7 .lm nrTTllE above Inanition will l)Voneq for the TjlT reception '.i.f ffrpdsV "tHe second Monday in January nd r tJie4p?imt.enIcncr6f ibe fni Tealeher.'who has VgJii ift roy fcbiijy; eighteen monl-JtS. and Jisi K'Viti'lre. SVttfacUon to the Par uts and 'CSuYu'ti fcave'eiitrusttd their dsir. WUT to ouf" trer ;. l feel confide M, from the irgfevor ihV Pupils in their various stu , that she v clVderves the high recommen dation g' VittiB, a; being h i n. gh"-BV U-h 5cuof td well quali h t d i4, t!uch Miibifc, FrtocSI. &ckc.T The i' nation is in h.gtt ti04i!Kiytswfow ofjCmintry, iK-ing :o-ir m le-s West Iriwn .Henderson t)epo, ai.d ten Ka.t froi 'tlxfiwd r.': ' ,- Term lie' rl:-Cfivf;inonH)-;Yttr.' IJoanl, 'uiedhig.bedding, waidri ug, can." :.- " di. fcc, - , -: ' 45- Tuitilo" in tbe va riout branches, including Spjellintf, Reading,,- W riling:, English (;iim;m:ir. AiKnnielie, Geography, with ;: i.,e usef GUibts, l!hdopii'y, (Jhcinitiy, OelnM try, , ? - V 10 VY'-ncjU, . 5 rfruta autlCUaWiai.s. vvislunK tafjentl their Jtlcis,. or. waids, i nukt early a.1iction. vA 0,e Adrssetl to the sub- pcr ber ( ViU"uin!ior' J will receive prompt jit tei.ton ' . V W KSLKY V. YOUNG. December to, '. vjw TJie Yonngr Indies Sr-liofel, in the f mily of if fes i Phillips I Bf at r.h fpeVlI U; uill rsiii,e hs Kx- -rcies pn ihe 15Hi of January looy. 1 Ut; tor- j j irer asirance otiiinreniitting miu 'aliectiooaie i trdeavtim to prmnotef the nioi-a. iM-l!cctful ! unit pbTicnl wt!f.re nKthr l'up-ls, ix here r-! p a D'arl, an'd e1e-reHtir t'rjr.chfcsaiijjt.t t.'- $75 pi r esvon the! unmrm nt a', HMJe"ttsuul ' pii V. Vroiicii aiul i)r:iiijf ate taught in the j sor M 1 a r, r. ' ! " 1 .,. ; J..PI1IU.1PS. CUp Ud!t,rec. 2?. 8 ftOt-ki; charge Sho; in AsheUfe, N C I He nti"i be i - ttrionei'Hle aiid; industrious liMbit.s, njid po sess qaathcutUna Workum oi tbe fh'M onteir. lie will he reijuir-d to work at l th bianchrs nf lKi4 trady. , Addre.a Y. T. C, A)hr .villi t ute i rn; ald give 1 efere'.ce. Dec. I8j 1838. . J V 1 IHOFFAT'SLSFEHEDICISKS. RK-ANlNfAi iUN. When the mtst impor-' lant -fui.cton tf life are HspendeI, nnd those whu are iirvaiid by ii.heriurvre ;r im prmleHice are rihicedito a drplor.h)e 8t:tef nervons debility, they shon hi t even then despair, tor it i nl i despnir tltat relief Can be found. N'u. l. iliern firl look around, nl lau aa'tde sHprejudicer ask thenielv--s 'his question--"U" my phjsic'nn canimt help me, is-tiial rc-putrd akill y;oxilj rcsoi ' Peihapa at thit-m'm-nt the 'fu-'adlr.jy of this advert i.emeht,Mr.t, Life Mediciiu's'1vo,tld cutch their eye!; ai4f?Te!they in truth divest ed of foolish prejtuiices, "they mrg lit- pe 1 lia is, he induced, lo enquire u helher Mr. MiilVs tliery ainl treititieiij tf dieaes diflVr from that ,tf t!jt,w,n-phyhiciani. They would tlie learn tbatitfidjtUlfcrand very widely and with mot hippy JresuUs too. A j-ood.VeKetabie Medicine is just .the re verse of all this. For hundreds of year he fore that arourge -of mankind, Mercuryr was mploje! in the heabrj aH, PUysiciauH used noh'nj ptt simple herbs. hcn the Uible re crimnirnds as the SkTlfvit phyicina he whw prfpareili h,is medtcit. from herbs 5Wltbeju ' Kcclcxiasticu" chap. Xjii. ' V. 3. The ssiHulphj simian shatllift irp his hd; a d in tho s:gla of the gret men he ha!.l ' be in adftiiration. ! 1 ' V. 4. Foj- he hath prepared h"s medicines out of the Herbs of the earth, and he that u wise wi l i:t abhor them. - jetable T.fe Medicines ,noses qu,tllt es 'oft tthir most Jutilif an-l beneficial nature. 'I hey are composed of articles the most anti- p1recent combined with ingredients known as the only Certain antidote tor fevers of rrery ilecr'ptinnir Wlien th disease U produced either lromcld, obntruction, bad air, swampy and camp situations, r putrid uiis.-nr, whether malignant or epid niic.or by other cause-stliese nirdicines are cersin in;tleir operation or; ef fects. Theyare possrsd of peculiar qualities wh eb nf;oilj expel alii d seuses but; at the waie t?me restvre aid invigorate the"nyUm. YVheu first taken into th; s umach, 1 hey itrfme .diateiy diffuse themselves like vpfr throtigh evtxy pore, producing effect at ouce'dclij;h lul, salutary and-pertiMneut. When the spark bf life begins to grow di-n, the circulation Ian jjtiid, and the faculties paralyzed, these medi cines ;re found t- give, a tone to the nerves; tvhilerate the animal spirits invigorate the b" dy, and re-animate the whole mJi. - I The Life Medicines li yelio been used with the most happy success in Nervous aa! tlispep tic diseases. CoHSump? ion,' A thma.Livrr Com plain', Uheumatisrn (chrorc and tnrl.mm lory) I)!opsi r &us V " . . For fui Uier particulars of the above medicine .see Moffat's (iaod Samaritan ;.h copy of which acrompantcs tUe medicine.. A copy:can -lso be had on upnlicxtitjn al the office of,AVm. i'tcfe, Ua'eigli, N. agent ftr the sale of the ne4i cine. : . j- . ! ' ' .