7 WD'AB aTJir & PnMlfcbfed every Friday T -tf ST SVt &a B ASCIIS? Edit? Mad Proprietor, fit Dollars r Aiihiiiii. 4 FRIDAY, OCTOBE&1G, ISlG. XO. 2, llliii m ltfALiflGH, N. C, V-"ft :, h , I, i i Tuesday, October 13, 1846, US-DISTRICTING THE STATE. f. -om mend to the attention, of the reader, til blarticle l 'nul P"lr, copied from the " Fayelte Tille Observer," on the important subject of ra-dis-irictinf the State at the next Session of the Legist a- COMMON SCHOOLS. Ha publishing to-day, the Statement from the I.it krury Board, allowing the amount to which each r..ntv in the Smuiia entitled, under the FkII dietri. balira, for tba jpurposes of Common School, we deem it not irrelevant to make a few remanss. We believe, notwithstanding the beneneeni inien ti.uia of those who passed the "School Law," as it is termed, nd tho fidelity with which it provisions are II.. .11 iro,i iWa nre vet defects, which geueraujr - must be remedied, before all the blessings are ex perienced which were expected to flow from its en actment. There is a want of system aud regularily in the delajfe of the plun, which can ouly be reme died by the appointment of a Superintendant, wiiose duty it shall be to exercise a general supervision over all matters connected with the execution of our School Laws. We cousider our plan of Common Schoois as the great work of the age for our good old State. The system may be regarded as one ol In terval Improvement, beinninr at the ritrlit point, and radiating otfiuto Ronds and Cauals, by which Virtue is to be conducted to the heart, and intelligence to tha mind. But like all other works of magnitude, there Bhonld be au efficient and responsible bead. A State Atreut. with proper qualifications, should be ap- pointed, whose duty it shall oe 0 irove. State, visit the Counties, see, advise and direct the Superintendents, and School Committees in the dis charge, of their duties, and use his influence to 'waken lively interest in the success of Popular Education. The Father of hisCountry said "There is fcolhiug that call better deserve our patronage, than tire promotion of science and literature. Knowledge is, in every country, liie surest basis of public happi ness. ilavfERsoN said "Make a crusade against ignorance, aud establish and improre the laws for eddtaiing the common people. No other sure foun dation can be devised for the preservation of freedom." The elder Adams said "A Republican Government, ' wilbouf'kuowiedge and virtue, is a body without a onlk Tbe celebrated William It. said " For learning be liberal. Spare no cost, for by audi par Mimony, ill is lost that is eaved" ' ;Pf what avail are our Agricultural, Manufacturing and Mineral resources, if the hearts and intellects of the rising generation, panting for light aud knowledge, and love of truth, are permitted to lie as a wilderness. If we would realize the bright anticipations of patriot ism illustrate fully the sentiment that man is capa ble of self government sweep from the precincts of truth aud heresy, that any class is doomed by Heaven ' to be "hewers of wood, and drawers of water, aud to suffer from necessity the atrocities of mis-government," we must ana every beinghted mind with that rest panoply of a Freeman, knowledge. If we !o not, the messenger of desolation, as did the angel of ijeatb aforetime in Egypt, will mark us for a fearful overthrow. NKl'SE U1VER. see that an application will be mnde to the next General Assembly of North Carolina, for a Charter foj a Steamboat Navigation Company, to aavigate Neuse River. The " NewBerniau" says that the enlcrj-. is started by some public spirited citizens of Johnston County. DEATH OF HOVT. ). ft. Hovt, who was shot a few days ago at Kiehmoud, Va., by Mr. Mvers, for alleged intimacy of an improper character with his wife, d'red on Satur day last. ouit proposals for peace. The official paper says that Mexico has not abso lutely " rejected" our overture, but declines giving any answer at all until her Cortgress meets, which will not be until some lime in December. Our Gov ernment in the mean time, iutends to prosecute the war with -renewed vigor upou the seabourd. GEN. KEAHXEV'S PROCLAMATION. A most extraordinary document, under this head, Is going the rounds of the Newspapers, which we canuot but believe to be a hoax. By it, the whole of New Mexico is declared to be annexed to the United States; and the inhabitants ary not only absolved ' front their allegiance "to Mexico, but are declared to fce subject tq conviction and execution as traitors, should they be found in arms against the forces of the United Stales. ID It is frequently