkig; for beuefit ofT. B." In pood King ChirWs goldeo days, When loyally no harm meant, A tealous high church matt I vru, And so I get j)rcfexmnt : -To teach toy flock I jneter aiis.s'J i Kins are by God appointed, And damn'd are ihosa Uiat do rekt, ,; Or touch lha Lord's annointad. And this is law I wilJ njaintainj J Until my dying day sir, That Whatsoever king may reign, '- 111 be the Vicar uf lirar. Sir. V" When royal James obtained tha Craw And Fopery came in fushion, The penal laws I hooted down, ' And read the declaration, The Church of Roma I found would & Full well my constitution, And had become a Jesuit, ' But for the Revolution : ' And this i law, &c When William was our king declar'i. To case the nation's grievance, ! "With this new wind about I stear'd, ' And swore to him allegiance j Old principles I did revoke, Set conscience at a distance; Passive oledience was a joke, A jest was non-resistanea : '"1 And this is law, 4(C When gracious Ann became our qaeea ' The church of England's glory ; I Another face of things was see. And I became a tory ; Occasional conformist base, I damn'd their moderation. And thought the Church in danger was, By such prevarication : And this is law, Sec. When Geotge in pudding time came o'er. And moderate men look'd big, sir, I turn'd a cat-in-pan once more, And so became a. Whig, sir t And thips preferment I procured, From our new faith's defender, And almost every day abjurM, The Pope and the Pretender s ' And this is law, &c The illustrious House of Hnnover, And protestant succession ; Te them I do allegiance swear, While they can keep possession ; For in my faith and I nya ly, -I never more will faulter, And George my lawful king shall la, Until the limes do alter : And this is bw, cc. TO RAIJL KOAD CONTUACTOUS. i ' ' AND ' CALUJRS. FOR SALE BY 1 HE SUBSCRIBERS, 45 Carts and Horses,' a Plough Teams, fqur Horses eexb, 1 Large Wagon, 2, SmaU Wagons, Ami all other articles. necessary for heavy work. Tire above to be seen on the Greensville and "Roanoke Kail Road, and to be delivered on the 25ih of October. ) Terms, 12 months for appro ved paper. The Subscribers can be seen at A-' lezandria, D. C, until the- I2ih Seplember, afttr that on the Work. ROCHE Si ROGERS. August 29. 4Jtt TO FAYETTEVILLE. The Schooner CAROLINE and CALEB NICHOLS i ' - Steamer WILMLYG TOiVd TOW JiGATX, Will take measurement Gocrds at New-York and deliver them at Fsyetteville, at the established rates, free of all other charge. - Heavy Goods will be taken as above specified, except that they will at times, when the fiver is very low, ic subject to s'orage and Lbor of storing, which we trust will be seldom required, as the Steamer nd Tow Boats are of th new est construction ajid light draught of water. The Goods at the owner's risk, the same as in the hands of forwarding merchant. Freight payable on delivery at Fayetteville. AM pers6ns rnpping Goods by Uk above line, will please hand a list of the Goods shipped to Messrs. llaHett-Sc Rrown, so as to advise ine. V II 1.IAM DOUG A LL, Proprietor, W1LLK1NGS &; BELDEN, Agents at Fayetteville. August 18. 1836. 43tf SELECTED by the very test Musician in the United States, (JHimf t. Esquire, of New York.' ' The Subscriber has hist received Two FIX. NOS, oFrery superior tone! and .finish. They J have been examined by five or six Musician, i who pronounce tnein nrst rateseveral ot the oldest and most experienced Cabinet mkers in i this place, who have carefully examined the j exterior, unhesitatingly declare them far ahead of any thing of the kind they have ever seen in Petersburg. For the quality of these Instru ments, 1 refer.to Charles E. Horn, Esq. New York Doctor Thomas Uobinson, Petersburg ; Doctor Itobert Emntet Hobinson, do.; Wm. M. Kobinson, Esq.. Richmond ; Charles Uerg, Esq, Professor of Music, in this place. - , EDWARD P. NASH, J I Bookseller Petersburg, August 25. 