i M it . it 8. j) 53. 3 i I m 1,3. :3 1 f 1 .1: if s-;:, a v.. POETRtfV " orient pearls at randorh strung. ' .. ,W STANZAS . i Delivered by J. H. Gbat. ' Pupil of the Pennsylvania I Qstitution for the instruction of the Blind, at their Exami nation : "' The bird, that nevex tried his wing, . Can blithely hop nd sweetly sing, -. Though prisoned in a narrow cage, . . ! , Till his bright feathers droop with age ; '" So I," while never blessed with sight, Shut out from Heaven's surrounding light, Life's hours, and days, and years enjoy, Though blind, a merry hearted boy. That captive bird may never float Through Heaven, or pour his thrilling note 'Mid shady groves, by pleasant streams That sprinkleja the soft moonbeams ; But he may gaily flutter round Within his prison's scanty boand, And give hi soul to song, for ho . NejDr longs to taste sweet liberty. Oh! may I not as happy dwell Withm my unillumined cell! SMay I not leap, Jmd sing, and play And turn my constant night to day 7 1 never saw the sky, the sea; The: earth was never green to me ; Then why, Oh, why, should I repine For blessings that were never mine. , Think not that blindness makes me sad, My thoughts like- yours are often glad. Parents I have who love me well ' . Their different vobes I can tell, Though far and absent I can hear, In dreams their music meet my ear. Is there a star so dear above, As the low voice of one you love ! I never saw my Father's face; ' Yet on his forehead when I place My hand, and feel the wrinkles there, Left less by time than anxious care, I fear the world has sights of woe, To knit the brows of manhood so. I sjt upon my fathet's knee He'djove me less if I could see. I never saw my Mother's smile;. Her gentle tones my heart beguile ; They fall, like distant melody, .r. They are so. mild and sweet to me. 8he murmurs not my mother dear I Though sometimes I have kiss'd the tear From her soft cheek, to tell the joy One smiling woTd would give her boy. Right merry was I every day ! Fearless to run about and play With sisters, brothers, friends and all, To answer to their sudden call, . To join the ring, to speed the chase, To find each playmate's hiding-place, And pass my hand across his brow To tell him I could do it now ! 7 Yet though delightful flew the hours, So passed in childhood's peaceful bowers, When all were gone to school but I, I used to sit at home and sigh ; And though I never longed to view The earth so green, the sky so blue, I thought, I'd give the world to look ' -Along the pages of a book. Now since I've learned to read and write, My heart is filled with new delight , A nd music too Can there be found A sight so beautiful as sound 7 r . Tell me kind friends, in one short word, Am i not like that captive bird. . I live in song, and peace,, and joy, Though blind, a mewy-hearted boy. THE SON TO HIS MOTHER. BY SAMUEL LOVER, ESQ.. There was a place in childhood that I remember well, And there, a voice of sweetest tone bright fairy tales did tell'; 4 And gentle words and fond embrace were given with - joy to me, ' " When I was in that happy place upon my mother's knee. When fairy tales were ended, " Good night !" she softly said, And kiss'd and laid me down to sleep wilhin my tiny bed ; , " And holy words she taught me there methinks I , yet can see , - Her angel eyes, as close I knelt beside my mother's knee. . In die sickness of my childhood, the perils of my . pame, r The .sorrows of my riper years, the cares of ev'ry time; . . : When doubt or danger weighed me down, then . pleading aII for me, "1 It was a fervent prayer to Heaven that' bent my. mother's knee ! ' - . f And can I this remember, and . e'er forget to prove The glow of holy gratitude the fondness of my love 1 , When thou art feeble, mother, come rest thy arm . . on me, And Jet, thy eherish'd child support the aged moth-. era FA MIL Y FLOUR. Kf BARRELS Superior Family 'Flotjb, just 0J received, and for sale for Cash, by - ' W. & A. STITH. BCRrVARB DIJPUY, ' NO. 10, FA YETTEVILLE STREET, EEEP8 constantly pn hand, a rich, extensive and fashionable assortment of -Watches, Jew elry. Ficy Goods and Pecfumery. ; Also, Musical Instruments, fine Guns, Pistols; Canes, and Whips, Rogers, fine Cutlery and Seel Pens, which he sells at JTew Jforh Prices. 