-'1;' V .rr. ! - .. ' V , . f ' ' . '5. 11 i , -"1 WE REGISTER . ... ...... ; -. 4- 1 . ; : - . 1 POur' are pa of fair delightful pi Vvnwrpd by pftfty rage, to live like brol eace, brothers." FOR GOVERNOR, I - - jOIltf M. MOI1EUEAD, of Guilford. r oh F B 8 ID X It T t . . . A I -m -ahm f nil . A " j I'resiami uu term ihg imceruv wi jrnoue nn A!. mn r u- 1 0 e PubUtLy, -and th 9 to for him thr irencral good of the PEOPLE. 1 ; . Standard say toiAw vote? Will 11 PORj VICE-TRESIDXXT , (lvEixnsR the; States where Slitikt soxs jBT IX1ST, 0R THE GOTEKXMKST OF THE UuiTED States can, without assujiption or power, and THE Vl.Ot AT10X OF A SOLESIX COMPACT, DO AWT THING Tft HEMOVE IT, WilTHOUT THE COSSEXT OF THOSE WUO ARE IMMEDIATELY lSTEJlESTEP." Gen. for ron's Speech a fVincennei. j SUPREItfE COURT, 1 i James T. Littlejohn, Esq. of Granville County, has been admitted p Superior Court Practice. .' , a, ; CORRECTION. We are requested by JDr. T. S. Beckwith, of Va. p say, tliat tne 1 oasi given uy urni ai me veieora- tjon, was not original, as by. mistake it appears in the Register, but waa tjiken from a beautiful Song written bv a distinguished Gentleman of our State. It has Bever been published, but he heard it sung with de light by several yojins Ladies in this CUy. j It is call ed " The,01d Noth State," and ia adapted to a line 'TyroleseAi? It begins . ' . "Carolina ! Caroliha ! Heavens blessings attend her, 'While we live we will cherish, love and defend her. And this was ihe Toast. We hope this allusion may be the means of bringing out the whole Song. - t . year 1827, and the question recurred on concur ring with the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, b fifling the blank in the fifty ninth line, with the sum of $30,000; Mr. McDuffie moved to amend it, by adding theretathe Mowing : It being intended that no part ojT the sum thus ap- propriafed shall be'piied to the purpose of survey ing any routes not already commenced, other than the following, to-wit : those for a Road from Waste ingtonto New Orleans, for a communication bs tween Pittsburg and Lake Erie, and for a Canal a round the Muscle Shoals of the Tennessee River." Yeas 2C,Nays 141! Only 26 had the hardihood to sanction it ! Here then we see Judge Saunters ac knowledged by his direct vote, that Congress has the right even to cut a Canal around the Muscle Shoals a work far from being National. If it can cut tikis Canal, why not any ? And besides, not satisfied with survey ing small Roads and Canals; he here exhibits a willingness to have a great National Road from Wash ington to New Orleans, and even a tremendous Canal from Pittsburg to Erie ! This is fine evidence of Re publicanism truly, and what a noble . instance of the J uuge's economy ! Yet, the Judge is opposed to In ternal Improvements by the General Government,and a friend to economy ! He did not have John Randolph What will the its Editor deny that Judge Saunders voted also for a .bill to appropriate money to repair the Cumberland Road 1 We ask for information did deI j, ' When the Standard answers this question, we pro mise to give a few more beauties of the- Judge's con sistency. FOURTH OF JULY. , At a meeting of the Citizens of Raleigh, on Wed' nesday evening, to take measures for Celebrating the ensuing Anniversary of our National Independence, in an appropriate manner, the following gentlemen were appointed a Committee to make all necessary arrangements for the occasion, viz : William Thomp son, Esq. Col. Geo. Little, Col. E. H. Wingate, Col. W. L. Otey and J. V. Cosby, Esq. SPSS THE STANDARD. The Quibble caught. 1 3 1 We asserted some weeks since that Judge Saus- i Us -.voted on thel4th January 1S24, for the "Bill io provide! the necessary estimates, plans, and surveys pn the subject of Roads and Canals" at which, th Standard has taken fire, and threatens us with the F'eaufrW! of the Public. For what, we ask 1. Why, for eiposijnig the political inconsistency of Romulus M. SATSDF.RS ! Now, what are the grounds for the Standard's insinuation thai,we liave suppressed the truth T We asserti?d, that on" the 14th of January 1824, Jucilge S. voted for this Bill : Lid Tie or did he not ? "That he voted for the-Bill on the 14th Jamia- ry is true says the Standard. Herejthen is a con fession, that the Van Buren Candidate nip vote for tliis Bill on that day ! What more did we say ? It is known that Judge; Saunders has denied and sow denies the constitutional right of Congress to carry on works of Internal Improvement. Does his vote on that occasion look much like it 1 He was either in favor of the bill, or violated, his oath, if he thought thxj as he thinks now, that Congress has no con stitutional power to appropriate money for works of Internal Improvement, Thj latter alternative we can not believe him driven to : We submit this case to every plain man in the country. Suppose a member of Congress wer to vote for a Bill on its second rea ding to deprive a sState of its Republican form of Gov ernment, knowing that bill to be unconstitutional, oirid he not be guilty of perjury 1 Would a diffe rent vote on