W5 'M Mi. MOREHEAP. THANKFUL FOR iBMALL FAVORS. The "Standard" is shoiitin&r for Nnar HamnahirA. Wo i, though it isn't a right good hearty shout. It has been dress the people of Surry County, at Rockford, this o long, since the "Standard' presided at the real po- week. itical salvation of a State, that it has forgotten how to THE ' REGISTER. .!....' art, the nlans of fair, delightful peace. Unioarp'd by party rage, to live like brothers" FRIDAY, MARCH 1S40. FOR GOVERNOR, .t it MnnP.IIRAD. of Cullfard JWl- -' ;- 1 lOBiPBISlBiST,' TILLIAKC HENRY HARRISON. vMmtial TtrAthe intigrity of Public ,u,itsthe safety1 of. the Public Money, and the gtnerat good of fhe JfK UfL.&. FOIt TICE-PRESIDKXT, JOHN TYLER. hV.iiiB the States where Slaveiit does EXIST, 'OK THE GojvEH XM BNT OF TRI UjUTED s"ItES CS WITHOUT jASSCMfTIOW OF FOWEK, ADS ' T1VI0LATIOX OF A 50i$M?T COMPACT, DO AST TH1NO .:-.rf. it.'WITBOCTTBI COSSEIfT OF THOS F WHO K:WMIiIi 1 STEIIE8TEI.. --Ge. HoT- rims Speech at Vincennes. , ' The You so M ks of the County of Wake, who ire favorable to the electron oi William: tl. Mirri i0S to the Presidency, and Johh Tilkr, to the Vice Presidency of the United- States, are requested to meet sittht: Court House in Raleigh, at 7 o'clock on Wed- jvwJay niln of the Superior Court of Wake, to norm oate Delegates to the " W hig oung Men a Conven tion," i& niect in Baltimore in May next THE "WEATHER. Dr Johxsox. himself, could not refrain from talking on this subject, were he among the living. It was on i . cWJi:iv since, that i the firmament wore a soft ij .. j . - . blue, the gales were mild ahd exhilirating, and the 3? shout. It has been a long time' waiting for the Whig States to come up to the niourriers' bench; they are, promised forgiveness, but fhe hardened sinners won't have ii. I The! " Standard" calls ko mind an Anecdote we have heard of a Western Preacher, who attempted to get up! a shaking among thfe dry bones, but failed. No one but an old womanj who had been down often before, came up. Whereupon, in a very sing-song manner, he thus addressed his hearers. " Dear Breth- . COINCIDENCE. The Miner's Journal says:- "There; are, we believe, but two sons, of the, signers of the Declaration of In dependence now liv&og: John Quincy Adams and Win. Henry Harrison. Cne has already been President of United States, and the other, the people intend to make President." THE MANHATTAN BANK. An exposition of the affairs of this Bank has just been published, by which it appears that four of the ren, you won't come up to be prayed for after all my Directors have borrowed about half a million of dol- exertions, ah. This reminds me of my going a driv- lars ! This was the favorite pet of the Administra te, the other day, ah. I took my new rifle, I greas- tion. What a difference between such a system of cd her up, and cleaned her well, and I took my stand ; favoritism, and that pursued, fo- instance, by the North soon I heard the dogs a coming,,and a crying with such Carolina Banks 1 At the late General Meeting of the a music, that I tho'l now here come two or three fine fat bucks, ah and lo! and behold, brethren, when they came to my stand, it was nothing but a nasty, lit tle, ticky old Doe,1 ah !" Stockholders of the Bank of the State, it appeared that the whole debt of its Directory was only about 7,000 ! ; PRINCE ALBERT. . But little is yet known in the United States of the individual who is now the husband of the Queen of England, and has the title of " His Royal Highness. From, a late British publication, it appears that in per son, he is " a very proper man," and that his moral character is as unexceptionable as his person ; that after undergoing a careful- preliminary schooling in his birth-place, the Castle of Ehrenburg, the young Prince was sent to England, where he continued his studies at Kensington and Claremont, chiefly in the society of his future Consort. There he remained from his 11th year, for nearly a year and a half. On returning to his own country, his education was car ried on with that vigor and comprehensiveness that' so GRATIFYING INTELLIGENCE. peculiarly mark a scholastic course in Germany, and We learn that at the Convention, held this week at. 17 he V the examination which Smithfield. Chas. Maxlt. Esq. of this City, was nom- precedes the entrance of Students to the University inated as the Elector on the Hakhisok and Txler f Bonn' in a manner that elicited the most marked Ticket, for the District composed of die Counties of commendation. While remaining there, his progress Wake. Johnston and -Wayne.. We are truly ratified was rapid in every branch of human learning ; and at this selection; for independent of the fact, that it is to his other pursuits, he -united, with enthusiasm, a . I? j .J .i :r. . love for some more graceful in their influence. Poet- a compliment justly uue 10 uieuiniwiui consistent jr ui THE SECOND INSTANCE; A document has just been communicated to Con gress, showing the number of Removals