'CC Clocks and Watches repaired in hisacens tomed saperior manner. All kinds of Gold and Sil ver work manufactured to Order, in the moat 1 manner. Old old and Silver taken in exchahee ' fihnl9nr loon ! t ; ! , : . . . "o" 14tf EXAMINATION BALL. A- JAtL will be given' at tne Franklin Hbtel,on TueaOay evening, the 4th June next. : Lonuburg, N. C.May,?; 1833. , ; , 29 t LITERARY-NOTICE. H ON. BEDFORD BROWKWnvldeliveV the next Annual Orntinn 1 h(v.V . t ' Societies of the University ' of NorthX'aroIina; on we day preceding Commencement, viz.- on the 26fh Jun; By order ofihe 1 j r i. . DIALS CTIO SOCTETT. " ra.-r.ti'. 1 1, i''--rt-w, fllHE first session of this Seminary will J. close on Friday,- the 14th of June, by a Public Exatni ration rtf the; Students. .. Pa rents are invited to attend. They will be re sumed again oh Monday; the lstjof Julyi' En couraged by tile wipport that hfe' has hereto fore received, tJte undersigned has built a large and convenient Academy near hi own .Dwell ing. His house Wdi gain; be c-pen for Boarders. Wishing-to party -on.a4QarUng.bcnooi, xo De profitable to!Milmsel6ndJiJjneficTa1 to his Hoarders Ae WVU fujniiha r9jalibd, and fire, to every twor1furoisningv.elhing exeept lights. Tlte charge, -will &$tfm$i$4Th4$ &52i the session of five manhL?mnZ,X&e: wishing a room and bed tolhemselve ajt;haf I it, by paying five dollars more. pwne wiit wc 4 received who are not willing to submit to all'J tne rules ana requisitions oi mc i'""" subscriber has Globes for the use of students in Georgraphy. and apparatus toteach Survey ing practically. Parker's Exercises in English Composition, also the delivery of Select Speeches kept up during the session. p JOHN Yj HICKS, , . -j j Principal. Hemdon, near Louisburg, Franfelm Uo. ? May, 25, 1839. 3it NOTICE THE undersigned being determined to close his business earnestly requests all those indebted to him, to come forward, without de lay, and settle their accounts by Jibte or other wise, so as tocnable him to meet the pressing claims of his creditors. He willjdispose of the remainder of his stock on hand ph-Ivately oth erwise, by public vendue, at some future day, of which lim'eXl notice shall be give . , JNO. G. MARSHALL. Raleigh, May, 27, 1839. 1 31 3t THE cd-partnership. heretofore existing be tweenTHOMPSON Sc BECKWlTH.Watch makers, 'in the City of Raleigh, ft C, is this day dissolved by mutual content. j.All persons having demands against the said firm, will pre sent them to William Tuompsojt, and al in debted wilL pay to him, as he is jaulhorized to settle the business of the same, i WILLIAM THOMPSON, It. W. BECKiVITlI. Raleigh, May 20, 1839. j j 31 N-O'TICEij-' R ANA WAY fiom the possession of the Subscriber as Trustee for James L. Roles, on Sunday the 26th Inst, a negro boy 1 named ZED. t have no doubts but said boy is lurking about Mrs. Frances Perry's, or in the neighborhood of Rolcsville. A handsome re ward will be given for the delivery of him, to me. WM. T. ROBERTSON. Johnston County, May 29ih 1339. 31 CAPITAL PRIZE j j . AND j Fourteen Drawn JVutnbers j Class No. 4 for 1839.1 ; To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday " 15lh June, 1839. k SPLENDID SCHEUE, 1 Prize of $75,000 ! X do- 25,000 ! 1 do! 15,000 ! 1 do 10,000! 1 do ; 6,000 ! . 1 do 5,000! 1 do 4,000! 1 do 3,608 ! 1 do 3,500 ! 1 do 3,250! 1 2 Prizes of $2,750 ! 2 do 2,500 ! 20 do 2,000! 20 do 1,000 ! 20 do 800! 40 doi COO! 50 do 400! 100 do 300! 100 do 200 ! Besides prizes of $180 $160 $150 $140 . $130 $120 $100 $75 $60 $50 $40 and $20. , , 14 Drawn Numbers-out of 78.r' Tickets only $20 Halves $10 Quarters $5 Eighths $2 50j. - Certificates of Packages 526 Whole Tickets $240 Do. do 26 Half do 120 Do- do . 26 Quarter do 60 Do do 26 Eighth do 30 Cj Orders' for Tickets and Shares or Certifi cates of Packages in the above Splendid Scheme, will receive the most prompt attention, and those who Order from as, .may rely upon having the dnaio irtsr seht them immediately after it is over. Send orders early and address D. S. GREGORY 4- Co. Jlfanagers, . ' Washington City, D. C. " . ' " ORj RtCHMQKP, Va. ITIatchless Sanative. nio invaluable Medicine, of the merits of TV . . wfach abundant evidence ia nfTuriW hv on advertisement in this naDer. is kent rnnstanil nn hand for sale by the Subscriber, at the Post Office Chapel Hill. All orders will be promptly attended J. B. M'DADE. f ? Mareh 1, 1839. 