- ; A FUSEllJUU WRGE. ; BY THE REV. GEORGE CROLY, L. L.D. ; :;:..- - - - y - , . E8rih to earth, and dust lo Just !" .,' V ;" 'Here the evil and the jusi, E 1 . Hire, te youthful and the old, Here the fearfuf and the hold; In We silent bed are laid t , "Here the Vassal and the king, . , S'de by siderlie , withering 1 Here the sword and Bcepirernst. Earth to earth; arid dust to dust.' - ' ". 1 - . Age on age shall roll-ajong . . -Over this pale and mighty throng.' Those that wept theroilthose that weep, All shall with these steeper sleep, Bri there,' sisters of ihefworm ! Summer's sun 'and winter's storm, . Song of peace, or baitle?s roar, Ne'er Bhall break their slumber more ; ; Death shall keep his silerij trust, , 4 Earth to earth, and ilust to dust. v But a day is -coming fast ; !" . "-Earth; thy, mightiest and jthy last ; ! It shalV come in fear aniJ winder, ; Heralded by trump and thunder ; It shall come in strife and toil, ' It shall come in bloodj and spoil, It shall come, in empires groans. ., Burning temples, trampling thrones ; Then, ambition, nte thy lust ! : Earth to earth, and dust to dust.' j ; : -'!.. (U . . , .Thn shall come the judgment sign, In the east the king shall) shine, . Flashing from heaven's Igolden gae 1 ! ' "."Thousands, thousand, round his state, Spirits with ; the crown atidj plume, ' f Tremble, then, thou isullen tomb, ' Heaven shall open to our sight, Earth be bura'd to Hinj light, Kingdoms of the ransomed just, " Earth to earth, and dusit to dust.' - A Then shair, gorgeous as a gem," Shine thy mount, Jerusalem ; Then shall, ia the desert rise Fruits of more than paradise ' Earth by angel feet be trod, " One great garden of her God ; . "Till are dried the martyrts tears ' Through a glorious thousand years, , - Now in hope of him we trust, a Earth to earth and'dust to dust There is that in the following lines which will touc thevheart of; every one who has known thb feelings that belong to a Parent who has lost a beloved and cherished child r - WEE WILLIE. 4 'in Fare thee well, our last and fairest ! Dear wee Willie, fane thee well ; He, who lent thee, hath recalled thee - Back with Him andIlis ip. dwell. Fifteen: moons iHw 6lWer lusCe : 0 ' . Only o'er thy brow had shed ; Vhen,thy spiiit joined the seraphs, " And thy dust the dead.' Like a sunbean through our dwelling, Shone tby presence bright and calm; . Thou didst add a zest to pleasure - J' To par sorrows thou ert balm ; . Brighter beamed tby eyes than summer; And thy first attempt at speech Thrilled our heart-strirjgs with a rapture, r Music ne'er could reach. f As we gazed upon thecj sleeping, With thy fine fair locks outspread, Thou didst seem a little angel, Who from heaven to earth had strayed ; And, entranced, we witched the vision, Half in hope, and hilf affright, . Le t what we deemed ours, and earthly, Should dissolve in light. 1 Snows o'rmantled hill and valley; Sullen clouds begrinj'd the sky, -When the first, dread doubt oppressed us, -, That our child was doomed lo die! ' Through each long nigjht-watch, the taper Showed the hectic of thy cheek ; And each anxious dawn beheld thee More worn put, audi wesik. ' 'f ' 'Twas even then Destruction's angel ' Shook his pinions o'er our path, Seized the rosiest of our household, And struck Charlie clown in death! ,9 Fearful awful! Desolation On our lintel set bisigh ; And we turned from his sad death-bed. Willie, round to thine ! ! As the beams of spring's first morning Through the silent chamber played, r Lifeless in mine arms I raised thee, ' And in thy little coffin laid; Ere the day-star with the darkness Nine tinresjiad triurapharit striven, . In one gi ave had met your ashes, ,And your souls in heaven ! Five were ye, the beauteoui blossoms 1 Of our hopes, and hearts, 'and hearth; Two asleep lie buried under; Three for us yet gladden arth. Thee, our hyacinth, gay Charlie "Willie; thee our snow-drop pure, Back to as shall second spring-time Never more 'allure. J'v - Yet, while thinking, oh, our lost Of how dear v i ones! . Why should dreams of dfoubt and darkness w nnt 0Ur lroubIed spirit thus t Why, across the cold, dim church-yard, ' Flit our visions of despair ! ; Seated on the tomb, Faith's angel Saith Ye are not theje." Where, then, are ye 1 With the Saviour ..?Ie8 for ever blest are ye, , " . Mid the sinleM little children ' ,rW0'ha'e