43 Public fIeeUng. ACOKVkNTlON U to be held at Salisbury, on the lOih day of October, in reference to the construction of a Kail Itbad from the Yadkin to the Roanoke. it is desirable that Wake County should be represented in th-tt Conven tion, and with V viw fo the appointment of Ddegaiee, a meeting will be Held at the Court House in ILtleigh, on Monday of our Superior Court j when, it hoped, tlere wdl be a genef ral attendance ef the citizens of the County. " ' - MANY. CiriZg&L' Sept.3, 1634 ! -f ' - ' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ): Fon SALE. . BY virtue of a docree of th Court of Fquitj, for the Cttinfy of Warren the undetjignfrd CommiMioners will sell at Auction, on tbe 3rd day of October next, it keinj? the first day of Wake Superior Court, keibr he Corthougc door in .(he Citv of Raleigh, the Follown.g valu able HEAL ISTATK, elonefr to the heirs and tie v see of Joseph llawkin, deo'd, yn : The Dwelling House with Acres oi Lnu, adjoining the City of Raleigh, in wlucH Hon. Judge Saunders now reMdes. "... A Tract ot Land, on SwiU i;reex, aujum.i.K the lands oflsham Utley, Henry-H. Hayes, Sfe- phen Stephanson, Wm. dwara an virr contaioing JOOS 1-4 acres. IS 1-4 Acres of Land, adjseea to the Citv of Raleigh, numbered in the Plan of Public Lands sold under the Act Asfnabiy et iiy, s follows, v : No-?. 40, 41, 42 aul 43. And Lots Nos. and 47 of Lands sold under the Act of 1314, near the Governors Ilotiaf one containing 2 acres, the other 2 1-2 Acres. And three Lots in Lawrenceville, Montgomery coun ty This sale will e made on a csedit of one, two and three years, with interest after .the first year. The purchaser will be required te give bond and good security..; ILL. 11. H AYWOOD. Jr.7 Comm.. WKLDON WALL, S August 13, 183. ' 9rs fj The Standard and Kewbero Senfael will insert un'il Sale. Will Um Mi ut Auction, On the premise, on the Tuesday f Wake Superior Court next, being the 4th day of October, the LOT and IMPROVEMENTS wppesite the N- Ea.t section of the SUte-House Square front ing South on Edenton Street 139 feet, and East on- Wilm'ngton Street 210 feet. The residence is verv desirable ind the sale will be upon a long credit. Tersos made kaow o the day of rale. - G. E. BADGER. Raleigh, August 19 1886. 41 gj" The Star will iasert 4 times. UOLDERBY y 21PIIEETEUS, Commis ion JKerchauts, PETERSBURG, VA. Are now receiving their Fall Stock of GROCERIES, Comprising large and we'l selected assortment of Goods usually kept in the line ; which they offer to friends and customers, at Wholesale er Retail, on liberal and accommodating term. They contidue to devote particular attention to the Consignment of all Produce, receiving and forwarding Goods, and te bueincse generally committed to their care. Our charges are moderate, and we solicit a continuance of public patronage and confidence. HOLDKKUY & M'PHEETEUS. Petersburg, August 32, 1836, 41 (CfThe Standard, Star, and TarboTt Free Press, will please ir.serfc-4 week. SPLENDID LOTTERIES, V ir glia V lie g Xot Itxy . Class No. 5, for 183G: To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Sept. 17, 1825 f5 Nc Lottery 14 Drawn Ballots. Splendid Sch cute. 3(D,(D(D II p 3L5(D I Z $6,000v $6.000 $000 $3 000, 10.. ...... ..Prizes of .i .... ..$1,000 15.. .do........... COO Bd do., 509 Ac. sVc. Tickets only $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50 Certificates of Packages of 2$ While Tickets, $120 Halve and Quarters in proportion. VIRGINIA NORFOLK LOTTERY. Class No. 6, for 1630. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Sept. 24, 1856. T5 No. Lottery 12 Dfaunx BulloU GRAND SCHEME. $30,000 ! S,O0O ! ! 84,000, '83,000, S2,500,. 1,017 iO TrAxes ol! SlO00. Tickets only 1 Halves $5 Quarts. $3 50 Certificates of Packages of 2 Whole Tickets, , $130 Halves and Quartt-rs in proportion. XcX&azrcricstfT schhbxii Grand Consolidated Lottery. Class A Tor 1S36. T b$ drawn $n the 19th of October, 1836, at Wilmington, Del. 75 No. Lattery 12 Drawn Ballots. SPLENDID CAPITALS ! ! I Prizo of 60,000 Dolltrs. I Prizo of 50,000 Dollars. 1 Prizo of 0.000 Dollars. 1 Prize of 11,340 Dollars. S Prizes of 5,000 Dollars. Prices of 4,000 Dollars. 5 Prizes of S,t)00 Dollars. 