1 1 "1 "Oiirs are the plans of fair delightful peace, uinrarp'd by partyi-agc, to live like brothers ;'C' k r :v "" ' . t "; iJ ' m?pr$,- " "S - - - --ja .,7 v7. ''. . - I . ' 7' . ''7 7-' ; ' . .-i I '- -. ' ' ' " ' r-r-TT- , ,- 7"1 ,., t" , a" r ': - : 1 . - - : U. - . - -:' MONDAY, . &AT$1UAMY 2, 1838. t:Sj:'Ji" 77"-- 7 ifT-T'-i 'T fgTgTpHI (&!LlS3fli'8 S?) jfortabte positmn" the stranger lay for same jUnet in silence, ai icnm ine jrounser iof the twrt Made st remark, to which-" the ehler renliecl ii style ani manner that i - . " ... EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS" ii b c ai pti ox, laree dollars ncr annum one Iefsns residing without ihe Stata will be .tequired ,t0 py the . wuot amount . m lue years fyi&nbsjcripflori'ia advance " . j 7 : IMTES OF AD VER TISING. For every 18 lines Ai r ye) first insertion 'orie'i!altir ;' eh subsequent insertion, 25 cents. , Court 'Ortiera ani Judicial Advertisements will , be' chsirired 25 per cent., higher ; and a deduction of 33 V per, cent. ".will be made from the regular iiricea,ur advertisrs-by the year. .-T. ?, 7 CC LT.TTHs to the Editors must be pout-paid. ar rested his attention. On this he removed over an inth or two 'and .made more room. IIw far have pu come to-day, old gentleman ?' j ; rhirty-five miles.' . i 4From where ? ! "From Sprititrfiehl.' . An, indeed I Youmust.be tiseil aft so ion a journey, lor one of Tour age.7 4 Yes, this poor body is much worn down seated alone in his chamber, the Rev. Mr. was announced, and he requested him to be shown up. He grasped the young man by tire hand with a cordiality which he did not eipect, for he made careful enquries, and found that since they had met before, a great change had been wrought in him He was now as humble and pious, as he was before self sufficient and worldly-minded. As a father ! would have received a disobedient but re er j pentant child, so did this good man receive his erring but contrite brother. Tpey mingled their tears together, while the you ng preacher wept as a child, even upon the bosom of the spiritual father. At the .AND BISHOP GEORGE THE YOUNG PREACHER. BY t. ARTHUR An a;ed traveller, worn and weary, was tjjQ feetitlv tirsitts; his tired beast, idst as the j nnaon v Ull Was lUAIMIIljr UtMltUlI llic nuic vi imi3 inat Doumis me iiitiram i mai run himi picturesque country in by long and constant travelvand I feel that the journey of to day bus exhausted ine much. The young imnister-mo-veV! over a little. Yon do not belong to SpringfiC'td then ?' No, I h-ive no abiding place.7 llow ?' I hivc no continuing city. Mr home 'Is beyoml the vale of tears.' j Another move of the minister. Really, Messrs. Editors, if your corres- w iar nave you iraveneu on your wuucut iMeiauiuus is sua. anucieu wim present journey l i cacocruies scrwenai, ana believes ne can From Philadelphia. j am tlie public press in casting light upon worth a thousand speculations of the learn ed but ignorant upon this subject Mi D.'s whose . opinions decided the case against Frost and conclusively refutes them. If Metallicus's object be to arrest the onward march of the great Medical Reform of thf present day, he will find he plows with ivintry winds and reaps despair. That Reformation is sweeping, like an avalanche, all before it. Already more than three mil lions of people it is ascertained, in the U. States alone, will have no other practice : i and -the many old school Physicians who nave fallen, and are constantly falling into the ranks of the reformers, and becoming the fast and ablest advocates, of the Thorn- one oi the most pious and uselul ministers in the Ohio Conference. Athenceum Tlsiter. FOR THE RFOISTER. the- coutents of one of the 10 grain pa pers of powders or even a single grain of morphine, often carried in a regular's waist coat pocket. Never shall X forget that a table spoon full of laudanum, administered by an M. D. to my father, in. a recent at tack of cold, while young and