' rAleigei register " 0rV' IA plans f fairdtligUijtil peace, " Unmryd. by fHy rata Ut live like brothere" RALEIGU, N: C. Friday, October 23, 1846. ANOTHEll HOMICIDE. Jessc HAkiB, a free man of colour, lia been com Jnitted to our County Jail, charged with the killing of Matiuw Russkll, another free man of colour. ' -PENNSYLVANIA REDEEMED ! STOP THAT BALL " The astounding inlelligeuo of the utter jjrostrar tion vi Loco Focoism, in Pennsylvania, announced iu Postscript to our latt, ii fully confirmed by subse quent intelligence. There is uo longer room to doubt, that the Whites have WwnWj swept ihe Mate, having elected a majority of Congressmen, a majority i" bath branches of tho Legislature, mid the Canul Com missioner, by an overwlielni'.ig r-ajority. Many of the strong-holds of Loco Focoism have bees revolutionised, and till haker. to the very centre. Old Berks, which gave Mr. 1'ulk 4,C7i majority, Mow gives bari'y a il.ousand majority. Montgomery, too, which gave him i 105 minority, lias now gi?on 600 Whig mtjoriiy. Schuylkill, u-iuaiiy Loco by a thousand, has elected the entire Whig Tiekat by 31)0 majority ! Whoever heard before of. a political re volution, equal to this? Polk Stock will be worse than Rail lload Stock, after this. ' The most gratifying result of this Election is, that if the next' Presidential Election should go to the -House of Representatives (of which there is much probability,) the vote of Pennsylvania will be cast for Whig! P. S. The Whigs have carried 17 out of the 24 Congressional Districts of Pennsylvania. So, that the grand result stands : 'Whigs V, Locos G, Native American 1 1'. I Iu the LogSeratare, last year, the Lo :o Focos had majority h both branches. Now, the Whigs hare the asceudauey iu both branches. Power's majority, as Canal Commissioner, will m-i fall short of 10,00:'. Iu 18-15, the majority of the Democratic Candidate for the same office, v, -.a up wards of 30,000 ! OHIO ELECTION. So far as beard from, th. Wii'gs have pained two Members of Congress. Returns of th Kitinn for Governor, have been received from 45 Counties, which show a clear Whig majority of 1214 vote- In 1844, when the W hig Candidate was elected by about 1300 votes o.ly is the Slate, the same Counties gave a Loco majority of 137 votes. This certainly looks ve.-y encouraging for the Whigs. P. S. Since the al.ive was in type, we have re eeivedJater news, which shows that the Whig Can didate for Governor is elected J that the Whigs bare the asceudancy in both branches of the I ;t;.!alure t sud" that they have gained 5 Meuibt:j of Congress, as far as he- d from. MEXICAN AFFAIRS. The tws from the Gulf Squadron is not of great j tr.omeu'. it con linns, however, the intelligence re- VVIVCU ai it asjllllgtol-. ami ei-rnt 10 v ....,. j that Santa Ansa has yielded to ''ie demands of the j war party, aud placed hiruielf at the head of the Nor- luern Army. It is well that the trial should be with the Chief, and no doubt, Gen. Tavlor will welcome ii approach. ID" The "Washington L'liiim," Mr. Polk's ofli- i al organ, is in deep tribulation ai the signal defeat in Pennsylvania, but hope, r bettor thini al the j next Electiou ! O- The Standard" ha. alwsvs contended that I heSiM-,lho-tiot.THKRN States-would stand by . be Admiuistration, iu its Free Trade vagaries. It : j:. 1 r... i. . iot ouly returned ecciy one of her Members to Con- ' Hllffl IUIDU UKIIII,,, UIMUIVIIU UWi AWI, .it also elected another who will go with them in des troying the Free Trade TariTof 18 16. CaHyou liis, the South backing your friends 1 NEW ATTORNEY GENERAL. Ilea. Nathan Clifkokd, of Maine, has been ap- iuted Attorney General of the United Sti'les, vice a. John Y. Mason, transferred to the Navy De- CT BknjaMin Di'.ncan, coficled uf the murder cf u.iAM w. 1 kdEN, 01 tviiKes, was execuiea at kM tl,m Klata Mi, th tllli litElanf llA lied his guilt to the lost. MRS. MYERS NOT DEAD. The rumor of tlie suicide of Mrs. Myers, lately - j --"j - , ... .. , ea aa meammt. Tka ('..xiurnf vwiar, inarit 1 were in error yesterday in announcing the tbe reDresentatians nftlmaA nrlm ncrl't to have TM Ih. -.1. A I . . .. . . . . I 1 I . . w itveivfu uo sucn intelligence, nor oia an cx- V-M 111111 ii m m l.UBl. Da. Toll, of Ncwberu, says the " NewBer Mceotly made aa experimeut with the cele- fd Brocchieri Water, a French discovery. Dr. Il procured a Sheep, and opened a par. of the an ae to lay bare the carotid artery. II then a incision in the artery, from which the blood I'd forth, but on applying lint, latnrated with the the blood soon ceased to flow, and after a con- M application of some 15 minutes, the wound en closed, aud the Sheep in naif aa hour was lot GREAT BRITAIN STEAMER. " T"el has not yet been Iieard from. . Great ""ess is felt about her, and the offices refuse to J rate : eo at least we Ictra from a pri- ( FAIR PLAY.'tCAGAIN. 