i - ' " " ' - ; - A:,-l - ' I: . . ' : - ' . " ' " " ;' : ! ' ' ' llh . --i; ' : i K 'f ( 'I- -is m T ! ; IE 14 '.t k w r: xi mm i mttn unMMWiwirn i I I I I II III ' TarmSmmmmmmmWmZ29S5SZ : ! ' WHIG MEETINGS V BRUNSWICK COUNTY At a targe Whig meeting held in Sinith tiile.onthe 2J of March, 1840, for the pur pose of nominating delegates to attend a Con tention proposed to be held at Mr. David Taylor reskfcnce in Brunswick County, to elect a Whig candidate to represent the Sen itorial District in the Senate, of the next Gen eral Assembly,! and for other purposes On motion of Dr. Sterling 13. Everett, Samuel Frink, 'Esq. was called to Ji&Chair and Nathaniel Potter and WilliaaUtHa 1vere appointed Secretaries. The objects oi the meeting having been explained, the fol lowing Resolutions were introduced by Wil liam R. Hall, and adopted : , 1st Resolved, That in the election of Gen. Wu tini ti. Hinaisbx to the Presidency, who declares that he will under no circumstances consent to serve toore than one term of four years, a reform in Govern ment will be effijeted, wMch is much to be desired, as it will be the means of preventing the 'great party ex citement wich unavoidably occurs in the re-election of Sin! incumbent to office, operating upon the public mind, through the instigation' of public officers, believing the continuation of their salaries to depend upon the re election of their donor to office, deranging the business-operations of the country, in which the prosperity, comfort and happiness of the people are so deeply con cerned. 2tf Resolved, That as Mr. Vax Bubkx has con sented to run for ire-election, practising the very evil pointed out by Gen. J ten so and himself, we, have evidence enough before us, that the reform alluded to, cannot be expected from that quarter; and as Gen. Habbisost has given a pledge to reform the evil by declining a re-election, thereby superseding the neces sity of touching Ihe Constitution for that purpose, with out considering the many other advantages to be de rived from his elevation to the Presidential Chair, we call upon all the good citizens of our common coun try, earnestly to'reflect on the subject, and to join us in the election of an individual, in whom the good of the country, the'peace, prosperity and happiness of its citizens are so deeply involved. 3d. Resolved, That looking to qualification- and hon esty, as the only test of fitness for office, we viewed with feelings of pleasure the sentiments of Gen. Hah Bisoir that he intended to observe the most concilia tory coarse of conduct towards his political opponents in the event of his election. And that he is correct in Supposing that tHe Whig party, censuring the course of theresent Chief Magistrate in disfranchising his political opponents, would not apprdvc a similar prac tice in him. ; : 4th. Resolved; That the acknowledgment by Gen. Harbison, that in the removal of an officer from of fice, the cause of such removal should be communica ted to the person removed, and if requested, to the Sen ate at the time his successor is nominated, will be cal culated to produce that independence in the public of ficers which is so necessary to a healthful administra tion of the General Government, knowing that the tenure of their offices would be held more through good conduct, and a faithful discharge of public duty, than by party subserviency. 5th. ResolvedDi&t the declaration of Mr. Van Bu mxir, that the officers of Government hold office at the pleasure of the President, and that he is not bound to assign reasons for removing them from office, is not Only at variance with every principle of republicanism, but is ar high attribute of sovereignty, intended by the laws of creation only to be exercised by crowned heads. That it is calculated to produce servility on the part of the public officers, tc destroy their dependence up on the rightful source of power, and to bring to the aid of such a President, in his re-election, a power through his public retainers, so irresistible, as to bear down every obstacle before it, with the money power of .the Government in his hands, being in the posses sion of officers who are in his possession, holding as he says, the tenure of their office at his pleasure. He may without very great difficulty, leave the Presiden tial Chair,, and seat himself in the chair of royalty. 6th. Resolved, That the attempt by a portion of the Vajt Bubxx party to induce the people to believe that the Whigs' are trying, or disposed to take their right and claiming themselves to be the exclusive republi cans, while, they charge-all the opponents of the Ad ministration, with being federalists, is false and un ounded. That it is a, desperate party expedient to deceive and mislead the public, charging their oppo nents with what they are guilty of themselves, as a cloak to hide their own deformity. , That the Whig9, as they are ready and willing to prove before the people, have been trying with unabated zeal to wrest from the Exe cutive, powers which have been usurped by him,which are" dangerous to the liberties of the people, while the Administration party have been, and still are support ing him in all those obnoxious measures, which have brought the representatives of the people, at the feet of Executive power. 