'"" -: .V ! tlfc OailCTKARlS AT B4SDO STRUNGi . TOM CliOVER. , Who is it, that, ia fait or foul, ' '"- ' Is such i Constant mow Whoso mind ia busy at his work, ; Who owns the farrn so nice and trim, 8q full of stock and stover, "With fields so fertile and a grf en, T And at! well fenc'dlToin Closer. Who too Uie .handsome dwdling-house, That stands beside the grove there, The barns, the sheds; the pens, the yards, v The garden? Why! Tom Clover. To whom docfs that smart team belong1, ' " Those cattle, fit for droer, And gelding, so well tlisciplined; So plarnp and fat? Tom Clover. ' As, yesterday, at early dawn, 1 pass d the meadows over, - "Whom saw I mowing in the dew? : It was the same, Tom Clover. Two neighbors were in warm dispute, A' trifle each one strove for f A third one came and peace restored; Was this be? Ay, Tom Clover. And, iheit, the needy ask'd an alms, Hiarobe a scanty cover;) Kind looks, kind treatment he received: : Prom Tom too? Right, Tom Clover. Tom Clover, then, Fll greet thy name.' Thou art the true chef-cT ceuvre. And pattern for our farmers all; . Yes, yes, indeed, Tom Clover. And new, couM I the wide work! rule, ta States and Kingdoms Over, The paltry sceptre I'd resign, To be, but this Tom Clover. REVISED STATUTES. ' fBHE Subscribers having contracted with the ; 1 Commissioners of the State ibr the publication of the Revised Statutes of North Carolina, have the pleasure of announcing the completion of said work.. Having been appointed by the Governor, Agents - on the paitof the Stat.for its sale, they now offer to the good citbfens of North Carolina, a work which, as regards-quality of paper and execution, is not " equalled by any law 'book aver published in this country. Ithas been pronounced by every one, who has examined it, (and a mong these are nam " bered many of the oldest and most extensive. . Book publishers in' the United States,)' to be the u,ne film vltrcf1 of Typography. . , . Published in two Vrfames the 1st .containing 712 pases, the 2d 558, at the low price of nine dol ,iars per copy, or $5 for the 1st and $4 for the 2d j YoL if sold separately. All orders for the above ji work, directed to them at the Nortb Carolina Book $tore, wifl meet with prompt attention. ' ' TURNER & HUGHES. Kaleigh, N. C, Jan. 4, 1338. 10 3m. The Northampton Academy. fllHE exerckea of the above Institution will re , JL commence on Monday, the 15th of January next. Board may be had in the village, or its vicinity, at 70pto $8,00 per month. The terms of Tuition for the session of five months are as follows . For the ordinary blanches of English learning, $10 ,M tbehiglier do do .$12 ' lha Latin, Greek and Mathematics, $15 ROBERT A. EZELL, - Principal. Jackson, N. C. Dec 23, 1837. 9 4w. OXFORD MALE ACADE flY. prominent advantages of this Inti I tutio ion, rentier tt peculiarly- ileservinff thel notice f fare nts and Gutrdians. , Oxforil,is surpassed by no village of the South in its benltbfnlness, pleasant' location, good so ciety and freedom from dissipation. The Principal, Mr. A. IUiit, is a gentleman of considerable attainments in classical and sci entific knowledge, acquired in England, It.Wy and France. ; "lie is not only well versed in'lhe Greek and' Latin Classics, but fami'dar with Modern Languages and at) -the numeiousoMtw ches of fliysical. Mathematical, Morul and In tellectual Science. '." ' " In training- the Students lo respect their Teachers, theft companions .and themselves, 'sinctregifri will be bad to 'inculcate virtuous ptinei pTes, bon orab le fee lings and gen t Vm a n !y conduct. The government- will be parental jrather than severer and the Students' minds-di Teeted to habits of industry, accurate observa tion and deep enquiry. ' . Mr. T. HieoiKS, a graduate of an European College, and an excel! ut classical scholar, is engaged for tjjie , ensuing year ta instruct the ju nior classes. j Classical Students will be prepared to enter le Freshman or the Sophomore class, agree a fcly to the course of studies prescribed by the TJmrersity of the State, Ternr Classical St u dentsl5,00, Englitth, from $6,00 to 15,00 Ter session -- 1 freuca, SpaiuaU.'J v Tfie Tuilic rreucft, . - . . O.