5?Dravm Numbers in tac Package. The most .splendid! lattery, 'Ever drawn In. the United State Alexandria Lottery, CIom E. , 1 d " ' -a. 1 - iAiMj4tf e drawn nAicunurw xr. v yn .-ar '- v May27. 1837.- , , - , i "firiul fisnital of 75,600 Dollars i SnlndidFrizeot 25,000 Dollars I r . fo 20,000 Dollars "1 - do , 10,000 Dollars 1 ' do ; 0,000 Dollars 1 do 4. .. 8,000 Dollars 1 wdo J..;. 7,500 Dollars .I . do 7,000 Dollars 1 ' do , 6,000 Dollars )S5,000-S4,000 B3,000 J Sa2)Q 95aWw Of 81750 3 Oi' 1.5UO 50 SO 50 50 50 Frizes or DO DO DO DO 81,000 750 600 500 400 60 of SSOO 60 of S250 60 of &200 60 of S150 . &c. &c. &c. Tickets '$ 20 Halves $10 Quarter $5 Eighths 2 50. Certificates of Package of 25 Whole J Ticket $70 Do do 25 Half do 135 Tlo do 25 Quarter do 67 50 Do do 25 Eighth do 33 75 Orders for "Tickets and Shares or Certifi cates of Packages in the above Magnificent Scheme, will receive the most prompt atten tion, and an official account of, the drawing tent immediately after it is over, to all who or der from us. Address, D. 8. GREGORY & Co. ' Managrs. Washington City, D.C. becI&with's pIIXs: " The following letter from Dr. Manjtky, exten sively known as a Physician of large experience end professional learning, it is thought may be in teresting to those who are suffering from the disease described in it : - Beaufort, N. C. March x6, 1837. Dxi.m Si" 1 consider jit a doty which I owe to society, to civs you a condensed statement of a case of Dyspepsia which occurred in my own family. I My only son, James Lewis Manney, waen about eight years of age, was seized with that kind of Dyspepsia called Pyrosis, or Water Brash. Soon after eating he would be seized with violent pain in the small intestines and stomach, and in a few mi nute vomiting of the food recently taken, -with a large quantity of watery fluid. Having at that pe riod practiced medicine in this State for 25 years, -I had treated a great many cases of Dyspepsia successfully- but this case of my son was so obstinate and untracUble, as to resist all the usual remedies. I then determined, as a dernier resort to make a fair trial of your Anti-dyspeptic Pills. 1 purchased a box, , and commenced giving him one after every meal and, when necessary to producer regular action of the bowels, three Pills at bed time. He began to improve immediately, and by using three boxes of the Pills, his health waa reestablished his strength and complexion greatly improved. He is now in his tenth year, in fine health and grows "pwiy- - . ..... . 1 I am, very respectfully, Your friend and oVt serv't, JAMES MANNEY, M. D. To Jo ax Bikwith, M. D. Raleigh. SELLING OFF AT COST. - , : THE Subscribers as Assignees of T. Jteavi U Co. will sell off the STOCK OF GOODS of said Firm, at Cost, for Cash; or any amount over twenty dollars, on six months' credit, with interest and security. ; All those indebted to the said Firm, are re quested to make payment ta the Subscribers, without delay, who are authorised to receive payments and grant discharges for the same, f H W.1IU3TKD, ? DAVID THOMSON, 5 TrU!les. Smithfield, April 10, 1837- 23 Ue fjThe Newberft Spectator will inseit the above until June 1st, and forward account to the Postmaster at Smithfield. Daily Northern and Southern Route, for the great Mail arid Travellers, thro' Baltimore, Washington City, Frede lickshurg, Richmond, Pe tershurg, Raleigh, c. this Route, Travellers go by Rail Road J from Baltimore to Washington, 38 miles j by Steamboat, from. Washington City to Poto mac Creek, 50 miles; by Hail Koad, from Fre dericksburg to Richmond, 61 miles i and from Petersburg to Blakcley, 60 mile;. Such is the expedition now on the route, that Travellers leaving Richmond in the morninp at 4 o'clock, get to Washiiagton'in time to take the Cars at a quarter before 5 P. M. giving them an opportunity ofrestingj a night in Baltimore & n U -reaching Philadelphia next dsy to dinner. Com ing South, Travellers leaving Ba'timore in the f ternoon Cars at half past 4. p. U. rest at night onboard the Steamboat from Washington to Potomac Creek, and dine in Richmondnext day about half past?3 P. M. At Washington there is an Omnibus to take rassengers irom the Steamboxt to the Cars or Taverns, and from the Cars or Tavern to the uoar. i,narge trom Richmond to Washington, me irsnaparrauon by Omnibus at Wasliington f 6. jFrom Washington to Balti more, & 5Q. Meals on the wy, of course paid ' April 10. j 2i6t ency at Raleigh, fpiIANKFUL to the Public for their past con ; ndence and favors ;n the above business. I beg leave to Say, that i. 8,in my iletior?to endeavor to serve and to nlease thn. mr notes for discount fc renewal. n i if l10 ay olh business of ;Cr 4 w.wivftwouiij, siu eontinne yciun ana-Ainswissioa rpuuness as here charging nomore than my usual mode fees.