-' " - A lj! eral u-ednption maJe to those who pur chape to sell again. French, German Aird Span ish directions can be ob'ained on application at the office of ; he propf eturi V. U. MoffatJJo. 367 New York. -8 if. fllllK fcXKReiSES of the PUZA.jNT.mLL l C.f&,irr closed on the 18th intt. to be tesumed on the 8h of January nfiti From the ; micccss attendant on -the Kxer- cisea of the past Session, conducted by Uaxtku 'lk, A. B., te chet rfully recommend, the School to the patronage of our fellow citizens. ou urge t cU.nR especially on such as desire for their sons and wards a healtlty location, at a di st ttiic-e from' all scenes of dissipation -The Acudemy is located six rhileaSouth ot;iiitsboro. The high moral cbaracter.of the neigbbrhol niul.the healthiness of the situ-tion,' com tnend it to the favoishle 'regard of those, pre paring their sons for Col'ege, or tfainVng them Jor honor o.r ;ji5efulness.' The follow ing are the terms of the Sclwxol per Session . of five, months, in advance ' V ' fir F.ngJijili Grammar, ,Gebgrpfiy and Arithmetic, : ; - " $10 00 Algebra, Gebmeiry, Surveying; fee; 12 50 LaUniand Gcek, " ; 15 00 HordinciJii4liji bedding, waihinff and fire wood, can be obt-ined in private, families, con- veiMcnt to 1 lidvace. i e Academy, at' $6 per month, in . Futther information respVctir.r the School csn be obtained by addressing the Subscriber, or the Principal. R. CirVo, PittsboroV ; v '. W'H. M. ItUUNS, Cb. Com. Chatham jjminty, Dec. 18, 1838. 5 4t 03 Stani'ard awl Stair, 4 time's each, and erul accounfg to y. M. Btirhs. v JBZJtJrK DEEDS vv FOR SALE AT THI3 OFFICE. ''-.' tr'ti;, rtoieini l9;is5Sp y -m$ iiAivitireif i uddnd or -5 per cenu of its profit ibf the' Ust nine months he varne he paj able to such Stock holders a sre eni;e4 receive U, on pr S ter john; hill, S5V Oihter. SI A MESJ3 TWI NS, FOR FOUR DAYS ON LY. THE UNITED BROTH EUS.CH A.N O-ENG, yepetfully nequuijit th LailieH and jG-n-tlenwn pi. italcigh nd its vicinity , that thty wilf be itt tlii phtre m Mai!ay, Tuesda . Vedue da v and TJiurMlay, the 24th. 25th. 26ih nd -27"h L dy pT Dcr emlnr, ami Ut receh-e visilors at t!ie Uuitm Hutei, hy Mr Morph4ss. i v hours of Ad Htition will lw from 2 till 4 in the Afii rnoon, atu! from V till 9 in the Tivcidng. ... ' CCj Admittance 25 eut , . v'l tiry . wdl be at I.puUbiir;;, on SJHlay; . "TCEJX GASS! CUT GX,AJS!! nEUT rce'-ed from the North, the mos pl in 'his , vct pKd"til ast-nment j.fthe kind ever ofler d market, and l New-Yuik price. 8 FlHte tlim Sc Steeple l op II; cantc n. a;r 8 j 4 I i.ir 12 -3 ,16zUt 4 2 4 H 2 ' A s'it;i 11.. m ii .v . . - - ; ta'Viut!s l iiinblr'r, 11 A 5? miWI h-r tvHs'sr a, f the first quality. Persons d.-!tirius ot ruri.ihing ibemelvea are invited to cull. f. PKO'A N k SNOW. UU ig Dec. 20, 1S38. 8 6t To all tvltotst ilAnay concern K hxve hfen lte"fy ak-d much 10 on sur prise, if we w ev no'ng to brrak tth tir business Ht the Falls." We'cannot cohtcive how such a report coti'd e;et omI, unless it w.-is iy some p rs n who could nt underxtanl uhat was meant by having our 1 sthlihment Inrov poraretl is the tf)CUY MOUNT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, ail th..uht it must he breaking uf the whole concern. & have deem ed 'it proper to;y, to prevent our friemls ut a Titance licm-heins; misletV by mkIi a itpor, that, insteati of brtuXitig tip, we are j rpam g to enlarge M;d carry v our business 11 ore x tensivcly tlrmi ev r Hnd tht t e popec s of succ. s in out busitifsa ave 'never been so er couraginjj, nor has it prfits ever been grenter than. t presciit. HATTLF. 8c ItllOTllERS. Uocky Mounr, I)ee. 12th, 1838. 