the third reading sanctify the one on the seccui? -EveryjEian will respond pe. Will Judge - Saunders admit he voted for an unconstitutional bill AFRAID OF THE LIGHT. Mr. Stanly, of this State, sent to the "Globe" for publication Dr. Duncan's celebrated Abolition Letter, offering to pay for it as an advertisement, if the Edi tors would insert it." They declined, however, pn the ground that the Letter had been already published in their paper. Mr. Stanly wrote another note, asking to, be informed about what time it had appeared. The "Globe" men replied "between tbe 1st of January and the 8th of May, 1839." Mr. Stanly then employed the Congressional Librarian to make strict examination of the files of the " Globe" for the article in question, and the result of his search is thus stated : House Library, Washington May 30, 1840. To the Hon. Edward Stanly, Ho. Reps. Sib : At your request I have examined a file of the Globe,, from the 1st of January to the 31st of May, 1839, to find a letter said to be published therein from the Hon. Alexander Duncan upon the subject of sla very, but I do not find such letter. ELEAZER EARLY, Librarian. Comment is unnecessary ! THE OLD SOLDIER AGAIN While Col. Foster was speaking in Knoxville, the other day, another of those incidents occurjred which speaks volumes in favor of Old Tippecanoe. Col. Foster remarked, that Gen. Harrison has been called a "coward!" "I have seldom" said Col. Foster spo ken to so large an audience as this, but there were some old soldiers present who' could bear testimony on this point. Are; there any present 1 "I was with Gen. Harrison," exclaimed a veteran present whose name is David Griffin. Was Gen. ' Harrison a cow ard, asked Col. Foster ! No ! was the old man's in dignant response "he was no coward a braver man never lived !" j at its second reading, and endeavor to justify- it by saying he .voted gain$t it6n the' third 1 He has too ' Jmuch sense and "regard for the sacred obligation of an 01th. -Then as he voted for the bill on the third rea-i dbg, we are justified iri concluding that he did not believe H unconstitutional. But asks the Standard, "what followed!';' We will tell him what followed : On the Oth February, the bill was on- its" 3rd read in.grand Judge Saunders moved and voted to recom mit it with instructions, v What were these instruc tions ? that they. " designate what roads and canals of National importance in aoxMEiiciAL or military point oHview, oi as are necessarv Jor the transporta tion of the public mails, as may be deemed proper and expedient to hate surveyed and reported upon." (J. of H. R. 1823-4-page 221.) These instructions are efficiently broad for all the purposes contended for by the most ultra-Federalists. I If' Congress has the right to survey; routesbecause taey are of commercial importance "(-the nation, it certainly can construct them. But where will Con gress stop, if the-right is placed on the ground of Com' nercial otMilitary importance or as , necessary for trying the Mails ? The most extravagant appro priations can be justified on these grounds. Is not the Cumberland Road of commercial importance, and in case of War, would it not be of military impor tance , Yet the Judge, say his friends, thinks the ap prspriations for this road unconstitutional ! It is far- deal. ; Give Cangress this latitude, and it can build ny road. It i natural for men to believe those things necessary, which would promote their interest, and W easily you could think my road of importance, if depended on what might think of yours. Corrup- oh and bargaining would be the order of the day. . .'ruc Judge Saunders did vote: to postpone indefi nitely pie bull when his instructions were rejected, but why was this 1 Did he become frightened, or did he take his cue from Randolph, who made the motion. 1 n the third reading of the bill; the Yeas and Nays were not taken, (See J. II. R. page 228,) and Who can say that Judge Satjtdkhs did W vote for it then?. He voted for it once and against it once, '"kich would make the presumption as strong against him as or him. But this is not the only piece of ev i idenc we have to show j his inconsistency on this ; question. On the page 318th of the Journal of the ; House of Representatives of the Session of 1826-7, ; w finidj the following entry,. vis : r , C . ; -j ' T,he House resumed the consideration of the Bill "king appropriations for the Military service of th TIP & TY. This is the name of a new, temperate and cooling beverage,, all the rage now in New York, ! made from the best "Harrison" Apple Cider, with pulverized ice, and Savoured with Lemon We should like to see our friend Stiles try his hand at it. From the . Wabash Courier, -May, 30. FEDERAL OUTRAGE ! Some persons, on Monday night last, j destroyed a fine largelent, standing in the.Court-House yard, de signed as a covering for the Terre-Hautei Band at th Tippecanoe celebration. The tent was pitched for the night, with two others, and in the morning, it was found burned to ashes, having been fired, by means suitable for the purpose. The unrighteous deed was perpetrated