6mo 18 A NT I. DYSPEPTIC pHE great popularity and established demand feJtj forhis valuable Medicine, jenjers the con uuation of a lengthy advertismettt tarmecessary Numerous testimonials of their value(latery receiv ed), from Qentlemen. of the bigbestesfectability m addition to those acromnnnvinir enr.li Bnr. mnv .be seen oh application to any of theAgents The - me pui upin a superior siyie,- ,m xm Toxes containing 40'PiUsjwith full du-ectionsi Price 50 Cents per Bo.t. rTo, Agents or Purchasers terms the of Commission and discount are. liberal. A 11 com munications.willbe promptly attended to,' by ' THOMAS L. JUMP, T . GenIAeenti tCjOfficev Morgan St. Raleigh, lsidooir West of me fresnvtenan v;nurcn. - i FOR SAIiE, UPON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, l A FIRST RATE PHILADELPHIA WAG ON. and a Team of IX HORSES or MULES. They Will be sold separately, if wished.' ... Also, two tiwb4 iBtboDED MARES', in.Voar W the eelebrated . Race Horse; RKn" Wasp. ' 1 -Abo, iipw i first ratec DEVON Bull Yearlings and several fine DEVON COWS & CALVES. -, Apply to r ,( SETH JONES. fomona, Wake Co.. N. C April 25th; 1 80S. 36tf. ikuBiAn -areasT-giff Ahr'j 6 SOzfta IJflERlCji, JIEXtCO, AND TEXrAN' 'RETOLtmOKS. w HISTORY of SotiiK-'Awica,. Mexico and Texas, compristnjr thiriseoveries, Geo graphs Politics anj Revolutions, &c. &c. with Maps and Plates, WpVfft - . The American in Pari?, by JpTio Sanderson. The Romance of tHe Harf,m, by Miss Pardoe. Pericles and Abasia, by-G; W. Landor, Indecision a Tleof lr West,. & other Poems, by J. R. Mjtcheti; M. D-. Southern Passages and Pictures, by the Au thor of Guy RiverSjuCLVVerner, &c. Butnes on Cotton Manufacture, Embellished and Illustrated'' with Portraits of Inventors, nriw'intrs of Machinery. &C- ; ' . The Year Book or Manual of Every Day Re ference, by B. li. Edwards Gardner's Music of Nature. The Lyrist, consisting of a selection of New Sonp:s. Duett's Trios, Compiled by Lowell Mason and G. T. Webb. The above works are for sale at the N. Caro lina Book Store, where may be found one of the largest collection of Books ever before of fered in the Southern Market. TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh, May 22, 1839. 30 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, FRANKLIN COUNTY, Court of Equity Spring Term, 1839. Jobn Dunn, of the County of Weekly, and State of Tennessee, Nathaniel Dunn and Mary Cooper, of the County of Franklin, and State ol North Carolina, Complainant?, vs. John Broom 8c Nancy his wife, Gray Dunn of the County of Limestone, and State of Alabuma,, Thomas Dunn of Weekly County and State of Tennessee, Elias F. Deloatch, of the County ol Holmes and State of Mississippi, Ann Merritt & William Merritt, infants tinder the age of 21, of the County ot Todfl and State ot Kentucky, Hardy W. Tharp, ad'm. of Win. Dunn, dee'd., and Anna Dunn of the County of JTranklin, aforesaid, Defendants. IT appearing to the Court that Wm. Dunn, of Franklin County, aforesaid, died. .Intestate, and that he made advancements in his life time to his heirs r.t law, or to some of them who are the Complainants and Defendants in the above Bill of Complaint, and that the said parties ought to render an account of said advance ments made by the said William in his life lime notice is hereby given to the Complainants and Defendants in the above cause, that the Clerk and Master of this Court will, at his Of fice in the Town of Louisburg, on Monday the 23d day of September 1839, proceed to take an account of the advancements, made by the said William, the Intestate in his life time, to the said Complainants and Defendants, and the par ties are required to render an account on Oath accordingly It is further ordered", that notice tf taking said account be given to the noh-resi-dents by publication in the Rileigh Register, for six successive weeks.. It is further ordered, that the non-resident parties may swear to the inventories or schedules, hereby required of them, before any Judge or Commissioner in Chancery, in the State or Territory in which they may lespectively reside, and that if any of the parries shall fait to file with the Clerk and Master of this Court the Inventory and Sched ule so required of him or them, before the next Term of the Court, he or they shall not be en titled to any part in the distribution