IttAILE aVOBL ISEGISffiSllI Afflft NQRffjltt-CABOlLljSA AZEff friB, 0! roil TIf puntranCe of directions continea ;io ,ine tv;u nrr TM(tmciit of Mrs; Elizabeth E. A. Htrwood, deceBted lhe SuhseribersijH en Saturday the I fnn day ot Jeoruary reaver far for tale at the Court Mouse in , the City; of Haleigh, those vreH known lota No. 190 and t9I in the Plan of said City with the ; improve? tteTjtsy being the Ute residence of their Testa trix. Said lota with the improvements are tof great value, end if-not the most valuable, are. believed t be the most desirable, asf private residence,! within the limits of,lhis City. - The improvements thereon consist of two large and commodious houses of two stories each, with tw wmgs. with everyecessary put house nine rn numbe. --Said lots contain two; acres. The garden sfhich is, laid off In the roost approved farm on one acre of ssid lots, It in a-lu sta'e ef euUivatibn-hls so arranged as to unitelhe most beautifurflower garden won a-targe, one fnr the cultivation of Vegetables. AMnoreloar- Atmmritin f irt nrfineil v ia dee riled. vnnecessary, as;Uis well rnowato moat oune citizens of this State "who Irav "visited this City. Any person desiring more minute description of said lots and imnrovemets,' will be furnished with the same if application is made to George W. Hay wood Theabove property will be sold uDon a fcmtit ef ewe and two year a from thel,ay or sale, and Donas wun spprovea secuniy win be required. i I ELIZA E. HAYWOOD, Executrix, j G. W. HAYWOOD, Executor, ttsr & Standard . T tds. . .1 1 i - ". t . . . , ... . . . : 1 1 THE Subscriber being about , to start to the State of Missis sippi on business, has appoint ed John L. Terrell hisegent fsr the State of North Carolina. Should any friend feel desirous to write him while absent, ...til lmmr tt Unllw Cnriii0 lit. J .will mi. iui. . 1 O Marshall County, Mississippi. - s p - WILLIAM ROLES. Bolesville, December 15 1838. 7 St COACHES, BAKOICITES -) FT1HE Subscriber baa on hand . an aatortaienr of JL the abova Carriazas. ' Soma ara richly fin ished, which will, he thinks bear a companaoa with any inanafactured elsewhera. The work i war ranted to be faith fulby azeeuted, and will be sold on as favorable terms as can be afforded. Those w ish ir.gto aopply taerjBelTts, will please call and judge lor themselves. iuw. uuauis. Ilaleigb, May 31,1838. ; if 9 CIGJMS and TOUJlCCO. OA v ANNA AND PRINCIPE CIGARS, and XlfORONOKO CHE WING TOBACCO,, also Wixaa and BbakVt, comprising CHAMrAto, MAnxaiA, and PoaT Wisrs,' and a lot of very su parior Faaarcn Bbakdt. For aale by " " WM. MASON & Co. December 12,1838. 7 MOST 1TESIU ABLE Residence For Sale. IE residence of the late Judge Seawell, near the City of Raleigh, ia now offered for sale To person wishing to combine the advantages of City and Country life,.an equally des'rable location in all respects, peihaps can not be found in the vicinity of . Raleigh. The Dwelling House is of two stories, consis ing of eight large and conveniently constructe d rooms. There is a wide passage below and above stair, equilly dividing the house, thus rendering each room in the whole house entirely private. The house is at present in a state of good repair. Upon the premises are all necessary' out houses well constructed and moit of lb em raw. With' in a few steps of the Dwelling House, are two never failing SPUINGSof most excellent water. Attached to the premises there are 325 acres of land, 25 of which only are cleared, the balance timbered. To suit the convenience of the pur chaser, cither the whole or a part of the lai d will he sold with the Dwelling Bouse. This property will be sold either at private or public sale. If not sold at private sale before the 1st of January next, it will be publicly sold or the highest bidder at that time on the premi sea. Possession to be rendered on the 1st of Terms or sale CASH, or Bond with approved aecurity due on the 1st of January 1839, with interest from that date. Where the annual is- t treat shall be promptly paid, and the bonds Should continue to be regarded aa entirely safe, perhaps the principal might not be , demanded for several'yearr.