asked to explain the difference between the price of Wheat per quarter, and' per bar rel, .in sterling money. A Caiiida paper says the simple rule by which every man can ascertain this for himself is, to multiply the price per quarter by 7, nd divide by 12, the result will give the amount per barrel. Thus 56 shillings per quarter, multiplied by 7, and divided by 12, gives 32s. 7d. per barrel. HUNG HIMSELF. Capt. Aaron Willard, of Cbarlentown, Mass.,com .Jftkted suicide at his resiuence in that town week be fore last. He returned home from Bodtou as a dele gate to the Democratic1 State Convention, took hi IreakfaM the next morning a usual, aud then went iput to tria 1arn and hung himself. - MAKE WAY FOR MARYLAND! SHFflS COMING WITH A PERFECT RUSH:! ' Tbk Ball or 1840, again put in motion ! ! ! The returns from Maryland Ire, indeed, most grat ifying. ThWhig have swept J he State fore aud aft, leaving , scarcely a grease-spot ,to show where Loco Focoisra wasSlie Legislature is largely. Whig iu both branchea. EvenvBaltimore has virtually sur rendered to 'the Whigs. AftW desperately hurd fought battlaf Ahe Wlifg SenatoXAhe first one ever chosen in the City) was elected bpaiie vole thus securing a Senator, good and true for sixyara. Let thia be remembered hereafter, and cited to iflnslrate Ihe value of one vole. The Whigs also elected t Delegates, one of them John P. Kknnkdt formerly in Congress, and a gentlemau of brilliant talents. The majority iu each branch will be ample for all purposes. The Baltimore papers attribute this victory, main ly, Jo- Mr. Polk's tampering with the Tariff. Per haps, Loco Focoism, after being soundly drubbed, will admit that Ex-Senator Haywood " knew a thing or two." GEOIUJIA ELECTION. We have but few returns from the Election in this Slate, but they aro very cheering, indeed." Messrs Toiibs, Kixa and Stkimiens aro re-elected to Con gress, iu their Districts. v VERY GOOD. The ' True American" saya that when Ji its C. CalHoo take snuff, every body in South Carolina tames. . .Quentian.-ts Mr. Poll, as Mr. Ritcbio lays, the " treat father if the red man 7" "4niw. He tint the -father f fwthing tin. GREENSBORO', N. C. We have received from a friend at Greensboro', a Pamplet entitled " CreensboitniBh, Us Population, Schools, Health, &c." This thriving Town "is beautifully situated in a high healthy country, sur rounded by no streams of importance, eighty miles west of Raleigh, and is the largest and most thriving town in the State west of that Ci.y. "Its population at the last Census was about eight teen hundred ; and now it is supposed lo be near two thousand. It is a place remarkable, for the euergj, industry and morality of its inhabitants ; and for Ihe successof its mercantile, mechanical and other indus trial pursuits. " Hut to its excellent Schools, is it mainly indebted for that enviable distinction it now enjoys: besides its " Fiee Schools," and Sabbath Schools, and several other elementary Schools, there are three institutions of learning intended by their founders to be of a high order ; and the friends of each desire no other pat rouage, than that lo which merit aud success may entitle them. "The" Greensborough High School," a Male In stitution which succeeded to the Caldwell Institute. The " Edgeworth School," a Female Seminary of established reputation. " The Green.'iborougli IVmaleT College," an lusti tution which has just gone into operation under very favorable auspices. We learu also, from this Pamphlet, that the num ber of deaths iu Greensboro', for the last IG 'mouths, from all causes, and of all colours, was only 10 be ing an average of only one death a month. SOMETHING " UtCH AND RARE." The New Orleans Delia publishes the following correspondence, as an illustration o( the philosophy of letter-writing. Mr. McCalla, it will be seen, (says that paper,) is positive, pointed, and sententious. Captain Tobin is candid, discursive, aud didactic. The whnlo, if not trenching on the sublime, belongs at Ica9t lo the beautiful : TRRAsmr Department, StroMi At-ditok's Office, Jri.v 31 18l(i. Sm : You are charged on the books of this office with $1.5-5, the value of the clothing and blankets t'urnished for the use of your company, and for which you will be held accountable. In order to relieve your i.f from this accjiuutabilitv, you will enter on your first muster-roll all articles of clothing and blankets issued to the men under your comiiuud, and request the paymaster to deduct the several amounts from their first payment. You are also held responsible for the camp and garrison equipage received for your company until turned over to a United States Quartermaster. 