hoardJhis "Come to me' k 1 T?ihe ale8 of death's dark Vaile?;1 J Now ye leanjipon his breast, Where the wicked dare uot enter And the weary rest." . ' ' -Tl' ' ' rr i ? Matchless gpHIS Invaloable Medicine, of the merits which abundant evidence lis afforded by uvertisement in i . ' . . of an hnA i. - , . KF"i nepi constantly on bT $ ?eriberi i the Post Office lo?7i". I " orderwil.be promptly attended Job Printing executed at this Office, with una despatch. Raiigb sim Company. in i- ill rf'f--i ' t .meetiriff ofthe jrrectory n e 24th inst. Resolved, that the Stockholders pay to iaa x reai ceeding-'rnbhth, sa that the whole Capital Stock may ho paid inwithih the present year. WESTON R- UAiitae, rresi. Raleigh, March 28, 1839. i ' -' ' . FOR S ALE? r Ur ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, A FIRST RATE PHILADELPHIA WAG A. ON. and a Team of SIX HORSES or MULES. They will be sold separately , if wished. ? Also, two ti ?f b bloodkd MaRES, in foal by the celebrated- Race Horse, Rn Wasp. Also, two first, rate DEVON Bull Yea rlings, and several fine DEVON COWS & CALVES. Apply to : ! SETH JONES. Pomona,' Wake Co., N. C? April 25th, 1639. 5 26 tf. FKESH ARRIVAL. . 5OOK of the Passions by James.Illustraled with sixteen splendid Engravings, from Draw ings, by the most eminent Artists. Heath s Shale t peare Gallery, containing tho principal lemale char acters in the plays of the Great Poet, bound in a very superior style, I Vol. The Bubbles of Cana da, by the author of Sam Slick, the Clock Maker, &c. &c. 1 Vol. 10th and 1. 1 Lit Nos. Nicholas Nick elby. The art of Rearing thd Silk Worm. Spirit ot the East, illustrated in a Journal of Travels. Thor.mgh Roumclie by D. Urquhart. Conversation on Nature and Art, with cuts; I Vol. Sterling and Penrudock by the author of , Tremaine, ;De Vere, &c. &c. Village Reminiscences, 2 Vols. Wi dom and Genius of Shakespeare. Jack Shepard, a Romance by W. Harrison Ainsworlh. : The above works are for sale at No. 1 Cheap Side, by TURNER S HUGHES. At the N. C. Book-Store. April 17, 183925 SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. r'lHIS is to give notice, that the annual examina 1 tion of the pupils of this institution will not be public as heretofore. 1 By order of the JJOAKJJ Of TKuS l KfiS. Salem, Stokes Co . N. C- Aprii, 6, 1839. 6t. 24 A 1IOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. FB'tHD Subscriber wishes to dispose of her HoilSe and Lot, in the City of Raleigh, and will do so on Accommodating terms. It is the place where she lives, in the Eastern part of the City, near the Baptist Church. For terms apply on the premises. HANNAH STDRDEVANT. Raleigh, Jan. 3, 1839. 10 ANTI-DYSPEPTIC 1j IJJHE great popularity and established demand ph for this valuable Medicine, renders the con ization of a lengthy ad vertisment unnecessary. Numerous testimonials of their value (lately receiv ed) trom Uentlemen of the highest respectability in addition to those accompanying each Box, may be seen on application to any of the Agents. The Pills are put up in a superior style, in tin boxes containing 40 Pills, with full directions. Flice 60 Cents per Box. To Agents or Purchasers terms the of Commission and discount are liberal. A II com munications will be promptly attended to, by THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen'l Akrxnt. (CjOfRce, Morgan St. Raleigh, Istdooi West of the rresbyterian. Church. j TRUST SAL.E. BY Virtue of a deed of Trust to me executed by Thomas J. Terrell, for certain purposes therein expressed, I shall offer for sale to the high est bidder on the premises in the town of Rosville on the 24th of May next, two Lots, viz. No and No. 15 both of Which are well improved, One has a comfortable dwelling bouse on it suitable! for a family residence, the other has a store house' ready for use they being the lob formerly '. occupied by said Terrell, as a Store and dwelling &c.j The above Lots will be sold separate and on a credit of six months, tlie purcha. r..uoM Ictviug bond and approved security. WM. H. HOOD, Trustee. Wake County Apnl 30th 1839. " j j GENERAL. AGENCY AND I ! rrHE Subscribers have formed a Copartnbi-ship X under the Firm of Fkkkmak & StithsI.! and offer their services to the public as General 4sents and Commission Merchants.) Apply, for the pre sent, at the Store of Messrs, W. & A. S-riTnL i E. B. FREEMAN, W. A. STITH, A. B. STITH. Raleigh, May 4, 1839. 