- ; .. . -v' ;, &v1.. . . . , W1LUAM PECK. lib, April 12, 1837. 23 3t hi :-! sw- wi" a.M a C" - 1 k' Y Nj l"wf Ti A I JS S tfer iimmediafervitiom of the Bishop of THE Institution will beopened, with divine permission, oh Wednesday the third day of May, tinder the -charge of the Rev. Asa Ka tok, D. D!. as Chanlain and Head of the Fa mily, Mrs. Susa Eato as Matron, and M iss Exxxx Rorrbjr.f a Principal Teacher r with assistant Teacher in the several departments. No pupil willbe admitted for less than a year. The scholastic year is divided into a Summer term aitd a Winter term, of twenty-two weeks each ; the former commencing on tne nrsi Wednesday in May, and the latter on the first Wednesday in November. There will be two vacation., of four weeks each, next preceding the days just named.. ... The regular expenses for each lerm, including boarding nd lodging, with fuel and light, and instruction in all the English branches, the am cient languages, psalmody, plain sew mg ana the domestic economy, will be one hundred dollars, payable always in advance. From this charge, twenty five per cent will be deducted, for daughters of clergymen of the Church. Fu 1 cotirses of lectures m'Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, with a complete apparatus, and al so in Botany, will be delivered annually, in ad dition to the instruction in those branches. There will be a charge of six dollars fur each term, for the use of bed, bedstead, bedding and towels. Washing will be charged at fifty cents a dozen. Ttnnks and stationary will be furnish ed at usual prices.. There wjll be providedi for the use of thelnFtitution a library, select ed especially for the use of the Teachers and Pupils. Pupils who remain will be charged $12 50 for each of the two vacations. A limit ed number of day scholars will be received. The following- Will be charget additional to t'e above : For instruction in the French Ian- guage, 5U a quarter oi eieycn w&sj m German, Italian, an1 Spanish, $10 a quarter ; for muiical instruction, on the Piano, with use of instrument, $15 a quarter on the Harp, With use of instrument, $25 a quarter- -on the Organ, with use finsirument, $10 a quarter j for instruction in Drawing and Painting $8 a quarter,-nd in Fancy work, $6 a quarter. All money for the use of pupils must be en trusted td the Head of the Family; under whose direction all purchases are to be made, and all expenses irrurred. Advances must be made to meet all such expenditures. Parents will designate the additional branches which are to be pursued. Attention is particularly requested to the following points Thoroughness in study and exactness in deportment will be expected of all Who desire to continue pupils of the institu tionthe branches proper to be pursued by eaih must he left to the discretion of the Prin cipal Teacher no pupil to bring to the institu tion any but devotional and school books -plainness and simplicity in dress, and a just e conomy in expenditure, will be expected in all, as members of a Christian family. Jn its entire organization, St. Mary's Hall is designed to be a Christian household ; ami the aim will be, by the continual application of do mestic influences on Christian principles, to form and to accomplish the domestic character. It is the object ef the Institution and nothing will be spared for its 'accomplishment to pro mote to thelutmost, the physical, intellectual, and spiritual improvement of the pupils entrus ted to it ; and, training them all up "in the nur ture and : admonition of- the Lord," to render tbem, by the due cultivation of the mind, the manners, and the heart, true Christian ladies, prepared,; through grace, for usefulness and influence here, and for "glory, honor and im mortality hereafter. , All communications must , be addressed to f the' Rev. ASA EATON, D. D., Chaplain, and Headof the Family, of St. Mr's Hall, Burl ington. New-Jersey." Burlington, March 1, 1837. 