about midnight, an hour well suited to the work of an incendiary. The American Flag, waving at the head of the staff on the Prairie, was also stolen, carried away or destroy ed probably by the same gang of political fanatics. The friends of Harrison were necessarily excited et the outrage, but as yet, no cer tain clue has been obtained as to the individuals guil ty of the outrage. The Harrison, boys can stand a few hard-knocks trom their opponents, in a political way, but when they find their tents assailed, aud the honored Flag of the Union, with its stars and stripes, desecrated, it would not be good for those who commit ted the outrage to be too daring Gen. Harrison, and his brave soldiers, slept many ' a cold night on th Ground, in the Wabash campaigns, without a tent to protect them from the winds and blasts, and his arid their friends can get along one night without the eht thus destroved; but a meaner, or more contemptible act of outrage was never committed than the one fo Which we now refer. The glorious Flag of the coun try wasjfever furled by Old Tippecanoe in dishonor; and it was reserved for Loco-focoism. thus to tear it down, and refuse the breezes of Heaven to fan its no ble and inspiring folds. The desperation of the loco focos is so evident as to leave but little doubt about trie result of the Presidential contest. "CONGRESS. , EDITOR 8 CORRESPONDENCE." Washisotox, June 12. In the House, Mr. Botts, of Va. submitted a Pre amble and Resolution in reference to the case xf Ma son Hooe? of the United States Navy, tried some time ago, by a Court Martial, at Pensacola; and especially, m relation to the fact, that two negroes were admitted to testify against the proceedings of thejCourt Mar tial in this respect and had applied to the President himself, who yet had approved of the whole proceed ings of the Court Martial. Mr. Bott's resolution called on the President to communicate all the papers relating to the subject Mr. Thomas , of Md. object ed and the Federal Loco Focos professing to be the only true guardians to the South refused to suspend the rules in order to allow the resolution even to be considered. The House then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, and .took up the Sub-Treasury bill, when Mr. Barnard of Albany, one of the most able lawyers iri the House, delivered his views against the meas ure. In the Senate, the bill from the House of Represen tatives, for the purpose of computing the mileage of members by some, uniform system, was read a first and second time for the purpose of reference; when Mr. Norvell moved its reference to a select committee On this subject a debate arose, which showed pretty 'clearly th a V however much the President and his standing army of office-holders may desire the1 people to practice economy and hard labor, they are deter- mirjed not to lose any thing out of the public crib which they can lay hold of. The object of this till is to fix some regular system, and a straight Jline was adop ted ; but Mr. : Grundy and Mr. Sevier both spoke a gainst the bill. Mr Sevier said the author of the bill never intended it to pass; and that if it was sent back to the House with an amendment, it would not meet with thirteen supporters. Mr. Grundy said the mat ter was very well as it was, and though he would not vote to increase the pay, as this left us a pretty 6ure lesson, he certainly would not vote to reduce their present pay or mileage. He found it little enough, for him. , Mr. Clay, of Kentucky,- thought the object of the House, m passing the bill, a praiseworthy one, arid that it ought to go to a committee for investigation. It was certainly a desirable matter that some equal and uniform system should be adopted. As it now stood, members even from the same neighborhood, charged their mileage by very differejjt routes. The "bill was referred to a select committee of five, too apptinjgd by the Vice President Mr. Crittenden, Trom the Comrnjpee to which the Bankrupt subject was referred, rorted a new bill, "em bracing such points as had been discussed by the Senate, and likely to be adopted. His bill was ordered to be pririted1 and-was"Jade the special order for Tuesday next. - The printing of 20j000 copies ef the white washing report, from the Committee on the militia came tip, when Mr. Crittenden took hold of this subject with his usual power, defending Gen. Harrison from the wanton aspersions endeavored to be thrown u pon him by this Committee. He asked if'his age, his long ser vice in council and in camp, should not protect iim from abuse 1 Was it because this old war-worn sol dier has been brought forwanl-by the people, that the friends of the Administration had sought to blacken and defame him 1 He would tell gentlemen in pro portion as they maltreated him in thU body, his ser vices, and the glory that surrounded his moral charac ter would find favor in the minds of the American peo ple. Mr. Crittenden was followed by Mr.Cuthbert, who justified the eport of the Secretary of War. Mr. Clay, of Ala., followed in defence of his report and against General Harrison, denouncing