- T " i "i Sfi " r 1 1 i ii i i TTT T ' -V - - n.. i fit it if.-" -' ' im it $1; . . - V Z i- -.' i i v. ! fir : ! f - I 5 4 i -:t;-v r . -a - rVriUsnmi m lady in a deep decline, to htr.infa nt ' nine momns em. . , , Sweet babe! you amile ' unc'ohcious in my armfj Of all the fears which my fond1 heart alarms; Thy ttl hands fast wipe my tears away i Vou sewn fifrsay,be cheerf ul, O be gay. : ' - ' f--: i '".. -i" Ahl levslj infant, little.dosf though khow - Thy' mother' agony fbAr gner, her woe ; Her hetuw of care, her many restless nights, The thousand terrortfthat her saui affrights. You little know the ills that' round fm "waft. And sesm to threat yttur young, yourhelplels state Misfortune o'er the waves heft baleful wand, And " glaomrclduds of sorrow Jower round. Pjpeaeefiil thy father rests In death's dark tomb, And oo thy Wother too must meet her doom ; Soon pa myjpalHd cheek the worm will feed, And the rank-grass wave. cheerless round my. head, . ' " ' : : --. i I - I Who, then, toy child , will guide thy tender years, And gently lead thee through' this vale or tears? From peiurjr and want who will thee s are,' Whsa beth thy parents sleep in death'cold grave! '.' ."' . r"i ' ,: - . . Fatal, perhaps, thy opening charms may prove, Thy eheeks, soft crimson, and mild eye of lovs, When thou no friend has to protect tby youth, To teach thee spdtleas innocence and! truth. Thoughts with mild emotions throb my breast, And deep despair deprives .'my soul oi rest, !( These thoughts, O death! add horror to thy dart, And thrills with anguish keen, a mqther's heart Religion come, and cheer affliction's hoar, Ah, 1st my bleediqg-bosom feel tbj& power; . Teach; me 'resigu'd, to view approaching death, adeaW without regret to Leaven my breath. ' i " - - ' -. My God! ibough this frail form will sink irf dust Still in tiy arm ail powerful iH I trust; I Thou art the orphan's shield, the widows's stay, And thou my babe, will guide in.yirtuous way. t ; j Love Contradictions. Love is a, phantom who says it is not 1 , . Love is a drejm and is easily forgot; ' -Love is fancy, a vision a-cloud, That changes the moment 'tis spoken, aloud. Lovd is a spell who can sever its power, 1 Orteaoff in Jears the regrets of an hourl Lore Is all falsehood -who'll venture its test . Lot is all truth, as a husband knows best. Ltove ia all gratitude rwho can deny ill. Ove is. ungrateful- who doubt it may try it. Love, is all feeling rits power attempt, Love unfeeling from fondness exempt ! -$ Love is augoodnesa: love is all wo . ?H,Love is all groundless' that's grounded below; KLoye if all sweftness lovs is all evil Lbve ji t godand lovs is the devil ! LITCHFORD $ OLIVER, Merchant Tailort, Four doors South of Williams Haywood, FATSTiTttia -8thsst, Rai.si.sb, N. C. 1 V ARE NO W RE CEJVINQ v r . A Splendid Supply of nrnxno akd durnmm goods, ' JBmbraoiug evsry thing in general nse. (ZTEHE8B GOODS havs bea selected by the ju- baa e. rarinsr h ibu concern, in person, and can be eanfldent! recosamsnded to their frienJs snd customers, as the best aasortmeat of Goods in their line, evsr opened in Nerth Oarolinsu Their CUtht onstst of ooa !lHas-6f every eelbvr and qu&It tyand are warranted not U fads in rearing. They deem it ujanscary .to say anything more ha com mendation of their Goods, Vt onlv reousst those. who want occular demonstration, to give them a call. The following are a part, via ft Ann U fil m 'f Apple Olive -1 -Olivs fjrsssi Wooldved Rifl" dor ' . yrAwuc Dthlia ' j Roman Parpls, sad j London 8moke Brown J - Drapltm Mupit Blaek and Oreaa A ntw mr- 'tielt fit Sum mer vsalf. Super Blue and Blaek " Steel Mixed ' " ; Sage . ; j Single- 4 dmi 1 US milled VCadineres ';' (i , iDrab, and various ether " ' Colours : For Spring -PanimUoni. London Shrank Satin. Striped .' ' ' :i Plaid " Ttalllln.. f Fur Pomu. Whits Ribbed,' and other j Summer Cambists, a&d : French Bombazines Blaek and Greene. " ; London MarsailUa, Figatod ; Plainr ' r;.,.A.i qui. 1UUIVII Jl.lm. Veitings. Sattiaand 'f I Cashmeret J And inany other things use! ess to mention -.a together with