from Office by the several Presidents, since 1 789. On examination, we find that Gen.. Daniel's case, is the second in stance only since the foundation of the Government, where a Public Officer has been superseded in North Carolina. No wonder therefore, that the People should be so excited about the matter, and that the public sen sibility should be so shocked. The first case was that of Thomas D. Freexaw who was superseded as Sur veyor of the Port of Plymouth, r on the 19th Novem ber, 1792. CONGRESS. EDITOR 8 CORRESPONDENCE. , Washixgtok, March 23. At the opening of the business of the House on Sat urday, Mr. Weller offered a Resolution proposing the From the Fayetteville rQbse rver. The Grand Jurjr of Anson County, for the Spring Term of the Superior Court of 1840, when oh the ere of taking their leave of each other, adopted the follow ing Preamble and Resolutions': 1 Whereas, the life and character of Wm. H. Har- appointment of a Committee to. ascertain and report rison have secured to him the confidence and love of whether any officer of the House has, during the pre- those who know" him best, both as an honest man and Bainn. furnish Stinnorv to anv oerson not a tr patriot: And whereas, his talents have enabled , , -i a u.t v. him to render the free and once prosperous people of entitled to it bv law .freferrine. it appeared by the ex- ... . . f A . , v " - -. iui ivepuuuc eminent services in me capacity oi a planation made in debate, to letter-writers and report- Statesman: And whereas, he has served his country in ers") and the probable value thereof. The House re- a manner that would have dono honor to the great fused to suspend the rules for the purpose of admitting " asnington, navmg naa many neatea engagements ... i aim iicvci lug luiaiui tuii; w auauuu a ut;ivav . iiuu TCSOlUllOn I n;KaraQe r Ana hia Atrai -ywl A 'n nacr'iArt i a on Mr. 'Bbtts having the floor on the question of Print- bility, honesty, and sound republicanism-of Jno.Tyler, ing certain documents in relation to the New Jersey the able Statesman of the Old Dwninion: election, consumed the remainder of the morning hour, , Rtsolbed, therefore, That we cordially approve of - ' . . the nominations of these illustrious individuals tor the without closing his speech. t most imrKrtant nmr(ta in th r, of .h, American The Speaker then announced the private orders of I people, and that we hail with much pleasure the aus- thc day ; but Mr. Jones urged the House to go into a picious day that will give to us an opportunity of pla- mn'.!.1prn.;. nf thi fSnh-TrPirv bilL This, bv a clnS our SlU uPon tbc a!tar ot treedom, tr, rescue the vote of less than two-thirds, it refused to do. The remainder of the day was occupied by bills of a private nature, a considerable number of which were acted upon and passed. country from the reckless hands that hqw disgrace and pollute her. Resolved, That we look upon the 4th day of March, 1841, as being pregnant: with beneficial results to the free institutions pf our common country. Resolved, That we w ill use all honorable means in our power (if not to overturn the tables of the money changers and cast out those who sell doves,) to de prive those of their offices who are unworthy of the confidence reposed in them, and put honest men in their places, who will save the people's; money from being squandered for electioneering purposes, &c. Resolved, That we approve of the appointed District Convention, to De held at Rockingham on Wednesday In the Senate, on Friday, Mr. Benton presented a paper from the Treasury Department, which he mov ed the printing of, shewing, that the British Mint, in three years, had coined .sixty millions pounds sterling, in gold and silver, exhibiting an aggregate of 300 mil lions in little more than 20 years, and that there must therefore be much more specie in circulation than was the 22d day of April next, to select a suitable person generally supposed. to be placed oh the Whig Electoral Ticket for this ,,,, , , , , u- District, and that we recommend that a Whig meeting Mr. Webster said, he should not object to pnn mg the paper offered but the gentleman would fail in Delegates to said District meeting. his object, if he meant to show the amount of specie Resolved, That we tender our warmest thanks to in circulation, because it did not show how much of it John. B. Kelly, Esq. foe the satisfactory manner in . . . which he represented our District in the Whig Nation- had been used m the arts. al Convention at Harrisburg. ; Mr. Webster submitted a Resolution calling on the Resolved, That we heartily concur in the nomina- Secretary of the Treasury to inform the Senate, what J tion of John M. Morehead. the talented and otherwise uisunguisnea mauyuuai o;-uuiora, wnose interests ' Moore Cor nty. The fast Carolinian con- ; tains the proceedings of a meeting 'of the To ries in Moofe county on the l4tH int. It is . a curiou document; and we do not hesitate to say, that it contains more vile