him as a black cockade federalist ; in short he endeavored to turn the public attention- from Mr. Poinsett to every matter save that immediately before the body. The Alabama Senator responded to the queries of Mr. Preston by saying that he did not approve of Mr., Van Buren's conduct upon any of the subjects named. Mr. Preston asked if upon all the subjects named h was opposed to the President with! what propriety he could support him 1 Mr. Clay of Alabama intimated, that Mr. Van Bu ren. was now sound upon all these subjects. a How know you that"was the next query, and if you believe it, how can you arraign General Harri son for votes given 20, 25 and 40 years gone by 1" There was no answer to this. Pn the question that the Report or Plan of the Sec retary of War be printed, along with the Report of the Militia Committee,; the yeas and nays were ordered, and the motion was lost by a vote of a strictly party character. TO WM. H. HAYWOOD, JR. ESQ. Sir : You ; have the reputation of being a Very shrewd man ; I know not whether you are justly en titled to such a character, nor is it now proper to en quire. That part of your 6peech which arraigns the Whig Party of this State, on the charge of Proscrip tion a subject which seems to have been selected, to enable you to spit forth some of that spleen, that "little malice," which has been rankling in your breast, shall be passed over for the present. Yexr and your Party prsaeng against Proscription ! This u really a beautiful commentary on the consistency of that po litical clique which has proscribed more men for opin ions sake than all the Administrations, since the foun dation of the Government. We shall give the Pub- he some bright examples of this, at a future time; for the present, -we call your attention to a matter of more importance, the position occupied by your Party, on the right of Instruction. In 1834, Mr. Mangum was instructed to violate his oath by expunging tbe Jour nal of the Senate, which he had sworn to keep these instructions Mr. M. refused to obey, and every Administration Press and every Demagogue in its ranks; denounced him as a violator of the sacred right of Instruction. No vituperation was too strong no indignation too heavy for him . who, according to the representations of your Party, had scouted the public will. Then you exhibited great devotion to the wish es of the People all that the Representative should require, was a clear expression of the public wish. You remember very well too, the speech of the Hon, Bedford Browjj, at Caswell Court House, in which he announced that the Representative should seek to know nothing more than the tvishof his constituents: an3 thai "the servant who knew his master's will and neglected it, was equally blameable with him w"ho had been ordered to do and refused." This, he said, wasthe true doctrine this, the only candid and safe rule. How stands, the Senator nowl 1H0W -stands your whole Party; thusjcwnmitted and pledged in be half of this right of the People to have their wishes respected and oSeved 1 I desire no quibbling. The People, Sir, are iri' the habit of calling thing3 by their right names, and they will not be quibbled out of their privileges. Js your position tenable ? At the last Sessjn of the Legislature, Resolutions were passed by a majority of about 8 in the Commons and 2 in the-Senate, condemning " the Sub-Treasury, and several other, measures .'of this Administration. The 8th Resolution declared "that our Senators in Con grtSsWfll repreaertt the wishes "of a majority of the People of this State, by voting to carry out the foregoing resolutions." Here then, is a plain, direct declaration of the wishes pi pur ! Senators' constitu ents, of that, which they desired to be done, for the "protection of their own liberty and the promotion of the prosperity of the country. " Our Senators in Congress will represent the wishes of a majority of the People, by voting." Could any thing be plainer? I put it to you 1 put it to every man in the Van Bu ren ranks, is this not a clear expresion of ihe will of the People 1 But mark the conduct of our Senators 1 Did, they obey 1 did they even respect these wishes 1 Fob the Registeh. ; To William Montgomery and Micajah Thomas Hawkins: Since you have abandoned your pantomimes, and blazoned forth your illustrious names the one, known only to be despised--the other pitied for his ignorance and both only celebrated for a blind adherence, and an indiscriminate support of your Lord and King, Martin Van Buren since, Isayi, you have come forth, and brought to light the obscure names of William White; of the 8th, and Gideon Macon Green, of the 6th Con. gressional District, I meant that you shall be presented to the world in the proper; light by which such Dema gogues should be viewed. Now mark; me, ye busy in- terferers,; the day of retribution is not distant, and your imposing and disgracefully tortured publication shall be the cause of your political condemnation. Do you not know that this is done to subserve-party purposes I That it so will be viewed, pan you doubt 1 Or, are you so