t J i3 1 si , til J TV t-i it i 11 IIKE OIUST FEABI. AT BATTIOM-WHUHB. - y Forthc Register- I: M'S T .4 STREAM." A vtreiun came from n mountain's side, A Iwbbltng stream, a thing of play Andjt lejip't like a child, as the morning smilM Upon its joy out way. - - . . - ? ' ,' '- " r ' It wa$ a, clear and gentle stream ; - It claimM the sunshine as a brother ; And the twain did play, in a childish way, Like twior of some young mother. And pow the stream did gather strength, And now the stream more stately flow'd. And the sunshine heat was waxing great. That on its surface glow'd. . , -r The sunshine barns upon a river, That Once a babbling stream did play As a thinff of thought, with passion wrougb.tr- That river takes its way. ' ;- . ' - n Upon the sun a cloud is lying, Upon the river twilight closes, The night is hieing, the day is dying ' That river ue'r reposes. And whether it sinks in its mother earth, Or whether it melts in the boundless sea, Or whcthe it mounts where the clouds have birth It cannot cease to be. And aotiie child of man comes forth, And to he seen for a few brief years, And so in the gloom of a closing tomb ' Be disappears ! C. A PRECAUTION. Fat Murphy, my footman, desirous to suit, A ad so quick on his errands to go; Had walked till he' fairly had worn in his bootjfr A little round hole at the toe. Next morning I saw him intently at work f , (I scarcely coujd ask him for laughter ; ) In the heel he was boring a hole with the fork VVhy Pat,' says I, 'what are you after V Faith master,' says heyou the reason shall know, The cause I don't wUh to conceal ; 'Tis to let all the wet that comes in at the toe. Bun immediately out at the heel.' . MJEC X OIL, A QUANTITY of this article of the best qual ity for table use, for' suletby - . T. S. BECfcWlTH 8c Co. Raleich July 26ih 1836 37. IMxoiVs lottery Office, mCllMOKU, VIRGINIA. Luck !Good lAtch ! '. Drawing of the Virginia Leesburg Lottny, Class No. Sdrew August 27ih, 1836. 56 49 58 42 17 12 45 38 32 74 66 Tket No. 12 58 66, a Capitk! prize of one thousand dollars, sold to a gentleman in this City, and the cash, as usual, paUl at sight, by DIXON. J? E H O L D! - It is not often that we have uch a splendid Scheme as the following, comprising such an immense amount for distribution-to our country friends we would say, examine for yourselves. j SPLENDID CAPITALS. 0CO,OOO S30,000 $80,000. Or and Consolidated For the State Treasury, Dt la ware College and Common Schools. Authorized by Jet of the Legislature, tasted February Wth, 1835. CLASS A. Tobo drawn at Wilmington, Del. on Wednesday the 19th October, 1836. Tht dravng uiJeriritemIed by Commusionert ap. Jf pointed for that purpose.) 73 Number Lot U ry 1 2 Drawn Ballots. -RICH AND Sl'LKNDID SCHEME. 1 splendid prise 6? $60 060 is $60,000 1 Of 30.000 30 000 1 1 of Of or of of of of of c 20;U(JO ,11.340 5,000 4,000 3.000 2,500 2.000 1,500 1,000 600 300 200 150 100 90 80 TO 60 50 40 20 20,000 lli340 10,000 8,000 15.000 12.500 24.600 25 500 75,000 60,000 37,800 5,200 1 000 12.600 11,340 10,080 8,820 15,120 12,600 110,830 468,720 (i 2 PiiZi-i 2 5 12 15 74 12rJ tit ix 126 126 126 i 126 552 252 2772 24,436 ft u . if M fC M . ; of of of of of of of T)f of of f 27,814 Prizes, amontingto' $1 ,080,400 Tk&tts $20 -fUlvM 10 OoaMers 4. Certificates of-packages of Wholes will be told lor $256-4Uives 128 -Quarters 64-Eighths 32. -''--" -v'k'-""'' ' . Ticket5 and: hres "m ln above splendid Lottery may be had, as usual, in every variety :. at the Laucry Office of GEORGE Jfl DIXON, ft - ' - Opposite the Eagle Hotel. N. 1$, Orders from (he eouniry, ewelcuriug the cash or ptee Tickets, will betumptly attended to, -if addressed to ! i tfttt. W. DIXON, ' , ttienmond, Va. T - . DYSPEPSIA AND TmtTATT Mkdachc.b Stomachic xr Hka ticx formed by chymical analysis and syuthe sis of several proximate vegetable principles, are universally acknowledged to have totally eclip sed the' pretensions of every, other remrdy and superceded the necessity of every other mode of treatment, wherever the above diseases are found to exist, as well-as in enlargement of the Spleen and in Jaundice. Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, are flatulency, sourness or burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritability, disa greeable taste in the mouth; great irregulaiity of appetite, which is sometimes voracious, and at other times greatly deficient; thirt, fetid breath, nausea, weakness ol the stomach, acid eructations, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the bowels, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain in the head, dizziness or vertigo; confusion of mind, attended with loss of mrmo ry, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, dull ness, affection of siijht and bearing, pain and weakness in the back, languor, disturbed sleep, cold feet and hands, tremor, uneasiness in the throat, cough, pain in the side or breast, &c. These Medicines have been found so effectual in'removing the Complaints for which they ie recommended, that Physicians frequently have recourse to them for their patients, after having exhausted all their skill to little or no purpose. !! Peters Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills Are the cheapest and most approved FAMILY MEDICINE ever offered to the Public. They are extremely mild in their operation, neither causing sickness of the stomach, nor any tin pleasant sensation in the 6vstem, as is too fre quently the result from medicines given to act upon the bowels. They act specifically upon the Liver, when in a torpid condition, carrying off a large quantity of bile, through the influ ence of the ex6er"nent function, which, if suf fered to remain in the system, would produce either Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Ltiiious Fe ver, Fever and Ague, or some other grievous bodily affliction. In all cases of torpor of the bowels, they act like a charm. In recent cases of Dyspepsia, they are a certain cure. Many prrsons who were subject to violent attacks of sick head-ache, have been much benefited, and several; perfectly cured in a few weeks by their use. They are highly recommended as a pre. ventative and cure of Bilious complaints. Per sons who are subject tut that distressing com plaint, Sea-sickness, by taking a portion or two of them a lew days previous to em barking on board the vessel, will be almost certain to escape it. Femnles can use them at all periods, without incurring any risk.- -Pel sons going to sea, or to a southern climate, shc-uld by all means take some of these Pills with them. Their virtues will rema n unim paired for years in any climate. No family should be without these Pill; a portion of them, taken occasionally, would be the means of pre venting much suffering from sickness. It is from neglect of keeping up a regular peristaltic action of the stomach and bowels, thus suffering to be absorbed and mingled, with the blood, un assimilated fluids, that must diseases ure pro duced. Dr. P. feels confident that no person who" gives these Pills fair trial, will ever after feel willing to be, without them. The testimony of thousands speaking in the highest terms of their efficacy, might be added, but th? very high reputation Dr. P. has acquired as the in ventor of the "Patent Vegetable Jlleiticin Sio machina el Hepatic," for the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, is thought a sufficient guarantee to thosewishin to make a trial of their virtues. They contain not a particle ot Mercury, or any ingredient that does not act in harmony with health and oppose disease. l)K P. wishes it distinctly understood, that these Pills possess beneficial qualities indepen dent of their purgative effects : they sre both tonic aad deohstruent, acting upon the secre ting and exhalent functions; thus strengthen ing the patient, while they remove obstruc tions. Medicines which possess no other, ex cepting cathartic qualities, debilitate the pa tient, and their repeated use lays the founda tion of a long catalogue of Chronic diseases. Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent American and European Medical pro fessors, and practiced his prolession many years in the South, wheie diseases of the most ob stinate character prevail, considers himself well qualified to-judtre of the nature of diseases in cident to warm climates. Prepared by Josr.ru Priestly Pitsrs, M. D, P. B. C. P. Mrafhis institution for the cure of obstinate Diseases, by means of vegetable re medies, No. 129 Liberty-street, New-York, in ventor and sole prorietor. Each box contains forty Pills. Price 50 Cents. CO t hese invaluable Medicines are tor ssie in the City of Raleigh, at the Drug and Apoih- ecary Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & Co. and may be had in almost every town in the State. i Jan. 1 1836 year. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Rockingham County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1836. Benjamin B. Watson, Joseph E. Watson, Fre derick V. Watson and Susan Elizabeth Wat v son the two last of whom are minors, and pe tition by Ezra Willis their Guardian, Against Abner Y. William P. and John A. Watson, Ma ry, who intermarried wiih Wm. O. Davis, and Sarah Webber. Petition for Division of Slaves. IT appearrH? to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants, ''Abntr Y- William p. and John A. Wa'son, arc not inhabitants of this State'; 'it is therefore ordered, that publication be made, for six Weeks successively, in the R leigh -Register, that they be and appear before the Justices oYbtfr next Court of Plea & Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court-House in Wentworth, on the 4th Monday in November next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the Petitioners, pe tition, otherwise it will be j taken pro eonfesio and heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Joseph Holdciby, Clerk of Said Court, the 4th Monday of August, 1836 44 ft J. HOLDERIlY.Clk. Fresll Congress Spring or Saratoga WATER. JUST received a fresh supply of thh article, in Quart and Pint Bottles, and for .sale by T. BECK WITH & CO- , Raleigh, Sept. 13. 44 BLANK DKEDS JFOIl SAL AT THIS OFFICE. V ALU A BLR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. B Y virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity fnr th. n..nntv of Warrem the underaigtud Commissioners will sdl at Auction, on the vrd dav of October next, it being the first dy ot 'Wake Superior Court, before the Courthouse door in be Cdv of Raleigh, the following valu able REAL ESTATE, belonging to the hens and devisees of Joseph 11 1 kins, deo'tV viz s The Dwelling House with six Acres of Land, adjoining the City of .Raleigh, "in which Hon. Judge Saunders now resides. ; A Tract of Land, on Swift Creek, adjoi ning the lauds oflsham Utley, Henry H. Hayes, Ste phen Stephenson, Wm. Edwards and others, containing 1006 1-4 acres. 15 1-4 Acres of Land, adjacent to the City of Raleigh, numbered in the Plan of Public Lands sold under the Act ot Assemmy oi 11?, s follows, v. : Nos. 40, 41, 42 and 43. And Lots Nos. 42 and 47 of Lands sold under;the Act of 1814, near the Governor's 'House, one containing 2 :.crt s, the other 2 1-2 Acres. And three Lots in Lawrenceville, Montgomery coun ty f This sale will be made on a credit orone,wo and three years, with interest after the first year. Hie purchaser will be required to give bond and good security. ..J V ILL. H. HAYWOOD, Jr. ComrnVs. WELDON HALL, jComrfus. August 1.3, 1836. 39rs CO The Standard and Newbern Sentinel jwill insert un'il sde. Will be Sold at Auction, On the premises, on the Tuesday of Wske Superior Court next, being the 4th flay of October, the LOTand IMPROVEMENTS opposite ther N. East section of the State-House square twm' ing South on Edenton Street 130 feet, and East on Wilm'ngton Street 210 feet. Tfie residence is very desirable and the Hale will he upon a long credit. Terms made known on the i!4y of rale. ' G. E. BADGER. Raleigh, August 19 1886. 