$7 50."J... - :1 s- . C f ses. ,$10 00 Extra. I A T"m .ah j " 1 - and lhe mount of: half a session will be the' 5mal (est charge. .T(ie.firsWi6bori838rwiIl'-ueglii on the 22d of January, and the Examination will be en Monday and Tuesday the 18th and 19th of June. BV ORDER OK THE TRUSTEES. . ' Osford. N. C, Dec. 1, 1837. 9 Si, OOCot. James Nuttall is grilling to receive : . select number of Students, to be under the immediate care of the Princ'iDa). wh will r. ss iuiuuu ires sre rt-niitrpji tt ide wUh them.; Terms eight dollars, per month maaanee. 9oa.rd can-also be' had ia other respectable families for $8 to $10 per month. OXrOJJD FEII ALE ACADEMY. flfHE Spring Session of this Seminary will con . c menee on the first Monday in February, un xx -Tu T - .undersigned, as PrincipaL Aided by Ms. Uidlbt and other competent asaia- JTb Music Department wini be under the' chaf go f-Mas. 0'Ba:ijf, as heretofore, t Tttnw of Board and Tuuion, s -previously es Mum $2Q0 Drawing $10. "1 V J0SBpH JAS. IWDLEY. QxbtA, N, G. January Uth, 1838. H. sw flHET TRUSTEJBS of the UlarMvtue i w L ademy bave elected Mr. SaWcel h, Vexxble, ' : : v.. --. . its T-.1. A I nf fhA Tnfiiitntion. M Ml.llUI v " , . A -A..Sir.ii. .aJ4iBht'lWhef Mr: YenaWe V will -ddvota all his energies to thescnopii wnicn, iuc . - ., Trustees thmk, will ensure successto tne emerprw . ' i -c.t i f.riiciifii piinr.fl- i as ne w-b griiitciuaii- 4 wiw ..- . l : lion, i ney ueuee ue-m buvvw-. .j - j Me rUKU wi a "'"'""S" r. - ' T . tw P-.fl ,inr.J na mav sateiv ..commie .u:, jk. V.;- inctrnrtmn. 1 ne i rusiees - ' . I . , - r...n:.h ti'SWnd with i v uw.y - - - .... -,iA. .r ins. The first session will commence mc tUUl W 1 Febrasrv next, and close the 1st. day of August The second session will commence, the 1st, day, of October. Board, including washing light and fuel, can be at from 45 to 50 ... '-f dollars per ssciion of five month?. TER51S. ! Spelling, Reading & Writing, per session $12,50 English Grammar, Natural History, l Anciejit and Modern Geography, j Arithmetic. Geometry, Ancient & Modern History, Plane 4' Spherical iper 6C6,$ 16,50 Natural and Moral Philosopliy. As tronomy, Rhetoric, Logic & Men tal PJwlnsnnhv. Music, - . (Extra) pet session, $20,00 Use of Instrument, " . 5,00 Latin and French, M 1 " 20'00 Piintiner and Ornamental branches, " 5,00 . Tuition to be baid to the Treasurer in advance Samuel L. Graham, rresuleut, John vy. luson, Secretary, H. M, Daniel, Trarr, bilas U. liar ris. Wrlliam Townes. i Nicholas C. Read; A. VV. Venabre. Henrv M. Soencer. Samuel V. Watkins, E. A Williams, Truitees. Jan. 1,1838. ' 10 6 w. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Wake County, Court of Equity-t-Fall Term, A. D. IS37. John A. Stuart and others Ex parte. Petition to sell Land. BY virtue of a Decree of the Coart of Equity, made in the above named case, the Subscriber will proceed to sell, at the Court House, n the City of Raleigh, on Monday, the 19th day of February next (being the Monday of Wake bounty Court) the following valuable Real Lstate, viz Part of that desirable Lot. described in the origi nal Plan of the City of. Raleigh as No. 104, but better known as the Casso Lot; an eligible; site for building. Also, part of Lot No. 146, situated in tjhe very heart of the Citv. near the Market, and having thereon at present two $tote. j Also, a Tract of Land, contiguous to the (City on .1 . . tn I J I - 1 tne rasi, containing io acres more or, icss, auu uu joining the Land3 of James Coman and John Sugg, Also, a Tract, containing 14 acres more or less, near the last mentioned one, adjoining the lands of John Sugg, William Gaston and others. Also, another Tract of 324 acres more or less, adjoining thr lands of William IT. Haywood, Lewis Holloman, .William McPheetcrs and others, and situated near the main Road leading to Smithiield. about three miles from Raleigh. - The Terms of sale, as prescribed by the Decree, are a credit of Six and Twelve months the pur chase money to be secured by bond with approved security. GEO. W. UAx WUUD, U. M. JS. Jan. 6, 1S38. 10-ts. NEGROES WANTED. W. & A. STITH Will give Twelve dollars per month, for FIFTY strong Negro fellows, to commence work immedi ately; and for FIFTY morcTon the latday of Feb ruary, and for f IFTi , on the 1st March. Jau. 1, 1838. 