7 if g-IMWI Wl I' THEKEGIS L' INSTRUCTION RESO MOTIONS. v We congratulate the Whig party of the State upon the passage, by the House of Commons, of the llesofutioiTWntroxluccd by Mr. Ra rasa, in relation to the course of our. Senators in Congress. jThat they will also pass the Seriate, we cannot doubtnd we shalLthen see how the conduct of Messrs. Baow?r and Stbaxsk will tally with their high sounding professions. We call them Nstscctiojc Resolutions, liecause they were so treated by the House, and so admitted lobe by several of the Ad ministration members whd addressed the Commit tee. The Resolutions were adopted, as originally inlroducedvery amend me :it proposed beingprompt1 ly voted down by the Whigs on the ground that the object was to embarrass the House, and defeat the Resolution by indirection. Ve refer the: rea- - - i I der to the proceedings in this matter, and they will see of what materials the Whig party of North-Carolina is composed. Notwithstanding the ingenious shifts resorted to by our opponents, not a man was scduce'd from the allegiance due to the best interests of the people, if we except, Mr. BanroRn, of Ruth erford, who, it is said, was chosen as a Whig. ' If he was. and has violated his plighted f.dth to his con stituents, they will not, (as the Hibernian said.for gct to remember it, when be again applies for their suffrages. He has, we believe, voted with the 'Ad ministration party on every test question. In doing so, he may, perhaps, have con -at! ted the wishes of those who sent him here; but, if he has not, the honest yeomanry of Rutherford are the appropriate judges of his acts, and will doubtless demand a strict account of his stewardship. Every member, it will be seen, was in his place; 63 voting for the Resolutions and 56 against them making 119 members ; to which add the Speaker, and we have the whole number in the House, VIZ : 13J. ..; . .; .'J, r ; If- The Whigs have manifested throughout the whole of this matter a commendaUe spirit, and have evinced a disposition to economize, asfar as possi ble, the lime of tlve House. 1 hey bad the , power, and coqld have protracted the sittings of the Com mittee, until every Whig had expressed his views ; but, whilxt, in a spirit of courtesy they alldwed the greatest latitude of debate to the, other party, they have contented themselves with ftctitlg' No re ply was even made to. the three day's Speech of Mr. HoKft, of Lincoln,' though we know that Mr. Dot sex, Mr. Ratskr, Mr. Gilliam, Mr. Wadell 1 .u ,n: .t uu iiviuun vunia, ni.ic hiiii, ni'mitoiiu, nuuiu jdve spoken, but for a regard to the public interest TREASURER AND COMPTROLLER. "Oar Thursday bist, Daitiel W, (Jorirrs was re elected Public Treasurer, and WitLiix :T. Colliss Comptroller -of the . State, wrthoot opposition by nearly an. unanimous vote f Mrti Collins is a Whig. tMr. Courts is an Administration nam but the Whigs, when they have the power, do not proscribe polidcal opponent for taxing to be fretmeou W had hoped to present wur readers thw vek, with the Proceedings of the Inleroai Inrprone!it Convention in detail; but are compelled to post pone. tlteJr. insertion a little Ijhile longer. li ': The result of iUr deliberations was commanicated fft the. legislature onTbufaday bfait tn'the fotm of Memorial, by the Select (-orumittee appointed for the "porjiose. It Was read to the House of Commons hy JudgeSicuBKas in an impresiire .manner, oe cupying mans than an. honr fr that purpose and i admrrabty dratrrt uji. We i-ltail pohli ft hereaf." ter. Ter. copies wore wdered to be printed for etch, member. r,-' - . Rviri?VQUT : t: appears fiom docunwns scbmiUetl to Ccngre?s "y tbe' Presiden. that the mount ;f, Mwart wttdeCifciiion is at IeasuO.NE illLtlO iND A QUARTER OF DOLLARS ! EAGLE HOTEL. We understand that this spacious EstaMiV ment has been sold by the Proprietor, t-'apt. Gems, to Mr.JoH C Kobius, for the t.u ug Jit lie F(jm of $23,000. NEW DAPTI8T CHURCH. ' We learn that the mcmlters of the new Dsptist Church (so railed) have-purchased the lot at the corner of Wihningfon and' Streets, 1 ir . . . . 1,. 1 -.1 1 now stands, and intend ereeting a ('horch with all cotiveVient deipatch, V be under the charge of the Rev. Amos J. Battle. MESSRS.-PRESTON &TUOMPSOX. -Wo were not aware, when JiVo alluded to the fact' of an invitation to a Puhlic Dinner having been ex--tended to Mesers. PntsTus and Thuhpsuk, of ,8 Carolina, on a recent visit here, that a formal Cor respondence was rn'.ered into. Having been so in formed, we, applied and ohUined'the aaoie for pnb licatiou, which is Jierewith suhjoined Rh-igli, ffecendier 7, 18;39. Gestlkmk:--A large nimdier of genlleine members of the General Assfmlily and others, de sirous to tjivc some proper expression of their high' sense of the no le indepeudencti aiwl elevated patri otism by which your conduct in the National Leg .Maiure. 