7th. Resolved, That the late attempt of Thos. H. BiNToy, of Missouri, embodied in certain resolutions -introduced by him into the Senate of ihe United States, concerning National and State debts, alleging in an indirect manner that the Whigs are disposed to make the" State debts a National debt, is unfounded and un true, is designed to throw the- Sub-Treasury out of sight, by distracting the public miud w'ith a second question, before the first is settled. . j On motion of Dr. Frederick J. ( Hill, the following Resolutions were introduced and adopted : 8th. Resolved, That the late act of the Congress of the United States, in excluding the members elect from the State iof New Jersey, notwithstanding they presented the legal commission signed by the Govern or, and authenticated by the great seal of the Common wealth is a despotic exercise of power -an insult to State sovereignty; and well calculated to arouse the honest indignation and just apprehensions of every cit izen, not only of the State of New Jersey, but of, eve ry member of the Confederacy. . - 9th. Resolved, That the Bill commonly called the Sub-Treasury, is eminently calculated to augment the power of the General Government increase the al ready deranged condition of the currency of the coun tryparalyse Commerce, and by creating a swarm of hungry office-holders, interfere most dangerously with the free exercise of the elective franchise. 10th. Resolved, That in the patriotism, intelligence ' and virtue of pur fellow-citizen, John M. Morehead, of the County of Guilford, we have a satisfactory guar antee for the faithful and able discharge of, the duties of the Executive office of the State, and that we will ; make use of all honorable means to secure his election to that office. j On motion ot Daniel v lemming, Esq. the following Resolutions were introduced and adopted : 1 1th. Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Commit tee of three, to confer with the citizens of the Electoral District on the subject of nominating an Elector for President and Vice President at the election to be held in November next, and that we recommend Daniel S. Baksb, Esq. as a. suitable person to be placed on 'said ticket, Subject to the choice of the District 12thJ Resolved, That the Chairman appoint ten delegates, to meet other delegates from the counties of Bladen i and Columbus at MrDavid Taylor's resi denca in Brunswick County, on the 1st Monday in , April next, for the1 purpose of selecting a suitable per son to be run on tiie Whig ticket to represent the Sen atorial District in the next General Assembly and that we recommend Gov. Johx Owiir, of Bladen County, as ;a suitable person to fill said station. On motion of W. R. Hall, seconded by Capt. Samuel Potter, the Whigs from the neighboring Counties are invited to take seats in the meeting; and to express their views on the subjects betore the meetine-, which invi tttion is; alsoi extended to the Van Buren party. Mr. Samuel Potter, Jr. and Mr. Thos. Miller, being called on, addressed the meet, ing in able and appropriate Speeches. The meeting was also addressed by Dr. F. J. Hill, in his usually forcible and impressive Style. "in pursuance of the 11th Resolution, Dr. F. J. Hill, A. D. Moore, and Dr. L. Frink, were appointed a Committee to confer with the Electoral District. In pursuance of the 12th Resolution, Dr. Fnnk, Etheldred Bozeman, Moses. Hewet, Luiyscs Roork; Thomas Drew, John Wats- coat, lanielKvans, nines rouer, oamuci Rowel and William R. Hall, were appointed I Delegates to meet at Mr. Daniel Taylor's on the 1st Monday in April next. SAMUEL FlllNK, CkaTn. Nathaniel Potter, Wm. R. Hall. Secretaries. BEAUFORT COUNTY. Pursuant to previous notice, a large and respectable meeting of the Republican Whigs of Beaufort County assembled at the Court house in Washington, on Tuesday evening, the 3d of March. On motion, John Myers, Esq. was called to the Chair, and Wm. C. Eborn, Esq. and Henry D. Machen were appointed Secretaries. The object of the meeting having been briefly explained by Col. Joshua Tayloe, on motion, the Chair appointed the following gentlemen a Committee to prepare Resolu tions for the consideration of the meeting, viz: Col. Joshua Tayloe, Col. Richard H. Bonner, D. B. Perry, Henry A. Ellison and Wm. S. Blount, Esq's, who, after retiring for a few moments, reported the following Re solutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That this meeting approve of the nomina tions of Willi am H. Harbison for President, ami JohjT Ttleb for the Vice-Presidency, of the United States ; and discarding all personal preferences, Will heartily unite in all proper means to promote their election. ' Resolved That the Whigs of the several counties composingHhis Electoral district, be recommended to send delegates to a Convention, to be held in Wash ton onthe second Monday in ,ifay nt t0 select a suitable candidate for Elector. - Resolved, That the following persons be appointed as delegates to said District Convention : Thomas Latham, Nathaniel Harding, Peter G. Yates, William Bond, Benjamin Campaign, John