a; general Assortment oi Ileadv inade CloiMner. Linen and j CottqnJShiriaj Merino Shirts, V and drawers Sili:undB9 ' - Shirts, Tennani sea- lebrated Stocks, . : . Suspenders, Andt in fact, et ery thing found in anj si mtlar Establishment in the Union. These Goods will be sold on acsomodfdng terms, , and ntadtf up to brdeiA .a superior style. " We have in our employ first-rate Jforthein Workmen, and will warrant vy thing wa aninttfaetqre, to vie with Chat of ant Tsilora,' North or South of the LITCHFORD & OLIVER now return thanks t o the publie for. former tupport, promising zealous ly to'enaeavomr meridog its continuance. . : ' -: ' AU prdeiivfitpa distance wdl meeg with prompt attention . ; WCHFORD &. OLIVER. WATER 'ILii be kept eo iretantlr prepared tbronTi STEl 8WMi DRUG WttLtAMa 4 HAT WOOD. May 201887, '"1 Uf I ...... , i i n i .i i , -V Ti AVE jusfTeceir ll nortme'ntof r -Among which art Blue, Black; Gre'eh and Bowh :MEK1NQS nons, Blue,iBinck, Green and' BroWn, Flam and Drilled Crape GAMBLE! S, Blue. Black. Drah and Grey single milled CASSlMKRES'lindCASHMKH' Bown Linen dfrXWnS et? Brown and AVhUlgn, lobbed and Striked Linen DRILLS, ' . Marseillet, rakncia, . Blck Sdlc and Silk Velvet VESTIJSJG " A new and beautiful assortment qf Printed' Frencn C AMBICS;MUSLIN9 &1-A WNS of the latest style akd patterns, LIONAISE, a new and handsome article for Ladies? dresses, r ; BUck, Goloured.andPrinted CHALLYS and PAUAMATTOES, Grass arnd CoKled KIHT, - GrsssleevetfFtS,' ! - ' v Checked, Striped and Printed GINGHAMS, Plain and Embroidered Thread Cambric HANDKEKCIJIEFS, Qlaiivand F'gured, ThU &, Bohinet LACKS, Thread Muslin and "Babinet UNSERTIGNS andl.ACks, ; Mrs. Parker's superior CORS MTS, &c. Ste. Their assortment comprises every article usu ally -kept in a Southern retail establishment, and having been selected with great care as to atyle and quality, and bought during the time of the greatest pressure in the Northern Cities, they flatier t'hemselveshey wiltbe found to be quite as handsome and cheap asatiy in the mar feet.They h ve reduced tieir prices on many artrcles, particularly 'Stlk d. Muslins.and will continue to"' sell every article at their usually low prices ' Raleigh, May 27 1837. . - - 29 ' Give the article a trial and It will speak Tor itself I HATE sent U Messrs.; TcBktn & Hcrsnxs, Booksellers, Raleigh, -N. C. one ol tliose justly celebrted French Grand Action PIANO KORTKS, mide by Stodart, Worcester 8c Dun ham, (new Makers, which I beg may be uni- pversally" eraawned and tried. Tliese l-nstruv meats are so irery durable, sweet, mellow; ajul powerful in tone, as well as beautiful in their exterior, that 1 should suppose all who want Pianos at all would avail themselves of the op portunity of getting such as these are. The prices vary from two hundred and fifty to five hundred dollars the one now sent is J three hundred and fiTtytkillars. 1 E. P. NASH, Sole Agent for Virginia nd N. C. May 22. , 29 RAN A WAY from the Subserrher living in Nash county, IS miles South of the Court Houser on the. Smithfteld Road, his Xegro man I.1ZR Jfi About 20 years of age a nttle"inclined to yel low complexion, and when he walks steps with one foot atrrght angles to the other, lie stoops when walking, and has m full flaring eye, the white ofwhich is very conspicuous. He went away sometime last February, and has been probably carried out of the Stats. -1 will give 420 for hismpprehensiou, if taken out eft he State, and $10; if caught within the limits thereof. . . A SIGN SANDRKS. Nash county, June 6. - 31 TAKEN UJP, And committedJto the Jail of Stokes county, at Germanton, on the 6th of Nov. last, A NEGRO MAN, between thirty and thirty five years old, five feef, five inches, high, a dark Mulatto has a small scar under his hin, and has lost, two of his upper front teeth. He had with htm, when "taken, a great many cloth esr Three Coats' of Homespun; six or se ven Shirts six or seven paiT of Pantaloons, .and five or six Vestsi a white, furred Mat, that was made in Charleston, S. C. a Rifle, a Lenine Watch, and two Gold Breast Pins. He can play