11 oecu so xionorau-y uinguisnea, navcp urjiuiru its to iiMi iiiai you win pariiiKe .wan- liiern of a public dinner on Mondav next. With high respect and true regard, we bsve llie honor 10 he. vour most oh't. scrv'ts. i ' ' n EDMUND JONES, FRED. J. HILL. ' J. T. MOREHEAD, NAT. BOVDENv-t WM W CHERRY, XI. Q. W ADD ELL, K. RAYNEK, H C. JONES. Raleigh. December 7, 1S38. Gkkti.emkx : Public. duties at vVashington; which demand our attention, ; compel us, reluctantly, to decline llm very flattering invitation trndercd to ns by you, as the organ of a numhet of memUers of the General Assembly. Nothing could have been more prcab!e t u than to have receivel this teu timoninl of approbation from the triumphant Whigs of North Carolina, in the moment of their victory : and, to heve exchanged congratulations with those who. after a kyig and arduous struggle, have placed their State in an attitude of hostility to the dange rous mfasure of Executive power, which has mark-' ed the. history, and is the steady policy of the prc sent Administration. Willi 'the most hearty felioila- lions ufon the position now assumed by the Stte,-j- and ujkmi the effects it will, iu all probabijity, pro- duce, we are, peutlemen, With -real respect & esteem, Your ob't. serv'ts. -WILLIAM C. PRESTON, WADDY THOMPSON. "DEMOCRACY While the Loeofocos are shouting Democracy. and designating the Whig arty as Aristoeras,"it may be well to contrast their practice with the doc trines which they so lustily preach. It will be seen . that whilst endeavoring to. deceive the people with their hollow pretensions and high-sounding precept, they are revelling in official extravagance, and lav ishing the people's money iti expenditures hetter suited to despotic opulence than Republiean simpli city. The establishments of prinrelynabphs would hardly vie. with the domicils of those who receive their pay for opholding the interests of the self-sty led ' democratic Administration ! The followiiig a3- 1 vertisoment of the AuctToneef, offering for sale the Furniture of Air. Paicr., the defatdting Sub-Trcsis-un r, may serve to show how it is that the public money is squandered : 44 At 10 o'clock, at No. 90 Princc-strset, near Broadway, EUfliNTliORSVOOD AXn OTHETl FunJIITUBI A large assortment of elegant household furniture, consisting of superior made rosewood chairs (a dou ble set with 2 arm chairs ;) couches and sofas, with fine hair cloth. seats ; divans and ottoman?, with black silk scats; a fine toned pianoforte, of rose.' wood, by Slotlart, Worcester .&. Dunham, with a , chair back, music seat, and music lunik stand tu cur-: resmd; centre tables with Egyptian, ami white marble tops; 3 elegant hr.ize chandeliers of four burners each, 2 sets of bronze metal lamps, with rich cut 10 and 8 inch long drofts ; Candelabra; gi randoles, with 3 lights each; 2 extra size pier glass es, each 10 by 361nches ; 2 large manlel glasSes, each about.72 by 50 inches, in gilt frames ; royal carpet ; imperial rugs; highly polished steel firej irons with stands $ ladies work tables of inlaid rose, wood of mahogany ; breakfast, dining, card and quartelet tables ; pier tables with while marble, tops: mantel clocks; ornaments and vases; a large book case and library of books: aBranck cabinet; ma hogawy chairs with hair cloth seats, and maple chairs with cane seats ; a splendid wardrobe with large silr . vered pwte glass in front ; mahogany close ward robes single and double wash-stands with while marble lops ; handsome dressing bureaus with cir cular top swing glasses, bureaus, rocking ciialirs; extra size French and high post bejste ids ," niat trasses. betls, Ac.; rich "red, silk and green and fawn colored damask window curtains with appropriate linings,- chintz bordered window shades 5 muslin window curtains, with deep borders ' Brussels and Venetian caipets ; a great variety of very rich cut glass and fine China; plated articles. &c.; oil cloth; a circular hall stove; hall and astral lamps with cut shades, ami tbe kitchen utenstla. So much for the DEMOCRACY of Sub-Treas ury defalters! " - '-: - , FRANCE AND MEXICO. i j TT ...... " , . , these two nations. A French squadron, as our red ders will recollect, bos for some months blockaded the Mexican ports, waiting" the settlement of the claims of its government on Mexico After the failure of every negotiatnnf f&t tbalpQrpo8e, the ships attacked the Castle of Su Juan de Ulioar fort the 27th ult. and after 5 j boors fighting, the castle i surrendered, having lost 400 men killed and wound ed. The French bad S7 vessels in the battle, We invite the attention of tbe reader to the admi- rabli lSpeecli in this paper, ttyererf ifewdays.sfnce in the House of Commons, by Dr. F. J. Hill, of Dfunswick, on the Resolution presented by hita touching the Public taruls. . It is om of the best 'Speeches on this auliject we have evpr read, and de serve to be re-published in every psjier of the State. jVVe kope the" Legislatare wiH not. adjourn without rebating irr some mode, the disposition manifested by the Presideut of the United States, in hi late 'Weissage', td trample. - upon iho'fri slits, and to sacri fice the intercifs of the Old Ma (fa in the PuWe ftandi. ' 33r We made a mistake ij lonr last paper, as to the vote in Use Seoitte on the bill fori thedi vision of Mon gomtry Cijunty. : The vote was For . the di visiwu 24 Against it 2-1 The Speaker voted in the negative and thereby defeaied th bil. Cur" In mentioning, lat week, the names of the gentlemen who took a prominent part in the debates of the Int rna! Improvement Con vention, we omit rtd;' nnintentiotiallv. the litme of James Alh ' E.