3t From the Rev. DrlTt,ng Sector of the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia. The information which I have received, that that the Rev. Dr. Eato, of Boston, and his la dy, are to be the uni ed head of the household in St. Mary's Hall, your new school for the edu cation of young ladies, has induced me to offer you, for any purpose it may serve, in promoting the interests of the Institution, this rpontaneous expression of my feelings. In Boston and its vicinity, there would be far more propriety in my asking commendation from ; Dr. Eaton than in my offering it to him. In this section of the country, perhaps, my residence here may give me some advantage: which he does not possess. Allow me, therefore to say, wherever I am known, and he is a stranger, that I have known him intimately from my childhood, and have re verenced him as many beside have done, as an important light for the Episcopal Church in the time of its desolation, and as the frien 1 & guide to many of our young :raen in their preparation for the ministry, as he was in many respects to myself. Parents may confide in the certainty, that whatever long trjed piety, and moderate, calm, andChristiun manners, and an affection ate, tender and parental spirit, can do for the benefit of their daughters, they will find in en trusting them to the eare of Dr. Eaton. Mrs. Eaton is a lady of the most respectable conwex ions in her native city t, and by her . education and manners, and the class of society to which she has been accjustoffied as well as by her pi ety and domestic character -will be found in a high degree qualified for the maternal care of the interesting subjects of her charge. I am of opinion, that no similar Institution . can pre sent,' as far as the heads of the; family are con cernedfor I am unacquainted with the ar rangements for the department of instruction superior advantages for those young ladies, fur whom Christian parents seek a Christian Edu cation. J- From 4ht Rev. Drr Eastburn, Hector of the Church of ike Ascension, New-York. Right Rev. and Dear Sir In reply to vcur request, that ! would state to you my opfnioir of the character and qualifications of Miss Rt tok and her sister, itgives me pleasure to say, that, from testimonials submitted to me. I have been Drought to the conviction, that they would l"uc an hitjiujuic acui!iiion to any establish ment for female education, in which they might be placed. With both of these ladies my ac- quainiance is or a recent date. The elder of them, however, whom you have selected as the Principal Teacher of St.. Mary's Hall, I have ! had an opportunity of seeing once or twice lately and have learned enough from these interviews to say with confidence, that yoti will find in her not only a lidy of great accomplish-" ments, but one fitted, by the superior delicacy; and refinement of her manners, and by her un ostentatious but deep toned piety; to exert the' most salutary influence upon all entrusted to her care. I think It pright to state, that these ladies received their education at ; a school of great celebritjr at Clifton, in England j the ad vantages of which, though perhaps, not gene rally known in this country, will be property appreciated by all who are acquainted with its character. That these highly -esteemed persons av prove an extensive blessing, in . thes new sphere of action whish they have selected, is the prayer of your, fee. M for sAuve, titers' & cbV. oronoko tobacco dxJL four years old? Raleigh, 4, Fe bl837. -3m "Ej- CHARACTER, ,38 (Better blopd than many Imported,) trim 1 OmUlS fintfBredsoif ii ofOldSirArchyji will cover Mares thij Season, which has 1 commenced, at my Stable 14 miles N, East of Raleigh. 27 N. West of Smithfield, and 18 S. WestofLouisburg ; at the low price of $ 10 50 ihe Season and $ 16 50 to losure.