1 There is someltiiuj so uuliks the eonduct of a patri otic Whig, iu tbe attempt of "Fata Piuv," to excite the host lity of the West towards the East, by representing that important portion of the State as overlooked ia appointments to the U. S. Senate, that we have deem ed some further notice of It due to the character of the Slate for fain, ess, sad due also to the truth of the ease. To enable us to make this notice accurate, We have looked over our Files for the last thirty-five years, and the result demonstrates that the charge of " Fair Play" is totally without fouadation. From the year 1810, to the auoplioa of our amend ed Constitution iu 1835, the General Assembly were called upon twelve times te elect a T. S. Senator. Iu 1810, Jamks Turner, of Warren, then in tbe Se nate, was re-elected over Mr. Srosr, of Bertie no Iv'es'ern man being iu nomination. In 1814, Fran cis Locke, of Kowan, was elected on the sixth ballot, by a large majority Messrs. Stanly, Clarke, aud Davis, of the East, with others, having beta in nom ination. In 1815, Locke, having realigned, Mr. Ma os, of Warreu, was elected by 42 votes over Mr. Hit inch, of IIal:fax too.Western man i'ing in-nom- inatwn-. In ltlfi, Ti'RNER. having rescued, Mr. Stoks, of Wnkes, was elected, Messrs. Prancii, Yaner 'lid olfceni be'rg in nomination. In 181b, and again in 1325, Mr. Macon was re-elecud, uilhout oj-nc'tfion. In l?1?, Mr. Branch was .elected, beat ing Stokks anrV t suy. In 1S28, Mr. Buakcu was re-elected, without opposition, tod Mr. Ma jos, hav ing resigned, Mr. Ikedsix, of Chowan, :a? ri:-cled iu his place, over Mr. Stokes. In lb2J, Mr. Bkanch, having been sppointeil Secretai of the Navy, Mr. Brown, of Caswell, was elected in liis . .:. e on the fifteenth ballot, beating Mr. Mf.arks, of New Uuiiu ver. In 183U, Mr- MASiii'M, of Oran;-e, was elected Oil the seventh ballot, o i. (Jwln, of '"....den; and, iu 1S3 I, Mr. ljcvs was re-elected witho-l any regular oppusition. Thus, it will be spen that, of these twelve ilections, four were ..imir. without opposition two, between Eastern men a(o,. aud mat, in the remaining bixi where Eastern and Western meu were opposing each olher. a Western man was fbui times elected, and un Lantern man but iteire. Again at lluse twelve elections, tight persons w-: j chose and of these eight, four, Locke, Slokes, Hrow.i''ad Mangum,) were from'tlie Wet, and four, Turner, Mann, JJremei nnfll lreue! ,) from ie 1 '-st. Now we ask .f any thing ohii be plainer upou ilr- etalf ' " ",nts, than the total freedom of (he action of the i,t .ma ture from any bias against, or disregard of, the inter est of the West, or the proper advancement of her distinguished citirens. And, let it in remembered, that during the v1 o' of this period, the East had a decided cijoril) i i . h Houses of the (ienTal Ah sembly. If we even take "Fair FlavV fanciful allotment of the West into two divisK -is, ' e find that ef the four Senators chosen from the whole W7est, two were from that portion which he deems to have Len so sadly overlooked. But there - : tlier view to be taken of this r m plaiut i,:ade bj ' 1'air Plav," "f injustice to the far West. If w;e are to look upon the State, according to his notion, as divided into a Wtb.ern, a M , die, and Eastern portion, and even to take his arbitrary bouu-4ipy-f ttie Western portion we sht find, If We al low a reasonable extension East of Raleigh for the Middle portion, that thos., ight Senators, two v.i.t :tea Ikc. the est, tive from Jie :liddle, anu -ly oue (Mr. Irldkll,) from the East. Instead, there, fure, of " Fair Play's" having c-"se of complaint because Senator'il bono ' hav - beeu v. ilhhcld from (he West, lie might with greater prop.iety unite with the East, (it the East were as Undisposed as he is,) iu a joint complaiu! against Gt. .re. But, we protest agaiu-t this whole attempt to cre ate a t. ,le u. ..siou of the Stale. We would oblite rate, if we could, the old distinct. ons of East and and huve our (.uod olJ State, oue and iudivisie, uni ted iu favor of Whig "riucipleo, preseuting to all dis tinctive measures a single and unbroken I it, aud exhibiting, internally, the l. ly peace w brotherhood. T ius only can r. 6 be invincible, or deserve to be in vincible But, ..' ;e oi ly dis'.iuctiou, which has here tofore uivided tei rilorially our State, L ;nuot be oblit erated, let it bi. used to foster an hoiiorab'e emu i .tie-: good principles betweeu the East anu j We;. -let there L. no contest, but how each cau distinguish himself in the service of the tvh.;!o. And, above all, let every true man avi '. 1 as t ....uiuinatiuii any at tempt to tiiltiply sectional divisions, aud to arm with animosities agaiusl each oiner, those who 'aiutain the conservative doctrines of the Whig party, who, in N'alioital politics, j;0 fur the I a v ud the whole 1 ' .; a, and who should at nice prove their si':' '"'. e, for alld conwlidlc ",eir Btri'"gth' b)' C'"t, lt ne ciau. tue wnuie otate, ana noi:img nuni,e otaie. 