robust, but sleepless and restless, deprived me of a fond parent. He was put to sleep indeed, by 4he poisonous draught, but it was the sleep of death ; from which he will never awake until the Heavens and the earth be no more. Pardon me, Messrs. Editors, for asking so much indulgence. HYGEIA. Zlillkboro Female Seminary. . session he was ordained, and he is now i sonian plan of treating disease, speak trum .1 ll 2. ! .1 i. 1 - . ' 1 . . . I pet tongueu, that the game is up that the day for ridicule and misrepresentation has gone by. Yes, gone by and not to return following, ear: Springfield, Ohio. It was' a sultry August evening, and he had journied u 'distance of the vicinitv' of' 'From Philadelphia ! fin evident surprise)' ! " . : The Methodist-General Convention was in ? ; so long as such reports as the! come crowding upon the public Dr. Walker, of Tennessee, writes For the j last two years I have attended upwards of 180 cases, i and have not lost one, where I was first and last ' called in." Dr, Siillman, of Mississippi, writes "I have liaised by the United Society of Shakers and D. Lnhdreth, late of D. C. Lnndretfis, PIIIL'ADEXjPIIIA for SALS BY TURNER 4- HUGHES Book-SeLlers, f Far ranted fresh- genuine crop of 1837. rost, the 1 homsonran, or Checseman, the session there a short time since. Had it law-legged Doctor l have nottheslightest IMl ! 1 Z3 O l r n r 1 1 ilti a rmnn thirty-hve mde& since, morning, his pulses , ,:5 , . T , tt - r j r u: : throbbing under the influence of a burning ; r 8 u I " i Z V , B X u- n - urn At Fairfield he had been hospitably ! 'Ab! lef 7"?$ SHU' ,falh?.r ??? ?on J' lve Pe(- vntertained bv ot.rvho h ni recognised the i.warus ine roni slue 01 me,Dea' anowtng j" " y y rr in uever-. ine stranger oetter accommodations. Mad unuing correctly concerning matters oi laci. Bishop George left when you came but? ' But, then, let them have all the facts the 1 es ne started at the same tune I did, vmoie irtai, in extenso, as puoiisneain iew veterun soldier of ihe cross ami who had ministered to him for his Master's sake, of the benefits himself had received from the 4ia'tid which feedeth the young lions when lbeylack ; & heliad travelled on refresh -yd in spirit. But many a weary mile had h.e 'journied over since.thew, ami now, as fite -. evening: shades daiiceued around, he tfelThf burden of age and toil heavy upion Mm, arid he desired the pleasant retreat Jie had pictured to himself when that days jiilgi image should bo accomplished. It was not long before the old man check ed his tired animal at the door of thtf anx iously looked for haven of rest. A middle acgett Avtmian was at hand, to whom he mild the question, who killed poor French ! been engaged in the practice in this place, over four months, and have prescribed for almost every. foTin" of disease common in ihe South, and am now pre pared lo disprove ihe assertion of common fame, that die medicines recommended by Dr. Thomson, are eminently efficient in cases of fever in the Southern climate. I have attended and prescribed here, to Upwards of 1 00 cases of fever; a great por tion OThich. were of tho-congestive form, and all of whSVdrnber (on? -s'triall child cxceDted are living witiieof the,efcacy.jft,f Thomson's rcme dics. :sko $nd them w$l adaptfid to the differ- & . i r r- . i l v eni complaints oi me Dowels, so common nerc the Spring and Summer." Dr. JVtish, of Norfolk, writes "In three years in ly applied fur acietmtwlations for himself you say youi ; left in company with the and horse. ' j good old man- how far did you come to- I dont know, said she, coldl after getber ! . we left in company.' York, and not an imperfect summary, and 'Indeed. ! . . , that summary reported by a hand which Here the circuit Dreacher relinnuished a had prejudged the accused before the trial. full half of the bed, and politely requested I have looked into the whole Case, as pub- j I have treated upwards of 1100 cases of every .va the stranger to occupy a larger space. ! lishcil, andaevcr was more satisfied of any "e'yJorm an,d ,c; lad Iost bat T f -TT , , !