27 THE third Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ' of the Raleigh and Gaton Rail. Road Company will be held at the ofrtce in the City of Raleigh, on Monday, the 5th day of June next, at which a punc tual attendance is requested, either in person; or by proxy. By order of the Board of Directors, S. W. WHITING, Treasurer. May 1, 1839. 27 5t TO CAPITALISTS. RALEIGH 4 GASTON RAIL ROAD BONDS XCT FOR SA LE. THE Bonds an? endorsed by the Public Treasu rer, pledging the State for the payment of the Principal and interest ,the Prinripal redeemable 1st January, I860; Interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. To be had in sums to suit purchasers. Terms CASIL ! ji p. CAMERON, PfesV Pro. Tem. j R. h. G. R. R. Company. Raleigh, May 1,1839.' 27 4t Cheaper GOODS - than ever ! flHE Subscriber., has just returned from New i York, with a large and general assortment of i S TJl PM E a k FANCY DRY GOODS, ' of almost eoerw description, which is selling cheap- XB. this Spring teak eyeu ! B. B. SMITH. 24-6t. April 10,1839 T 1 HE Subscriber is reaTly ''tWAppty arjypersons 1 witrf JT CE, from sunrise till 10 o'clock! P. M Country orders ivill be fiithfully attende.1 io. : u ., ID. LINDEMAN. Raleigh, April 29, 1839. 27 if ; ' . . - ; " i 1 ; . , . JBCr'J W-M.JbMM,X. -;r . i 1 A 1 Tl-B Ilil FXtb LS applxations, from those who have confidence in "Beckwith's Anti-Dys-1 btic Pills," and in their Author, for a Hdl of!, re nctively purgative prop'ertles,have induced , o issue he calcuUteu jo uj maud. . T These Pills are therefore designed expressly as an active purgative and possess highly Ann- Bilious qu .lilies, yet witnoui a P".u.c u. mel, or any other mineral. Calomel has been oroitu d irom o prejudice againsMt, when pre scribed for iqdiv.dual cases by a judicious Phy. sician but the Inventor protests against it in combinations designed for popular use, for t is well known to the V. cuhy, that most of the objects desired in the mployme nt of such arti cles, can be attained, without it, and that its too common introduction into families for domestic prescription, is often followed by consequ nces injurious to the general health, i not Uestruc live to the constitution. They are bot offered as a panacea they promise no cures but such as are well known to follow a thorough acii.,n upon the bowels; but whenever an active pur gative is required land there are few who do not daily determine this fact for themselves,) these Pills may be safely taken. As an Ati Dtspeptic ihey should not be taken dyspep tics have no business ordinarily, with purga tives of this class. The labortr.the hearty fet tl. er, with sluggish bowe!s,the habitually bilious, in short all who desire or need to have their bowels urged to more active duty, may rely upon the efficiency of these P,ills. Thy are prepared solely by Thos. L. Jump, General Agent, llaleigb, handsomely put up in tin botes with directions, and for sale at the North? Carolina Book Store, also, at the Drug Store of W. M. Mason St Co. in this City, and by most of the Agents for the sale of'Beck uith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills," throughout the United States. Price, 25 cents per box. May 1839. 28 : BRANDRETH'S FiiLjLS. (TRHE New York Sun says : Brandreth's Pills ilk have been used among many of our friends, and in our own family we have used them nearly four years when we required medicine; in that pe riod, no Doctor save Dr. Brandreth has crossed our threshold, and no medicine besides the Doctor's Pills used. Our belief is, "keep your bowels and blood pure," and every kind of disease will be pre vented or cured. The Brandreth Pills are eminent ly calculated to do this, and thereby much lessen the sura of human misery. The New York Evening Star says: Brandreth's Pills are a medicine which their own intense worth Will secure for them a large and ready sale. They have deservedly a high reputation and as a family and anti-bilious remedy, it would be difficult to equal them among nil the Patent Medicines of the present day. "To the whole Family of man. We feel both pleasure and satisfaction in recommending to all our readers, Brandreth's Vegetable Pills, as the most certain, most safe, and invaluable medicine extant. As anti-bilious and aperient Pills, we are