slanders against the Whig party, than we hare ettr seen collected together . in an article of the same length. It would be impossible to enu merate them; it is sufficient to say, that there is scarcely a single truth in lite long list of charges preferred against the Whig3. It i whatjTiay well be called lying by wholesale. oVThere are one or two ludicrous remarks in the "proceedings. See the following: . " Who were the Hartford Convention Federalists ! Was it not they who opposed the measures of the pat riotic administration of a Madison," &c. As the best commentary on this test of Hartford Convention Federalism, the meet ing cordially approved of the nomination of Louis D. Henry as the 2)emocralU! candid ate fr Elector. By their own test, their candidate was a Hartford Convention Fede ralist. Tor his opposition to Madison wa no torious, and did not even cease with the war Again, j the meeting say, - " Now, we ask, who are the Whigs of modftm times ? and without the fear of contradiction, we an swer they are the party, that despite the popular will, elected John Quincy Adams to the Presidency." In the next breath the meeting nominated Gen. Saunders. for Governor, wlity whilst in Congress in 1825, despite the popular will, ...voted' for. -Crawford for President, notwith standing his State had toted for Jackson. Oh consistency oh troth ! oh honor and hon esty rhow sadly are ye abused by tbe Tories of Moore county, N. C. Fayetteville Obs. that gentleman's political character, such is his pro verbial urbanity of manner, and great personal popu- flowere began to peep from he ground, while the trees larity, that we are confident hfs name will be a tower prepared to put on their jverdant livery. We beheld of strength to the good cause. in fancy, th(i presence of April with her sunny tears, We learn moreover, that Judge Saunders was pre- and May, with all her redundancy of, bloom and fra- sent at Smithfield (being the week of the Superior lance. But all of a sudden, the Frost King assails Court) and addressed "the people at great length. He, with a whole army of, shining little satellites ; and was replied to, however, by Mr. Manjy, in a Speech, ry, Music, and Painting, during the latter portion of his College career, engrossed much of his attention ; and since then, in his travels to Jtaly and other coun tries, that afforded him the best means of improving his natural taste for these polite arts, he has employed his leisure time in those fascinating studies. This taste he appears to have shared in an extraordinary manner, with his brother, Prince Ernest, and they have been much in the habit of exercising their accomplishments proportion of Treasury notes issued under the act of October, 1S37, and subsequent acts, has been paid to public creditors in discharge of claims,' and what pro portion for borrowing money from banks or individu als, with a statement of the xates of interest burnc by the nates of the several issues ; and whether the notes bearing-interest have been deposited in banks for the next -Legislature purposeipf raising a credit to be drawn against by the Treasury Department ; and if any. such deposits have been made, to state the dates and amounts thereof, and the dates and sums of the drafts made thereon. Mr. Clay, of Alabama, objecting to the presant con sideration of the motion, it lies dyer till to-morrow. are identified with'our interestsand whose integrity and patriotism eniQiently qualify, him for Governor of the iMateof JNorth.Uarolina, and not ot a political party. Rep'oTved, That we recommend ' that the different Distrjcfe of the County of Anson send five delegates to the Wadcsborough meeting on the 1 st day of May next, tdibrma Whig Ticket to represent us in the The Senate did not sit on Saturday. i -i . nniank thorn in fnnsi.lprahlfi I which is reDresented bv our informant, as havinz been HlLat WU wine ' ' rr ' -- i i - ' i ... t. . . , . . . - . , v r a ir i i ,! p.m.. A Ihort a fihnrt tims smcfl. nnh- to the one of the most effective he ever heard. He says, that - - r hshed a volume ot lyrical Jfoems at conn, ior tne jprinklins of Snow. AU owjng, we suppose, Rail Road, with its Torsado, Spitfire, Whirl- the impression made by Mr. -M. was most visible, and wins, and Volcaxo. i ' ! OUR IvAIL ROAD. Thc.Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road is now in full operation-the Cars arriving from, and departing to : the Nortlv, daily, with Passengers and Mails. The Pav-enser Cars are entirely new, of very handsome construction, and possessing comforts and convenien ces not always found in them. The Northern Train left for the first time, on Wednesday last, about 2 o'clock, P. JW. and notwithstanding a driving Snow, that turned! the noses of the most resolute blue, a large Company collected toivitness their departure. ' -1-4- THE ABOLITION PETITIONS. We refe? the reader to the caustic strictures of " A North-Carolinian," whose position atWashington City, has enabled him to investigate the history of the fa of that character which, he is certain, will be perma nent in its effects. We know that Mr. Manly is thorogh ly roused as to the importance of the contest now go ing on between power On the one hand, and popular rights on the other; and we know, also, how accepta ble he always makes himself to his auditory, when he is "in the vein." We have no doubt, therefore, that the report of our informant is "true to the letter," and we feel that it is cause of gratulation to every true Whig1, to hear of men like Mawly and Badger, en gaged in the duties of a laborious profession, zealously entering the lists to do battle on the side of sound prin- ci be Washington, March 23. To-day being the alternate Monday, fixed for the re ception of Resolutions, Mr. Clifford moved to suspend benefit of the poor of that University, which arc distin- the rules, in -rder to introduce a proposition to receive Harrison was for 12 years Governor ; of Indiana. Hear 'what the people of that State say of- him. We copy from the address of a recent State Convention. ." Let us turn to the father of our State, and of the great North-west, to the friend of Washington, of Wavne. Jefferson. Madison, and Monroe. Let us turn to William Henry Harrispn, the patriot, the statesman, the soklier. Thirty-two years spent in the service of the country, in the most responsible as well as most dignified stations, have tried his virtues and tested his merits; ad now, that same Providence which shielded him amid the dangers of the battle, and inspired his wisdom in councu, would seem to have guished by kind and generous sentiments. And the petitions, commencing wheie the House left off last preserved him, the patriarch of the West to a green i i t . a y i 7 ..y 7 - I , : . f c. A Monday. The mofion was lost. -t "c"' "J "J ; " two brothers, have printed a collection of Songs and Mf omjg some remarks, moved to have the of hand, to stay the progress of corruption m our and to heal the wounds inflicted upon the Constitu tion by those who seek to unite the purse and sword. Upon Gen. Harrison the democratic republicans have united. Under him, with the Constitution for his shield, the star-spangled banner for his standard, Ballads, written and composed by them, which have ub-Treasurv bill taken up, but he could not obtain a been greatly admired by all who haVe a taste for such vote of two-thirds for it. compositions. To accommodate this work to English Mr. Adams offered two Resolutions which were .... .i.i v i:.u adopted one called on the Secretary of the iNavy to readers, it has been recently translated into English tll Elim nf monv belong by Mr. Richarusox, favorably known from his ver sion of the Poet Kerned, and published in a hand some style, embellished with a- fine Portrait of Prince Albert. report a statement of all the sums of money belonging to the Navy Pension Fund which have at any time been invested in the Stocks of the several States, stating the authority by which the investments were made, and the dates of theni, the rates at which the Stock was taken, and the date3 and rates at which they have been sold ; the other Resolution called on the President DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Appointments of Bishop Ives for his Spring vii tat ion. St. James, Wilmington, March 28th, Confirmation; 29th, (4th Sunday in Lent) Consecration of Church, Ordination of Deacon, Catechism &c. Calvary, Wadesboro', April 4th, ConnrmwtiOrt th; (5th Sunday in Lent) holy Communion.Catechism.Ae.' St. John's, Fayetteville, 11th, Confirmation 12th, , (Palm Sunday) holy Communion, Catechism, &c ' Christ, Newbern, ISth, Confirmation, 19th, (Eas ter Sunday) holy Communion, Catechism, &C. St. Peter's Washington 25th, Confirmation, "2th (1st Sunday after Easter) h ly Communion, Cate chism Scc. . Christ, Elizabeth City, May 73d, Confirmation, 5d (2d Sunday after Easter) lioly Communion, Cate chism, &c. St. Luke's, Salisbury, 14th, 15th, 16th, Coaven- tion; 16th, ConhrmaUon, 17th (4tn ounaay alter Easter) Ordination of Deacon, Catechism, &c, St. Paul's Edenton, 30, Confirmation, 3lst, (Sun day after Ascension) holy Communion, Catechism, &c. Fettirew's ChapcV, June 7th, (Whit-Sunday.) The health of the Bishop is such, as deters him for the present from making appointments at intermedi ate places which he hopes to be able to visit. The appointments for Tarboro' and Windsor will be made so soon as the Bishop leams when the Chur ches in those places will be ready for Consecration , On the 12th instant, near Edenton, hy the Rsr. ' Samuel Johnston, Thomas D. Warren, M. D. for- ' i . --- -- 1 T 1 V a, - and "our county" for his motto, from the ocean to meriy oi virgima, w rnuNu v. uU8uVC w. the desert, we will rally ; and that Almighty God will eph B. Skinner, Esq. t .:ii u v ,i;ir hn.iF i on. I lear ijiiicoiuion. on uia-iw uiswuu mi, CCSS, Will LU II1C uanj, uuuill, ouu I - . n i T.n VwA Cnnl'nei K nniv Pnet fit uot viiim w " - - . , , Tlon.mDnt nfi spoilsmen. " North C.roU-awiUneiU.er eUAed South .