i? iw"3Sy aivce. 5 'fit- T .man ismc&nsfi'iiaffi i '?UBps'UEi EVERY MONDAY T E,m Doti8 pertnnum-onei half in advance Those who do not,elthefat the time of subscribing or ubseqttenUy,give noticeof theu wish to have the Paper discontinued at the expiration of the , ywaibepresuraedasdenringitscontinuance until countermanded. EJTIEJXTS. Note acceding nxteefi Knit, will lie charged One collar xorthe find insertion: and twentT-fiTeets for each subsequent pubUcaUom those of griatef length in proportion, j If ;the number of inser tions be not marked on them,they will be contin ued until orJered out, and charged accordine- Conax ADYKHTistMiKTs, and Sheriffs' Sales wiH be charged 25 per cent, higher than the usual . rates. A deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made to those who advertise by the year. SHOPPING. 1 From The Young Ladiet Friend:1 iPoliteness is very essential to the right transaction of that great business of wo man' life, shoppings ,The variety afford ed by the shops of a city renders people difficult to please, and the latitude they take in examining and asking the price of goons wmcn tney nave no thought of buy ing, is so trying to the patience of those who attend upon them; that nothing but the most perfect courtesy of demeanor can reconcile them to it, and then it is hard enough to bear. Shopping in the country is quite a different thing ; it is a serious business, despatched with all con venient speed, at the end of a long ride or walk, and, if the country store does not possess what you want, you must -take what you can get 5 and make the best of it. Instead of being assiduously waited upon and pressed to buy, you can hardly get the busy owner's eye or ear, or find out the articles you really wish to purchase ; the customers on a fine day are so numerous, and, the attendance . so canty, liiere is vcrT-fittiepieaiurel in such shopping i and very few of the temptations which belong to what passes under this name In a city, where it is of ten A favorite pastime of young ladies.- It furnishes an excuse in their opinions, for enfrrinc all the finest shops, & look ing! at all sorts cf pretty things; They ti rnntniipnr.e. which thev fancv they derive from bein the purchasefof some article, which is to theni a reat affair, and to which they attach so mucu imnnrfonr. thpv will Knend hours. .nrl wulk miU. tfet anarticularshadisllaush aloud, but despatch jour business qfxolor, or the precise form and texture, in a quiet and polite manner, equally re- nn wViVi ttistr iiaft amt itifkip Kanrfa Tnnlmoved from haushtiness and familiarity. much time, and too many thoughts are often lavished, in this way, on trifles; and the truly conscientious -would do well to set bounds to their fancy in this .k ..,-tf hAir .arir. mm I a I ;ri no one had an rights, or any leeiings, . - . but the purchasers : as it the sellers o goods were mere automatons, t behind fhe counter todo rbiddtey Keep inem waiuug, wuuay mibj v other things with a ..friend ; they call for arious goods, ask i the price, and try to . w.. .i i Zni-r..rm ui any rem mumiuu and after giving him all this trouble, she ill refuse to purchase it without any scruple or apology Some think they have a right to exchange articles at . the place where they were bought ;; whereas, that Drivilese should be asked as a favor; i w w --r- -,i 4:.u : : bothor t o tw Wnpca vof nn vn. mo,n n ess Drocrenv. 2L"SS? "fSWZ ' rZLIlhicZ tell me, M r. Sveller, that i saw nothing Sa feh Hd the .WckA.; ,uch t. ur a ucu, mi uuuiisi nwuuu, j v.- fe i ------- -- - . . riL . u .r i. i-:.