1 am, sir, your obedient servant, J NO. M. McCALLA, Sccoiid Auditor. Capt. G. H. Tomx, Washington Regiment Louisiana Volunteers. TnpstRv DrfAimiF.ST, Second Aiditok'sOefick, Aihust, S, l8 tG. Kilt: By a decision of the honorable the (secret., ry Of War each soldier under your command Is entitled to six months' clothing, to the amount of $21; all over that they ere"lo be charged wilh There will be other charges, of which you will be .ufonncd by this office. You will please consider this letter your guide, in addition to the'one yon received from me of the 31st ultimo. Very respectfully, J NO. M. McCALLA, Second Auditor: Capt. G. II. Tobin, Louisiana Volunteers. New Orlians, Skit. 17, 1846. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of two favors from you, one dated 3Il July, the other Slii of August. 1 can only auswer by a yarn. A countryman of mine was ooce indulging in the very intellectual occupation of sucking fresh eggs raw and reading a newspaper. By some mischance he contrived to bolt a live chicken. The poor bird chirruped as it went dowu his throat, and he very politely observed, " Be the powers, my friend, you spoke loo late'." I cau only say, sir, that your favors have reached me too late. They have been chasing me through the Mexican post-offices j that is, lo express myself more clearly, when I received them, they (the let ters) were down in Mexico and I was up here ; and when I did'nt receive them, they were up here and I was down there. The fact is that most of my men have been paid off, and are scattered to the four quarters of the globe. They were mostly sailors, as I was myself. From them (if there be charges) nothing can be expected. The camp and garrison equipage has beenJLurned over to the proper officers, with the exception of en a dry axe smashed and placed. hor$ du combat in chopping'Sowu those amiable chaparrals on the banks of the Rio Grande. I except, alsb, the camp kettles anu paiw, many of which were used up iu roasting, boiling, stewing, and fry ing out pork and beaus, ba con, and fresh kef, not to speak of the slow venison, which some were ill-natuied enough to call Mexi can beef. l or my own responsibility in the mat'?r, I regret, more ou "Uncle Sam's account than my own, that I am not worth a continental Jamn. I have beau not onlv paid, b'lt I believe nyerjiaik by alK ut TiO. My conscience comLetiea me to reu;oiiiruio w u raym'sters but t'.ey assured me that they made n ,, .iBi'knk bank tellers- sometimes say the saihe. I confide. ed l'i;ir feelings and rtrhilged them. ' How ever, I maile a good use ot the mou")' : I Jave it te the sick aua unpaid soldiers. Most of the oilier captains are in the same fix with myself (barring ihe overpay) about responsibility, aud refer to my epistle as an answer. II yon hava auy further communications for me, please direot to the care of Maj Gen. John L. IWis, New Orleans. I seldom go to ihe post office, be cause I have no body to correi-iKHiuw itli, and jet I am not the man who never had lather nor mother, but was " wou in a rallle." . t Very respectfully, I G. II. TOBIN, Captain Comptiny P, Washington Regiment Louisiana Volunteers. John M. McCai.i., Second Auditor. 1'. S. I don't know whether lo sign myself captain, ex-cajilain, ur late captain. I iras a caplaiu, THE STANDARD'S CONSISTENCY. The Standard complaint of the editor vi the ister for not publishing (ho opinions of the UnliTa Republican, the Charlotte Journal, the Wilmington Chronicle, and the Rutherford Re publican ou he subject of Re-District! g the State, and asks with mock earnestness, " why "does "the editor rcfUsVtelet h?g readers ace boll sides of the question 1One would enpnoso, from the Stamlard'i articlcXjhat those Wh prints were slrongly opposed to fhemcasure, ami had offered very cogent reasoriB whyKFliould not be adopted ; when the fact ia, thai theyhave done no euch thing, but merely expressed ee)me doubt as to its expediency. As two sides to iho question have not yet been made out, hew can the Register, or auy oilier Whig editor, ho cen sured lor not giving "both sides" of ihe ques tion ? But how farccial is it for tiie Standard to rebuke oilier prirtta for not giving " both sides of a question !" When did the Standard ever in dulge iu readers wilh a luxury of I hat kind ? The editor could not even find it in his heart lo give place to tho letter of Mr. Leake, one of tho Democratic candidates for Governor last spring, because it gave " two sides" to the matter be tween him and Mr. Sliepard. Rut the Whigs have no desire to suppress ar g umerits oil cither Bide ; wuatever is done in Iho preinisep, will be done after due deliberation and a full hearing of all parties concerned. They have no fear of the "chasm of disorganization" which llir fancy of the Standard has opened ; for tliey wiii lake good care that they do not tumble into it. They have more cause to fear the sliac kles which t ho Democratic Legislature of 18 12 imposed upon them, by which the voice of some 61)00 freemen was suppressed. They do not consider the law of 13ivi to be irrepealable, like the laws of the Modes and I'ersians, and they think they have woru the shackles long enough. Jlilhboro' llecorJa: Glorious News from the Army! CAPITULATION OF MONTERKY. AITKU TliRKK DAY'S Fit ill 1 1.Nti ! The Steamship, James L l)iy, Capt. Wood, arrived from- Drawp Santiago about 10 o'clock thia morning. By hr we have received the glorious news itiat 31onti:i:f.y mas l Ai n ri.A tei, j AFTER Tni.l t: PAYS Of n KM' TRAIT l i:HT!N(!. We cantiui delay the press lo attempt tn write out a 'narration of the battles. The following " inemoramU" are fnmi Ihe pen of a:i officer who , was in tin bit lies. Gen. Worth, who led the attack upon i,e ; city on the west aide, has iiuiiinrlalied himself, j The fighting ..'as desperate mi our side, tin; Mexi cans out numbering us by uvn lo une, and being ; protected by strong entrenchments. Almost all our different ai'ruunts set down our ' loss at 500 or ove, of whom were killed. That best tells the character ol Hie lielit. l'icayuin Oct. -1. battery were also use:! with much oiled far into the Lean of the city this engagement histed the best part of the day, our troops having driven the ccatliB.l. parties of Urn enemy, and penetrate. I quite to the" defences of lite main pUn. The ad vantage thus gained, it was not considered neces sary to hold, !H the enemy hail permai.enlly a banduned the city and its defences except the main plaza,' its iinm"!iain vicinity and the Cath edral fort or Citadel. Kariy in tho afternoon (same day) Gen. Worth assaulted from Ihe Bish op's Palace tho west side of lite city, and suc deoileif in driving the enemy and inaitit.iiirtig his iMvilion wi'hiii a short distance i f the uriin nl.ia m lhat side , f the illy; toward evonieg tiie f 8f mortar nail also lieer punted in ine i.eiiieierv i "v.3 enclosure, and iluntiir ilie night did gre.it execu tion in the ciri'iiiii-itrilind camp uf the enemy in the plaza' thus ended luu operations ol Ihe .'hl. . Atrou Ka-lv on the ihorning of inn ': i.li, a cninniiiii" Ab cation was sent lo ( ion. Taylor, ii.ni' Urn. Am- Heaulnrt pudia, under a llag, unking an offer of i.ipitu! i- I ,"r,,' tint! t.t li,.. t I. it ?,,(.,.i Mllimnitln tr.'lt.ln 'jm it t I ' lu'lffl asked nime than the American contni u..lc won! 1 I tUM'itiON "SCHOOLS. I.N ( oMi'i.uNti: with THR Act ok tur ORVrnsr, -Wtumr. in relation to COMMON SCHOOLS, llie rre-iptil and Oirectore of the Literary h'nnd. have unified :he following distribution ot lite netl i runtf of Ihe I.ilernry I'uud, foKthe support of Coni iii, mi Schools, lor the year, ending the 1st of Seplem bet, If it;. . - '- Ity order of the Hoard, WILL: A. CRAHAM, t'ret't. r OJicio, TABLE. ('.unlit'. I-Vd 1 1 IWii. jmnu Spring Jfastv Memoranda of thtopraH n of Ihe .mr t. tl,nc , (l , ,.., ; r,.ui. m,w j ,!.',0 Urn. Auipudia I'i M. war the hour at .which lln; accci.uie.e or non nreeptntirc was to bo coiniiiumc.ile.l lo the American (Jenrral. At II A. M , the Mexican morai sent, roiiuesling a personal conference with U"n. Tvinr, which iva granted ; tliej, principal oiVutih of rank ou eillier side accompanying their tienerals. Afier several ollors in relation lo the capitulation ol llie city made on either side aud refuw ! at half-pas! 1 I'. M., (Jen. Taylor arose nntl Bayinj; lie w t;ive (I 'ii. Ainpuilia one hour to consider ai:d ac cept or refuse, left the cnnfereiin) with in.-, otli -its at the expiration ol tho hour, tho discharge ol iho iiimtar was to he the signal for tin; re 'oiiiinciiceiiieiit ol lioaiilitiex. I i - Ti re llie expi ration of the hour, however, an e'lii'er w as senl on Ihe part of (lea. Auipudia, lo inlortn the A mer in (feneral thai lo avoid Ihe furlner eflii sion ol blood, n 1 1 1 1 the nation il honor being satis- ctn Army before Monterey Mexico, from the 1!)M to the'iith September. On the 10 ii (ion. Taylor arrived from Monte rey, with t lorce of about 0000 men, and aljer jq connoitering Ihe city at about KiUOor 1 tit HI yiflMs n the Cathedral tort, during w hich lie wati firedunon from its batleries, his lorce was en camped irkl lie Walnut Springs, ;) miles short ol the city. This was Ihe-nearest position at which the ai ..iv" cuuldibtaii a supply of wale: , am! he beyond! the. reach Hi be enemies bai.,nes The remainder of the liJth was occupied by the engineers in making rccourruisances of llie c.;y, batteries and coinuiaiiding heighuj. On the 'JOth (ien. Worth was ordered with htu diviBioti to move bv a circuitous route to the i iglitxjo gain the Snliillo road beyond the west of thoNiown and lo .;.rm the heights abuvc tho liishop's I Hi uii.