-q of B rtie; who .made one of the mo4 practical and sensible bpeerhes that was' delivered. SOUTH-CAROLINA. The Legislature of tun? Slate has ailjourned. An s, neir 1 Act was' passed tu itteororale a Coiinpauy to con !i Srhop,rlruct a'.Uail Koad from the hrmiun of the Raleigh aitirUCoJiimbia Rail . fioai on th North-Carotins Hue, to Colunibia, of some oilier point of juuciioi 'with the. Louivi!ie and t incinnati RitiJ KuaJ. . MR. DIDDLES LETTER. . Mr. nnmt.R has written attd pMbfished snother lelter-to Mi. J. Q Adams, containing a review or the intenuonsand management of the Petirisylvania Dank of the United Sutes, from the d de of the suspension of specie payments, to the present time. It is evidojit, we think, on lite very face of the let ter, that the war between the Government and the Bank has ceased . and theve is a sort of billing and cooing goinj; on, which looks very njueh like form ing an aliiancc helweon the late belligerent pow ers.. . " - . CANADA FJiONTlER. Excitement eonttnnM)!oi;g the Canada Fmntter, and we have continued rumor of new invasions or ral her attempts a invasion. The accounts, how eve,rare very contradictory, and genera ly, nodockt exSjCerated. The reported capture of Fort Mai den, is not correct, although an attm; t was made in that neighborhood. ALABAMA. The expTesslijr)s, fiom Mobile bring us au sc count af the inectiog and organization of the Ala bama Legislature. In the Senate, James M. Cai. Mooif , nephew to the "honest NulIiSer,". was elect ed President. The vote stood alhotjs 14, Mc Yay 7 Rains 4. In the II :iuse, Jaxks W. McClcjts (W) of Madison county was elected Sjk-aker by a vote of 48 to 4? for Shields (L. F.) TR0 HARRTSBURG. The .Senate n(P cnnsylvatiia have, by a vote of 13. to 11, adopted the Resolution reported by the Coram'rttee, in the case of the 8th Senatorial Dis trict declaring Messrs. James M. Bell and R. P. McCIay (Whigs) duly elected. ' The Committee of the Senate, appointed far the purpose of inquiring which was the legitiimle. House of Representatives, have made a report to that body recognizing the Whig, or Cunningham Branch,- wbiifi Report was re-coinmitted to the same Committee, iwho would in all probability rs port it to t!te Senate the next day. An Extra from the HarrUburg Keystone, (Loco Foco) vehemently calls upon its party, throughout the State, to take op arm.? in defence of the stand taken by the mp:nhers from Philadelphia county, and, announces, in terms of hitler denunciation, the arrival of fresh troops from some of the interior Canities. CONGRESS, - Very little of iide-cst has transpiredas yet.- yVe subjoin the most hnportant items. A.spicy debate sprung up in the Senate, a few days since, on a bill reported from the Committee of Finance by Mr. Wright, postponing the pay ment of the fourth instalment to ike States, for an indefinite period. It wa9 admitted on all hands that there was no money in the Treasury to pay the'instalment, but Mr. Clay moved to postpone it for one year longerinstead of forever. Upon this amendment the debate commenced. The amend ment was advocated by Mr. Clay, Mr. Tallmadge. and .Mr. Rives and ojmosed by Mr Benton and' Mr. Wright. The deposite act of 1830 was dc- nonncwl itt a violent manner by Mr. Benton, and warmly defended by Mr. Calhoun. Mr. Tallmadge, and Mr. Rives. Mr. Tallmadge, in particular, pour ed hqthot iat the Missouri Senator, and Mr. Rives was full and free in bis condemnation of the Secretary of the Treasury, some of whose financial schemes he pronounced to be 'alarming proposi tions.". The bill postponing the payment of the in stajineiit, indefinitely, ' has si nee passed fhe Senate, Mers. Brown anl Strange 1 voting not only For it, hut against Mr. Clav's ameiidmeut projui-ing to deliy it only for a ye r. What faithful l'epreentat ves we have, in thvse same SenHlors ! : . , A bill to reduce and graduate the price of the Pablie Lando, is before the Senate, j Mr. Wright, from Hie Committee on finance, re ported a bill to provide proper security for the Gov ern ment,.monejr in ihe hands of Collectors, Receiv ers, &c, and to punish defaulters. 