ww"f" 'Wy '" -W ..i. ' vt C ' - -r --. ,-- . j i .. . i T - A a- T H E AT RE TO LET. : ..- " ' r 1 p i i - : - .i ... i -v W Thurulav the 13'U ffnuiM"" " . f , li il ! : St i PLANTATION TOOLS, ""se,,'d ?;mH Mml i T VU'.wa,! .H1ffr-V fWS. U.n..vi'Ptiiiu lo at IIIC " ;. : Sorrow. ; If eVerfl er icrtenifiljcwna i "Were wntten on bis brow, How many wouMoar pity fchartv Whorle our envy nowf The fatal Meret, when reTeale ' Of very aching breast, Would pi OTe that only vehen concealeo, Their lot appears "the best. jZL VER'l is EM EM T. WANTED,) t situation as Teacher, by a geii tleman who is qualified to teach the Latin, Greek, Trench and English Languages. He is a graduate of an European College and has coasidarabld experience in teaching, both in this and his aii?e Country. , He is desirous1 of being employed as Pr nc.pal of an Academy, or as Teacher in a . respectable family. . Satisfactory testimonials esn be produced as to knowledge and Jnoral character. No pbjecUonto eo South or West. Application to be made to the Editors of the Rtfgislet, Raleigh, N. C, by letter or otherwise. Oct. 12, 1838., f , 1 AND Steam Engine Factory, att. THE Subscriber has, at very great expense, built an extensive Establishment near llun ter's Ship Yard, on the tipper, end of Broad Wa ter Street, lately extended to the Eastern end of the Borough, j where a Steamboat can come Within a few yafds of the Factory, and takes this method of informing the public generally, that be is now prepared to execute with ties patch, in a workmanlike manner, all orders in his line, ix: i Castings, r U descriptions, to patterns; Steam .Engines, of all descriptions, and all other kind of machinery, or any kind of Smith's Work. Orders at home or from abroad thankfully re ceived And punctually executed,' and he conti dentlv hopes lor public patronage. HAltVEY BEYEA. Norfolk Vulcan Foundry, iA ; August 27, 1838. 5 To all Wliom it may concern : TOTICE is hereby given, that application will ilSSli be made to the next General Assembly, to emancipate Emmeline, the wife of Henry Patterson, of this City.' . - Raleigh, 15ih October, 1838. TO BPORTSMCU AND BREEDERS. THE Subscriber will sell the following portion of his BLOODED STOCK, viz: No. 1. A daik bay MARK, 4 ears oM last Spring, by old Sir Archie. The Subscriber is informed by Johw D. Amis, Esq. that this Vftre is the last Coltsired by old Sir Archie her dam by Van Tromp and is now supposed to be with foal by the Imported Htrse Whalebone. . iU. 2. A bright bay Horse Colt, 4 years old r last Spring, by the well known. American Race Horse Eclipse his dam by o!d Sir Archie. So. 3. A sorrel Horse Colt, 3 years old last Spring, by the Arabian. Horse Yemen, the favo rite of the four Arabian Horses presented to the American Minister, Mr Rmi.nd, by the SultHii of Turkey his dam by old Sir Archie. !&. 4. A dark iron grJlnre Colt, 3 years old last Spring, by Yemen, his dam by Van Tromp, and his grand-dam by old Sir Archie. As. 5. A bright b-y Horse Colt, 2 years old last Spring, by the imported Horse Contract, now the favorite of Spprtsmen and Breeders in Kentucky; his dam by old Sir Archie. The Subscriber will also sell a TEAM OF SIX MU.LES, on reasonable terms. THOS. D. BENNEHAN, StagvW.e, Orange, N. C. Oct. 10, 1838. 50 tf COACHES, BAROUCHES" is uS3 AM BUGGIES. fiHE .3ubscribcT'lias on hand an assortment of -JL. the above Carriazes. Sonic are richly fin lshed, which will, m thinks, bear a comparison with any manufactured elsewhere, -l he work is war ranted to be faithfully exeeuted and will be sold on aa favorable terms as can be afforded. Those wish ing to supply themselves, wilt please call and judge for themselves. - . THOS, COBBS. ' Raleigh May, 21,1838. , , 29 tf -r Drugn nnd IWcdtcincs, ION OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR IFVft.ilK, Jflason 4 Co. HAVING purchased the enure stock of Mess T. S.Bsckwith & Co. have commenced the APOTHECARY business at the stand for merly occupied by them on Fayettevilie S n et, ecoiul door Nqrth "of Wr,& A. Stith, where they have just jeceived a further supply of Dings, IVTlcirjcSEGIass, Oil, Paints, DyeStufl