R. Davis, Reading Blount, Jesse B. Lucas, John Y. Bonner, Wm. J. Martin, Richard Hollowelj, J. W. L. Harvey and James Ellison, j Resolved, That this meeting have entire confidence in the ability and integrity j of Jonx M. MoKEiiEAn, Esq. and will yield him their undivided support for Governor. . Resolved, That we concnr in the nomination made in Hyde County, of William Sklbt, Esq. to repre sent this Senatorial District m the next Legislature ; and that we will cheerfully co-operate with our sister countv in promoting his election. Resolved, That the Chair be requested to nominateH a Committee of 14 t5 select suitable candidates for our next Legislature, and report to this meeting. The Chair then appointed the following persons to constitute this Committee, viz : D. B, Perry, Benj. Gaskill, William- Stilley, Owen O'Neale, Benj, Campaign, John R. Davis, W. W. Hay man, Jesse B. Lucas, Jno. Y. Bonner, Richard H. Bonner, William S. Cording, Thomas D. Smaw, John Latham, and Richard Holloweli. The Committee of 14, appointed under the 6th Resolution, after having retired, made a report to the meeting, recommending to the freemen of the county,; as suitable persons to represent them in the House of Commons of the next General Assembly, Gen. J. O. K. Williams and Daniel H. M'Cabe, Esq. which Report was adopted. On motion of Col. Joshua Tayloe, Resolved, That the following persons be appoint ed by this meeting a Committee of Correspondence for the County of Beaufort : Shadrach P. Allen, James Lllison, James E. Hoyt, John Myers, Joseph Potts and William Ellison. JOHN MYERS, Chairman. William C. Ebobx, 7 c . . ; H -p. ' Secret anes. DAVIE COUNTY. : ' At a. respectable meeting of the Whjgs of Davie Countv, held in the Court House at Mocksville, on Saturday, the 7th day of March, 1840, the meeting "was organized by calling Col. Caswell Harbin to the Chair, and, appointing Col. H. R.Austin and P. H. Cain Esqs. Secretaries. I he object of the meeting was then explain ed by the Chairman in a plain, yet lucid style. The meeting was then addressed by Gen. James Cook and Col. Giles W. Pearson. with appropriate remarks and well suited to the occasion, after which the following Reso lutions were unanimously adopted"": 1. Resolved, That we believe the measures of the present Administration are hostile and destructive to the best interests of the country : that their pernicious effects ar seen in a deranged country, a general scar city ot money, a ruinous depreciation in the prices of evo,ry tmng which the larmer cor planter has to sell : and in a degrading servility in those holding or expect ing omces irom tne ueneral Government, unknown in the pure -days of the Republic. 2. Resolved, That a change of rulers is essential to restore confidence and prosperity to the Country, and punty to the Government. ; 3. Resolved, That our confidence in the talents, in tegrity and patriotism of Henry Clay, is not onlv un diminished, but strengthened, by his magnanimous and patriotic course in the present crisis ; but that this is no time for a contest' about men, our warfare is for principles. 4. Resolved, That the nomination of Wm. Henry Harrison, of Ohio, for the Presidency, and John- Ti ler, of Virginia, for Vice-Presidertt of the United States, meet our decided approbation. 5. Resolved, That John M. Morehead, of Guil ford, is entitled to the entire confidence of the Whig party in North Carolina, and that we will use our best exertions to promote his election to the Gubernatorial Chair of this State. 6. Resolved, That the proceeds of the PubUc Lands rightfully belong to all the States, and that aiy at tempt to cede them to the States in which they lie, is a violation of the condition of the Act, ceding them to the General Government ; we therefore condemn, in the most unequivocal manner, the efforts now being made to cede them to the states in which they are sit uated for half the amount of the proceeds. ' 7. Rewived, That a distribution of the proceeds of the Public Lands among all the States is not an as sumption by the General Government of the debts of the States, and that such distribution would greatly promote the general : welfare, and therefore ought to be made. 8. Resolved That Caswell Harbin, Giles W. Pear son, Joseph Houser, P. HI Cain, Nathan Chaffin, Jr. Wilford Turner, John C, Foard, Alexander Hanes, Thomas Kutledge, Wilson Holman, Isaac Holman. William Lunn, William P. Cook, George W. John ston and Joseph Sparks, be appointed delegates to rep resent Davie County in a meeting of the Delegates from this Electoral District, to nominate an Elector to be placed oh the Harrison Ticket, and that the dele gates in attendance have the power to fill any vacan. cies in said delegation. i o P.. That the meetinor of said Delegates be held, at such time and place, aa may hereafter be agreea upon. . 