LIIK ORIENT PEARLS AT RANDOM STRUNG ygOX TUB XICKOCOSK. . FAREWELL ALFONSO. Say bold Misanthrope, thou whose heart of steel, No tender love nor woman's power can feel; Say, can'st then boast one spark of generous flame, Man's noble feeling with a manly name. Oh! no; and from thee I will "gladly turn, To that mild sex thy lifeless soul did spurn! Yes gentle sex, we own thy powerful sway, Thy look is law; and trembling we obey Thy frowns we dread -they sink to deep despair ; Thy smiles we seek, for Heajv'n itself is there. ,No heart so hard but female tears can move, 'No heart so stern but owns the power of love: 'Ti this alone our rugged bosom cheers, And smooth's the passage thro' this vale of tears. With ardent lovb the tender female shares Our' keenest sorrows, and our bitter cares ! And when at last the final hour draws nigh, The trembling soul, prepared for realms on high, The dying pangs, by quivering lips express'd, She gently soothes and white the tender breast Pillows his head, she wipes the damp away, And weeps in anguish o'er the lifeless cUy ! Oh! then how blest sapremely blest is he, From slavish pride and cold iridiffeience free. Whose generous hreast a woman's tears can mqve, Whose tender heart admits a woman's love ! LUKAi ALICE GRAY. THE OFFICE-HOLDER'S LAMENT. i 'Tis all my fancy painted it, 'Tis lovely, 'tis divine But oh! it is another's, It never can be mine. Yet loved I as man never loved, A lore now growing old Oh ! my heart, my heart is breaking, For Benton drops of gold. Tor that I'm toilingjrt the bar, Declaiming in the street, Without a hat, without a coat, No shoes upon my feet. Oh, Martin,- send the real stuff, For I am growing old And my heart, my heart is breaking, For Benton drops of gold. For that I'd climb the mountain side. For that I'd stem the flood, For that I'd dare the battle strife, Though I sealed it with my blood. Shinplasters now are all 1 get, And they are torn and old Ob, my heart, my heart is breaking, For Benton drops of gold. I sink beneath this summer's sun, The Whigs have won at last ; The Treasury bill is lost and gone, , The heavy conflict's past. Ob, when the green sod wraps my grave, The tale will then be told 4 Oh, his heart, his heart was broken, For Benton drops of gold.' SAM WELLERISMS. You don't mean nothin' friendly, you don't, as the rat said to the cat Yen she bit him in the back." ' I'm for risin' in the world, as the balloon said to the bae of sand ; and I most ,take care that I'm not burst in the process, as the bag of sand said to the balloon.' I'll penetrate his heart if be has one, as the mouse said ven he nibbled his vay through the cheese. " Ve are all here, and quite ready for you, as the fleas said to the old voman vot had just got back to her own bed, after sleeping out for a veek." Ve don t often see the likes o you in our Dart of the vorld. as the devil said ven one of his imps handed him an ice-cream. ' " Ven I vants you I knows vhere to find yout as the spider said to the fly ven be vove bis veb all around him to nerwent his catching cold. " I've seen you vonce, and t don't vant to see you again, as the sick gentleman said to the devil ren he called on him one vet afternoon." Ve don't vant too many in this concern at vonce, As the boys said ven they got into the empty sugar tubs." M That's enough to give any one a pain in his r hack, as the cockroach said ven the nigger put nis foot on him. Transylvania University. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. AT a meeting of the Trustees held this day, Dr. N. R. Smith of Baltimore, was unani tnoutly elected to the Chair of the Theory and Practice in the Medical Department of Transyl vania University. Aware of the responsibilities in making this appointment,' the Trustees have pleasure in announcing to the public, the selec tioo of a gentleman to fill th vacancy, who is clready eminently distinguished both as a prac titiofier and teacher in his profession. The fac ulty is thus completely made up, and at no pe riod of the history of this valuable department of Tranylvania, has it been so thoroughly pre pared! .for imparting the substantial practical principles of medicine, surgery, anatomy,chem istry, and all the tributary branches to a com prehensive course of medical instructioB. T.Aa AIIS HALL, .; ett'm of Board of Trustees. Lexington, July 2i 1638. , The Medical Lectures in Transylvania Medi cal School will commence as usual on the first Monday in November next. FACULTY. ' Anatomy and Surgery, by B. W. Dudley, M. D., Professorj and J. M. Bush, M. D., Adjunct rruiessor. . Institutes of Medicine and Medical Jurispru dence. by James C. Cross. M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Nathan uimui, ji. u.t ijiie oi uie umversuy oi Mary land, and formerly of the . Jefferson Medical School, Philadelphia. ' Obstetiics and Diseases of Women and Chil dren, by William II. Richardson, M. D. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, by Thos. D. Mitchell, M. D. 3 Chemistry and Pharmacy, by Robert, feter, M. D : Each of the teachers.will lecture daily Sab baths excepted. The entire course in this school, costs the sum of One Hundred and Five uotiara. in addition, the matriculation fee, waipn entities vne pupu to use the very exten sive library, is Five .Dollars. The Dissecting ticket is Ten Dollars, and may be taken'orpmit- Piewure. The Graduation fee. Twenty By order of the Faculty, ' . J. M. BUSH, Dean. Lexinaton, July 2. 1838. 45 6w N. B. The notes of all solvent banks in the State in which the student may reside, will be wvu v par THE Unparalleled reputation which Peters s Pills have acquired as Medical Restorative, is the mostinnquestionabte proof that' b.e given,of their immense importance tplhe afflict ed, in almost every class of diseases. The num. her nf tnHprt neceived from Patient s Yecovered through their 'means, is really prodigious, and the complaiuts which they have cured are ak mnet aa vrttA c thpv ktet numerous. But stilH there are some in whichthey are more espe cially beneficial than in other ; ahdamong those may be named the too of ten fatal complaints of me kiumacii aiui uuweis, uu a yv't.- -lence and Indigestion, for which they are not only a certain, but' an immediate cure. It is wellknown that from the disarrangement of the stomach and bowels: arise nine4enths of all the muladies of adult and declining life. that this is the foundation of .flatulency, spasmodtti bains indigestion, lax of avtretile, &c. and that those in their turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Consumption and habitual lotoness of spirits ; therefore Peters' Pills being the very best medicine which has ever been discovered for the insipient diseases of the intestines, are necessarily the surest preventatives of those dreadful, and also general disorders which em bitter mature life and drag so many millions to untimely grave?. Jn speaking thus, Dr. Peters arrogates noth ing, to himself that has not been conceded by the public. He is no needy quack or unknown spe culator, who comes before the world as his own herald and witness ; but is placed in a responsi bility of situation by the patronage which he has enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an extent, unprecedented in the annals of medicine, that makes him careful to assert noth-. ing which is not borne out by the most infallible proof, and hence he does not fear to be put to the test in any thing which he has promised re specting his Pills. Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state on the authority of a great number of regular Physicians, that wherever his vegetable Pills have been introduced, they have almost super ceded the adoption of mercurial experiments, for their peculiar faculty in sweetening the blood, and stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, and in giving strength and tone to the nerves,' prevents disease from acquiring that strength which must be got under, if at all, by dangerous remedies. Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D. No"129 Liberty street, New York. Each box contains 40 Pills. Price 50 cents. "03 Be careful and enquire for Peters' Vege table Pills. They are for sate in itaieign, at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. Sept. 17, 1838. 