- ! Persona desirous to purdiase arer. spr clfully miuta 10 examine me premises. Apply to i November 26. 1838. WM. SEAWELL" JTusf Received and Far , Sale 320 Casks fresh. Thomast on Lime. 33 Bbls. Calcined Plaster for Plastering, lO Tierce Rotten Plaster for Land Manure. 25 Bbls. Trimmed Herrings. lO.OOO Best Havanna Cigars. All of Which I will sell low for cash. Call three doors 8outh of the Market square where the Sub scriber can ue lound at alt times. . J , JOHN E. PATTERSON. FayetteTillc, December 4,j 1838 6 4t A I small Plantation of about 200 Acres of Land, j, a jiou oi wmcn are unuer cnitivation, with a good urcnard on the same, and an opportunity of mak ing a fine meddow thereon. The above was form erlyjthe property of Jakes Gbaht, dee'd, and lie within 2J miles of Raleigh, adjoining the Race Course. J - pANlEL MURRAY. Dec 4th 1838. 7 4w. (C Standard 4 w. : 4 j i MORE ISEW.COODS, THE Subscribers are just receiving and are now opening a large and handsome selection 4f new iGof great variety and quality .which with their forrner stock will render their Assortment very complete. Their friends are respectfully invited to call and examine them, aa thsv flatfer. thmiL-M thatthey. can sell On the lowest possible condition. I TO WLES & CALLUM. -p JYEGUOESfor On FRIDAY the 4th day of January nest.will , be sold to the highest bidder, at the Dwelling 2?? Jr.StK JoB 8- Raboteav, of Franklin m iniX NEGROESMen, ,Wo. mn, 6oyi and Gwls. Aiso, tba Tn a rm MiJkift - r,1,Wlted outfortheeosuingVoar, .!! e MiU,ulner hnroTerrntf 1 f " Mown on the day of sale. .... . . - . ' wm. Hi lisiit S jtijil ? Tl 'S-- a .-",. rv"-..- . ' . . . ... . . . ': j HE Subscriber epssiantiron good assortment-of aouis vcw, of his owrjfnaitufticture f none other are Md . ntr. short noiite.nd at moderate prices. v c5 Call at his Store, on the South tide ol"the4 aiarxei ouc,tn iuo .oricn.r.w..-. Ai . - , " JOHN HOLLOW AY. SepteTnber, 'ixl-: v:-; - 8 3rn 1I1XXSBOIIOIJGH JLC A6lM THE Sprinsr Session will commerce n Mon 4ay the 14 h January. - A . , C W. J Hingham, ? $21 per Classic! Dep. JJno.A.Bin,am J St. ion. English uep. John Hough, A. IS. $15 French Dep. Jean Odend'hal,? $15 " ; The; Schofaw in the , Cj:tsical Department talpe regular lessons in all ihe common branch es of XigUsfi, without extra cTiargei , ' December 6. -'" : ? St : DISSOLUTION. THE partnership of Mace dc Cox is dls?olvcd, except so far as rtUtes to the Settlement I their affirs. 'Those baying claims. -against the Firm, wtll present tlem for payment, and those indebted to the Firm by lloml. Account, r nthrwike. are reauea'edto rav tbe- fame .with out delay. The Bonds and Accounts are in the hands of Micajah Cox, - The balance of goods on hand will be sold at the hiuse of Micajah Cox, In Wayite Couuty, on the 22d inst. MICAJAH COX. December 1, 1838. 1 6 Banlt of tile State of N. C. A ' Dividlend of five per cent. on the Capital J Stock of this Bank has been declared, pay. able to the Stockholders at the Principal Uank on the first Mcnduy in January next, and at the Uranches and AgencUs fifteen days thcreufter. ; C; DRW EY; Cashier ; Rleieh. Deeemlier . 1838. . . 7 3w Episcopal School, Raleigh. . fTIHE Subscriber has taken the build:n?s be Jl. longing to the Episcopal School, and pro poses to continue the Institution upon his oun respr'ns bity. The next Session will commence on J4nuary 14, 1839. Pupils will be received at $75 per session i of five months, which sttm covers, the expense of Board, Tuition, Washings Mending, Fueland Lights. As e-ch boy has his sej arate bed, every b y at his first eittrnce incurs an add'.tional expense of from $10 to $15, fur ledand btdding. ; Theboaiders will constitute fc p-jr(f the Sub cribei's family, and theatte..tion and d scipline wil; be as parental as circumstmces permit.