10. Resolved, That the Whig3-of Davi County will do their duty in the approaching elections, for National and State Officers. C. HARBIN, Chairman. H. R. Acsns, P. H. Cais. c. IREDELL COUNTY. . ; According to previous notice, a large num ber of the citizens of Iredell county, conven ed t the Court House in Statesville, on the 10th inst. for the purpose of concerting nea sures relative to the appointment of a Repub lican Whig Elector, for the 13th Congression al District of North Carolina, i The meeting was organized by the ap pointment of R. H. Hill, Esq. Chairman, and S. R. Bell, and J. A. Young, Secretaries.' At the request of the Chair, Col. T. A. Allison explained the object of the meeting, and after which, having given a detailed ac count of the Harrisburg Convention, of which he was the Representative from this district, he proceeded in a lengthy speech to set foilh, in a clear and forcible manner, the abuses, corruption and malversation of the. Adminis tration. Col. Wellborn, Gen. Jones and Gen. Pat terson, of Wilkes, being present, vvere'called upon to "address the meeting, each of whom responded to the call, and entertained an at tentive audience by lucid. and pertinent re marks, relative to the destructive tendency of the measures advocated and practised by the dominant party. The following Resolutions were then in troduced and unanimously adapted," viz: Resolved, That we view with the deepest alarm, the unauthorized and illegal encroachment of the Execu tive upon the Legislative and Judicial departments of the Government, as tending to concentrate in the Chief Magistrate of the Union, all the powers of the other co-ordinate branches of the Government, and making the President a King in all but the name. Resolved, .That the mal-administration of the Gov ernment, is plainly and unequivocally manifested in the deranged condition of the Currency, the reduced prices of produce, and the most cringing and sycophan tic servility to the President, by men in office or ex pecting office. Resolved, That to bring the Government back to its original purity, a change of rulers is indispensably ne cessary. Resolved, That in the long and faithful services of ;Gen. WMiam Henry Harrison, his stern and unyield ing devotion to pure Republican principles, his busi ness habits and capacity, his inflexible honesty and virtue, we-have a sure guaranty, that his election to the Presidency will arcest the tide of "Executive usurpation and corruption, and restore the Government o its for mer purity. Resolved, That the eminent abilities, distinguished public services, and unwavering Republican principles of John Tyler, of Virginia, entitle him to the confi dence and support of the American peeple for the Vice Presidency of the United States. Resolved, That in John M. Morehead, of Guilford, the Whigs have a Champion every way -worthy of their noble cause, and .that we will use all honorable means to elect him to the Gubernatorial Chair of this State. ' Resolved, That the Chairman appoint five "delegates to the Convention'to be held at Wilkesboro' on Tues day, the 7th f April next, it being Tuesday of the Su perior Court, for the purpose of appointing an Elector for the 13th Congressional district, for President of the United States. Thereupon, the Chairman announced the following persons as delegates, viz; Col. TV A. Allison, Col. Jo. P. Caldwell, Maj. J. A. Young.J- A. Huggins; and Wm. A. Dunlap, Esquires. On motion the meeting adjourned R. H. HILL, Ch'm'n. S: R. Bell. . A. lOVKO, 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Pursuant to notice, the Whigs of New Hanover assembled at the Court Room on Tuesday evening last. The meeting was organized, by calling John P. Brown- Esq. to the ChVir, and appointing V. A. Burr, and W. A. Allen, Secretaries. The Chair man explained the object of the meeting in a lucid Address. The meeting was then ad dressed by Messrs. J. Lippit. J. G. Wright, S. R. Potter, and James Banks, wheji the following1 Resolutions were unanimously a doptcd. ' Resolved, That a crisis has arrived in the affairs of our Country, which portends inevitable ruin alike to our hopes and our happiness, and that a day of dan ger has now come upon the Republic, which calls for vigorous opposition to the present Administration, irom every patriot citizen m the land. Resolved, That we renew those pledges heretofore given, to strive strenuously for the dethonement of a Power, which has been guilty of political perfidy to our best interests, which shows nothing of sensibility to public distress, and seems to act only for its own aggrandizement and supremacy. . Resolved, That cheered by the animating recep tion, which the nomination of William Henry Har rison, ana Jonn l yler, has met with throughout the Union, and strong m the assurance that wherever their merits are canvassed, their claims will be admit ted, we doubt not but that a grateful country will snow its sense ot their distinguished services by call ing them to preside over its destinies. Resolved, That we hail the nomination of John M. Morehead, is that of a man gifted in an eminent de gree with such qualities of mind and heart as entitle him to our suffrages, and we doubt not but that the people will gladly make the former ploughbay of Guil ford, the future Executive of North Carolina. Resolved, That we deem it expedient to appoint three delegates to the Young Men's Whig Conven tion to be holden in Baltimore on the 1st Monday in May next, and that Daniel B. Baker, Samuel R. Pot ter, and John P. Brown constitute