antl i'effumery, toetli vru itli a general asso t tnicntul' fancy; a u t i cibs, Which they will dispose of on t lie most rea onabli: term. j I Merchants aftd others can be furnished with .Patent and other Medicines on as reasonable terms as they can be got south of Ibe Potomac. Person!! would do well to call and examine for themselves. Physicians at a distance, who m: y favour us with their orders, wiU have then, promptly attended to. No pains will be spared n utcctiBg;d0Mtcft& and Pbarrnaceutical bre- . y are determined thnt nu Me- dicines but such as areenuine, shall be sold un ,e.?vwne. ,,rthf, Firm been brought hereby avoiding those fa Smi? to, oftn occr 6ro..gl. in SttSnHn; they hope, bj merit a share of Vtbruary. 1838: The Purchaaer will b. required to g.ve Bond - . a and Secur.ty. v JOHNSON, Ex r 1838. 8. SAUSBUKY FEMALE ACADEMY. M RS. HUTCH IS0N begs leave to inform her friends and the public generally, tnat the ex4 ; .fhi Institution will, bv divine permissionj recommence on the 10tl of October next. i Wilh the hope of rendering the New Female A- cademy of Salisbury, worthy the liberality of its ' founders, and of North Carolina, she has associated i with herself, teachers, in whose talents and acquire ments, as. well as dispositions and principles, she feels the highest confidence, and thus she is enabled , . . - . ; I to recommend them to the patronage of a deserving . public, and to engage in her own name and theirs', ; that every measure shall be pursued, and every ex- : ertiori used, which promises to promote the moral, : mental and personal improvement of all who may be entrusted to their care. She believes (the mea sures pursued in her School Uooro.happily calculated to. form the female character for stations of high use fulness in society. She appeals for living examples to the multitude of her scholars widely scattered over the Southern and Western States,, who, she trusts, will be to her School, a sufficieut letter of Recom mendation. The Literary Department will be under her own personal charge, the Ornamental under that of her niece, Miss Sarah Looisa Ntk, of New York To Miss Emma J. Bakeu is committed the Depart ment of Music. The high qualifications of this young lady, as a teacher on the Piano and Guitar, place her among the most successful teachers of the present day. I o the Kev. ts. t romtis, whose tnar- acter is too well established to need recommenda tion, and whose superior talents as an instructor in the French, language, (his native tongue.) are ex tensively known, will be entrusted the class in French. Excellent Board can be obtained for the Pupils, either at Col. Lernly's with the teachers, or in oth er nighty respectable families, where every proper care will be taken to promote their improvement and comfort. Term of Admission : II 11 ST CLASS. . History, Botany, Arithmetic, Algebra, Make Brun Geography, (with the use of the Globes,1) As tronomy, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Logic, Composi ti' n, &c, &c, ; per Session, - $15 50 sscon class. Reading, Splling.Writing and Arithmetic, (lower Ri.lesf with Olney's Geography, per Session, $10 50 ' EXTRA BRANCHES. Latin, per Session, - - - $5 00 French, do. - - - - , 10 00 Drawing and Painting in Water Colors, 6 00 Wax Work, per Course, - - 6 00 Embroidering and Silk and Chenille, per Course, - - 5 00 Lamp-Mat and Worsted Work, do. 5 00 Music on Piano or Guitar, per Session, 85 00 Scholars will be charged from the time of enter ing, but no deduction made for absence, except in case of protracted sickness. N. B. Parents and Guardians are respectfully re quested to specify what Church they wish their children to attend. Salisbury, Sept. 27,1838. 49 4t ITIAGNIFICENT LOTTERY. CAPITAL PRIZH $100,OOQ! TH1 MOST BRILLIANT SCHEME EVB DRAWN IJf THE UNITED STATES. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Class A, for 1838. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C. On Saturday, Nov. 17, 18o8. T5 NO. LOTTERY 12 DRAWN BALLOTS. Prizes- 1 Grand Prize of $100,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 8,000 7,500 6,000 5,000 4,000 8,740 2,500 2,000 1,(00 800 500 Besides Prizes of 250," 200, 150, 100, 80, 60, 50, J DOLLARS. 