- Ihey wilt he r qureil to atteim rvlgicuH servi ces on Sunday, and, when nst otherwise direct ed by P-rents awl Guar Janf will accompmy the Rtc or of the School to the . Episcopal Church. Day Scholars w'.lt be admitted on the follow ng terms: ,. ; Reading, Spelling and Writing, $12 00 Englikh Grammar, Arithmet C Geogrptiy with in uxe of Globes and AUt bra 16 00 Ancient Languages, and higher Mathematics. 20 00 Competent Assist an' s are engaged, and all the branches of Learning taught in Academies and high Schools of the country will be taught here, french, Spanish and Ut-rman, will oe tanghf, when desired by Parents, without n'ddi- t tonal expense. Stude nts intending to enter C 1- lege will be directel m their course or study with especial reference to as speedy preparation as is consistent with thoroughness. Prrsona intending to tnter pupils, and de sirous of further information, are rt quested to address the Subscriber. M. A. CUR I IS. Rdeigh, pecembt r 6, 18S8. 7 tf Richmond, Se bit ml tr 22, 1838. Mb. E. P. NA8H: . Dkab Sir: The Piano Forte which I bought of you, I am nappy to say is greatly admired both by those who have eyca and those who have ears. Its tone is very rich .and full, powerful without bein; at all harsb,and soft without being wirv. Better judges than myself, and m whom I am willing to place the utmost confidence touching such matters, have pro nounced it a most excellent instrument. Most respectfully yours, - " E. 3. MILLS. I consider it a much better plan to let the public see what is thought of my Piano Fortes by those who have bought and tried them, than to make any strong assertions in their behalf myself. . - ! , E. P. NASH. j . Petersburg, Va Book Store, west side Sycamore Street Piano Ware House, east side Sycamore St. P. S. t am now opening, in connection with my Piano Forte Establishment, east side of Sycamore Street in this place, a general MUSIC STORE,! in which will be kept an extensive assortment of every description of Music for the Piano. Guitar, Flute, Violin, &c, together with a handsome assortment of nearly all desirable Instruments. Particulars will be given in a- future advertisement. E. P. N; December 6. 1838. 7 3w SPL.IL1ID IATTERY. $3,294 $10,000 ! ! a00 PHIZES OF 1,000. TIRGIlf IA STATE LOTTERY. For the benefit of the Minoneral'u Academy, Class No. 7; for 1838. To be drawn in Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, December 29, 1838. BRILLIANT SCHEME M CAl'I I'AL $35,394 $10.0Q0$5,O00-- t $3,0001,573. '. if 100 pr'zes of l,C00, 115 of $300, 6S or i00,&c. Tickets only $10, Hakes $5Qnaiers $2 50. Cer ificate3 of packages of 26 whole ' ! 1 Tickets $140 Do do 26 half ticlcet 70 ; Do , . do 26 quarter do 35 OrT :Oraerrfor Tickets and Share", or Certi ficates of Packages in the above Magnifies nt Schemes, will rec ive the most prompt atten tion, and an official account of each Drawing sent immediately after it is over, to all who or der from us. Address i - D. S. GREGORY & Co. Managers 4 . , Washington City,D. C. ar Richmond, Va. ANT1-)YSPEPTI C OrniHE great popularity and established demand fer for this valuable Medicine, renders the con- uuwmj b leiigmy aaverusineni unnecessary."-- x.umciuuB icsiioioniais oi ineir value iiaieij receiv ed) from Uentlemen of the highest respectability in addition to. those acieom pan vine" each Boy, may be seen on application to any of the Agents, The Pills sre ;pat tip in .t superiov style,, in tin boxes containing 40 Pills, with full directions. ' Price 60 Cents per Box." To Agents or PuTChasera the terms of Commission and discountare liberal, f All com mtmications will be promptly attended to, by, - - ? THOMAS L. JUMP, 5enT A rent I (E)Office, Morgan St- Raleigh, latoor West the Presbyterhui CUuxchT egarrtlJiofthero made DnsrSjr will hii sol 'ace6mmodaUrtgtermsS;s "Apply Of.