of the Es tate of the said William. Witness. Samuel Johnson, Clerk and Master of our said Court of Fquity for Franklin Coun ty at Office, and under the' 6eal of Office, at Louisburg, the 2d Monday after ,tbe 4th Mon day in March, A. D. 1839. SO S. JOHNSON, C. M. E. MEDICAL, COLLEGE, IN RICIIDIOJVD, VIRGINIA . HE next Winter Term of Lectures in the Medical Department of Hmpden Sydnev College, ht Richmond, will commence on Mon day, October 21s 1839, and continue until the last of February following. Aug's L Warner, M D, Professor of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. Jno Cullen, M D, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. Th: Johnson, M D, Professor of Anatomy and Phjsiology. L W Chamberlayne, M D, Professor of Mate ria Medica and Therapeutics. R L Bohannan, M D,; Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. , Socrates Maupin, M D, Professor of Chemis try and-Pharmacy. The College Infirmary, attached to the Col lege Building, has been in successful operation for the last eight months, and furnishes con stantly a number of interesting -Medical and Surgical Cases, to which the Student has ac cess at all hours. ' The College Infirmary, together yUh the Alms House, Penitentiary and Armory (which are under the charge of the Professors,) will afford the Student an opportunity of witnessing the various diseases incident to a Southern cli mate. The abundance, of materials for Anato mical purposes, and the reduced pripe at ft hich they are furnished, will enable the Student to acquire an intimate knowledge of the Anato my of the human body, and the use of Surgical Instruments. During the last Winter Course of Lectures, from the number of Surgical Cases admitted into the Infirmary, the Professor of Surgery was enabled lo exhibit before the class, nearly all the important Surgical operations upon the living subject ; and from the increasing popular ity ot' the Infirmary, there is reason to' believe that hereafter the Surgical Cases in the House, will greatly increase. Good Boarding, including fuel, ligh3sf ser vant's attendance, &c. can be obtained in this city for four dollars per week. We are authorised to stale that a full Course of Lectures in this Institution will be received as .equivalent to one in the following Medical Schools University of Pennsylvania ; Jeffer son Medical College of Philadelphia; Medical College of the State Of South Carolina ; Tran sylvania University, Lexington, Ky x Universi ty of Maryland, & c. &c. :': ' i ; : . The Professor of Anatomy will open the Dis secting Roonjs of the College on the first of Oc tober. " ' AUG'S.L. WARNER, MlD. " . Dean of the Medical Faculty. Richmond, May 17th, 1339. - ' 30 6m AM THOMPSON - WATCfl-MAKER. AND JEWEILEB, RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and ,the public that lie will , continue the bust nes'at jhe stand lately occupied by Thompson k Beckwith, wbere hrhas a fine assortment of Which he will dispose f at New York prices. ' Cpt WatchisCfocks and JeweBerYk repair ed and cleaned as usual. C3. A HOUSE and BUGGY for sale. 31r-3t. 5,BBLS.' SCUPPERNONG WlNEr 6 bbls.. , Red , .., do Just received, and for sale, by 31 FJIEEMAN& STITHS. MaA2ETTi3, Calvin Jones & J; M. Williamswn, ' ATTORNEYS AX LAW, "OrriLL attend promptly and faithfully to all T T business cohfided to their management, I eitherprofessionalry, or as General Agents, in the Western District of Tennessee and the Nor-j them Counties of Mississippi. 1 hey will attend the Circuit Courts of Fayette, and all the ad joining Counties,, the Supreme and Federal Courts of Jackson, Tennessee, and the Federal Court at Pontotoc, Miss. Office in Sprjaerville, Tennessee. Refer to lion. Thos. Ruffin, Hon. Fred.'Nash, " Wm. Gaston, ' R. M. Sanders, Wm.H.Haywood, " J. M. Dick, , " Wm. A.Graham, Michael Hqlt, Esq. April, 1839. .j 26 ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. FREQUENT applications ?from- those who have confidence in "Beclcwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills,". and in their Author, for a Pill of more actively purgative properties,have induced him to issue one calculated to supply the de mand. These Pills are therefore designed expressly as an active purgative, and possess highly Anti Bilious qu .lities, yet without a particle pi Calo mel, or any ether mineral. Calomel