40, J And the lowest Prize 20 Dollars. Tickets only $20 Halves 10 Quarters ffl Kighths$2 50. Certificates of Package s of 25Whole Tickets Do do 25 Half do Do. do 25 Quarter do Do. do 25 Eighth do $260 130 65 Orders for Tickets and Shares or Certificates of Packages in the above unrivalled Scheme, will receive the most prompt attention, and those who order from us, may rely upon having the di awing sent them immediately after it is over. Send orders early and address D. S. GREGORY &Co. Manngirs, 49 Washington City,D. C. or Richmond, Va. Executor's Sale. 'IMIE Subscriber, as Executor of JOSHUA 1 SUGG, late of Wake county, deceased, will offer for sale, on the premises, on the 8ih day of November next, the TRACT OF-LAND on which I the said JOSHUA lately resided, containing 35 acres adjoiiiiua the lauds of Lewis and Ransom irooie anu omers. l rfere is a good Urchard and comfortable Dwelling and out-houses, and an cxceU lent Spring on the premises near the house. Term. The Land will be sold on a credit of nine monllil with interest frorn. date. Bond and se curity for tbe purchase money will be required. The title i iridbputabje. b . ; WILL R-. POOLE, Ex'r. Oct. 12, 1838. . iOu, 1 Prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 5 Prizes of 10 do 50 do 60 do 85 , do nOOTJMJVD SUOE STORE. HAVING, for many years, notiwl the inconve- ! nience suffered hy the citizens of Ualeigh and Vicinity, for want of any thing like a general assort ment of BOOTS and SHOES of good quality, ! have commenced the busihess with the determina tion to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of L allies'. Gentlemen's and Children's Boots and Shoes. As I have nil my Shoes and Boots of the finer quality, manufactured expressly to order, it will be several weeks before my assortment will be complete. 1 shall however have a pretty general assortment in the course of the present week. I have also made engagements with scvcFal first rate Workmen, for the purpose of manufacturing Gentlemen's fine Boots and Shoes in thia City. I make no promise about underselling my neigh- pours, lor i uo noi expect iu u . ..j jciuii, of comnwn understanding, must be awaie mat i can neither manufacture Shoes here, or have them man- ufactured in Philadelphia, of good quality, and sell them lower than what are usually called Store Shoes that isEasterh or Yankee made Shoes, which, like Pindar's Razors, arc made to sell, and not to wear. But this I do pronuse, to keep, at all times, a complete assortment of Shoes and Boots of supe- . ... , . ... 1 .1 1. nor quality, anu 10 sen vnem as low as mrj wn ue afforded in this market; and I have no doobt that persons, disposed to give them a trial, will find them cheaper than those of inferior quality, at less price I have also a general stock of COARSE SHOES for Servants, &c. WILLIAM WHITE. October lsr, 1838. 25 Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, Ills oegro man KQH1N, who absconded about the 28ih of last monb. without any cause whatever. Robin is a bright mulatto, nqarly or qui'e six feet j kigh a stout muscular man, asou'. 4 yeas oui has one of his front teeth miss n I, a a scar on one of his cheek bemes. occasioned by a burn, and the mark of a severe cut on one of hi thumbs. He is fond of spiritv, and w ill occasion ally get drunk. Robin has worked in a Tan Yard for 20 years, and is a very good Tanner and Currier. He is also a gpod course Shoemaker, and carried off with him his Shoemaker's tools, lie had a fr e woman for his wife, ad may pro bably hav.c procured fr e papers Irom some tree person of colour. I will give the above rewar-1 for ibe appre hension and confinement in Jail, f said ngi, o that. I j:e him. Any jerso" apprehending him, w II please address me, at Oxford, N. C. TIIO. B. LM TLEJOHN. Oxford, 26th September, 1838. 48 tf ANDREW KEVAN & BROTHER. Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG, VA. Refer to Duxcax Cametiox, Esq. Raleigh, N.C. Thomas I). Ukxxkiiak, Esq. Orange. Oc. 1, 1838. 