.1 r. I !" J i J r l-r Ri m i I ; r 3R It?' . ;tct drawaj in the United State Alexandria XOUer? , i Claw E. To fc-e drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, r - ' - Mat 27,1837? -" -7 if 0. LOTTE iRr 15 DRAWN BALLOTS. 1ICK AVUts S I.KND1I PRIZES. ; 1 1 Grand Camtat ffdda Dollar 1 - Splendid Priz of V do do do 25,000 Dollars 56,000 Dollars 10.000 Dollars 9.000 Dollars . dV . 8,000 Dollars do r - " 7, 500 Dollars dOfT V.000 Dollars 6,000 Dollars '-. S5,00CM-4,000 83,000 . r O or 1,750 3 , Of 1,500 , 4 JO Pwui of - 81,000 50 do 750 .. 50 i do - 600 ..- 50 - - do 500 50 do 400 60 of SS0O6O of S250 .60 of 8200 60 of S150 Tictelf f29Halret f 10-Quarteri 15 , i. . Eighths 3 50. I trtiffeatea of Packages of 25 1V1ioI . 'liciceta szro Do do 25 naif do 135 : Do do 25 Quarter do 67 50 DO do 25 Eighth do 33 75 Grim SankSttrlihgton, iNtuhJtnt$j ' 4 v por tlid EducaUon of 4 Ob Orders for Tickets and Shares or Certifi cates of Packages in the above Magnificent Scheme, will receive the most prompt atten tion, and an official account or the thawing immediately alter it is over, to all who or der from hjv Address, I v D. S. GKKGOUT & Co. ' Wathington Ciiy D. C. BECliWITH'S PIUS. The following letter from Dr. Maksxt exten i( sirety known as a Physician of large experience i.and professional learning, il is thought may bo in ? teresting to those who are suffering from the disease described in it : Beaufort, N. C. March 28, 1837. . t . DaA Sir I consider it a dijty which I owe to society, to give you a condensed statement of a case 1 of Dyspepsia which occurred in: my' own family . Jay only son, James Lewis Af anney, when about , eight years of ige,' wai seixed with that kind of Dyspepsia called Pyrosis or Water Brash. Soon alter eatag be would be seized with violent pain in fc toe srasli intesunes and stomach, and in a few mi ntites vomiting of the food recently taken, with i " large quanUty;of watery fluid. Having at that pe riod practiced itneicine in this State for 25 years, I , nao treated, a great many cases of Dyspepsia suc- cessfully-but this case of my son was so obstinate and untractable, as to resist all the usual remedies. rj then determined, as a dernier resort to maka a fair trial of your Anti-dyspeptic Pilla, 1 purchased a c box," and commenced giving him one after " every meal and when necessary to produce a regular action of the bowels, 'three' Pills at bed time. He began to improve immediately, and by using three boxes of the Pills, his health Was reestablishedhis strength and complexion greatly improved. He is How in his tend) year, in fine health and grows rapuwy. ... ; I am,' very respectfully, '- .: . -Your friend and ob't servTt, . : JAMES MANNEY, M. D To Jeaar Bicxwjth, m. D. Haleigh. :-. -. 1 1 1 1 i ... . ' . ' - BELLING OFF AT COST. THE Subscribers," as Assignees of T. Rtavia . jfm- w wi sen uu iiic t:TOdff OF GOODS of BJiid Pirm,at Cost, for Cath ; or any amount Tcr(wcpijrfloiiMsron aix montn&' credit, with uiictch ana security. , i ! i.AH;thos,indebted to . the said Firm, are re H4uesie4 to make payment te the Subscribers hout delay, who are authorised to receive payment! and grant discharges fort he same. l, IU W.1IU5TED, fc. 'V DAVID THOMSON,! T,ees. Imitlield,: April 10, 1837.. 23 tJe Tne Newbern Spectator will insert the above until June 1st, and forward account tu th Postmaster at Smtthfield. , Baily Northern and Southern Houte, for the greataiail and - Urayellers. thro' Baltimore. lFrede- rricksburg, Bichmond, Pe- tersDur Kaleigh, c. mHfi Institution will be opened, WltV divine f-per'taisstonji on' Wednesday the third day ot way under the charge oi the Rev- Asa Ea TO, D. Daa Clfan lain and Head of the Fa- : mny, Mrs 5usAJEATot as Matron, and Miss uit KoTTox.t as Principal Tescner i with assistant Teachers in thei several departments. No tJuntfwillbeidniitted for lew thanye4r. . The $choIasticyer iadividedlhto a Summer term and a Winter lermot twenty-two weeks each 1, the former commencing on the. first Wednesday in May, and the latter on the first WednesdsV ni November. -There 'will be two vacation., of four weeks each, " ext p receding the days just named; ? - v . 