the fiddle some, and 'eallr himself JOHN BLAIU. He says he is a free man, and was raised in Charleston. S.C. He has no free papers, nor any instrument of writing whatever. The owner of this fellow is requested to come forward, prove propetty, pay charges. id take him away. : . J. M. VANHOY, Jailor. Germanton, atokes co. N. C) or May 4th; 1857. " ' 6m To the Captains or Commanding: Officers, composing the 2Sth Re giment of If. Carolina Itlilitia,5tli r Division. TOUv and each of you, are . hereby command ed to appear with ydjr several Companies, at the usual places of Ueview, on the26;h Oc tober next, at 10 o'clock A.M. equipped ac cording to law, in orderlor Review and la- specton. And the Officers of the several Com panies are commanded to meet twodavg previ- ou, ror me purpose oi oeing urnieu. By order of the Major General.. "..Mcpherson, .Maj. com'tof . I 28th Regiment. September 8' '46 4t' Negroes for Sale. ON Monday, the 2d day of October next (it being Wake-Superwr Court) ihall at the Court House door in thfc City ol Raleigh, sell 'to the higheft b'i Jder, dn a credit of six months Tempy, Joe and Klixa the property of the late Green W. Ligon. ' - f -! ... JOHN LIGON. Raleigh, Sept. 8, 1837 46 ts , . jl vis. ww- uauwn tfU) 4'nit w.w cn fit 9m n nTAi The Steamboat COLUMBIA, Captain Jaxxs r: Mitch stt, Will leave the end of th Portsmouth and Roanoke Rait Road for WahtHen City, every Wednesday and Sunday at past 1 o'clock. Returning, will leave Washington every Monday and Friday, and arrive in time for the Cars going South. Passage and Fare," f 6. "; June 15; '" .v f-, . - n 39 I0t ' i- STATE QF NORTH iCAStOLINA vvm 'nfJnnen,?and Francis PugH, ;efcv . " '' tJUinants, -.. - Wjb, Battle, Adminrstratotofdamerarrier, Tec'd, Micajah t. llawkintl ;p'tUO i Urien, Executors oi josepu nwxins u" "ii Philemorrtiawkins 'and the Admirustratoij or other Itgat Representative of Beniamnj -Hawkins, dee'd, whose name is unknown r whleh said Benjamin Hawkins, removed from ; thisistateomeeaj's jaast, and died intestate ;eiendants..-;'-:-::.; 'j Original Billin Eo.aity, filed May Termr-l?S7 IT f ppearViK tothietsalisfactioq' of lic Courtj thaUhe AdministratoT or ottierlefal Hepref sentatiye of.Benjamin Hawkins, dee'd, whos name i unknown, jesidea beyond the limits oi tjta State, and-tne jurisaiction or ibis i.uu-j U4sherfore ordered by the Court, that pub--Ucalion be made, for six successive weeks, in the Italeieh Register and N. Carolina Grisette. nrLn tod.nd oubJislied' in the City of Ealeigtii, notifying the saiU Administrator or ieg re presentative of the said Henjamin Hawkins, one. of the Pefendanta in this Bill of Cnmplaiht, tp nsake his personal appearance at the next Su perior Court of Equity, to be held for the Coun ty of Franklin, at Ihe Court House in Lewif-burg-, on the 2d Monday alter the 4th Monday in September next, and.then and there plead, answer or demur to 'the said Rill of Complain, according to the Hules of said Court ; bthejr wlse the Bill w;ll be takeiviro Qonfesso against him, the Cause heard ei parte as to him fr them, and a decree made accordingly,, j Witness, Ssrn'l Johnson, Cler!5 and Master ofcuirsaid Court of Equity, at. Office, 2d Muh day after 4ih Monday in M:rcK,s1837.. . Test e. S A Mi. JOH NSCN, C . M. E. 1 August I,. 18.37. , - 40 6w j 7 r i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA " Anson County tfuperier Court of Equity. Spring Term, 1837. J William A. Morris and ifc, -J . " ' V9 j J Andersonmith, Allen Smith, Freema ii. 5 ' Smith, George F. Smith. ' j . Petition for'Sale of Real.-Kstate.--,;-. IT ap-pearing to the saHisfastion oftlie Couf1, that Anderson Smith, Alien Smith, Frele man R. Smith, sad George F. 'Smith,. Defenxl ats in t lie above cae, reside beyond the li mits of this State: It is therefore, ordered, thiat publication be made for six- successive weeks in the Raleigh Register, in order ttiat the lie fendants may appear befoTe the Honorable the Judge of the Court of EquiVy for the Cou'njfy of Anson, 'at 'the Court House in Wadesbori', on the second Monday iu September next, then and there to shew cause,' if any they can, wliy the prayer of the said Petition should not be granted; otherwise, the petition will Be taken pro cbnlesso as to them, and heard ex-parte.) Witness, V . E. Troy, Clerk and Master jof said Court of Equity, at Office, in Wsdesbofoi, the 2d Monday in M rch, A, D. 1837, and in the 61sf eir ofAmerican liidepemlenee. 