-t Pastifrage gratia ; Mares grain-fed at 25 cents per day. For further particulars, see Hand, bill CHARACTER is a beautiful Sorrel, 5 feet ? inches high i of great strength and fine action and is said by those that have seen both, to be a handsomer horse than American Eclipse. His Colts are larce and likely, and are doing themselves great credit on the Turf. j PEDIGREE. CaARACxE was got by the justly celebrated Old Sir Archy his dam by the imported Uruid grandam te famous Old Mark Anthony hts great grandam by the imported Old Jolly Ro ger, out uf a thorough bred Raoe mar. N. B Character will be for safe at the end of the Season. SETH J ONES, j Pomona, Wake County,? , Marah SO, 1837. 5 ' 21 tf I .. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Granville County. . Court of Equity Spring Term, 1817. Susan F. Phillips, Jlgainst j 5elson Phillips and Jchn P. Lemay. , Bill for Alimony. j IT appearing to the Court, that the Defend ant, Nelson Phillips, is not an inhabitant Of this State, but resides beyond the jurisdiction of the Court It is therefore, on motion of the Plaintiff' Counsel, ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks, in the Ri leigh Register, a newspaper printed and pub lished at the Seat of the Government of this State, and.also in the. Hillsborough Recorder, for the said Nelson Phillips to appear at the Court to be held at the Town of Oxford on the first Monday of September next, and pleaijl, answeror demur to the Plaintiff's Bill, or else the said bill will be taken pro coetoand heard ex parte, as to him. Witness, Thomas B. Littlejohn, Clerk and Master af said Court, at Office, the firt Mon day of March, A. D. 1837. THO. B. LITTLEJOHN, C. M. E. (Tj"The Hillsborough Recorder. will insert the above for six successive weeks, and for ward his account to the Clerk & Master, Ox ford. 21 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Granville County. Ceurt of Equity Spring Term, 1837. i Petition for sale of Land. j John R. Hicks and others, j i James D. Wood, Martha Bin ford, Henry and wife Selins, Eleanor Murray, James T. Hicks and wife Jane, and John Craig, an in fant under, the age of 21 years. : TT appearing to the Court, that all the De- JsU fendants are nnn-residenis of this State, and reside beyond the jurisdiction of the Court It is therefore, on motion of the Plaintiffs Counsel, ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks, in the Raleiuh Register, a newspaper printed and published at the Seat of the Government ol this State, for the said Uefendtnts to appear at the Court to be held at the Town of Oxford on the first Monday lot September next, and plead, answer or demur to the PlaintihV Bill, or else the said bill will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte, as to tbem. Witness, Thomas B. Littlejohn, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office, the first Mon day of March, A. D. 1837. - 21 THO. B. LITTLEJOHN, C. M. E. FOlttne Cure of almost every variety ot func tional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Spleen ; such as heart burn, aCid eructations, nausea, head-ach, pain and disten tion of the Stomach and bowels, incipient di arrhea, colic, flatulence, habitual costrveness, loss of appetite, sick head-ach, tea titknest, &c. &c. They are a safe and comfortable ape rient for Females during Pregnancy and sub sequent coHfitiement, relieving sickness at the stomach, head-ach, heart burn and many of the incidental nervous affections. Literary mn, Students and most other persons of sedentary habits, find them very convenient. Those, who indulge loo freely in the pleasures ofthe Table, find speedy relief from he sense of oppression and distention which follow, by taking the Pills. As a Dinner Fill they are invaluable. Those who are drinking Mineral Waters and particularly those from Southern climates and Ague and Fever districts, will find them a val uable adjunct. Those who are exposed to the vicissitudes of weather, on voyages or journeys, can take them at all times with perfecrsafefy. In full doses, they area highly efficacious and safe Anti-Bilious Medicine. They seldom or never produce sickness at the stomach or gri ping. Their efficacy s strongly attested by Certifi cales from the following gentlemen, viz ; Bish op Ives, Rev. Dr. McPheeters, Rev. G. W. Freeman, lltv. B.T. Blake, Gov. Iredell, Hon.1 Henry Potter, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Rich ard