1 The Resolutions concerning Abolition , introduced by: Mlf. Alherton, were all finally adopted, though strongly opposed by several Southern members as hypocritical and evasive. The other day, in the House of Representatives, Whert the Abolition and Slavery matters were npT Mr. Adams was called upon to vote, when he at. tcrxfrited, in violation of tbe rules of order, to state bis reasons for not voting, and tbe Speaker, in It tempting to make bim take his seat, asked the House to " assist' bim. How shall assist," said Mr. Thompson. I m- readv---but now 1" The t Speaker was nonplussed. ; Mr. Stanly, of tbii State, in la note ta thoEditors of. the National Intelligencer, explanatory of some proceings fn the House of Representatives, in re lation to if t. .Vherton ilesoltjtfohs says: v -t . ' I have good reasons for refusrng.to joia tr the miserable, faree! which has been "played by the in etfoments of party irHhe Hous tf Repfsenaitive during Tuesday and; Wednesday tot; : t Nethmg' is ever done, in Congress 6f much iro-' portance mitil after' tbe Christmas Holidays. Messrs. Rell and Wise however, thosef champions oCthe people, have given notice that the President's Message must have an early arid critical xairiina- tioft. : , MORE DEFALCATIONS! 44 True patriots we, for be U understood, V t We leave our country for oar country's gogd V Mr. Pbicf; IT. S. Di-strfct Attorney for New York, has, "followed in the f otsteps of fits' illuBtri-: ous predecessor' Mr, SwautwoTct, by taking pas sage in the Steamer Liverpnd, Jeaving the Govern ment minus to a large fntiowit. H'ts aecounts' are undergoing exaniirfafton, aud extensive defalcations have already been discovcml. ..',. Gen. GaTioT. has beert dismissed from the of fice of the Chief of the Engineer Department, and Gen. To 1 tu x substituted in htar stead, it being dis cavefred that the former is a defaulter. V Mr. Van Bureir s.tys that thess defalcations prove the soundness and expediency of tlie Sub-Treasury! W'ondfT if the lM'tity. of the Sub-Tresuty consists i 1 its facility of transferring spetie to Europe ! . EPITOME OF -XEWS. '. ' The Baptist Church at Redtiing, Con. was blown up with Gunpowder, on the nght of the 28th uh. in order to frustrate the dc-icna of'an Abolition lec turer, who was to 4 hold forth" in it jfhe next day. The President's M.es;sage was ebnveyeil from Washington to Philadelphij at tbe rate of 22 miles a 11 limr. . . ' Br.tj. F. BcTitia, formerly Aitorney General of the Uuited States, has been appointed U. S. Attorney for the Southern District . of New Yrork, rice Mr. ; Irice, the defaulter. Hmi. P. Noble, Speaker of he Senate in the S. C, Legislature, has been elected Governor of the State. The Bank of Cape Fear has dcclaretl a Dividend of 5 per cent, for the last nine months. Julge Brockeubrough, of the Yirgiiiia Court of Appeals, died a few days since. A direct trade between Texas and Europe has commenced, a vessel laden with merchandize being now on her voyage from England to Galveston, to take a return cargo of Cotton. By an express slip from the Natchez Courier, of December 4, we have intelligence of the deatrurliotr of the. steam-boat Augusta with tbe death or injury of nearly all the passengers and crew. Gap. J. I Nicholson, of the U. S. Navy died at Bah more, a few days since, ,of Apoplexy. His death was very sudden. . The owner of a Silver Mine in Davidson county, lately produced a bar of silver worth more th in a hundred dollars. Lead is also found upon the same estate. The Colonization Riiciety held its twenty-first annual metMg 00 the 1 1th inst. at Washington, D. C. General Mercer, of Virginia, presideil A number of Addresses were delivered by gentlemen from different parts of tbe Union. The late Auditor of the State ef Mississippi, is reported, by a joint (.'onvhittre- of the Legislature, a defaulter'iu the sum of 64,079 98. His place is to be filled by a staunch Whig. A hill authorizing Free Banking, ie now before the Legislature if Gcor'ria. f n 'Yaney County on the. "1st u!t , Col. Isaac Wilkerson to Mi.s Martha VcDanicl, daughter of James McDaniel. Esq , deceased, of XI a 011 caunty. Id Suuiptor District, S. C. Major Abrahaai Van Buren, (eldest son of the President of tbe United States.) to Miss Sarah Angelica Siuiiletpn. In Franklin county, on the 2ib, lustby the Rev. Wm. Arendell, Dr. Win. R. King to Miss Tempe rance W. Tuustall. DEATHS. In Edenlon, after a lingering illness of pulmona ry Consumption, Dr. Benjamin It. Norcom, a