1 Vf. F. TROY, C. M. E!. Pr. Adv. $5 62i,. Beef C attle 5 1SD- SHEEP. flHE highest Cash prices will be paid for Beef JL Cattle and Sheep, "try WM. J. LOUGE'E & CO. Near the Court House. Raleigh, June 20. ' ' ' ; W. & A. S TITM, J HAVE just received 300 pairs Mens' & Woraerts' common leather and Seal SHOKS and PUMPS ; wluch they will sell at their usually low prices. August 1 84 ltaloigh and Gaston Rail Roud , Compauy. . rjMIE Sixth Instalment of Ten Dollars per Shqxe, 1, is required to bejiaid oh or before the first day of October next. Payments will be received at the OfHce in Raleigh, and by Mr. Samuel Mior- 1 decai, Petersburg, Va. Interest will be charged and allowed as hereto tofore. By order of the Board of Directors. , G. V. MORDECA'I, Prest, Raleigh, August 18. " 6w 421 j" Star and Standard, 6 times. FOR S.IJD, YOUNG NEGRO MAN. about 25 vears JA. of age, and his WIFE, about 20. with a likely CHILD. ( i Apply at the Regis-ter Office! August 3. 1837. , 4 1 1 f . T a meeting of the managers of the Expbri- BlHfi mental Rail Road Company, a dividend! of fifteen per cent, for the half year, ending 10th Au gust 1837, was declared. The same will be paidi on application to B. B. Smith, at his store, on and: af ter the 1 at September. .1 B. B.- SMITH, Treasurer. UN A WAY from the Subscriber on the 2gth 1 1. mat. an indented apprentice called LFRED LbWIS. Said boy is about 19 years of age, tall with dark hair und skin. The above reward jvill be paid for his delivery to me. All persons are for warned from harbouring or employing him under the penalty of the-Jiw, as I shall most assuredly en force it against the aggressor. - j THOMAS M. OLIVERL Raleigh, Sept. 4, 1837: , 44 '. ' Have just received, a handsome assortment' of BONNET 8, of the latest fashion. ! - Five Cents lieward. - - . ', ' ! RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, pn jthe 8th of August last, colored box nanietl William Hill Evans, hound to me by the County Court of Chatham, until the age of 21 years.- He hd to serve a few months longer to arrive 4t that age. I hereby forwarn all persons frjom employing, harbouring or dealing 'with him in any way. , I Description. He is a stout, muscular, dark copper color, rtfugh -looking Jellow, about . 5 fett-9 or 10 inches high, would weigh 1 sup. pfts.-, about 17Q lbs. He has' been raised to ihe iJ-'arnwog business, and is an excellent hind with a Cotton Gin oc 'WUeat Threshing Ma chiner As to principle, e ia.aWit thrpe-thrds scoundrel, having a few months past hroke in to my Store-house and stolen .money-and other things, which were found on hln and recover ed. I will give thetaboveteward for his lap prehension and delivery to me at Trades tiiil, N.'C.y but, no thanks nor expenses jaid. 1 J. W, BVNUitl. Sapt. 3. 1&37. 46 3w j. CORONEJ&VS NOTICE. TkUNCAN McPHERSQN, CorpBcr-for he j ur.couniy otjnnnston, can at ail nmcs Detoond V his Shop or Dwelling in Smithfield. September?, ift3JV - 45 Sitfj WflO institute habits of correct thinking; to tram 11 tie imndSact for&elt 4 4nal7se the ob of itfetioni to bstitute acHvr mental ex erciseHhassiW jeceptioii'of infotrngion; and to legard the moral andmanners as Hnorantsnb jects of instruction, were announced ace princi- lea whicix would resulate. Mrs. uray iuai to ediicate female youth. The , success which has V c 1 Y A. Jh- attended ner exertions, muuees ner m auucis those" principles, "and to eontirrue in Petersburg,. course ef instruction which has- proved beneficial to her pupila, acceptable to their friends, nd satis factorr to herself. The Public is theteore infbrm- ed, thaiiaTiother Session of the PETERSBURG FEMALE SEMINAR? will comajenee on tne Lt of Octoler, ensuing. Three compefSnt "arid expe rienced female