'The regular ezpeusct for each term, including wwaruiu auu luuging, w'l'l wci uu iigii,aja instruction in all the English branches, the an cient languages, psalmody, plain sewing and ttve domestic economy, will be one hundred dollars payable always in advance. From this charge, twenty. five per cent will be deducted. for daughter f cfei'ervmen of the Ciureu- , Full courses of lectures in Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry, with a complete apparatus, and 1 so in Iiotany, will Ire delivered annually, in ad dition to the instruction in those branches. There will be a charge of six dollars for each term, for the use ofbed.-bedstead, bedding ami towels.' 'Wasliintr will be charged at fifty cents a dozen. : Books and stationary will be furnish ed at usual prices. There will be provided, for the use of the liurtiuijion a Library, select ed especially for the use of the Teachers and Pupils. Pupils who remain will be charged $12 50 for each of the t w o vacations. A limit ed number of day scholars will be received. The following will bd thnrget additional to i the above Far instruction m the Frei ch lan- guafe, $7 50 a quarter (of eleven weeks 4n ! German, Italian, and Spanish, $10 a quarter ; for musical instruction, on the Piano, with use of instrument, $15 a quarteT on the Harp, with use of instrument, f25 a quarter--on the Organ, wi th use of instrument, $10 a quarter ; for instruction in -Drawing and Painting, $8 a All monev for the usejof pupils must be en trusted totlie Head of the Family; under whose direction ull puicltitses n'rc to be made, and all expenses incurred- Advances must be made to meet all such expenditures. Paren's will .designate the additional branches which arc to be pursued. , 1 . Attention is particularly requested to the following points : Thprnughness in study and exactness in deportment will be expected of I all who de ire to continue pupils of the institu tion the branches proper to be pursued by each must be left to the discretion of the Prin cipal Teacher no pupU to bring to the institu tion any but devotional and school books - plainness and simplicity in dress, and a just e conomy in expendi ure, will be expected in all, as members of a Christian family. . In its entire organization, St. Mary's Hall is designed to be a Christian household j and the aim will be. by the continual application of do- " ? O i m mesne liinuences on i;nristian principles, to form and to accomplish rAe dome t lie character. It is the object of the Institutjoiiaiuf nothing will be spared for its accomplishment to pro mote to the utmost, thef physical, intellectual, and spiritual improvement of the pupils entrus ted to it.; and, training them all up-Kn the nur ture an I admonition of the Lord," to render them, by the due cultivation of the mind, the manners, and the hearty true Christian ladies. prepareu, uirougn gracet lor usefulness and mtliience here, and for iglorv, honor and im mortality" hereafter. ( i All : ' . . . en wummunicaiions must oe addressed to " the Rev. ASA EATON, U. D., Chaplain, and neao or me rnuly, ot;S'. Mrj 's HU, lUrI- ingion. ewJersey. 5 Burlington, March I, !l5'7 FrpmKew-TorH to JFayettevillc. nnHE Subscriber inform ' the Merchants of Jk the Interior arid the Public generally! ; that i 1 v . - . t . urn oQvr Lijne 11 iiww iu vucccssiui .operation, and off ers a direct and expeditious means of transportation. The -Vessels of. this Line,; 5 in number, are all of the first class ; and Goods shipped by them can be insured at the lo west rates of premium. The Steamer . Wilmington, in connection, is a boat of fine construction for the Cape-Fear; arid VhH Tier Tor Boals well calculated to give despaf cli. ' AH persons ship ping Goods by the above Line will please hand a list o the Agents at New-York. . k . IIALLLTT & BltOWN; . ,Agents, New-York, 5 - WM.OUGALL, Wilmington, WILLRINS & U ELD EN, - Agentar Fayetteville. Foruiarding i&gcncy THE Subscribers inform the -Merchants of the: Interior, that they are still engaged in the Forwarding way, and trust that with the facilities and experience they now possess in the transaction of this business, to merit;' the patronage heretofore conferred. They have large Ware Houses at the Itiver and in Town, for the reception, of forwarding Goods, apart from other buildings and comparatively safe from fire. WILLKIKGS & BEL DEN, Fayetteville. Refer to ! Messrs. MOUDECAI & McKIMMON, " TUHNEU & HUGHES. MY EH 3 & Go's. OUONOKO TOBACCO, four years old. BtlOWN 6c SNOW. KUlgfr, 4, Feb. 1837. 