46 6m QUACKS AND THEIR DESTRUCT IVE NOSTRUMS. rriHE united testimony of Phys cians, through 1. out the United Sta'es.has fully proved the fact that Peters' s Ves-etable Pills are the only true Vegetable Fills, which will stand the test of Anahzation hence the proprietor would most earnestly urge them to ihe notice of those who uavc occn in me naDii oi using toinunm ui I i . l t - r n.ii j " ipenents, the destructive and irritating Quack Fills, so generally advertised, and which are at best but slow customers of the vital functions and murderous agents, even to the most bale. It is true, most of them produce a purgative ef fect, and sometimes transient relief, but in most cases they injure the digestive organs, and an habitua resort to them must terminate in con firmed dyspepsia. dt i true, tnat uatharttc ana aperient aieai- cines are often required, but the nicest dis crimination should alwavs be observed in the selection, and if this be done nothing injurious can result from their use. To produce this much desired result. Dr. Pe ters has made it his study for several years, and feels proud to say he has at length succeeded, far beyond his expectations. The object of his fills are to supersede the necessity of a fre quent recourse to injurious purgatives, and to offer a medicine safe.- certain, and pleasant in its operation. Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D.No. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each box contains 40 Pills. Price 50 cents. (Xy Be careful and enquire for Peters' Vege table Pills. They are for sale in Raleigh, at thtDrug Store of WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. Sept. 17, 1838. 46 6m COACHES, BAROUCIIES AND BUGGIES. THE Subscriber has on hand an assortment of the above Carriages. Some are. richly fin ished, which will, he thinks, bear a comparison with any manufactured elsewhere. The work is war ranted to be faithfully exeeuted, and will be sold on as favorable terms as can be afforded. Those wish ing to supply themselves, will please call andj udge for themselves. THOS. COBBS. fRaleigh, May 21, 1838. 29if DIUTGStV UIEDICIttES, HICN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. lF!n. Jtl. Jflason 4 Co. HAVING purchased the .entire stock of Mess T. S. Beckwits & Co. have commenced the APOTHECARY business at the stand for merly occupied by them on Fayetteville Street1 econd door North of W. & A. Stith, where hey have just received a further supply of Drugs, Medicines, Glass, Oil, Paints, De Stuffs and Perfumery, togeth er with a general assortment of FANCY ABTICIES, Which they will dispose of on the most Tea sonable terms ' Merchants and others caa be furnished with Patent and other Medicines on as reasonable terms as thev can be got south of the Potomac. Persons would do well to call and examine for themselves. Physicians at a distance, who may favour us with their orders, will have them promptly attended to. No pains will be spared i 1 x? f1 a . .. .. in selecting oemicais ana rnarmaceuucai pre pnrations, as they are determined that no Me dicines but such as are erenuine, shall he sold by them. One of the Firm having been brought up to the business to which he will give his undivided attention, thereby avoiding those fa tal mistakes that too often occur through in competency or carelessness, they hope, by since attention to business, to merit a snare o the public patronage. February, 1838, Mulberry Trees For Sale. 50,000 Morus MultkauIU, 20,00 Chinese Seedlings, 5,000 Canton.". For sale by J W. ATKINSON. Greenville, Pitt co,,N C, Sep. 10, 1 838, 46tf STATE O F NOR TJJ CAR OLINA, Wakes County, . Superiar Court of Law Spring Term, 1838. . ; Ann Neighbors,. . . .vs. .' William Neighbors. Petition for Divorce.- IT aripeariogSo the satisfaction of the Court, thatj the Defendant William Neighbors.can not be found; 'and proclamation having been made at the Court House door, for the party to appearand answer according to act of Assembly in such case made and provided It4s therefore ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Register and Star,iews papersl printed in the City of Raleigh, that un less the said Wiftiam Neighbors appear at the next. Term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur, to the P)ain tiff's petition, it will be heard ex parte, and judgment pro confesso entered against him. 43 t H. B. HAYES, C. S. C. NEW BOOT AND SHOE WARE HOUSE. VEADER & LITTLE, 140 Water Street, N. York, have taken the old stand of A. M, Hatch Et Co.,and are now receiving, direct from the Manufacturers, 1000 Cases, comprising an entire new and fresh stock of Boots, Shoes, &c. Consisting in part of Men's Calf, Kip and thick Boots, Do Morocco and beal do. Do Calf, Kip and thick Bro&ans, Do Russet, Kip ami thick do. Do Calf, Kip and thick Shoes, Do Calf, Morocco and Seal Pumps, Women's French, Kid and tasting Slippers, Do Morocco and seal do Do do do walking Shoes, Do Kid and Lasting do Do Gaiter and Lasting Boots, Do Morocco and Seal do Do Leather welted Shoes, Together with a complete assortment of Boys Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes and Brogans. ALSO, Fur, Silk and Wool Hats, Fur and Hair Seal Caps, Paper, &c. Which are offered on the most favorable termsj for cash or approved paper. New York, July 28, 1838. 