.p. .1 II I 4; . A . ' . M." - . - : i. - . tb . ! .... ' she - . .. - . . If -I F ... .. . - la . . v j - - . - - -. .. . - rj re-. a- ' i A ii- 111 R i.i f 'J f. i , rvl IrV VvV::; : m m mm - , fcv THE DEVOTED. f ' '"T TtMntifuI tarn riven bj ji gre Wbo being ttkedkere her baslwnd wm jwhen h L. '.mU lor Wins been deeply concerned m oofabrtw.1 anawered tbat she hfdTudden kim&hi wiWWed . hr ; to be -crned be .Ki Grftmoif -wbo '.'told ber tbat noting but itwliiltt Km could N e Iter fro tM lortture. yrMwiu.M aor wi Ycgi"eVlied tbe qoTernor, "! will paw : my word Tw iafirtT on that condition. Tben," tlied I hftt dden him in my .heart.' , Stem iacea;were -around her bent, ''Cl And ejijlfipfull, : r r And fewfuCwere tbe worde he apake '-'Oiimtfrt&Kf&& v "" ' -Tetcrfnjtin-thiroidatahstood . ; 'Witfi tylindiromeddclea;. :&h41)tHfc t- -'. - WbewS Uy traitor poue.', Uiej sad; .'-Tfctt tti4ipbiChr Itaaghor Hp." Waa, back for anavrer bqnie. r ' - W hart i thy traitor apbuaer again, : Jnl fiercer tonea they aaid ; , V ." And aternlj pointed to the rack, I ' All riuted o'er with redl ' , lja heart and jilae beat firm and free- - Bttlitt'Mcriouwnflood-. u . 0't palUf lip, and cbttsk fcnd brow, - . Rfftti of thm burning blood! ? . Che apale-ui proudly roee her tone . 1' ' Ae when in haUor bower, i w i Theliaughtiest chief that round her sloeA Had meekly owned her power. t . "My noble lofdja placed, within 5 A aaie and sore retreat f Now tall as where, thou lady bright. Aa tboa woold mercy, meet; Kor deem' thy tifo cant purchaae hi ; r H yni 'acapefog wrathT -- For rnan a wamorV watchful eye '' i v Ci placed o'ar every path. ' ' : jf - - . ' . .. -lttBof;mo&may,at win nia broad eetatea, ' .To grace thy hrfant hehr," 7 y A:-And Jift and honor for tbyaelC So thoa hi haunU declare." V ' She laid her hand upon her heart? A' -sHer neahe proud.nd oleaf, , . . And firmer grew her haughty tread .-y My lord ia hidden hebxI --, .. ' ' . '. u-' fAnd if yon aeek to view hie form, 4 ; e first most tear away, -:- Trom rouirf hia secret dwelling place, These walla of living clay.' They, quailed beneath her lofty glance- "They ailent turned aaide And left her all-unharmed amidst Her loTelineaa. and pridef BAIIROAl) LINK, WSJBK. . ... - ndUlmorc, and Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON and BALTIMORE Raif-Road Company, announce "'fo the puUisy the following arrangement for . their Paaaengw Trains, between the two Cities : ' First Train,will leave the Depot, Pratt Street, Baltimore, at 6 o'clock, A. M. daily, ( Sunday 'a . eceei -Breakfast on board the Steamboat Sus-?- jUSbsnnt Havre de Graced and passing through Ertton to Wilmington, whl there toke the splendid Vteamboat t elegrapn, vapU w tulten, au arrive in Philadelphia at 1 o'clock, several hours before the evening Cars leave that City for 2iew York. ''"Fare through by this Line, only Two Dolhara. 4 Second Train, being the U. Rtatea Mail Line, . Will feave the Depot in Pratt Street, dadv at 9 A A "-M., passing through Havre de Grace, North East, JSIkton, Wilmington aud C heater. Passengers by this line will dins at Witinington,and arrive in Philadelphia also in time to take the' evening Cars tor Wew York.; . ' : ; i - Fare bv tbis Line, throueh. Three Dollars, ;- Returning,' the Lines will leave Philadelphia, at tff,. A. M-;; aiid at 2 P. M. Passer. gers leaving: -Philadelphia in "the 6 o elock fine, will alwsv a ar rive in Baltimore to dinner and in time, for the vehing Cars for the West and, for Washington -'Vity. ; s A. UKAWJrUKlJ, Agedt. PIANOS! PIANOS!! FpHIt SUBSCRIBER begs Jeave to atate that JaV: hestilla cbndnues to make Pianos in the City f Raleigh, andjias on hand some splendid Instru menTs which are offered for sale at fair prices, and sre,warrantel to stand well in fane. Ladies and Gendemen are invited to call and examine; them. Also, on hand, a Urge assortment of -Piano'fWire, tt a&es-fboth Brasand Steel- just received from Kew.York.9 - - M -' " .. S&o&fl liind Pianos bnoghtand sold, or tkea in -, sxchshge for new ones. . . . ,.. ' t Pianos "sent from a distance to he repaired and v luned, w;U be promptly attended to. "He has also oh hand an excellent . CHAMBER ORGAN', wiih'fire Barrels and four stops, 4n cbm plete repair, made by Roira, of London. : r ' : : WESLEY WHITAKElt 14, 21-3w. 