9- 1st mch. 11 AN away from the Subscriber, from his res- M idence, on South Edisto, WiUow Swamp, Orangeburg District, S. C., on Motiday niglt, 2od OC, a negro man nmtd HOWARD- Said Negro is well nropi i tioncd, about 6 feet high, and of black complexion high forehead, a somewhat prominent ioe, full lace, and no whiskers; he ha a scjt on the inner mikle of (I prt sume the left foo, produced by a burn, and on one of his arms a inuik rcembhng a let. ter S- HOW AIM) speaks with pluusihility and ease; is rather assuming' in his addresf, yet mild and humble in his mmmer?. lie is a keen, shrew a icitow walies erect and as!, and is apt to bear uncommonly on his toes when bur. ried. According to his own account, he origi ually belonged tn Joshua lee, a ntanler ntar Clmton, Va., to which place it is supposed he will direct his course, or to. Norfolk Or Kich mond. He lidd on when he went away, blue pantaloons aul eoa', either blue 'or--yellow vest, and n black bat. He took -away wirii h'm a pair of saddlc-bagp, and is supposed lo have a free ticket. To any person wb.o will lodge saul Negro. in jail, so that I get him, if it he in lid Stale, I will pay a reward of fifty lollars, and all rea sonable expenses; if in Noith Carolina, seventy-five dollrs ami Expenses; if in V.rginta or Maryland, one hundred dollars and expenses. WM. HI LEY. The Cheraw sGazttte, Fayetteville Gazette, nleigh Register, Jiichmond Whig, aud Na ti;nal Intell gencer, will please publish the a bove once a week for five weeks, and forward their accounts to the subscriber at tJraneebtirfir C. II:, S. C Jan. 6. w. n. ll5t. Pittsboro' Female Academy, UJCDXH THE CAllP. OF MISS JfLtli ABETU AsilKRHOIT. 11HE first Term of this hool w;i commence L Feb. 12, and cl se tm the 20th December nex', with a vacation o! two weeks at the close of the 'first-session. For Orthography, Reading and Writi"g, per sessirn of five mouths - - - - - $6,00 " Englisli Grammar, Geography and Arith. raetic, do. do. - - - . - $10,00 Vqany other branches, in addition' to those named, such as Philosophy, History Bota ny, Chemistry, &c. do. do; , - - $12,50 Mis- A. will give instruction in Needle Work without .any additional charge; andalso lessons in Drawing and Painting 'af a exjr-4 charge of $8,00 per session. Tuition in advance, .and no jdeduction for absence, unless in pase of: sick ness. Miss A. has had several years experience as a Tutoress in the Greensborough Female Aca demy, and the Trustees are well assured of her competency to give satisfaction iifall the bran- cues ofa sound English Education. - Roard can be had in the Town with respectable Families, at a moderate price. TlttJSY&ES. fitlsboro , Jan, 6, 1838. 11 4t. JOB r PRINTING ' BXRCUTED AT THIS WITH mSATWESS AND DESPATCH. C2 HARACTUH, one of .the few remaining- . . i(,...fhi.ie::.A., r.w thorough ore 9'.-" w V'V 77 " onereu ior saie vecy iu , w v . -v ivi.cMrt : if unniimtion oe niuo ov iiic l -- - . ,n h ;a " . , ..... .' . i.a reutin aeeji smrjei, j iw ivg m.j,i -r- oeen successiuun iuiuniu ;iv . :... rr'.K..ouili nncl .ftthr Tilnra?. k ' i - Y. nt.i c: .K.. n:K ,t.mhvi , imnnlted Ilruttl V Wi j granuam, in.tJr Jamous um u his great jrandam by 1 he unpolled Old Jolly Hoger, out of a thorough nreci uace iuarc. vo Turf Jtegister, Vol. 5.) Ilia Uoits are iarf-e aui likely. To be convinced of tlm tact, it is only necessary o visit Pomona ami see mem. .nt-ing over slocked, ! hjve a tew rir.e tuotuieu Glares, in foul by Character, very cheap. Come and see, and be your own judge. For further par- tieutars: anWv to SE TH JONES. Pomona, near Raleift h, N. L. 9 5w December 26, 1837 Waltc Forest Institute. T III! E Exercist s .f this School will be rammed on, the 1st Monday in February next.- Since the close 01 the last term, the services of two able & expt rieticed Professors have been secured: and'tlu-v will be in place at the com mencement of the Session. The friends of 1 lie Institute haver now, much to encourage them. The annual expense of each Student at the Institute, is 0'e hundred Dollars, payable, Fifty at the bei inning of each term, (lrebruary and July.) It is deemed important to state, that the ne glect hitherto of the Resolution, requiring the Fifty dollars in advance ol tach beSbion, has proven both detrimental and inconvenient to the M.teresls ot the msiuuie; aim win 111 luture ue rigidly enlbretd. No Student will be