6 Prizes of 2,500 Dollars. 12 Prizes of 2,000 Dollars. 15 Prizes of 1,500 Dollars. 75 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars. 100 Prizes of 600 Dollars. 126 Prizes of 300 Dollars. Betides many of S200 gl50 S100, $c. Loueit Prize, $20. Tiekets only $20 Halves $10 Quarters $5. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme, will be sent for $260: Certificates of Halves, $130; Quarters, $65. C3 For Tickets and Shares in the above splen did Schemes, addi ess ( r D.S. GREGORY & CO. Managers, NOTON CjTT, D. C. ff The Drawing will be punctually sent to all who order T.ckets as above. 5 CJEJYjr$KEnVilt&, RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, on the 19th of August, a small Boy, aged 14 year, and about 4 feet 5 inches high, by the name of WILLIAM HfiNDEKSON I1UIN&LKY. Any person who will return him to me, in the Citv of Ituleigli, Wake county, North-Carolina, shall receive the above reward; All pirsons are warned from harboring bim under the penaHies jufthelaw. i T- . . . ) -.,;' ! MAHK SlcWILUAMS. SeptcatbcT U J45'3l A QUANTITY of this articlo of the best qual ity l'ortable use, fcrsle by . f T. S. HECKWITH k Co. ; Rideigh July 26- h 18.55 . 37..ti 1XD Ti Pati Mejicijb Sto acuics at Ha ttcji, fermed by chymical analysis and synthe sis of several priximult vegetable-principles, are universally acknowledged to have tetally eclip sed the pretensions of every ether remedy vfnd seperaeded the necessity of every othgr mode of treatment, wherever the above diseases are found to exist, as well as iu enlargement ef the SpUen and in Jaundict. Among (he symptems ef Dyspepsia and Liver com plaints, are flatulency, sourness or burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritability, dsa greoable taste in the mouth; great irregularity of appetite, which is sometimes voracious, and at other times greatly deficient; tliirsf, fetid breath, nausea, weakness of th stomach, acid eructations, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the bowels, prefers en. the stomach after veals, pain in the head, diaainess or vertigo; eonfusie-n of mind, attended with loss of memo, ry, a jgnawing'in the stomach when empty, dull ness, aQectien of sijlit aad bearing, pain and weakness iu the back, languor, disturbed sleep, eold feet and hands, tramor, uneasiness in (he throat, cough, pa'ua in the side or breast, Sic. These Uedicincs have been tountl so eot-ctual in removing the Complaints for which they are recommended, that Physicians frequently have recourse to them for their patients, after having exhausted all their skill to Utile or no purpose. Ir. Peters' Vegetable Jlnti-Biliovz PMsi Are the cheapest and most approved FAMILY MEDICINE ever offered to the Public. They are extremely mild in their operation, neither causing sickness ef the stomach, nor any un pleasant sensation in the system, as is too fre quently the result from medicines given to act upoe the bowels. . They act specifically upon the Liver, when in a torpid conditio, carrying oft a large quantity ef bile, through the influ ence of the excei nent function, which, if suf fered to remain in the system, would produce either Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Bilious Fe ver, Fever and Ague, or some other grievous bodily aBictiyn. In all cases of torpor of the bowels, they act like a charm. In recent cases ef Dyspepsia, they are a certain cure. Many p-rsons who were subject to violent attacks of nick head-ache, have been much beneflled, and several perfectly cured in a few weeks by their use. They are highly recommended as a pre. Tentative and cure of Bilious complaints. Per sens who are subject to that distressing com plaint. Sea-sickness, by taking a portion or twe oi them a few days previous te em barking on board the vessel, will be almost certain to escape it. Females can use them at all periods, without incurring any risk. Kelsons going to sea, or te a southern climate, sh'-uld by all means take seme of these Pills with them. Their virtues will rema'n unim paired for years