'we Awign, aiaren o, i ewo . FOR 6 AXE, A pair of well broke CARRIAGE HbRSES. to i v W. A.'IIARHISON. Airertt. t Raleigh, Marfctr 23, 1838. 21 - - ,J u '- r -- Prawn Nambere of the N. Carolina State Lottery Claas fi, for 1838. . f - .75 40142 74 9 63 35 57 67 68 54 20 247CH C)Q Barrels fcH AD and HERRINGS, just fro . eeived and for sale, by. . ' " -T Bslaiglt, Marsh 1. , & JLJJ 1 iKttGil 1 A leigh; wish ioemplbyjjy the 6UfAwriI Petersburg.. An unmeume aipucauu " .;?," Wke Co, Mart 838i : gi3w. Court, of itwi;ai(rtr FebruafiHrjenn, A4 D; -,Wjr ;r v Petfer R. Davis, -.KM w;Tai n Amis. ! r:tM.i aitatimnnt. Tviecl cm ft Tract of Land, adjoining the Town of Oxford, contain, ing 100 acre mdre br,leir;with the improve ments thereon. ,i . V- IT appearing to the autiafaction of the Court, that UieJTMendant, Wm. D. . Amisteaider beyond the. limits of thia State Ii is therefore, orderetl, thai publjieat ion.be made ibr six weeka wccetsirHyln the lUleij?h R-rgisicr, for mhI Ueferuknt to appear atlhe next Gotirt oFPIas and Quarter Seaaions, to be hU Tor the, C un ty of GranViJli, at the Court House in -Oxford on the first Monday fi M y, then arid there to plead of reph?vy; otherwise the property hvitd on will be . condemned and made suaject to plaintiff demand. WitneaSvJaa. M. Wiggins, Clerk of out said Court at OflGce m OXt'orrf, the first l on day- of February, A. 138. - ; J AS. 1. WIGGINS, Clerk. Pr. Adv. $5 52$. 21 ' STATE OF NORTH CAR0WA, Court of Pleas a nd Quarter S asions, February. Term, A. t). 1838. ' Joseph K. Hester and wife Pataey, -1 V. 'v. ' . ' - Stephen Jhn$on, Exr. of Stephen Johnson, . 1 n II 1 t I K dee'd, Jame uarret ana rouy wwe, rm 'aom Brirlon ami wife Lucy, Stephen Braeg," 'Henry Heodley and wife Paiay, Vtn.Catlet and wife Cecily,.- Joseph Bragg and Samuel Weathers and wife Betsey. Petition for Legacy. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants, James Garrett, & Polly his wile.. are nsn residents-T-ltis therefore, or dered, tha. publication be made for six weeka successively iathe Raleigh Register, for them to annesr at the next Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessisns, to be held for the County of Gran- vflle, at the Court House m fjxfora, on. the first Mosday of May, then and there to plead, answer or demur te said Petition t otherwise, the same will be heard empartt as to them, and the praytt of tfee Petitioners be granted. . Witness, Jss. M. Wiggins, Clerk of our said Court, at Office la Oxford, the first Monday of rcsruary, A. u lo.l. - J AS. M. AVIGGLMS, Clerk Pr. Adv. $5 62. , 21 STATE OF NOR TH CAROLINA, Granvxlls CoVNTt, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, L February Term, A. D. 1838, , Win. f&VT. White, Tho P. White, Elias S. Jenkins and wife Haskey Ann, Ar, " - . vs. i . : . James Wyche, Admr. of Coleman R. White, with the will annexed, Robert' Allison & wife Elizabeth John M.Tincent wife Ma r, Lem'l. McGehee and wife Susan, John Crook and wife Ruthy, Frances JL. J. W hue 'and Cells White and the chitdrvn of John Crook and wife Ru- thy. - , . ' '. ' ' Pen ion for Settlement and Distribution. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, . that the Defendants, Robert Allison and wife Elizabeth, and John M.Vnernt, and wife Mary, re nnideis It is therefore, qidered, 4lut publication be rnae ft ;r sis weeks, successive ly, in the Raleigh Register, for tbe said Defen dants to appear at the xt Court'of Pisa and Hiwr aeasions, io jt nna. tor tne iojuniy ot u'i'nm, av uieoun nuuw in varora, on ine hrt Monday of May, then and there to plead, answer or demur to aaid PettHori ; otherwise, the same wiH be heard cx parte as to them, and tne prayer otthe Petitioners oe granted. "Witnesis, J as: M. Wiggins, Ck rk 'of our said Court, at Ofiice in Oxford, the fi; at Monday ot February, A-D. 1838. " - J AS. M. WIGGINS, Clerk. Pr. Adv. $S 62. " . 