40 H5S W. & A. STITII H AVE iust received 1 Case of Short Nan Heat er Hats of the latest fashion. i Raleigh, August 20, 1838. 43 STEAM FEATHER H E N O V A TOR. rilHE undersigned recommend to the Public, JL as a highly useful invention, the "PATENT STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR," (now in successful operation in several counties in tne State of North Carolina,) belie vintr that it possesses the property attributed to it, ofim parting liveliness, cleanliness and elasticity to old eatnrs. They further believe that it pro motes' health, by removing from Feathers any unpleasant smell which may attach to them from long use. The application of the Renovator to new Feathers must alio be verv beneficial in cleansing them from all animal and other ex traneous matter that may have adhered to them. when first plucked. Having tried the exDeri ment the undersigned express the belief, that if tour or five beds be subjected to the steam ing process, the bulk will be so increased as to furnish a sufficient quantity of Feathers for an extra Bed. . W. C. G. Carrmgton.Int., P. B. Burt, W. K. uaies, James it. Murray, Richard P. Finch. J. G. Marshall, Richard W. Ashton, Jas. Litchford. Francis H. Reeder, Sylvester Smith, Alexander Campbell, Joseph Belts, E. Smith, J. C. Tay. lor, Jphn Beckwith, J. J- Christophers. Alfred Pardrj, Richard Smith, C. Johnson, D. W. Stone. I he subjoined list of names was procured at Greensboro to a similar Testimonial of the val ue of the Renovator: J. D. Clancy, C. N- B. Evans, W..D. Paisley, Jas. sl'lyer, J. A. Mehane, C A. Gillispie, H. numpunes, jas.M. Uanforth, G- C. Townsend, David Scott, James Sloan, Alex, Wilson, J. A. oreuer, u. m. aioan, reier Adam W. R D. Lindsey, Ralph Gorrell, W. II. Cummlng?, J. M. I.ogan, George Albright, David Caldwell, Jacob Hubbard, J. M.Dick, James Currie Joel M'Lean, John A. Gilmer. N- B. The Proprietors of the Renovator are thankful for the liberal encouragement they have received, and intend giving the Citizens of North Carolina a full trial in every County east of Raleigh, shortly, and no person will hje charged after trying the experiment, ' unless perfectly satisfied on return of their bed or beds. THOS. P. ROBERTS ALEXANDER MORPHIS. Raleigh, August 27, 1838. 43 tf Executor's Notice. THE Subscriber having qualified as Executor to the last Will and Testament of Mrs. Sa rah Stokb, late of Raleigh, deceased, erives no tice to all persons having claims against said csiaie to present tnem, properly autnenticated, within the time prescribed bv Act of Assembly. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery; and those indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, as it is desired to settle the Estate as early as practica- Die. n. W. STONE. Ex r. September 3, 1838. '44 4t COMMISSION BUSINESS A THE JVDER S O 7V . THE Subscriber having permanently located at Henderson Depot, on the Raleigh and baston Hail road, two miles south of Chalk Ley el, will attend to the receiving, forwarding, and selling all kinds of produce that may be con signed to him, and will pay for the produce that may oe entrusted to his care, at bis office at ucuvici suii, as bwmi as a return can De naq ; or will make liberal advances on its reception when required. He will also attend to the for warding of merchandize that may leave the Rail- roaa at nencerson- From his extensive acquaintance in both the country and Northern markets, he ffatters'him- self that his advantages in business wdl.not be transcended. His particular and undivided at tention may be relied on. 46 tf D. E. YOUNG. C Stephen Moore, Hillsboto. References. Richard L Smith, Milton. C Stephen M. Dickent, lioxboro'. Henderson, Granville co, N. C, July 26, 1838, ST A TE COURSE, (NEAR RALEIGH.) rrTTV. first mftetinc of the North-Carolina S. I - lor-Ttev Club, will commence on the 3 Tuesday, 20th of November 1838, and continue 5 days. FIRST DAY. .lockey Club Purse, 300 JDpllars 2 mile heats entrance 30 Dollars. SECOND DAY. Jockey Club Purse, 500 Dollars 3 mile heats entrance 40 Dollars. THIRD DAY. Jockey Club