'No Part of Nor,!l "A I'" X cause for com- niaiiit. A remai! . ble fairness and propriety have governed the action ol the legislature in regard to each sub division ol our Icrri'nry, anu 1 very attempt 1 to create or extend a contrary notion, is at one fool J ish and danjeroiis. We have refused, and shall ron i tiiius to refuse to " 1''air rUiY," and all othe'p. t .a use ::f our uoli.mns, for such a purpose. And, indeed, so firmly have we, acted upon 'liis rule, that weliave txcluded a Coinrumiicaliou fio. 1 a personal and po- : 'ilical fiiend of the East, under his own ..i;;iiaturo, 1 which, although free from the improprieties of" Fair j Plav," and written :u a kind and just srit, wo fear I ed might open a discussion, :aid knew, would violate ; our announced determination on f':is subj. ci. Cf the Senatorial apioiutments, mads sii.ee 1835, it is scarcely necessary we should say any t'ling. They were four iu number Mr. Stsanuk, Mr. M.iN utiM, Mr. Giuiiam .old Mi. Haywcjo uf whom, two were from the Western County of Ur nge ; and, if that County dos not b long to that section of ihe I West, which " Fair 1'lay'' has taken under h's spe cial care, surely he cannot compl vu of the selectlru. The whole " Western Reserve" was uuaniii:ouj :n support of Messrs. Manoo 1 and Uramaai, and never ., , . .i.i- , , thought, we presume, that a choice supported by their I own votes, proceeded from hostility to their in' 3 rests. We ara sorr. that any thing has been said in support of rival candidates for the OfTko of Sena tor, and feel our own course to have been clear of ail just exception. Jlut ws cannot abide the spirit, which endeavors to convert personal rivalry into sectional hostility, ind is either so blind as not lo see,, or so mischievous as lo disregard the consequences, which may result tt.arefrom to the harmony,' streugth and. respectability of the Whig party a yarty, which has no right to sacrifice or weaken either. became, upon, its success depends the etuse of free government in the United States it is not loo u.uoh to say in the whele world. But another feelinr mingles with, and relieves, Ihe sternness of our reprobation. V e are really amu"d at the imaginary cousequence which "I air " attachea to his article. He seems, when he seat it to os, to have kept a duplicate, le t so valuable a docu ment should depend on the preservation ofa single tepy. Aad pray, wht did he expect to accomplish by it, besides exciting sectional prejudices?' Why, truly, to make the people of the Mate acquainted with Mr. Clinoman! Tc extend through Jhe col umns of the " Ilighland Messifnger," the knowledge of a geutieinan, who has semiired for himself au A MtKiCAM reputation ! Tj) thing is ridiculous, bet not f-i i!iughl Fai Ptax' and while We eom mend him for the caution 'wbrcTh he used, te' preserve from los uis happy Uioughtaths product of lucky hourrfif inspiration it is to be regretted, that lie did not kee- 'hem lor bis own perusal and delight I - (We do not see why We should be restrained by any feelings of mawkish delicacy, from publishing the subjoined splendid, but just compliment, from the t en of the gifted Editors of the "Richmond Republican?" Edit. luto. " We regret to hear agaio of the indisposition of Mr. Gates, the Seiiiur EuV'i, of the National lutein gence: . We trint that it may be temporary, and uiu.t he may sei u be abis to return aytin to the du ties of that responsible post Which ha has filled so long, and with such counimmaie ability. Wo have ever regarded Mr. Gales as oue of the first llufenars iu our country, si. I, 10 say the least of it, ui tC'U ac quainted with its diversiued wants and interests, a' auy publir man of the day He is one 6.' the mot sagacioi ', enlightened and best informed of all living politicians. In every rrisis uf our luit.jru itnd domes tic jelalions, the position assumed by Mr. Gales has beeu the ground which stood the tost of lime, and was shown by subsequent events to havs Iven fouuded ia wisdom, expediency and justice. " Mr. Gules is a leade indeed, fit to be the leader of a party which acts upon piinciple, and seeks the common pood rather th.in the spoils of office. He is no mere ueticiaii ; uo mere martinet ; no 'asl 'ig Ho'spur, exposing his follow. to as much injury from his imprudence, as In' enemies from his courage. It is enough to say of him that lie commands the con fidence as well as admiration of his friends, lliu rel)ect, with all their hostility, of Ins e..ersa . The National lutellieiicrr, uiidT '.I11 conduct of Messrs Gales Jo Srnlon. hns be:: (hfl MOBEL news paper of this eoniitrv. There hus been iu its editoiial nicies, nu ol ili'v, vigour, .and chasteness of style, never surpassed i.i tills, u .. we icerelv believe, iu nny other luinl. " But, 'ne of its crowning cluracler istics, i'ruin ti.'sl to last, ns ! ,'en ths' diiruilied and ci'iirteoi. depnifment to its political opponent-1 whi'Ji has rescued politicul strife, so far atlie Inlrlligencer .s "oucej-iied, from the ri TutniNin by which it ;s too coii'inonly aTtended, and in'tue that p. ( .-r, superior, iu ti..s rtLspec:. to the leading jonraalsiu England at.i Franre. " V witi Mr. (.ulen a speedy restoration to health siul v our. Much we fear that, wlieu lie is t; ie, the uii. ship will never again lte al :.er w.ieel such aiiother master humi .s has cari ied her so loug ill vic tory luio..gh tin buttle and the breeze." ADMONITION TO PARENTS. The demoralizing eii'ect of an indiscriminate and excessive reading of Nov els lias long beeu con: nie ted on by ends of morality. The followin- testi mony oi father of the woman, who just now un happily attracts co much public attention, should uot be dis.egarded by parents or daught ' " Major Pullar! raid he stated to "' Hoyt, whe hud ' him of his daughter's uuhappiness that if his (laugh. er was unhappv it was her own fault, (or he knew Mr. Myers to ' .iud, houoruble alio affec t ionute hiisbund. M. . ioyt said to Major Pollard that his daughter was a splendid monument of grief that she was unhappy with Mr Myers. Maj. Pol lard said it was n ..t true, and that, if his daughter was in an unhappy siate of mind, he altriboied it In the impure works of such characters :m Eugene Sue and 'BiiTwerT Neiilief Tie iiorTiisnT',' Vreale"d Mi's. M. in any other way than iu the '.. Jick'st uud most uffec tioD 'to manner." HJ" Wre perceive, says His" Louisville Journal." tlmt sevuritt new lV-rs have beeu s'rted iu ::.e West "t hist the last few weeks. We I. jpe that they may do Well, but greatly fear that they will uot. Nut one Newspaper in twenty is profitable. "Income anc inkVm, All hough ; n may liuk'eni, . .) uot such first cousius aa tr ie folks may think 'em.' "Tnir Ttrrr.it Ten TiioisAxn The lata census of ffosfou I, a.