- y- ' - r-' :-' '-'lie. . - RMWieh. Nov. J6r133, -. . - : SrPltalBMlffiSlSy iSM SitilLSiat k- :;. ) AND American Annaals for 1S39. i fbliowinc SDlendkl works, to which they f would cair the-attenuonoi meir menusi. The Book of Knyaly, 12 . platen, richly coloured, imperial quarto, morocco, uperb Finden'a Tableaux of the Affections, twelve plates, , do. . ,do. 0 dd. Buds and Ulossoms, by lleuth, 10 phites royal qtiaruvrich watered silk. L Beauty's Costume, by Healh, 12 plates, do. Fisher a Drawing-room ScrapoooK, py I., ts. L- 34lates, royal quurto, Aranesqu. The Oriental Annual, 18 plates, 8vo. moroc co, elegant. ; Friendship' Offering and Yinterf VVTeath, 10 plates, 12mo. morocco. "Forget me not, by Shoberl, eleven plates, do, - do. do. - Fuher's Jwvcnlle Scrap-book, 16 plates, 8vo. Arabesque. ' ' Byron Gallery, 36 plate, 8vo. superb. The Book of Flower, Language of Flowers, The Gift, Flora's m -, Flowers of Loveliness, Romance of Nature, Spirit of the Woods', Mo ral of Flowers, Nimrod's Tour, Galh ry of . the Gnces, Cabinet of Paintings Findtn Beauties of By ron, Port rai 1 1 J I ust rations of the W a vei lv Novels, Book of Gems Illustrations of Scotra Works.Cliristian Keepsake, B-ligiom SoiiTenis Token, Oriental, Panorama of Paris, and many others. The above is the most elegant collection that has been brought te this market. We do not wish yon, however, to take our word for it, Lut call at the North Carolina Book .Store and ex am ne forj ourselves. . , 3 DEtfTAL. SURGERY. W v IE o S (D D R F.SPECTFUI.LY announces to the publi-, that he intends miking Udeigh his place ofUesidence. cy lie maybe fmmd at Gui n' Ilottl. December 11, 1833. 7 3m THE ; undersigned is Agent for the Stna Fire Insurance Company. Persons wishing to insuie theii pro perty, can call at his Office, in the Court House, where they can learn the rates of Insurance, and ob tain satisfactory Information as to the character of tho Company. - HENHYW. MILLER. Raleigh, Jane 26, 1838. 35 tf IIElIDO. ACADEMY. THE second Session of this Semirary for the present year, will close on Friday, the 23d hist. The first Session of 1839 will commence on the 14th of January. The Prrprittor is prepared to board eight Students--, two occupy ing one room, fireplace and bed. Everything will be furnished except lights. The charge, including Tuition, will vary from $95 to 105, the scholastic yesr of ten months. The differ ent branches of an English Education, with the L'Jttin and Greek Languages, will be taught. He has a pair of Globes for the use of Students in Geography, and apparatus to teach Survey ing practically. Perrons wishing to board with the Proprietor, will do well to make it known very soon. Board can be had in respectable houses in the vicinity. JOHN Y. HICKS. Hemdon Academy, tjcar Li uisHurg, 3 4t November 16, 1833 T IIIS renowned and ever memorable Horse will occupy his old stand at the Hampton Course, in the vkiniiy of Augusta, under my direction. Col. C'rowe'l, his-owner, after re turning Fiom his tour through the North, East ml West, bs come to the conclusW n to allow him to remain with me am thcr season. Appli cations were made in various sections of our country,- unlimited business was gua-antied ; large sums offered by' vai u gentlemtri for the service of the horse ; but Colonel Crowtll threw aside all minor considtrrat ons, all pecu niary motives, when on his return he found so many solicitations, from various quarters of the adrerVntha common property, Bascom em .n " V""" uuir, pCy . . ... t tu he has proven nimsf it as sure a h-A'-getter as 1 ay .,vr-c ..... . was dropped this scaspa,- each ami every per son's colt, in different parts of the South, is the crack and brag coh; in fact, for game-like ap pearance, quicknessof action, sprihlliness and playfulness, ONSURPASSED. He will commence lv season on the 15th of February next to- terminate on the I5tb of July. , TERMS. $100 the season, and $1 to the groom. Good lots, fine vtabjes, p;istures, and. ears, thenee to MiUedgeviile, Macon, and Co Drovender. will be provided for the Mares ifo 1 tumbui 10 Mnntomerv. Ala hv Siio-.. with liability for escapes or accidents. Persons send- , Stockand Stages unsurpassed by any line in the ing. Mares are particularly n queued to send , Southern country. ; Great care has been observ their Pedigree, also, notes made psyable to ed i0 the selection of drivers on this line, 4tnd John Crowell or berrer the expenses of the nqne bwt goh'er andtnost espeiienced men have Mares to he paid before taking them away j been employed Passengers who avail them Mares remaining with the II rse will be taken selves of the opportunity of taking this line of care of atSOcents ,per day-Seuants with them, Stages, can he positively assuredi pf more corn fed gratis. . . i fort ndxpedition, than can any other line now It is useless to ment ion pedigree and perfor- ft opejation, between Augusta and ttl.ntgome- uiiiiivcn, -;-.