3m STATE OF NOR l'lI-CAROLINA. Uranville County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1837. Suian F. Phillips, Against Jlelson Phillips and John P. Lemay. Hill for Alimony. T appearing to- the Court, that the Defend- m. ant, Nelson Phillips, it not an inhabitant o Ibis Stae, but resides beyond the jurisdiction of the Court It is therefore, on motion of the Plaintiff.. s Counsel, ordered that publication be made tor six successive weeks, in the Ha leigh Wegister, a newspaper printed and nub 11 I r.t . .... . m. iimicu w. me ocai 01 inc; vaovernment cr tins State, and also in the Hillsborough Recorder, tor the said Nelson Phillips to appear at 4he Court to be held at the Town of Oxford on he first Monday of September next, and plead, gnawer, nr iiciinir 10 me rtamun s Bui, or else the said bill will be taken pro conmo and heard exftarte, as to r- m. TVitness, Thomas B. LiUlejohn, Clerk and Master of s:ud Court, at Office, the firt Mon day of Mart h, A. D. 1837. THO. B. J.ITTLEJOHN, C. M. E. Uj- me wiusoorougu rtecorder will insert uie uoove ror six successive weeks, and for- warn hw account to the Clerk & Master. Oic. tortl. 1 21 5n TONSOFDHrPAKE, for sale by the rsjyj subscribers a brst rate -article tor much Cowi And' Stock jgenerally.- Fifty pound of the Cake contain at much nutriment a a 4uab elofMeal. . , . t , . . Apply at the Neuse Rive Oil Vorks; or to the Subscribers in Raleigh ; : where every infor mation will be cheerfully -given as to the best method of using it &c. t j f W. II. MEAD. RaleIgli.Ftb.ir. Op HAVE Tfr Bbli. of JFrTOlJrt from seven think there is a rorry among them. I offer noos, at iS-f yt AL$9 except eight bits, which ta not certainly better. though 4he, own' Vr tbinkiTit is. i 1 wi'l opelr a bbl. and let; ypu take some and try before ybtf buy " and 'vrtire-s vew take it back and return your Cab mfterycki do buy, if you arc d'sappolnted in quality. Can ,Mffe-7?.yWnfairer -. W Wat. FECK.? Raleighi April 17. 1837. h I TheSubscubers Iiaye jyst received 3t STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. 1 Granville County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 183r. Petition for sale of Land. John R. Hicks and others, - . James D. Wood, Martha Binford, - Henry and wife Selina, Eleanor Murrav, James T. Hicks and wife Jane, and John Craig, an in fant under :the acre of2l vir. . n . . v Taopcarincr to th f!nrf th-t oil .t. . - C . ...... c ur- lendants are nonrcsidnt r ii;. c.. and reside beyond the juriliction of the Court It is therefore,, on motion of the Plaintiffs' Counsel, ordered that publication be made ffr six successive weeks, in the. Raleigh Register, a newspaper printed and published at the Seat of the Government of this State, for the said Defendants to appear at the-Court to heh,l,li it the Twn of Oxford On til firt Vlniol September next, ih1 nle d. answer or dtrmr else the sa d bill will heard ex parte, as to Witness, Thomas B. Lititlfinlm. rtv --t aster of said Court, at nffi ii,-. ... day of March, A. D..18S7. 21 THO. B. Lrr-rr.v'tfinw . , anii 0Bte: TraveUers go by Ra'J Road vVf irom isaitimore to Washington, 38 miles ; ngton City to Poto- enan vreex, au miles , by Rail Road, from Fre- aexicKSQurg la uicnmond, 51 miles t and from fteraburg to Blakcley, 60 miles. v Such is the expedition now pn the route, that travellers leaving Richmond in the morning at o'clock, get toi Washington irt time to take the . Can at a qnirtei' before 5 M. glvingthem an i ipportOnity of restlng-a night iii Baltimore & st 11 teaching Philadelphia riext day to dinner. Com ingSduthTravellers leaving Baltimore in the f- - ter fes: -Jart at half - oast 4 P. M. rnt itni.ht brd the Steamboat from Washington to on PotOrOS rreek-; urul .Hin f day about half past 3 p, Mf "sf U :t . . 