- i t i . i ii t t ,i i j ' niu wuvw iiuuiitui, aim o oi lucui were ui tvtttcc. How did the Bishop look ? He is get- thing, than I am ot the fact, that the mere Al ,hpsCt wre a , namlteT iven 0Ver b ing quite old now and feeble is he not? j opinions Ot lour or Uve M. U s, derived as lihe M. D's, as hopelessly incurable, who now live lie carries his age tqlerably .well.' But they were lorced to admit them to be, trom liis labor is a hard one, and he begins to Books, and not from practical or experi shovy signs oCfailing strength,' , " j mental knowledge of Lobelia ami the steam 'He is expected this way in a jweek or ; or vapor bath) were suffered, by the Court two. How glad I shall be to shake hands : and Jury, to preponderate against a mass with the old .veteran of the Cross ! But j of ivell attested facts, showing,' by the ac tual experience of persons then before the Court, that the learned Doctors were igno- Wuuufzing.ior some time the appearance of the traveller, which was not the most promising,'' that we caii take you in. old man. You seem tired, however, and I'll see if the Minister of the circuit, who is bere to night, will-let you lodge with him. 9 The youngs circuit preacher soon made liis appearance, and consequentially swag gering up to the old man, examined him jfyr swine moments inqutsiiively, then ask Vu few impertinent questions- and final ly, after adjusting his hair half-a-dozen times, feeling his smoothly shaven chin as rien, consented that the . stranger: should hare his bed for the night, and turning up on his heel entered the house. The traveller, aged and weary ashe was, :lismounted, and led his faithful animal to the stable where, wi.th his own hands he -jubbed hiuVdnwnivwatered him and gave' Axwa t'otttl, and their entered the inhospita tile mansion where he had expected so much kindness. A Methodist family re sided in the house, and as the circuit prea- cher was to be there that day, great pre parations were made to entertain him, and & number of the .Methodist young ladies of Ihe neighborhood had been invited, so that quite a party met the eyes of the stranger ;is he tnteu'd, not one of whom took the slightest notice of himgiand' he wearilv ?ougl.t a vacant chair in the corner, out of direct observation, but where he could jiote all that was going on. And his anx ious eye shewed that he was no careless -observer of what was transpiring around him. - The young minister played his part with nil the frivolity anil foolishness of a city beau, and nothing like religion escaped his dips.' Now he was chattering and bandv ing senseless com pliments"wuh this young jadyand now engaged in trifling repartee with another, who was anxious to seem in stercsting to his eyes. - ' The stranger, after an hour, during which no refreshments had been prepared for him, .asked to be shown to his room, to which he retired unoticed grieved and shocked at the conduct of the family and the min ister. Taking from his saddlebags a well worn bible, he seated himselt in a chair, jmul was soon buried in'thought, holy and elevating, and had food to tat. which those -who passed him by in pity arid scorn dream ed not of. Hour after hour passed away, .and no one came to .invite the old worn lown traveler, to partake of the luxurious supper which was served up below. Towards eleven o'clock, the minister v.unc uji feiairs, anu wiinour. pause or prayer, hastily tlirew off his clothes, and got intojilve yery'middle of a small bed, which vas' to be the resting place of t lue old man sis well as himself. After a while the aged Stranger rose up, and, after partially dia robing himself, knelt down and remained for some minutes in fervent prayer. The arnesUbreathing out of his soul soon arretted the attention of the young preacher. Mho began ttt M some few reproofs of conscience for Jhs own