48 lm. TO PHYSICIANS A Medical gentleman, residing in the South Western part of the State of North Caroli na, is desirous of removing to the West and would relinquish bis practice (which has been worth from fifteen humlrcd to two thousand lo' lars per annum for the last ten years) to any regular pract tioner of Medicine, who would purchase his Real Estate in the Village where he resides, worth about three thousand dollars; on which liberal terms would be given the Ural Estate consists in part, of a comfortable Fami ly residence on a well improved Lot, &.C. This situation is believed to be in all respects desira ble. For further particulars, apply at thi office. September 25, 1838 48 4l STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham County, Court of P eas and Qua'ter Sessions, August Term, 1838. Reddln llntley and BriUon llatley, Exrs. &c. vs. Uti-ih llatl-y. 6riginal Attachmrnt levied on lund. IT appealing to the Court, that Uriah Ilvtley the Defendant in tlis case, m not an inhabi tant of this State. It is ordered by the Court, that Advertisement be made in the Haleigh Register for the space of six week, for the sa d Defendant to appear at the next Court ol Pleas nd Quarter Sessions, to be held forihe Coun ty of Chatham, at the Court Motive in the Town of Pittslioiough, on the 2d Monday in Nov. next, and plead, replevy,, answer or demur, or the lull' I levied on, will be condemned subject to the Plaintiffs recovery. Witness, N. A. Steomis, CKik of our said Court, at office the 2d Monday of August, 1838. 47 N. A. STEDMAN. JVORTH CJlROlsIJ" Granville County, Court of Equity. Fall Term, 1S38. James Somerville and others, against Susan Eaton, John Y. Taylor and his wife Miry Murkham, and his wife Susan, Booker "1 and his wife Ann, and William B. Somerville. XT appearing to the satisfaciiou of the Court, that the Defendants, John Y. Taylor and his wife Mary, Varkham, and his wife Susan, Booker, an'd his wife Ann, and William B. Somerville, are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for 6ix successive weeks, for the said Defendants to appear at the next Term jf this Coutt, to be held at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday of March next, and plead, answer or demur, to the complainant's bill, otherwise the same wi:i be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Thomas B. Littlejohn, Clerk and Mas ter ol said Couit of Equity, at office, the first Mon day of September, A. D. 1838. THOS. B. LITTLEJOHN, C. M. E. Oct. 8, 1838. "49 6t NOTICE. IN pursuance of a decree of the Honourable Court of Equi'y of Chatham County, printed at September Term 1838, we, the undersigned, will proceed to .sell in the town of PiTTsaoao', on Tuesday, the 13th day of. November next, TEN NEGRO SLAVES, A TRACT OP LAND, Containing about 170 ACRES, adjoining the'lands of Naxct Df.oii afperei dt and others the same being the property of Jo seph Fooshke, dee'd. Trrms ofSale2 months credit purchasers giving bond and security, as required by the decree of 6aid Court. - Jlf). TfAMS AY, 7 . . JOS. F. STONE, $ Commwsionei. Pittsboro', SepU2Vl838. 48 ts pradvfS 50 STA.TECOUUSK, (NEAR RALEIGH.) M1K first meeting of the North-Carolina St-Jte Jockey Club, will commence on the old Tuesday, 20th of November 1833, and continue 5 days. FIRST DAY. .lockey Club Purse, 300 Dollars 2 mile beats entrance SO Dollars. SECOND DAY. Jockey Club Purse, 500 Dollars 3" mile heats entrance 40 Dollars. THIRD DAY. Jockey Club Purse, 1,000 Dollars four mile heats entrance 75 Dollars. FOURTH DAY. Handicap Purse, 200 Dollars mile beat, best 3 in 5 entrance 20 Dollars. FIFTH DAY. A Stiver Pitcbrr worth 100 Dollars mile heats entrance 20 Dollars, to he added. Tle Jockey Club Purses subject to the usual dis count. , The following Sweepstakes are open for the Fall meeting, viz : 1. A Sweepstakes to be run immediately af ter the first day's race, for 3 year old Colts and Fillies, $500 entrance, $200 forfeit, 2 mile heats, t name and close by the 1st day of October. Three cr more to make a race. 2. A Sweepstakes to be run on the 2nd lay f the meeting, for Colts and Fillies, 3 years old, 200 Dollars entrance, 100 Dollars forfeit, mile heats three or more to make a race, to name and close as above. 