-, developed some curious facts. There is " no upper leu thousand" iu thut city uot if to keep servants he necessary lo the distinction. Oc1" three hundred anu furl y families iu Uoston keep m - than iro ilouieslics ; aud bill 1 ir ihousaud lour huudred a: ,e families keep them at all ; while fifteen tlio.tsuud pr,.M huudred 1. : I seventy four fuuiilieH live iu In.,, 1 !, ild iudejieudeuce, doing their own wo, iv enurel) I" The above paragraph, which "' copy froi:; ill f -change pnrer, exjilains one iniiouunt secret of Yai: kee prosp. iily. They live wnliiii llientselves, aud Ihe result is that they not only live be'ter than we al the South do, but ut one half of ll. . xpeuse A fuuiily ' f four persons say, in llostou o . uo se. ... I at ull, oue of IIik same number at Ihe South will have some three l,. ,'our negroes. 'e have known fami I ju tieorgia who employe ' six, eijrht. ten. aud even as liih us fourteen ueroes noon their domestic n'' lairs, :.nd who, titter all, cot, . ..lined of- ,1 uf heiu - ilolli'-'ii! In fncl, the oiiif.irl of a family is very - fli tversely in pn t orliou lo ihe number of servants employed ; but the great objection to uirsys leui 11. its ('. iiiiouh expensiveness. All these lie gio 1 must be fed, and even if they are honest, they iiui' t cost nearly as much in is required to suppc' the while poition of the family. To say 110th' ig ol Ihi articles which lliey str'd and sell, the very sus tenance ef such s swsnn of servants is snlhcieiil U bankrupt any man of ordinary nienns. This mhjecl is worth , of alleul in, and we v. ouid bo glad lo have some article., upon it from s me of uur d-oriie:ic econ omists. If we ish to overli:ko ppr New 1 nglanu friends in the grest race of prosperity, we must cease grumbling about Tariffs sud study their liuhlts of economy. We must think more about ourselves and less ubo it the lordly uiauufncuiers. We copy the abive ssusibls remarks from " Sa vannah (Ceo.) Republican," and would call tho at tention of I'he citizens of Raleigh It the subject Every one must have oLerved the unusual Lumber of lazy negroes spending their time in idleness about the Sire :s, wen, instead of being profitable, are a dead exp-nse o their owners, and, are, besides a public nuisance f Scven Pkp60xs Burned to Death. A k-"erfrom Harrisburg, I'a , dated Uct. 17, to ihe Fenusj l aniun, says : Last night. Samuel Gsymnn's home fo"k fire, and hii:i"elf, 1. s wife, aud his five children were all OUriieu to Qeulll. Ains I" awiui, u.iu 11 aa Mi.ticu ,1,0 ueHlborhood much. Mr t;. was a respectable farmer, aud resided about four miles above town, near the meuutaius. Tbe bouse must have taken firs snO all its contents destroyed, without ihe p - pie in ihe viciuily discovering what was the mailer." Intended attack ok Tampico and St. Ju am d'Ulloa A ulip from liio offi. e of the Sa vannah Republican of P. iday, gayai ,' Lieuf. Berryman, the gallant office r who be haved so nobly at the lust of the Truxlon, off Tutpan, passed through this city 01) Wednesday night List, aa bearer of despatches from tho squad run at Vera Cru to the government at Washing ton. We learn from 3 geiitlenma who conversed with 'Lic.i'.eraiit lierrjuihti on t,ie cars, thai it ha been dc;-.niirieo lo attack Vera 'rux n the lain, side by an expedition from Tampico, thai tin hc slrng i.f llie starK ami strtpes in tlie city will be the eiffiial lor an attack by the Squadron upm the Cat' :o of San Juan D'Ulloa. This is-the onlv way in which the Castle can be taken, and the obtaining possession of L'lit 'ujit Li tieeiicil 1 ucccsi-.-j lo Cua i'.u war. EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. y ' New York, CvtoAer IVth, 1846. "'ellj the S.a:o Couveuiion, after a session of I about four months, has filially adjourned. " Ziuf Ilea!" It was got up, ostene.Uy for tlie purpose of, revismf tbe orgauio law of the State ef New York, ' bat, ia fwit, to incorporate in the Coast J'ulion a va- nety of ink most radical and dangerous absurdities, whiek have long been tbe darling principles of what, in this State, is known as the " progress" party ; or, in ether words, the party tl it favors such dangerous factions aa Anti-Reut rebels : encourages every new Democratic idea, and wce endsavun, to give that !... h. ..riu.i;.i'u,..,l,. ii. nr m I nrj.e.tum. i.,-;i.r... ,k i , . j vi .. i ...a. .! , --o--rj " - rJ- a... ..w.n,r.u . uo- F.,o.no, u so far, it has met with he roost unqualified condem n I lion in every quarter; bit particularly ih.l section of it, which provides for the future election of til Ju dicia-y by the prople, after the Mississippi plan. It the Constitution be adopted, tl it