-- world knows them ; his name u ill be handed lowti frem Turfite to Tuifite, and whenno more, the bosoms of future Sportsmen will swell with emotion" and delight, when they hear mentioned the name of Bascortbe." F. W. LACY. November 11. 38t rarsilF. Snrinc 5eskn of fhe c-hnlln I ' Hillsbor uirh under the direct io of Mr. 8t Mrs. Burwtll, willomroerce on the 15th : Jan uary. ' 3. . Terms. English Studies, f 17 60 . si Latin, .. 10 00 French, (taught by a native,) 16 00 ' y Music, . v :-- j ; - 26 00 Ferson washing farther inrormation respect-1 ing me school, are re tarred to - Hon, F. Nash, S Dr. James Webb, J. aillsburotigh ofi Rev. Drurr Lacy, Raleieh. n December rx j. w. orwriocu. i T 1m -v- 'v- -7YJ 4 - RESPECTFCy. tendeih services to the inhabMMt. of Hale lh, and the adjacent Country. lie may je fotWidjitJ he reaidence of Mr. Wm. Hi 1, os rIWsboro .oyree, or at the A pothecary Stovei of Wm..M. Uaon icCp Jon Fay ettevillf Street, jexf ept.wbep,P'p. essionally engsged- .A'rli-'' H. Jjfci-' , November 23,,i83a.-v 31 4 cA: -;" CI ENTLEMES? fFlNR) ilES3 BOT)TS, J( made by JV; MileSj, Philadetphia, as aupenor article f For snle hy- ; - w M, wui i b. HriMJOJy CG VII SB ItllE Annual Races over the Hampton Course . will commence on the second Tuesday in January, 1839, month. king the eighth day of the I ( .11 ACE. for SlO.000 be-, The ffreat; MATCH tween Volney and Target, will come off on Monday, the seventh. j . The splendid SWEF.PSTAKE, 2 mile heats; $1000 entrance, forfeit 500, declaration $100 : J. E. Calhoun names b. f. Nullification, got by Nullifier, dam by Tartar. John G. Wijnter, to b. FsMiss Accident 'and M'ss Armstrong, got by Tramp, dam by Whisker. John Morrison, two, one grot by Henry, dam II ghl.nd Mary, the other by Eclipse, dam by Barefoot. Col. W. Hampton, b. r. Ella, got by Emelius, danv Ad. Col. Paul Fitzaimons, ch. f. Ada llyron got by Priamdam Delphi ne. Michael Seabrook, c. f. got by Oodolphin, dam Miss Medway. There are several other Stakes to be run foY during the week, the Stakes to come off the dsyor days to suit the convenience of the par lies. Joclicy Club Purses. ' FIRST DAY Mile he.its, for two and three year old colts, a pair of superb Silver Pitchers, valued at - . , . . $250 ($25 entrance, 3 or more to make a jrce.) SECOND DAY Two mile heats, . i 300 THIRD DAY. Three mile heats, - - 500 FOURTH DA Y. Four miTe nests, . - L 1500 FIFTH DAY Mde heats, Vest three in five, . 400 N. B. I have every thing in readiness for the accommodation of my customers. F. W. LACY, Acting Proprietor. Oetnbt r20. 1 BEllINARD DUPUY WITH pleasure announces tonis friends and the public generally, that he has opened at hisStore, . No. 10, Fayette vllle Street, 1 he richest and most extensive assortment or goods that has ever been offered in this market, which he will sell at NEW YORK PRICES. . The assortment consicts in part of first rate independent second Watches, Anchorj Duplex, and Patent Lever fancy gold case Wat ches,plain English and Swiss do., rich and fashionable JewelUry in all its varieties. Silver is JPtated Goods, Sdvr Forks, Spoons, Butter Knives, Cream f'ot. Cups, &c Hich Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiter, lated and Japancd, Candlesticks, Grecques and Rrittania in setts or single pieces. Fancy Good. Mantle Clocks and Lamps, Astral Lamps, Ladies' and Gentlemen Pressing Boxes, Work do., Toilet bottles Visiting Card Casesj Chinese Chess men and Dominos, Patent Steel Pens and Pencil cases and a great rariety of other fancy goods, Guns, Pistols, Canes and Whips. Rogers9 Fine Cutlery. Superior fine Razors, Knives and Scissors, Chinese