-x!a-ifc. inmni This uihi wnrt tni77.ii. in.in h t Wrtpre., .nd tun C Te a the" defftou wjet Cit oV'the feWow who gotfuU fox and in eacli, and take up the time, and try ;tf have heard described by the witnesses?" geese over the river without the former the patience nf twenty people, think how P. -Certainly not," replied Sam, -I was using op the latter. The chrtkehs hardly dispropprtioned is the trouble you give, Ja" in the parage till they called me up, and tad the' egg shells off the! heads, and ..to the-want m question. ... PJ then the oldlady was not there." F though a young gosling wilf run down to Some persons behave in shopping as if and a person possessed ot them will al- it atoni. Mr. Woiia, sP. k, wtPrl-draW.nr the e& after him as shaman iham wunnii hti v tkzli iiiicuiiwu j -- . . r pa nsva a rvair or pvps i-pni ipn ih nna tor to ir i n rr 5i innrv tr nin of buying. A lady who wants decision of thing in a calm and dignihed manner, Sam, and that's just it If they was a pair bor A's. hen, marshalled Ihe chirping character, after hesitating and debating you better not venture oat without the Q, douDie miUion inagnifyin' gas troops to her coop, the mystery was evol- till the trader's patience is almost exhaus- protection of your mother, or some elder- raicr0scopes of hextra power p'raps I might yed by an eye witness of the rape. It ted, will beg hira to send the article to ly friend. ' be able to see through a flight o' stairs and Appears that a cunning Iittledog, belong- hpr hnnse tor her to examine it there ; sss -& a deal door; but bein' only eyes, you see, in? to A. was the ffo-betweln on the oc 1 v ivhn vnn are a eood customer, andland Messrs. Dodson & Fogg, counsel for plaintiff; then but rarely. For the sake ol Duying SLo dress,'! some girls will run through all theory goodsstores ey - tiimMinir nver a counter full of nrintpr! onnds in each ; asking for pat terns at every place, and yet hot making a.:. Am n hnv Aither. ( Thev are .I kt ,u veiritv thev cannot uii Liicii aaa iiiub a,v w r mm - : i I- J 9 CnOOSe ' -. , . Now wVriiditnGibe Tsr.bettec Ltoon tine vourself to two or three stores wnwe. pronouncea ana jpmb "p I nne yourseu w v .. . - ta Mn'. vl6.n.i k; Vrma nn tiie rail. toofca brrd'&i vbu are Known, anu W"" JW uponat Mio. nu . I I aa 4 vnov. flnwc DHionejpricc . .v - v: VW,"?1 iKiwSi ces, and 6 persons who: know you, you can with abetter grace alio tv thsra somt - ivi unuug .,4w . . . - I At t vJ i I 1 ravmer inousroi. laai vuu, air," re iC if m h tntfpr nf Knorial I -csiaoiisnmeni o beat down in their prices, ior sucu Pc. uic - .. rried 'thatlnlied Sams and at this the soectators ioVSth'- -hUk wi -. Office. The office is sons alwavs ben with asking as mucin -oam tu, v ui:'-'x". ' sXZZS???? the Kst. wM,,.,.in; .J r-.1nbtdtneJadiEe.''' "'e UIKaDout thu trial, en, Mr. runabout robbing hen-coops for her grat- "J person, desirou. quite decided on the rW,IF. . .v.. ..X ..J f.n. Wellerr" said Serseant Buztuz, look- I tifiVlan. wi .uhmin P.S,I.'. .lin. iwm it offer, indocem. prefer, Mkms patterB or :"Arrah, honeri and wasn't' he Vtched 5?"l t T UU1 uciauK w vv- r I ., - . I i. T .lla I Mt a TIIL'intr m nnnr YflR I rill. riOUCU lh. n,o .IMiar j k.p n In. k - .u.r n. . ,1. . 1 thing to wait upon, jou ihpvalri but, l' whepyou have given stranger! Iinuch trod- a ble in showing you goods; noe of which JUit you, you should make it a point of buying something else'before? you leave thif- Jtore fhere are, certain articles which can never rnm miic tk and in which there fippH h'rv lUtlol choicersuch as tipe, thread, pins, &c Any little purchase, with a civil expres- sion of regretfbr the trouble You have given, will save alt unpleasant feeling, and is the best return you can make-, for attentive who attend tihbft ?cs from onenine more I parcels of goods'than is necessary 5 you will also be careful how you handle nice goods, and will not tumble them over carelessly ; you will not try on gloves without asking leave to do so, nor then, without great care not to injure those you reject. Be in the habit of calculating lor your self the amount you are to pay, instead of blindly paying whatever you are told is the sum duej always look at the change you receive, and satisfy yourself it is right; before you put it into your purse. If two persons agree in their calculations, it is most likely they are correct ; but wunouT. mis cnecK, you may pay more or less than vou owe : for tenders in shoos r. . i i j ii 1 Jitl Wnder ?na .a dol,ar ?,v.in it Vn X -rJ J 1 7 5 J mg it in chanty. 