part of it, at least, will show the " sovereigns" a very short road tc .n sjufay i and he people whrrwould laud their ssnclion te such au impracticable and p- ruicious system of ltc, as this precious " Constitution ' assumes to be, are not a whit too regardful of the interests, welfare and safe - ty ef the Slate, to turn eside from 4jch a path. The Steamer, " Great Uritain," which was adver tised' to Isave Liverpool on the '2i of last month, noi bavuig jit made her appearance at thie port, the .lost painful apprehensions are begun to be felt for her safely, and many are the conjectures which the lie aud tlio Press indulge iu, respecting what may or may not bo :':( cause of her unaccountable deten tion. That she saikd on the 2'4d, I think, from t..e proverbial p:i .'duality 1 1 erviid herelolore, in thai res- 1 ' by ill (he Allan:. c Steamers, there can be no i . ,, and it is reasonable at least tc Conclude .uat when a day or two out, she probably encountered the h ... ie tremendous hurricaiiu experienced on tlie I'.'tti by the tireat Wi '.sru Possibly sin. sustained so ,,e serious dsmage in this storm, and tlierelore 'night have put back to Liverpool to repair. I'his supposi tion indeed, all that keeps alive our hopes of the uo, ves-i-sl'i safely ; L it the arrival o( the next Cu narc Steat-"r at fToston liich saili- j on the 4'i nisi, fri eith'-r i; l.iverp 'el, 's now nt sea fifteen days,; will t our fear: or augecut oui olai.ii as to t''0 "hip's s.itet; Tlia terrible gali- that, in ihe earlier part if the week, swept alon our cossts with si"h ues: "ireiive fury, as was to have be"i eipitctu n has since sent iu upon us a fleet uf vessels of ull classes, and ooin all parts of ihe world, disubled, and many of them half wrecks. Although, so far. the loss of life has not beeu very serious, yet 1 tear w have yet to hear a sud tale, iu ilia' respect. A most supeib Ship, lb lar gest ever built in this country (liiUO tons burthen) eu tirsly new, sailed on Monday last, from Portsmouth, N. II. (where she was built fur r i 11 tml I . Millturn iV t'o.'s line of I'acke' from this City) for this port, with only 400 tons u, ballast 011 bourd, and has not yet made her appearance. The " Roscius,-' ,'inh arrived from Loin . oil Weduesday, had oil I .i." ' il) persons her Captaui had rescued from the bi.osh Ship "Cromwell," which vessel was wrecked 011 the morning- i f tlie lth ult., ou Her passage Irom iue bect to Liverpool. The escape of her passeng suud crew (ouly 30 in all) was certainly timely an . prov idential, Ihe hu.k of the k 'romwell going down ouly an hour afler they h;u;l b$en tskitu on b 1 !he Ros "cius. The English Ship Madras, whic . J hence for Liverpoo' 'wclvedays niro, has relni ird a per feet wreck ihe mizen ma ' alone standing, cargo of Flour, Ac. entirely Vstroyed, and the vessel herself hardly worth repuiiiug. Thomas, the negro man who stabbed a companior, of a like couiplexiutuiu the course of a drunken brawl ou ti. a Five I'oiuts, some three months ago, has hie his trial, and beeii entencei! 10 be hanged on the 2()l, of November next. Ou being asked what he hud lo say why sentence of death elioulj not be passed upon bin), he plied " 1 hue nothing to say '. I autre dij to die ! I have not had a fair trial I could not speak when I W'shed to. 1 was i-ked no questions when I was tr.ed. But Bin fc.:!.Lj to die, a. . I uank Cod that I am leady ! 1 en 1 . ay uo more, U lull 1-1 .1.. 1.1 ..e .1.-11. junire lUIUUUUS pruiiuuiiucu lilt; cwn-ui.ii m wr jiii, 1 the miserable prieoner kept liis eye slot, lily upon him, I and piefervesi the same unmoved rigidity uf feuUins, ' thur bus marked his conduct throughout Wiivu ihe fearful dooiu-fell umn his ear, not a muscle moved or a uerve fajlersd. e' still jnzed on with the same fixed slare, even while (he Clerk was reading tlie warrant t" his execution ; anu, ai tne mo, lie i I coolly assisted ill readjusting his liaiidcuH's. Ile then, I with a firm trend, foi l, ved the Sheriff hsck to tlm 1 ell, from which lie is only lo issue shortly, lo die ! 1 1.'- IV ...:. I 'I'..l. u,. I Liu l,li u.l in liun l.A-i lefitiriii . J11-' ''- "'"7 7... ... enjoying themselves much, evidently. They may bo seen doruif the day often promenading Bi tdwsy, 11 nd in lfi vei.ing al the Tliealre, s..iiielimeH, nod soinelnuss at 1' Vie i-r's or blven's Concert. The other day, Ihe L.x-1'resideiil paid a visit lo the Fair of the American I ist'itte, at faetlk Uurden, and while a.:iniringll,' oa.iy beaulif il speciuieiis of Ame nean mechanical skill, nu exiobilinn there, au oo'e uious machiuoj lately cl icled, for Writing, was piceu ill operation at bus request, aud iu a few sec onds it produe'd a card, which was handed to Air. Tyler, on w '.,oh was written iu large rrtr, Hie word Vet It wss received by him Willi great l.iiior. The Kichoiond Uoyl uud Myeis luvs sod lourdi r cs-". exci'" a good ':d ol talk, a.. I makes 1 hlile eiciieiiien., iu certai.. cir 'es here. fir. I'oyt wnsa na'lve of New York, and reriiuvd to Kichmoiid about -iiine years pgn, where he pursued t.ie business qf a loitlory lin ger, an wus reuiarkshle, 11 is su. . as a (irompt and Accurate . -uiess man. Ills body was jrou'il In this City for interment. The 11 wi rin I'euosy Ivaum is f ! iriout for the Whig cans. Til I. cos hang their hps ternb,) 1 