neglect oi this dci ty. 1 he old tpaatj rose from his knees and, alter slowly undressing himself, got into bed, or rather,-up(ro the edge of the bed for theyoung preacher had taken pos session of the centre arid would not, vol "itarily, Buwea jrich. In this uncom- rant of, arid mistaken in their opinions con- ' We travelled alone for a lonrr distance.' ! cernino; the real nature and curative proper- ; . O 1 , A low travelled alone with the Bishop V Uies of the remedial agents employed by Ytsr rwe trarts teett tntmiattr fi7r-year t Ir.' Frost, and to which thyuttrihuted his tYou intimate with Bishop George !' death. It is easy to show, for I have an Yes, why not V j abundance of testimony at hand fromprac- .M. u,u Wtaur v...WJp , ""fc Early in 1S36, I purchased a family right of Dr. But may I be so bold as to enquire your , and acquirement from the plain common Thomm, and have been successful in practice ever iiauiu i ( swiiotr minimi, iu me lowcuug genius anu sine Alter a moment s hesitation, the stranger ripe scholar ot torty in good health, to rebuke enemies of the improved Botanic practice." Dr. Richardson, of New-Haven, Conn, writes "I have given Lobelia to a child one day old, and to the man of lour score. I have administered it in my practice, tr more than five thousand persons, and have never known it to produce any bad ef. fects. This looks very much like lobelia being ai poieon! I have attended two hundred cases of ucarler fever, without losing one patient ! Surely, this is not quackery!" . Dr. G. W. Guodwirii of Massachusetts, writes l studied Medicine with an M. D. four years at tei4f.d three courses of lectures, and took the title of M. D. I thought I could cure disease by giving the poisons of the sh.ps, as medicine. After six years practice, I found it, and the theory, at war, ripe scuoiar oi iony years experience in replied medical practice, with all the honors that the 'George.' i schools could confer upon him in his pock- George! George! Not Bishop George V ( et, all, all testifying that similar treatment They call me Bishop George,' meekly to that in the case of French, and pushed replied the old man. ! faf beyond what it was in that case, was Vhy why bless me ! Bishop George, not only safe, but eminently successful in exclaimed the now abashed preacher rescuing from the jaws of death, its certain springing from the bed- 'yow have had no victims and therefore, that the opinions i supper ! 1 will instantly call up the lamily. j given oy me rnysicians upon rrost s trial, ; Why did you not tell us who von were ! i wrere founded in error. I dare say the gen- 'Stop--stop my friend,' said the Bishop ' tleraen M. D's believed what they deposed; gravely, 'I wantno supper here, and should : but I am equally certain they were mista not eat any if it were got for me. If an iken. Nor am I alone in this firm belief : old man, toil-worn and weary, fainting j The late Convention of Delegates (3d in with travelling through all the long sum-j number) from all the medical societies in mer day, was not considered worthy of a ; the New England States and the State of meal by this family, who profess to have j New York (and among them, many emi set up the alter of God in their house, Bish- ! nent physicians who graduated & practised Op George surely is not. He is, at best, with honor", as pupils of the regular schools) but a man, aildhas no claims beyond those with all the facts in the case of Di'. Frost of common humanity.' . before them, unanimously acquitted him of A night of severer mortification, the young all blame in the case; and as a mark of their minister had never experienced. The Bis- j confidence and esteem, elected him one of hop kindly admonished him, and warned i their Corresponding becretanes. Again : him of the great necessity there was of his Dr. Curtis, than whom there is not an abler adorning the doctrines of Chirst, by follow- j physician in all the West, nor one that gra ing him