a.imittetl to recstation, without fir.t producing the Treasurer s cer tificate. We hope that in this requirement, we ahull nt be estemca eitntr rigid or 1 ... illiberal, as it 1 the common requirement of all school?. JOS. B. OUTLAW, Pies!. January 1, 183S. C3 The Biblical Recorder, Standard, Miltnn Snectator. Wetrrn Carolinian, Heliirtous He- rahl and Norfolk Herald will give the above four insertions and forward their accounu to William Holes, Esq. P. M. Holcsv.lle, Wake (. North Cin.:n:i., JOHN BASCOMBE. THIS CELEBRATED RACER jrwrlLL tand the ensuing season at the Hamj Vf ton Course, near Augusta, Ga., under the di rection of F. W. Lary, and be let to mares, at $100 the season, with one dollar to the Groom the sea son to commence the 1st of February and end the 15th of July. Il is requested that persons sending mares, will send a note fur the season, and the Pedi gree of the rcarc. The proprietors are well provided with Lots and Stables for mares that may be sent to remain with the horse,and they will be fed and well attended to for fifty cents per day black servants sent with mares fed gratis. Every care and attention will be taken to guard against nccidents and escapes, but no liability will be incurred for either. The charge for keeping mares to be paid when taken away. Description. jumi oAcsUfVitJK is a light chesiiut, hue oonc anu muscle wun superior limbs and actum, and for sprtghthness and intelli- gence ot countenance, surpassed Dy no horse on earth; in fact, take him upon tbe whole, he is the horse of horses. He will be seven years old the en suing spring. Pedicrco. Jo us Dkcombk was got by old Bertraml, out of Grey Goose, she by Paeolft, and he by imported Citizen, grandam by imported Buz zard, great grandam by Wade Hampton's Paragon, g. g. grandam by imported Figure, g. g. g. gran dam the old S-lammeikin mare by the eelebratd imported horse Wildair, out of the imrortcd Cub mare. Wade Hampton's Paragon was got by im ported Flimnap out of Camilla, and she by Bur- well's Traveller; his grandam by ,old Fearnought, g. grandam Cahsla, imported bv CoL Byrd. Bur- well's Traveller was got by by Morton's Traveller, out of Col. Byrd s Cahsta. , Performances. 1834, HuntsviUe, Ala., Nov. 15. Mile heats, liest three in five, he ran se cond ta Stockholder, beating Bachel Johnson, Whalebone, and oamuel Ottourke. Time, 2m. 4s.; 2m 3--.; 2m 5s.; 2m 5s,; 2m 5s. 1835, Nov. 18, at Montgomery, Ala., three mile heats, he won the purse, distanced Samuel O'- Kourke, his only competitor, tiie first heat, in 6m 52s. 1835, Nov. 24, at Mount Meigs, Ala., three mile heats, he ran second to Bill Austin, beating Daph ne. Time, 6m.- 6m 3s. 1835, Dpc. 10, at Columbus, Geo, three mile heats, he beat Volney, by Industry. Pime, first heat, 6m. Volney having broke down; 1836, Jan. 13, at Augusta. Geo., three milo heats, he beat Chestatee, Ormond, Cob Townes' Truffle colt, and distanced Paul Clifford in the first and Vertumnus in the second heat, in 5m 54s,- 5ra 5Gs. 1836, April 12, at Augusta, Geo., in a match of four mile beats, he distanced Col. Hampton s Ar- gyl the first heat, in 7m 44s. track thirty-three- feet over a mile. This match was for $32,000, $17,000 on Argyle and $15,000 on Col. Crowell's stable, consisting of Bill Austin, Lady. ISashviHe, John Bascombe aud B Oliver, Bascoinbe having been selected. 1836, May 31, attlje Union Course, Long Island, in a match of four mile heats, $5,000 a side, after travelling m'ie hundred miles, he beat the cham pion of the North, Post Boy. two strait heats, four miles each, in 7m 49s. and 7m 51s. Track not in the bert t Jer, and the day windy. 1836, Dec. 9.. at Augusta, Geo.,1 four mile heats, ho beat tbe grey cojk Kite and Lady Morgan, in two heats. 1 ime, 8m Is 8m Is. 1 John Bascombe never lost a heat, after getting into the hands of Col. John Crowell, bis present owner. F. W. LAC x. Augusta, Geo., Dec. 14, 1837. 10 3m HO US E S FOR SALE. A well broke, gentle MATCH of CARRIAGE rrrToi.'s . 1: . . . . j. .mm iiji.KLiK, iui cACBuumg hvc years old, is offered for sale on accommodating terms. Apply at Raleigh, January 6, 1838. 