such delegates, with power to fill any vacancy that may occur. The meeting then adjourned. J. P. BROWN, Chairman. W. A. Burr, . '. W. A. Alle, S Secretanes' The New York Star says we have been permitted to cut from the Richmond Enqui rer of 1814, the following ; complements which Mr. Ritchie paid at the time to Gen. Harrison, whom he nominated as .Secretary of 'War: " The Secretary of War holds:, not only the most important, but the most difficult station in the Government. It requires a rare combination of talents. He must be an experienced man, indefaligabledrbtiiliaot and prompt in his conviction, deemveftn the ex ecution of his orders. The One whom I have named (General Harrison) comes as near to this character as any 1 can think of." Singular Death. Miss Janette-White, a young lady of 17 years, died 9t Millers burg, Ohio, 25th ulti mo, from inflammation caused by, a slight puncture in the back with a pin used in fastening her clothes. ONE MORE SLANDER. The mint from which the Tories coin their slanders f Gen. Harrison, must be a hard working machine. It is the only thing about the party which does work well. The latest story may be thus briefly slated: In 1816, a-resolution, was introduced into th Ill S. Senate, nronosiug a.yote of thanks anil agohl medal to Gen. Harrison and Gov. Shelby for their gallant conduct during the war. Imnu'diatelv, a man who had been a Commissary in Harrison's Army, and had been dismissed for roguery, brought charges ao-ainstlhim, of dishonest application of ihe public funds which had been in his hands. A motion was thereupon made to s"t like out Gen. Harrison's 'name fnm the resolution; .... which was accordingly done, ana ben. nar- If demanded an investigation into his conduct. The subject was referred, not to a special committee, but to tne Mimaiy niimmitiw. one of the standing: committees of the House, not appointed with the slight est reference to this subject. Col. R. M. Johnson, the present Vice President of the United States, was Chairman or me umirnii tee, who, after a patient investigation, repor ter! as the -unanimous decision of the Com mittee, that no shadow of suspicion rested on Gen. Harrison. This report was adopted, and a resolution was then iotroductsl voting the thanks of Congress and a gold metlal to Harrison. which missed the Senate unani mously, and the House with but one dissent ing vote ! The Icif-limnnrl Ennuirer. edited bv Mr. Ritchie, who now "sinks or swims" with Van Buren. sneakimr of Col. Johnson's re- port, said, on the 6th of February, 181 T It is scarcely nece-sary tor us to repeal the warm sentiments of respect which we en tertain for Gen, Wm. H. Harrison. During the Life war. we havi reneatedlv borne our t . humble testimony for the gallant Hero ot the Armies of the NORTHWEST. An envious cloud however, athefed around his head, which is mw finally and torcver dis persed. The report of the. committee, whose investigation Geo. Harrison himself demand ed, is conclusive upon the subject." tins is tne testimony or me enquirer, at a lime when the Editor had no motive to slan der a tried natriot. We contend that it is conclusive in the case, and should slop the i riif r ii . . mourns oi an nonesi men, oi an pnrues. 'Fayetteviile Observer. ARRIVAL OF THE BRITISH QUEEN. TEX DAYS LATf.H FROM EUROPL. The British Queen reached New York on Wednesday morning last, having sailed from Portsmouth on the 2d instant. She brings London papers to the 1st March, and Liver pool to the 29th February, inclusive. The British Ministry liave fallen into the minority on several occasions, and it is sup posed they will resign. .The French Ministry have resigned in consequence of the Cluimber of Deputies re fusing to grant half a million of francs, annu ally, to the Duke de Nemours on his mar riage. - Money market at London remained much the same as per last accounts, but on Friday, the 28th February, (the settling day) there was a heavy pressure. United States Bank stock had been sold at 5 10 a great fall which we can only account for on the supposition that the intel ligence of the failure of Pennsylvania to pay her interest on 1st February had reached England, without the subsequent advice of iier repairing the error, and that this had af- lected all American blocks. There is nothing later from China. . The Chartist convicts, Frost, Williams, and Jones, had sailed for their destination, New South Wales ; but were compelled by stress of weather to put into Falmouth. The marriage of tire young Prince was to take place, notwithstanding the Chamber's refusal to provide for him. The father of his bride, who, by the way is a Princess of Saxe- L-oburg and cousin to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, is reported to have said that the rejection should in. ike no difference, and the King of the French will make provision lor his son out of his own resources. The Queen with Prince Albert has visited Drury Lane and Convent Garden. The re ception was most brilliant, and the boxes crowded to excess at exorbitant prices. This was her first appearance in public. The rash at Drury outside ami in was tremendous, and at " every line of the national anthem on the entree of the