sincerely and humbly. Gently i duated with greater honor, or is his supe but earnestly he endeavoured to win him jrior in solid science and varied learning; back from his wandering heart, and direct jor who has practiced with greater success ; him to trust more- in God and less in his j but who has, from conviction, rejected eve own strength, . ry mode and means of directly reducing the In the morning the. Bishop prayed with ( vital energies for the cure of disease ; as him, long and fervently; before he left the , bleeding, calomelizing, blistering, drastic chamber; and was glad to see his heart melt- purging, freezing and starving and has ed into contrition. Soon after the ?. BishoD , substituted the innoxious and Dowerfullv sanative vegetable medicines in their stead and heads a Medical College in Ohio, where, besides giving popular lectures in many of the cities of the West, the ample descended, he was met by the heads of the family with a thousand sincere apolo gies. He mildly silenced them, and asked to have his horse brought out The horse was accordinly soon, in readiness, and the Bishop, taking up his saddlebags, was pre paring to depart. But surely, Bishop,' urged the distress ed matron, you will not thus leave us? Wait a few minutes breakfast is on the table.' . 'No, Sister L - I cannot take break- last here. ou did not consider a poor Frost. That's right, Dr. Smith; we ap- tduwOrn traveller, worthy of a meal, and J prove nf vour showinsr uo ouacks: we have your Bishop has no claim but such as hu- some am 6hg us as well as among you. manity urges. ..... But you will please recolfect, that Dr. Frost And thus he departed leaving the family did not kill Mr. French. He steamed him and minister in confusion and sorrow. He j to be sure, and was about to cure him ; did not act thus from resentment, for such j but the mode of doing ii being so unfashk an emotion did not rise in his heart, but he jonable, a regular was called and the poor Dr. B. C. Peters, of Virginia, writes "I have owned a Thomsoman right about three years du ring which time, I have tested the efficacy of the practice in many cases of disease, and, as I stated in a former communication, have arrix'ed at a strong conviction, that ours is the true science of medicine. In the family of a respectable planter, I have had about eighty cases ( including while and colored people) within the last two years, and have not lost one. Among others, there were twenty -five cases of measles, fourteen of catarrhal fever, seven of rheumatism, two of frost-bitten feet, one of cramp, and one of bilious colic. If you deem the following case, which I treated, worthy of publication, it is at your service. A negro boy, the property of Capf. James A. Martin of this county, applied to me a bout the 27lh of August, with a bowel complaint which I relieved by giving No. 6 and Composition; but owing to his imprudence in going into the river on Saturday evening following, he was again taken sick. Sunday morning, he had a violent pain in the breast, loss of appetite and pulse low. I gave him hot bitters. Monday morning found him much worse; no pulse al the wrist, much distressed at the stomach,- no fee ing at the extremities, and mouth parched. ' Gave Cayenne and Lobelia and a table spoon full of 3d preparation of lobelia every half hour, and gave several injections of the same, and kept hot rocks at his feet. After continuing this treatment four hours, I could feel a slight pulsation at the wrist, in other respects there was no altera t'on. Being determined lo test the medicines, I gave two tea spoons futt of Cayenne and one table spoon full of 3d preparation of Lobelia every fifteen' min utes; giving injections of the same; kept steaming rocks at his feet and a bandage of 3d preparation of Lobelia to his stomach, about seven hours and a half: this not producing vomiting, I gave a small piece of pear ash in warm water, which had the de sired effects he soon