has been omitted Irom no prejudice against it, when pre scribed for individual cases by a judicious Phy sician; but the Inventor protests against it in combinations designed for popular use, for it is well known to the Faculty, that most of the objects desired in the employment of such arti cles, can be attained without it, and that its too common introduction into families for domestic prescription, is often followed by consequences injurious to the general health, if not destruc tive to the constitution. They are hot offered as a panacea they promise no cures but such as are well known to follow a thorough action upon the bowels; but whenever an active pur gative is required (and there are few who dp, not daily determine this fact for themselves.) these Pills may be safely taken. As an Anti DrspEpric they should not be taken dyspep tics have no business ordinarily, with purga. tives of this class. The laborer.thc hearty feed, er, with sluggish bowe!s,the habitually bilious, in short all who desire or need to have their bowels urged to more active duty, may rely upon the efficiency of these Pills. They are prepared solely by Thos. L. Jump, General Agent, Raleigh, handsomely put up in tin boxes with directions, and for sale at the North Carolina Book Store, also, at the Drug Store of W. M. Mason & Co. in this City, and by most of the Agents for the sale of 'Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills," throughout the United States. Price, 25 cents per box. May 1839. 28 RED WASP. THIS celebrated Race Horse and Stallion was burned to death in his Stable, which was consumed by fire on the night of the 4th inst., about 1 o'clock, A. M. I design to stand mv Horse GLEN VALIE, by Monsieur Tonson, in the place of Wasp, during the remnant of the Season," and desire that all persons who have put Mares to Wasp, will avail themselves of the privilege to Glen Valie on the same terms. With regard to Pedigree, I consider him a su perior Horse to Wasp; it shall be furnished in due time. Glen Valie isnow 4 years old. . His qualitiesasa Race Horse are undoubted. When 3 years old, he made the best 2 mile Race ever seen over the Bellefonte Course. DAVID McDANlEL. 8tate Course, Raleigh, May 6, 1839. 28 DEAR. SIR The Piano which you select, 'ed and forwarded to me made by Stodart, Worcester and Dunham, New York, came safe ly to band in fine order and perfectly in tune, greatly to my surprise, as after leaving New Or leans it passed through three several boats be fore its arrival at Troy, a small town within eight miles of my house from thence it was handed by wagon. Nothing but the very great care in packing, could bave insured its arrival in such order. My daughter is much pleased with it,-and considers is fully equal, if not su perior, to the one I first purchased of you, which good judges pronounced an excellent one. lean with confidence recommend to those wishing to purchase Pianos to rely on you, as well to seJect, as to pack up I am certain they will not be disappointed. ' Most respectfully, yours, &c, (Copy) ' J. T. LEIGH. Ycla Busha County, Mississippi. The above from Mr. Leigh, who' recently re sided in Amelia County, Virginia, (Clerk of the Court.) The first Piano which I sold him he disposed of before he left for Mississippi, to Col. muel D. Hurke, of Prince'Edward, and on leaving Amelia gave directions for , me to for ward him another to New Orleans, which it seerris gave great satisfaction. 29 E. P. NASH, Petersburg, Va. N O T ICE. STRAYED-from Josrin Barrett's in this County, about the 20th May last, a small Bay JENNY MULE, belonging lo the Subscriber with shoes on her fore feet (whether her hind teet are shod is not recollected) a bout three years old. I purchased said Mule of a Horse D,i"ver so it is very uncertain which ay she may have gone but when last heard of,i sne was in trie County of Edgecomb. Any in formation respecting said Mule will be thank fully receiyed and the person giving it amply compensated for his trouble. . WILLIAM D. MOYEi Greenville,1 Pitt County, June 4lh, 1838 1 June 11. 