3. A Sweeps'akes, to be run on the 4th day f the meeting for Colts and Fillies 2 years old, 200 Dollars entrance, 100 Dollars forfeit one mile out. Three or more to make a race; to name and close as above. A Sweepstakes t be run on the last day of the meeting, lor Colts and Fillies, 2 years old, 100 Dollars entrance, 50 Dollars lonnt one mile out -three or mre 4 make a race, to name ami close as above. 5. A Sweept kes to be run nn the same day, for Cobs and Fillies, 3 years old, 100 Dollars entrance 50 Dollars forfeit, mile heats ; three or more to make a race, and to name and close as above. Persons wishing to make entries, can make application by letter to the Secre tary of the Club at Raleigh. The rules of the Nw-Market Course, have been adopted for die government of this Club. Stables and litter will be furnished for Kace Horses gratis, and every exertion will te used by the proprietor to fjTe satisfaction. DAVID UcDANIEL, Proprietor. September 3, 1833. 44 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Northampton County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Stssions, September Term, 1838. John Peelc. agent for Wm- Britton, Admr. 8cc. VS. John A. Josey. Attachment Levied "on Land. TT appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in this case, is not an in habitant of this State Ordered therefore, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register.for six weeks, notifying the said Defendant, John A. Josey, that unless he be and appear before the Justices of our siid Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Nriharopton, at the Court house in the Town of Jackson on the first Monday of December next, then and there to plead, or rf pley, judg ment pro confesso will be entered up against him for the Plaintiff's claim, and the land levied on condemned subject to the Plaintiff's reco very. A copy. Teste, Pr. Adv. IS 62$, 48 W. BOTTOM, C. C STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions August Sessions, A. D. 1838. John Barefoot k vife Betsey," Uudd Smith, Bryan Smith, James Johnson 8c wife Pherebe, West- Petition for lirciolc T.p Rt vvifj. F'.ilhr Wm I Tartt and wife Winny, Thomas I'ARTITION Tartt & wife Penny G., Henry Of Lands. Smith, vs. Jordan Jackson & wife I.ethe. IT appeatinj; to the satisfaction of the Court, that the liefendants, Jordan Jackson & wife Lethe, reside beyond the limits of this Slate It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Ucgister.for six successive weeks notifying said Defendants, personally, to be and appear before the Justices of our next Couit of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held at the Court house in Smithiield, on the 4th Monday of November next, then and there to show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the Petitioners should not be granted; otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Wm. II. Watson, Cltrk of our said Court, at office in Smithfield, the 4th Monday of August, A. D. 1838. 48 WM. II. WATSON, C. C. C. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. August Sessions, A. D. 1838, Jane Smith, Widow, &.c. John Smith, Iaac Smith, Petition for Dower joruan jacusou ana Wile Lethe. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants, John Smith, Isaac Smith, Jordan Jackson, and Wife Lethe, are not resi dents of this State It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Ilalei&h Register, for six weeks, notifying the said Defendants, personally, to be and appear before the Justices of the Cou-t of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the Court house in Smithfield, on the 4th Mon day in November next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the said petition; otlierwise the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parre as to them. Witness, Wm. H. Watson, Clerk of our said Court, at-offiee in Smithfield, the 4th Monday of August, A. D. 1838. WM. II. WATSON, C. C. C. 48 JOB PRINTING EXECUTED AT THIS OFF ICE ...... - 'S HE RALr.tr.ii TnnATnr' in to be let for the I cominsr Season, or for a term of years. 