misguided j and infatuated by your infuriate zeal for an abandoned and corrupt Administration, as to believe that all others are, as reckless as your benight ed and infatuated selves, j I have not time to say more at present, but yon shall poon hear again from- . I- : :: H ' MUTIUS. WAsniweTojr, Jue 13. In the House, to-day, Mr. Galbraith, of Pcnn. fol lowed Mr. Barnard, and spoke at great length in de fence of the Sub Treasury Bill. He ws succeeded by Mr. Shepard, of your State, who .spoke on the same side, and made a pretty good Speech for so ba5 a cause. Mr. Edwards, of ,Penn. made a very brief Speech in opposition to the bill, and was followed by Mr. Burke, who read a long argument in favor of the bilL The House adjourned at 7 o'clock P. M. In tbe Senate, the debate was resumed on the mo tion to print 20,000 extra copies of the Report of the Military Committee on the subject of the Standing Army. Mr. Clay, of Ala. spoke at great length in continu ation and conclusion of his speech in explanation of the Report of the Secretary of War, and concluded with an examination of Gen. Harrison's public life. Mr. Preston replied briefly. He congratulated the Senate that his antagonist bad arrived at the conclu sion that Mr.Poinseit'6 report was unconstitutional. He and the Senator were of the same opinion on this mat ter, though the conclusion was arrived at by different -means'. Mr. p, spoke also of the disposition manifes ted by the Senator from Alabama, of bringing in Gen. Harrison upon alV occasions. The highest aspirations of my heart, said Mr. Preston, are connected with the change of men and of measures. I have my prefer ences, and they are decided and made known upon all proper occasions. No emergency, said Mr. Preston, shall draw me into a discussion of Presidential matters here. Elsewhere I am ready to do so, but this is not thejpfoper place to make Presidents. We are here for legislative purposes and not for party electioneer ing- Mr. Preston followed with some caustic questions to Mr. Clay, of Ala. Mr. C. was not present when the putting of questions commenced. Mr. Preston looked around him in vain, and said at length " it is no matterCShe Senator's vacant seat will answer, I'll venture to say, as well as the Senator himself, were he here." . Mr. P, then commenced his pungent questions as an offset to some that had been .put to him. Mr. Clay at length, made his appearance, and the Senator again Jput the questions, f First, ift regardlo Mr. Van Buren's orthodoxy up on tiiesubjecl of Internal Improvements. Secondly, in regard to toll gates on the Cumber land Road, and who voted for them. , "Again, in regard to tile Missouri question. Again, in regard to Mr.,"Van Buren's vote of in structions to Rufus King His opposition to James Madison, by bringing for ward De Witt .Clinton. His approyaltJf Mr. Poinsett's leport,and the clause of it which said tkSt every man fined should be im prisoned one month for every five dollar fine. No I They returned an impertinent answer, asking what their constituents meant 1 'Does any man be lievedo you sir, believe, that they were sincere in their declaratiou that they did not know thej meaning of the Legislature 1 Impossible ! Have we j so degra ded ourselves as to send to the Senate, men,: who can not interpret their own language who cannot com rireherid the simplest expression 1 It would seem so 1 But then there appears, to be some great charm in .the word " instruct" and our Senators are disposed now to contend that this word is necessary to elicit resprct or enforce obedience. But. see to what this doctrine would lead. If you allow the servant to de signate what language his master must use before he regards his wishes, and the refusal to adopt such to 'constitute a complete justification, how can obedience I lie enforced 1 A command being given or wish ex pressed one exclaims, " I will not regard it; he must use other words." Another demands language still different, and the master is reduced to the necessity of thus submitting to the whims and caprices of those he thought subject to his will. Now apply this. Messrs, Brio wit and Straitoe require the, word iitsthuct before they will obey, ihough they can see clearly what is the wish of their constituents, but will this precedent he necessarily respected by their successors? They may require the word " command," or " order" or '"&," or one Senator may demand a different phraseology from his colleague. One may wish his instructions in Dutch, the other in French. How then: Must the Legislature truckle to all V Should it sur render its dignity, and shape- its words to suit these political servants 1 Should not its will, however expressed, be enough to command adherence 1 ,Will any say that the Senator should so degrade himself as to require to be ordered or kicked into obedience ? Would you be willing thus to set at naught the pub lic will, by the most miserable subterfuge 1 If so, then indeed are you a marked example of consistency! But why should the word instruct be necessary to obtain obedience 1 Has it any peculiarity of meaning which is