1 1 cannot imagine any one of a cultiua - ted mind, and lull of useful occupation, .LittleJ fi:d0f and ,cnty to t j s . with a just apprehension of the yalue of se ? said Sergeant htxzdx, with jocli time, and of the true end of existence, ar;tv k: r i r t : . V uc.ug iuuu ui Mioppiug as a paaunic, iu sucn, mereiore, l wouiusay,u you wouia a m m mm --. w m M economize time and money, never go & Shopping with gins ui your age ; never iouk rouuu a Siure XO see WIUl mere is iu Lcmpi, ju u uscicss cjpciiunuie , uui, when you have ascertained, at home, that you really need some article ot dress, make up your mind as to the material auu me tusi, anu iiirn gu ciuici aiuuc i witn an expenenceu iriena, to a wen known store and make the purchase. If you afterwards see something that you like better, it will not trouble you. if you havelearneirTloT to-' attach much imnof - tance to the subject, and would rather wear something less becoming, than spend your time in an me stores tor me pret- tiest pattern. Always remember that a store is a! puuiic piace; mac you are spea King De- fore, and often to, strangers, and, there- ivir, lucre suuuiu ue a certain uegree oi reserve in all you do and sayj never car- ry on any conversation with your com- panions on topics that have nothing to do w!h vnur ahnnnin?. and do not sneak or . v . rio' . . .f . Sometimes, in pressing you to buy their goods, your shopkeepers will become too talkative and familiar; silence and sen- ousness are the best checks to this 5 and it should alwavs be met bv calm self- nossessinn. If vou have ffood manners wva 4 VI!",a y f " .; Ifasl.g ht impe rtinen Z"JFl -" i ; r: ... r , , . uneny win qe oorne, anu, mereioie, u you cannoi so iar commanu your uervca i nnd vi p iPfiinvt sn xs in inp.fi sucn -.. j."" --o- - . - , PUMPING A WITNESS. BREACH OP PROMISE CASE. BaxdiU. vs. Pickwjcx. , 9 in tne ncxwica paoera vuc ax. uuxuo.ub 4C- port of the trial of the above case, sergeant uuztuz l x al. ...MMMAnM I nulr a utiv aw w - wtiv-aa ou iva aw I r w v - no and sergeant onuoran lor aeienuauu uujuui.lsn. Airer a snori consultation wun uou- the examination of Sam Weller by plaintiff's conn- son and Fogg, the. learned Sergeant again Isei.. i . I coont Rii7fii7. nnw rose with importance than he naayeiexniDitea, 11 mas were possible, and vociferated -'call Sarn'!. Weller." J Y i 11 ivi t w n'nitP unnecessary to call Samuel I - - - r 1 1 - A . 1 1 -I HWiWi uuiuuv. I I - - Mj into the box tne lnsiam i name r - e; "f.r" with a; iremarkable I alfll VIPW 111 IIIP 1111 illlU U. IT! i ..4.-K..I. WtaK rour name, sir ? enquired once or twice in 1 with a V. . t f nnmr o-pntleman. uikicu ogaiiM - uiuii so uncommon a snare ui anecuoo or i.nhiv iarp inH -th mv iiie "h i o 9 , . . . Here a voice in the'talfery excrlaimed 1 nm "Quite, right Samivef? quite right.- Put it down aVe, my lord : put it down a we." i ' " Who is that that dares to address the ITahpr ' : -2 ' :3 or nn "Yes, my lord." y ' . v, " Bring tfiat person here ihstantly.,, ' ' Yes, my lord.,, - - put as the usher dtd'nt find the pei-son, he did'nt brjng him 5 and , - after a great soon aa his indignation would allow him To speak, and saiu "Do you know, who that was, sir?"; " I rayther suspect it was my father jtny lord," replied Sam. Do you see him here, now i" said the Judge. "No I don't, my lord," replied Sam, staring right up into the lan.tr. n in the roof 01 the Uourt. "t "If you codd have pointed him out, I would have committed him instantly," said the Judge. Sam bowed his acknowledg ments, and turned with unimpaired cheer fulness of countenance, towards Sergeant Buzfuz. "Now sir," replied Sam. I believe you are in the service of Mr. .TV. ,c V u' iickwick, me ueienaant in Speak up! if you please, Mr. tins case. Weller." 1 mean speak up sir," replied Sam, am in th gerrv. wS.nlm.nJ n,i a W1,rir cot.- :. ' . Uc enoucn to M the - m m n w m S0Idier said, ven thev ortlPrA4l him thrp hundred and fifty lashes, replied Sam. You must not tell us what the soldier, nr unv ndprman said !! nfiPnn ho i juuge, it 's not evttience. 