litre at. But it will remain furfSiw 101k to ((ive tlieui the nauhiug '.roke, ij INovunbei uexL Mark th, t : Walker, wlum Cirtaiu unelniritable persons cill Kir Hubert, left town tr, as I should sey, left Wall girftel luSt Mojiday, without the loan he ea.ns on lo effect. Tf riseally IVAiy Hanks" woulil'iit leud-bim Itle rrorwtto suable his master to ca ry on the War wltfi ' Je. Itut i hear he ia lo be along aj.ain this w .., ,0 .' ti sgain ; this lime, with moie' favorable e$. . ..Ajnteniptible spectacle it is, in deed, to be hoi I 'his mau, the cmi-sary of tne (iov eriimeui, ef (' Aly likeuri,-begging fuifds among the Jews in Wu.i tits '-' UK 'Ilii'JN U. lt,Tii; :hr JLts. Cotton 'a exceedingly r aid pricre have suffer ed a decline since my mlm fully i of a cent The sal. s dur.ng tha week amouut to ouly 31 100 bales, al tho lullowiug fHolatioos: 15nrf Florid. Uahile d JV. O. Ord ft good drd 8 a ti c a t-J Mid to good mid. fa 9i S Mid. fair to fr 'i a 10 IU a iti Ful. fsirlogoodl'r. liii a 10J ' M( alii i'our. The reeeipla wiihin a few days past I viii(r been immensely lare. jreighu high and vessels scan r, holdeia h ie beau ior.ed to accept rather low er i'- The stock of Southern descriptions 00 the market is smallv Howard St., Georgetown, Uichni'd conn". $5 50. C'roitL -Wheat, like Flour, has experienced for the same reasons, a small decline iu puces. I-args sales if Genesee are making al $1 2I. Western mixed parcels, (1 J a $1 0!. Hye is wanted at f(J els. Oats aro sstlutg at 36c. Tin re were some purcha ses of this article mad- for export to England, a sew cuaner for demand. Com lias been ia brisk req lest. Westers misee TO c. ; While l'rntitiont. Oousi -! arable sales were made, mostly for the British Provinces, of M" Porh, wbicn read ily c ngs $10 j; Prims d'. g3 '25 aud 'J 37$. Noiinng reperted fn Iloel. Rico is matrtive, and sales small at 1 3T a 4 75. A-aW Sttret. Torpenth e has hwrusetling al 'rer proved prieeethe past week. Sales of IU0U barrels VV'.diingtoa and Newbern (280 lb.) al 83. Spirits have advsaced to 41 cut I'er lUou. 1000 barrsls Tax sold at 81 tT W. ArrLiTOSt, E . of B tui, has erected a Church in that citv , ' a costof $33,000. T' Na- tional -Kgis, pubinied at Wori ester, Mass., speaking of this and other recent acts of munifiesuce performed by the opn'sut citieui of Boston, s.,y: Tb hi(Ury or)rit. iberiIity oa Ul, part of the citixeus of Boston, iu the last twenty years, is at a j (feat Ui-uuce beyond a parallel in this country. Churches, colleges, eeademies aud institutes, out in that city only, but in other purls uf the ''tale, by tbe endowments they have iocivul, speak l-:iJ. .' lhau eny thing wo can utter in coiilirinai.oii of tiie respect which Las been aci 'rded U 'Imr btjut'fsctjra. I CiBt .LTT A ;.ielanch"!y acciden' happ.nt r"!"' Chi raw on the I nil i jI. K'ibert bum, a worthy and rt'spi'ablt! citizen, wati instan t)i' kill- ed by tho eccidouu! diachurgo of . Ins gun whilo , )Ml , t,0 () c , ,,,1,1 . ( 0 nCO. Me wif nut d.uvrrnd till a lig'it. 1'u'jcttci il'c Owffr.rT. lute hour of the It will be rccul'ec'' J list snnir tim ccmbor last, J. J. Aveuzao, V q . tl.o in He - I reurh Consul at this purl, who mmh lab.inn- uinlcr iiumi t:il (Icronjjemfiit, disapppari i sinMt'ii y ai:il .is not uftcrw ar 's Ii ,ird of. (' Moml y laet, tlio akitnn of a man wa discovered i" a. ihi.fkrl, near the tt. iitcplien's roid, about ;x riiiios frwii ' lim cuy. Un exaiiiiliinrjf !' reiiinins ul 'tho ;1 11- ;,ip 011 winch t tie sweli ti.ti rchii il tlu-y wore ' u titled, priiicipo. y by the litittnus which 1'noro the Consul - mark, as liaviog belonged In Mr. Avor xac. The unfortunate emleuiaii ilouhtltvs wan dercd to this reinnle j .e a id a vii "" 11 to li.e uiilnrltHi;:! condition. . llile ,i.c:isi..: TliF STATE GD'K FO!t Tin-; r.i;:si. i'. DEN !'. We have lonl IVu,,-vivnnin, t.'iina! Cuinniii. sinner, Lpgislature, probably ..ml of the '.'oiiirressioiial Delegation 1 i.nji - Ii.ii separate from an ohi i:iend, even, nu I" sent nrratsion, for n short period of ' line. Hot the lies, if lends must aoniftiines pail , and uo I l'emisylvania farewell ,,r a little whib. wi!:. do regret '. i'crsyl .-u'-t, (AJm.) tiii: iii.r.:nois. We presume that alter l''" "'cent I'.lertinr. ; in New I! iimikiiirr. 'i.une, 1 . n.-vU..,i' tifortria. M o hind, ami t'li.o, tiie uiuet ii. -voted li:e: .,1 i the r .'sent adliim(r8'. .. will U preieml loi- ,'rliispr of Us " pnpi.iaritv ritv," or t.i u-e to" l':' hold upon hiAo-'liin' liii'ir 'i' w, h ri'u.nil t lie .ill'ei'liuiis ol Ihe people. I h M I m:!- ll.-.il lis .'..mliw't ".,( nnb'i,. . . km 11, il wince its eh'vat ion to power, been t.iirh :ih to no- cure a ure.it k 1 of iipprohatnu' ; uud ihat, out ol the rank ol its ilevoled p.ul iz ins, it lus in, I tn In'tor' uy ardent Hupxirt. Neither the Me.ie.in wur nor the ,Suh-Tie:isury, nor tlie ,v- :v 'I'.inll', nor ' ny other of tin devices c " liiiniistrulion has niihled it I -Hike prosel . ir incieat-o -its strength. We ie:, nher, 111 tin: ease of I" sylvanis, that it w:is reintirkuil 111 1 lie Seiink rini? the discussion ..bout the Tnrill", that Mo an. the titaie would never vote ' the Whips Tar 'or no Tariff. We h ive 1. .esiill. Without i n. tlnisiasin or excitenient, but w''ti a nte;uly, ile. terrnined change, the people.', m left their old party rank-' ami elected the Whip ladulnles There is : mis' ike in this i .n'.il i-in ol public senlinieiit lliu, exhibition of puhl ! 