Hmes, Thos. P. Deverenx, Esq. Professor Anderson, Wm. Hill, Esq. Secretary .of. State, Wm. S. Mhoon, Esq. late Treasurer, J as. Grant, Esq. late Comptroller, W.' R. Gales, Esq. : of the Register, Capt. Guion, Guion's Hotel,' Dr. K.C. Bond, Dr. E. Crosby, Dr. J. Y. Young, Rev F. L. Hawks, otc. Ample directions ac company each Box. These Pills are for sale, by appointment in almost every Town in the United States, and Whole&als and Retail by. the Subscribers, to whom applications may be made for Agencies. THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen. Agent; Raleigh, NIC. 1. (0 1st door vesi of the Presbyterian Church, aaawSssaasBBwar'"' THE sale of the OJLP COURT-HOUSE of Wake County, which was to have taken plaeeat the Superior Coort, is postponed to Monday, of the County Court, (viz. 3d Monday w May,) , when it wiM be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. j . 1 BT THE COMMISSIONERS. ' Ralegh, April 14, 1837. mm - km m TfYv, 1fliritt rjilllard: . s . . : -Having been arrested on CaZSa. at ybuf instSnce, . by James H Murray, Constable-youiire hereby notified, to appear at the County Court of Wake, toiibelhekl en the 3d Monday of-May ext, at tUleigb,vad ihow cause, if any you have, why I shall not be discharged as an Insolvent, according to law. ,:,v?,,- JESSE BEASLEY. April s, 1837. . n . Notice. STRAYED from the Subscriber, on SUrtday nlxe 27th instant, a Sorrel MAUEf5 years, old this Spring, has a blaze in her face, and the hair almost ; entirely off the left thigh, produced by the; scraicnes.--Said Mare was raised in Orange county, and brought to Lenoir by the Rev. Mr. Fonyille. She was seen. last Sunday, pn the road to Ra leich. and is. no doubt, making her way to O- pantry. ' Anv riprs in takinir UP Mare, so ahat 1 eet her strain, shall be liberally reward. ed. ' BRIGHT IIAKUEii Kinston,March 29. 21 q3 Star insert. Notice to Farmers N addition to my feamer Stock I hare Juat te ceived 8 1-3 Tom of Nova-Seotia BLAS TER PAIUS, the bast kiaa for manure, this is the time to apply '. . Rich Land never ..ils .to yieJd a plontiful harvest i us a picv of this kind of manure and t wJU superseoe the necessity of a long trip to the Wet to Iook or rich Land. Gait on me svossnoer, ir door south of the Market House, Fayetteviiie. JOHN B. PATTKBSU. N. B. Fresh THOM ASTON C-IMB kept con stantlv on hand. - " - STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Northampton County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. March Term, 1837. 1 Henry Wilkstt John D. AnM. Original Attachment levied on JLand. T appearing to the satisfaction of She Court . that John D. AmU, the Defendant in this case, is not an innaouani or iqis sxaie uu therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register tor six weeks, notifying the said John D. Amis to appear at the next Term of said Court to be held for the County of Northampton, at the Court Huse in the Town of Jackson, on the first Monday in June next ; then and there to plead to issue, or judgment will be entered up against him pro confesso for the Flaintin s claim, ana the Land levied op condemned subject to the same. Witness, William Bottom, -Clerk: of our said Court, at Office the first Monday of March 1837. 21 . WM. BOTTOM, CI. EMM' MR. E. P. NASH, of Petersburg, Virginis, being sole Agent for the sale of our Piano Fortes, in the States of Virginia and North Carolina, persons desirous, of having Instru ments of our manufacture, can make application to him, as he has the exslusive right to sell in those States. STODART, WORCESTER & DUNHAM. New-York, March 17, 1837. 21 ' I COMMENCE my Spring sales of the above Instruments in the States of Virginia and North-Carolina, by declaring that Stodart, Wor cester & Dunham's manufacture of piano Fortes, is the very best in the United States not only equal to others, but, literally the very best ; and as the very best evidence that 1 am borne out in the assertion, am permitted to challenge a fair trial with any make, or makers, far or near. t; The Factory of these makers having within a few months been considerably enlarged, I shall now be enabled to- meet the demand. The prices of these Pianos are regular and es tablished. EDWARD P. NASH. March 27. IdlJYJE OF