- ZZ causht napping, or frightened into a surrender. , .. .. V j tt-h:... in Fmnra. Sweden. Denmark and Prussia, and with i rarson s jviius, uuuiora county, aim r leuenun t.nttt, --- - ----7 - - . - . , 1 I . . V , J ra ir:n t-.i.ii hn rinvprnmpnts. or either of them, relafene to the give to him success, warm, and heart-felt prayer of millions now sutienrrg from the folly and the wickedness of the ruthless THROWING DUST IN THE EYE. In Mr. Morsbiad's Speech at HiUsboro', he charg- mous Memorials presented to Congress by Judge ed the Secretary of the Treasury with wanton neglect SacnssrsL . " There are some muskets so contrive it, That Whatsoe'er the mark they drive jbX ; Whether well aimed at duck or plover, Rebound, and kick the owner over." The best joke of the day, is the effort of the " Stan- of duty in failing to order process against Swartwout gon Hill, Davidson county. Standard. and Price. The " Standard" attempts to convict Mr. M. of inaccuracy in this assertion, by publishing a statement from the Solicitor of the Treasury, showing t. " f pQ u;ti Trlpll those Governments, or euner 01 tnem, reiatuig JSZ- ri l-mM M.r P,tma,tw. surrender to this Government, of persons charged with William Edwards sell's. Craven county ville Hill, Bladen county, and Daniel bpenco, Jack' is aooointed Postmaster at Rus- piracy and murder on board the U. States schooner will be no stopping Harrison and ASS F CratG Plat4urg in the year 1817. Also the Correspondence they begin to give us a specimen of n!; slynVfl jIS- relating to the demand of the Charge d'Affaires of the prames, and the an Buren Loc Summerow, to Miss Elmira L. youngest daughter of Capt. John Ramsour. In Chatham coanty, on the 19th instant, Mr. Oba diah Farrar, to Miss Sarah Avent, daughter of Mr. Joseph Avent. . efw;- In Guilford county, Mr. Jacob Faust, to Mis La vinia, eldest, daughter of Mr. Lewis Sommers. , HARD TIMES. The following Paragraph from the Cincinnati Ga Tptte is canital : that even a distress warrant was issued by the Gov- How do the hard-working laborers of the couutry ernment against these defaulters. Grant you, this was relish the proposition of Messrs. Buchanan and Wal- daru" to make political capital out of the fact, that the case fr. Standard, but when was it done t Why, k"cr, of the United States Senate, to reduce their wa ges to iony or any cents per uay : luijuiivi a. friend. v e reolv. thev do not like it at all, and de- were safely lodged in their splendid Hotel at Paris ! clare tiicjr intention of Uking from every Congress- A pretty time truly, to attempt to secure the public man who favors such a design, the whole of his wa money ! Another illustration of the folly of closing g&, soon as the term for which he is now elected 1 1 t- ,t , i' t I snail utic ciuueu. Judge BcnNET, the jhtimate friend of Gen. Harri ox, is a Federalist of the old school. It is true, that the fact is matter of record, that the General was, him elf, a staunch supporter of the Administrations of Jeffeusox, Madison 4n Monro r.. But what of that 1 One of his confidential friends is a Federalist, and, nf course, he must be one al6 ! And this logic is from the organ of a party, whose leaders and direc tora are such men ssTanet, WooDBUBTAviiKias, Extract of a letter, dated Bloojiixgton, 111. Feb. 1. A word now upon politics. I "begin to think there will be no stopping Harrison and Tyler. Already tall walking over relating to the demand of the Uhargc d'Altaires ot me prairies, aiiu tue au iu.ou '""- s...s Knot Rri.ain for the surrender of a mutineer in the non comeatibus in swampo, mighty fast, I tell you. British armed ship Lee, in 1819 ; and any opinion of It will soon takeall the Government hounds to find a jVj from, Virginia. She lived and died an approved , the Attorney General of the U. States with regard to 1 baker's dozen ot them in any ten mues square 01 our mcmber of the Baptist Church. CLT Having a num the right of the Executive of the U. States, or any of W cstern prairies. . ' . I thedemandof any Foreign Government, persons charg- me curniii uiucB-nmutu .. ; , pijasecopy. ed with crimes committed without the jurisdiction of one year to continue iiV power. riiey must j In Fayetteville, Mr. James II. Myrorer, a man pf the U. States. - uow"reckon the remnant of their official lives j sterling sense and unyielding integrity, Mr. Adams also offered a Resolution staling that the m inorlf,s Soon they 'will have to reckon it! At his residence in Chatham County, Mark' Bynum, practice, first o,enly avowed at -the present session of week a(, ihen i days, and then in , Esq. in the sixty-fiftiiyearonusag . Uontrress. 