Purse, 1,000 Dollars four mde heats entrance-75 Dollars. : FOURTH DAY, Handicap Purse, 200 Dollars mile heats, best 3 in 5 entrance 20 Dollars. FIFTH DAY. A Silver Pitcher worth 100 Dollars mile heats--ent ranee 20 Dollars, to be added. The inf.kev C.hib Purses subiect to the usual dis- " j - V count. " ' tCT" The following Sweepstakes are open for the Fall meeting, viz : 1. A Sweepstakes to be run immediately al ter the first day's race, for 3 year old Colts and Fillies, $500 entrance, $200 forfeit, 2 mile heats, to name and cTose by the 1st day of October. Three sor more to make a race. 2. A Sweepstakes to be run on tne znu aay ofthemeetinEr, for Colts and Fillies, i years old, 200 Dollars entrance, mile heats three or more 100 Dollars forfeit, to make a race, to name and close as above. 3. A Sweepstakes, to be run on the 4th day of the meeting for Colts and Fillies 2 years old, 200 Dollars entrance, 100 Dollars forfeit one mile out. Three or more to make a race; to name and close as above. A Sweepstakes to be run on the last day of the meeting, tor Colts and rilhes, years oia, 100 Dollars entrance, 50 Dollars forfeit one mile out three or more t make a race, to name and close as above. 5. A Sweepstakes to be run on the same day, for Colts and Fillies, 3 years old, 100 Dollars entrance 50 Dollars forfeit, mile heats ; three or more to make a race, and to name and close as above. trr Persons wishing to make entries, can make application by letter to the Secre tary of the Club at Raleigh. The rules of the New-Market uourse, nave been adopted for the government of this Club. Stables and htter will be furnished tor itace . . Horses srratis, and every exertion will be use,a by the proprietor to give satisfaction. DAVID MCDANifcL., proprietor. September 3, 18J8. 44 Of The Petersburg Intelligencer and Char leston Courier will insert one month, twice a week, and forward their bills. ' WILL SELL, at the Court House in Rock . ingham, on the 3rd Monday of October next. so much of the following unlisted TRACTS OF LAND as will be sufficient to satisfy the tax due thereon, for the year 1836, and all cost and charges, viz ; 60 acres on Bridge Creek, belong ing to James Stuart (dee'd. ) $00 7 j 50 do do on Juniper Creek, adjoin ing John M. D. Shaw, known as the Williams Tract 00 2 Terms, Cash, to be advertised 30 days from the 8th day of September, 1838. SAMUEL TERRY, Sheriff. Richmond County, N. C. Sept. 8th, 1838. 45 RUNAWAY FROM the Subscriber, residing in Granville County, N. C. on the 30th day of August last, a negro man by the name of JORDAN, and his wife JANE. Jordan is a common size fellow, light black, large full eyes, has a down look when spoken to, the 4th finger on his right hand has grown crooked, by mean of a cut. He carried with him wearing apparel and bed clothes ; among them is a suit of dark yarn ieans homespun cloth. He wore ofT a pair of lined and bound right and left shoes, nearly new. The woman is a little under common size, and is in a pregnant state. She carried with her a purple circassion dress, a white dress, a dark grounded calico dress, and some home made clothes. 1 believe the said negroes were seduced off by some infa mous character, and they will attempt to pass for free negroes. I will give ten dollars for their delivery or confinement in Jail, in Gran ville or Wake, or twenty dollars, if out of said counties, and thirty dollars for the detection and conviction of any white person who has assisted them in getting off. CLEMENT W1LKINS. CjStar, 3 times.- C W." Sept. 10, 1838. 45 3t. AN TI-DYSPEPTIC jPHsJLtS. BTEHE great popularity and established demand fej for this valuable Medicine, renders the con iiuation of a lengthy advertisment unnecessary. Numerous testimonials of their value (lately receiv ed) from Gentlemen of the highest respectability. in addition to those accompanying each Box, mav m . . - ft be seen on application to any of the Agents. The Pills are put up in a superior style, in tin boxes containing 40 Pills, with full directions. Price 50 Cents per Box. To Agents or Purchasers the terms of Commission .and discount are liberal. All com. mumcations will be promptly attended to, by THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen'l Atrent- OCjOfilce, Morgan St. Raleigh, 1st door West of the Presbyterian Church. EXECUTOR'S SALE. HP1' Subscriber, as Executor of Mrs. Sarah JL Stone, -late of Raleieh. deceased, will