teachers are engaged as assistants, and it is believed that this institution wilkaSord every facility neefssary for the attainment, of 'an education adapted- to the ordinary affairs of life, and embellished withlholieTiigiier mental acquirements which at once vindicate the female mind Irom the charge of inferiority, and qualify the possessor to sustain herself with dignity and propriety m ; the niosj cultivated "hnd polished society, " The ctturse if i instruction will include Ortho graphy, Defining, VVr.tmg, P.nglish Gramnrav Uhetofic, Composition, Gepgraphy, . with the use oft he Gfobes 8c Maps, History, mental and practical Arithmetic; Mathematics natural, mo rl and mental Philosophy, .Natural History, Chemistry, Astronomy, 'Botany, Otology, Gov ernirrei.t'or the United States,; Calisthenics French, German.Music.Drawing, Pain ting, Worsted 6c lifc needle nork. Ou the S.ubbati, biblical in sTuction will be reenlarly cjveH,' ; The French j and German languages will be taught by a lady who was educaieil in -Europe, ana w ho speaKs bjut'a. of tjipse lngu:iftes 'Very, fluently. Music will be taught ty ai.idyor gentleman, as the pupil or her fi'iendt may prefer, The boarding establishment is connected with the school, and entirely under the control of the Prin cipal. The expenses per session of five months, payable in ! auvance, win ne ior tuiuon in ail me oruuiiy For hoard, bedding, fuel, lights, wasiiingr&c, -n An extra charge will be made for iMusic, French Drawing, German, Painting, " Worsted and fine needlework - - ' " . . As the number of pupils willjbe "limited, none will l) received for a shorter term than a session of five months, and it is expected that no withdrawal, eveu then, will be made, without previous, notice to the Principal. No deduction cap - be made for absence during the session, the expepses of the Insti tuton being the same whether the pupils are pres-cut-or. absent. . The system which it is desirable to adopt, renders -it important that ;all the pupils should be present during the first week of the ses sion. Boarders are requested . to bring a list of" their clothing, and to have every article legibly marked, "with the name at length. References of the "first, respectability will be given to those who may require them. Petersburg August 8. t. 1 Oct " FRESH AND GE NOISE JUST RECEIVED from the Nprth, and for sale at the .Medical Stoue of the Subscriber, in this City, viz: ; Gray's Celebrated Elixir, . - An elegant preparation for Dyspepsia, Liver Dis eases, Nervous Affections, and those arising from Indigestion Quart Bottle, $2. ' Gray's Anli- Bilious Elixir, As palatable aa Cordial, but of tried efficacy, for Costiveness, Colic, and Bilious Complaints : quick ly removing bilious, sour, acrid and irritable matter from the stomach and bowels restoring healthy se cretions, and natural action, and without leaving that debility common to most of the purgatives now in use. - Its composition is wholly of Botanic substan ces, and its operations mild and therefore it may be safely given to children. No family subject to Agues and Fevers, ought to .be without this Medi cine 8 ox. Botttle, 75 Cents. Tincture of the Lobelia Plant The best remedy known, for Asthma, and a power ful anti-spasmodic, and perhaps the very best of all emetics. . The 3d Preparation of Lobelia, . The most powerful article known, in cases of utter prostration of vital energy, as in fits, spasms, strokes of lightning, drowning, lock-jaw, &c. often re luming the spark of life, which appeared to be ex tinguished forever, and relaxing the rigidity of the muscles, when every other means had failed. Pulvl'Wake Robin, Pulv. Bayberry Root, Pulv. Golden Seal, No. 6. in 6 oz. Bottles, Dandelion Root, Extract of do. Savin, pulv. Unicorn Root, Red Cedar Oil, Red Raspberry Leaves, Pulv. Bitter Root, Fulv. Colic Root, -Bitter Sweet, Skunk Cabbage Root, Pulv. - Mandrake Root, Prtcklcy-Ash Berries, Eulv.'Birth Root, Zanthoxylum Bark, loward s Anti-Bilious Pills fruhout Mercurv. Graxfs Rheumatic Liniment, for Pains, Sprains, dec HowariVs Diaphoretic Poivdb'g, . wholly of vegetable substances, one of the best re medies ever invented for rousing up the system, equalizing the circulation of the blood,- and throwr ing fffevei by sweat, and as pleasant as a cup of Chocolate in 1-4 lb. papers, 75 cents each. Gray's Cough Drops, x fpr Coughs, Colds, Influenza and all affections of the Lungs, very Valuable. 