wor thy member of the Protectant Episcopal f'hurcb. In Rowan, Mr. Jacob Weant. Also Mr. John Turner, sen. aged 73 years. Recently, near La-G rat: ge, Temi. Dr lohtt Scott of Rowan county. Recently, in Tj-rrel county, John Midyett, Esq. an aged, worthy sod useful citizen. Died, in the hope of a joyful resurrection, through tbe met its of our Lord Jesus Christ,- at the residence of ber father Mij William Hammonds, near Wades boro'. N. C. on the 7th inst- Mrs. Lydia Gotten, in the 32d year of her age. . Mrs. Cotten was for some years a pious member of tbe Prot, EpiCpaS Church. . . Possessed of Sin gular beauty; and of a most sweet ami amiable dis position, she was the pride and joy of her parents, the ornament of ber neighborhood and the delight of a numerous circle of friends and relatives, i Git ted with a native grace, a refined taste, a correct ju;!gment and an intuitive perception of the fitness f things, she received in a remarkable degree from ail who had the pleasure of her acquaintance a spontaneous tribute of esteem and affection. For nearly the last twelve months pi her life, she suffered from a most accute disorder such tor tures as a Christian only knows how to endure such, as. death alone run terminate. AVell might we, in pious confidence, inscribe upon her monu ment the consolatory epitaph "Mortah'tate relicta vivit immortalitate data." JUST IX SEASON ADLla TI.UEI 'IflE Subscriber has the plcanire ofannoun. 1. cmg!o the nublic.ttuit tie has jitsl recened I new ami oeauiifiii assortment 01 siapie ana Fatcy Dry Cotnls, which he ofT-rs on the most Idjcr 1 terms; among which are ' . ' Fine Cfoihs and Cas-tnr res, Si k and Wiid'D Wlvets, Fr nch and English Merinoes, Borrbizines and trcassians, - Winter Culicofs and Ginghams, Red and VVIute Flannel1, Fine Sattint'ts and Kentucky Jea'nea Rose and Pbjnt Blankets, '.. Rich Shallies and Satin Luxors, Extra Rich Figured Silks, .. ' Super Extra, OamaKSc Brocaded Satins, R'lk. M-ittionean 81 Gros-De-Rhine Silks, Super plain Poult-De-soie .. . i- -do Splendid Printt-d & Embroidered Moulin De-Lames, : . , - Plain Black Satins. '. ." Togethf r with a general assortment of Ready made Clothing. . 7 fXjf Also on hand, an elegant stock of Spryig uusiins, r rencn iaiicotianu liingnaras. - The nerhbers nf - the Legislature- add other strangers in the City," desirous of making hand some presents to their families, arerep-ctfully nvited to call and examine the assortment, and if a.hey please; lay in their suppRes.' 'v r - , - B. -SMITH. h RaTeigVce-. f 4W5 nPlllF. Exercises tiFlbislnstPutlou' closed or! X the 7th Oecember. ahd wilt he resnmed on Wednesday, the 84th;anuaryi 'J The iVustee winrWate, iol feferfrtCf to Mr u. r. Kterson, z.xc rnncipat. 01 v ACidemy-trrt he kwak4irt irpporntiBit Vto.hi resentitat b4 by the Asciatio fr for the sup ply .ol Teachers in Philadelphia that the -appropriate testimontalsE were froro highly erfdi tahl inrfwell kinrwri indivkluxlO ihe tat f of New York Scotland and I'h.hidelphia that his residence here mrinjptneiasi.rve montir affoifds satisfaetoi y. evidence tlat kis abilitiw jwere wot overrsJred ittJthesei; tvstimoials i and that they believe his moral hd iutelhfctual at iinnntsHistiiinih;himtas an M Intirnclot anl IJisriplinarian- v ' r The- CommttJeieoffisiai that they were prtrcularly plasriovifess the striof ORDER that p rvade jpieatjtjris clss? ft the m'nu er.esv aj'd cctacyMlhe System of lo st notion a ted,ai.l ihVOTnt:t and dignified deportment ivfeten the smaller boys. Mr. Ho iritirrs; r cknowiedgr S nosystem of ilorxls, or of Academical GovisimeiwV thSt is not fonft -ded otf the plain teacbirrj of Scnpture, as com monly, underwood -ty aH good men t and tbe scriims ptrusul of tlic Bi lie furms a part of the daily exercises of the Academy. Tke TniHtef s confidently oirerta the public the benefits f n Eligible ScliobL The, prises ot tui ion are the same as heretofore? and Board can, be obtained in rt spectahle families on rea sonable terms - 3f M. nf Mrs. HOgbes" have' been emp'oyed in the Female D-pf tment both of whom have hid co sidsrable eipVrience and srig witli them testimotvahi of a ITattrrro! ch raC't rfrpni jfentlemen of high staj'Klin iu Yrt brer 'hey have been principally e 1 jraged jf ' teach, ing:. Tbe exercises of ttie School' yvilL cOni mftce on thr 15th of Jsnuavy. . Perioni iatroni4n this School, can -either ho rd with th Principal, or with families in i he village. I! order of the Bjanl, ' .' mOS n. L1TTI.F.JOHN, Pres't Jx.mt.s ViooiwsSecy. " Dcv 12 If 1S38. - - : 8' 2w. BcotLft! Xlooii !!