sanctified by the Constitution 1 By the best Lexicographers, its primary nd proper meaning is " to teach," " to form by prece To teach what ? Why, the will, wish or opinions jf the constituent ! This is the lever which should direct the Representa tive. So soon as he begW to claim the right to re quire set phrases as iri a criminal indictment, that mo ment, he ceases to be the Servant of the Peoples, and becomes their MasterJ The 18th section of our Bill of Rights says, " The People have the right to apply to the Legislature for redress of grievances." Apply how ,? What grievances ? If you leave it to the Representative alone to answer these questions and shape his conduct accordingly, -to dictate the manner in which application must be made to merit a hearing, and to designate what grievances they will condescend tr redress, of what value, we ask, is the right guaran teed by this section 1 If application be made by writ- ten petition, the impudent Representative"' may reply " You must send a deputation? A deputation being sent, " You must petition" he exclaims, j Petition being sent, " Oh you hav'rit the word apply in it-" Thus, having instructed, " You must command." Be ing commanded, " Oh ! direct is the proper word." And thus the shuffling; Representative.. shields himself behind the right, to dictate to the constituent what lan guage shall be used ia applying for redress, or con veying instructions ! What a solemn farce ! Such a quibbler would deserve to be kicked from his high estate; even the Tarpeian Rock would be too good for him. . ' But sir, there is proof in your Speech. tha you con sidered the " Rayner Resolutions" virtually instruc tions. You ask, " Will any candid man among them (Whigs) tell us what the Rayner Resolutions deserve to be called, if the Instructions to Mr. Mangum were any persecution and proscription of the man?" If the Rayner Resolutions were not instructions, how could they be considered aspersecuting andproscrip tive ? Some of your party say they meant nothing. What ! persecution and proscription to pass resolu tions which affect no one ! ' You say again, "The Rayner Resolutions were intended to force Browx and Stuasgi into direct treachery against their own opinions." Then you have at last, discovered the in tention of the Resolutions ! Wiser indeed than our Senators, whg modest, simple-hearted creatures, could not for their lives, comprehend the intent of the Leg islature ! But how "force them into treachery against their opinions," unless they were intended to have the Senators obe y or resign? I call on the Peo ple TO MARK THE ADMISSION. But Sir, you are well aware of the fact, that many of your Party disapprove the course pursued by our Senators on the " Rayner Resoluions" All candid men were compelled to pronounce their letter a mis erable quibble a contemptible evasion. Elected to the Senate under oft repeated asseverations of devotion to the Public Will, we see them ready to sieze upon the most puerile reasons to justify ' their setting at naught that will. Told by their constituents that the Sub-f reasury was "calculated to place in peril the lib erties of the country," and that by voting against it they would carry out the wishes of a majority of the people of the State, they nevertheless persist in fixing it on the country ! It is coktempt or the popu lar voice a blow at the People's Rights ! L 3iBut, Sir, I prove from your own writings that the Rayner Resolutions" were Instructions. Have you forgotten your famous protest of 1834-5 f On the 5 th ofJanuary, 1835, the Resolutions of Mr. Hender son, affirming the true Whig doctrine relative to the Public Lands, were passed, by a vote of 82 to 32 ; yotj voting against them ! (Page 2,45th, Journal of the House 6fRepresentatives,:I834-5.) On the 10th of the same month, you and 15 other Van-Burenites all the party could not go it entered a protest on the Journals, from which I extract the following, viz : Finally we protest against those Resolutions being " considered as Instructions to our Senators, which, in "our judgment, they would be, if disconnected from " the circumstonces under which thy passed the "House. Because it was distinctly avowed in debate " by some of those who advocatad the passage of the " Resolutions,- that they were not " instructions to our " Senators ;" and this was acquiesced in by the silence " of nearly all, if-not every other member of the ma- "jority Because a large portion of the. members of " the House of Commons, who had during this Ses "sion denied the right of the General Assembly to in ' struct the Senators, yet voted in favor of these Reso- lutions. Because these Resolutions were introduced " and the vote finally taken at a late period of the Ses- " sion, after many members had obtained leave of ab " sence, and many others were not present to vote." It appears then that the Land Resolutions would have been instructions, but for these reasons, viz : 1. Because it was avowed in debate, they were not. 2. Because a large portion who voted for them had, during that Session, denied the right of the Legisla ture to instruct. 