32t-tf. BAA'H OF CAPE FEAR WiiMWGTOK, Mat 17th, 1839. PURSUANT to an order of the Stockholders, books of subscription for the unsubscribed balance of the Capital Stock 0f this institution, (being 1179 shares,) will be opened at the fol lowing places, on he 19th day of June next, and kept open for ten days, viz. ' Raleigh, Wilmington, Fayetteville, Ne'wbern', Edentoji, Hillsborp,' Salem, Salisbury, Char lotte, Elizabeth City, Hlifax,Tarborough, Lin cokiion, Morgantoit, Washington, Wadesbor- ougn, Wilkesborough, Jonesborough, Ruther fordton, and Oxford. . . 20 3t " J. brjONES; PreUfent rwllE Subircriber haVin taken ouVletjers of . iminisirauon on, and qMalined as admirTiV trator to the estate of Wm. C. G. Cr Ktruy Session bl 1839. Lxki Court "rF PJoete n - ., -f u .: 'e.Zmr Z "'u',,l5i oraaioos ror inercountv oWake, the Stale bf North Cartf!tna;fifereby givea Eotice toaU peVsims having: debt,; WmV or demands against -the, said .Wm.-C.jG. .Car rmgtpn, deceased, to present Jhem, totihim. payment.withm he time p'r8cribrd..byJaW, wiwwne mis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. A. F. TELFAIR, AdW ' Raleigh, May 21, 1839. ' 30 TRAVELLERS are again cau. tioned against the many mis representations made to preju dice them a gainst" the route , to arid from the South, via the Chesapeake Bay Steamboats, and the.Forismouth andBoanoke Rail Bad. - . ' . , ; More than twenty two years have the boats on this Bay been running at all seasons of the year: and never baa LIFE ORJuIMB BEEN LOST by them. The trains on the' Portsmouth and Roanoke Bail Road have now run moretban 1?5,000 miles within the last 18 mwnths, nd not an injur of any kind, however small, has resulted. . . Through daily, between Baltimore and Wel don (where commences the Wilmington and Charleston daily Tine) in twenty-one hours, "with but one change oflSJItiGAGE. No loss of sleep, no night travelling on BAILOR 0D5, and at less expense than on any other line. Office of the p. Ec R. R. R. Co. Fortsmouib, May 4th, 1839. May 25, 1839. 30 F L E XIBLB, IHIS beautiful and thorough bred English . Race Horse (lately imported by Dr. Mer ritt of Virginia) will make his next season fSpring 1839) at Wilton, in the County of Granville, commencing the 14th of February and ending 1st July, at such prices as will ena ble all classes of persons to avail themselves of the servicesVor this distinguished Race Horse and getter of Race Horses, as I am instructed to stand him low. Hhrservices are offered at THIRTY DOLLARS the season, and FORTY FIVE Dollars to insure, with One Dollar ro the Groom the insurance to bepaid as . soon as the Mare is parted with, or ascertained to be in foal. No alteration will be made in the above prices. He is a sure feal getter, and will al ways be found at his stable. Great care will be taken to prevent accidents, but no liability for any his Groom is careful and may be relief on Mares will be fed for thirty cents pr day. Black servants boarded gratis; all white per sons, sent with mares, will have to pay board which will be reasonable. FLEXIBLE, is a rich Brown, full fifteen and a half hands high, bred by the Earl of Egre mont and was foaled in 1822 he is in finer health and spirit than I have ever seen him; and the breeders of fine horses are particularly invited to call and see hinu He was got by' Whalebone his dam, Themis (sisler to Incan tator) bySorcerer,her dam Hanna, by Gohanna, out of Humming-bird, (sister to Catharine, Colibri and yottng .Camilla) by Woodpecker, Camilla, by Tientham, Coquett, by the, Cornp ton Barb, (afterwards called the Sedley Gray Arabian.) Godolphin Arabian mare, (dam of Juggler, occ. &c.J Gray Robinson, by the Bald Galloway, old Snake mnre, Gray Wilkes, (sister td Clumsey) by Hautboy, out of Miss D' Arcy's Pet mare. Whalebone, the sire of Flexible, is brother to Whisker, Wofull, and Webb, by Waxy, dam Penelope, by Trumpeter, Prunella by High flyer, -Promise by Snap, Spectator's dam by Partner. Jn Flexible is thus united the Blood of Herod, Matchem, and Eclipse, and on both sidt-s the most fashionable blood of the day ; his running in. England will establish that lact, he having contended with the following Horses, which were considered the best of the day Such as Scandal, Yelasquiz, Warwick, B;illoon, Shultlei Pope, Vesuvius, Haji Baba, Hottentot, Mazame, Doctor Faustus, Signorina, ' Rapid, Despatch, Arachna, Generals Mina, Cinder ilia, Reubens, Brutendorf, Longwtaist,' Merman, Ri- naldo, Luzbofough, Leviathan, and a host of others, which will be set forth in his hand bills, EDWARD H. CARTER. Wilton, Granville county, N C ? Feb. 28. 