7.t Wery good, my lord," replied Sam. tt n0 vou recollect anv thino- narticular happening on the morning when you were nrst engagea Dy me ueienaant, en, mv. Weller f" said Sergeant Buzfuz. Yes I do, Sir," replied Sam. "Have the goodness to tell the jury what it wasr" l , "1 nad rec'lar new tit nuro tlotfres I that mornin. een'l'men of the iurv.' said Sam, uand that was a wery particklei and uncommon circumstance wun me in ciose days." Hereupon there was a general latgh j ana tne mtie juuge, loosing witn afgry countenance, over his desk, said, "ixou nau ueiicr ue. careiui, sir." ( "So Mr. Pickwick said at the time, my Lord," replied Sam, "and I was very careful o' that 'ere suit 6' clothes Uery I careful, indeed, mv lord '' ' The Judge look sternly at Sam forfull i . ' . -j two minutes, but Sam's features were so I perfectly calm and serene that he said nothing, and motioned Sergeant Buzfuz to Fceed. Do you mean to tell me, Mr. VVeller," said Sergeant Buzfuz folding ;lus arms em- Pati call y, and turning half rouud to the Uury as it in mute assurance that he would gcant Buzfuz, dipping a laree nen into the inkstand before limr for the purpose of frightening Sam, with a showof taking doln his f nswerl "You were in the pas? ...i sage, ana yet saw notning oi what was - forward Have you a pair of eyes, Mr. Weller ? ii ..it v, i ies, i nave a pair oi eyes," repneo my wision's limited." At this answer, which was delivered without the slightest appearance ot irrita- tion and with the most comnletesimniici- - I - - - a - : ty ana auan,mity Ot manner, the SPeCta- tor8 tittered, the little Judge smiled, and -f m ml ' M I Sergeant Buzfuz looked particularly fool- lliirnad tnni.vflo Si a m ann nn . with o I nainTnl AflTof tn nnnr.ol a v.tiitn i.Uf.aiua ...... mnrpiuaiuiui cui i. iu im k,u. t .mis ivahiiuiii -wW on another point, if you nlease." lf you please, sir," rejoined Sara, . . . w . - - I with the utmost good humor. I ifcl lrv .nn MAmon.Kai. Minn (in 4 1 VI PO i , ..r i - Li vr i 9 ""n. 40h yes, very well." - I t4nu' JA -mwr ht. Mr. " I v J "- - IF t Weller, .aid Sergeant Bwfi.,' eW erine hii sd rit. ! Uioucht we (houia get it ..me.hing at. ...t I Sam. ludid eeta talkins about the lid Sergent Buzfuz brightening a-sj y up with mticipation of some .important discover. "Now what passed about the tria will you have the goodness to tell us , r. Weller." Vid all the pleasure in life, sir,5' re- pjliedim. "Arte r a few unimportant opserwjtions from two wirtuous females as hs ljeexin4dere Indies lets Jhtoa1 ad n iratip at the honorable conduct n' Mr. I odsdt and Fogg, who looked as virtuous !$ pible.vT ' ' . The attornies for the' plaintiff," said yi'J Sergeant BirfMsr--MwlL they spoke inl high praise of the honorable conduct of Messrs Dodson and Fog? 'the attor njes for the plaintiff, did they?" Yes," said Sam, "they said what a very generous thing it was o' them to ve taken up the case on spec, and to charge nothing at all for costs, unless hey got them out o' Mr. Pickwick." J At this very unexpected ! replr, .the spectators tittered again, and Dodson and rogg, turnins very red, leant over o Sergeant Buzfuz, and in a hurried manner whispered somethingin his ear. "You are quite right," said Sergeant Buzfuz aloud with affected! cornnnsu re. 'jilt's perfectly useless, rnv Ibrd, attemp ting to get any evidence through the im penetrable stupidity of this witness.- I will not trouble the court by asking him any more questions. Stand down sir!' "Would any other gen'I'man like to ask me any thin'?" inquired Sami, taking up his bat and looking rounq mostdehb erately. Not I, Mr. Weller, thank you, said Sergeant Snubbin, laughing. I 4You may go down, sir," said Sergean Buzfuz waving his hand impatiently. Sami went down accordingly, after doing Mesrs. Dodson & Fogg's case as much Harm as he conveniently could, .and-saying just as kittle respecting Mr. Pick wick as might be. which was precisely the object he had in view all along. Canine Sagacity, A somewhat singular nd amusing instance of-Cauine sagacity or roguery came under observation this 'Week. An individual who hid Just placed one oi ins liens wun ner oroqu or young chickens in a coop, found Miss Biddy the next day cackling most pitebusly alone in her prison nouse, minus herj whole family if iitfle 'pee-wecters." They were a mong the misi; could'not befound. Now as they were all promising capdi