'Atmshlngtoa! tbere iaan Oranibns to take lngerejrom the SteambeaV,fc-fh Cr or Sir9riif1?ra CMtt TaveTnatoTthe Bciat.. Charge from Richmond to Washington! asb".?"'tm WW8gtto;Dal, geala 1 TrjecyJotinaleigh. Mence and favora in the above 1ttsineM n-T , r "V -v-w mi p'ease them; Ftf affe-, for discount & renewal. fcc.Vani alsd to transact any otherW S2-W y y inyV rsniiTe renewal, at our Banks. mess of continue tofore; tZ:ZZr Zi"??",n rate feeTr f uu mode. . WILUASIPECK. th Aur. ."a M1 ."I-V"-"' business aa h . fnm the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Rector of the Church of the Zpiphanjfi Philadelphia. The information which I have received, that that tie Rev. Dr. Eatoj, of Boston, and his la- uy, are to oe me um ea Head of the household in St. Mary-s H ill, -your Ww school for th- ..i... canon of young ladies, has induced me offe'r to the 71 , ilC' 1U Jr S?'J?I P?Tf 11 !y- ,enr" in Pr"ti,,g be taken pro conLlo and the interests of the Institution, this spontaneoul them. 1 iicasiuH ui my reeiingv. m Boston and its ricmiiy, laere wouia De; lar more propiiety n, .... v.M.i.cHuiHn irom ur. Eaton than my onenng u w mm.f In this section of the couivry, perhaps, im residence here may jrive w hich ne tioes not possess. Aflow me, therefore to ii,v,. t 1 , i 7 . ....... .v.v. a ,ii nown, ana ne is a stranger, that I have know,, mm iminmeiy irum my childhood, ami hv verenced him as many beside havp A,n ... important hgiit for the Eniacrmal m...!, ; time of its desolation, and as the frin,l h miAm, to many of our young mpn in their prepafatidn for the ministry, as he was in many resnects to ...j.... , A B.t... iay qohmie in rhe certainty, that whatever long tried piety, and moderate, calm, and Christian manners, and an ,ff,H.. ate, tender and parental -spirit, can do for the benefit of their daughtets, they will find in i en trusting them to the cafe of Dr. Eaton. Mrs Eaton is a lady ofthe most respectable coniiex lonsinhernaiivecityarKl by her education u mauntrs, ana vue class of society to whicli Ufc,W5 accsiomeaas well as by her ii. ety and domestic charaqter -will be found in , ...6h utjj.tcuuucy lor me muernal caro r .r i " w w" "ic inieresung suojectSf ot Her charge. I am of opinion, that no similar Institution'" rn sent,, as far as the heads of the family are con cernedfor I m unacquainted with the ar rangements for the department of Zm rS" g-'': hP1ounff 1 -dies, for whom Christian parents seek, a Christian Edu. BOXES" DR. PETERS' VE- & VW WVJ GETABLE ANTI-BILIOUS ANH ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. I am aware that many persons have been dis appointed in not being able to obtain this valu able Medicine But now all reasonable demands can be supplied; ' v . It is useless Aa comment on the efficacy, of the Pills. Wherever tbeyare known, they are rapidly coming into use : and this affords a convincing proof of their merits. They, are Composed en tirely. of vegetable matter, and honestly promise no more than they faithfully perform Perhaps no article of the kind has ever been offered the Public which Is more universally approved or more justly entitled to public patronage Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent American and European Medical Pro fessors, and practised his profession many years in .different climates, considers himself well qualified to judge .of the nature of inveterate disease. "'.' ' ' v " Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution for the cure of obstinate disea ses, by means of vegetable remedies, No. 129 Liberty street, New-York. Inventor and sole Proprietor. Each box contains forty - Pills. Price 50 Cents.. M. A. F. HARRISON, General Agent. For sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &CO. I- Raleigh. N. B. Druggists and Country Merchants can be supplied 4' New-York prices. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Northampton County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, March Term, 1837. Martha Josey, r. . The Heirs at Law of Wm. Josey, dee'd, Petition for Dower. , IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Curt that John A. Josey, one of the Defendants in this esse, is not an inhabitant of this State ; f therefore it is ordered by the Court, that pub. lication be made in the Rateigu Register, a newspaper published in Raleigh -notifying the said John A. Josey co appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Northampton, at. the Court House in the Town of Jackson, on the first Monday in June next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to said Petition, or the Prayer of the Petitioner will be granted. Witness, Wm. Bottom, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday in March, 1837. Wil. BOTTOM, Cl'k. Pi ice adv. $3 22 6w Sat- rt RAlSrAyAY, Onthe. 30l,l of January a Negro Ma", named JACOB. He is ra ther yellow complected, 27yeafe vSof sge.'iS feet It J Inches high. B and weighs 178 lbs. He has some -of his foreteeth, has scar on one of thumbs and another on his forehead, or sid his. face. - .;. .. w ,. ,.. . The said Negro was raised in Sampsan county, N. C. and Was sold by John Brown to one Edwards, and it is supposed has made his way back. in that .direction. .7 A Reward of Ten Dol lars will be given for his apprehension and con finement in Jail, so that 1 get him again. ' " E. W. HARRISON ' Limestone Springs, S. C. April 8V r. 2'i 2m Grey Horse, eirrht nr : "J ,n KSPrW (I wppose) S1! knot n the urt ;Atui;r h - - - " ."j w gone, ni w.u.reu oj ock when a Colt Howe U aboo five feer high, and pace 'rt kaHyltHl ebe;ir taken onl wie csfp aouin A liberal: Rewanl ;n? given : bt rearortwn4 or for auch inform? as will enable.me, togetjm again. D. U. fi AVrtD. 0 From cpMcelill, have coni, fight, there is no dfu.b.1 tliat said Hor appreh1on,asd fpf Ue Oliver of he v. u. s, rt4 Paints, 0ils,: 4&c. fllHE Subscribers have just receded from the X ' North, a full supply of the above arriales, consisting of .... v White Lead Da f do Ground in Oil , . Red Lead . .. ' Spanish Brown Do jdo Ground in Oil Yellow Ochre ; , Do do Ground in Oil. . Venetian Red Terra De Sienna ' "'-'-i-- Lamp Black J ? Turkey Umber ' : Spirits Turpentine . ,. Linseed Dil - ... . Copal and Japan Varnishes All of which will be sold on reasonable term?. T. S. BECKW1TU & Co. : Raleigh, April 15, 1837-. 23 if A Northern Built C .1 & FOR SAIiE. ; " at his Shop. ; Raleigh, April 14, The Subscriber has had placed with him forsale a very handsome close CARRIAGE, oforlh ern Manufact ure, which he is instructed to dis- b4 pose ot on accommodal- ling terms, For particular, apply JOHN O'RORKE." 1837. 23 t u r iv e n m nv crta b $ HAVE for salef at the NtirthCarolina d ) I Store, the 1 following ew; and inteiti, j vVork.'- . '.;V.Sfi"'-W--" - M , flFrther Diclosurcsy Maria Clonic r Holis5MiTioi)ary Anecdotes , Thornton's Prayers arid Commentaries , Memoirs of the Rev? John. Stanford, D, t) Clerical Manners and Habits by Sati. Miller, D. D. w Pilgrim' Progressfine Edition, 50 Cuti . Watson's Miscellaneous Tracts ' Death's Doings --a .' v.. New Manual Memoirs pf Ne vim Christian's Cabinet ' " Pabtor'a.Testi mony ' . ; Rutherford's Letters . ! Gaston's Collection pjajfs' Divine Attributes e ' Daily Scripfure Readings ' rneiimaioiogis, or a Discourse concri iiineHo,i,Cr,Pt'Jres--.by John Owen, D Hannah Moore' Cwmplete Work, 7 voti vnaimers' Natural Theology, S vols Do Christian Revelation, 1 ( The way to do Goodby Jacob Abbott. t i5KaffhrIrch 29, 133. STATE OF NORTII-0AR0LINA, Granville Countv. T'--February Court, A. D. 1837. TPetition for Distribution. . I . Willwrn Dickerson, v. Dennis T, Paschall, Adm'r of Thomas Ditto tbndee'd, Debrick Cloptoh and wife 1W Wm. King and wife Susan, John Johns,,,; Jordan Johnson, and ' Johnson, cliildrei of Jesse Johnson and wifeElixabeih, Samut Shamel and. wife Jenny, Britten Duke wife Sally, and Dudley p. Howze and;j Keziah. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the planters and merchants of N. Carolina and Virginia, and the public generally, that the Greensville and Roanoke Rail Road, is now com pleted, and in successful operation, and that he has located himself at Gaston, the termination IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Cotrt that procesr has been served upon Uienit5 V . ii . a . a ucnnis i. rascnau, ana tnat all the otberD: fendants reside beyond the jurisdiction of iu : i Court : It is therefore, ordered,' that puffo. ' tibn be made for six weeks successively in tin j Raleigh Register, for the said Defendanlits jl i appear before the Court of ; Pleas and Qutrteil Notice. SCirfTlQ in k KaIA Prw the Pniinlv nf r!r nt-Hlla wvvky v WW 11VIU IVI t w m.i i 4iif of said Road, for the purpose of transacting a V " V.ouri MOUse m ux or' " u,c . ,MWr I r- ji t . h I day in May next, then and there to plead. I . I .-i ... : . I swer. or demur to saidrJetition i other,5eth14i STRAYED from the Subscriber, on Sunday the 27th instant, a Sorrel MARE, 5 years old this Spring, has a blaze in her face, and the hair almost entirely off the left tlucrh, produced by the scratches. Said Mare was raised in Orange county,' and brought to Lenoir by the Rev. MrvFonville. She was seen last Sunday, on the road to Ra- la a i '.A ein, and is, no aouDt, mixing her way to U- range. Any person taking up sid Mare, so Wiat I get her again, shall be liberally reward ed. BRIGHT HARDEE. Kinston, March 29. 21 ' (TT str insert. Notice to farmers. IN addition to myrmer Stock I have Just re ceived 8 1-S Ton of Novaeotia PLAS. ITER PARIS, the best kind for manure, and this it the time to apply it. Rich Land never M s to yield a plentiful harvest use a plenty of this kind of ma mi re and it will supersede the necessity of a long trip to the West, to look for rich Land. ' Call on Ihe Subscriber, three door south of the Market House, Fayetteville. JOHN E. PATTERSON. N. B. Fresh THOMASTON LIME ket con .A . I- . I. . siaiiiiv o nana. , and is now prepared to give attention to all con signments. The undersigned in commencing business at Gaston, Was under the impression, that the shippers of produce, and receivers of goods, both of the country and town of Peters burg, would find it convenient and advantage ous to have a regular correspondent and dis n terested agent to attend to their various inter ests, and especially to the order and condition in which boatmen and wagoners receive and deliver their cargoes at Gaston, from and to the Rail Road Company, and particularly in pro curing boats and wagons, for the immediate des patch of merchandize, &c, toits place of des tination. Under this belief he offers htsr ser- vices to the public,' promising to devote his time and services to their best interests, and as suring them, that he will discharge the trust w men may be reposea in mm, with, care and fidelity. - - i The undersigned, in offering his services to the public, beirs leave ta inform them that h has, for the last two or three years, devoted his time in an extensive ship brokerage and com mission business in the town of Petersburg, and flatters himself, that the knowledge there ob tained in this branch of business, wilt enable him, to give satisfaction to those who may favor him. with their business. His charges will-be very moderate) merely sufficient to py for the time these duties will require at his hands. SAMf- W. PUGH. Gaston, 5th April, 1837, same will be taken pro confetto as to them, v0 tne prayer ot the Petitioner granted. t Witness, James M. Wiepins, Clerk ofos said Court , at Office, in Oxford, the fii-st Mn day in February, "A." D. 183T. -": ' ' Ms; M. WIGGINS, Cll. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA February Court, AVD. 8J7. Petition for Distribution - V iiiiam Dickerson, ea; Dennis T. Paschal! Adni'r of John Dickerwv Ii decdi, DebHck iCIopton and ; wife Nmcj Wm.,King and, wife Susan, John . Johnorj Jordan Johnson,7 and -Johnson, childrd i df Jesse Johnson and wife Elizabeth, Saraue f Shamel and wife Jenny, Britton Duke tn wife Sally, and Dudley P. Howze and Keziah. 