41 03 The Star wdl insert 4 times. f UOLDERBY n PIIEETKRS, Commission Jflercluinls, PETERSBURG, VA. Are now receiving their Fall Stock of i GROCERIES, Comprising a large and weil selected sssortmenl of Goods usually kept in their line which ifhey offer to friends and customers, at Wholesale or Retail, on liberal and accommodating terms. , They con'idiie to devote particular attention to the Consignment of all Produce, receiving Mid forwarding Goods, and to business generally committed to their care. Our charges are moderate, and we solicit a continuance of public patronage and confidence. HOLDEItltY & M'PHEIi l EUS. Petersburg, August 22, 1836, 41 QCj The Standard, Star, and Tarboro' ;"ree Press, will phase insert 4 'weeks. VIRGINIA NORFOLK LOTTERY. Class IVo. G, for 1S3C. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Sept. 24, 1836. . , 75 No. Lottery 12 Drawn Ballot 8. GRAND SCHEME. i $30,000 ! ! $S,000 Z ! 84,000, 83,000, 82,500, Sl,017 Tickets only $10 Halves 5 Quarts. 50 Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets, $130 Halves and Quarters in proportion. XsiAGxnricxraT scje rTTTVT 1 Grand Consolitlutcd Lottery. Class A for IS36. : ; To be drawn on the 19;. of October, 1836, at If'ilniingtQii, Del. 75 No. Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. 4 V SPLENDID CAPITALS ! ! liiiiV V. 1 Prize of 60,000 Dolljgrs. 1 Prize of 50,000 Dollars. 1 Prize of 20.000 Dollars. 1 Prize of 11,340 Dollars. 2 Prizes of 5,000 Dollars. - 2 Prizes of 4,000 Dollars. 5 Prizes of 3.000 Dollars. 5 Prizes of 2.500 Dollars. 12 Prizes of 2,000 Dollars. 15 Prizes of 1,500 Dollars. 75 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars. 100 Prizes of 600 Dollars. 126 Prizes of 500 Dollars. Besides many of g200 S150 glOO, c. Lowest Prize, $SO. Tickets only $20 Halves $10 Quarters $5. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme, will be sent for $260: Certificates of Halves, SI305 Quarters, $65. Cj For Tickets and Shares in the above splen did Schemes, addiess It. S. GJiEOOnr &? CO. Managers, Washinotos CiVt, D. C. QCj The Drawings will be punctually sent to all who order Tickets s abuve I AN AWAY from the Subscriber, on the 19lh of August, a small Uoy, aged 14 years, and about 4 feet 6 inches high, by the name of WILLIAM HENDERSON BK1NKLEY. Anv person who will return him to me, in the City of U .lcigU, Wake County, North-Carolina, shU receive the above reward. All persons are warned from harboring him under the penalties of the law. VMARK Me WILLIAMS. September i. 4 J 3t FMJYTS, OMJLS, tfc ALAKUS assortment of White Lead in oil 8s other tVmls & Linseed O 1, Paint brushes 6tc. for sale by - T. S. BECK WITH & Co. Raleigh, July 26th 1836. , 37. IOTfCJE. ON Tuesday, the 11th day of October next, pursuant to the late will of Edmund Cooper, decM, 1 shall sell to tnc highest bidder, for icu dy money, at the Store of Allen Rgert U Co. in VYke county, A likely . young Itfcgro about. 17 year of age. He i said to be a bay of fine character. ALLEN ROGERS, Exr. ,. Sept. S, 1836. 44ta Transylvania University. THE LECTURES in thw ISstitttio! will commence on the.?rf Jliomlay in Jmembef, and terninate,on 0e first Monday of March. The courses are on - i - Anatomy and Surgeryytfy Dri Duditt. Institutes of Medicine, Cliniciil Fracticernd Medical J urisprude nee, by Djvalu w t U. Theory and Practice of Sledicine, by Doctor Cookk. . Obstetricks nd the Diseases of AVomen and Children, bv Dr. Richabdsos. j Materia Medica, and Medical Botany by Dr. Siioiit. j ! Chemistry and Pharmacy, by Dr. YAwnutr.. During the entire term, the lfbfesor;of Anat omy and Surgery lectures nine times each week, and th other Professors daily. Sabbath except Th.. Fr to the ffitire coii rue. wiih Mtii- culation, and the use of an extensive library,. s fllO. The Graduation fee -is $20. It is tho't proper to state, inasmuch as reports have been current, as to the high price of board in Lexington, and the difficulty of obtaining it, that many students, during the last session, found comfortable board,includiig lodging, fiel,lights, servants' attendance, and in seme instance., washing, for $3 00 per week; and it ?