'loan entcrprizing lessee, who understands the details of the business, the concern may be made profitable, as but a small Stock Company will answer, if judi- r I -...I .1 . .-1 II comparatively light. For two months at least of i the Scasen, the Legislature, of the Slate will be in session, which necessarily brings to the City a large number of strangers. More particular information will ,le furnished to applicants for the lease, try thr subj criber, either per sonally of by letter. JOHN G. MARSH ALT. Raleigh. 8ept. I, 1838. . 44 STRAYED f om Jostak RjtETTfs in this County, about the 20th May last, a small Uay JKNNY MULE, belonging to the Subscriber, with shoes on her fore feet, (whether her hind teet are shod is not recollected a bout three years old. I purchased said JWule of a Horse Drover, so it is Very uncertain w hich xy she may have gone, but when last heard of, she was in the County of Edgecomb. Any in formation respecting said; Mule, will betliank fully received and the person giving it amply compensated for bis trouble. WILLIAM D. MOYE. Greenville, Pitt County, June 4th, 1838 June It. 52 tf. COTTON YARNS. gi I am instructed to sell Ibis & M article lower than ever, by V tvhnlcsaln nnlv so ni In fefyq ford the Merchants room to make a profit on it. Those who may want the Yarn hy the quantity, will please call at my office, and examine price ami quality. Where time is desired 1 Will take notes with security, to be p-iid at the end of six months. WILLIAM PECK, Agent for Battle U Brothers. Raleigh, September 5, 1833. 45-2m A RARE CHANCE For the investment of Capital, Subscriber, intending to remove tn the est, offers- a jrreat barium in the sale of th:t valuable Establishment in the CUv of fta lelgh, known as the UNION HOTEL." Per. haps uo House of Entertainment in the City is so conveniently located as this, being within a stone's throw of the Capitol Square and the Bank of the State ? and yet, being removed from the Main Street, there is a quiet about it always de sirable to Boarders and Travellers. The Booms of the Hotel re large and airv, and there are, besides, a number of ou'-Suildinj'S fitted up as lodging rooms, which will enable the Proprie tor to accommodate nil that may call. There re also attached to the Hotel, rapac ous Sta bles, with space enough to make additions, sjiould they be required. Persons desirous of inves'ing their money pro fitably, or of enjiugeing in the busines, would do well to call and examine the premises, as the Subscriber is determined to veil, and will give a great bargain. Possession can be had at once, in time to prepare for the ensuing General As sembly, and t accommodate the purchaser, the Stock and Furniture on hand can also be ob tained with the Establishment, if desired. ALEX. MORPHIS. Raleigh, Set t. 22, 1838. 47 Notice to Travellers going South. fpiIE PEOPLE'S LINE of four horse post A coaches, leaves Augusta, every day, for Wr renton, by the Atiguta and Athens Rail Road cars, thence to Milledgeville, Macon and Co lumbus to Montgomery, Ala., by Stages, with Stock and Stages unsurpassed by any line in the Southern ccuntry. Great care has been observ ed in the selection of drivers on this line, and none but sober and most esperienced men have been employed. Passengers who avail them selves of the opportunity of taking this line of Stages, C8n be positively assured of more com fort und expedition, than can any other line now in operation, between Augusta and Montgome ry, Ala. Office at the United States Hotel, Au gusta, Georgia. (Xj The Columbia Telescope, the Fayetteville and Raleigh papers, also, the Richmond and Not folk papers, will please copy the abovoand forward their-accounts to GEO. W.DENT, Agent, f ot,lhe Company Fayetteville, Sept. 12, 18J8. 47 tf BOOTS OrnilE Subscriber keeps constantly on hand a Li jrood assortment of ROOTS and SHOES, all ot lils own manufacture : none others are sold bt him. He will make any article in bis line to order, at short police, and at moderate prices. GO Call at his Store, on the South side of the Market House, in the brick row. JOHN HOLLOW AY. September 20. 