3. Because they were introduced and passed at a late period of the Session, when many members were absent. In the debate on Rayner's Re solutions, no one avowed they were not instructions nor had a large portion of those who voted for them ever denied the right. They were also introduced and passed early in the Session, witii a full attendance. Deducting those who previously denied the right of the Legislature to instruct, the Resolutions passed the House by a majority of 3! So, sir, from your own admissions, they were Ixstkuctiojts. One thing is certain, you did not then think the word " instruct" necessary. How, then, do you reconcile this with your course on the Rayne Resolutions ? You talk about the inconsistency of other men ! You, who have only been consistent in inconsistency, to set yourself up as a lecturer on political morals ! Sir, you shall be exposed. You have worn a mask too long you have dwelt in mystery until you have concluded that the peo ple are all gulls, and that nothing but the use of your wand is necessary to induce them to sell even their " birth-right for a mess of pottage." But, sir, like your master at the White House, yourmagic; influence is fast passing from you. Begin at once the soliloquy pf Wolsey ! Uritj Uf THIS V&VVUK. HOCCO BALL. There will be a Bali. at Shocco Springs, on Wednesday evening, the I5th of July. A find band of Music will be in at-' 4 tendance. . - . ANN J0HNSOJI.. Warren County, June 17. 50" '"- , (C Star, Standard, and Beacon 4 Omnibus. - . "V ....... . -v ,;T. Clones ery respctfally jnfbrm the Public, thai he has lately purchased the Hotel occupied by H. S. Smtet, and is prepared to accommodate gentlemen . ' and ladies as well, and on as liberal terms, as they can meet with in the State. His Stables aieiattend ed by 89 faithful Ostlers as reason could desire. His Bar as well supplied, as extravagance could ask, and his personaLaUention given in so unremitting a degree, that no me shall have cause to complain of his accommodation. His House is now undergoing a most thorough "repair, and he earnestly hopes that those who feel -disposed to give encouragement to honest exertion,-wil.all upon him. Raleigh, June19 1840. 49 Standard till forbid. THE BLAND PAPERS; being i selection from the Manuscripts of Col. Theodoriik BlanrtVjr. of. Prince George County, Virginia; together. with a Memoir of Col. Bland. For sale at tbe N. Carolina Book Store. June 19. - 50 ' T7 DGFiWOUTH SCHOOL,, Greensboro', JJ2J N. C The Exercises of this School will bo resumed on Wednesday, the 1st day of July. ocnojars will be received on the following terms: For Board, Lodging Washingj Lights, Fuel arid Tuition in the English branches, fur 5 months, - - ... jf : v75 00 French, - - - - . - 10 00 , Drawing and Painting, . - " - 10 0 ; Music, - - - - . Zo 00 A highly competent Music Teacher has been en- gaged to give lessons on the Harp, Piano and Gefitar. Books and Stationary of every tind will be kept for the use of the Institution, and will be furnished at moderate prices. ' This Institution being of regent establishment, has may have no knowledge of its existence, we are bap- . py to' state, that every advantage of location, every facility for instruction, every means for promoting daughter, ma v be found here. The uniform increase of numbers, and the general approbation expressed, as well as the conscious excel lence of the Institution, give to those interested in its welfare, undoubted security that the School needs only to be known, in order to receive a liberal patronage. D. P. WEIR, Principal. Greensboro'. N. C. June 10, 1840. 50 PROSPECTUS OP the HENDERSON GAZETTE. The undersigned proposes to publish a Weekly Paper under the above title, in the Town of Hender son, Granville County, N. C. It will be devoted to . i . r . u -t r 1. . i I ur propel purpose ui mis cinso in uuuiicbiiiujb tun enlightenment of tbe People ; and, at such a time as this, when diverse and adverse opinions upon subject of general concernment are dividing th public mind, . the Editor will oest promote this purposely setting f forth the different doctrines held by apposing parties ; and advocating those which he believes to be Uue. So far, then, as he Gazette assumes a political char acter, it will espouse the cause of true Republicanism, in opposition to Jthe policy and principles of the pre- unl A tminictrafim anil fitrht mnnfiiHv thil (rood fipht against the powers that be, in behalf of the powers that will le, when truth shall triumph .over error. And the Editor will account himself fortunate, if the exertion of his feeble abilities shall contribute a mite . to the extension of Whig principles, and tbe elevation of General Haa'aisoir, to-the highest station f dig- '. nity and trust in the National Government. T- f .1 i : : c uk. . : i..... j"' S. in II) e UIBCUSSIUJi ui puuiiu (jucnuuua, uvno'ci) will be the aim of the Editor to preserve the dignity of the Press, amid the turmoil of political strife, from the degradation to which it too often' sinks from that rancour and virulence of party spirit, which ever provea the greatest