in any climate. No family should be without these Pills; a portion of them, taken occasionally, a ould be the means" of pre venting much suffering from sickness. It is Irom neglect ot keeping up a regular peristaltic action of the stomach and bowels, thua suffering to be absorbed and mingled with the bJowd, un assimilated fluids, tltat most diseases are pro duced. Dr. P. feels confident that no ptrson who gives these Pilis lair trial, will ever after feel willing to be without them. The testimony of thousands speaking in the highest terms of their efficacy, might be added, but the very high reputation Dr. P. has acquired as the in ventor of the lattnt I'tjretahic Mfticinm Sto machinm tt lepatice," for the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, is thought a sufficient guarantee t-o those wishing to make a trial of their irtue They contain not a particle of Mercury, or any ingredient that docs not act iu harmony with heajth and oppose disease. Dr. P. wishes it dstinctty understood, tbat ihese Pills possess beneficial qualities indepen dent of their purgative effects : they are both tonic and deoostiuent, sci.'mg upon the secre ting and exhalcnt functions; thus strengthen ing the patient, while they remove obstruc tions. Medicines which possess no other, ex cepting cathartic qualities, debilitate the pa tient, and their repeated us lays the founda tion of a long catalogue of Chrouic diseases. Dr. P, having been educated under the most eminent Amencn and European Medical pro fessors, and practiced his profession many years in the South, where diseases of the most ob stinate character prevail, considers himself well qualified to judge of the nature of diseases in cident to warm climates. Prepared by Joseph Pbiestlt Pitibs, M. D. P. B. C. P. M. at his insiiiuiion for the cure of obstinate Diseases, by means of vegetable rc medies, No, 129 Liberty -street, New-York, in ventor and sole nrorietor. Eeli box contains forty Pills. Price 50 Cents. ' CfThese invaluable Medrciires are for sale in the City of Raleigh, at the Drug and Apoih ecary Store of WILLIAMS, HAY WOOD & Co. and may be had ia almost every town in the State. Jan. 1 1836. ' I year. STATE OF NOUTH CAROLINA. Franklin County. Couit ef Pleas and Quarter Sessions, June Term, 1836. ' Eli Manning vs. Edwin York. Original attachment. Levied on tlie Lands of DeR ndant. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, JL that the Defendant in this case is not an in habitant of this Stale It is therefore ordered th.it publication be made in the Raleigh Regis ter, for six weeks successively, notifying the said defendant that unless he be and appear be fore 'I he Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quar ter sessions to be held for the county of Frank Iin. at the Courthouse in Louisburg, on the se cond Monday in September next, then 5i there to replevy and plead to issCie, judgment final will be entered against him and the land levied on be condemned and made subject to Plaintiff recovery. ( Witness, Smith Pattersotv, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the second Monday in June 1836. 38 S. PATTERSON, Clk. A Blacksmith Wanteds THE Subscriber is in want of a good BLA CJT ' SMITH. Qms that can com well recom mended, can find Constant employment, either by the day, month Or Jobs. Workshop Tdols and every thine nectssav to carry on the buv issues, foMud.' .,.. - - ; V.'ILUAM tfcOIS. tclosvnle, August SS, 1834 4 Transylvania Universitjv - ' ;.!..' 