-w irk Ihllu'eiubo Itorke I ttli urns Cnliinell c aiuilen Cut.. ba aileiel " I a.-,W'll ( 'imtltalil I '! M.ikei. I 'luiwaa I 'If TIIE RISE IN THE PRICE OF GRAIN. Locofoco Logic. Among tho blessed fruits of the " Experimen tal" Tariff, Locofoco papers enumerate the recent advance in ihe price of grain, although that Ta riff does not go into effect until tho first of De cember ! A similar advance teok place a year ago, w hich the' same pipers then 'attributed to the election of Mr. Polk to the Presidency, al though the administration had then done nothing to effect the business of the country in any way! Turpentine, early in this year, suddenly w ent up from $2 50 to $4.00 a barrel all attributable to the election of James K. Polk, excl;. ned his par. tisans here. But both grain and turpentine as suu.'enly .vent down again, even below the for mer prices, and then we heard milling about Mr. Polk. North Slate Whin. l-'dijcllcvillc, Octuher G. The Rail Road Convention. Wo have pleasure in stating, ihat assurances h.vo already been received, from Norlh and South, which jus. tify the hope, that the Rail Road Convention to be held here on tho 4th of next month, will bo very numerously and respectably attended. The Committee- have issued the following no tice : Jj A Convention will be lielil iD Payetteville on the 4th day of November 110, to lake into consideration the importance of completing the connecting ,.uk in the Metropolian line ol Rail Road between Ra!; '"rh, N. O. and Camden, S.C. The citizens of the counties who feel an interest in this work aro requested to hold meetings and send Delegates, and all whrj'aro friendly to the scheme are invited to visit i'ayettevilie on that oc casion. By order of the Executive Committee. AllClI'D Mi LEAN, Kec'y. Fayetteville, Oct. 0, 1S46. The Marbiage Question At the recent session of the Presbytery of Fayetteville, at Tirzah Church, in this county, the long pending ase of the Rpv. Mr. McQueen, who was sus pended inT84l from' the functions of the Minis try and from the Communion of the Presbyterian Church, for marrying the sister of his dercaFfd wife, again ramc up, and by a majority of four votes the Rev. Gentleman was restored to his former position in llie Church. A Protest and Complaint, however, were entered by a portion of the minority, under which the case was carried up to the Synod of North Carolina, at its session at Geensborough last week. rayeltedlle Obsificr. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. We understand that, at the lale meeting of the visitors of this venerable and exceKent institution for the purpose of.filling the vacancy occasioned by the sudden death of President Dew, Roblkt Sav.NDF.rs, Esq, the present able Professor of Mathematics in ,thai institution, was elected Pre sident pro ttm. This aprointment will no doubt be acceptable to all the friends of the College, and to none more so t' an those students who have had the pleasure of being pupils of Professor Saunders. JPelertburg Intelligent.?. ace, wliirli vital point llie eni'ii.y appear to nave iy Ul(1 t,xcrljmlH of u, .M,.xica troops', ho slrangcy neglected. Circumstances caused his I hnifler consultation w ill, Ins General "llicers, halt on the night ot tlu 'JOlh, short of the mien- ' ,, !,., ,..,,,;,! aKl,lUlll, i10 0Vor of ,he ded position. On-.lhe jiiiirjiingjdihe '-Ist he ' ,Pr ,.;, Oouer.,'. continucu ma route, aim .mora., cmoum-, .... , The leriiis uf capl'llh. jon wore in clljct a large body ol iho enemy s cavalry and uifan- fi,,s . try, supporled by artillery Iruin lliu Heights, lie That Iho oflrrrs as reniilsed lliein Willi loss, ami hnauy encainpeil. covering the passage ol the S.ilailo road. I; was he.e liiscovere.:. that besiiles the fort at the llish op's Palace and the occupiition of iho heights a bove it, two firts on coiniiiandiug eminences, on the opposite side of tl." Nan Juan, hail been iottilied and occupied. These two latter hoiirlits were then stormed and carried llie gtuiB ol the last fort carried being immediately turned with a plunging lire upon the dshop's Palace. On this same morning the -1st) the first division of re gular troops, under Gen. Twiggs, and Iho Vol