21 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' QRASVXL1X CotTNXY, ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . Februaty Term, A. D. 1838. Horace T. Roystertf t Wm. Rovster, Adm. of Wm. Roystef. Sen'r. decd. Joseph AUf n, As-ignee of jas. If . ltoya- jst, Harmon Rqyster, .Wl.s.A. Roystr,' Hen ry Yancey, h H. Roystrr, "Lucy Ann Roysteri Atexaader Royster and r Sheltbnand wile Sarah Elmira, (late Sarah Elmira RoyMer; re preentaiivea of Jmt-s H". Royster, deM.' . Petition for Stttleinent an'd Distribution. - IT. appearing to thej satisfaction of the Court, that the? Pefendans Joseph Allen,, Harmon Royster, j. n. Roysjer, Lucy Ana Royster Alex;nder Royster arid- Shelton and wife Sarah Elmira, are nonresidents It is therefore ordered, hy the Court, that publication be made H n.the Raleigh Regisfer,xfor six,' eeks succes sively, requiring them t appear before -the Court oF Pleas and Quarter Sessions, toJbe held for the Count v of RranvUI( th P.nopt HntikH in Oxford, on the first Monday in May next,Nmned to satisfy Plaintiff 's claim. men ami tnere to plead, answer or- demur to said Tetitiortiotlref wise, the same will toe heard I ex parte as to them, and the prayer of the Pe- Witness; Jhs. M. Wiggins, Clerk of our said Court, at Office m Oxford, the first Monday of February, A. p. 1838... , .' JAS.M. WIGGINS, Clerk. Pr. Adv. $5 62$. 4 V - 21 EAST Friday weekf from the premises of the Subscriber,- tiving bne mile east of William Laws'. Store, near thej Granville line Said.Fdly is1 mur y.arrf old this Spring, snd-- pt 4 teet, ten inches; ti gh-ho othtr marks recollected. A reasorrtble reward wftl be liaid for such information as will lead to her recove - ry again. f D. B: SANDERS. Wake Cs., March 32, 1838- 3I-3t NOTICE. ON Vridaythe 6vh day of, Aprif next, .1 shall offVr for itale at mv residence, ail mv sloe it of Horses,Cattle anclHoss Farming-Utensils of r.7 u-caT)uan, vragon -ana j arts, ue., ana oisny atieles.of Household Furniture, 00 a cre dit until Hie 1st dy of January next 1 he pur chaser giving bond with approved Security ; r r JOHN SUUG. . March 15, 1838. 2iSw. ' . .A BLANK DEEDS - FOR .SALE A T TlIISOPFICB. -OXOHLAntLIlOOXLS For Saleatjhe Carolina fyofs Stare?; T EDGF.ll3,Uay B"ok9,ownls,Cs Bpok JL Invoice: ooks, Bill Bdokv Deed ooksv KnrA rtnnks. C vDherinir Book. ?otry Books, Pass Books, Receipt Booksv Letter Books, Me- rooran4urn.nooka,-and-Baik Books,r ,5' Th Riibrribers have the above. Mined flooTia of all he different siies that are used by Mer-j chants, Clerks of Courta.Jtegta'ers, by ans, and Me-4?'sines and on make ,io order anv kind of BTank Books at the shortes not- tic .feA1V ' , - . - - . ? in n A MS of Lettf r and Gap Taper of XAjVj d fTercMijt quantex. R15AMS-W--Wrap'pjrrjf l aper, wtn a quantity of Pust wnd Folio PtSt arer. of -a -yery superior .qnaiHy. aim fcuprnnr Glazed .Hapen for Paroplrlet Covers t Paper Hangings of superior quality in seta tor Rooms, -tntreiher wilh'nn extensjve assortment of Sta tionary snd Fancy art cJes uan I !y kept by "Bo ik Sellers. All Otwntcn wut oe soiu very cueip. - - TURNER sf HUGHES. Raleigh, MareK 1838. - ' , 18 DBUGStV ITIEDICIi'VES, S I o N Off TH? OO J.PBN arORTAlt HA purcluised the entire stock of Mess. T. S. Bsckwith & Co. have comme-ncel. the' APOTHECARY business st the Ktund f r me'riy occupied by tltem-on Fa'et.tevilleS r' e, econd dor North 'ol W . & A- Sti.th, where hey have just received a further supply of bni Metlirijies," Glass, OH, PHirtts, DyeStuR9 4tt!d Perfumery, toetU-. : 'cr with a enrttl a,sai(irtiheiitof' FANCY ABTICLRS, -Which they will dispose of -on the most rea sonsblr term . - Merrhns and others can be furnishetl with Patent and. other Medicines on as reasonable t-rms as they can be got south of the Potomac. Persons would do well to call and examine for themselves, physicians at.a distance, who may 'avour us wih their orders, will have, them promptly attended to. No pains will be spared in selecting Chemicah and Pharmaceutical pre parations, as they are determined that no Me dicines but tuch as are genuine, shall be sold by them. One of the. Firm having been brought up to the business to which he will give his undivided attention, thereby avoiding those fa tl mistakes that too often' occur through, in-' competency or carelessness, they hope, by st?kt attention to business, to merit a share of tte public pat'onage. " F.bruary, 1838. ; For Sale for Cash onlj, 3 COW S with ybobg calve. Apply to CHRISTOPHERS & SMITM. ' Highest Cash prices paid for good Beef at all times. Raleigh, March 10, 1838. 