'IllIE' LECTURES in thU Ikstitctiow jwill JL commence on the frit Monday in November, and terminate on the r Monday of March. The eourses are on inuinrnv and Surtrerv. bv Dr. Dudist. j Institutes of Medicine, Clinical Practice, and Medical Jurisprudence by Dr. Cupwut. Theory and Pactice of Medicine, by Sector Cooks. , , Or etetricks and 'he Diseases Xf Women and Children, by Dr. KtcaABnsoair. Materia Medica, and Medical Botany, by Dr. Shoht. ' ' Cliimistry and Phsrmacy, by Dr. YawnrLt. During the entire term, the Professor of Anat om aml Surgery lectures nine times each week, and the other Professors daily, Sabbath except- ed. The fee to the entire course, witn Matri culation, and the use of an ex'ensive library, is flit. The Graduation fee is 20. it is tht proper to state, inasmuch ss reports have been current.as to tie high price of board in Ltxington, and the difficul y of obtaining it, that many students, during the last session, found comfortable board.including lodging, fi;e1,ltglits, aervants' attendance, and in some instances, washing, for f 3 00 per week; and it is confi dently believed, notwithstanding the increased price vf every article of living, w hich is felt here in cemmon with all other parts of the country, that students will be as comfortably accommo dated, snd upon as ressonable terms, as et any other respectable Medical Schoel in the Union. By order of the Faculty. C. W. SHORT, M. D. Dean. Lexington, Ky. July 10, 1836 38 pr.adv, $5 A NORTHERN CARRIAGE I HAVE for sale a second-hand CARRIAGE, made by one of the best workmen in Phila delphia. The work is executed in the best man ner, and the mateiials are of the most durable kind. The Carriage is in Rood order and cal culated te render good service. Any person disposed to purchase an srticle of this kind, will do well to call at my shop and examine the job, and know the price, hich will be very reason able. TliOS. COBIJS. Raleigh, August 11, 1836. To Bail Road Contractors P ROPOSALS will be received, at the Boll- ingbrooke Hotel in Petersburg, Va. on Uie 8th day of October next, for the Excavation'. Embankment and Masonry, of forty-miles of the Raleigh nd Gaston Rail Road. Plane and Profiles of the work will be exhib ited at the place above mentioned for ten days previous to the letting, and all other information will be iven on application to the Subscriber or any of the Assistant Engineers on the line. Recommendations will be expected in all ca ses oi persons not known to the Engineer. CHARLES F. M. GARNETT, C. E. P. S. For the information of persona at a dis tance, I would state that the Ualeigh 4c Gaston Kail Road is a continuation! of the Petersburg and of the Greensville and Roanoke Rail Roads, from the Roanoke to Raleigh, in the great line of Northern and Southern ttavei. This Road is located on a high and dry ridge of country, which is considered remarkably healthy and the mildness-of the cfimte, ad mitting of operations in the open air throughout the winter, makes it peculiarly desiralbl to those wishing winter jabs. The facility of travelling is so grrat now, by the Baltimore and Washington and Hichmond and Fredericksburg Ha l Roads that the trip from Phila'delphia to Petersburg may be per. formed in forty hours. The trip may be per formed in the same time by the Bay, on three days in the week. OCT" The Raleigh Star and Standard, Milton Spectator, Warrenton Reporter, Oxford Exa miner, Carolina Watchman, and Hillsborough Recorder, will insert the above until 1st Oct. STOP THE UUSAWAIS ! Rrviwii from the Subscriber, living 14 miles North of Ra leigh,on Friday night the r2'h instant, hie negro boy ARUAll AM and his wife Git ACE. The man is 27 years of age, about 6 feet hijji, wffl proportioned, with tolerably thick lips, an! the woman is about 36 the former not very dark complected .the I itter, tall, thin voyaged, and quiie dark. Abraham had no imrks that I recollect of, save that on the day of the election he got into a figbt in ltdeigli; and received a at-vere blow over the left eye, the effects of which will probably remain some time. He is remarkable too, for.a bold, impudent, swagger ing air, which will attract the atteni ion of every one The woman has a nolnble tetter or tumor on one of her hands, which, ifexamined, cannot fil to lead to her beings identified. They will aim for Petersburg, ! think, the boy having been for years engsgrd in the wagoning business to and from that place. I will give FIFTY DOLLARS reward for the apprehension of Abraham and TEN DORLARS for his wife, if taken in the Slate, or deuble that amount, if taken cut of the State. DAVID GiLL. Wake Co. August 15. 