01 Dairin on, involves, 011 me uanut mcui- . . - i.u 1 teSSo it, A. iiolation the Constitution of Lours and then , mmute and then-and the U. Sutes-,.of an express rule of this House, and of then Sheriff ! adjust the knot Prentice. u r KntVi r-i rtio in tVinir immpfiiate constitu- " ' 111c uuticn ui uwiu At v - 1 , . i uents tothis House, and to their Country. Mr. A. For the first time in several years the peo DEATHS. In Chatham County, aonje time since, Mrs. Charity, r Gee, wife of Mr. George Gee. Mrs. U. was, original - ber of descendants in Tennessee, this notice is given for their information. The Papers ot that btate will " THE COWARD." From the Wheeling Times. A LOCO-FOCO AND ECHO. 1 . .1 -.1 . if.j a. XT r - ucft is me epunet appueu to tiiC A Lofco.foco exclaims, who is Harrison ? Tippecanoe, at an Administration meeting recently Echo responded Tip-pe-ca-noe. Who! Buchanan, cum multis aliis, whb embody the very Maasachusettathat man, of Whom CoL R, quintescence of Federalism ! The party must be in deed hard run, when they have to resort to such shifts. , THE WILL FOR THE DEED. fh e-" Standard"' certainly manifests a strong dispo sition to relieve Judge Saunders from the unpleasant M. Johnson said, that he had gained more victories Ech(j respondedthe Thames ! Thames! ! Thames! ! than any other General in the Army, is netbr . . J . . Ha eiill apminiT ignorant, farther evidence bees. Echo responded Fort Meigs ! Meigs ! ! Meigs ! 1 ! O where shall I fend my country's best friend 1 ! Echo responded At North Bend ! Bend ! ! Bend ! ! ! was proceeding. tc-make some remarks on the subject, plw of Lynn, the g which beiog ebjected to, he said, he did not mean to f()Wn j Massachuse enter into a debate, but he thought me maucr 01 great importance, and he did pot suppose that any member would object to it. Mr. Turney objected, and the mo tion lies over. , Mr. Marvin, of New York, asked leave to introduce the Harbor bill. Mr. Petriken objected, and" called for the yeas and nays. Nr. Stanly moved to lay the reat shoe-mamuacturing Us, have given a heavy m;iioritv aoaiHst the Loco Focus. Even-so j J O THE MARKETS. WHOLESALE PlflCES. RALEIGH, March 27. Bacon Ss 9; Beeswax 17 a 20 ; Bale Rope S m 10 ; Coffee 13 a 15 ; Cotton 7 a 8 ; Cotton Yarn' 18 a 26 ; Cotton Basrging 15 a 20 ; Uorn 00 ; Meal 0U ; late as last Fall, the Loco Foco majority was . Flour$4a$5; Flax Sccd$l; Brown Sugar 10 a 13 about 200 now, it is nearly 200 the other way, the segregate vole being nearly the LOST A battlk ! Tell it not in Gath, that there is in same. 1 MS C5Ull IS auruuittru m tuc avuw- ed purpose of the Administration leaders to America a party, who, while the British themselves feel and admit the valor of our arms, attempt, at home, situation in which he is placed by the recent endorse- 10 BWi0 " 10 r T v A ar after thia wliere shan 1 find him :Where 1 ment of the Emancipator :" but candidly, we have 8 country. a u. wU..Si, . , , EcQO regponaed in tne rresiaentiai nair, never known a morelame and impotent effort, and thO never did the American L,ag,e per.cn more proudly friend, of ,, T.1W m,t tk th W for the than on the Thames, and yet we have among us indi- . . . . . , , . , . ., , . . f r- 1" .1 I . . 1 l 1 . detd. The only pretext which the Standard" can uuaIa wno would slaD 10 me nea" U1C rePu-""" Uur tnlormation iron, me e.ecuons neiu &ink of, to counteract the ineviuble inferences which him by whom our second War of Independence was Pennsylvania oft Friday last for borough ... , , ,. mainly won. anil townsnip owners 19 vtrv iavurauic w inblip frnm thfl mi hi l rati on in t"a'"v " I ' . GOOD NEWS FROM PENNSYLVANIA. and nays being called on it, there were 93 yeas, and 78 nays, sO leave was reiused. The remainder of the day was occupied by the re ception and disposition of Resolutions. The Senate, after the presentation f a number of petitions, and hearing a report or two on cases 01 a private nature, proceeded to the consideration 01 exec utive business, and the doors remained closed for the remainder of the day. ill be drawri by the public from the publication in question, is to charge that the whole affair is the work of some Whig member of Congress, communicated to t!w " Ernancrpator," thence to be transferred here for "electioneering purposes." A likely story truly, and worthy the inventive genius of its author. The wri ter, whoever it may have been, certainly did not know that Judge Bacndrs is the Van Buren Candidate for Governor in North-Carolinu, or he would hardly have .omitted to mention it, when speaking of his pub- uc services-j-which 'are only alluded to, by way of Wing hijs prominence at home. This simple cir 'tfmstance, i of itself, is sufficient to show that the in muation of the " Standard" is unfounded. The unavailable 'sympathy of the " Standard" for Jude, and his earnest zeal in attempting to extri "te lum, calls to mind an Anecdote which we have the cause of Harrison and Reform At and near Philadelphia, the Whigs car- The Highland Messenger,' is the PHYSICAL PHENOMENON. The Charleston (S. C.) Papers give an account of ried every thing before them. Their, gain the most extraordinary physical phenomenon, almost has been tremendous. Tire Northern Liber ever heard of, which, as is not to be wondered at, causes ties incompletely reco vered from the shock . ,r;n.;v tbr- It has nuzzled "f last lall, and, instead 01 a m 1. , a a ,rnAih and the votes against us, gave on Friday a majority U1C lCAilicu ouu u.nwM.. -t . -nn : t. C . I. Wl.. ', -' . , , , , itl I 01 Upwarus OI BvU 111 lavur ui me m iiib uau- i-medical the scepUcal and the credulous. 