Queen and Albert, theformer graciously curtsied and the latter bowed." The pieces were the Mountain Sylph and Raising the Wind the latter rather a droll selection when taken in connection with the Prince's late needy condition. The Duke of W ellington has quite recov ered. The packet ship South America, from N. York had arrived at Liverpool. She carried 16.000 letters the. largest quantity, says the Chronicle, ever before shipped by a sim ilar conveyance. James Cropper, an eminent merchant of Liverpool, js dead. - Since the British Qoeen's last voyage home ner engines nave undergone a lew necessarv repairs, and no less a sum than 10,500 has been expended in improving this noble ship. 1 he American Captains at Liverpool eel ebrated the birth day of Washington, RETORT COURTEOUS. Mr. Grundy, in closing ae late -speech in the Senate, predicted the disappointment of the VYhigs at the next election, and said he would expect to hear, in the account of the batMe, ot the despairing cry, "Charge, Crittenden, charee; on, Tallmadge, on! Were the last words of Harrison V' Mr. Tallmadge immediately rose. and said, 'l tell the Senator, that in the account of the great battle to be fought in November next by the people against the minions of power, instead of the despairing language of his muse, lie will hear of the inspiring notes of victory, "Fly, "Van Buren, fly; run Grundy, run ! Were the first words of Harrison !" An advertiser in a Western paper, who rejoices m the various occupations, of Doc tor, Lawyer, Justice of Peace, and dry goods Merchant, add the following to his list of pursuits aro qualities : "N. B. Auc tioneering .of Ihe loudest kind, interwoven with Ventriloqnism." TVrORTII CAROLINA STATE COURSE. JJj At a meeting of the Raleigh Jockey Club, hfMd on the evening or the 6th of March, 180, tne following Officers were chosen, viz: John McLcod, Eq., President; Robkrt W. Hatwood, Esq., Vice President ; J. A. Campbell, Esqj, Secretary. The RACE'S over the Statk CociiBt will com mence on the 4th Tuesday tthe 28th) oi April next, and continue five days. I First Day. Proprietor s Purse, $20C! 2 mile heals Entrance $ I 5. : Second Day. Citizens' Purse, $300-f-3 mile heats -Entra nce $20. 1 Third Day Jockey Club Purse 700 4 mile heats Entrance $35. Fourth Day, Plate valued at $100 mile heats Entrance added $25. F fth Day. Sweepstakes for 3 years old, to close 20ih of April mile heats Entrance $200, half for feit three or more to make a race. Same Day. "-tfweepstiikrs for 3 years old, to close as above Entrance $100, half forfeit three or more to make a race. A SWEEPSTAKE, over the State Course. f.r the Fall of ie40, 3 years old, $t,GU0 entrance, $250 forfeit, 2 mile heats, closed on the 1st iust. with the following Subscribers : 1. John VY hite, not named. 2. I homas W. Rainey, not named. 3. John C. Rooers. names Dollv Thorp, bv import- - 0- j j ed Shakspeare, out of Polly Peachaui by John Rich ards. 4. Robert Chapman, by N. T. Green, not named. 5 David McDaniel enters b. f. by imported Trus tee, dasi Betsey Archie. - 6i William Townes enters cb. c- by Emancipator, out of Volney's dam. ! . 7. Abner Robeson names s. f. by Uohanna, out of a 1 odi 1 ough mure. 8. R. U. Cunningham names b. , f. Lady Wake, by . by .Emancipator, Character, dani by Virginia. 9 David McDaniel names b. c dam by Virginia. 10. James Gardeen names ch Graves, bv t;lav's Sir William. c. out of Betsey DAVID McDANIEL, Proper. Raleigh, March 20, 1810, 25 iTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Washing tun County I.v Equity Spring Term, 1840. arah Ann Keith v. William Keith ; Bill for Divorce On motion, and it appearing to the Court that tvo Subpoenas to answer the Bill of Complaint issued to Bertie county, against Wm. Keith, have been return ed by the Sheriff that he is not to be found in that countv: and also, ihst the said William Keith is not an inhabitant of this State, or not within the jurisdic tion of this Court : the Tourt doth order that adver tisement be made for thirteen successive weeks in the Raleigh. Register nnd North Caro lira Gazelle," ad vising the said William Keith that, unless he appear lefore the said Court, at the Court houe in Plymouth, on the second Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur to the Complainant's Bill of Com plaint, it wiP be taken pro confesso, and such decree made thereupon, as shall be considered just. lest, TH: TURNER, C. & M. E. Plymouth, N. C, Match 16, 1840. 25 13w VIRGINIA and NORTH CAROLINA HOTEL.. Th Subscriber respectfully an nounces to the public generally, that he has taken the house formerly occupied by Mr. Brat B. Waltkrs, situated near the corner of .Main and Commerce fts., extensively known bv the name of the Virginia and North Carolina Hotel, which establishment has been thoroughly repaiied. and is fitted up in a style to please the fancy of transient as well as permanent hoarders. By u n tired exertions to promote the comfort of those that f.ivor him with a visit, he hopes to 6hare a por tion of public patronage. JOHN N. ANDREWS. Norfolk, March 13 25 lm MANAGERS' OFFICE-Richmond. MAMMOTH LOTTERY for 18th April. Capital, $75,000 ! ! Also. $25 00O-1 5,000-10.000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY,' Class A for 1840. Will be positively drawn on Saturday, the 18th of April, 1840, at Alexandria. D C. 1) S. Gkegort & Co., Managers. Containing the following SPLENDID PRIZES. One of 75.000 dollars. One of 15 000 dollars. One of 9,000 dollars. One of 7 000 dollars. One of 5 000 dollars. One of 2.8fi6 dollars. Ten -of 2 000 dollars. 