59 dCT" The Star, and Petersburg Intelligencer will insert the foregoing for six weeks, and send their bills o this Office. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public general iyv that he h:is iust -i-tttrned from New. York and Philadelphia, St ls brought out with him theretrom a very extensive jnd rich assortment ol" goods in his line. Having selected them personally and being bought fur Cash, he will be able to Sell them tinusftarty low-. The assortment ednsists, in part, of Kplendid XSold and SilVcr Levers and vertical WATCH ESj rich French, English & American 3 EWELLEKY; Silver-ware and plated and Brittannia ditto fine Damascus Twist GUNS ditto PISTOLS , Gold and Silver mounted CANES', with and without Swords ; Bowie Knives, and Dirks ? Rogers' fine Razors ami Knives Gold and Silver Spectacles, ttnsic taxes Accordions j and a great variety m Fancy Articles and Perfumeries, &,c. &.c CLOCKS and WATCHES of all descriptions repaireu m his accustomed superior manner and puncsaality. Gold and Silver manufacta'red to ojder, with neatness and desi'etck. FOR SAXiE. BECIOrVITIIfSv ANTI-1)YSPEPTIC PILLS. FOR the Cure ralmost every varierV of func tional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Lt Aer and Spleen j such as heart burn, acid eruc t.r.A..'. n9li. head-ach. Pain and -Mention of the Stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhea. colic, flatulence, habitual csuveness. io oi appetite, sick head-ach, sua ,icHtie$tt c. ... , They are a safe and comfortable aperient for Fem .les during pregnancy and subsequent con finement, relieving sickness t the stomach, head ach, heart burn and many of the incidental nervous affections. Literary men, students and most other persons of sedentary habits, find them I very convenient. Those who indulge too free ly in the pleasures of the Table find speedy re lief from the sense of oppression and distention which follow, by . taking the Pills. A a dinner ljill they are invaluable. Those who are drink ing mineral wafers and particularly those from southern climates and ague and fever distiicts will find them a valuable adjunct. .Those who are exposed to ttie vicissitudes of weather, on voyages or-journeys, can take them at all time, witn perfect safety. In full doses, they are a highly efficacious ami safe Anti-bilious Medicines They seldom or never produce sickness at the stomach or griping. Their efficacy is strongly attested by. Certifi. cates from ihc following gentlemen, viz: 'Bishop Ivs, Rev. Dr. McPheeters, Rev. G. W. Freeman, Kev. B. T. Blake, Gov. Iredell. Hon. Henry Potter, Hon. G. E. Badger, llon Rich..rd limes, Thos. P. Devereux, Esq. Pro fessor Anderson, Will. Hill, E q. Secretary of State. Will. S. Mhoon, Esq. late Treasurer, Jus. Grant, Esq. late Comptroller, W. It. Gales, Esq. of the licisler, Capt. Guion, Guion's Ho tel, Dr. R.'C. Bond, Dr. E. Crosby, Dr. J. Y. Young, &c. Ample Directions accompany eacu Box. These Pills are for sale, by appointment, in almost every Town n the United Slates, and JVhoeiae and Me tail by the Subscribers, to whom applications may be made for Agencies. BECK WITH fc JUMP. Raleigh, N. C. 1-1Y SPATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Nash County. In Equity March Term, 1836. Joist: Evans and others, . James Hall and Sally his wife, Nathan Evans, and Hansel Brady and w fe Betsey. Petition for the sale of Lands. IT appearing to the Courl, that the Defendants arc not residents of this State .- It is ordered, that publication be made in the Kuleigh Regis ter for six week?, in order that the Defendants may appear and answer at the next term, or judgment will be entered pro confcif as to them ;tnd the matter be heard ex parte. 39 t JNO- II. DRAKE, Jr. C. M. E. DR UG JSTORJE, (At tlxm Store formerly, occupied by licckwith Sc. JTatuip.) 