10 Thcri.' 0:1s iieen a rmlical iliiine and w u 111 some oil, the p..' line lialted or pinised- (lie re they have 111 irched tin . i:nli--'"d muter tie; Whig bantu , n 1 believe niaiiita.n their present stand. Ali:ctinrlrvt t,,t.utc. Uari) c tiSi:. It will be reineuiberei 'ial sumo two tnnniln I ago the tsleanier Euleiprise Llcvv up in tlio Km Grande, killing several persons, ana -oiy . ml i ng a good mniy ollnira. Tho ri . pon. Ite. il of the N. O. lcll;i says, afler the W Into ville came alunir sule and louk oil' lliu wouiuled, he looke 1 ..round lo sec what h,. .oc " te made 111 1 human life : Wl,:)t! paEsitig ti... i crowd of R'.iflcrei s my ,1. : :oii was direi It'.l tu inn; win- 1 I 1 limit uitisi i ... ..Hilly be iieaa. Ilowiss moan lie d.iea Iroiil lii::nl to loot ''10 I1I001. ,J Inmi ,ih nuiiieroiiH woui.ds 111 . ek, muddy Mieuin-s ami (.. ttliH i,,v huiiied to a eri.-n. At lirsf ' C w I (hone hi his ev e. vi 1 in nvi I. led out lint I 1 iiiistalc'.'i. For a niuu cut I flopped to visit ,i,,sawful hpeclaele 11' i i,..;oi nony, anil jus! an 1 was about to allei., ; . conn; oil' t ilu ly, I heaid a voice saying iu a li.-cblu but uolu'.e 'one Hello! old feller win ic yo tin cup !" Tliinliiug 'lie q1" 1 procer.lei person liirtlierall, I i..i..eil in 1I1 .' .in the same person indignantly ("aid "..ot I. from si .e c-1011, w lieu " Ves, that's allers tin; way ! A ' Her jrjtn a little hurt, si,, jiiHt-like porpoise llial'V woun ded, ;.: lelh r creetuis Iiks to kill In u.'' To rry uller astoiiisliiiinul, 1 loiind that ifiis was aihlioti.-i'd to nit; by ill .1 person !(. .jcril.ed in the above as having boeli su 'ernhly wounded. ' Vha: can I do lor yo 1 y liund J" WI. at rc jii jol in lh. tin cu;. .' Is it rut gut or 1110 sses : " ' It ih vhiskey. Will yn.i :.avo some !' v" You're ihe kller. Jit open my l rlh. and ' ore a little down I noi'l hc u .-ii, hut 1 think bitlei' will no 11 ') goi.,1.':, I d:d es I w:o iliie. ied, a.i l Ke iliiitiU the cn.. tents of tl cu,i about 1 half 4 pint i-I raw wliis kev, and then si.iii ' TI'.Hiik'oe, old feller. Ye i-re I w is al ep, and w:en ihe bm.l n,i lo I; 1 1 re I w 01. ll.e biler d"i:k, an I biefvo in s oir.-i thrauqh me. of thejluc but never 10 il 1 ain't hurt. 11.111 h. ,. id I'm more used to il ibmi a good many. J'cc been ioieri vp Jour timet afire. That ma" wss ik-cidcdiy the Imrdcsl ease" I over met with. A .ON'I)().v MO'iNIXG. It was a told, dry, foggy oiori iuj iu er.r'y spring ; a few meagre shadows) flitted to ai.d lr. ti the misty siren .,, and o casitn;u!y ihi loom- ed through tne dull vapor the heavy out1 of some hackney ci.icb, wondiug htirnewarde. wlik h draw ing slowly iea,:.r, r ''cd jan; ling ecatlenng Ihe th. , etusl ol frost Irom its whiten ed roof, and soon was tost egailf in .uts cloud At intervals were hiard Ibe tread ol -np siod luet, and i ue chilly crv of the isnr sweep he crept shivering to hli" eart'.lv ti '.; the heavy loot fall ol Ihe ofliciai wa cher of ll. ii-ehl pacing slt jvly up :iiivl down andcuisir;: tile tardy hours iliat tittll intervened bo..t.:eii h i sndeleep, t'. o rnmhliurr of ponderous carts and wagi i.s, the toll of i.ght r vehicles whuh carried buy . t and sel lers fo the dilWent markets , the si 'jnd . ' int ' lectoal knocking at the jjonrs id hesvy sleepers ; all these noise j iell unon tho ar froi,: time to liHi, but all seemed muffled bf lh fofc. mil t be rendu red almost as Hidislinrf lo tbe ear as wus every object to -'he eights The t!ugg' dark ness thickt 'ied as th day e'on ; ao -'iwse ,vho hau the courage to r and n'ep at ll.--gloomy trroet from thejr cl ...uc w. nlows crept hack Ui Ded agaiu and coded themselves up to sleep --Diclnt. f 71 Oil r AKailt. Iu addilian tewhat wesaid ' of the article lw weeks since, we now slate that every k.Ud bf ll, is unusually scarce Willi us. V.1L.L: I IX K 3'.' -U Calcijh, OitoU;e3, j , J(n 'yjf,'" He, Mrs. Mary, w of Mr. John If. '. of the Firm r Ifall &. Johnson. -. iiifan' son el ,Mr Juo. M. Beasley. Also, V';irre.. Also, j, sou oi .-r. C -ituon Caisvu, a;d about 12 years. In Montgomery -"ouniy. Mrs. Caroline M. Lilly, cousart of James .VI. 'ally, i'si In Hillsborough., rece..,:,, ,Ir. Alfred WaJdeil, formerly o.' the vicinity uf WilpiinMon. !.i I'arlh.nr County, Ala., 1': t Mirti.i, a na tive of Kichmoud Cuuuty, X. C, in the 3iU year uf his sge. The Br,!,Jn;l PiUs'Tlta JJra.iJrc Pills ice strennth fur we : ': nesa -thcy arc liked best ' y th"s whii nav : taker the twist of llioia. Dr. liiaiiur, 4 .-.mii givo vci-amui reference to 1..011. s? uls w in) Ii ive hoc restored I: in a bed of sick- I 1"-i8 u" ll" lr wuen every . uur luauus :nu 'proved entirely utiiivniiin. 'i'liese esses aro ooitt..iu:illy oci'urriu i , iliie city and in very" u.irl ol ii L. ,i. (rt't i!i and re lii'd l-'ills if voa ; arc ii. perfectly heailhy, a- 1 toey will rJeluM ; vol, jj inedieine e. 1 do it--hfT;iiie thev evnpi ! lhoo !.jiiiors vvliieh are liio tauso of imp' 'ty of : 1 he W.km!, a. at tie! same lono iIih ;,oiiy is n! ri'iit hem ii l y ihe v 'CiMlio'i A ,lils u.oat txccl . lent ini'ilii'KK'. 