perfectly convinced they stand far above all oth ers: as a certain cure in all cases of worms, scurvy. scorbutic humors, erysipelas, and all affections of the skin, dropsy, asthma, stone, gravel, piles, and lumbago, they will be found invaluable. London Times. For sale by Wm. Peck, agent, Raleigh N. C. who is also duly authorised to appoint Sub-agents for sale of the Pills, in each of the following Counties, viz Cumberland, Chatham, Caswell, Franklin. Gran ville, Guilford. Johnston, Moore, Nash, Orange, Person, Randolph, Rockingham and Wake. In inviting application for Sub-Agencies in these Counties.il is suggested, (as is usual in such cases) that the applicant should' be recommended to the Agent above named at Raleigh. Ratejgh, Feb. 9, 183915 G mo. P. sL It is a real fact, that the great popularity of the medicine in this country has tempted the'unwor- thy to Counterfeit extensively; hence the importance of the Doctor s oft repeated caution 'to purchasers. Messrs. Towles fr Callum, Raleigh, have a genu ine license to sell the Pills. W . P. HAS the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public in general, that he has just re turned from New York and Philadelphia, and brought out with him a new supply of GOODS, not inferior in splendor and richness to any of" his for mer rare and exlmsive collections, which he will dispose of AT HEW YOIilf PRICES. The assortment consists in part of Superior Gold independent Second Watches. Lever, Anchor. Du- plex, arid Vertical do., Silver Watches of all de- scriptions; Rich and fashionable Jewellery in ail its varieties Silver and PUited, Wares. Silver Forks, Spoons, do. Butter Knives, Pickle, do. Handsomo Cups, Rich Silver-mounted Castors, Candlesticks. Snuffers and Trays, Cake Bas kets and Waiters, Coffee Greques, Dixon & Son's first rate Brittaina Ware, Ace. &c. FJljrC GOODS. Mantel Clocks and Lamps. Astral do.; Splendid I Japaned Waiters in Setts, Ladies and Gentlemens' 1 uatngammon coxes, uness men, Patent Steel Pens, Swords, Epauleits. and Military Buttons, Visiting Card Cases &f Cards, Canes, Whips, Pistols, and fine Guns, Rogers' fine Razors, Knives, and Scissors, Gold and Silver Spectacles to suit all ages, magic Razor Straps, Pocket Books, and Silk Purses, 4-c. frc jrxwrsic Spanish Guitars, Violins, Clarinetts.FIageoIetts' Flutes, Octave, do ; Files, Accordions, and Music Boxes; Violin and Guitar Strirjgg, fjlarinett Reeds, and Preceptors for all the ahove Instruments. PERFUMERY. Genuine French Cologne, verv n tnnonnr ofiMd. an extensive assortment of Perfumery for Ladies' and Gentlemens' Toilets. The above Goods, having been bought for Cash, and carefully selected by the Subscriber personally, heJnviteMhe attention of those who wish to pur chase, beiifg perfectly sure to please these who may favour him with a call.' 03 VVatches and Clocks of all descriptions re- paired inj his accustomed superior style. fj Gold and Silver manufactured to order, and all Gold M Silver Wares repaired by a first Tate Workman. i fjj Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange. April 12, 1839. " 24-8w. Cotton yarns. T HAVE now on deposit a' X good stock of this article j from the Factory of Messrs. 1 Battik .& Bhothkh. for ! wholesale only". .On examining the newspapers t day. Ifinir the prices current in only two places. ii ajcucvinc anu iucumond; m hoth they sell high j er than we do. WILL. PECK, Agent. ? Raleigh, 9th May, 1839. 28 9t. 1HE Ilublic AhniTersary Exarhiriation of the S'uents of the UniVelsTty ofNorth Carob . Will he held at Chanel Hill on Monday the irtl (Uy of June next, and continued from dsy'tatlav until Thursday the 27fh, which last mentiooed day is appointed lor the Annual rnmmencrment of the Colleere. The following Trustees compose th Com mittee of visitation: '' '". His Exc'y.Gov. E.B.DudleyiPres't. ex nmcio. Hon. D. U Swain, President or gowege D. M. Barnnger, T, D. Benuehan, W. A Blount, J. Branch; . C. Chalmers, D. W. Courts, G- F. Davidson, W. Katon, Jr. W. Gaston, ,S. Graves, J Iredrll, , J. C, Johnston, W. B. Meates, J. Mebane, VV. D. Albseley, F. Nash, i VV. Mcl'beeters, J. Owen, T. G. Polk, II. McQueen, O. Holmes, T. Settle, Ft J, Hill. CHAS. MANLY, Sec'y. Board Trustees. Ralefgh, May 10,1839. 