4 T. S- BJECK. W1TU U 0. sre now re ceiving and opening an extensive assortment ot articles in their line Consisting of Drugs, Me dicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufls, Window Glass assorted. Varnishes, &c. &c. all of the first quality, having been personally selected, 'and will be disposed of on moderate terms. July 25, 1836. ' Clierolicc Lands. ON the twenty-fourth day of October next, at the Town of Franklin, in the county t Macon, State of North Carolina, a public sale will commence, to be kept open for the space of one week and no longer, for the purpose ol selling all the Lands' which have been surveyed and remain unsold, acquired by Treaty from the Cherokee Indians, previous to '1820. The sale will be conducted by a Commisioucr appointed for that purpose. executive Department,; July 18. 1836. 37 otn MATCH HORSES. 11HE SUBSCRIBER offers fop sale, a pair ot . Hay ROUSES, handsomely matched, well bruke to the Carriage, and perfectly premie. JOSEPH T. HUNTF.R Raleigh, June 4, 1836. 30 TaJte Iwotice. THE Subscriber has for sa'e 2 new COTTON GINS, comprised of forty-one Sierl Saws, which have never been used, and which lie will sell at a reduced price. . LEON. II. SEA WELL. August 5, 1836 40 City Property for Sale, THE Subscriber being desirous to remove to the Western Country, offers for Sale his two story DWELLING HOUSE, in the imme dix'e vicinity of liateigh. There is on the lot besides, the necessary Outhouses, an excellent Well of Water. Also, two Acres of unimproved LAND, im mediately South of the above. Also, part of Lot,No 128, occupied by Miss Sally Mitchell. " " The title to the property is indisputable, and a bargain may be had, if early application is made. ALLEN JONES 25 Raleigh April 27, 1836. Medical College of ihc STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. S"pjIIE annual course of Lectures in this Insti fs tution will be resumed on the second Momlay in November onthr; rblloWing branches Jnatmy By J. Edwards Holbrook, M. D. Surgcrg Jot.n Wagner, M. D. QbttetrictTho. G. Piioleati, M. D. l'ructictvf Medicine S. Ileniy Dickson M. D. iJh$$iving.y James Moultrie, Jun. Materia Medica Henry R. Frost, M. D. GA,7istry "C W. Shepard. Demonstrator of Anatomy Y. Wurdeman M D HENRY FROST, Dear. Aug 30. THE Snbscriber. havirtg qualifieci asAdmin. orator on the estate of GHASKE GRADY, dec d. Ute of Wake conntv, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to" said Estate, to come forward without delay, and seethe same ; and those having claims against the same, are re. qnested to present them within the Wmts pre scribed by law, or tUia norice,vwill be plead in oar ot recovery. ' ; ' THOMAS ROGERS, Wfke County, Auj. " 34 ftamiiiiHalnn nmi an w.- iiun sr.uriva E W. V1.T.KING,- of tho t. . IVlLLklNGSU CO. bavin' f to copartnership with ItOltKRT c i"- the busines of the old Firm w,n u ' ' hi by them under the Firm of - . . - - " SZ At the tame Store, corner ol er or lh... i "i Maxwell RiT0u. o They will pay personal nttention to fP Goods to the interior of the Stat . ,w Cotton and other produce on stora'Et XtH effect sales or ship as directed. 'n(1t.; Fayetteville, Aug. 15, 1835. : o if. . f nil ar Ox the 8th or N OVEMBKR, A NEGRO MANwhosivs his name i,r - dark complected, five fei 8 or m hicrli clrint hllilf thirtv n tl,:. r iiipi,.. had on a suit of homespun Very nn i o w ":i. pt,.... and savs he beltngs to m m:in hr . MILLER, who purchased him of lam"?' Augusta, Georgia. The owner is rrqMeV come forward, prove property, pay clurp ' take him awav. Asheville. Dec. ureal jyor litem and Soutk My fitly JMlll MIOtltc, Office of the Petcrsh,,.. IlMil tTii!..l ( : ...... r. -l .1 r. 'I fTtHE Petersburg Rail Road Com T lift MB. Sv ine ruouc uiaixneir oau, extei.(linpf. Petersburg. Va. to Blakeley. Norths .... 1 on the Roanoke, a distance of 60 ;i.. .W.!.-.. ...ll6 - I-! Hit VJ II T. . 