'i'lii'S'i 1 . ..1 c !.:: ., by an A:;ent in , .'II. M AM I'l-lfK, 1 it tw.l.! vii .11 ll fl.e cenls .: Slate, aud per I ,eiy I. ah 'I To the LadK w a 8 e. i) 1; r . :u.'3 I f iu, i l', t r,n oiuiins.ion , trmn tho ?v'uii!i, I he Miv III' -: sl les. t niu, 'j'. II. s"'' V. t : t . fc t ' 1 . 1 ,'l 'l IU' Mll i I no.- A. ' Vl.l.lU'.l I V (I ,. T. a .he 1., m .1 M ,' '1 il.Mll, ' ' I.. II SIN 1. V : A !l s OR A T - Or Si. I'l111' 1 2 !""'1" I'i-ril- '. tieiii 1I1 !, 'iien, 1 Ihi pl.n e, olViT' lor t-. 1 J 1 " , ' , "". N. '. ::,! I II 'I'Ul.ir 11, ,11 1 IU I lie 1 ,1.1 ,1 .0 ll,e .linn" il of Ihe 1 j"" ' K ...I P. .,r,,,,ri4 ll.-.l K,.,:l ll tivilhir hieipi I' -ie . Tim ,.l the r l.ll'Ovii i-r "H lit. . I uo mine a III iv, I'V me 01 !v 1: . ':itli 'ml Ii . 1 l e,,M. Il I-. lo i vte'l lurilii r ile-i n; 'inn In 'in AiUi'ii I'l'iseti", isline: I ' 11 ll ' e 10 hi'f , 1! ell letter nil.!iis 11 "he Mll'-r ell-w ei-,1. ll 11, il 1 old m h ii , nvi'iiilier new, it will iheu 1 . ' ie sere I line, will lie. 101 1' 111 I iu: up jii piil'ln- -;,e .oe t ' 11 1 ii 1 ; u : u I . : ..l.i II. , mis I'i'iile s..,iwn on ' : d..v of ,il Will If e l- lo the I'llli'll.lsi-r. The Umi.-r M till lie I: lid comill ' illo U i ii-..! they mid ivi-11 III. I.. H.'i - It it... ;. ulattd lor the 1 iih tl. J (),-(. iber CO. H Hi. I; y lie 'liiiiiii'.too Cotniiier' 1 1 t'JjK-SFi-til ST" VIONER, AS ot I , Hm I -est I'"! .- . mi'. o"i hel..H! oin eie. .1 t . -,,iill,i Mali" ' III as !. i,- ' I V e . ,el..ivil. Jl i 'in l.ii,.'ff ,, fi niu'r-, -pflliiijr ' 111,111 11 A ' iltio eiic , ii- Sen liii nt . ml , K" r ' tl)Oh!4 i... I I .' ' .1 I li.HU, IllJlf lilrO i.ii, ,, , ' hi'uiisliy, 1'lii'ohO- ,S,rvi' il'1 ' '11. I'V, I'l'ieiliV. oil-'. 1'", ' -I 11' lii'iiiv, i. : " ma- 1.I11'. VI., ,,ii.., ,,il'.IIWlli" li i.k Irei'utne, Ul rsuon, Ti. : nioui. irv ( ;, ul.i.'v, :i.'i.i!iiy, 1 , 111.;, I'' iriiiiii.'tiii' ' nii.Li. . I'll' T lie,i.,iv, l'i ,11 1 t i.t.i -ll lllllu.'. Itu.1.01. r- . II ". I'll. I, Mill" 1VV. ModtV- -l:i I.ji:n, r o in li, Ciei Ii I sZ'-si:. if 1. j II ioss. Intuit e, V Mi'ihoruii hint. 11, it . I...I, 1 I., lie, ..nd l'n i r, .i ioiiiiiU-, Day iiii,l ( In, It Hn.ikt, Hoolis, i:yplicii.'is; 1 uu,( Copy I' I, a I lleliui .ih Worlft -I "i'y. l'ocki't, ami mill Uihlf-t, Tei.ii i-tnl:iil 'B and I'liees, IValiu no. I llvni 1 I!.. .,s, i'ru , llotiKs. a it'al vsri I ety an. I n Ui e nisniieii'iii til ittjliij' U'uiks by I ujijiitivt it until -rs. i- i;:-i''! Mi. 'f II:oIt riano l. ,ic, 011 J Musie. I'.liu'l Cliihlr 'i' Ik', A jreal uiicty, V.,.- aii.l I 'tilurl'ii. Auiluiil .'r 1,17. h!a!iit y sutiil l';iiu y ; vll Ii V lire I v.iriely t.f fools, .iji, I.i ller, Noli' mi I I'ntel epu I'll "'l .'l'"u' 1'i'Sl, I'm Let, J't- I nu ti ."ifritl ,S I'liper, II.'oO.ii. ' uppiiiL'. ' ami .Vat'de l'ltlo. Urawin.., ' r',.-co n: 'i'l-.ne p (j ft ""'tit-.i ,ie,( lloai.l V i ii . . . " r J -, lioiteru linit- t.n.l I. orri. The Km ' !' tzi.r rsirul't Plr,i' ink S!jtn,., I'lifii-rt, rtri-.,jrs, i-it:t 1 ioiiI tit., ''ens, 1,'ullls. lok, ftnd full I'.iwtlers, .e;.,'lli Wat, .,t- Waters, I'l.iin -trid I'sni'V. lloiu'".' lull, J.-eii'l i'eiit'il,!, :-iivfr rii'l (.'..Id , ll' i. "M ties mill I't'lH'I's, . a e'- Si,.n.ls, 1' per h'ul.l.T", liitlin llii'iher, linli.i Ink, lllnck fcartd find -snl Doles, ti'ler h'lii nps. :,L'lln :S(.iNJ Inuhr Alliums h fir't-'l, I 'ul,. in-. i, I ' . iversatimi tl-ird, Jvurv SI:.: lillsli.l Hoiinls, t.'hess Men, !irt"!l tia.n fiinu lioariU, lliee, II. title tl.iors, I'ort !''..!: ), l'i t .et MspS, I.Vd 'I pe Maleh. ... !,'i' - and N-.ie l uvi I nf., Uuotei 's rvae s liermo .. i ler t, M.tihi'iiinlit'.il !os'.' !iinents..'aia''i I Utiles. ly'nruiiia' ,sue t rs.liet vi ,.', Newin tu't? snil Aint'Ni an V'ate tlolo t.'aint l ;.rid Halde Hair I'mcile, Ac. Ac. i.'iding nJ ' '.iniu;;o V hips, f.iif ,i-oiiint'nt . t IN-, fti'tx"". , ; tiv :t nr; !v. listing an Kf llimh-ry ci'iiiueird n-i'li my fii.ishn.enl. H en .il.les me to en uie-r.li'i.t 1 ,r tlit tliHon-nl v u r o lit s ut III, ii, L.wotk, in 1'jJ hi-at i:. on. i undslll.ei' irir.inoi.ee. Itsleith. O.-ttdie. ' :l, 134(5. K.'issf lliikwilh's fill, and (Jiny's Oii,!oneut, ulvvays ou hand.. - jjt I'A'I Ii t'r' N ...11 ; UOI.INA. Ilruiin Utu: : ri, lii.'ioi I'll as and (Quarter Sessions, Aui'.'iil t eroi, le lb. liavid Vi'.Ientiup, v.i. Joseph Kaw l. Jiti 'ue't j,tdj(iitent leried land It sppi mig ! the tl nt on mi, i. 'il, thai tho Dtr. fend. . ii, .liwph Jiaw la has c" -eii.i d, or coiitea'a himself, or ;.ss leui tt . o, ..f ihe ' oanlv, so that nt. .eiunnothe jte'-,i.ai V eervt. on i. m : ll i ordered, that pul.li . .ii n he nails in tho Bi' nh K.giief fi.r, ' ' '' 1, r IXen.lint apl- at i lte rivti te tin ef I it. atrl to Im 11' 'I tor tte SSIU l.'.iimlv i,' ihe t i iiri li'.use in vin.i r, on tha second M. ,.a ' Nnvri.-il 1 1 ncJt, to '. wt uu e, if snv he has. h eioculivii should uot t e!l ia" hands levied tl ".n. Test. JU.' . 5. TAYI". ':lrrk. Pel. . fPr. d. f e? 0. L, Hurcb, k Co. SABri-EAlLY KteJ.)! ,N E i I " Lt ,V.i8 T V D S T ll 1' If ' rlist'l r.-i - . Ian l.tl i.l II M f:rMLrittif ' esc t ALI' WMl mOKOCCO MKI.$, Ui I", I. AT, '. Abo freni I itobinson, 1'hiladtlphis, a bfsuiiful apsotiinent f I.ADIEd' l-ATilS TlUii, I . ''', si t'. -l'i , soles, tla'if, teal, and Kidtkia, L'. t.hi!Jta' Hoot". I'-iMil'., Cel. ID, 1 & Ui. U 3l

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