28 fjJ tar gc Stand Td. TAKEN up on the Plantation of Henry Ralls, about four miles South of Louisburg, n the Tarboro Road, a SORREL HORSE, with a star in his forehead, four feet nine inches l.igh, about 8 years old, valued at Fifty Dollars. The Owner is requested 10 comehr ard, prove property and pay cos', ccrding to Act of As sembly. B. FUBMAN, Hanger. May 1, TBJy. V' SALISBURY nOTEL. SMIK Subscriber having recently purchased the above Hotel from Thomas A. Hague, Esq., (formerly owned by W. H. Slaughter) in forms the pvblic that he intends carrying it on through his superintendent, Col. Edward Yar brougli, in a style that shall hot be surpassed by any establishment of a similar character, in all Old Rip,' or in any Southern Siate. Gentlemen who fcre fond of good Fare, fine Liquors, neat Beds, and Stables well supplied with Grain and Provender of all kinds, conduc ted by a superior Hostler, are respectfully so liciteel to call, both by the Proprietor and Su nerintendent. as each is determined that no I ' - w gentleman or lady sliall leave the House dissat isfiel W. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. April 24, 1839. 234t A cTrD . (T OL.' YARBROUGII is truly anxious to see his old (riendd and former customers at the above Hotel, and pledges himself to spre no pams to render their situation, during their stay, pleasant and comfortable. JYOTMC MS . fflHE 1 the General Assembly buying authorised Governor to procure one complete vet nf WEIGHTS and MEASURES, as Standards , for each county, persons disposed to contract are invited to make their terms known, agree ably to the Act for thut purpose. Chaper XL. Models of the Weights can be seen at the Executive Office. E. B. DUDLEY. April, 1839. tf. . Calvin Jones & J. M. Williamson, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all business confided to their management, either professionally, or as General Agents, in the Western District of Tennessee and the Nor thern Counties ot Mississippi. They will attend the Circuit Courts of Fayette, and all the ad joining Counties, the Supreme and Federwl Courts of Jackson, Tennessee, and the Fedeial Court at Pontotoc, Miss. Office in Somerville, Tennessee. Ref r to - Hoii. Thos. Ruffio, Hon. Fred. Nash, " Wm. G.ston, ' H. M. Satmder?, H m.n. Haywood, M. Dick, " Wm. A. April, 1S39. Graham. Michael Holt. Esq, 2G Five Cents Reward. rrXHE above Reward, but no thanks, will-Be JL given for the delivery to me of an indented Apprentice, named John Davis, about 17yars of age, who left my service in March last. The : Public are cautioned against harboring or em ploying said boy, as 1 intend to enforce the law against all off enders. j SYLVESTER SMITH. I Raleigh. April 224w. . 26 CONVENTION OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL C H U K C H . 4V1G d ses lo.the prevalence of a co"t.gious e in the town ot Newbern, I hertbv aPPnt the Parish of Cluist Church, Raleigh, as tne place, anl the of May next as the time, foi the meeting of the Annual Conven tion of this Diocese. L. S. IVES. Bishop of the Diocese ofN. C. Plymouth, April 11. 1839. 26 TO JOURNEYMEN TAILOltS. flWO or three Journeymen Ta'lors will find M. constant emD ov. at ni'h u turpi: hr imme None uiate application to Oliver St Johnston. out nrst rate workmen need apply. QCj Petersburg waee will be rjrive. OLIVER & JOHNSTON. R aleigh, April 23, 1839. 26 STRAYED from Jostah B An r ett'i inth last. in this County, about the 20th May : , . . . JJ. J a small u ay JENNY MULE, : belonging to the Subscriber with shoes on her fore feet ( whether her hind teet are shod is not recollected) a bout three years old. I purchased said Mule of a Horse Drover so it is verv uncertain which Ty shenay have gone but when Ust hear.1 of, she ws the County of Edgecomb. formation respecting sa'ul Mule will Any in. be thank. fully received and the person giving it amply Compensated for his trouble. WILLIAM D. MO YE. Greenville, Pitt County, June 4th, 1838 June 11. 32 tf. Valuable Property for sale. T - W?SH . to dispose of my possessions in, ami ! '"Jcenr to the City of Raleigh. The.lpt m ' H,t" resjae contains De ween 15 and 20 acres. Fhe IHiildings re numerous, sp icious and convenient, and the PfantatKn, the nearest point of which U distant about one mile from the City, contains 500 acres. ; On application to the Subscriber, further particulars will be made known. W M'PHEETKRS. Haleigh. January 9. 