jlates for Ihe spit, this vas vexatious enough, and threatened to I make a very Serious inroad upon the promised supplies Of the Thanksgiving table.i "Cut-e-cut- law-cut" said the old hen flapping about nthecoopi The old rooster strutted by quite crest-fallen and sympathized most auuiDiv wun me ureaveu cauuvc. n soon appeared, upon inquiry, ; that neigh bor A's. hen, cooped up at some dis'auce over the way, had the chickens under her wing, cosily nestled with pier-own tail- 13UC now iiBine name ui It n were, but a similar caper, and tralel an eighth f a mile to another hen's effop. Just as one old lady had arranged .tectacles, ana proven to a demonstration tnai it Was "natural for a Cockerel to be a go between in such cases" and Iherefbre that in, ti neishbor k m p'8. coop, and, after surveying the pre I ' S ' " km mises, seize a chicken by tlfe "napeof the IaL- "oUn ;tin, hie mnnili nnrl mmla i iivvivt viuli iaia ,w hiumim mw iv ,fT for th iph rnnn nf hi master. Thk If w r W -mm r v mr mm m v mmm mm, mm m, -mm-m m- mmt mm m w he did a great number of I times untill the whole family were snugly removed. It was evidently the rogue's determ nat on hat no one but his own master should I rnise CIllCKeil8. ID HIS WIT irum One COOn I I T t- .1 I a 1 i t Ito the other he had to encounter a close fence. His manner of procedure was to drop his prey at the sidefofthe fence i j a ar I Stretch out his paw, and gently thrust the chicken under to theMher side, and then I a .S - dm ,m i f a makinsrtne nest oi his way over, taice up the chicken asain in his mouth and pro- 1 i -.' a r .,-. Is- " : f ;eeu 10 me enu oi nis journey maaing ;uch arrangements for th reception of Ai'smm, iJ- . :u frut- i:4i" WMU.fc.VUW. U.M.W.9 ...W Hi .MW.,.T 3UH,u.r.iiR(.5 imsnucuuuc. ams nine fellow deserved immortality, and we re gret we cannot give his name to the pub erVClaremon. Eagle- "Oh, if nnnr rniinw mar si rn PKpn win a . li il i I ? ;! I I casion. He was seen to ci to STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. jt5ranviUe County; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions; May Term, A. D. 18371 Willis Johnson and Dennis T. P archill and Isaiah M; PaschaU. Against Anderson Paschall Administrator of Sonthem Higgs dec. and Willis Higgs. Petition for division of Negroes. i - 1 -. , ' aT appearing to the satisfaction o! the Cottrt, that Willis Higgs one of the defendants in the case; resides beyond the limits of this State: It is there fore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks successively in the Raleigh Register, for the said Willis Higgs to be and appear before the next court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of GrMville, at the Court house in Oxford, I on (1m fiwt Momgrf -tf mi ti ihainrAihiiTBlr: to plead, answer or demur to said: petiUon, otner wise the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to him. Witness, James M.. Wiggins, Clerkaaf the said court, at office, the first Monday in May, A. D; 837. JAS. M. WIGGINS, Clk. Pr. Adv. $5,62$. TJUMjOU. TTAVrNG recently established himself in the JjL City of Raleigh, respectfully informs ti citizens tlierot and the adjacent Country, tbat he is now prepared to execute with neatness, taste and dispatch, every order in his line and assures the Public, that from many years expe rience arid his assiduous attention to -business. he is fully persuaded that be will give' general satisfaction to ail who may please to favor him wita their enstom. His pr ces shall be mode rate, considering the general pressure of the times. His Shop is one door below Mr. John G. Marthair on Fayetteville Street. Raleigh, May 6, 1837. 26 8w RALEIGH ACADEMY. fllHK Summer Session will commence on Monday, the 24th July, 1837. ROUT. G. ALLISON. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session?, May Term 1837. Paul Mollan Si Co. Attachment levied on the j Stock of Goods at Kbles- I I ville in tbe charge of John V L.Terrill. Also on lots No. .vj. ii on . oi : - ii,. 't-... Kolesville, & summoned J L- Terrill, David Gill and Edward S. Brooks. David Justice as garnwhee IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant Edwards S. Brooks is be yond the limits, of this Slate. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for. six successive weeks, notifying said defendant personally to be and appear be fore the Justices of our next Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for Wake County at the Court bouse in Raiogh on trie :. third Monday in August next, then and there lo replevy or plead to issue, or the property levied on will be condemned to1 Plaintiffs' recovery. Witness Alfred Williams, Clerk of said Court &t Office, the 3d Monday in May, A. D. 1 ALFRED WILLIAMS, 1837. c. c. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term 1837. Dunn, Mcllwaine and Brownly, J2 gainst EdwardS. Brooks. Attachment levied on the stuck of Goods at Rolesville in the charge of John L. Terrill. j the Court house in Greenville, on the first lon Also on lots No. 11, 29 & 31 in the Town of day in August next, then and there to plead or Koiesviue, nna summoneu woun x. icrrm, David Gill and David Justice as garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant Edward S. Brooks is be- yond the limits of this State. It is therefore or dered that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for six successive weeks, notifying said defendant personally to be and appear before the Justices of our next Court' of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Wake at the Court house m Raie.gh on the 3d Witness, Alfred Williams, Clerk of said Court at Office, the 3d Monday in May, A. D. 1837. ALFRED WILLIAMS C. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Pitt County. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1837. Jesse Barnbill, wife and others, -Against Margaret Knox and others. Petition for sale of Slaves. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, X that Henry Kin saul and wife Nancy, defend- ants in this case, ate not inhabitants of this State; It is ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, that the said defendants appear at the next Court of Pleasnd :,r 7 l; t Avr trvrwZl K! I . -O . . I - .in . a. . . t I nnH. inswM nr rfmnr'nT liirifrmnt Am en fcso will be entered against them. Witness, Archibald Parker, Clerk of said Court.at Office in Greenville, the 1st Monday of j May, 1837. ARCHIBALD PABKEB, Clk. Pr. Adv.$5 62$ .j . .Establishment of the SO URJV.IX, O F F I C JE, FOR SALE. 1 1 lw w me iaie removal oi one oi me I ,fTrt a a 1 1 . , m m 1 a E1itnl .nrlth wUh ,fth nthr tn Antm- - himself more exclusively to the duties of his - profession, the undersigned offer for sale, the f the North Carolina Jcrartwll well foundln Job of Subscribers is doubt not might a little exertion.!; of embarking in the b usi - ents not inferior 'to any in practical Printer they knaw 1J - - ..! uiti nue oi ws money more profitable return. II YB ART Cc STRANGE. Pay ettevi1Iei30lh Slay, 183r. I IHA VE sold out 75 Barrels on hand inAprl last ; and another load &LicV Think could probably 1 sell two or three loads more than I have now engag ed, it good and made fresh from god old What, at $7 50. i -. : ' n ' ' 1 " ' WILLPECK, Agent, &c STATE OPWOUTit CAROLINA. Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term Ai U. 1837 K Archibald Davis and wife7 ftebeccs Thomas H. Willie, Assignee of Susan A. Higgf and WT 1 . wwm -w ,k i t nee of Calvin Higgs t Dennis T.Paschatl and v uuuboii mgga ; uennis i i rascuaii, asig- laaih Pachal. ;Assignee of Wari-enj Fai nam wun wuc roiiyj ana. tweneim ti. niggs, and Seibart J. Higgs, Infants 'under the age of twenty-one y ears, who sue by their Guar dian, the said Thomas H. Willie ; i . Against And'ersoh Paschall, Administrator of 8pulhern Higgs, dee'd, Leonard Higgs; Green Stanton and wife Mary, Casandra White, Southern J. Higgs, Allen Higgs, Calvin Higgs. Susah A. Higgs Woodson Hjrgs, Elly HiggsJ the Heirs of John Higgs (son of John), Alfred . Higgs, William Higgs, Kenelin White and wife Betsey, Willis Johnson and wife Polly, ' Nahcy Thdrtiasson, Willis Higgs, Warner ; Parharh and wife Polly, and fianiel Johnson and the Representatives of Eliiabeth hn- i son, dee'd ! ! Petition for Settlement and Distribution. i - ; wi