vomited freely and had two evacuations from the bowels, and got into a proper persptraiion all ever, with the exception of his legs and feet, which continued cold: he was then rubbed with Cayenne and steamed three times during the night, and at eight next morning, a uniform perspi ration took place. I now gave si.k weed bitters . but p iin iu the stomach returning, with a low quick stores of his miffhtv mind are made to jrive I pulse, I gave Cayenne freely, ant in the evening - O O I . . . . . f "..,, - 1 .L I I... tOOK nim tnrougn a IUll course, wiieu mo puiae uu- coutmued to give Cayenne a powerful impetus to the great Botanical improvement of this age. I say, this ta lented and eloquent Professor has pronoun- ! ced upon the facts in the case of Dr. Frost, m the following language, in reply to one Dr. Smith, of the Metallicus family, who had thundered his anathemas against poor desired to teach them a lesson such as they would not easily forget. Six months from, this time the Ohio An- fellow quickly paid the forfeit." I will here dismiss the subjectr with the remark, that there are persons in this city, who ha nual Conference met at Cincinnati, and tlie jbitually administer to themselves when un young minister was to present himself for jwell, and who sometimes besides the stea ordinatibn as a Deacon; and Bishop George ming, take eight tea spoons full of pulveri- was tq be the presiding Bishops zed Lobelia (the plant and pods) in inter- On the first day of the assembling of the vals of ten minutes, before full vomiting is Conferenceoifr minister's heart'sunk with- ; induced ( about five times the quantity that m him as he saw the venerable Bishop take i French took at any one time) and who not his seat. CSo" great wai his grief and agita tion thatheas oonobUged to leave 'the only sustain no injury from it, but find themselves speedily relieved and restored foomJhf lQpingy a the Bishop was jto good health. Now this single fact is came verv lull at 73 arid 3d preparation of Lobelia, eight days, when he was able to resume his employment, anu only need ed tonics a few days. He is now healthy & strong, nd can be produced at any time to vouch tor the good effects of Lobelia, pepper anu steam, ne fact, lhat he took a table spoon full of the strongest preparation of Lobeha evftry fifteen minutes, for se ven and half hours, without being poisoned, ought forever to silence the calumny of " leariled igno rance that Lobelia is a POISON ! ! " With triumphs like these, staring Dr. Jackson in the face, it is not at all wonder ful, that he should tell his associates, lately, ' thev must fall into the Botanic practice more than they have done, or they would lose their business." But for Metallicus to inveigh against JCobelia as a. poison merely because it is used more freely by Thomso niarrs than it is by the law legged Doctors, seems something like Satan chiding sin, If he will but go- into his drug apothecary shop, and look around and ask himself if he can conscientiously utter a word against poisons while he is making a subsistence by vending the most virulent poisons, he would feel himself rebuked, l worna soon er swallow the Thomsonian saddlebags, if possible, and all that they contain than White Onion or Silver . Skin Yellow do Red dp French do or London Lerk Early Blood f Turnip tteet ' French Sugar lo " f)range Turnip do Long Blood do Mangel Wurizcl d( Early White Scarcity . or Sugar Beet Scarlet Cavrot , Orange tlo and Eurly Horn do . Guernsey Parsnip Fine Sugar do Long While do Krly Cluster Cucum. her Kxtra Long : do Long fireen do Karly Frame b Kily Stiirt Green, do I'r.ckly Gberki'i do Supt-rior Watermelon liarly Applrfeed do Large Musk melon Fine Nutmeg Melon Large Cantelope do Green Citron do Pomgranale d Kgg lb Dutch Summer Squash Bush Crook do do v Crook Neck Winter do Cocoanutor Prrter do Crook Neck Summer do Mammoth do Mammoth Pumpkin Large Yellow do Uoqjette Curled Chervil White Coss Lettuce