unteer Division jjnilcr Gen. Butler, were order ed under arms to make a diversion to the left ol the town, in favor of the important operations of (ien. Worth. The 10 inch mortar and two 21 pounder howitzers, had been pnTlri battery thu night of the 20lh, in a ravine 1400 yards distant from the Cathedral fort nrCtlinlfl.and-were sup ported by liie 4th Regiment of infantry. At H, A. M. on the f-'lsl the order was given for this battery to open upon the citadel and town, and immediately niter the tirsl Division, with the lid and lib Inlantry iu advance, under Col. Garland, were ordered to reconnoitre and skirmish w ith Ihe enemy on the exlreuie left of the city, and should prospect of success olier, to carry t'he Irrost advanced battery. This attack was ilireca .'d by Maj. Mansfield, Engineer. I 'apt. Williams, Topographical Engineer, and Maj. Kinney, H M. lii'lhe Texas Division. A heavy lire from the rir' ' ulery was immediately opened upon the advance, but t!i troops soon turned it, entering and engaging with tho enemy in the streets ol the city, .having passed llnouh an incessant cross lire from the Citadel and the lirsl and so Ct al batteries, and from the Inlantry who lined the parapejf, streets and house tops of the City. The rear of the 1st battery was soon turned, am! the reverse fire ot the troops through llie gorge of the works, killed or dislodged the artillerist and infantry from it, and the building occupied by infantry immediately in its rear. The first Division was followed and supported by the Mis sissippi and Tenttcssee and 1st Ohio Regiments, the two former regiments being the first to scale and occupy Ihe fort. Tlio success of tha day here stopped. The Mtskissippi, Tennessee arid Ohio Reffimeuls, Ihouifh wannlv-engaged in tho streets of the city for soma time after the capture ( of tho first battery and its adjoining (sciences, were unable, from exhaustion, and the loss that they had sulTercd, to gain any moro advantage. A lieavy shower of rain also came up to cause a suspension of hostilities before the close ol Ihe day. The 3.1, 4th and 1st Infantry and tho Balti more Battalion, remained1 as the garrison of the capturid position, under Col. Garland, assisted by Capt. Ridgety's baliery. Two li pounders, one 4 pounder" and 1 howitzer, were raptured in this fort, 1 1 roe nflicers and some i-'O or .'!() men taken prisoners. One of Ihe 12 pounders was aeived against the 2d fort and defence, with captured aniunitio'n, during the remainder of the day, by Capt. Kulgeiy. The storming parties of Gen. Worth's llivision also captured two nine pounders, which were also immediately turned nguinst their fIioh J he I out with llirir side arms. , 'I hat the Cavalry and Infancy iwed to iiri-cn ild be al atuoii I lowed to match oul wilh their nfuia and j tn ..lent.-i. I That the Artillery should be allowed to march i out with , no ballery of six pieces anil twonly- one rounds of ammunition. That all other munitions of war and supplies should bo turned oyer to a board of American ollirers appointed to receive I hem. Thai the .Mexican Arniv, should be allowed seven days lo evacuate ifc' city and ihat ll.e American troops should not occupy il until evacuated. ! That the Cathedral, I'ort or Cit.ol'l. should be evacuated at 10 A M., 'text day, ( J.ilh) the j Mexicans then marching out and the American I garrison inarching in. The Mexican allowed lo ; fetlttte their 11 ig when hauled dowu. That there should be an ariin.ili.e ut eiuht . weeks, during which tune nriiher army should , pass a hue riimiiii.; from iho Kincoiu.l.i through Linares and San fern an.lo. ) This lenient offer of the American General , vas dictated with llie ronriirrriice ol his Gone I rals and by motives of good policy and ron - .leia. lion fur the good defence of their cily by llie Me.i i can Army. A illnt Cnpl T.ipiicriipli.enl IIiioispp ; ! Liriit. Terrell', Ui Inlantry ; Cnpl. I. N. .M.irns. :td ! do.; Cjl. I iel-I, :i.l il,i ; Maj.ir llniboiir, :id .1" : I l I Irwin, .'Id do ; laciil. Ilazlilt, .'M il" 'aeiil. Il.ikni, ! -lib il : ; Lieut. Wood, llh (Iu ;(', McKnvett. Hi. j du ;('nl. W'alsnn, Itntlimnm lt.itrnli.ii; Cnpl. Haill'io, 1 m. Teiiiiessfe Ueinieiit ; laeut rnliiuin, ll do- do ; ' and a Lieutenant in u (eroiaii t'uiiipany. W un n.tl id Majnr Lear, :hl Infantry, severely ; I ('apt. Ilai.. bridge, J.I do., very slijlilly ; Lieut. K H j I i a 1 1 .i in , -1 tli do., severely ; iiipt. Luiinitt", Isl .In , I ee ry slightly ; I. ant. Dilwurlb, 1st do , seven ly ; Majur Aliercrnniliie, 1st do., s!'i;!iMy ; l.i.