--3Ios-c Books I!I .4fl theJTorlh-CksronnaMiooMi Slote TURNF.n & -1 1 U GH EST! ire tiw tecei vi h Wry" large addition to tbeir SVrtK f Books. Matty of the wtrks embrsed iittSeJaiiivoi-' cesarerareaodfryidilH& they are deierrrined tl kpp op as 1 compete an assoitment as any in this connlry, they have, spired neither pains or expense.' Their friends av.d tlie public aie inv ted to give ttfiemcalj. I he Following are a lew of the lst wrivals.Vlz: Serb s iiorsa Solitar se, oi.Essys on tlte oa.mea and times of Jesus. Cht'ist and the Holy Sirit. The Parpirre r cUvers 1 Story Teller a collection of original Tales and Romances, and Historical relations; iliustrated by rauimroua Engf-- ffs by S. Williams, 4 Volv Tooiit's diversiurs fofjirky, 2 V. , fanners and Xustiims of the ancient Egvp iia"tvViK;luding their priraie J.ife,Gt.ternment, lws. Arts. Minidaclres, Iteliff on and- Karl v f History,deriVtd from aicomparisV'n of the Paint ings, Sculptures .and Hnmtmentssitliv isting, with the acc un's of aftci.;! Autli'Trsnjus rated by drawings of tho-e subjects,, by J. G. ilkin Mn, F R. S fcc. ina Vj1c., f i . 'v JJre's Dictionary of j Mineralogy and Chenus tiyi 4tb Kdiiion , - ' Mill's If story of Chtvslry, 24V0IS. - The Hit ii.fcl Arttfo;nni oMh reference to their Political Intilu:fOns by Wm.; Wadismufh. : - i Mechanics of Flu ds for practic dmn, con. twining Hydrostatics by Alrx. Jamison. L:I,D. A TrraiLse ori Engineering Field workt by PetYr Hrurf. w' A SpTritual Treasury for the Children of God, consisting of a meditation for every Morning' E err rig in the year, by Wm. Mason, f' ; I Biih p Built t's Works and Life, by Hr.Hal; fax. ';'" ' :" " ' . j l!itofv of Dissenters bv Bi gne and Bennett, j 2d EJi'Ion, by J; Bennett. r 1 " Memoits of the Life and Writings of Benja- min" Franklin, by his Grand Son, Wm. Temple Frank'in, in 6 Vols. London. . Godwin's Uistijry of the Cemmon wealth of Entr'and from the Corrimencemei.t totbe Ues- tur..tbn, 4 Vols. London. ' . ' 5-. PubLc Woi ksol Greal Britain, iroftsutlrtidf. IJad ways, Rails, Chains, Buieksvvattingiy bankme nt s,Tunnels,Oht "que A rcbes y iaductsT; Bridges, Stations'"l,ocomotie;Engn " Cast Iron BridgiIronWd GasAA o ks, Canals Iict liatrs, ueutertng, aiasonry Tina urrCK Work for Canal Tunnels, Canal Boats, the Lon- d-m and Liverpool D-cks, Plans k. Dimenioi?s uock iaies, y aiis, vtnays, mini wieir yiasonry, Mooring Chains, JP aii t'" 'he flaVnouriof Xon- tlon, and other impifrUt Frngineenng W6Tt;s, , wit h descriptions snd specifications. "Tle whole , rendered of the utmost ytility to the! Civil En gineer, witli 153 Plaits, by F. W. Sirtms,C.E. The Marrow of Moctern liiviiMUv by Cawaru Fisher, A, M.- '' ' ',: The Rambler, bY pamnerJoiinson, 3. Vols. I.elarKl'sDeistical Wrilirrgs. byC.R. Klmunds. -Massd'on'a Serrrions i h Memoir of the au thor. " - ' ' - ' ' The Diary of Thomas Burton, member of Parliaments of Oliver & Richard Cromwell from 1656 to 1639. by J. T. Unit. S'i Dr. WitsiaKon the Economy of the Cove nants. 2 Vols. v V" - ' ' SaurinN Seroronsv Volsi. . ; 'yv-:' Dr. Dodridge's Devotional Letters; Sacramen tal Meditations Lectures and Preaclting fkc. Roscoe's Life t LDrenza De Medtct, , w ith; Life cf the author. . . :. . ....... . ' A Treatise on comforting aCl ic?d consciences, written in the year 1620, by Rtfbert Bolton, Ana many otners too numerous lor an adver tisement. Also, the North Carolina, American, Comic s.nd Common School Almanacs for 1839, Dy wnoiesue ana retail. 7;v " . . Call at No. 1, Chespsiae, Fayttteviiie St. t k k :w t am Jttrs. Chapman- " RESPECTED LLY informs the l adies arid Gentlemen of ihe C.ty of Raleigh; that.her family of children, 2 daughters and 2 sons; who have Ue.n taugbt to -perform solely by herself, will hye the honor of , appearing befo re' t hem to morrow evening, December 25, for the bene fit of Master. W. 2. Chapmarrand J.W.Cbap. man with play tbe Called Perfect ion or She JIald orlXttnster. Sir Lawrence Paragon. W;Z. W.Chapmkn, . Charles Paragon, j ' J W Chaprnan, Sam, (vallet to Charlesj)- W..WrChapman, Kate O'Bryan, . Miss Ai A. Chapman, Susan, ! LF.Ctiaptnan, Betweeo the playsjm select Sonff- b Master W. Z. W. CHAPMAN. After hicb,4 Farco called '': vi J'i '. : '4- -tri Three tTeelsa,aftep Sir Charles RacetC etvVvlcbapman; Droggetr. "''' k iZ Wv Chapnurr, . : -Woodsy, , "U2,V,Chfcpiriuo, Lady llsckett, f Miss li P.Chapmao, -l Mrs Drugget,- " i--,A.A.Chapiniii, Dimity, ' " liF.Chirasri' ' o Admittance SO Cerfts Children half price ; A geiuleman and! two ladies will be.ndmitted for one dolUr' . ?J ". Doors open a,t half past 6iferfarirarjC 3 &t f " i 1 J -4i r k1 .-vS. - .4 ..-it f 5 -