189 ATTENTION! Raleigh Militia Attend at the U.nist Grove. urrneM . r. .; pt d, according to L W,; on Saturday, thfc 18. iisai , iw ivrft""eoiai lfaview.' By order of the Capt., ,i W. POLLARD, O. S. I IW lljlilll ITfcUER a decree of the Courtof Equity for J the'County of Wake, will be sold at 11 o'. clock on Saturday the 1st of Jtine next, at the Court House door, tbe following Lots, io the City of Italeigh, vizt part of lothNo. 6.7, on Fayetteville street, and now occupied by Rev. Mr. Lacv. and the part of the same Lot in the possession of Mr. Alex. CampbeP, and part of Lot No. U7: also. No. 101 nd 164, the tormer at this time in the occupancy of Mr William and the latter of Dr. Haywood. The aforesaid nrnnftiv belooe-s- to Frederick Freeman, and' children, and will be sold on a credit of 6 and 12 months, with interest from sale. At the same time and' place, on a credit of one and two years, with interest from date, a tract of L.ana, lying on iveuse itiver. aooui seven mjjes from Raleigh, containing 383 acres, belonging to Mr. EDWB. Hicks and children, of Bmns wick County, Virennia. The purcliaser will be required to give bond, with approved, security. For a more particular description of the property, enquire at my Of fice next door to the Episcopal Church. H. W. MILLER, C. & M. April 17th. 1839. : 25 6t FLEXIBLE, IHlS beautiful and thorough bred English . Uce H rse (lately imported by Dr. Mei ritt of Virginia) will mike his next season Spring 1839) at Wilton, in the County of Granville, commencingpie 14tb of February and ending 1st July, at Such prices as will ena ble all classes of persons to avail themselves of the services of thisKlistinguished Race Horse' and getter of Race Hor.-es, as I am instructed to stand him low. His services are offered at THIRTY OOLLAUS the season, and FORTY FIVE Dollars to insure, with One Dollar to the Groom; the insurance to be paid as soon as the Mare is paried with, or ascertained to be in foal. No alteration .will be made in the above prices, tie is a sure ioai getter, and win al ways be found at his stable. Great care will be taken to prevent accidents, but no liability for any ; his Groom is c reful and may be relird on ; Mares w U be fed for thirty cents per day. 15 luck servants boarded gratis ; all white per sons, sent with mares, will have to pay board winch will life reasonable. FLEXIBLE,-isi lich Brown, fii'! fifteen and a half h.mds h gh bred by the Earl of En -mont and was foaled in 1822 ; he is in fiiirr health and spiritlfthanj have ever seen him; and the breeders of tine' horses are particu'arly invited to call and see, him. lie Was got by Whalebone; h s dam, Themis (sister to Incan- tatorl bv Sorcert'r.hr !m Hulmq hv n,i!;anr.a , - j .j , out ol Humming-bird, (sistt r to - Catharine, Colibr'i and young Camilla) by Wro Ipecker, Camilla, by lientham, Coquett, by th Comp ton llarb, (afterwards cI ed the Sedley Gray Arabian.) Godolphin Ar bian mare, (dam of Juggler, fec. 6ccJ Giay Hobinson, by the Bald Galloway, old Snake m Te, Gray Wilkes, (-ister to Clumsey) by Hautboy, out of Mi&s D' Arcy's Pet mare. Whalebone, the sire of Flexible, is brother to Whisker, Wol'ull, and Webb, by Waxy, dam Penelope, by Trumpeter, Prunella by High river, Promise by Snap, Spectators dam by Partner. In Flexible' is thus united the Hlood ol Herod, Matchem, and Eclipse, and on both sid s the most fashionable blood of the day ; his running in England will establish that lact, he having contended with the following Horses, which were considered the best of the day Such as Scandal, Velasquiz, Warwlck.B .lloon, Shultte, Pope, Vesivius, Haji Baba, Hottentot, Maxame, Doctor Faustus, Signorina, Rapid, Despatch, Arachna, General Mina, Cinderilla, Reubens, Brutendorf, Longwaist, Merman, Hi nahlo, Luzborough, Leviathan, and a host of others, which will be set forth in his hand hills, EDWARD II. CARTER. Wilton, Granville county, N. C. ) Feb. 28. 1839. 18 5 DENTAL SURGERY. RESPE(;TrULLY announces to the public that he intends making Raleigh his place of residence.. (XT" He may be found at the Eagi.: Hotel. Mr. Scott, Dentist, will he absent for a few weeks, and will give notice when he returns. March 20, 1839. AIONSTERS.