19 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Wake County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, , February Term, A ! 1838. Wm. Sl'ipp and others, VS. Michael Thompson, Admr. 'Turner Tate and wife Susan, & Nancy Shipp, Widow. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that two. of the Defendants, Turner Tate 81 wife Susan, reside beyond the limits of this S tate It is therefore ordered, that publication be. made for five weeks in the Italeigh Register for aakl Defendants to be and appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,. to be held for the County of Vake, at the Court House in Raleigh.-on the third Monday of May next, then and there to demur, plead to, . or answer, tltia petition; otherwise, judgment pro confetsa will be taken against them. " Witness Alf ed Williams, Clerk of our Said Jout, at Office, the third Monday of Februa ry, A. 1). 1838., , , 20 A. AV1LL1AMS, C. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ... Chatham County, - Court of Pleas aivd Quarter Sessisns, February Tern 1838. ' Jacob Hadley, r - i u " T ' Original Attachment,' George B Griffith 'ied On Negroes . f T appearing fo the Satisfaction of the Court, that 4he Defendant, Georere Griffith, ia not n inhabitant of this .Stale It i. thereto-e or", dered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register, for six weeks Successively, for the Defendant 4o be and appear 'at the next Term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter- Sessioira, to be held forcftath'am County,at the Court House in Pktfcboro,' on the second .'Monday' in May next, to replevy plead, answer, or demur,; otherwise, judgment final will be entered a- garnst him, and the Negroes levied on. be con- - J v s Witness. N. A. Stedman. Clerk of our 'said Co.u.lofficp h second Monday of Febiu- ary, A.XL J838. . - - N. A. STEDMAN CiC C. Pr. Adv; $5 62b, 20 THE undersigned offers bis services - to the Merchants, otc., of New York, . Phrladefphia, Baltimore and the inter vening commercial towns, as a collejrtor for the State of North 'Cardma: . All business entrusted to him will meet with prompt and strict attention. Satisfactory reference can be given, if required. . , JNO. CAMERON, Hilhiboro,' N. C, March 6, 1 838. 1 9 . 3m. - The Peteraburg Intelligencer, Philadelphia Gaaette, and New York Star, will please publish tne above for three months, and fnmanl thr- ... 1 "ve mons. powcisiri. jchtjerh RESPECTFULLY mforms' the ciUxens of Ra leigh and its vicinity, "that he will open a DANCING SCHOOL ? v in this place at an early period. within two weeks.'i He baa brought i t h txj Musician, and is prepared to teach Dancimr in its . . . o .iivvuuiuiwueu moai moaern ski lashionabie atvle. fiUch ak Fannt Dances. Catiliitma tu.ntri, 7W. txmL. aci Hehopeiiby sasiduous sttenUon to hi. SSSlT to the manners and deribrimf.t of ku JLm- , tarn a share of public patronage, ' . -r --- .- w HM UUtllU. UI UU" N. R Tk o-t..., - . - -i a IiT a , "t-noot wyi oe aep amLthedayof comrneny.nt, shattiw announced in this paper hereafter. , J Raleigh, March 17, 183ft '2 V 1 A.r:iva;a f-' , . . . -V- 1 mtfAT,;thrwntrrt from the dsterhfjeof, Jt Application will be made to tc President Direct rs and Company of the BanK 01 tne Stale Af NnrtliLnnrolma..t Raleiffhy for the're: newatPf is lijficale otTwetift iSAorea -b'Jhe S'ock of said Bank, issued i tii nam,jDi; x F&ZntPrtMKlWSr of Burks county the said Cef tificite filsviyg henlOTti 1 , - .t Jan. 29. 1838. sm , AT THBNORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORK MAY now-he found a larger St ock of Boosts than can be seeinrat- any other Establish ment. iivthe United StatVs. The Colleetiom which has recently feceived very large additions nnwvembracea almost every Work in Science, LiteraturefrTheolpjjy, &c, extanW Amongst these are m,!iny rare works, which the Proprie tors have mitrchastd from Private Libraries, very seldom met With in a Book Sor. "The supply of .SeHoov-BtoJr-MVery exteos(V and.com- nlete. The Annuals, and other Fancy- Bnoks, are Superior to any .thing of t hie kind Which have yet been offered to the public, - Tuniery Uuirries, thankful forthe p it- ronae .hitherto extended to tlnsm by the cili- aens ofNottb Caolirta, take AiiU method of in. forminjr their friends that no exertions on their "pnrt ah'sill be wanting torment a continuance, of their support. As an evidence of this, fhey mi vite .an examination 01 their pre nt Stock, ih the procurement' .of which they hive spared neither pains nor expense, - n v v TURNER & HUGHES. ; Raleigh, March, 183Sj 18 npiIE immense and increaSiHg popularity of JL these Fills, is another pvonf of the inlalJi bility of the old adage, that 4truth is powerful arid will prev:!.' Other pills are only puffVd, but Dr. Peters' are purchase'! and praised and recommended until the demand for them has become almost universal. - DrV Peters would impress this fact upon the public, that his pi Lis are not a quack medicine, but a scientific cornpound of simples, which has heenthe result of many years intense applica tin to a profession in which he was reguLrly bred, and hence it is as popul.tr with the .regu. lar fac'ultv as with the people at Lirce. t One of the manyxpeculiar virtues of the Veg etable Pills is, that while very powerful in their effects they are particularly mild and gentle in. their action. Unlike the generality of medi cines, their application is never attended with nausea or griping; ' . Peters' Vegetable Pills are now regarded hy those who have had an opportunity to decide upon their merits, as an inestimable PUBLIC BLESSING. Wit hout an jtxeeption in age or country, no medicine has spread with such rapidity and t given such universal satisfaction.- Prepared by Jos. Priently Peters, M- D. No. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each box con. tains 40 Pills. Price SOcents; A CATALOGUE OF REASONS tor umvo a I)r. Peter? Celebrated Vegetable Pills. . 1 Because they are exceedingly popular, which proves them to be exceedingly good. ' 2 Because they are composed of simples which have the power to do good in an immense num. bet of cases, withsut possessing the means to injury inny. . . ; , . -. 3 Because they are'nut a quack mediciae.but the scientific compound of a regular physician, who has made his proiession the study of his life. - ' . 4 Because they are not unpleasant to take, nor distressing toTt tain, while tbey are roost effec tive to' ope rate. - 5 Becanse they are recommended as a stan dard medicine by the regular faculty. 6 Because by keeping the system in a natu ral fetste of action, they cure almost every dis. esse which the human frame is liable to. 7 Because they are cheap and portable, and will retain all thejr,.virtuesin full vigor, in any climate, and for tny length ol time. , v8 Because, notwithstanding their simplicity and m Idnesa, they are one of the speediest pur gative medicines which has yet been discovered. 9 Because they are an unfailing remedy for" procuring a good appetite. - 10 Because in cases of spleen or desponden cy, by their healfay influence on the excited state of the body, they have a most happy ef fect in calming and invigorating the nundi.. 11 Because they effect their cures wjthout the usual attendants ofother pilis, sibkhefis and gri pings. - ' . lp Because as well as being; an unrivalled purifier of the general aystem, they are asove reign remedy for sick headache. 13 Because they differ from iherr ajority df medicines in the tact that the more they are known the more they are. approved, 14-Becauset8 the r application pToducesno debility in the system, they may be taken with, out prodkein any hindrance to business or the usual pursuits f every day life. 15 A ndjastly because they ar,e acknowledg ed to be an almost ihlallible remedy ftr Bilious Fever, Fever & Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaints, Jufcd'vce Asthmarl)ropsy,Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Lownesn pf8piyiti, Cholic, H earl burn. Nausea, Distention of the rStbmach and Bowers, Flatulence, Habitual Cos tiVeness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, wad in all' cases of Torpor ofthe f Bowels; where a ; mild but effective medicine may be requisite. In short, the general voice of the community has decided that Peters' Vegetable Pilhi are, ofte of the happTest dcoveie of modern day s, and altogether unrivalled a general soother ot bodily affliaion.s. - - 03vB care hi I and enquire for Peterf VegeJ tahtePUle: They are for sare in ttaleigh, at the lrug Store Of Williams St Ha; wood. Mrch183a. . . lfim STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA; . Wake County ,---. Court of Pleha and Quarter Pesatons, :T February Term, 1838. . - Aleisnder M.High ) . . t l , . ' f Orrginal-AUachment ---Wiffiam-ISus'-- C -Leed on. Land. IT appearing to he sstisfacttbri of the Court; that the Defendant. William Elu's, is not an inhabi- Jf?anK W!lilaxA Elh, is not an inhabi- Y :lu owie-u the re tore ordered, that ki,u 1:.' 