Ste 1 Razors, a new aitiele, and all the first nuktr productions. - JflUSIC. Spanihh Guitars, Violins, Clutionetts, Flageo. letts, Flutes, Octave do.. Fifes, Accordions and Mus e Boxes, Guitar and Violin Strings. Pre- GenuineVrench Co- , SublCr;ber ;,.;, the pubr,c ' nePailyt ? to caU ansl examine his rare collection. Clocks n , Wiitehrt efall deserintinn. Wnairerl in hia accustomed superior stvle. Gold and Silver manufactured Co order in such a manner aa will give perfect satisfaction, for old Gold and Silver. November 24, 1838. Highest price given 4-8 ftotice to Travellers go In? South. Hp II E-PEOPLE'S LINE of four horse post X coachesjleaves Augusta, every day, for War- iy,for War- renton, by the Augusta and Athens Rat! Road rv. Aia. vjrnceaiine uiuieu stiies noiei. au gusta, Georgia. , l:r-.. X.- ' CCj TJie Columbia Telescope, the Fayette ville and Raleigh-papers, also, the Richmond and j Norfolk papers, js-ill please copy the above and forward their accounts to GEO. W. DKNT, rJgCHU for the Ctinpmy Favelteiwlle; S ept. 12, 1838. Bank of the State or IV. C FflHB Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this JL Bank, will be held at their Banking House, in this City, on the first Monday in January next. ' - C. DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, Monday S9, 1838. , 1. ,6 ITIOUUS IttirLTieACJLlS. Qr lrtjfVFREES of one yearV Georgia tjJyJ U U growth can he furnished to those nemws desirous of -mirchasins in thia State! delivered, in Raleigh Louiaburjr, FayettevilJei j Eit- s-- 3.- . 4 f " nnniigiHii. sny appiicaiion is aesireu, as they may be otherwise disposed of. Appli cation or address to C. C. Ba-Ttuc Ratelgh or Wit.FesTX, Lousburg. I ' y Triut ppueatie4sT'MirJr'ttM tcrthw leaidem, lhti ij- mlot f fo,towlo4 Reeeinii'foe tMnent on Ian har of ikSt:'M Bank, mr, in. th Mmof William P; Weugh, it WittesIoTbinx t; AJBe celpt for ;tbe fkst iiistaiment of $200 issued by the" Commission. at:Wilkesb -tecond i ler ai jr ayeiicviH, ouw, jor ine imru ano lourui naU being Joat i A WltfAKM PWAUGH. , Wilkes county, NIC: : Nov. 28, 183Sv 53rn STATE OF NORTH QAROLINA, NORTH AlFIOK COUJtTY, a Coutt of EqurtyFaU Term, 1858. William Brdttm, r vi.' Jesse Buss and AVife. , U IT appeafing to the stiisfactVon of the Coui t, that ihe Defenda.'4.s are not residents of this State It is ordered by the Court, that ptiblica be made in the UaleTgh Register,1ortw6 months, for them to appear at the ' next. Tetm of this Coii'r'V to be held in the Town of Jackson, at the Court ftouse therein, on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday in starch next, then id there to plead, answer or uemur to the corn, plainantsbill, or the same will be taken pro csn. fe, and set for hearing ex parte. Witness, Joseph J. Exum, Clerk and Master pf said Court at Office, the 5 h Monday af er the 4th JfOnday in September A. 1. 1838 JOS. J. F.XUM, C M E. 9HOCCO CLASSICAL S E M IK A R Y , A I. BAN HART will commence the exercises of a Classical Seminary, for young gentle men, at Shocco, on the firt Monday in January. The situation is very healthy and retiredroi alt Inducements to diuipaiion,being nine miles distant from any village or store. The Watt fing seasons will not interfere with the dudes of the Student because the longest Vacation will be during that period, when Parents' can - or withdraw their Sons. Mr. Hart has had twelve years experience in teaching, and Is highly re commended by many eminent gentlemen of this State. Students for the University will be prepared 1o enter, in the Freshman and Sophomore class. The course of studira wilt embrace the Greek, Latin, English and French languages, the Math ematics, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Mo ral Science, &c. Tuition from 15 to 20 dollars the Session. - . The Spanish and Italian Languages can be taught if required. . .' ' The number of Students is limited to twenty fir'. Mrs. Ann Johnson wU furrtlsh comfortable accommodations for the Students at $10 per month .Students may remain during the vaca tion at the same rate. Payment must be made in advance, and School Bcuks will be the only extra expense. Shocco, Nov. 1 808V : . 