1 he ' 1 UlUcllca. From Franklin county, we hear that the non- following are me prominent points of thease: The patient, while on a visit to a friend in the country ,felt, while in bed, an object of some kind fall upon the up per part of the cheek bone, just below the left eye. She brushed it away, and, after a restless night, awoke Whigs carried the election by increased ma jorities, not only in Chainbersburg. but in other Districts. A letter from that county, dated on baluid iy last, says : lou may question of-granring leave on the tanle, and the yeas I Qn a on. 1 rM-a inmiT raiifn on 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 c wric j o K,az caaava i . - . - the pauper-system ot dreat liruain. airange that any laboring man should support such an Administration ! Lynchlttrg Virginian. Hard times. Tow prices, and no mo ney, are the comphiints which reach us from every quarter of the country. That these are the necessary consequences ot trie aiea siires of the Administration, to a great extent at least, cannot be doubted. Indeed, they are the avowed objects of those measures. See the speeches of Benton, Buchanan, $-c. in which the purpose avowed to tinninis.n the. circulating medium, atid to reduce the wages of labor. This being done, low pri ces for agricultural products necessarily fol low; for if the consumers get low wages for their labor, they cannot pay high prices for their bveu&.Lyndibvrg Virginian. From the Annual Report of the Commis sioner of the General Land Office, it appears during the year ending December 31, 1838, title of a new Whig Paper, proposed to be published at Ashville, Btmcomhe County in this State. - The Editor, Mr. MeAnally, is a gentleman ami a scholar, and the Messenger aioritv of 9000 wiil u"11"0"11' receive a liberal support and 1 mQ :.. be errtitled to the confidence of an enlighten ed community. Mr. MeAnally, we under stand, is a Minister of the Methodist Church, and has Cohifr to the rescue of his suffering country, at a time when men of integrity,' and unimpeachable character are especially need fd In PYnosrT thp vileness of the vile. The - ' 1 -- . . . . to run in thp morning suffering its consequences in the form sel down Franklin county for 750 majority of acute pain, during which time she removed from the eye several fragments of the legs of a spider. Return ing to the City a few days afterwards, upon complain ed t(llil nf o tt-f. J- V.nnrtaA man " dnlntr .Inn .1 r F J , ing to her.mother of a similar sensation, an examina- ,lnng the road one day, he saw a sheep which had 1 . e , . , , . , , . , into a ditch, i Reaching down, he took hold of sheep'g wool with both hands, saying ";Poor for Old Tip certain. There seems to be a settled determination to oust the Spoilers, and I am certain that nothing can stay the. fall, .1 s'leen ' r,. u i 1, t'ii . : ;,! Vi tan. r pyui Bliccjj : X u CI J oaill, caii ...v v.. der-hearted neighbor. He did try again, and got two mre hands full of Wool ; and so he went on, until all trie wool was gone. " Alas ! alas ! poor sheep," said manIwoald help you out, if 1 could ; but thre is nothing left to take hold of" ;. . 8JLK PREMIUMS. j 1 The National Silk Society have offered numerous . bounties, varying from $100 to $1,000 each, for the t specimens 'of raw Silk, to be produced during the co'iu:i:r season. The aggregate amouwt of the boun- ;' fjli,000. The piospect is fair that the Silk ;'"i:.: will lccom a prominent and settled part of " '-"V;ic indujstrv. . f at S2,50 in advance or S3, 00 at the end ol ihe year. Whig Banner. David Porter, near Milton, N, C. adver tises a snake stone, which will cure persons current that has set 111 -bo strong against hiuen by pors(mous reptiles and mad dogs. tnem. ai. iutu. 1. u.AS un n ,ne ram, v o the late Samuel Jointer nf Halifax countv. Virginia, for La?t week, at Iredell Superior Court, his VPHr. Hmi neVr has failed of success. ,7.f.i, nrmU. but thia honor Judge Settle, presiding, John Hoover I Terms for hle uf a snake or spider $5, f.r u ,u wi- I received sentence of death, after an unsu. -1 b . r a maj aos $20 .the money refunded inuuiry ua yci uwu amo w uu- , , c ' . ri . r . t, 1 tion was made, when a perfectly formed dead spider, of small size, was removed. A physician being called, all proper investigation was made, in order, if possible, to discover" the seat or proved fruitless. ,lNfo inquiry has yet tect their seat of empire, and yet they have continued to be removed from each eye alternately, sometimes from one alone, sometimes from both, jfor a space of sit weeks, to n amount on an average bf from two to three every other day. Portions