Imperial Sugar Loaf do Early White Head do Large Green do do Ice do do Ice Coss do Green Coss do Magnum Bonum Coss d Early Curled do Royal Cabbage Head do Extra do do do Brown Dutch do Large curled India do Tennisball or Uose do M deipa or Passion do Long white Naples Ua rfUh Early Scarlet Short Top do Purple Slvoit Top do lied Turnip - do Long Salmon do White Turnip do While Fall Spanish do Yellow Turnip do Early Sugar Lf. Cab bage " George do Dutch do " York do Arklics Early Dwf. do (ne) L:rge York or Harvest do Karly Drumhead or BatteFsen do Early Bullocks Heart do Large Bergen do Drumhead do " Drumhead Savoy do Flat or late Dutch do Green Savoy do YeSlw do do Green Glazed do Red Dutch do THE Spring sessioii of this Institution will open on the 25th inst. TEUMS OF TUITION. First Class - - - - - Second, 3d and 4th - Music - - - - - Drawing and Painting Needle Work - T - Leson in French will be eiven by ft native of France at $3 per month. Board may be had in some f the most respectable families of th place at $10 per month. WM. M. GKEEN. , , SupriatenderHi Jan 8, 1833 11 3wi- . ,15.00 00 -3.00 , O TIC E Cole wort E:tr!y Cuiliflower j Late do j Cesar'an Kile or Cow Cabbage ! Scotcli Kale Rhubarb esculent for! Tarts Early D,u,rn or Spring FLt Turnip Early garden Stont do Large English Norfolk do White Flat do lie I Top dat ltutahaga , do Suge Squash or Bell Pepper Large sweet bell-shap. ed do. for pickling Cayenne do Purpie Egg Plant Curl-d Cre-s or Pepper i Grass Hroad l.eart-d Crtss Water Cress Large Tomato Small do Vegetable Ovster White Solid Celery Summer S:,vnry Dwarf Curled Paisley Curled do New Zealand Spinage Lrge Plnd-rs do iUiuidSa voy-U aved !6 Green Curled Endive Broad Leaved do White Mufttard lirown do Long White Okra Giant Aspar-g'is Nasturtion Bene Plmt Coined Salad English Sorrl Lrge ScotcirLeek Saffron Sweet Mig.nrnette M Majoram Thyme " Lavender " B.s, Lemon Blm , Early Smmix or 6 weeks Corn Early Tusc-rora do Early Sugar do Smith's early white do Early Washington or June Peas EarJy.Charlton d Eiuly Bishops Prolific do Early Frame do Large White M.tirow f;t do Dwf. Marrowfat do ' Prolific do " Blue Impel i il do Ea' ly (;h'ma ilw. hra'is " Muhawk do do " Six -weeks do do Refugee . do tlo VVhite Kidney do do Variegated Cranbcty do Pole & Bush Dutch Case Knife "do Large Lima do Small do do Dutch White Runner - . I do Scarlet Runner 'do Long Pod (Dwf.) do Red Speckled Valen '. tine do China, white with red eye, ; do Artichcdce.lnrge Globe Poland Sweel ILrbs, assorted FLOUR SEEDS assor ted, And a great variety not included in this hit". S' TRAYE0 cr itolen from, the subscriber on the 39th of De cember last, "sev'en mile west ot Lonisburg,- i FrankHn County. n-ar Chavis Bridge-, on Tar river, one BAY DORSE, aix years old, 4 feet 11 in ches hij;hthis left hind ancle white, short tail and mane, and is crease-fallen on the neck. A reward ot FIFTEEN l)OLLARS will be paid W any person who will deliver him lo the .'Sub set iSer at his house. ALLEN THOMSON, . Franklin Co., Jan 9,1833. 11 5t. 7 ' '- r .1.1- '! IB CASKS of Fresh Thomastown 51 LIME, CASKS BEST. PL AI S T E R O.P PARIS, TIERCES Nova Scotia Plaster of Pa ris for manuring Land. Just received by the Subscriber, three deora South of the Market House, Fayelteviller and for sale low for Cash. t - JOHN E. PATTERSON. Jan. 11, 1838. . 11 3w TURNER HUGHES. Q3 If any ot the seed sold by us should fail to come up, (having been fairly tried) Ihe pur chaser shall be at liberty lo get others to the same amount il 4t. , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA- Johnston ACounty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, " November Term, A. D. 1 837. John Atkinson vs. Lewis D. Stevens. u ' Attachment. Levied on Land. ;j; IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thjat the defendant, Lewis D. Stevens, is not an in habitant of thia StateIt is' ordered therefore, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register, for