20 of 1,500 d-.llars. 50 of 750 dollars. One of V5 000 dollars One Of 10 000 dollars. One of 8,000 dollars. One of 6,000 dollars. One of 4,000 dollars Five of 2 500 dollars. 20 of 1,750 dollars. 50 of 1 000 dollars. 120 of 500 dollars Thirteen drawn numbers out of Seventy eight. Tickets only $20, Halves $10, Quarters $5, Eights $2 50. Certificates of Packagesof 26 .Whole Tick's $260 Do do 26 Half do 130 Do do 26 Quarter do 05 Do do 26 Eights do 32 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares or Certificates of rackages in Ihe above Lottery will be promptly at tended to, and the drawing sent immediately after it is over. Address . D. S. GREGORY & Co. Managers, Richmond, Va. or Washington City. March 19. 25 FLOUR AND BACON. A fresh' supply. WILL. PECK. Raleigh, March 23. 25. WETt CONCERN. The Subscribers hav--LNl '"g purchased of Mr. Joseph L. Moore his en ure stock of Hats, Caps. &c, beg leave to inform the friends of'the olil iConcern, and public generally, that the business will in future ibe conducted by them at the old stand, on Bollingbrpok street, next door to D. R. Newsom's Shoe Store, under the firm of Wolff fr DENiifsoir, where they will keep constantly on hand an extensive-artd well sderted slock of Haw,. Caps, ccc. all ol which they shall consider to their interest (as well as that of ihe purchaser,) to have manufac tured of the best materials Only ; and for the informa tion of those who may favor them with ibeir custom, they would say that every regard shall be paid to pro curing the Latest Styles of all articles in their line. They would also particularly invite the attention of Wholesale Dealers to examine their stock, which tlwy think, will, in every respect, be calculated to suit the market, and hope, by. their experience in, and atten tion to business, to merit the liberal patronage extend ed to that house for so many vears previous. . i JAMES E. WOLFF, G. L. DENNISON. Petersburg', March 3, 1340. 20 4w NORTH -CAROLINA, Jonas-row Coohti The Subscriber, having qualified as Adminis tiator on the Estate of Nancy Langley, and having settled his accounts as Administrator with the Coun ty Court of Johnston, now gives notice to Isaac Lang, ley, Jesse Langley, James Langley Mid Betsey Um phleet, all of whom are interested in said Estate, and have removed beyond the limits of North Carolina, that he is ready to pay them their respective shares. I ISAAC BQYT. Adm'r. bf Nancy Langley. February 24, 1840. . 4 19 4tw. TO BREEDERS OF HORSES. The imported and thorough bred Race Horse Flexible, and the high bred American Race Horse Tuskeno, one of the finest looking Horses in the Country, will stand at Wilion tho preseut season (184o.) For terms, see handbills. ED. H. CARTER. Wilton, Granviite County, N. C. Mareh 1, 1840. 22 I2t fjnO MY DEBTOKS.-I owe money rnySeK , Jl. you should help me to pay it. I aso necJ ' an is due me, to support and raise a family ()f motherless children. You know, friends, how?"8' you haye partaken of the best that my hoardfne ho'' ? could aiford ; you know, also, that you have roi o me. I now appeal to your justice, to your honor to your better feelings for at least a part of what owe' me. My notes ami accounts arc hft witS ' William Peck, Raleigh, for collection. " '' ALEXANDER MORP'HEss March 23, 1840. 25 .6' gITATE OF NORTH CAROLINA-Granvir 3 County Court of Pleas and Quarter Session!' February Term, A. D. 1840. Charles M. Rtrks ' James Hunt. Judicial attachment levied on a Tr of Land containing 240 acres more or less, on Mo tain Creek, adjoining R. Frazier and others. It pearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the di fendant, James Hunt, has absconded or so conta' himself that the ordinary process of law camiut f served upon him It is therefore ordered, that pub1! cation be made in the Raleigh Register, for six weei." successively, notifying the anid James Hunt persn! ally to appear before the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, to beheld for the County of Granvil0 at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Mondav in May next, then nnd there to plead or replevy otlnr; wise, judgment final will be rendered against hjm and the property levied upon condemned subject ij' PlaimifTs recovery. Witne.