cu at puouc autton on Monday and Tuesday the i . . - vti ana juik davs ot October nrit. t hr plantation, about ten miles East of Raleigh, all the crop af Wheat, Corn and Fodder, and all the stock of Horses, Cattle, and Hogs, and the Plantation Utensils, consisting of Carts, Wag ons, Ploughs, &c and on Wednesflav thtvlnt of October, at the same place, all the Negroes oeiongmgo sata Kstatetorly-six in number consisting of men, women, boys, girls, and children, will be offered for sale. The Ne groes will be sold in Families, pursuant to the uirecuons or tue Will. TERMS. The crop and plantation utensils, will be sold on . a credit of six months for all sums over 10 for $10 and under, Cash. A part of the Negroes; to the amount of about $5,000, will op soiu on a creait or o montns, for notes ne gotiable and payable at the Bank of the State of North Carolina, in Baleieh? and the balance will be sold n a credit of twelve months, with interest from the date. Bond and' satisfactory security will be required for the' purchase mo ney, before the title of the property is changed. . , D. W. STONE. Raleigh, Sept, 3, 1838. 45tds i VEGETATJ1VE PCTVIfflS At PUXS, CITIZENS OF ItfVCAKQIiINA tiitei rUHlS celebrated Medicine has heen in .use in '3rd P-l England nearly a century. It ;las been in- iroauccu nii y ' " n ,h. ,.ar a!h wliich. more than five 3 h Tnitfi mates, nine iic millions orooes hve been sold. Its universal use whereverjntroduced.speaks quite sufiicient in its praise. All who use, recommenu iu was an individual, that did not There never .MAnJ it uhn hn? had any-ex- perience of its properties. As an Anti-Pdious Medicine, it cJaims a preference over every o ther now trt use. The only thing about wWch care is required is, that the genuine Pdls ate procuredt and remember, that Dr. Branoreth has .never authorized anv Doctor, Drtigg'st, Apothecary or Pedler, in the United States, V sell his Medicine. The BrandretU Pills sold by them are generally counterfeit, calculated to in jure the health of the pati'ent.arrd ruin the char acter of the genuine Pills, made by Dr, Benj. Brandreth, of New York. That all authorized Agents have a copperplate certificate of Agency signed is writisb with a FKjr by the Docior himself. ' The date is always copperpiaic, uui wimcm; . quires renewal every twelve montns. lftwlntr are Atrpnts. and each have a certihcate oi Agency, dated August Is', 1838 : - o- ooo' William Pech, Esq:, Raleigh, Wake County. Messrs. B. y H. akert Ttniisburg, Franklin County. Messrs. T.$ J. While, Warrenton, Warren Crr Messrs. M. $ T. Terrell, Halifax, TJalifdx. Co Sub-Agencies can be obtained of the County Agents. S. BRADLEE BROOKS, Travelling Agent. . NOTICE. STRAYED fiom Jostah Bakkktt's in this County, about the 20th May last, a small Bay JENNY MULE, belonging to the Subscriber, with shoes on her fore feet, (whether her hind feet are shod is not recollected) a- bout three years old. I purchased said Mule of a Horse Drover, so it is very uncertain which ay she may have gone, but when last heard of, she was in the County of Edgecomb. Any in-! formation respecting said Mule will be thank fully received and the person giving it amply compensated for his trouble. WILLIAM D. MOVE. Greenville, Pitt County, June 4th, 1838 June II. 32 tf. DR. J. H. JEFFREYS having located in this place, offers his Professional Services to the Citizens of Raleigh and its vicinity ; and respectfully solicits a portion of their patronage. He may be found at his Office on Fayetteville Street, 2d door above the Post Office, at all times when not professionally ensraered. Raleigh, Dec. 2. 1837. 5 tf THE Subscriber has now on hand, at his Mills, (late B lake's) 17 miles East of Raleigh, 100,000 FEET OF CHOICE LUMBER, of every description, sawed out of Long Leaf Pine the peculiar excellence of which is too well known to need any puff. Persons desiring to purchase will please make application to Mir. Wiiliam Peck, Raleigh, or to Henbt Hortox, at the Mills. The price at the Miils will be flpethundred ; but, if a large quantity bo bought, even Jess than that will be taken. PETER FOSTER. Wake county, August 8, 1 838. 