4 Qz. Bottles, price 50 cents. . .. .. ' . -t Howard? JlnodyneDrops. a pleasant preparation for easing pain and tranquilj iziivg thesj'stem, without any opium in any form.- Howard's Improved Practice oj Medicint and Midwifery ; -adapted to the Botanic system-r-and hist Family Rights, $20 each, with the accompanying books. These books, if attentively read, wil enable "any man or woman of common sense, t5 remedy almost every disease with which humanity is aflBicted, by means of a simple, safe,' efficient and cheap practice. "Besides the above, the subscriber has on hand's large and handsome supply of j every thing in his line, which wiirfSe sold very cheap, for cash, at wholesale! or retail.- "" 1 JOS. B. HINTONV Raleigh. Sept. 4, 1337. 44 3w JVOTICJE. r rTpilE Subscriber having at the Court of Pleas" JL and Quarter Sessions held For the. County of Wake", in the State of North-Carolina, owtbe $d Monday of Augu.t A. D. I83r, at the Court House iu the "Cit of Raleigh, qualified as Administrator w'rth the WiR annexed, upon the Estate of Mark Moore, deceased, lale of said county1 ; hereby gives notice to all persons having claims, debts or demands against the said Mark' M dbre, deceased, ;to present them to him for. payment, properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law; or this no tice will be plead in bar ot their recovery.- And those indebted to the said Mark Moore, deceased, are; request ed to make11 immediate payment. ' V : ; V. ; - ? 1 y. "AiSaWTNNBrAdmT. ; -Wnkeoimt7t'8eiit 1, l8o? . -44 - v nflB Trustees haviner telirganized thi$ Depart JL ment of the Institution, by thereaperhtment of three members jof tion of rDrsEBUnxi Prfifcinr . iftv the Medical Collesfe fof r.Qhibis-and the creation of ani AdjuncI Professorship of Anatomy and Surffery, the Lectures will commence as usual on the first Morula of November, with ie. follow ing Faculty- ; -Anatomy Surgery by B.W.'DUDLE Y, M. D. Professor and J A ME$ M. BTJSH, l. D. Ad- v. ' ' . junct Professor. , . v " : - Imtitutet'oflVkdicim afrd Medical Jurisprudence, br JAMES' C. CROSS, M. D. Theory and Practice, by JOHN EBERLE, M. D Obstetric the diseases bj Women and hxUrtn, . months from tlwdat h.-f - T :,,0f bv WM. H. RJCHARDSONM. D. Materia Me dicand Medical Botany, by CHAS. W. SHORT, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy, "by THOMAS D. MIT k CHELL. MD. - ' Each of the Teachers will lecture daily Sabbaths excepted. The fees of the entire course, including. Matriculation and the use oT tMe Library, will' be j $110. The Graduation fee, $20, ; - - j The Rotes of all Solvent Stat a .Banks mill-, bt. received M payment t of Ihese fees, from Students J empjoy a Gentleman (competent coming from theState9 ui which the Bflhks are located' . .'. . . By csfijer of the, Facully, - ".v" JAMES C. CROSS, Dean. Lexirigtoft, July 19, 1S37 . 42 tg9 FOU 13. E EDTTCATJOH OF THE At Danville, lLj. fllHJE next Session ef this" Institution will com-jL- Nmence on the first of October next. - Indigent persons living in Kentucky are provided for by the State ; to others the terms are $105 perannuriji, for board and tuition,' The Pupils are under daily j care of the Superintendent and lus family, and the- femaies lodge m a separate house. Mechanical ; shops are jrovided,in which the maje Pupils are . uium uaoiui iinuo, xviijr iitquiiiua -wui uc uutiiu- ; ed to, if directed to J. A. Jacobs, post paid.) I . OFFWERS. J. A. JAGOBS, Principal. . W. D. KERR, Assistant lnstr. J. A. JACOBS, Superintendent. Mrs. S. W. JACOBS, Matron. Dk. JOHN TODD, Physician. Danville, August 2, l37. 