10 . A Horse, Saddle & Bridle FOR SALE." The Saddle and Bridle new, and the Horse sold tor want ot use. Apply to W. & A. STITH. January 1, 18581 - BLANKS, POB SALE AT THIS OPFIOE, STATU. OFi NORTH-CAR OLWA , ' " Pitt County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ' " November Term, 1S37. Bryant .Hardie OrigiuaJ Attachment, levied - " t V 'I'"- Land.: 1 - Benjamin Cox j - ' IT appearing to the satisfactih of the Court, that the Dcftmdaut, Uerijamin Cox, k, not ah inhabi tant of this State It is ordered that publication be wade in thtf RSleigh Register, for six weeks, noti fying the said Benjamin Cox to appear at the next Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions to be held. for the county aforesaid, at the Cpiut House in Green- . ville, on the first Monday in February ne xt, then and, there to answer, p'ead. or replevy, or juugment final will be entered agdnst him, ami the lauds con demned, subject to the IlaintifTs recovery. Witness, Arch, Parker, Clerk of said Court, at Office,-in Greenville, the first Monday iu November 1837. ! 8 Ct pr. $5. ARCH. PARKER, Cjcrk. JS once is hereby given THAT application will be made to the Presi dent, Directors and Company of the State Cank of Nortb Carolina, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, for the renewal of a Certifi cate of Five Shares of Stock of said liank, issued in the name of James Martin -said Certifieale h ving been lost - October 23, 18:17. 51 3m Salt, Flour and Bacon, For ale b W. Si A. STITH. 2 November 10. A CABD. If. J. II. JEFFKEYS having located m tin place. ofTers his Professir.nal Services to the Citizens of Ifaleiuh and iticinity ; and rc-pectfuliy solicits a portion 'of their patronage He may be found at his Office 00 raycttcviiie Street, 2d door above the Post Office, at all times when not profes-,ion:illy eiijj ged. Haleigh, lec. 2. 18.7. 5 tt W. & A. STITH wih to purchase FIVE HUNDRED BARRELS OF CORN. 50 Stacks of FODDER, and a quantity of OATS for all of which they will pay the highest Market price, cash. They will also pay a fair price for MEAL, by mea sure or w eight. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A D. 1837. Hamilton Hester and others Petit:on for f C Partition. Tbos. O'Drvant & Wife Ik others T appearing to the satisfaction oF the Court, . that tne DefVrid.-tids mi tins case, Thomas O Bryant and Wife 'Elizabeth,. Calvin Gordon, Sarah Gordon. Lawson N. Gordon, J;.. Gordon, Wiiliam Gordon, Samuel Gordon, and Mary jane iiordon, reside beyond the limits or (llis ot-te It is ordeied, that publication be mace for six succi ssive wetks in the Raleigh ltegis ter, tor 1 lie sad liefendants 'to be and appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses-ions, to be held for the county of Gr.uiville, at the Court House in Oxford, on-tlie first Monday ot Fib 111 try. next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to said :etition; otlierwisr, the same w II be heard ex parte as to them, and the prayer ol the petitioners granted. Witness James M. Wiggins, t;leiK t said Court, at Office, the first Mo'ul .y of November A. . J AS. M. WIGt.INS. Clerk 8 6w pr. adv. $5 62$. UST received from Thos. V. Holden's Mill, and for saie by ' W. & A STITH. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D. 1837. Drusi 11a Hester U others- vs. I Petition for divi- Ilamilton Hester, Adai'r of f sioii of Negroes. Z.ich. Heater 8c others. J IT, appearing- to the satisfaction of the Court, tint the Defendants, Thomas O'llrvant and Wife El zibelh, Calvin Gordon, Sarah Gordon, Lawson N. Gordon, J mes Gordon, William Gordon, Samuel Gordcn and Mary Jane Goidon, risi.de beyond the limits of thif State It is or dtred that publication be m .de for six succes sive weeks in the Raleigh Register, for said De fendants to be and appear at the Court of Pleas and Qurter Sessions, to be held for the coun ty of Granville, at the Court House in Oxford n the "first Monday in February next, then and there to plead, answ r. or demur to said neti- ' ion ; otherwise, the same w ill be heard ex par. te as to them, and the prayer of the petitioners granted. Witnc, James M. Wiggins, Clerk of said Ciurt at Office, th first Moiul .y of November A. D. 1837. J AS. Sl.:VI(iRlT?. VAt-vk. S 6w 1 pr. dv, $5 62 j STATEOF NORTH-CAROLINA, Grantllle County. Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D.. 1837. Rebecca li'alock &. others vi. "J ' Petition for L division of Ne- 1 nos. liiaiocK, Atim r ct 1 MHIington Blalock and others. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, . that EdW:,rd Boswtll and Wifr S-1iv. Rubt. Bla'ock, William Bialock, Miliington lilalock, and Etna Bl dock, infant children of William Bhtlock, tlec'd. reside beyond" the limits of this Slitte It is therefore ordered, that publication be made for six successive weeks in the. Kaltigh Kegister, for said DefentWnts to be aud appear at the Court of plea and Quarter. Sessions, to be held for the. .county of Granville, Ht the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday m Febru ary nex', men and there to plead, answer, or demur-to saiil petitioni otherwise, tiie same will be heartl ex parte as to them, and the prayer ol the petition rsgrahteel. Witness.1 James M. Wttrgins, C'erk of said- Court, at tlfiice, the firat Monday of November A. D- 18 i7. JAS. M. WIGGIN'SCleik. 8 6 pr. tdv. 'js 63 STATE OF NOR TH CAROLINA, Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D. 1837 John P. Bialock and others Petition for - vs. Division of E lwM Boswell 8 Wif& others S I.ahd. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that 'the .Defendants, Edward Uoswell and Wife, and Robert Bialock, William Bialock, Miliington. Bialock and Etna Bialock. infant children of William Bialock, deceased, reside Deyond the limits ot this State It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six suc cessive weeks ire the Raleiirh Register, for said Defendants to be ahd appear at the Court of rie.as jMiu.tiuarter Sessions, 1 9 be held for; the county of Uranvdle, at the Court House in.OXr f ord, n the first Monday in February next then and thereto plead, answer, or demur to said petrion ; otherwise, the same will be heard ex parte a to them, anel the prayer of the petition- ci a granieu. i- Witriess, James M.Wieeins. Clerk . of said Court, at Office, the first Monday in November i STATE Op, NQRTH-G&RQMN&l " - . " ':-'-lT-'iCujnev -. -.t-'v'' Court of Plea and Quarter Sessipfis, ; ' November Tcim, 1837. Lambert P. Dearasley ) - vs. -. VCofnstable's Jjcvy on ianu. '.. JJenjamin (Cioi. . J ; - ..:; : -i; . ' T. appearing to the satisfaction; of .the Court, that I the Defendant" has removed without the limits of the State -It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the. Raleigh Register, for the said Benjamin Cox to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Oulrter Sossiomj, to be held for the county. 'aforesaid, at the Court House in Greenville, on the first Monday in February net, then and there to plead, answer or demur, or judgment, pro conjesso, will ue enuvreti uatui ! ' ed,"subject to the PhuntifFs recovery. Witness, Arcb Parker, Clerk of said Court, at Office, in Greenville, the' fir Monday of November 8837. - . . ' i , Ctpr. 15. ' ARCH, PARKER, Clerk. aoo R.Oeigh 1 nAURKLS OF CORN wantrd at tne Paper Mill, for which the high est Market pric will te t;lven oy uie suoncri ber. W.M. N. SJIADOK Unl-igb, Jan. 1838. , JSOTJCK. riHE second Annual Meeting of the Stockholders 1 of -the' RALEIGH & GASTON R AIL-RO AD COMPANY, will be held at the Bank of the btate, in the City ol" Raleigh, on the. fourth Monday of January next, at which time, it is particularly de sired that all the S5ock m8V be reprrseuted, either in person or by proxy. G. W. MORDECAT, Prcs't. Raleigh, December 20, 1837. 8 Star and Standard. . STATE OFNOR TH- CAR OLINA, Anson County. In Kquity Full Term, 1337, ' Eli Lowry and Susanna, h.a Wife, and others Bartlelt Collins and Rebecca, hh Wife, Green William and Millv, his Wife, Samuel Strieely ami I.aviuia, his Wife, Nancy Worley, Rebec ca Worley, Stephen Worley, Joel Woiley, and Sus:n Worley. Petition for the sale of Land. aT appearing to the sati faction of the C:tirt that Bartletl Collins and Rebecca, his Wife Green Williams and Mdly, his Wife, Sam uel Streelv, and I.avinU,' Ids Wife, Nancy Worley, Rebecca Worley, Stephen Vorley, Joel Worley," and Susan Worley, Defendants in the above case, rcsiele beyond. the limits ol this State tt i therefore ordered that publica tion be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Register, for said Defemlants to be and appear before the Honorable, the Judge of our rext Court of Kquity. to be heltl for the countv of Anwin, at the Court House in Wadesboro', on the second Monday of March next, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petitionersshould not be grai.tctl: e-therwise, judgment, pro eMnfesso, will be en fercd up, aud the caue heard ex parte as to 1 hem. Wine's, Willitm Ewing Troy,C'erk and Mas ter of said Ctitirt in Equity, at Office, in Wades boro', the 2d Monday of September, 1837, and in the 62d year of American Independence. 