48 3m COMMISSION BUSINESS " AT HEJV DERSOjy . rpHE Subscriber having permanently located A. at Henderson Depot, on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, two miles south of Chalk Lev el, will attend to the receiving, forwarding, and selling all kinds of produce that may be con signed to him, and will pay for the produce that may be enttusted to his care, at his office at Henderson, as soon as a return can be had; or will make liberal- advances on its reception when requind. He will also attend to the for warding of merchandize that may leave the Kail oal at Henderson. From his extensive acquaintance in both the country and Northern markets, he flatters him self that his advantages in business will not be transcended. His particular and undivided at tention may be relied on., 46 tf f. E. YOUNG. C Stek . Iiic Stephen Moore, Hillsboro'. Richard J. Smith, Milton. Stephen JIL Dickent, Roxboro'. References Henderson, Granville co. N. C. July 26, 1838 Ilolderby & ilIcPhecter, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Va. WILL give their undivided attention, Season, to' the sale of Prodnce this and the purchase of Goodst to order. Merchants and ,Plai;teia making coi s gnments, or sending orders, shall have every advantage which either the Petersburg or Richmond mrrkets may af ford. Office on Bolingbrook Street, nearly opposite the Bolingbroh ll.Hcl. , October 8th, 1838. lm. 49 JL AV Sr-7 Ji h -..w.u ,.n,ifj jiemaencc. a WOULD sell, on favorable tehns to ,110 chaser, that well known CountW Seat J . MOUNT PLEASANT, fourteen 'miles fL"T VyllV Ol Kaleiffll. oil tip err cot VnrlUr.. . tf. r... . ' ; ""111 ' nit towards Lomsburg, five miles from Wake plirp ' T i i . institute aim annul one mile irom Kolesvilln tainjng 503 Acres. About one haK of the lanJ cleared, and much of h fresh and ofi n superior qu ? fy, Including a fine Meadow of about 25 Acres There re two Dwelling Houses (aout half a rni apart) on the Flantation ; one of fwbich is a lar Well finished airy 6c commoditfas Hotise.with pvpf6 nPTMsarV l)lllhnn iha rttwr Its nliila nr .. J j "in . i - mjn "iiuur,; I i eacti hffs top vantage of pure, delightful water 1 'fi,:.. . ui ' In "" -',,!, "it:riy is anjongiue most uesirnhte cations in the upper country, whether for (W health or beaoty, and produces flnply eorn, vtj corn, rnii wheat or oats, and would be an ijivalaal.fe neon siffon as a Summer and Fall retreat, from , J? J uness oj me low country v s A Physician would find it the cirntre of a nnn,, ! Ions and wealthv ntiifrhhoThnoiV. and tl,,.,r... . , , ' , --'ure)ju exreueiii location For Terms, apply to me in Ralejgh. t JOSEPH Bl OUTLAW. AiVicn a. lunni, Attorney nt' J,aw, ( ate 0? v ireucrr ,c7amv, orrn varminaj has removed to Brsrrtdnn. 1iiftri omtun)i i.: -..r - . .. -J.t,rM ...... ..mp no JIIUICSSKin. al sertilces to the Publie. He wil practice in Courts of Rankin, Hinds, Madison? & Smith (jo... : l l. .t ... . . '"iill- ues,jin,, m mo circuit ourt ol the United Stau.. at Jackson. ' Brandon, Miss., June 15, 1S38.1 TH E undersiijned : i .viik iiii inn "n.ma rire insurance Company." cisuiis yvihrwng u insure tlu ii nrn. ueuj, can can ai ma Venice, in tne ourt House ...I .1 I .1 i r 5 ' wneie nicy can learn me raies oi insurance, am L tdifr satisfactory information as to tjhe character l tno Company. HKMKK W. M1LLKR Raleigh, June 26, 1838. f 35 tf WHY WILL YE iDlE ? ALL ye who are suffering with the Constrmp. tion, Influenza, Colds, InAieestion. iu. pepsi:, lltad Ache, and a f.ense of fulness in iic uMi.fk iii i ui me nuni, iisiiiiiiy uie svmn' . I . , . . I ioms or noniexy, .iaim:ice, rtver and ALMir T!l! C 1 . 