PACKERS From New-York, to JPayetteville. rpnE Subscribers infonn the Merchants of . i JL the Interior and the Public generally, that met anove Line is now in successful operation. anu oners a cured aim expeditious means of transportation. The Vessels of this Line, 5 in number, are all ot the farst class ; and Goods shipped by them can be insured at the lowest rates of premium. The Steamer Wilmington, in connection, is a boat ot fine construction for the Cape-Fear, and with her Tow Boats well caicuiatea to give aespatclv All p -rsons shio- piuS uuuus vy me auove i,ine wm please hand a list to the Agents at New-York. HALLETT& I$UOWN; Agents, New-York, WM. DOUGALL, Wilmington, W1LLKINGS & IJELDEN? Amenta, Fayetteville. Forwarding Agency. THE Subscribers inform the Merchants of the Interior, that they are still engaged in the Forwarding way, and irust that with the facilities and experience they now possess in the transaction of this business, to merit the patronage heretofore conferred. They have large Ware Houses at the River and in Town, for the reception of forwarding Goods, apart from other buildings, and comparatively safe from fire. I WILL KINGS & BELDEN, Fayetteville. Refer to . Messrs. MORDECAI & McKlMMON, " TURNER & HUGHES. Valuable Land and Mills, FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE of a Decree of Granville Court of Equity, I will offer at Public Sale, in the Town of Oxford, on Tuesday, the 2d May next A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, Belonging to the Estate of the late John Nuttall, deceased, containing about ONE THOUSAND ACRES, whereon Col. James Nuttall lately re sided. This Land lies on Tar River, about eteht miles from the Town of Oxford has on it a comforta- ble Dwelling House and Out bouses,fora family, and a valuable Saw Mill and .Grist M.U, and abounds with Pine and other Timber. Persona desiring to purchase, are invited to view the premises before the day of sale.- 1 TERMS OF SALE. A credit of me, two, three and foorytarsv in equal instalments, with interest on the wbole, after the first year, o be sfured by bond with approved security. . 11 ' tho. b. Uttohn; cM;kr Oxford, March 2t, 1837. M 7 20-ts. To tVwaV't'W:'iMv ! Trva rvp nir. ciK&L-Iar sale, by the SIU Subscribers-r-a first rate ;rucle for Milch, Cows Stock generallyi Fifty pounds of h. n.v contain aa much nutriment as a bush- wa m ww - el of Meal. . Apply at the Neuse Rirer.OU Work pt to the Subscribers in Raleiglu where every infor mation will be cheerfully given as to the best method of using it, &c. . - W. F. CLARK W.. 11. MEAD. Raleigh. Feb. 17 " . r : ,; " (? Star. ' The Subscribers have just received tgj YBVTVim BOXES DR. PETERS VE SawiP GETABLE ANTI-BILIOUS AND ANTI-DYSPEP ITCPILLS. i am aware tliafmany persons have been dis appointed in not beings able to-obtain - this valu able Medicine Rx now all reasonable demands can be supplied. It is useless to comment ontheefneaey ofthe Pills, Wherever they are known,they are rapidly coming into use i and this affords a convincing proof of their merits. They a.re composed .en tirely of vegetable matter, and honestly promise no more than they faithfully perform Perhaps no article of the kind has ever been offered, the Public which is more universally approved or more justly entitled to public patronage. Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent American and European Medical Pro fessors, and practised his profession many years in different climates, considers himself well qualified to judge of the nature uf inveterate disease. , Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution for the cure of obstinate disea ses, by means of vegetable remedies, No. 129 Liberty street, New-York, Inventor and sole Proprietor. Each box contains forty Fills. Price 50 Cents, M. A. F. HARRISON, Genera) Agent. For sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD St CO. . Raleigh. N. B. Druggists snd Country Merchants can be supplied at New-York prices. Notice ON Friday, the S8th April, 1837, I shall offer at Public Sale, to the highest bidder,, on nine months credit, Two likely Negro men ; one Negro Woman i A parcel of Horns, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Household Kitchen Furniture, too tedious