8 6t pr. $5 62i Wf. E. TttOY, C. M. E STATE OF NOHTIl CAROLINA. Wake County. Court of Pleas and Quarte. Sessions, November Term, 1837. John B- Tinny vs. Thr-mas A. Waite. Attachment. (jharles Manly, Jofin P. Robert son and Edmund B. Freeman, summoned a Garnishees. aT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that tiie Defnidant in this case is not an inhabitant of this State it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Regis ter, for six aucceasive weeks for the, saidele fen da lit. to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held. for the county of Wake, at the Court House in the C.ty cf Raleigh, on the 3d Monday in Februarj' next : then Hiid there to plead, answer or demur, or Judgment pto contess will be entered uj: a gainst him. 1 - Witness, Alfred Williams, Clerk ef sa d Court, at OrTice, the third Munelay of November, A. D. 1837. 7 6w - A. WILLIAMS, C. C. To the Afflicted. Vegetable Powder and Syrup. For Diseases of the Lungs Liver Com plaints, Dyspepsia, Coughs, Colds, 4'C HE operation of this Medie'me is particularly mild arid safo. It promotes a gentle and healthy perspiration, and checks Morbid and per nicious sweatings ; relieves chronic affections and congestion of the lungs ; assuages cough 5 promotes a free and mild expectoration ; removes pains from the chest relieves asthma or difficult respiration ; corrects obstinate costiveness, and leaves the bow. els ina regular and healthy state. Those painful symptoms which indicate diseased lungs readily yield to this certain remedy, when seasonably re sorted to; and restores the patient to the bodily vi gor which that wasting disorder, the consumption, if left to its natural operation, so s.urely destroys. TO THE PUBLIC. We have had frequent opportunities of conversing with our acquaintances at the south, who bave used Hadloek's Vegetable Medicine, many of1 whose names are attached to his cretificateand from- our knowledge of their respectability, and the benefits which they appeared to have derived from its use, we have no hesitation in expressing our beffif that it is a valuable remeely for the purpose for which it is offered to the public and as such we cheerfully recommend it. THOMAS P. HUNT, Lafe Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, N. Carolina. HENRY A. ROWLAND, Pastor Of Pearl-street Church, New-York. j A supply of the above just received and for sale wholesale and retail at the North-Carolina Book Store, by - TURNER & HUGHES, ftUIl G ROCElll. THE Subscriber has just opened a FAMILY GROCERY STORE, on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, immediately opposite Mr. Murray's Hotel, where he will always keep; on hand for sale by re tail, a constant supply of the following article, of the best quality, viz : IUCE BITTER, ALT, C AA ILI, SOAP, MOLASSES, C5IFAVIiU And Smoking Tobacco, And a rrumber of other articles of the same kind. The undersigned wilt also receive"'6n Comrnis siou any articles that may be entrusted to hia care, dispose of them to the best advantage, and faithful ly account for the same to ither owner. .-'.''-.JXUz f JOHN RWHrTAKBR. Raleigh, Jan. 6, 1838. 4 thJ&. STATE pF NORT&CA&DjCiNji Court of Pleas an Quarter .Sessions, November Term, 1837. Abram Cox, use of -. ;, t Elkana.Teel a; Constable's Le evy 01 -V ' t3t .t , ." '.- r Land. . Ben). Cox end others. Statft Tt-i orilrfiil -that fmhlipatirtn Up n i " -.- I "iuuii jor six week3 in the Raleigh Register, for the said Den. jamin Cox to appear at the next Court of pjeas Hn (Quarter csessions, to ue una tor tiu3 county ahjt(S said, at tne ouri tiouse in ureenvihe, on the flri Monday in February next, then and there to plead, answer Or demur, orjudgnicnt, proccf;?i'a,'o, willi entered against him, and the land condemned, sub ject to the Plaitdiff 's recover'. Witness, Arch. Parker, Clerk of said Court, ai OfEce, the first Monday of November, 1837. 