1 I XT II O uiiiou, ocanet, i y pnus, enow, and Commoiv revrn ui an miiusj ?uinit hoiit, JCIlcUmatism Nervous uiseases, JL.ivtr UompJan t, I'ieurisv Inward weakness. Depression tot the Spirit, itupnires, jnnammatio", sore rAes, Fits, p.il-v uropsv, aniau rox, Measies, r"iip, Cougfisiy Whooping Couch, Quinsey, Oliohc. CIuiIm Morbus Gravel Wonns Dyserjtery, l)e;.fness, Kinging Noises :n the Head Riug's Kvil, Scro fula, Erjipelas, or Saint Anthony's Kire, Sa!t liheurn, In e Swelhnsrs, Ulcers Cancer-, Tu irors, Swelled Feel atul Legs, IMes, Costive ness, all Eruptions of the Skn,Fr?ghttiil Dreainit Female complaints of every kind, especially.ob. stiuctions, relaxations, Jkc. Call at W jr. Peck's Offic, KaJ'igh, and pro. cure a Box ot BitAJimnu s VegetabK UniveN sal Pills, a Vegetable Purgative not the bast injurious to tne constitttiiOM, gentle and cttccti al in its operation, designed expressly to purijy the body and cleanse the bIojd. "'Mote than 14,000 Testimonials have been jreceited from individuals of the highest respectability, vrlw have been cuced by the use of these Pills alone, since their introduction into the United States. Price 25 cents per box, with' full directions. August 20th, 1838. i 42 3m. X,JS1BEU 01 SALE- riHE Subsciiber has now on hand, at his Mil!, JL. (late Blake's) 17 miles East of Raleigh, 100,000 FEET OF CHOICE LUMBER, of every description, sawed'ont oflLong Leaf Pine the peculiar excellence of which is too well known to need any puft Persons desiring to purchase will please make application to Mr. William Peck, naieign, or to mimkiiy niiRTOx,'ai me aims. The price at the Mills will be SI per hunJrcJ; but, if a Ifirge quantity be bought even less than that will be taken. PET KB FOSTER. Wake county, Augusts, 1838j 29 tf STEAM FEATHER E -N O y A T O R R rTlHR undersigned recommend to the Tubl'ic, JL as a highly useful invention, the "PATENT STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR, (now in successful operation in several counties in the State of North Carolina,)! believing thai it possesses the property attributed to it, ofim parting liveliness, cleanliness and elasticity to old Feal hers. They f.itther believe th:t it pn motes healtlt, hy removing from Feathers any unpleasant smell which may attach to them ft long use. The application of the Renovator to in cleansiner them from all animal i and other ex r traneous matter that may have adhered to them, when first plucked. Having tried the experi ment, the undersigned express Jthe belief, tht if four or five beds be subjected; 'to the stemm ing process, the bulk will be sol increased sf furnish a sufficient quantity of Feathers fori extra bed. ' I W. C. G. Carrington.Int., P.jn. Burt, VI. B. Gales, James H. Murrav, Richarld P. Finch, J G. Marshall, Richard W.Ashton Jas. Litchlorti, Francis 11. Reeder, Sj Ivester Smith, Alexander Campbell, Joseph Be'tts, E. Srpith, J. C. Tay lor, John Beckwith, J.IJ. Christophers, Airreu Partin, Richard Smith, C. Johnson, V. W. Stone. The subjoined list of names was procured it Greensboro' I o a similar Testimonial of the val ues of the Renovator: S J. I). Clancy, C.N. B. Evans,! W. D. Pai-dey. Jas. MMver, J. A. Mebane, C A. GiU'tpie, H. Humphries, Jas.M. Danfortb, Gj C. Towiisend, David Scott, James Sloan, AlexJ Wilson, J. Gretler, R. M. Sloan, Peter Adms, W. K. " Lindsey, Ralph GoiTell. W. H. j Cummings J M. Logan, George Albright, David CaUlej Jacob Hubbard, J. M.Dick, James Curne, Jel M'Lean, John A. Gilmer. j N- B. The Proprietors of the Renovator r thankful for the liberal encouragement tky have received, and intend giving 'he Citizen of North Carolina a full trial in j every C"V east of Ralelch. short I v. suirl nn'nerson WlJ'" charged after trying the txperi",'t f iiiilr hed or.be,ls THOS. P. ROBHRTS ALKXANDER 3lOKl'HlS TYal. ioK Auffiict 97. 1WS ' 43 tf r , ;r FOR SALE' A T.ikelv well hrfik 1 1 nitS I', 'suited to a kind of Geer. Anv neisoit WisliiiiCT P',r cnase, win. can ai me urtxtry oiorc- i'-v cumed bv Mr. Kellr. and examine tor Ue i ....II - ii o. . l..tr VI' , i- i . J J 9 selves. THOMAS SHIELD- Rd eigh, Sept. IX, 1838. 4CM t DR. J. II. J Kl place, oiler rritKis navin.' . . t" . j iri.teJ ni ers his ProfVssioiic' . ,J the Citizens of Raleigh ami a 'CI IT0 respectfully solicitsa portion of their -p :'1 jile He may be found at his Office n Y) , Street,, 2vl door above the Post ORicc, times when not professionally enyagei Raleigh, Dec. 2, i837.

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