-confidently believed, notwithstanding thej increased price of every article of living, which is felt here in common with all other parts of the country, that students will be as comfoitahly 'accommo dated, and upon as reasonabIe4f rms.i as at jny other respectable Medical School in the Union. By order ot the Faculty. C. W. SHORT, M. D. Dean. Lexington, Ky. July 10, 1836. 38.pr.adv. $5 A NOKTHEIIN CAIIUIAGE FOR SALE. I HAVE for sale a second-hand CARRIAGE, made by one of the best workmen in Phila delphia. The work is executed in the best man ner, and the materials are of the most durable kind. The C uriage is in good order and cal culated to render good service. .AnyTpcrson disposed to pur"' haie an article of this kind, will do wetl to Call at my shop and examine the job, and know the price, hich will be very reason able. THUS. COBHS. Raleigh, August 11, 1836. To Hail Road Contractors. PROPOSALS will be received, at the Boll ingbrooke Hotel in Petersburg, Va. on the 8th day of October next, for the Ecavationt Embankment and Masonry, of forty mile of the R.ileigh and tins' on Rail Road. Plans and Profilts ol the work will be exhib ited at the place above mentioned for ten days previous to the letting, and all otlu r information will be given on application to the Subscriber or any of the Assistant Engineers on the line. Rrcommendations w ill be expected in all ca ses of persons not known to the Engineer. CHAKLtS F. M. GARNETT, C. E. P. S. For the information of persons at a dis tance, I would state that the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road is a continuation of the Petersburg and of the Greensville and Roanoke Rail Roads, from the Roanoke to Raltigii, in the great line of Northern and Southern tiavcl. ThisKoad is located on a high and dry ridge of country, which is conside red reniMik bly healthy and the mildness of the cl m.itr, tl nutt'intr of oncratii us in the ont n air t hloiu hout jthewintt-r, makes it pecul.ar.iy di:raib!c to inose wiNiung winter Jaos. The facility ol travelling i so grrat now, by the II dtimore and Wahington and Michmoml and Fredericksburg Ra l Roads that the trip from Philadelphia to Petersburg may be per. formed in forty hurs. The trip may j be per formed in the same time by the Bay, on three days in the week. QCj- The Raleigh Star and Standard; Milton Spectator, Warrenton Reporter, Oxford Exa' iniuer, Carolina Watchman, and Iti!lborough Recorder, will insert the above until 1st Oct. STOP THE RUNAWAYS ! Rusiwit from the Subscriber, living 14 miles North of Ra leigh, on Friday niht the 2 i instaot, his negro boy AltUAHAM and his wife GUAJE.--The m:in is 27 years of age, about 6 feet hi;h, wtll proportioned, with tolerably thick lips, .an I the woman is about 36 the former not very dark complected the l .tter, tali, thin visaged, and quite dark. Abrham had no mirks that I recollect of, save that on the day ol the election he got in'o a fight in R leigh; and received a severe blow over the left eye, the effects of which will probably remain some t;mc He is remarkable too, for a bold, impudent, swagger ing air, which will attract the attention of every one. The woman has a notable tetter or tumor on one of her hands, which, if examined, cannot f.iil to lead to her being identified. They will aim for Petersburg, I think, the boy having been for years engaged in the wagoning business to and from 'hat place. I will give FIFTY DOLLARS reward for the apprehension of Abraham and TEN DQRLARS for his wife, if taken in the State, or dwuhlehat amount, if taken out of the State. DAVID GILL. Wake Co. August 15. 