-s, James M. Wigging Clerk of said Court at Office in Oxford, the first Mondav of I'Yl)rU,r ' A. D. 1840. J. M, WIGGINS, ;i k. ' WOTICFL-TAKEN UP and committed to the JL." Jau oi rtnsnri vouniy, on tne Win n Uiccin. i.... .. Tv' if . i . . ii. u: ir-n.i.. iiiii, a ocgiu itiuii, win, tain uiniseil 1 anJ savs he belongs to JOHN SMITH, of . Alabani: and was bought of Damkl Williams, of Robeson County, in this Slate. Said Negro is about 5 10 inches high stout built copper coloured, and apparently, about 24 years of age. The owner is requested to com forward, prove properly. . pay charges end fake him away; or he will be dealt with as the law directs. Y. H. ALLEN, Sheriff. Wadeiboio,.Dep. 14, 1839. , 8-6m CI TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA GriHe f3 County Court of Pleas and Quarter Session? February Term, A. D. 1840. Wm R White, r! Lem'l. Cawthorn Original attachment levied on 1 1 0 acres of laud on Fishing ('reek, adjoining m D Allen andotheis. It appearing to the satisf.ic ii.n of the Court, that Lemuel Cawthorn. the di fendarit resides beyond the limits of this State It was there fore ordered, that publication be made in ihe RaleiMt Register for six weeks successively, notifying said defendant, personally to appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of G rauville, &t the Court House in .Oxfor!, on the firsl Monday in May next, then and.lhereto picador replevy: otherwise, judgment final will be rendered against him, and the property levied upon, condemn ed subject to Plaintiffs recovery. Witness, James M. Wiggins, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Oxford, the first Monday of Feb ruary.A D. 1840. J. M. WIGGINS. Cl'k. , IT AW NOTICE & GENERAL. XI D JLi AGENCY. Hkniit B. S. Williams, At torney at Law, will attend to the adjustment and col lection of claims throughout the. Western District of Tennessee, and also act as Gen'l Land Agent in selling, listing and clearing old disputed titles. Persons re siding at a distance, especially North Camlinians, whose interest is so extensive in this country, would do well to notice more strictly the situation of their Land claims. Office at Somerville, Tenn. Refer to Col Samuel King, Iredell County. N. C. Thomas P. Devereux. Esq. Kaleigh, " M illiam Hill, Sec. of State, Turner & Hughes, Brown, Snow, 6c Co. (W. M. Lewis, Milton, Etheldred J. Peebles, Northampton, " John Huke. Fayetteviile, " John McNeil, Cumberland County, " February 18. 1840. 15 fim. TATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Ber 3 tie County, Court of Pleis and Quarter Session, February Term, 1840. James R. Rayner v. Jamei V. Russelll. Attachment. B. B. Russell, Garnishee. It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that James V. Russell haaTemoved lteyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered that publication lie made in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, for the said James Y. Russell to make his appearance at our next Court Of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, lobe held for the County of Bertie, at the Court-house in Wind sor, on the? 2d Monday in May next, jind then and there, plead to or replevy; or Judgment by default will be taken against him. By order of the Court, . SOL. CHERRY, CPk. March 20, 1840. . 24 SHERIFF'S SALE. I will eipose to Sale 3 at Public Auction, at the Court House in Rock ingham, Richmond County, on Ihe 3d Monday of A pril next, so much o the following Tract of' Land, unlisted for the years 1837 W '38. as will satisfy i4n taxes due thereon, together with cost and charges for Advertising, viz : 50 Acres, belonging to the Rev. Daniel McKay, lying on Gum Swamp, adjoining the lands of Laueh lin McLaurin and others. Tax $5 03J SAJWUEL TERRY, Sheriff. F'-n- 1840. 16 (I'r. Ad. $3) TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Greene 3 County In Equity, October Term, 1839. J "lm R. Derring vs. Isaac Horn. Wyatt Move and Wm. A.Darden Original and Injunction Lti'lj. It appear ing U the satisfaction of the Court, that Isaac Horn, one of the defendants, is not an inhabitant of 1 hi ' Stale Ii is therefore ordeied by ihe Court, that pub lication be made for the space of six weeks successive ly, notifying the said Isaac Horn to be and appear before the next Honorable Court of Equity to be held for the said County of Greene, at the Court Hou?e in Snow Hill, on the second Monday after the f.iurih Monday in March next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to complainant's Bill, otherwise, it will bb taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to him. Witness, Charles Edwards. Clerk and .tar4er of said Court at Office, the second Monday after the fourth Monday in September, A. D. 1849, C. EDWARDS, C. M. E. ; Pr. Adv. $5 62$ - , 15 A BLACKSMITH WANTED I wish to em ploy a good Blacksmith, (a white man) to like charge of my Shop in the City of Raleigh, for tha purpose of attending principally to Stage repairs. A young man, of sober ha bit, without a family t caa find a situation by applying soon. ' , DANIEL MURRAY. Raleigh. Mareh 22 1840.25 St. fXj Greensboro Patriot, 3 weeks. . D. M. ' WESTON R. GALES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS. Scbsabiftiov Three dollars per annum half in advance. ADYFRTISEMEBITS. For every 16 lines first insertion, One dollar ; each subsequent insertion, 25 cents. -Court Ordeis and Judicial Advertisements will ba charged 25 r cent, higher ; but a deduction of 331 per rem. win he made Irom the regular prices for auver users oy me year. v Advertised euU. inserted in the Semi-Weeky Rno ist.r, will also appear m the Weekly Paper , free of Charge. All Letters to the Editor mast be post-paid. JOB PRINTING IXZCVTXD AT THIS OPFICI, With neatness and despatch . 4 f A J