mmm i T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court I , that the Defendants, Casandra White,; Cal vin Higgs Uy Higgs, the Heirs of John Higgs (son of Jonn), Alfred-uurgs William Higgs, Kenelm White and wile Betsey, Will is John son and wife. Polly, Nancy Thomassoh, Willis Higgs, Warner Parham and wife Polly j and Uamel jonnsbn and tbe Representatives of E lizabeth Johnson, dee'd. reside beyond the li- mits of this State: It is therefore,, ordered, tba:t publication be made for six weeks successive- ly, m the Raleigh Register, for the said Defer!. , dants to be and appear before the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Granville, it the Court Ho Qse in Oxford, on the first Monday in August inext then and there to plead, answer or deniur to , said petition, otherwise the same will be pro confesso and heard ex parte as to them Witness, James M. Wiggins Clerk of tQe sad Court, at office, the first Mottday in Hay A. D. 1837. JX'S. M. WIGGINS Clirk. Pr. Adv't.$8. i o N the evenings of ihe lth and 1 2th of July next, there will be s B A L L at Sbocco Springs.- . Shocco Springs, June 16, 1837. i Cj Those papers which recently published the Advertisement relative to Shocco Springs, will insert the foregoing four ime and charge the Proprietor. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Pitt County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1837. Ricliard Carney w. i Mercer D. Wilson. , Original attachment levied on Lands. TT appearing to the satisfaction of . tbe Court, that tlie defendant in this case is not in in habitant of this Stale It ii ordered that pub. lication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Register, for the aikt defendant to ap pear at the next Court ,4f Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be leli to b-Cutv rf Pitt, nt replevy, or juuffmentwo eonjeiso will be enter ed against him, and the property levied onl con demned, subject to the Plaintiffs recovery. Witness Archibald Parker, Clerk of' said Court, at Office in Greenville, the 1st Monday ofMay, 1837. ARCHIBALD PARKER, Clk. Pr. Adv. $5 62 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Wake County ! 1 Court of Equity Spring Term, A. D. 18371 John S. Charles, Sam'b Nichols and wif)c, Jrtunti Mary s. ana iucas ti. vnaries, iniantx Petition to sell Land. TN pursuance of an Order of the Court of E- X quity, made in the above named casej tbe Subscriber will proceed to sell,, at the tywrt House door in the City of Raleieh. on the 2lt day' of August next (it being Monday of Wake i County Court) , ? . t ! A Tract of L and, situate, lying and being in the County of Wake aforesaid, , on Hre Snipe Creek, containing 1491 Acres, purchased by John W. Charles of J no. and James Kimbroagh. j - Also, another TRACT, containing 100 Acres, adjoining the Tract aforesaid, purchased by 1 said Charles of P. M. Duffy and Henry Duffy. The terms of sale, as prescribed by the Or jder,are, a credit of one year. On half the pur r", , tSF54: w m bc oy uona wun approvea arcunnes. . j GEO. VT. HAYWOOD, C M. B. 00 Standard, 6 weeks. ,', , : 32 STATE OF NOUTH CAROLINA' , Wake County. .. s Court of Equity, Spring Term, A. D. t$3r . Richard Liles,' John S. Holland, Fielding Beaaley and Weston y-- '.-' ., UJB 6alesvw4"r ) , Original Bill filedlo establish and confirm the Will of Frances Beasley, deceased, and to i , carry into effect the pever 'executed by her i . according-to marriage contract with her huS. band Fjelding Beasley ; . . k T appearing to tne aatjnctiaoXthc Cort, I that John S- Holland, one of the Defendap named in tbe Bill, is not an iobabitsnt of this and! State : It Is therefore ordered, tbat publication to - 1 be made for six weeks in the Balcito Rerister. be J that the said John S. Hollanddo appear at ihev To I next Court of Equity to beheld for the Counly 1 aforesaid, at the Court House i n the City fRa- j I leigh on the first Monday after the itVlton- I day of September" next, to plead, ansarar :r , 1 J . r J .t it. :t1 i aeraur iv asKi jjiii, nacnriK iicm uwni I ex parte as to him and judgment will be render-' I ed pro confesso. GEO. W. HAYWOOD, C. If. E,