39 ' CO The, Star, and Petersburg Intelligencer will insert the foregoing for six weeks, and send their bills o this Office. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public gener.4 ty "that he ha just 'returned from Nevv.York and Philadelphia, '& has brought out with him therefrom a very extensive and rreh assortment of goods in liis line. Having selectt-d them personally and being bought foV Cash, he will be able to sell them unusually low. The assortment consists, in part, of splendid Gold and Silver Levers and vertical WATCH ES; rich French, English 8t American J EWELlLEHY. Silver-ware and Plated and Britannia ditto ; fin Damascus l'wi-t GUNS, dittolPISTOLS!, Gold and Silver mounted CANES, with and without Swords ; Bowie Knives, and Dirks ; Rogers fi'u Razors and Knives, Gold and Silver Sprctaclev Music Boxes, Accordions? and a great vaiiet of Fancy Articles and Perfumeries, &c. &c , ' CLOCKS and WATCHES of all description repaired in his accustomed superior manner an. punctuality.' Gold and Silver manufactured t irter, w.th neatness and despatch. Raiigh, June 16. ! 19 w TO RAIL. ROAD CONTRACTORS. AND "J ' caKallers. FOR SALE BY 1 HE SUBSCRIBERS, 45 Carts and Horses, 2 Plough Teams, four Horses eacb, 1 Large Wagon, 2 Small Wagons, r And all other articles necessary for heavy work. The above t be seen on the Greensville ad Roanoke Rail Road, and to be delivered o the 25th of O' tober. Terms, 12 .mpnilwjD appro- rsA nuiAi I1!- C.iK'ihArii fl ha Sfftl lit A - v WV t ' V-1 i (it. Ajunvi iwvin --" ' lexaudria, D. (f. until the 12th September, after that on the Work. ROCHE k ROGERS. August 29. 43tt LirVE OF PACKiiTS TO FAYJETTCVIIjXJE. -otite- The Schooners CAROLINE and CALEB NlCIIOIfS' 7 " Steamer WILMINGTON and, TO W li OA TS, Will take measurement Goods at New-York and deliver J Uem at Fayetteville, at the established rates, free of another charges. - Heavy Goods will beiaken as above specified, excent that they wilf at times, when the river is very low, e subject to s'orage and labor of storing, which we trustwill be seldom requirm", as the Steamtrand Tow Boats are of the new est construction and liirht draught of water. The Goods t he owner's rik, the same as in the hands of forwarding merchants. Freight payable on delivery at Fayetteville. AH persons shipping Goods by the above line, will please hand a list of the Goods Shipped to Messrs. Hallett & Brown, so as to advise me. WILLIAM DOUG ALL, Proprietor. M ILLKINGS & B ELD EN, Agents at Fayetteville. August 18, 1836. 43tf SELECTED by the very best Musician in the United States, CujlKLKs E. Uors, Esquire, of New-York. The Subscriber has just received Two PIA NOS, of very superior tone and finish. They have been examined by five or six Musicians, who pronounce them first rate several of the oldest and most experienced Cabinet m k?rs in this place, who have carefully examined the exterior, unhesitatingly declare them far ahead of any thing of the kind they have ever seen in Petersburg. For the quality of these Instru ments, I refer to Charles E. Horn. Esq. New York 5 Doctor Thomas Robinson, Petersburg ; Doctor Robert Emmet Robinson, do.; Wm. M. Robinson, E-q. Richmond ; Charles Berg, Esq, Professor of Music, in this place. EDWARD P. NASH, Bookseller Petersburg, August 23 43 Public JUeeiing. A CONVENTION is to be held at Salisbury, on the 10th day of October, in reference to the construction of a Rail Road from the Yadkin to the Roanoke. It is desirable tint Wake Couiity should be represented in th-t Conven tion, -and with a view to the appointment of Delegates, a meeting will be held at the Court House in Raleigh, on Monday of our Superior Cotirf; when, it is hoped, there w.H be a gene ral a tendance of the citizens of the Couniy. MANY CITIZENS. Sept. 3, 18o6. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, . - Nash County. In Equity. March Term, 1836. John Evans and others, . James Hall and Sally his wife, Nathan Evans, and Hansel Hratly and wife Hc-tsey. Petition fir the sale of Lands. IT appearing to the Court, that the Defendants are not residents of this State It is ord-red, that publication be made in the Raleigh Regis ter for six week", in order that the Defendants may appear and answer at the next term, or judgment will be entered pro confetto as to them and the matter be heard ex parte. 39 6t JNO.'lI. DRAKE, Jr. C. M. E. Cherokee frauds, ON the twenty-fourth day of October next, at the Town of Franklin, in the county ot Macon, State of North Carolina, a public sale will commence, to be kept open for the space of one week and no longer, tor ttic purpose ol selling all the Lands w hi- h have been surveyed and remain unsold, acquired by Treaty from the Cherokee Indians, previous to 18J0. The sale will be conducted by a Commiiouer appointed for thai purpose. Executive Department, July 18, 1836. 37 3m BCIWITITS ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. FOR rite Cure of almost every variety of func tioual disorder of the Stomach, Bowel, Li .verand Spleen such as heart burn acid eruc tations, nausea,' head-ach, pain and d stent'fou of the Stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhea, colic, flatulence, habitual c'st iveness, loss oi appetite, sick hed-ach, sea tick net a, &c. Stc- -They arc a safe ami comfortable aperient for Fem-.Ies during pregnancy and subsequent con finement, r heving sickness at the stomach, head ach, heart bufirand m ny of the incidental nervous -flections. Literary men, studei ts and most other persons of sedentary tiabits,fiud them veiy convenient. Tho.se who indulge too frci ly in the pleasures of the Tabie find speedy re lief from the sense of oppres ion and dis ention which follow, by taking the Pills. A a tUnnr 7Ji7lhey are invaluable. Those wIm are drink ing mineral waters and particularly those from southern ciimatt s and hgvie and tcyer disliicu will find them a valuable adjunct Thoe wire are exposed to the vicissitudes of weather, on voyage or journeys, can take them at all time, with perfect safety. In full closes, they are a highly rcacious and sale Anti-bilious MediciiKt l iieyieklom or never prouuee Mckness at the stomach? or grifcrng. Their efficacy is strongly attested -by Certifi cates from the following gentlemen; viz: 4 Bishop Ives, Rev. Dr. McPbeeters, Rev. G. W. Freeman, Re v. B. T.Blake, Gov. lredeli. lion. Ileniy Potter, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon Uich..rd Hines, Thos. P. Devereux, Esq. Pro lessor Anderson, Will. Hill, E q. Secretary ol State. Will. S. Mhonn, Esq. late. Treasurer. Jas. Grant, Esq. late Comptroller, W. R. Gales, .-.q. ol the Register, Capt. Guam, Cuion's Ho tel, Dr. R. C. Bond, Dr. K. Crosby, Dr. J. Y. I'yung, &c. Ample Directions accompany eac. tox. These Pills are for sale, by appointment, i tlmost very Town in the United States, am Who!eatc and Retail by the Subscribers, t. homappUcationlmay be niade for Agencies- BECK WITH & JUMP. Raleigh, N. C. . . 1-1 Y Commission and Forwavdit, STOJJJG. s E mw m v v m u . m m bva. mi-m n 4.1. tVf.LAINGS& CO. Iuvi,f... 'rrn of to cop a 1.: '"ere, ...r V'i.HHmilll IHJIJIMII (j. jpi . "J. thebusinesof the old Firm will be conii 'f' by"theni under the Firm of "aiJctti WII.LIIIKG3 dt BEXDEjj. At the same Store, corner of Iffw a,i 1 , Maxwell Streets. d They wilLp.v personal attention to forwari Goods te the interior of the Stale, and'rec Cottonand other produce on storage and' 6 effect sales or ship as directed. - ' w'" Fayettevillei Aug. 15, 1835. 