1 II. il lit! nn a n.il f t K a f I I" . ... . ww - 7viii, 1 mvv aiiipiy prui'id rt Willi fit I rrn rr I .nrtimnl i. n...l .. commodate all the travel t hat may oiler, Ti Gars leave each end ol the Road dailr, on ti arrival of the respective Mails. Traveller, their own equipages, can have their lior$t,lnj carriages transported on thisltnad. ui.K,, feci safely and convenience ; and thin, pcrf in 5 or 6 hours, while resting their ln.riei . j'U4itjr wmivii wuuiu wiiicrwnfc iluvi In armmnlith. - t ttqwt ui The Blakeley Hotel at the Southern tfniA 1 tion of the Rail Road, has been re-built fbr!fJ on n cinargcu scair ana no pains will beip. ,uc iu rcimcr urn abvuiuuiooaiums such will give satisfaction to passengers and trtvtiy generally. . Besides the Daily line, of Mail CoacbeifoJ Blikelcy for the Sout h, via Raleigh, Fav.eittil .c. mere is a uise VIA TAKUOKOTGiM a. i . a . . . turee times wees, connectea with Ue iuu Line at Fayetteville, and also a Line Iromihi Rail Road at UELFIELD TO CLAHKSVlLLE, I1L.IW.I AINIIjUAIVVILLK. Another tri-waeekly line from BLkIey, puW inrougn wakucnipn, OXFOlfD, lc. audi connects with ajine to SALISBURY, N. C. In the course ol the. present season, a brwk will be opened from tbe Petersburg tail l!i4 at Belheld to Wilkjns' Ferry at CASTOXJ ON THE ROANOKE, from whence 1ai Jiejl to cross the river by a bridge, is now about til be constructed to Raleigh. The Rail Road from Ualtimore to Wanhjnrtnl is now in operation; thence to Potomac lamlind the line if continued by Steamboats ; !nci via FREDERICKSItURG TO RICHMOND, i considerable portion of the Rail Koadis h'hlti and the remainder is iu a rapid course U completion. The line, continues fiom U ichmcMtii ti Petersburg, by a turnpike Road and theacif by the Petersburg Kail Road to - Bisfeelry, s before mentioned, is the main and MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN BOSTON AM) NEW ORLEANS. March 14 19 (m NOTICE. nriHE SUBSCRIBERS, having qHa'ifira iiEtl ! JsLecutrix and Executors of ihe lt Wilffwi Testament of the late AuxixstR Evmt.dtc'ii re quest all persons having claims against iiid tate, to present them for pavment witli'm V time prescribed by law: otherwise, th's Notiel will be plead in bar -of recovery. AW tlmse t debted to said estate, will please settle llieuiul without delay. - - : 30 3m. POIXY A.EYAKS, Greenville, Pitt, N.C.? AUGUSTUS" EVANS I June 1st. 1836.S NATHAN IIOOKH STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Anson County. SunerTor C'urt of Lw. Snring Term. William H. Gulledge m. John G. McLend Original Attachment. Levied on one hundred acre- of Land on tin waters of Jones' Creek, adjoining Wm. Link and others, and summoned s Garutsher, At1 salom Myers. TN the above suit, it s-ppear'ng to the -JL faction of the fjotnt, Ahut the defendant 11 G. Mc Lendon is an Inhabitant of anottur Stu'" It is ordered that publication be made hi ti llaietiin Kecister ior tnree moniiis. mat mm- the said John Gl McLendon come foiwunlif' plevy, plead to issue, or demur, Judgment fiml wi;i ne entcreu against ntm at ttie ite.i eun thi r".niipt Mnl ihi- nrnnrrlv l.-viril unttM bl r.onilf muni to satiifv the Plaintiff's iliniand. Witness Joseph White,' Clerk of our . . n niava a 1 I II rni aMIrtlO. Tils oVIvnf:.V ill .MifLll. A 1336. ' J. WHITE, C S. C - JU?T RECEIVED, a supplyof t .tanipal?l WillC, f the most approved brand, ui SP" ami pint bottles. ,f)l.n PORT in KiftUa vlnl.M f 1825. T niwnnv n r w v o'PriTT'n unRTF!!!. A For sale by T. 5. BECA'lt ITU 'J (:'' Raleigh, August 9th 1S36. i:ui tlicnware, China, 3k laU REMOVAL,. THOIVXAS J. BARROW & 00. rAVB removed to No. 35. Nassau S '''' S,X Nev.'-York ( next door to Messrs Dorr (T.Ulf Snv.t jm ; v;v., ti 4i, -v nfli-r on ' ll the or'irmai oackasrv. or rt-p-Cie. aortmcntf country trade, a large 8c general a China. Glass EurlkenVOUTtt . . . 'tr-.t .. 1 .rill, tfl'' comprising many new ot dmuuiui jjh..-- . 4 . . i.., ...... ..i 1 1.- nart ners (t.u wiiii KIC9il "j i t""' i r f - . . .... . . ...l.j iff I' in r.uKiaitU. i ne sucauoii vi nui- -s.iectfully solicit id. THOMAS J. BARItOW U Ca No. 35, Nassau St. NeW" New-York, lljuly, lto6. t$ ffjr Raleigh Star, Salisbury Watchman. - lie lion er. ui ccmuuiu r'rrii. Fayetteville Observe, will iii-ert hal KKiiiiint nlllire dollars OU a HI. A "NIT HEEDS t!ie euo 1 r I ton sale at t omsrricz v

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