43 3t o Sale ' VT THE REGISTER OFFICE. Johnson & Dur.'iril's best Philadelpliia News an'd Book IXK, (warranted) at fair moderate prices. June 10. . CO.ICIMES, B.lROZJCMms. Harness, &c. THE Subscriber res pectfnlly informs his friends and therPublie- that he keeps on hand the above . ': CARRIAGES, logeiher with every de scriptidn of pleasure VEIIICL.IJ.S, andliaving the best workmen in his employment, he pdedges himself, that the CARRIAGES rnnuRctiired at s shop, shall in all pases, be made, out of the best ma terials, and executed faithfully, and in the la test fashions and in point of. elegance, not surpassed by apyvmade here or elsewhere. In every case his work is warranted. Those wishing itf so poly themselves, and de sirous to encourage Jiome manufactures,' will do well tocall and judge for thems'elve.. Orders thaiikltilly received " ;tho. COBBS. . Raleigh, June -27, 1837. k 35 tf. , flHE great popularity and established. deman JL for this valuable Medicine, renders the conti nuation 6f . lensrthtf advertisment unnecessary. Numerous testimonials of their value (lately receiv ed) from Gentlemen of the highest respectability, in addition to- those accompanying each Box,: may be s'een on application to any of the Agents. The Pills are put up m aoperior style, in tinboxes containing 40 Pills, with full directions,- Price 50 Cents per Box. To Agents or Purchaser? the terms of Commission and discount arc liberal. All com munications will be promptly ttendedto, by.. THOMAS L. -JUMP, Gen'l Agent. (Office, Morgan St. Raleigh, 1st door West of the PresbvtenanChnrch. PROiCLiaiATIOIr, $y the Governor of North Carolina, S200 HBWARD. WHKREAS it has been made known to me by the verdict of an fnquest held by- the Coronr, that A. G. key7 6f the county off- Martin, Was recently murtlered'ln said county-, and that GEORGE W. COBURU, if the' County and State aforesaid, stands charged wllli the commission of the said felony j and where as, it is represented, that The 'S" aid -George W. Cobttrn is a fugitive from jstice : Now, therefore, to the end that the said Geo. W-. Coburn may be apprehended and brought to trial, I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, ofTering a reward of Two Hun dred Dollars, to any person', or persons; who will apprehend and confine him in the Jail, or defiver him to the Sheriff of Martin county 1 and I domoreolr heVehy require all Officers, whether Civil or Military, within the State, to use their, best exertions to apprehendor cause to be apprehended, the said Fugitive.1" iTiSM fYwikn I rt a r m'V Vionrl 9 a Cmatiin. K7 lina, at the City of Raleigh, thisi S- zottj pt May, A. D-1837- r "EDWARD B. DUDLEY. Christoprkr C.. Bittli, P. Secy ' G. W. COBURN is about; 30 years ofage, about 5 feet '9 inches high, thick set, of an athletic and muscular constitutioru.comnlexion rathe flprid, full facet speaks short jsind quicki wnen spoKen to, wjth eyes somewhat down cast. Tt is believed he wore on leaving, bluej 1 4 l . . . 1 ' . . ... K n . - -siuui coai wnn velvet collar 3ui GJJi T HE W$ U E fi'jd LONDON POR 'ter, Lemon Syrup, Browns Chewing Tobacco, Sal Aratus andTearle Ashe in Bottles, Sportsman POwder ft banisters, Tallow and Sperjn Candles, and Bar Soao. - Jnst rwvivel and for sale bv d m 0 - W. dtATTTRl' ; CA the West, otters for sale. w .7. 1 cn,0v51o inglterms, a -TRACT OF Lanti k .u?- the formeacuHyfe elec-lying on Marks Creek, containinir 2lVUntv' i7 MiTCHii-tod Coss, latebadjoming the lands of Needham PriCP ,,i'Cres EdsnundsMnd others. jncf House and otlfernnthnnc-. rntK.. . ""til. acres of said-Trs&t is cfeared, andTl,e u"! 10fJ woodland of. good qnalHy it is health v! j tuated in a good: neighborhood. I - '- " - ; WILLIE BROW r Wake county, August Sd.1837. A n 1 - , If otfee hereby given, THAT application will he made to th sidnt, Directors and Company of th, , ut the newal of acertificate oi Stock oil S)lC l . l' . r r . . . , . sueu m ine name oi Jiacuaei uaKs, 1 4tf , i 2d, 1832, number 2866. Tlte said oP a ;nff i.i ' '"cats CASWELL HA ltl IN, (;uarti;..n August 30. 1837. '' 3n ' A Tcaclacr Waiaic?!. fipHE Trustees -of Sunbury Academy wish t.