1 . : .. u-i - : -.i v"culu .00 imwe in me KaTfiigh Register, fr sU j ' r me xeieuoant 10 oe anoap- P? nextterm bflrbf Court of Pleas and Con Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of next, to replevy,-plead, answer, or demur . i "Miefwe.Jugarent finativill be entefed against 111 I - ? a. . i . : "V - I ".u Mm? TOM condemned to sat- I him .mm.Jl L. T w a - . ' - w isry rtatntuT'schiiin. . - t Witness. A If red WiHrWku h at Office, the 34 Monday of Februari, A-D. 1838. L- i ii 11 1 n 1 1 1 -4 - STAT&OF $ORTlfMRdtfM --rt 1 TMr-n Oner! SMoinnt ' - vuui - r ..w -n z , . ' ' . February TmKlf8., - WeatoA R.v Gales ' :? Qrigiiisl Atipehtnent; ; - - VWx K '-i j ieaon Land. IT appririgtojtb sljsMovf4boiht tfoKsnFmsilfiaJ1 Wf thi KtaM: It ifitriererorrDruerea, uiwvuir iicstion he made- in the; Ralefgh Register, for six wiMfcs BueceasiTelv.or the Defendant to he and a p- near at the' next term of-our Court ot Flas snd Quaiter sessions, 10 ue neiu ur s.t uuyinj, th CoSrf Hotiae in RalefghrOrl ith StTMohday f May next, to replevy, plead, -answer; r-demurt Qtheiwisc. judgment finaliU be entered against him, and the Liana levieu u kuhusiuucu w v ;cAi. PlaJhtifT fclaim. -. 1 WHnes Alfred WilRama, Clerk of oursaiiCoitrt at OflSce, the Monday of February, A, D. 1838. .18 ALJ muv. v4ij"AAii, v.-wy STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, f Court of Pleas sod Quarter Sessionsf " , . . Febmary ;Ternl838. : 5 :r- i ..Ransom Jones original Attachment . -,.. ... ' C Levied on Land. William Ellrs. s J '. - - ' ' IT appearing to the satiafsctkin of the'Corjrt,ihal the Defendant, Wm. ElUia not an inhabitant of this State: A r is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made in the Ralejgh Regiater, lor six weeks rocceiwivelyr for the Defendant to be and appear at the next term of our Court, of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. to beheld for W ake Cbenty, at the Court House in Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of May next, o replevy, plead, answer, or-demur . Otherwise, judgment final will be entered against him, and the Juanu teviea on oe conuemneu w suuaiy wiumjh claim. , . . " " - -"" Witness, Alfred Williams, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the 3d Monday of February A. D.,1838. 18 : ALFRED WILLIAMS, U. C C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA' Anson County, , Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . January Ter,,, 1838. John R. Ciasan Ix. Wife and others v. : 1- Petilion for Peter Sinclair and Wife r Partltibri. Zilphia and Lemuel H . Alsbbrook'. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants, Peter Sinclair and Zilphia his wife, and Lemuel H. Alsobrook, reside beyond the limits of this State; It is' therefore, ordered, that publication be mtule for six anccessive weeks, notify ing said non-residents, personally, to be and appear before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, at: the Court to be held for said Coun ty, at the Court House in WadeAro , bn the 2d Monday in April next, then and there -to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the Pe titioners should not be granted; otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, snd1 heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Norffeet D. Boggan, Clerk of bur said Court, at Oflfice, the 2d Monday in January. A. D. 1838. N. D. BOGGAN, Clerk. Pr.Advt,$5,62i . ? : ,18 Turner & Iluglios HAVE JUST' RECEIVED At the IV. Carolina Book Store, A general assortment of Ifooks in all the various departmmtsLiterature,Sciencet f Theology;also STATIONARYin nil its varieties all of which they ivill sell at wliolesale or retail, on the most liberal terms. Among them are the following s 500 Smith's School Georgraphy on tbeprc . ductive system, accompanied by an improy ed and enlarg d Atlas containing . nine -folio M;ps fron SteelFlates. 