six weeks successively, notifying the said Lewis D. Stevens to appear at the next term f the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Johnston, at the Court House in Smith -field, on the 4th Monday injJ?,bruary next, then and there U answer, plead Pr feplyyr oT judgment final will be entered agatin and the laijulc condemned snbiect ta,the Plaintifi" recovery. ! at Office, 4th Monday, tri November, A. D. 1837, tl5 WATSON. Uterfc STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Johnston County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, November Term, A. D. 183T. -r i ' Everitt M itchelt vs. Zachariah Mitchell. Original attachment. Levied on Land IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thai the defendant Zachariah MitcheU, is not 7an in habitant of this State It is therefore ordered; tVaf( . publication be made in the Raleigh Register, for six weeks successively, notifying the said Zachariah Mitchell to he & appear at the next term of the Court , uf Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be hekl for the Coun ty of Johnston jat' the Court H cruse in Smituneld, -on the 4th Monday in February next, then und there to answer, plead or replevy, or judgment' final will be entered against him, and. the taade . condemned subject to the PlaintifT's recoveiy.-. ; - w itness, WilL H. Watson, Clerk of said Courf at Office in Smithfield, 4th MondajJn November, 1837. i t II-S5 WM. H. WATSON, Clerky - . i -- . NORTH CAROLINA " STATE LOT TERYt For the benefit of the Salisbury Academy i Second "Class for 1838, To be drawn at Greenville, Pitt co., N. C On Wednesday, the 7th February, 1838 75 Number Lottery, -14 Drawn Ballots, SCHEME- y One Prize of $10,000, ode Prize of4,00p, me Prize of $3,000, one Prize of $2,500, one Priie of $2,000, one Prize of $1,500, 3 of $1,000. &c fce Wholerickels $5, Halves $2 50, Qrt. $1 25. , To be had in the greatest variety- of numbers, either by the Package or single Ticket of Lilly & Wheelcrt Successors of Stevenson 4 Point 4 RALEIGH. N. C A Certificate of a Packogp cf 25 Whole-Tickets" will coat ' $65 60 85 Half 32 75 " .25 Quar. 16 37f " ' .,- Sparring. On the 28th urlt. in the di-' cussion of the Land Bills, Mr. Clay, ? hav ing accidentally adverted to the .fact that many of the Senators misrepresented their constitutents, Mr.' Allen, of Ohio, who hap-' pens to be in that predicament, took fire at the allusion, and "repelled the attack of,ih Senator from Kentucky.'' He said, htf would not permit him or any other man fto refer in that way to the relation subsisting between him and the people of Ohio and he wound up by saying that the woald hold any man accountable," who did mak suah allusions, in the Senate, and ont of it.' Very brave words these- very ! Mr, Clay rose, and with greatcalmnea i& marked, that "he thought there was ; po necessity for all this indignation -and none for the Senator from Ohio asseverating strongly what he would doi As to rersQii, al responsibUity he had found, injhis. Uf' that the men of the greatest detefmiftfitibir were not. those who made the most talka bout it." Vhereup(m Mr. Allen took back all he said about personal apcountability. ' and said "he meatit nothing of that khad; What then did he mean I t Lynchburg- VigimaW Items from the "Boy'tfritndi-Jie, vi cious and you cannot be happy ; be virtiioa' . . and you oann6t be miserable, v , - Ail the great and gdod ineh h4heflr have been boys; and why should ot " all boys become great and good mn Nevergp to bed till you7arrfetttc you were jwhen you"a!ra$e; tooaelaSpln' expeTienceyiandt refijecjittieti f wisdom, arcf the propertyof all yrhp took to enjoy thera. :,.pprg$:, Readgood ,pisr --cSit -I goojT pamons. attend to good cQunciU and imt . tate:gootexamphsi;.;-r-r7? .xr The'man denenda on tha boVi the peaejF of to-moryow on ths actions of to-dey. i i .... : ... m-'t', "' k.1 s S7'

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