1 ' n 1 z f ; I 1' i From the Ret. Dr. Easlburn. Rector nf th Church of the Ascension, NeYovk. Right Rev. and Dear?Sir-In renlV' i request, that I would stare to you rnV bniniort of the character and qualifications of MisRoT- tnat. trnm iHiimnmals ..l!.. . .... J , .u..u.v..,. atimiea lO;me, I ha been brought to Reconviction! than yley WOuS prove aninyaluabUs acqui.Uiori to any estabHsh- ... ------- iu wnicn.tiicy nuirht be placed. With bothof ihi-nL"!'1 quaintance is of a TexnrH The elder nf tHmihnui..... ...t.. .... .. . "e eiuer of mmvm 1.11,, HT11UIII VOU hHru bb . . - ..i.li:h. uh H s!!trjnar's Hall, i imve feS5Mff?8- !S or t icsnieci r sini rvK v . a i. " find .ri hernot.only Jdy of great accomplish' mentsfcitt onefittif dzbwh and; finement of herjinannera, and by her uL ostentafiouj but deep oned piety, to exert the great eelebrityfcat aifdi iir Englandy the' ad. vantages ofwhh kL..A Jt- , o . wyuK'T iJSfinwv nerrenec Iiiy kWj? u" th,is country; will" be properly appreciated by .11 who are acouainted wiiK i. new FOR the Cure of almost every variety offunc tional disorder of the Stomach. Itnurt. r: i oi il , . . t Mcr iiuu OPICCII 1 SUCH IS Heart huen . ' . . . - -v-lia crucjauons, nausea, neaa-acn, pain and disten nun oi me aiomacn aim Dowels, incipient di arrhea, colic, ftVitulence, habitual COstiVenes loss of appetite, sick head-ach, tea sickness, 1 8tc. tc. They are a safe and comfortable ape-! Mciiwor rcruaicsuuring fregnancy and 4sub sequentcoHfinement, relieving sickness at the aiumacn, neau acn, neart burn and many of the incidental nervous affections."' Literary men, oiuucuis bmu musi uiiier persons of sedentary nanus, nna inem very convenient. Those, who uiuuige ioo ireeiy in the pleasures of the Table. uuspeeuy reueiirom he sense of oppression and distention which follow, by takinjf the ins. as a jjiuner fill they are invaluable. Those who are drinking Mineral Waters and particularly those from Southern climates and Ague and Fever-districts, will find, them a val- uab.le Mdjiiqct,. Those who are exposed to the vicissitudes of weallieri on vovatres or iournevs. Cantake them at alt times with perfect Safety, lit full doses, they are a hiehty efficacious and safe Anti-Bilious Medicine. 'J'hey seldom or never produce sickness at the stomach or gr4- pmg... " ,- . ; ; . . ;3 . , v. ..Their efficacy, s strongly attested by CertTfi cates front the lollowlnfr gentlemen.1' viz ; Bish op Ives, Rev. Dr. McPheetersr Rev.-; Wi Freeman, Ktv. B.T-.44l4ke, Gov. Iredell, Hon. tienry Potter, Hoi U. Ju. liadger, Hon. Rich STATE OF NOUTH-CAROLINA. Nash County. In Equity. Henry Blount, vs. . Coleman Woodard and others. Petition for Partition & Sale of Real Estate rjJJT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court. tsaa umi jnre notKjaru ana Aaron Woodard, two of the Defendants in this case, are not ci tizens of this State : It Is therefore nrctereA jhat publication be made in the Raleigh Regfis- i- i . , iw auigwccaa in succession, to oroer that er. the said James and Aaron, may appear at, cur next Court to be held for the Cour.iv, of Nash. at the Court House in Nashville, on the third Monday in September next t then and there to plead, answer, or demur to the said Petition, Otherwise it wdl- betaken pro confesso aa tn them, and heard ex parte. v ; t . i ii iuich .uu mi. wii.c, jr. triers; and Mas ter of our said Court, at Office, the 3d Monday 1 II t. - A T J. t - , - . ii a. u. ioo. . 22 JNO. II. DRAKE, Jr. Q. M. E ,.. STATE CO? NORTH CAROLINA. . Northampton County. f . . . Court of Pleas and Qoarter Session; : c March Terro 1837. :t , v. Henry Wilkst. John D Amis; n Origjral Attachment levied bniAhd. :" ,Ar T appeaw rig to the satisfaetih of the dourt that Jplin D. 'Amis; the Defendant m this se, is not an inTiabitartt- of this' Sfaif.-i :o therefore ordered by the Court, that pubrication piwiiF ttaieigu itegister for x weeks. Rates of charges on most prominent articles j Tobac. merchandise, &c pr. hhd. 25 cts. Cotton, per bale, . 25 do Merchandise, per pack, 10 do Flour, per barrel, " 10 1 do Manufactured tobac. per box & keg, 63-4 do Salt, per sack, . 5 do ItEFJEItEtfCES. . ,er4arj'.-Chas. F.. Osborne, President, Petersburg I taw uoau company, Messrs, Row let t, Roper & Nobler L. E. Stainback, Son & Co., Panmll St; Lea, James M. McCullock k Co. Du"n, Mcllwaine &. Brown ley, Hurt, Patterson ik Wils, Holderby & McPheeters. Gaston.