50o Smith's Pr;ictical and Mental Arithmetic, on a i w plan - - ' 2qQ Smith's Practical and Productive Grammar; 700 Altir: av 's -. English. Grammar, w ell - bound in Lai her and sffcrc.d at a "very reduced - price. . - v - , 500 Introduction to. Murray's English -Reader. 500 Parley's Geography for Children. 100 Peter Parley's Arithmetic, 1 100 Oluey's School Geography and Atlas. - , two M-iite.lirun's do. . . do. SQ Smiley 'a Geography and Atlas. 50,0 Walker's common School Dictionary. 100 Pike's Arithmetic. " 500 Webstefa Spelling Bopk . .J'.. ; 500' EmmersonV National Spelling Book. . The above are only a few, for all. VouldL be too tedious to mention. p, ' wT.he Law I.ibhart is very extensive compri sing several lhraiKtnd volumes. - The Tsis Looreit" Ltbsabx embraces ' most every work extent. 7 Besides, Medical, Miscellaneous Class; cat, Pr etlcal, Bo'lcs"9f Fancy,. Travels, Voyages, p proved Editi.onSnOf American aud Eng. Schnol hooks, hooks ror r armers, uaroeners and Far riers. Cimkery Books, new Novels ahdln facfV Bo- ks adapted to. every capacity. -. Raleigh, March, 1 838. IS . :otce Vs .hereby gen " TO EMMELTN&DDNN. of Tennessee, ( for nierly Emmefine Barham of North Carolina,) that I hayb certain monies in- my hands, as : Guar dian, belonging to her, which J am anxioos to pay uvei to uer or ner authorized Agent. VM. BARHAM. Wake Co March 15, ISSS 20-3t EAGLE - W At N E S-B O U 0 U G H , JJ. C. flH E Subscnber having Jiecomei Proprietor "of 1. that Commodious Esiahlishment in Wsvhm. "b6r' WaVne C-mutv. tormerlv or.enrMel hr , - 0 J J TilDV Tl MtajW iPW ' nl, S SV -. . ll 1 "- a. tormina tue public a toicHfl a llbrf4 share A Taii T Js ti g of their patrona Those Wfco may give Ws terns repacked to order for country trade, or iur to picas-, sna i iTa0e, snI in his Bar. ry attention; ; the best that the country afford, and his Bourns every, way Cft.mriMFtble., .His Stables re anV pie, and Travellers are asurel t ha they wiU find them ' weR furnished with Provender, and atremted y careful Outlet, Hi'eliargeasbaIH oe asonodefate asan.:be afforded, .WILLIAM II- BUFF ALOE. Mafth 15, 1838. , 20 6w. Tlie RA CLE isf the regu'ar House forthe Raleigh and Newbern line of Stages. v - The Newbern Spectator and AVilmineton "Adveriser, Witt each u.scrt six weeks Snd for ward. .bills as abpve. , '- .. . . -A:e-AJ-ii B. J. WJEFFREYS having located in thll JLF place, cHers his .professional Services to the Citizens of Raleigh and its vicinity ; snd ire-prciiuity amicus a portion ot t Heir rrtronaffe. ncuMi; TCiiwmH ms u trice on rayettt-VMle Street, !?ct door above the PosfOffice, at all times when not professionally engaged. '-- v RaleUlu Dec l837. , - 5 JOB PRINTING XT it fHisoi r I ce ! WITH f EATNE8S1 A KD DESPATCH TnEOXFORDLV qP)HK tavern House a0U Lot lateirorT! by Cl. James Nutall, the Subs;u?","tl t IwcnSed' to sell xm jnoderatt terms. 1. f Ohe'intl two veaiif nutrli h, r. ereil't part of the .purchase money. a rti if- This property is r now, in good rrp',r I painted, and is an eligible situation tL 11 rm- A well regulited house in Oxford ; .. . .11 hetdthe l)Uces. and Oxlord being ',',,Bfe rwjrtof rhany in the summer n-ontliJ ! r !f' keep a House of Eittertamment. " AppUcaiioni mde through the rrnil njeurill H BlVm1 A' f t- Pnb... :. . r.,U hart ut An tim. II I rvi . ..J "V " Oxford. N. C. FeluJO, 1838. jJJ FIHE Subscribers ' havinc conimrtn.i I. -. - V - -vu VT - wtuiinwiviivia v. ui vait; lui Hlc nllhlin vm mici HCTism i.imii:o tn varmina, have Tli)nre of nnotTnrin th( eomn!ftirt f. tr ; t u naiU WoA! Hnvinor been annninted bv' tha CI on the partof the State for its sale, they now ? 1 .-wr- j - f- f- " -w . 1 iiur ntt. uie goou ciuzeos 01 norm vvarouaa, a work tvhjfki aa-regard quality of japer and excrut.,n, t '3 equalled by any law book ever publistied' in tjt country. . It has Wenphounced by every 0nj who has examined it, (and a mbng these are nA lered many of the oldest 'and mst extensive Bil puWUhers in the United Siates0 to b thcneBJ ultra" of Typography. PitkrJoR aA in fori :(7nliimA. 