-ut. W uin ' Wright, Hih .!., shifhily ; Li'-ul. KoshcII, flh do, slightly ; LieiU." I'ilu-r 7lh do., shlilly ; Maj. Muns- tii-ld, Eugiiii- rs, slialitly ; (o n. I'.iiller, nlimi.-.'r Division, sl'itlilly ; Col. .Mitchell, Ohio nliinleers, sliglilly ; Ciil Mel'lunf?, Missiiipi Keniinru' , se verely ; Maj Alexander, Teiin. sseB Viiliinleers ; Lieut Allen, do. do. ; Lieut. Scnll.ler, .In. do. ; Lieut. Nixuu, do. do. J f'npt. I'.iwler, Mississippi liejjuuelll; Lieut. 'I'lioinus, lexns Urgiineiil ; Lieut. Arnwlrong, lliio Keffiui-nl, severely i t upt. (ulcspir, 1 exuf. Ruugrs, uioilully wouude.l, liuee died. Julius Cjksaii Lord llacon, no mean judge, considered Julius Cteaar llie most accomplished character of all antiquity, lie certainly was not inlorior in military genius, eloquence, and uclnd. atsliip to any man ihe world has produced, and his clemency was superior lo thai manifested by any conqueror. In THrbrW, by Rev. Tlio.i. II Owen, Mr. Rich'd. T. Muslims, of Alub..ina, lo Miss Elizabeth A. Law rence, daughter uf Mr. IVter I'. Lawrnlee. Hi .1 1 1(1 uhl i ..iiiJtunis ar- :,'."vr". 'urniuiA t'llVlu I Ktvic Iiii!in i'rmi ktiii (.itthvillo (njironl ifiiir.ix 1 1 ,iy nod I It'iuN r-iuii II'mUokJ lr;.!.!l (."iii'ir I 'iiif-(lri Marl ni Mr.-ro vv Iliinnvitr ,Norlhaiii'lon 'llsloW I'itMjimtniiIt IVrijtiittiuiiH IVr.su ii i'nt l:i,n..,l.l. Itiriooiin-l filllli.siMI K'i.-kini.'liiirn U. ....... Uiillnnf.ird ,.(llis.ni S I ii n I y Sl.ikes Surry I'vir.'ll I 'in. hi HaU Waned W'n-h 1 14; tun Ways" WliliSB Yaucy former owners. ,f On the uiornin.' of the Wl Gen. Wort h con- linup.1 los nnaratiiotis. and noitioiiK of In division Roiiton. Ma , ., on Ihe. ith nisi,. Mis. Jillianu stormed and camel succeseivelv the .heights a- ,,., Jamp, v.ile ot I'r Tlmiuas L. Jump, frinily u .u n,i.v 1'laen It, ii h vverp carried b' i il.is t "it v. nn.l ilaiiL'hl. r of the Ulc (eu. 11 It. Job uu.v me j.mii.'i. . . ' . i I... i'ii,i. Vliii, ,o :iil A.tlllei v. In son. of V ri, n A tUllllliailU UOUf v,ouv . , -'J' , . T( I . ' these operations .he company t lu,s,a,.a .foops l.r-r. dlon, on Tuesday la- und-r Cant. B'anchard perlornied efficient aud F. Ihe hrmucle s.ys-- lh- de.tl of tin. .Itl Z r,n of Cant. Vinton's com- truly 5.hJ aadwouby man has cast a melancholy mand. Four pieces o. artillery, wuh a good st,,, ! tZZV . C.(-Bfl C. Wdlis. age., ply of ammunition, were captured in! ho li.snop s j f: nt.ein:in "t rein.irkaMc ple.nt man- Palace this day, some o! which were immediate- j dMmthe)L lu, , kindness of his feel- i 0((. I in Tarboro', on Sunday !'(, Mr. Chnetlicr W. D.-ooks, lecentty from Caswell t.ouuly. ly turned upon the enemy's defences in the city. On the eveninff of Ihe d, Col Oarlaud ano lus command were relieved as the garrison of the captured forts by Gen. Quitman with the Mis sissippi and Teniiesse Regiments, and five com panies of the Kentucky Regiment. Karly on the morning of the 2.Td, Gen. Quit man, from his position, discovered that the second and third forts and defences east of the city had been entirely abandoned by the enemy, who, ap Goon humor. Good humor is tRe clear blue I prehending another aasault on th night of the 'Siii, had retired irom ait nis aeienc.es iu me n.nm olaza and its immediate vicinity. A command of iwo corrn.-nh.r of f'ssissippi and two of Tennes see tro( ; 1 .vere then thrown into the atre ii L . wpoiiie, and soon becai j hotly engage-, wi'h Ihe enemy, these we- soon rrjpportrd by ol. Wood's r aiment of Tcr-TB Rue ?r. demounted, by Bigg's Light But' - nd me !).. Infan! , the: enemv's tire war consta ': and uinnterrep'. d (rnm il. iireplc. ho' n tons, In-rn ..lea Ac Ac 1 iu lh v.i tnty ol t'ic plan. Tiie ictes of Brad's k nf the soul, on which every star of talent will shine more clearly, and the sun T genius encoun tr r no vapors in hj passage. ' J'is t:,i most ex qi,lte beauty of a fine face; a adeeming; Taee in a homely one. 1 i. is like the green l ihe i ni; scapi;, harnr nizing with every color, moilowing the glor of the bright, and softr ning the hue r.f Ihe da.k ; or like a (lute in full concert of instru. r,.-.t. .noe.d. not'at first diseover'd by. the ear, yet Tilling up the breaks in theco;icord iU deep melody. . . .- alum I IS:t..7, T'Jtiti inn;' !)l.v-,i ;fi.1r- , 411!! ' fllilltl Kin, b.'IKI .'.dun' iui:in i I: 1 Is., Mill, :i:i i: .Vi'.'.i. i;iij;, 3.-i).'. I I I.K. I :i i -.'."i ;,-t;u i.i.i'.iii l,s 1H '.Lit I i-i, :t, H.'i'.' Ii.'l.i i.'..'i;iu A in 7 ' III7' l-'lltM), M.r. I j.iJ:l en;.. .'...: i 1 1 i:r U-.M5 :im tii in III. Ml 17'jo r,:,iu in'.'.-'-'! I.'i7 in an7 7 7IIHI 7-";.'.: Ill7lin, IhUli.v (IJ.'lu JI.".7o 7:i!i-t 1.11 .H MI..IJ !l.-. I.. 1TIIH Tn.'.7" !