- W:W. Wilkins, Esq. Mecklenburg. Dr. Tignal Jones. Clarksville, PiLMessrs. A W. Ven'able & Co., J. L. Thomas, Esq. . iriiMvn, j.f, " a rariey, tieorsre W. Johnson & Co. ' ' ' - ' DanpSiV, fit. Geo. White. Tf DvTeai, ESqi, TT appearing' to the satisfaction of the Court, X that process has bean served upon the f Denms T Paschall, and that all the other Dei fendantJrreside beyond the jurisdiction of ib.J Court: Its therefore,, ordered, that -publio ; $Z tion be made! for. six -weeks successively in it' j u Raleigh Register, for the said defeiwlants u , appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarts ' Sessionir.to be held for the County of GraniUfr at tike Court House in Oxford, on the first H : day in May next, then and there to pleadi" ih'. swer or demur to said petition ; otherwise it' ri same will be taken pro cOufesto, and the vri)' t. aam.. A xu tne rcmioner grantea.' WRncss, James M Wiggins, Clerk of ok iard Court, at Office in Oxford, the first Mc r9ay in February, A; D. 1837: o f r . m w r sill Commission and For ward id? ri e 1 ' . 1 ... , f ------ 171 W. iVY.taT1tfe2s. nf h Firm . X5i e iriLLKlNGSU CO, having enter to copartnership with ROBERT CUELD thehusinesof. the old Firm will be conducts by them gutter Jhe Ftrm pf, , tvw WILlaJXIWGS BELDEN ; ; the same Store,, turner of Hay and r: t; r Maxwell Streets. f." They will pay personal attention to fbrwsrtlii. ; Goods to the interior of tire State, and recei Cotton and other produce onaiorage, andfi', effect sales dr ship as directed ' f Vr "JL ' i ard Hines, ThosP. Deverenx, Esq Pfofeisorl a.ot5in lhild - JohH femisip fapnear at Anderson. Wm. Hill, Esq. Secretary of State, if next. lerraot said Court to be held for the WntiS, MhoonEsqf late Treasurer 'Jas. r;rm. oamy orTorthampton,:at the Court HiseTii Esfl. late Comptroller, WR, Giiles, Esq. of e 'l'own of Jackson, on th(r first - Monday in r""" HcniJitiu mere loppieaa w issue, or judgment will be. entered up against, him pro mfetmoiw. the, Plaintiff s, cJaim, apd tlietod'. ley ted on condemued subject to the same.,,:. ; I i)V$ ness, W ilitani But torn, - Clerk of our said Cou rt.'at 0 fScethe first I onday ofMarch 1 837. tne, ifegister, capt.t'Uion, G(iion Hotel, Dr, R.t;.' Bond, Dr. E. Crosby, Dr. J. 'y. YOunb- Rev. r- -E. Hawks &c ; f Amnle rniMm. company each Boxv v -;4 .TUee PiUsare for sale, by appointmeptTin ! Me,7 wn in the United States, and Wholesale and fteaf r by the Subscribers, to whom ap plications tnay le made for Agencies. V 2?HAS UMP, Gen. Agent. Bl-tgh, N.C. t ; A. v - Af flvEe NASH fPetersburir. Viririnia. IvX being sole Agent for the sale of our Piano rortes, in the States of Virginia and North- Carolina, persons desirous of havinir Instru ments of our manufacture, can make application ; io. jum, as ue uas me exsiusive.rigut to sen in STODART? WORCESTER & DUNHAM4 NewVkorkJ.Iarthtl7ll837, Tj j 3i ;layetteville, ;Auig:'id;te5v LBS. of Goose FMthcrs.; are wm'J : ; by the Subscribers-' fcr which, if t&r Q and neTir. theywiU p,j Mtlie rite JotSQ "'IV er pttftdTr T.f - ; , . wAsTrr l Raleigh,-March 151837 & ' I n TiCOMMENCE my Spring, sales of tho above 4v.JWtf int Statesyirnu and nrlh.Cirolina. hv HAptirmr. n.o eJ- -rl" esiei llunhnmahufacutre oFPianaFoftes. II' belli?!;P?y isthr very best the-United Stsiaa- I . qna to tiiers, but.yiterally-i therv haL W" ' j - " . -..Cth anttlHs yerbesI evidence out in the assertion; arri r.rrrt;t-,t iK2Mi-i? I . ,J . Jl 2 . 1 L . ouuuuuvrceu, f f "I a lair mar wiirrany maKctor-makeT,iJfSr w - - m .is iii-? ; i Bought by H-escnoMFiReen CcsJ ' rwl Ja . a v. . f inr racroiyot tnese makeifvirigwithirtj erela.tJhaffNetise Rivet. shall now.be -nahll .k ,I..,i i -I ftn. nrt-..lJ''i I I OCTinces Of thSseTPiartBa ar r.Wrilar ant floht3l ill be triven fort he firsts named, cn : -p- . . - . . rr Oil Works or r., s -r....;.ii.rwi nuJ i t III. WW UVIW " li ,4. ahdtnhiehestMl ., pfrtcef for Flaxr Seed V al Tor the Caster iV ? 3? 3t - IWi o- & W l-W.'r,CLAB O ( r wee of the PresbyttfanJChurth, , FOR Jl Atjitl!0wM. . ji-t-'.j4.i'-WTr a riri t va en : W. H, MEAU' - -C3j Mveh at. if-I- Vir jar aif , ' " ' - -. Ralegh. Feb. 17, 's!U.