4 6w f IlHIS Establishment having undergone thorough J. repair, and. had additional Machines? put up, is now in full operation. The Proprretar is pre pared to fill all orders, at short notice, wHh paper of aw vastly improved quality . WILLIAM Nf SHAUCK. Raleigh, November 28, 1838. 6 3t ocr onouoiro tobacco. jz WE have just received fresh supply ot four year old Oronoko Tobacco. ALSO ON HAND, CtgXfi PAIR Ladies City made OUU ShOCS, viz Black and Coloured Kid Slippers, While ai d Black Sutin Slippers C lf, Kid and Seal wak ing Shoes, Misses' and Chil-lreu, same make and description. " ALSO, A general Assortment of Superloy HAX8M1CAP8. BROWN & SNOW. 'p. 25, FayelleviUe Shi November 19, 1838. 3 8t STATE OF NOliTH CAROLINA, CHATHAM COTJJjtr, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A t. 1838. ,v Elizabeth Hunter, John Headeii and wife Mar garet, George Rogers and wife Patsey - . vs.-' . . V , Peter F. Smith and Agnes E. Hunter, Adminis. trators of Isaac N. Hunter, dec and Josiah . Brooks and Wife Ruth, defendants. - Petition for division & settlement of Estate. IT appealing to the satisfaction of the Court, that josiah Brooks and wife Ruth, are n t inhabitants of this State- It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh Regis ter for two months, that unless the sakl Defend ants aforesaid appear at the next term of tliTa Court, to be held on 2d Monday : in February next, then and thereto plead, answer or de mur, the s-rne WiU be , taken pr confetti as to them and heard ex patte. Witness, N. A. Stedman, Clerk bf our said Court at Office, the 2d Monday of November, A. D. 1858. . ,.; 5 N. A. STEDMAN, C. C. C. NMW 0001S PRIMROSE &HOLLAND HAVE been Tor some time receiving sind opening new and seasonable Goods, consist" ing of i great variety, which, together -with tiieir stock on hand, constitute an extensive and general asirtmeni of , s . . ..y'-r ' Dry Goods, Habpware, QfjEENf ItVarkv Groceries; Hatsi, Shoesi &c. V Their assortment i pretty full nw, and wil be kept so, as one of the partners Is constantly in New. York buying . sod forwarding Goods which are bouirht low. No. one boose can boat of -having every article cheaper ttlian : hera-! bave henee; in pricing they may have some articles higher than their neighbors, but if con vinced of that fact, ttiey are dctermundtb bring them the lowest prices-that the, same sH'tcles are sold t m the -place. JFriendsand customers, and all ethers: wishing to niake the best of theiir funds; are inttted to csme and see.;, t-' November 17X858c-'.v; -135 70 R S A t. E, two fine DeTon Bolt Yeartlhga. J?c Apph to -: . -'. 8ETU JQNBS. J'amonwnear Raleigh, y Dee. 10, 1838. . I . Sutaenber ha powr orOiand, lat hU M;n X f & miles. Eiai 1 of rS flat vr 7xirlr.ttAK-r'l..i ; . . i' ' . r-j -voyui-uuu, hwcu our. m liantT I rt- to need any prT- persons desinne -:te, rmr-K. .5 paou to Mr. W,1 Raleigh, or to HisrftT Hostox, at the Mills x ne price at ,11 be $1 per hundred ; but, if Clargf quantity, bought, een less than that will betaken. J ; PETER FOSTER. - Wake county, Augusta,-1838. 29 tf sin MtCHY CIsuvactsb, one of the few remaining thoronw bred Sonrof Old r Archy, i. now ofiedl? ! very low. or to farm out-rferi 4nn ir . Hfon be mad by .the 1st of March nex t, or sooie narawer a rising I years old is a beautifni' deep Sorrell 5 feet 3 inches high, has been success ful ia running at Hillsboro and nther places. Character was got by the celebrated Old Si Ar cby-hiambj tte imported lru7dRrandam.the famous Old Mark Anthony his e. eramlam k iniported Okl JoUy Jloger, out of a thoroueh brf ww b v r HtgB ana likely. To be convinced of this fact, it fs. ooly ' necessary to tUif oainna auu seeioem. I nave few fine blooded1 Mares very cheap.- For further particulars,aprjly t sSETH JO.NES. Pomona, near Raleigh, N. C ? December 10, 1888i f 4w. CCT Standard.4 wf , JYOTiCJE. As I h ave resolved to wind up my concerns, f give notice to all those who are in debt to me to eome forward and make payment between this ani the first day of January next, or they will n,4j their accounts hi the bands of an Officer for collec tion. JANE BEITS'. by WM. UPCHURCR. Dee. 4ik 1838. 