to mention. Undoubted security will be required. Further terms made known on the day by me. LEWIS BLEDSOE, Ex'or of JOHN BLEDSOE, dee'd. P. 8. Also on the same day, and at the same time, I shall sell the Perishable Estate of Sarah Bledsoe consisting of Hogs, Cows, Sheep, Household and Kitchen Furniture, with many other articles too tedious to mention. LEWIS BLEDSOE, Ex'or of SARAH BLEDSOE. All those who are indebted to the Estates of John Bledsoe and Sarah Bledsoe, are requested to make payment. Those who have claims, will present them, .duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. . LEWIS BLEDSOE, Ex'or of JOHN & SARAH BLEDSOE. April 6, 1857. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Northampton County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1837. Martha Josey, vs. The Heirs at Law of Wm. Josey, dee'd, Petition for Dower. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John A. Josey, one of the Defendants in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State t therefore it is ordered by the Court, that pub. lication be made in the Raleigh Register, a newspaper published in Raleigh notifying the said John A. Josey co appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Northampton, at the Court House in the Town of Jackson, on the first Monday in June next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to said Petition, or the Prayer of the Petitioner will be granted. Witness, Wm. Bottom, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday in March. 1837. WM. BOTTOM, CVk. Price adv. $3 22 6w STATE OF N O RTH -C A RQ LTNA. Nash County. In Equity. Henry Blount, vs. Coleman Woodard and others. Petition for Partition & Sale of Real Estate. rj?T appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court, iMb that James Woodard and Aaron Woodard, two of the Defendants in this case, are not ci tizens of this State : It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Regis ter, for six weeks in succession, in order that the said James and Aaron, may appear; at our next Court to be held for the County of Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the third Monday in September next- then and there to plead, answer, or demur to the said Petition otherwise it will be taken pro confesso as tb them, and heard ex parte. Witness Jno. II. Drake. Jr. Clerk and Mas ter of our said Court, at Office, the 3d Monday 22 JNO. H. DRAKE, Jr. C. M. E NORTH CAROLINA STATE JLO;TTEKY. CLASS No. 6, FOR : - For tha benefit of the Salisbury Academy, To be drawn at EKzabetkCity9 N. C Or SATURDAY, 29th of APRIL, 1837. 75 number Lottery 14 drawn ballots. &CUEITXC : PRIZE OF 10,000 DOLLARS 1 1 1 (6 10 15 PRIZE OF 3,000 DO. PRIZE OF 2,000 DO. PRIZES OF 1,000 DO. DO OF 400 DO. DO OF 200 DO; Wbole Tickets . g4 Halves Quarters ftf '-''5ai A Certificate for a Package ef 2$ Whole Ticket will cost $56 00 : M .Half? do. 25 IK) -a Quarter do. To be bad in the greatest wiety of numbers, either by the Package or single Ticket, of QTEYE1IS0N & POINTS Managers, April 5. ;. - v-. I WAS taken from my Stabh Friday wght the 17th iSt8 Grey Horse, eight or nine years 'A this Spring, fl supnoset hi;j ? w&atbftlen eye, (I believe andfc..? knot on the left aide of his. Jaw bone. neai. .l chin occasioaed by a ttck,. when ti Colt, ga d HorseJs about five feet high, and paces rm.. kably welL: expec he is taken on tow ttie west or oouin. a noerai ueward vrWx given for his restoraliph.-or for such information as will enable me to getbim again. ' ? D. B. SANDERS' Wake County, Feb. 21, 1837. From circumstances which have come to light, there is no doubt that said Horse w3. eanied off by a man named BARTHoi n ME W FULLER. Said Fuller is quite a youn. man, and. very4food.lqoking. The sum ot'Flp. TY DOLLAR will be paid for his arrest and apprehension, and for the delivery of the Hon? ' r - : p. us. ' LOOK AT TISIS ! TUB WE R 4 HUGHES, HAVE fojv sale, at the North-Carolina Book t6reV the foiiow'H hew and interesti,,. Works: ' ': Further DisClosures-r-by Maria Monk Holt's Missionary Anecdotes Thornton's' Prayers and Commentaries Memoirs of the Rev. John Stanford, D, D Clerical Manners and Habits by Sanucj Miller, I). D. Pilgrim's Progress fine Edition, JO Cuti Watson's Miscellaneous Tracts DeathVDoings New Manual Memoirs of Nevinsi , Christian's Cabinet ' v Pastor's Testimony Rutherford's Letters Gaston's Collection Bales' Divine Attributes . Daily Scripture Readings Pneumatologia, or a Discourse: concerning the Holy Scriptures by John Owen, D.D, Hannah Moore's Complete Works, 7 vols Chalmers Natural Theology, 2 vol "Do r Christian Revelation, 1 do. The way to do Good by Jacob Abbott. Raleigh, March 29, 1837. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, J Granville County. " February. Court. A. D. 1837. Petitionfor Distribution. William Dickerson, , ' ' i VS. ' j : Dennis T. Pasehall, Adm'r of Thomu Dicke son, dee'd, Debrick'Clopton and wife Nancy, Wm. King and : sfife Susan, John Johnson, Jordan Johnson anil Johnson, children of Jesse Johnson and Wife Elizabeth, Samuel Shamel and wife Jenny, Briiton Duke and wife Sally, and Dudley P. Howze and wift Keziab.; .. . , . , l I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court. X'that process has been'served upon the said f Dennis T. Pasehall, and that all the other De. , -fendants reside beyond the jurisdiction of this , Court : It is therefore, ordered, that public fjH tion be made for six weeks' successively in the Raleigh Register, for the said Defendarsto i; appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter ; f Sessions, to be held for the County of Granville, at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Mon- day in May next, then and there to plead, ao. swer, or demur to said petition j otherwise the' same will be taken pro confeeao as to them, tod the prayer" of the Petitioner granted. Witness, James M Wiggins, Clerk of out ;lfv said Court, af Office; in Oxford, the first Mon- ".j day in February, Ai D. 1837. Sff MS I WtRfllVft. P.lk. iiiiSt STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Granville County, j February Court, A. D. 1837. ; Petition fur Distribution. William Dickerson, ' es. ' I Dennis T. Pasehall, Adm'r-. of John iDickenoni '.L dee'd, Debrick Clopton and wirer Nancj, Wm. King and wife Susan, John Johnson, Jordan Johnson, and - Johnson, childrafA . of Jesse Johnson and wife Elizabeth, Samuel, 4 Shamel and wife Jenny, BrittonDuke ralal wife Sally, and Dudley P. Howze and wife ; . Keziah. ' J ?c IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Coarf, ; that process has been served upon the siibf--. C Dennis T Pasehall, and that all tlie other Ue- J;r fendants reside beyond the jurisdiction of jh, Court ; It is therefore, ordered, that publica-f tion be madeibr six weeks successively inthi'. Raleigh-Register, -for-the said defendants te appear before the Court of Plels and Quartet . Sessions.to beheld for the County of Granville, ? e at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Mon- - ff) day in May next, then and there to plead, an '. swer or demur to said petition otherwise tlx same will be taken pro confesso, and the prayer of the Petitioner granted. ' ? c Wrtness, James M. Wiggins Clerk oton ( said Court, at Office in Oxford, the first Mofr'vt! day in February, Ai D. 1837. 30 6t v JAS. MFWIGGINS, Clk ; Commission And Forwardin? t STORE. "ITt W. WILLKIKGS, ofthe F irnrf"i i eretfn' ;i JCi W1LLKINGS& CO. having enteye to copartnership with ROBERT C BELDK tne Dusines ot tne oici rirm win oe conuum' v - e ' t : Z . a bv them under the Firm of ' . ?- At the same Storei corner of Hay and ; Maxwell Streets. CV 8 They will psy personal attention tb forwarding J, Goods to the interior of the State, and receiyi f Cotton and other produce on storage, and A effect sales or ship as directed. it FayetteviUe, Aug. 15, 1835. 40 tl. ;V A rt LBS. of Goose Feathers, are wan' teal" the Subscribers, for which, ifg and oewy? tbe:irjlt : pay t the rate of SO ce per pounda-?' . -.rt A - :ii W, ds A. STITH.i- Raleisrh. March laT. 11X7. 1? l Will be in Raleigh, shortly. January 28, 1837. COXTOJ SEiarJFI-AX SEED, . Bought by the Subscribers. . Fifteen CenUH Bushel will be given for the first named, I ered at the Neuse River OU Works, or1 t CenU si Busliel tt the CUi Two Dollsrs eBsj el for Sunflower Seed, and theJiigbest j W. H. mead- RaleigW Feb.47. ff-ltar. .':'t 4 i it ft : (ii - 1 iff-it I I x V t

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