4Q . To the Jail ot BiEicome On the 8th of Novkmbk.r, ' A NEGRO MANwhosayshisname is Gt?or& dark complected, five fet 8 or 10 i,, h1' high, stout built, thirty or thirty.five years' -had on a suit of homespun very.' much " and says he belongs to a man by the iMm" nf MILLER, who purchased him of LAYlAI' ( Augusta, Georgia. The owner is req,ie,.t,j , come lorwarl, prove property, pay cliarirrS J! take him away. . a E. H. CUNNINGHAM. ja;i Asheville. Dec. -tf r STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Anson County. Superior Curt of Law. f Spring Terrr Ig'g William H. Gulledge "ejohn G. McLtVdJ, ' Original Attadiment. Levied on one hundred acres of Lai.d nn tj waters of Jones' Creek, -adjoining Wm. Liiil! and others, and summoned as Garnishee, A&. salom Myers. , ' IN.the above suit, it appearing to the snrTc faction of the Court, that the defendant j0 G. Mc Lendon is an inhabitant of anmli. t.'... ' I It is ordered that publication be made in tlJ iiaieiii ivrsiici iiirrc inonins, tlut ues( the said John G. McLendon come forward r plevy, plead to issue, or demur, Judgment finj will be entered against him at the next term of this Court, and the property levied, uou be condemned to satisfy the Piaintilf's demand. Witness, Joseph White, Clerk of o,p Court, at Office, the 2d Monday in March, A h 1836. J. WHITE, C. S C. Pr. adv. $4 ' 32 5ra WINES &C. JTJST RECEIVED, a supplyof Cliaiiipaf-a 'WillC, of the most approved brand, in juy and pint, bottles. . OLD PORT, in bottlesvintage of 1825. LONDON BROWN STOUT PORTER, to. For sale by T. S. BECK 11 ' ITIl & Ci. , Raleigh, August 9th 1836. 39. Ear I lie 11 ware, China, & Glati, REMOVAL. TH01V1AS J. BARROW & CO. HAVE removed to No. 35, Nassau Smrt, Nev-York (next door to Messrs. Doren.ui, Suydam Nixon) where they offer oiisa e, t the original package, or repacked tosut.tlie country tradea hirge & general assort meitt of Chiua, Gluts cy Earthenware, . comprising many new 8t beautiful puternsj selec ted with great care by one ot the partners no in England. The attention of purchasers is re. Sj.ecltully solicit d. THOMAS J. BARROW rCo. No. 35, Nassau SI. Nt w-Vo:!c. New-York, 11 July, 1636. (Xj" Raleigh Star, Salisbury Watchman, SJj'en Reptrter, Greensboro Patriot, Edentoo G.z(tf, Fayetteville "Observe, will insert the above tv he amount of three dollars and a half. Medical College or the STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. pOllE annual course ot Lectures in this fosti !j tution will be resumed On the srcpwi Monday in November, on the following branchrK Anatomy By J. Edwards Ho.'brook, M. Surgery John Wagner, M. I). Obsictrict Thos. G. Prioleau, M. D. Practice of Medicine S. Ileniy Dickson M. D. J'iysiology James Moultrie, Jun. Materia Medica Henry It. Frost, M..D. Chtmistrv C. W. Shenard. Demonstrator of Anatomy V. Wurdeman M Ui HENRY FllOsT, Dc-r. Aug 30. :fr City Property for Sale. THE Subscriber, being desirous to remove to the Western Country, offers for Sale hit two atorv DWELLING HOUSE, in the immt diae vicinity of Raleigh. There is on ihe (ot besides the necessary Outhouses, an excellent Well of Water. Also, two Acres, of unimproved LAND, in mediately South of the above Also, part of Lot, No 12, occupied by Misi Sally Mitchell, - The title to the property is indisputable, nd a bargain may be had, if early application n made. . ALLEN JONKS Raleigh, April 27, 1836. 25 MATCH HORSES. fll11P.STTRSCIIIRK.il offVis for sale, rir ft JL y HORSES, handsomely matched, we" brvke to the Carriage, and n-rreci'v fnt'. JOSEPH T. HUNTER. Rareig1i,June 4, 1836. 3u "jTakc Notice. THE Subscriber has for sa'e'2 new COTT0 GINS, comprisea of forty-one S c 1 S j which have never been used, and which he ' sell at a reduced price. LKON. II. SEAWELI August 5, 1836. 40 STORE ;Attn Store formerly occupiib, 'BeekTvitli& Jtinip) T. S. BECRWITII & CO. nt ceivin)? and upeiiing an extrnsive asrtm trticles in their line c;onsitipg of """c'nfls. licines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, lJ'e'Vc, Window Glass -assort rd, VarniMie,' &c"J'llf 11 of the first qurtlity, having berncrso selected; and will be disposed ui n; terms. 1 ' v July 251835.