of what is supposed to be the ovum have been also discharged. Each exit, of either animal or web, is preceded by 'acute pain in some portion of the organ, and" attention being thus called, the object is easily removed by the attendant. The eyes assume at times much inflammatory irrita tion and swelling of the lids, with an injected, condi tion of the ball, and copious suffusion of tears. cessful anneal to the Supreme Court from the Fall term of Iredell. Friday the 15th May, wa 6xed upon for his execution. John Kliuts was arraigned, tried and found .riiiliv nf feloniously seducing away and Messenger will he furnished to Subscribers ,1 e nu,ltltjtv of P-ublic Land sold amounted . . .1 1 C I . . to $3,414,997 acres, the purchase money 01 which was $4,305,564. During the first and second quarters of the year 1839, the number of acres sold was 3,771,994, and ihe purchase money for the same amounted to $4,768,812. It will thus be seen that the sales for one half of the year 1839 exceeded those of the whole preceding year. This is the more re markable from the consideration. of the gene ral scarcity of money in the country for the last twelve months. The year 1836 was Indiana a?aiiSt ami State that dare take distinguished for the large amount of sales rL ; . " ' ., . t -..Li- i.i.l. T 4 tip the uaunuei. 01 puuuc iau?. $20, the money ... 1 11 a cute is uoi maue. The entire proceeds for Indiana will give Harrison- and Tyler th that year trom this source amounieu u muc carrvine off a slave the property of William largest majority, in proportion to the number Morton, Jisq. 01 that Uouniy. ne receiveti 01 votes cast, 01 any oinn owie u ure umih. the sentence of the law, and was condemned What State will take up the gauntlet? What to be hiing on Friday, the.29th May next. Azel Yates, a youth of 16 ojr 17, was con victed of horse stealing, aneceivpl twejity five lashes bv way of correction and punih- i ment. Whig Banner. ' j .; - say you, Massachusetts, Vermont, New- York, Pennsylvania. Kentucky. Ohio ? Ay or n ? Lei the prize he that of being call ed " the Whig Statk" uniil the Presiden tial election in 1844.- Indiana Journal. Loaf do. 18 a 20 ; Tallow 10 ; Whiskey 40 a 45. FA YE TIE VILLE, March 25. Bacon 7 a 8 ; Beeswax 23 a 25 ; Bale Rope 8 10; Coffee 12$ u 13 J; Cotton 6 a 7; Cotton Yarn 18 a 26 ; Cotton Bagging 16 a 20 ; Com 60 a 65; Flour $3 a $4; Flax Seed 90 a $1 10; Brown Sugar 7 a 12 ; Loaf do. 18 a 20 ; Salt (sack) $2 a $2; Tallow 11; Whiskey 30 a 35. FROCLilHATIOW. By the Gover nor of Kortli Carolina. $200 re ward. Whereas, it has been officially reported this Department, that on or ah ut the 10th reb iry u!t., a ne;ro by, the properly of Col. Luke' Russell, of Craven countv, was supposed to tttve been kidnapped by John and Samuel Smith, which boy was discovered, ten or twelve days nfterwrds, near the road RiJe in Green county murdered auJ partially buried a ball having been shot through hi brad, and his throat cut from ear to ear; end a the nrd John and Samuel Smith stand charged with tut felony mf.irrsa'd. Now, therefore to the end. that the said off-ndrrs may be apprehended and brought to trial. 1 have thought proper to issue thia my Proclamation, oQV- jn a reward of one hundred dollars l.r eunsr 01 them, to any person or persons, who will apprehend and confine them, or either of tlirm in the Jail, or. deliver lh m to the. Sheriff of Craven county ; and I do moreover heieby require all. nfficrr, whether civil or military, within ibis Slate, to use their beat exertions to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the said fugitives. Given under my hand as Governor, nn,! tbe Great Sea ot the !lsi 01 nonav Hilar .nf Hlaltl mrrr- vyllfiliilOT w - m p ii 1 ... . n v. ntfnf w. w L K II W A If II 11. UI UI.LI. By t'ommnnd, C. C. BATTLE, FrITATS StCRliTAST. JOHN SMITH if dewribed as a man of near aaid dle sbp, about fie feet nine or ten inch hiab.atont. ly built rud'ly complexion and healthy appearance, dark hair and haa lost an uper front tooth Nj des cription of Samuel is given. They were burn and brought up in Craven but rt-movei to either Georgia or Tennessee some yeara since, but rettarnrd tnder pretence of visiting their relatione end hae been lurking aboot under ery suspicious circumstances f.,r .pn-al montha. Thev had. whoa thev kidnapped ceived in 1838, and probably five times- asi Col RumcI's Negro, a sorrell horae with flaiea preat as that received in 1839. mane and tail, with while fet and fact, and are and to 6 - . . . 1 j.j 1 . .1..:. f... T bp nimntitv ot land to ne survryeu anu : nave a variety or covers 10 iui v.v uu v vu.K h..,rn im, the markeLin 18-10, '41, is near- U.em very-frequently .... 1 .1 .1 .: than twenty-five millions of dollars, being about six times as great as the amount re - . . . . . . ly niieen minion, wine acres. Baltimore Am'.rit&n hundred thousand Standnrd. Washington At.ftijr. Wil,TtintA. Advertiser and BariDcr, (Liuco1nte) will publult. p. hi- iV tr i ' ' - i