-A n entirely new JLTA the way of "Accordion." The st article in ay ot "viccordion. The subscriber will receive in a few days a very fine assortment of Accordion", amongst them a few 'Monsters,' resembling the character of an Organ, more than the ordin iry kind of Accordions, the tone and quality of which, however, cannot well be desCi'ibtd; they are unvsually-powerful and melodious, at the same tirtie veiy beautifully finished every way. Price fifty dollars small er ones from six la ten dollar. E. P. NASH, Petersburg, Fa Hewardt. MY NEGRO BILL, sometimes called BILL WYATT, ranaway from me last June in Wake Fore.t, and rhave reasons to think, is now in Raleigh or its vicinity. Bill hss had his left arm cut off near his elbow, is a brght Mu latto, about 45 years of ae, and 14 well known ( n .uvjui me K,y in naicin. t expeci lie win rQCD no at m II I . . . I 1 1 . Tii .k... , t, r i , 1 lie stiove reward wi 1 op pivr.n fnrannrp imu!. n Bn, ,. KPril,in,r Wi ; on . State of North-Carolina. - '. 1 THOMAS MILLER. Granville, Jan. 31, 1839. 14 red Wasp. ab He orse UtbN VALIE, by Monsieur Tendon, in the place of Wasp,, during, the remnaol of the Seas r;, and desire that all persons who have put Mares to Wasp, will avail themselves of the privilege to Glen Valie on the same ierm. With regard to P digree, I consider him a su perior Horse to Wapj it shall be furnished in auS tirn- Glen Valie is now 4 years old. His qu-.litiesasa Race llorse re undouhted. When 3 years oM, he' ma Je the best 2 nftile Race ever rTHJS celebrated Race Horse and Stallion was X burn d tu death In his Stable, Which was 1 rinonrtlat Kir lirt: mi fit a I . ' . t .,j ...u.ii.ic infill or me 4tn inst., out 1 o'clock, ; A: M. ' I.desien to stand mv seerdverthe Beliefonte Course. - : " "' DAVID Mcdaniel; . State C"rse, fialeigii; Mny; o.4j3o; ! ! 28 BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IrrpFOR SALE AT THIS OFFIOE.Q MOFFAT'S jLEYtLJZS, nflHE universal estimation in whieh the cele. Jt lirated Lite PiHsantLPhenix Bitters are held, is satisfactorily ,iempnstTated by the increasing demand .for therri in every State1 and section of the Union,' hd by he vohmtary testimonial tQ theirrertiarkable efficacy whichare every wltere Offered. ; It isrt less from a deeply gratifying eonfidenee ththey are, the means of extensive and inestimable good among his afflicted fellow creatures, than tromi inierestett considerations, that the proprietor of these pre-emrnenily suc cessful medicines is desiroii'S- of keeping iTierra Constantly before the public eye. The sale of every additional box and bottle is a guarantee that some person will be relieved from a greater or less degree of suffering, and be improved ii general health for in no case of suffering from disease can they be taken in vain. The pro. prietor has never known nor been informed of an instance in which they have failed todngootl In the most-obstinate cast s of chronic disease--, such as chronic dy speps'a, torpVd liver, rhi ttm;t lism, asthma, nervous and bilious nead-ache.Co'sfc tiveness.pilts, general debility, scrofulous f wt 1 lings a'.d ulcers,scurvy, sail ihetim.aml all other chrome utiections of theorgans and mem ranep they effect cures with a rapidity and permanen cy v Inch few persoiss would theereiically be lieve, but to which thousands have Vtestified from happy experience. In colds and' toughs, u h ch, if neglected, superiiiduce the mOst fatal diseases of the lungs, ami indeed ttt ilie vi-cera in general, ihest? medicines, if taken but for three or four days never fail. Taken at nurhu they so promote the insensible perspir atiori,and 50 relieve the system of febrile action and fecu lent obstruction, as to produce a most delight ful sense of convalescence in the morninj;;1 and though the usual symptoms of a culd should partially return during the day, the repetl ion of suitable dose at the next hour nf bedtime will almost invariably elfect perminetil relief, without further aid. Their effect upon fevers of a more -.cute and violent kind is not less s-ure arid speedy, if taken in proportionable quantity,-and persons retiring to bed with inflamma tory symptoms of the most alarm n kind, will awake With the gratifying consciousness, that the fierce enemy has been overihrosvn and ean easily be subdued. In the same way, visceral tumescence, though long established, and vis ceral inflammation;, however critical, will y it Id the former to smdl and the Ltter to large doses of the Life Pill-- and so also hysterical affections, hypocondriacism, restlessness and very many other varieties of the Neurotical clnss ofdise;ises, yie.'d to the efficacy of the Phenix Bitters, The tbjve medicines are for;ar in Raleigh, by WM. PECKj Agent. R .leirh, April, 1339. 