drawback to tbe cause it is designed-ttr . promote. Aijd the undersigned pledges himself that this paper phall be conducted with fairnesa and trutk 1 shall ahow'an Tespectful cwftttsy to -honest ppeV' . nenis anu maintain a gt-uucuiauij vcanug ... u all. He has chosen his ground tbe firm foundation ' of well settled principles and witb all openness and . candor, he will rear upon it a structure of reason and argument as a strong hold of the cautehe believes to be just. From political friends he. aspects patron age and support from enemies, nothing but the rea nect due to an honorable enemyand this it will be hi endeavor to command. , . - - A considerable portion of the Gazette will be devo- ted to the entertainment of the lovers of Polite Litera- ; ture and in this department, the publisher will exert "himself to recommend it to men of intelligence and taste. The publisher can command the most ample mean for obtaining the latest news from all parts of the countryand the Gazette will always supply full in-i telligence upon all subjects of general interest. The . daily arrivals of Goods, 4-c. by the Rail Road the prices current of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond, Norfolk, Petersburg, Handerson, Raleigh and Wilmington, will be regularly published, with all other matters of interest to the people of this immedi ate neighborhood. The Gazette will be "of the size of the Raleigh Register, and of a neat and elegant ap pearance. In short, no expense will be spared to ren der it an acceptable paper to all who may favor it with their patronage. ' - Terms. 3 00 a year in advance; but if paymeet be delayed until after the issuing of the twelfth No. S3 SO will be demanded. The first number will be issued as soon as Subscribers enotigh cane obtained to warrant the expense of publication. All Postmasters are requested to act as agents, ana brward money to the Publisher. THUS. G. JJ1JUU. crY Editors fiiendly to the eameare requested to give the above an insertion. : . ' OMITTED ITOAST. -By D. Minge, of Va.Thc Belles of Raleigh Courteous to the beaufiesj and feseihating to the beaux of Virginia, their charms are beyond emulation, as their manners are without a fault. BARBECUE-AND MUSTER. t ' There will be a Muster and Barbecue at the house of Mr. JoH?f J. L. McCullers, 10 mdes South of Raleish. on Saturday, the 27th of June; at which the Candidates are expected to attend and open the Cam paign. - ; -.Ik- Raleigh, June 18, 184U. y flJHIS DAY PUBLISHED, THU REPORTS of Cases Argued and Determined in the Su preme Court of North-Carolina, in Law and Equity, TURNER & HUGHESTi June 19. 1840- . ! . rO WHITE LEAD, LINSEED1" OIL, &c The Subscribers keep constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Medicines, Faints. Uils, Dye- stuffs; Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy articles; with which they supply Physicians and Dealers on the most accommodating wholesale terms. All orders, with good reference, will meet prompt attention. " DUPUY, ROSSER d- JONES, pruggtsts, S. E. corner of Sycamore and Back Sts. 50 Petersburg. Va. rmHANKS TO MY FRIENDS., who have call "II ed to see our cheap N. C. Cloths and Yarns; I thought they would buy4 and they have bought, and I had to write for a fresh supply, which is now to handT In the last of Yarns, is filling, as well as warp. WILL.: PECK,, Raleigh, June 19. 50 PJvN COMMISSION-Venisoh Hams, Boxes of y V smoked Herrings and Cocoanuts. 60 M WILL: PECK, TATEOF' NORTH-CAROLINA, - Whew Cocsti, Court of Equity, spring ierro, iov. 8olomonvG. Ward, Adm. &c. of Solomon Green, dee'd. vs. Frances J. Sledge, Amelia O' Bryan, War ren Harris and Amanda, his Wife, William Butlerand Courtenav.his Wife, John J. O'Bryari, Solomon J Supplemental G.O'Brvan,G. McDonald O'Bry- I bill to sab-, an;IriQT.O'Bryan,Betsy A.O'- ject Land, ftrvan-Marv P. O'Brvan. Fannr X. descended & Green, deceased. II. Kendnck, Cornelia tvendricK, Charles P. Green, Thos. J. Green, Nathaniel T. Green, Willianf R, : D. Ward, Ann E. Ward, Salty Ward, Solomon Green, Martha Green and John H.Green, Heirs at Law deceased. It appearing to the satisfaction of tha Cetrrt, that the Defendants, John J. CBryan, ranny H. Ken- drick and Cornelia Kendrick, children of Susan Ken dnck, who was the wife of James Hendrick, Charles P.Green- Thomas J. ureen, xsathaniei i. trreen, William. R.D. Ward, Martha Green.and Ann Boiling Green, reside beyond the limits of this Slate s It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication ba made for six weeks in" the "Raleigh Register, for the said Defendants ta appear at the. next Term of thhi Court to be held at tbe Court-house in the Tow of Warrenjton, on the third Monday after lha fourth Monday in September next, the am tnre, to plead, ... - .1 v U a 4.mfIii! nanl'i "R ill nlhr answer ui ucuiui w iud wupi ... - - - wise, the same will be taken pro confuso, and heard ex parte as to them.' - V itoesa, Gorx-roan Tauh, Clerk and Master of said Court of Equity, at office, the third Monday a, ter the fourth Monday in March,3840.' TAAtJLiJS X , V. I . E . . June 9, 1840. (Fr, tdnlCO)