(.' I r, lii.li. 1 1 1 T I. '11111', in:)-:. 17irfH- l.illllli I i:n;.v !')'j:' 17'l'r :li;i.'i .b'.'l.'.j 'i r." ; 1 1 I L ..'' 79'2 III), HI j a: 57! ! . 4117 I r, i SHU 37S ; .M3 joi; I :um; I v.j-i .mi, 3i;u 7 a;, i m;:i j 21'! :ii!i ' 1.1;-. ; fl.'J I Kill -in; ;i it :t ; 'j :ri7 XKI 1 107 L'llfl :ii'j '177 .'III Si, .' I'll i'i j:i:i :t7, i-'ir. l?s) 'M,i 310 l..i n;a i;;,s u.'.'i 1317 :i ;h iti.i .'.-.'I 7:.:i ' i in .'ii,:i 711 ;., KM i;:i.'i : ;ij.-t H'ti -.'.I III!).-, .'.H .ri7li (17. ". 3..-I Distr'H I'sll 18 Mi. lOHO 'Hi U.i 7s fls:, t:u! ! pim tr ' :.fit I 371 U-li i h I ." Us I 711 W) I d'i t (17 I H(J.'I 1.!; ; :.I3 U N HUM 'Jill 111)7 -I' i 23 h.l 441 C- 6'. i :; 2:17 u-m; n t.t i;4i 4:..; i;;! Hit 'j.i, oiM i;i 7:m in' lllstl J.JI r.'.O r,i ."ili.H III1 l-'luil ssj I.VIV t'i'. lilt ,'lli 411 III, 4(13 (f. j i!ii 473 Hi l'-'u.'i r,i-' 7H0 . :i-.3 :i.j : o ju vi.i t :i Hill r,s !:! 3K 3:i.i a-i 1334 'J'.l 431) f I li'i7 H'.l t;ii ou! Jlti 7.'. UIH M r.i5 r,7: lH.'lil 'il uKI Id; WI'J 111 Hill 73 7MI !l!i !l,s(i lilt 111 1 S'l fl-l I'.i .TO .11,1 1','KM 4 l! IJIH I-'.; 317 y mod n h i a 3' 1 3ij Mill 7tl!) Jl 1137 I7i .017 on Total Sum dist'd. 18111 II lUfill 78 1.122 (IU 13H3 VI !I7I 93! til.) 1)1 1 1(11 OS !ioa 71 l.".'t HO 730 "jr. 730 07 l i,.-. r,. 8i 1733 ! iono -i-i i:r, h t 7i;i i;s !)i,t; 3i .ir Ifi-.N 5! 1IM.'. (i l Ho i (iU 163 i,a 994 1,1 13.19 (I t 1H.7S II l'iill 61 UK) 'It yj7 ;.m 7SH 7S itMi vi; mil r. 7iiD 'Ml 771 07 DOil .'!) 14 If 2U70 .11 i:w 74 .l.lli !)7 h'J.1 1.7 1 is.", ti't (iny c,ri !).10 34, 'isi ai aatic '.'. 740 81 107!) H! IIU4 Hit la 70 7. lj.'); HI !)3H (,7 3147 a t I OHO C3 ooi at H7(i UJ 13!hJ ;U 1737 71 70(71 2( 1344 !l UiT, at l.l'O ; I.I.'M ill, i.'.h; 17 tin 7 ;o aani ii Mtlli H7 :m -': 'ii;i.-. 1 107 lib I 137A 0.1 ,'iS .to una 17 8.1.1 2-J i l'J.IG lJj.1,17 Gi Included in A neon and Mecklenburg. i.1;'i0.i.l lUCJ M j l ! r Slate I. J.ener, - ir.l, Star, Npw lli riilaii, and Ilighljud a- h h it uttti-tioufl. Molasses, 1IIID3. o.d sweet iTIolHwoa, which will be Mild at very reduced prlcrn in lUleigh, i.y llie Hhd. nr Dyrrel Call t lbs Am lion no A-" (J.KTiiiiiion Hloreof A', ii. I1UGHKS. Odluber 9. M2 $100 Reward, tb Ictt Law Hooks. ARCHBOI.D'i Law of Landlord stal Tenant, with all tha rp.njoute r'ourw, incliKlinj the )' lending in the several actions, and th evidence nocewary o suppert thvm, by and sguinul Landlord and Tenant, one vol. oclsvo. 4S Vo'uiiit'S En"li!i l.-immon L,aw Reports. We of eininwii Kiiitlwh Judges of Iho l7thanJ It ill OntuneHk edited by.W. TV. Wle, t'a'i M -Wheat. . on the Law ol.Natlooi., lie ri.it'.' -dirkii.. j iinrriran Military Law and Cuu't V 't i cuen s Ui& i voiu'-e Tfle abovv. are jmt a' I on -r - '.i II. ' 31 '..Mill . . . V. llj' Sloe VVJI.t, pay iTib slmvo reward fur (he recovery of Jfii'lYthe late l'retmman In tho Observer Olfiee, I taken hryoinl the limit of thia tnt, of ft.'n) if tnken within tho bu'.r, and confined in auy .li.il J thai I (jet him. E. J. HALE. Kayelteville, Oct. 0,1840. 82 A Itook for i;vT- .iiieiicaii. PltJTtllllAL lli.iory of the 1,'nited Sutcn, ! r John lr,.t, A. M , .iiilitHiihf.l wilh three huu-' died KnjjravtnaK, in Iwo royal octavo volumes, Ki;rt.aln al ihe N. C. Hook Htore by 11. D. Tl'K.NKK. Kahili. fJcdiher, 1R40. Hi Notice is hereby given, III A 1' application will be made lo iha President l)ir.''tnr nd t'ornpany .1 ihe Bank of Capo feur, at Ihe pjpiration of ihrue mnnlhii from the date hereof, for llie t .Mie of new (Jeilificata for lour Mha.fa ol ih 1. rk of the Kaid Dank, standing in the naiiie of llonisn Muuroe, in lilt room of ihe original, which is lout ur destroyed. I HOS. MUrXROK, Adm'r.. t'umlirrlanil County, Oct. 6. 82 Jin rjjf The Wilmington tlhrCnicI will insert thrco mombs sod forward bill to WxKtiN VV uaow, E., of JsyeMeville. T Archibald Campbell, and yinry 4'ntpbll, wi, and Uilliw llwWfill, of Mouroe County, Mississipm : Tha SubscriSerK, an Executors of John Howell, dee'd., late of VVovne t ennty, have settled the Es tate of mod .l.,iui loweh.and are snaiousto pay over the amount remaiui'iC iu thai bauds, as Exacutors, to Hie .t tin entitled. .... You. " 1W, 'f 'b Legntees of said John llowell, are heri li'y rixpiested to apply to us' for your legacies, eilhrr in j rum or by atiorrley dul authorized to re ! i name, as wc do not i'nien.1 to pv interfst tbcrt'or.. JOIIV W. SAssER, WOOJJARD How : LL. jjiecotors. Wnvne f.'ounlv, Ort 7, IT.'. '. 83 6w '.. ia- now prej' ir.-d in C-. Joli ;iul Ix-llf"- cu.. in a superior tyl5 rvns I'i liitin-' ; Ocm'jtr, 18-U; IPASI.'.tnS, CAKDS, tiSMiiilLb', BLANKS, ic, III " ,i Hi 1 1 -' 'I 5 I tt5 ft: '. V'-'i'