1839. '18 3 DENTAL SURGERY. RE9PECTFULLY announces to the public that he intends making Raleigh his place of residence. $25 Reward MY NEGRO BILL, sometimes called BILL WYATT, ranaway from me last June in Wake Forest, and I have reasons to think, is now in Raleigh or its vicinity. Bill has had his left arm cut off near his elbow, ia a bright Mu latto, about 45 years of age, and is well known about the City of Raleigh. I expect he will pass as a free man, if he has left his old range. The above reward will he given for apprehend ng Bill, and securing him in any .Jail" In the State cT North-Carolina. , THOMAS MILLER. Granville, Jan. 31, 1839. 14 tinriVERSiT y. THE Public Anniversary Examination of the Students of the Univeisity of North Caroli na will be held at Chapel Hill on Monday the I7lli dayof June next, and be continued from day to day until Thursday the 27th, which last mentioned day is appointed for the Annual Commencement of the College. The following Trustees compose the Com mittee of Visitation ' J His Exc'yGov. E.B.Dudley, Pre&'t. ex officio, Hon. D.L. Swain, President of College. D; M. Barringer, J Iredell, T. D. Bennehan, . W. A. Blount, -J. Branch, C. Chalmers, D. W. Courts, G. F. Davidson, W. Eaton, Jr V. Gaston, S. Grives O. Holmes, . J. C. Jofinstori, W. a, Meares, J. Mebane, W. I). Moseley, F. Nash, W. McPheeters, 4 J. Own, ' T, G.Pol Jr, H. McQueen, :. : .T. Settle, - F.J, Hill.. C HAS. MANLY, Sec'y. Bodrd Trustees. Raleigh; May 10, 1839.' nr,,I.E GenPral Assembly, having authorised M: tnetJo'vernor toprocure one complete set of WEIGHTS And MEASURES, as Standards tor each county, persons disposed to contract are invited to make their terms known, ae-ree- aoiy 10 tne Act tor tht purpose. CfeaperXL. . Models iof. the. Weights can be seen &t -the E-xeeutfve Office. ; " - B. m DUDLEY. April, 1839. tf. .... M : ;. r . .Taluable Prppertyjfor salev ' ' -' - Ii. X; WISH to dispose2!' ossessions'in, and .adjaeentcto the City sif iBalelgik. Thie?1oV-onr acres. Trie Buildings Ere numerous, spacious ajd convenient, a;d tUe Pii otat ion, trear er point of w.hic,h "distant about. one-mile from the1 City, -cbh tains iSOO'acresV " ! On , application td the -Subscriberi further pa,rticular8. wille madeknown, . ' . ': ' v' W il?PHfeETERSV r Raleigh, January 9, 1839 ' MOFFATT'S'XIFE PIUS THE "universal estimation in which the t bratedX'fe.Pills and Phenix Bitters arP v,T: is satfsfaCorily'emonstrated by; the incre!iSin demand, let tnem m-every state and secti0n f the Union, and by the voluntary testimonials! tbeirreniarkabl.e'erficacy which are every offered. It 4s not less from a deeply gratify, confidence that hey are thmeans of extenpiy and inestimable good among his afflicted fti;,, creatures, than from interested consideration that the proprietor of these pre-eminently SUc' cessfuHmedicines is desirous of keeping tjiern constantly before the public eye.r Ti)esaie(f every additional box and bottle is a guarante that some person will.be relieved from a greater or less degree of sufTering, and be improved in general health tor in no case of sufftring frorn disease can they.be taken in vain. Thp t ' . 1 1 . 1 11c pro prietor has never known-nor been informed of an instance in which tbey have failed todo .ood In the most obstinate cases of chronic disease suchaischrohicdyspeps:a, torpid liver, rheumal tisro, asthma, nervous and bilious hesd aehecos tivene5s,piles, general debility, scrofulous swtj. lings and ulcers,scurvy, salUrheum.and all other chronic affections of the organs and membranes they effect cures-with a rapidity and permunen. cy which few persons would theeretically be. lieve, but to which thousands have testified from happy experience. In colds and couphs which, ifneglected, superinduce the most fata diseases of the lungs, and indeed of the viscera in generaV these medicines, if taken . but for three or four days never fail. Taken af night they so promote the insensible perspiration.and so relieve the system of-febrile action and fecu lent obstruction, as-to produce a most delight ful sense of convalescence in the morning; and tboughjjhe usual symptoms of a cold should partially return during the day, the repeiiuon of a suitable dose at the next hour of bed-time will almost invariably effect permanent rtlief, without further aid. Their effect