29 tf THEATRE TO LET. THE Ralxigh Theatrk" is to be let for the coming Season, or for a term of years. To an enterprizing lessee, who understands the details of the business, the conceru may be made profitable, as but a small Stock Uompanv will answer, if judi ciously selected, and the incidental expenses will be comparatively light. For two months at least of the Seasen, the Legislature of the State will be in session, wnicn necessarily brings to tne Uity a large number of strangers. More particular information will be furnished to applicants for the lease, by the subscriber, either per sonally or by letter. JOHN G. MARSHALL. Raleigh, Sept. 1, 1838. 44 (TThe National Intelligencer, Richmond Com piler and N. Y. Evening Star will each insert one month, twice a week, and forward bills as above. U. JOSEPH B. OUTjLAW. HAVING removed to Raleigh, respectfully offers his Professional sevices to the citi zens of the Town and surrounding Country. His residence and Office are situated on Fay etteville Street, immediately opposite Mr. W. H. Haywood, Jr. . To his friends in the country, he will say, that they may be assured of his prompt and unre miiting attent on, whenever called on. Kaleigh, Feb. 5, 1838. 14 WANTED, A YOUNG MAN qualified to perform the du ties of Clerk and Salesman in the Dry Goods Business. Apply to ' . -. GEORGE SIMPSON. Raleigh, August 3, 1838. 40 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Wake Count? y, Superior Court of taw Spring Term, 1838. Joseph M'Adams, vp.- Mary M'Adams, Petition for Divorce. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant, Mary M'Adams, cannot be found, and proclamation having been made at the Court House door, for the party to ap pear and ans wer according to act of Assembly, in such cases made andprovided--It islherefore ordered, that publication be made for thrne month?,' in the Raleigh Register; and the North Carolina Standard, newspapers printed in the City of Raleigh, that unless the said Mary M' Adams appear at the next Term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur, to the Plaintiff's petition, it will be heard ex parte, and judgment pro confesso enter ed against her. 43 H. B. HAYES, C..S. C. w. & A. STITH have just received two 40 Saw Cotton Gins, and a few barrels of. Prime Shad. They have also for sale a Jersey Wagon. '' Raleigh, August 20,1838." - 42 DANCING SCHOOL. MONS. PONCE M: NICHTERN respect . . . ful,J informs the Citizens of Raleigh, and Its vicinity, that grateful for past encouragement, he will return in October" next,' to open School again; and resume its exercises. July 6, 183?, 36 tf. LAND FOR SALE. OP NOW;offer for gale a valuable Tract of I tUti in the County of Lenoir, known as the c i Her place," situated on the nortli side of NeUse R ver, 35 miles abore Newbern and 6 miles east r Kiriston, containing on thousand four hundred a l eleven acres ; about one thousand of which are sti uncleared - and -covered with Oak, Hickory a 'd Dogwood growth, indicating a fertility of soil rio to be surpassed in its vicinity. This plantation ' leiiua jir iwu uiiro uii iiic ; jiuuuc roaj and same uisiautc on nic iiver, wnere mere is a tn 1 seine beach,,hoat landing, &c. The terms rrray be Jinown by application to friend Louis C. Dasmond Esq. of Lenoir my . Also, lot No70 irt the town of Kinston. I also offer for sale, two or three blooded J10rsf., crfihe most fashionable stock in the United State Tfcy may he seen at Oak FjoreRt, the residence my father, in the County ofiNash. SAMUEL C BELLAMY. 41 tf August 13, 1838. FO K S A li E $C7A handsome healthy Residence. . f WUIJIjU sell, on tavorable terms to Hip 1 41 chaser, that well known! Country Seat call.' riirkTTVTT dipoawt .. ln au rniuu.ii iunomii, luuiifeu ill lies City of Raleigh, on the great Northern Mail Roa(j towards Xiouisburg, five miles from Wake Forest Institute and about one mile from Rolesville con. ii tin i trier taming 50d Acres, About, one half of the laml cleared, and much of itfreshjand of a superior qua!. is iy, inciuuing a nnejneaaow oi about 25 Acres. There are two Dwelling Hobses (about half a mile apart) on the Plantation ; 4ne f which is a larre well-finished airy & commodious Houee,withevpry necessary Outhouse; the other is quite comfortable each has the advantage of pure, delightful water in its yard. This property is among the most desirabte lo cations in the upper country, whether for comfort, health or beauty, and prod aces finely corn, cotton, wheat or oals, and would bp an invaluable acqui 8ition as nlSummer and Fall retreat from iht sick, liness of the low country. A Physician would find it the centre of a p0pU. lous and wealthy neighborhood, and therefore excellent location. I " For Terms, apply to me in Raleigh. JOSEfPH B. OUTLAW, tc A CARD. 1 JAMES A. KING, Attorney at Law, ( late of Iredell County, North Caralfna) has removed to Brandon, Mississippi. and tenders his profession al services to the Public ije will practice in the Courts of Rankin, Hinds, Madison & SmicfrCoun ties, and in the Circuit Court f the United States at Jackson. -.