-j all ine brancnes usiahy lautfUt in swnU tinned 1rtalr ni urtTi rf i H a t TncaWi.i " first Monday in October. Testimony 0f nu i c . I." 1 1 H Ttj siini of400 will be guarantied, and ine proms jirKnig irom me scnoo Viiich hs b-en worth the present year upwards ofSsfli iuh ij ii . r-v is j-v r.ii, Sec v ,, - of the Board of Trustees Sunbiii v Gates Co. NC7 Aug. 27, 1837. - 44tQr . . Five JolIarB He ward, berrhviny: in the Citv'ofX leigh, a Nero Man named ,T, the property of Mis. r:iiz-,be Whitfield. Ffe has a wife at tin . -, late tiaray.-J ones'.,' and may pra, bably be lurkug:1n .that heighbrhooJ. The above reward of Five Dollars, will be pjven to any person who will deliver him fo;, Subscriber. - ' " JOHN O'ilOUK!-. Raleigh, Sept. 1, 183. 44 it fl-ljV tne iJ or August, a valiksk, chw.tti y o the areof Mr. lichael Far'rell, Halifax, N. C. and marked on the lend and within ilf foia, wjtlx the,nanie ot b.:,llaln ; also, ?ever4of 1he articles contained therein With tJie le'.iers T. M. was forwarded by Jthe Stage, going; 'm Kaleigh to Ilallfax, and hs peertljnissing eve; since. Any information respecting it w"Jl be than,kfully rtfceived by the Subscriber. 1 " JOHN O RORKE, Raleigh, Sept. 4, 18371? " 04 g3 The Star, and R anoke Advocate m please give tne above two insertions each, uaJ send their accounts to this Office. WILfclAJIS "Si M AYWOOB nave lately received at their well knowif stand tn Fayette ville'Street; neap the market hoyit, their Spring and Summer supply of Drugs-and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Brush es, Window Glass, . Perfumery cc. "--r . J Which with their former supply, make fhti assortraent lanje and extensive, comprise almost every article Usually kept in their list of business. 4 1 hey.oneMhem at wholesale or retaii,jipn: the. mot favorable terms-, as they are kieririi(i, ed their assortment shall not: be inferior, nor will they be undersold .by any'establishmentii! the State, either olaor new. GratefuMbr:the nafronaee heretofore bes- lowed Uponthem bythetf friends and the pub ic generally, they natter themselves, that bj sstdnity and constant attention to business, that they will continue to receive theameli beral encouragement already secured to the. Prescript ions Will be carefully comp'nudd and pot Up with none but the most genumtr tides, under the inspection ot one of t tie proj prietors. ' Orders from Physicians & Merchants, prottip: Jy-attended to. Raleigh, May20, 182r. SILK GOODS. REHE Subscribers are'nowppening a large Sioci of . . , . FRENCH. INDdf & ITALIAN SILK GOODS of Ibis Pail's Importation , Which they will selPon.lhe most liberal terms;- they have also on h and a complete and large ortment of Fancy Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, rvi' sols and Straw Bonnets. CaviSTOCK & ANDRE WS, No. 55 Liberty Street, New York. August 27, 1837 .. ;v4.w44. All orders will be most promptly attended to. ' ' . , .-. .i '"" . C. fc TOE SALE at the North Carolina Book SUw. JL such as Ledger. Journals. .'Dan Jiuol Books, Invoice Books. Bill Btiolis, Deed BooW Record- Bonks ' Cvherinor rRnnlR' (',,r)V Bow ' J Jtr . rw - if Pass nooks. Receiot Books. Letter Books, Mr ranthini Books, Bank Books, &c. occ. The Subscribers have1 the above nameil Ba of all the diSerent sizes that are used by Mercian and men of business, and can make to order , kind of Blank Banks. - ALSO. OAA'Pa.m.nr T attar ri7 fSri 'VanP.T. of Kao 'milKtit Pi'ih.1 on Plain anil a lartTpSUP uvpv ti , u vwki atiu i 1,111, auu i o ' ,1 of th moat a-nnrovatmlilwna rf mpriran 3Hu SUWHW . f'f W J. ..... reign School Books. - , .- Rnnc'nTTiM!tffi a;- n ;ia Tnnous fj1 with neatness and despatch. tvS TURNER & HUGRt- KaleighN. C May 81. T. SL RKCKAVIXI1 & CO. H avb lust receirca xs av-11" w . V mrnil St. m Tgs, Medicinei, Painti, 3rJreStnfl, Perliiiuery, Fancf . . . - an iciest . . ..,-; ' - . i .mi Ketnp - fJCrP"SIClANS from anroaa wi OTdersxecuted with neatness and deP Raleigh, May 17. 133?. r A few boxes if superior imPeria T&A, fist received, and forsale, by 1 Augs3jte. J i v ".- of? 4? r ' ... -. ""' '-V ......' . .. : iii . " - "i rim-' J -,,- -' , .: ,t - r",

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