54 w STAJE OF NcSFFh CAROLInIT NAtH COUNTY, fn Kqu'ty September Term, 18.18. Addoms St Cunningham, ) vs. X Bill of John. Xmrrgou & others. Ijuncti6Tfir.- iT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John B. Bunn, one of the defendants iii' this ease, is not an inhabitant of this State: .ft iM,rtu u muwin m puoiicaiiiin be made in the Raleigh -Register, for six weeSf, in order that the said John B. Bunn may apl pear at .our net Cour'.to beheld for the County of Nash, at fhe Court House in Nashville, o'rt the 3d Monday in March next, then and then to plead, answer or demur to the said bill, or the- same U be taken pro confetso as to him, and heard. jtarYev - JNO. II. DRAKE, Jr. C. M. K. SPLENDID ESXAULISHMsxl 1. THOMSON 4' BECKWITH, DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELLERY, gjlLVXR AND PLATED WARE,: FASCr CUTLERY, OUXS, PISTOLS ASD PERFUMERY, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public, that one of the firm hajust re turned from the Northern CUs with a rich, splendid and fashionable assortment of goods in their line, which they pffer for sale at tl.e same prices at which they can be purchased st the North. They invite the public 1 g'r 11 before purchasing elsewhere, and have no. doubt of being able to suit the taste of-all. Their assortment comprises the following ar ticles, v;zt - .Superior GoW and Lever Watches, latest sj)k Silver lever Wat ehestldo. do. Piain Enp-li-h and French Watches; Splendid collection of Ear-rings, dc Flnger-Hings; Oreast Fins, gold Guards, aud Fob Chains; SewJs and Keys; pold Lockets and Medallions; Gold and Silver Fen cils; Gold and Silver Spectacles; Steel do. C- ia" assoited. ; A ery fine assortment of UT JLE RYt consisting Of Fine Hasors I'eW Knives and Scissors tiuns; Duelling and Belt pistols Cercussren 4 Carjs Bells and Cups Gold and iSilvervFhimtles Butter snd Fruit Knives; Pif klc Knires and Forks; Silver Table,Tea H DeserVSpoonsjSotipLadlesClnvy nd Mustard , Spoons; Sugar' Tongs nd Salt Spoons; Razor Straps, a xxvr lancui Plated Castors; Candlesticks; Waiters; Do. Baskets; Snuffers and Trays. . A -general - assortment of Clocks. Brittannia Ware, in full aetts. Tontli Brushes Silk and leather Purses; Steel Chains & Keys; Gold and Silver mounted Walking Canes, of the; latest style; Back-gammon Boxe A general assortment of aPerfnnicry for the Toilet. Music" Boxes,-assorted, Gold, gilt, and jet Buckle., Silver Snuff Boxes; Ther mometers, Steel )tiis, etc. etc. ' Cj ClpcksV WatchQic wcl Icr y A Plate of , alt descHption, cleansed and im paired in the best style, with despatch, sud warranted to give salisfiction. . " Qrtfers from the country punctually it tended to. Gold U Silver taken in exchage. ' Kalelgh, Nov.! 19,1838. STRAYED from Josiah Barstt's in this County, about the 20th My last: a small liar JENNY MULK. belongihg'to:the Subscriber, with suuca vii iidi ivic , -u . r,... ri rtrht irr bout three years old. I purchased said Mule ot a Horse Drover, adit ia Very uncertain hicrr way she may havle gone, but whenlast heard of, h'e was in the County of Edgecomb. Any formation respecting said' Mule will be thank full v received and the nerson eiving it amply compensated for his trouble. n : I WILUAM D. MO YE- Greenville, PiU County, Juue 4th, 1 838 JurieU. ;; 32- STATE OP NORTH CABOLIN Ar CHA.THAM CQV$TTi Court of Pleas and Quarter Session : rJovember Term A. D 1838. Thomas Johnson & Frances his wfr . V ' ' ' ' l - ; T9.." . Yincent Austin and Sarah his wife ."-V i- eUr'iNefroe. thlscase.'jt anDearrne to the satisfoct'on; of theCourtV that the Defendants are noi habitants; of t hrs State ii snlsw'. . lic-tion be inade m the ttaleigh W" fo',J weekiv commanding ihem to be d sppe petition or the same will be heard ex part- $ id h Witnesi, N A." Siedmam Clerk bSe'r, Court t Office, the 2d Monday of Novem v. ima or tins uoun io - An,1.I8S8v 5 !k.A.TDMAK,C.C.C