-V.?. Brandon, Miss., June 15,? 1838. 35 4m. MORE WJElf ROOKS Just received aid for Sale AT THE NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE. IHE Two Flirts, and other Tales by Lady Bles . ington, 2 Vols. The RyreT and the Desart, by Miss Pardoe, 2 Vols. Love, by the authoress of Flirtation, the Di voiced, &c &c, 2 Vols. Jane Louisa, or aMothers Crime, by the author c! Brambletye House, Reuben Apsley, &c,2 Vols, Retrospect of Western Travels, by H. Manfneatr, 2 Vols. The Life and adventures of Nicholas IS'ick leby, containing a faithful account of the fortune misfortunes, uprisings, downfallings, and com plete career of the Nickleby family, edited by Bra. The Tuggs, at Rams Gate,; by Boz; 1 Vol. The Fellow Commoner, or remarkable escapes of a pre destinated Rogue, 2 Vols. ; Vandeleur, or animal magnetism, 2 Vols. Leila, or the Seige of Grena da, by E. L. Bulwer, 2 Vols. Sayings and Doiu? of Samuel Slick, 1 Vol. The City of the Sultan and Domestic Manners of the Turks, by Miss Pa doe. Memoirs of Grimaldi, by Boz. 2 Vols. Mel- moth the Wanderer, by the author of Bertram, J Vols. Gleanings in Europe and England, by an American, 2 Vols. Nick of the Woods, a Tale of Kentucky, by the author of Calivar, 2 Vols. The Youthful impostor, by G. W. Reynolds, 2 Vols. Lady Morgan's Dramatic Scenes from Real Life The Tin Trumpet, 2 Vols Chances and Changa a Domestic Story, 2 Vols. ' East and West, a vel, by the author of Clinton Bradshaw. Endlea Fun,by Thos. Hood, author of Whims and Oddities. 1 Vol. The Sketch Booki of Fashion, 2 Vols. Kate Leslie, a Novel, by Haynes Baylcy, 2 Vol? David Dumps, by Haynes Bay ley, 1 Vol. Alice or the Mysteries, by E: L. Bulwer, 2 Vols. Scoiu Novels, 27 Vols. And a variety of Novels, &c too tedious to enumerate. 35 TURNER & HUGHES. THE underciiffnAd is Ap-ent for tbf 'Ena Firi insurance Company' Persons wishUrtr to insure their perty, can call at his Officfe, in the Court Hou where they can learn the rates of Insurance, and tain satisfactory information as to the character o; the Company. HENRY W. MILLER Raleigh, June 26. 18384 35jj FLOUR AUfD I a WW. CHRISTOPHERS & i SMITH have just re ceived a supply of superfine Flour in la; barrels. ! Also, a .quantity of Ijidli Raleigh, July 23, 1838.1 Mn. THOMAS L. JONKS, fully authorised to act as travf .i Uiwmor Aeent for this aper in the States of Tennessee Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana an Georcnn. alenin F.ef mnA VJst Florida. Mr. Jonf is now on his way to the West, and will receive be transmit, without expense.; 'the names of all tho who desire to patronize the Registkh. WHY WILL YE DIE T" A LL ve who are su fife ruie with the Consutnp J. tion. Influenza, Colds. Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Head Ache, and a sense of fulness he back part of, the Head, usually the symp toms of Apoplexy, Jaundice, Fever and Agu'i Bilious, Scarlet, Typhus; Vellow, and comma'1! f evers ot an kinds; Asthma Gout, Kheumati:" ' Nervous Diseases, LiveriComplaint, lleuri?v Inward Weakness, Depression of the Spirits Rllntlirpo 1 rflomrr r. tnr. Fit. Pilk'i Dropsv. Small Pox. Measles. Croun. Coug,lS Wboopinar Coueh. Ciuiniev. Cholic, Choi " Morbus. Gravel. Worms jDvsenterv. Deafne Ringing Noises in the Had Ring's Evil, Scro; tula, Erysipelas, or Sa Rheum. White Swellin! rr.i mors, Swelled Feet and,' Legs, Piles, Cost"' ness, all Eruptions Of theSkiiv,Frightfuiprean1 Female complaints of ery kind, especial') 0 structiohs, relaxationsc. Call at Ww. Pic k'sO nice, Raleigh, and cure a Box of BrantAth's Vegetable Un've sal Pills, a Vegeab Puf-gative, not the I J injurious to he cdnsJtution,; gentle and eliea al m "its operation, ctsigntd expressly to wri the body and cleaise.the blood. More J" 14,000 Testjimonja? have I been received v individuals of theJnighes respectabihtyi have been cured f the use of these P'!lsc80" . since their infjodfetion into the United Sts Price 25jcer per bo. with full mrec"- AiiOTist 2f)rK. 38. 4 - t i i

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