41.. , . . t f lars per copy,. or 5,for the 1st' and $4 for the'J voi.irsoid separately. All orders tor the aUl work, directed to them at the Nrth Carolina otore, will meet wjth prompt attention. TURMER & HUGHES. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 4, 1838. 10 3ou DR. JOSEPH B. OUTLAW, HAVING removed to Ttitle'igli, respecifollj-ottt-rs his Professional sevces to the ct1. zen'of the Town and surroundinj; country. i His residence and Office are situated on FsvJ I frteville Stree', immediately oppose Mr. jt H. Haywood, Jr. i To his frierul-s in the coijntr3',he will Ra'y?ih,r they may Be assured of his prompt and imrtl" mi ' ting attertinn, whenever called on. : R deigh, Feb; 5, 1838. 14 The Celebrated English Race Hone Flexible; (PRED BY THE EARL OF EGREMONT.) D AM Thf mes by Sorcerer, purchased of th Earl of Eersmont tor the King of Prnwy. tier dam Hnna by ,Gohanna, Htimininghin,,, iste to Cathaiin, Colibrie "and ) oung r.; milla, the-datn of Mandane and A'legren) hr. Woodpecker Camilla by Trentliam, CoqiipnV,, by the Compton Barb sister to liegulus by thi Godidphin Arabian... WHALEBONE the Sire of FLEXIBLF., broiher to.Whisker, Woful and Web by Wan,. dam Penelope by Trumpator, Prunella hr; , tighfler. Promise by Snap, Speciator's dsn;' "by Partner. " . . In Flexible the blood of Matchem, Herod andf r Eclipse,-i!,thus united. Flexible won nineri-t ces out of 13 starts at 3 years old (including i cup f 4 mile) and has beaten Longwnist, Dr.i Faustus, Arachna, Gen. Mina, Signonna, M hit. tingion, Oswestry, Luzborbugb, Mazamc, and many others. FLEXIBLE stood in England at 11 sov.,f (equal to55.) He is flt 15 hinds 3 inche Jiij;h, whh great muscubr powers, and for niceV proportions is equallcVLby lew. He is one ("? the. best sons of Wha'eborie, descended fro two of the best Arabiahs'uithout an unfav.h ionaMe cioss. His speed, bottom, and temper, are equal to any horse of his day. He is now a his Stables.. - The season will. commence the 14th of. February next, or earlier if required.- For particulars i with regard to his-running nd that of his celt-s in England, and also his price, see haiullults ED. H. CAI l Elt. ..Wibon, rVnvjUe Co. N. C J;n. 18:18-14. H E great ' popu tarity "and 'eetabiished demand - for this valuable Medicine, renders the cont- wialion of 'a lengthy advertisment uonecessary . Numerous testimonials of their value (lately receiT ed) from'Gen'tlemea of the highest respectability, in addition to those accompanying each Box, rosy I be seen on application -to any of the Agents. The i Puis are .put. up in-a superior style, m tin boxes containing 40 Pills, with full directions Price 50 1 Cents per Box. To Agents or Purchasers the teiiw of lommiS8idn and discount are liberal. AH con- 1-municationa will be promptly attended to, by THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen'l Asent.' flOfSce, Morgan St Raleigh, 1st door Wet cf the1 PresbvterianChurch. EartUen ware, Chi a & G la st TSOJSilliS J. BARROW 4 . . , Imp o r I t n , NoijiNiasAU Stbist, Nsw-Yoax, hFFERS fotsale a complete Assortment in t- J above line, comprising many fvry choice p'' 111 tn -- - ; . " .F'c..,Bw.aunrmiwnjt el-1 Original packase. Orders by letter will receive ew New York, Jan. 9, J 838 13 SO) Mzw&miz HAS permanently established himself in tli Crty Ol Baieigh, and will bifefcliis I'rol fstuBaiaia t those who may feel di sponed w 1 .iiJv ;': : - :-.":' .... ... lia.rontze mm, rtis iimce is in rearo uie io" fo .MessH.Y m, H. MaSdi & Cbwhere he mJ be, seen, whpn not necessarily absent. Attt"1 dance, jon the,"pofr. Git A't IS ' Rale igjb4 Jan, 30, 1 838. . 1 4 CO TTON TARNlS. - HE Subscribers, thank flvTuLfbr the liberal patron6 f Vlbey have heretofore recci' 'etL would resnentJully intor their cusibmtrs and tne ptihlic, tht tbey be ; REDUCED THEHt PKICES, Ahd are-now "nreDared io siipply all ordef wiiich. mae sent Ihem vul YARNS of16 &ft qttality,- ahd upon terms as favorable can be jobtained elsewhere. Ttjeir time ofcp dit, as jierctofoie, wjih the us-ual disc unt f JCafch- ' RATTLE & UROTIiM' ' Kails of Tar River, Nov. 29, 1837. 1 V" 1 ."J- "8 v-' - -A