upon fevers of a more acute and violent kind is not less sure and speedy, if taken in proportionable quanli ty, and persons retiring to bed with inflamma tory symptoms' of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying .consciousness, fut the fierce enemy has been overthrown and can easily be subdued. In the same way, visceral turgescence, though long established, and vis cera.! inflammations, however critical, will yield the former to small and the latter to large" doses of the Life Pills; and so also hyster ical affections, hypocondriacism, restlessness, and very many other varieties of the Neurotical class of diseases, y ield to the efficacy of the Phenix Bitters, The above medicines are for sale in Raleigh, by - . , . 1VM. PECK, Agent. Raleigh, April, 1839. 27 HKSE Pills are no longer amoiig those of doubtful utility. They have passed away from the hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide of experimentjaVid now stand before the public as high in reputation, and as extensively employed, in all parts of thet United States, the Canadas. Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, as afty .medicine' that has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering man. They have been'inlroduced wherever it was found possible to carry them, and there are but few towns that dp not contain some remarkable evidences of tbleir gcod effects. The certificates that have bfgen presented to the propiittor exceed twen-, ty I thousand ! upwards of five Hundred of which are.from regular practicing Physicians, who are the most competent juges of their mer its. . ' Often have the cures performed by thismei cine furnished subjects for editorial commen',!n various newspapers and journals and it rr.ay with' truth be. asserted that no medicine of the kind has ever received testimonials of higher value than are attached to this. They re in general use as a family medicine, and there are thousands of families who declare they are never satisfied unless they have a sup ply always at hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing Bilious Fevers,- Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female Obstruction?, f Heart-Burn; Furred Tongue, Nausea, Disten sion , of the Stomach nd bowels, Incipient. Di arrhea, Flatulence, Habitual Costiveness Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of . Torpor of the Bowels, where a cathartic or an1 aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in" their Operation, producing neither nauseagriptng, nor debility. fX, These extraordinary and justly celebra ted Pills are sold,' in Haleigh, by Williams & Haywood, and W. M.Mason & Co., and in ;.ll the principal towns in the State. Retail price, 50 cent's per box. . Alay 1, 1839, tf27. ViLVABIiE LAKD FOR SAILS, THE undersigned offers for sale a very valu able tract of land, lying five miles west ot Raleigh, containing about 500 acres, thepreat er. part of which is uncleared well timi ertd. well watered, and a portion of it equal in fertili ty to any in the county. It has on it a dwelling and other buildings, with springs of excellent water convenient. The situation is remarkably healthy arid beautiful, and! would make a very desirable residence to any person wishing to locate near the City. A further description is deemed unnecessary, as persons desiring to -purchase, will no doubt first view the premises A great bargain may be had, if eaily application-be made. ' JJNE WILLIAMS. Raleigh, Jan. 5, 1 839. (' 10 tf. n o c c o nPHlS delig-htful Summer retreat, so justly celebrated for its Mineral Waters, gen' society-and camfortablcaccommodations, 'i'' be open for the reception.of Visitors on the lO'1" of June. ... 1 The Proprietress, Mrs. Ann Johnson, respet fully. states) that h?t; charge will be as former ly, only one dpllar a dy, and that a reasona!) e deduction will be made for families hoarding")' the month- ' t Sliocco, May 10, 1839 30 2in PJLF.ASUHE CARRIAGES. nt B niufouugbiiutii lias yii . . .1 .'i.iJU.j.Ul-cti . -., -;Kir finished, d, th is which will, he thinks bear a comparison w onw m'oniffurtii.xl lwtifr. The WlrK warranUdiobe farthfoUy executed, and will sold on. as favorable terms as at any . reguw htio at the North.. Those wiahine.to vyr-f themselvea, will please call and judge for t tie"1 selves. THOMAS CUB". May 22, 1839. au "