8 6t pr. $5. A R.CH. PARKER, Clerk. IT appearing to. the satisfaction of the Court, t!13t f Benjamin Cox, one of the Defendants in tte alxjve case, has removed without the limits of d. ' 1XHE great popularity and establislied demand t : jl ior wis vaiuaoie ivieuicme, renuers toe conu- puation of a lengthy advertisment unirecessary. ' TV . " " . I. ' m - . f numerous tesumoniais 01 tneir value gaiety recm. ed) from GcutlemeA of the highest respectabilav, ur addition to those accompatiying each Dor, mar "be teen on application to any .of the Agents. The Pills are put up in "a superior style, in tin boxes containing 40 Pills, with full directions. -Pricejo Centa. per Box. To Agent3 or Purchasers the u?rmj of Commission and discount are liberal. All com- ' muaications ,will be-promptly attended to, by f THOMAS L. JUMP, ' " Gen'l Aq-cnC f dj0flice, Morgan St Raleigh, 1st door West of thte Presbvterian Cliurch. ; LrrCHlJOHD $ OLTYER, JflercUant Tailors p 5 doors south of Williams 5c Haywood's Drug Store, Mi Fx X ITTITl LiK TUBIT, RaLT.ICB-, N. C. ARB HOW OPENING A L A: R G F. b UP PLY OT FALiand WINTER GOODS, 1 Cqnsiiting of every thing either desira ble or f ashionable . HICH they respectfully request their friend, customers, and the public generally to ctlt and examine before purchasirig elsewhere, as they St are determined. -not to be outdone either in selling : Goods or making Clothes, Their Goods eousirt of the following articles : . Super Blue and Black " Bottle Green t Apple Olive F Wool dtttt ' Brown do. XcJJLOTJll, - London Brown ' Napoleon Violet, and " lahiia I' r 5p-BlueudDlack(Plaid) "' 41 r- itt vu 1. MJ I mu 1 i 5"! - C-wimerc; "':. ' ' Single Sc dm " ' Corded J Super Plain Silk Velvet -Cut.and Figared do CcimpedSilk a u Fig'd and Plain Satins VcitiuffS. Hun Cashmerctt do Valeutia Mohair TOGETHIU WITH A CEWEUXL ASSOllTilZlfT Ol Fashionable ready-made Clothkng TENNANT'S CELEBRATED STOCKS, (SVITED TO ALL NECKS,) SUSPENDERS, HOSKiN GLOVES, Satin Bosoms, and Lin en Plain and Rujjld Shirt Collars, rotmd end 4 f oiind top; And in fact, every thing that can be called for ia ost f line of business, to suit old or young. All of which will be made up to order, at short notice, in the most fashionable- style.. Our work- men arcthsTbest that can' be possihly procureJ1! the North, and we think that, added to our ownex perience, Will insure us a due share of public pat-. ronage. All orders from a distance will meet wit1! prompt attention. Cloihts warranted to Jit; u LITCHFORD & OLIVER return their thank-V for former support, and will endeavour.to merit iu continuance. LITHFORD & OLIVEK. P. S.; Persons farnislving their owrilmateriaU can rejy upon having, tlitir Clothes as well made a though we furnished the articles! L. & 0. Raleigh, Ocl. 20, 1837. ' STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, . .-. Gbanv.illt! Countv, y v Court of Pleas ' knd '0,'artef Sessions, i November Term, A. D. 183. ' John WMcGd,ee0r.UVU;tcntnentt Je. Williaml; YanceyS vied on Land. IT appearitf to t he 'satisfaction' of the Cotir'. that Uie Tide ml an t, Willian P. Yancey, i mitiait inhabnaBt of thiir Stater tt-is therefore ordered that'publication be made in thetHaleig1' . Reristerfor six weeks successively, - wotifyin- - the, said Wm. P. Yancey to be and appear l the next' Term of the Court of PleS and Qr' ter Sessions, to be held for the County of Gran ville, at the Court Iltnis in Oxford, on tbe l1 Mondayt n February, t hn and there to replevf ;r plead- to- isstfej otherwise, judgment fin'1'' will.be rendered against him, aud tiie! land le vied on condemned, subject to Plaintiff's reco vcrv.-'-r. . -- - .,r. Witness. Jaimes M. Wiffa-ins. Clerk of f'r' Court, at Office, the first Monday Of Novembet A. I. 1837- - , . 8 6t pr. $$.G2j, JAS. M. .WlGGlXSCter ; COTTON TARNS.- S T THE Subscribers , tba fu1 for the liberal patronagj h. Uey have heretofore 1 rsnectfullv infuf1 their mslomer$ od tile public, that they b. , - REDUCED THEIR FtHCES, s And" are ow prepared supply alV? osi which may Ue aent them; with YARNS of tW best quality, and upon terms as -fayerabie cart be obtained elsewhere. Their kime of & . dit, as herefofoiei with the .usual discount , - 4 i J 1 a. a. low. - - 8 6t pr. $5 52i. JAS. M. WIGGINS, Clek. tLV-ifctf-'NkW 1837. 5 ll