27 HESE Pdls are no longer among th e of dotbtlul nt lity. They have paste l kw f from the hundreds that are dai'y I mm h d upon the title of experiment,and n-iw stand before the public as high in reputation, and as ex'einivelv employed in all parts of the United Slates, the Cmadas. Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine, that h -.s ever been prepr-d for the relief ef suffering man. They have been introduced wherever it whs found possible to cirry them, and there are but few towns that do not contaih some rem triable evidence of heir good effects. The certificates ihttfttve been presented to the propii tor exct-ed twen ty thousand ! upwards -f five hundred of which are from regular practicing Physicians, who are the most competent juges of their mer-' its. wi . Often have the cures performed by this medi cine furnished subj-cts for editorial comment, ir various hewspnpers ami journals and it may with truth be asserted that 10 medicine of the kind has ever received testimonials of higher value than are attached to this. - They are in general use as a family medicine, and there are thousands of families who declare they are never satisfied unless they have a sup ply always at hand . They have no riv d in curing and preventing Bil'ous Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, S ck Headache, J un lice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rht um t'sm", Enl-rjemenrof the Spleen, Piles, CLoiic, Female Oos.rucl.oo, Heart-Burn, Furred Tongue, N usea, Inten sion of the Stomach and. liowels, Incipient Di arrhce, Flatulence, Habitual Costivenes, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping, nor debility. QCj These extraordinary and justlv celebra ted Pills are sold, in Raleigh by Williams 8c Haywood, and W. M. Mason & Co., and in all the principal towns in the State. Retail price, 50 cents per b ix. May 1, 1839. tf27. " L I I 11 Ifropsy Rheumatism, Ctired MRS. N NCY- BUIiGESS, residing about 18 miles North West of Raleigh, in ;the neighborhood of Cedar Fork, has been very suc- cessful in the cure of numerous rases of Dropsy n tlie ( umatis and Rheumatism, and is now prepared to undei- take all cases entruvted to her. Oie case- of Dropsv cured by her, was of 15 years standiair -x child of Zichariah VVimberly. She has nume rous ceftihCHtes in her possession, bearing tes timony to her successful treatment. Let the afflicted apply as above. Wake County, May 1, 1839. 27 VALUABLE EAAD FOR SALE, THE undersigned ofieis for sale a very valu able tract of land, Ivine five milt s west of eigh, containing about 500 acres the great er part of which ist uncleared, well timber" dr well watered, and a portion of it equal in fert iliA ty to any in the county. It has on i: a dwelling and other buildings, with springs of excellent water convenient. The situation i remarkably healthy and beautiful, and would nr.ake a very desirable residence to any person wishing to locate near the City. A further description is deemed unnecessary, as persons desiring to purchase, will no doubt first view the premises. A great bargain may be had, if eaily ppIica- tion be made. JANE WILLIAMS- Raleigh, Jan. 5, 1839. 10 tfi Stock of ISooks, Stationary, Fancy Good's, JituSical' instruments , Jn Petersburg; Yir'epnirx, ' POSSIBLY there are few establishments ip Virginia in which could be fou d a lareer and betffer a -sort men t of desirable Goods, than in the subscriber's at Petersburg, wm he l as re. Cently devoted great care and time, and Consid. treble capital to effect this desirable errrt. Tlie public., must not suppose that because the town of Petersburg is small, that therefore the stock of Rooks and Pianos, is uUo smalt j ior, in tuch a concluin, they would be ei-tirelv wroi g, vt ticu'arly as respects JPiano. Fort ts, as they will not find in any o.ie" establishment in Richm ond, Norfolk, Baltimore. Phil.4deinhia. or New York, ts large an assortment f first rte Instrument?, s tbey wilf fand at.my Ware room on Sytamoie street. 1 hare now Isold upwards, ot ore) tm n dred;Pwrtu5Si.ahll not one single instrument h prevert atrwUwi E. P. NAH,

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