- l - ... 1 Published Terf Friday, by USff OST a 3 Aa3SCBdl: nd 1rPr,ctor a TUrco Dollars per Auuuui. V i JFKIJDAY, -OCTOBER 30, 1816. KO. J RALEirajlEGMER, R A L E I G II s NV C T Tuesday, October 27r1846, k THE "CONNECTING LINK. Tl following gentlemen have been appointed by the Comoiilteet Delegates to tlie Rail Road Cdnven lion, to be held in Fayettcvjille on the 4th November nextvis: E, P. Guion, Col. Edward YarHrough, JaraesU. Bows, Duncan K. MacRae, (oL John 11 Manly, Gen. Robert W-Hay weed, George Little, D. V. Stoue, Richard 8oath3mei p, Taylor, Wm. Vhita, Wesley Hollisterrind Gebrge Mordecai.. tr Ic termed h thfe tichity,i2ay hat MW - -r THE SEASON. We hare been, for more thau a week, in Up en joyment of weather, which would be the euvj of any suao, born even , " In ten degrees of piore indulgent Bkies." Every thing that belongs to the Season is beautiful, tund every body is, cr should be, pleased, The absence tf winds and storms has flowed the foliage of the trees to occupy their Summer position, while the gentle frosts of the iiiglit have given them all the gorgeous uess of Autumn hues. The year 'is eipiriujj in the fullness of beauty. The Vruit trees,4hat occupied all attention, and drew all admimtiou by their blossoms of Spring, and their stores of Summer, are now unob served, while the Forest, that stood uninviting in tu fruitless verdure, with nothing to tempt the appeliU, has, in its own time, put on the robe of Staler, and challenges the admirati if alL Scarcely do we feel that Uie finger of death is on the foliage Sf the forest, so lovely are aU its Hues, so past description fit the richness of its combination. Its life was useful, not gaudy, but the wfcojeof the delicacy of ita Spring youth, and its Summer mauhood, seems tp have been devoted to Autumn age; and we forget all that was attractive oj its former state, in the loveliness which it assumes in its departure. O" We hare received copy of Tuner's (late Turns &. lluauics') North Carolina Almanac for 1847, which is gotten up iu its usually naat sty' Besides the usual matter, there U much interesting miscellaneous reading. 'f THE SUB TREASURY, We understand that the United States' Marshal fortius District, has peftcured him strong box," whereto to iwepTris Depo fcaid may be sfceJy kept, he his placeJ it for security in the Vault of tlieBraucb lliHlkj&SftV Fear, jji this City! Can euylhiug more strongly illustrate Vie absurdity of the Sub Treasury sciiome 1 The Government won't keep its deposilrs in a Bunk, oh ! no ; that would be monstrous '. But its Agents put it iu a box, and then pdt that box iu a Bank I If this i. 0ot whipping the d 1 round the stump," we .now not What is. CONUNDRUM. Why is the Editor of the " Standard," with regard tn the Pennsylvania Election, like a man, who has a Conundrum proposed to him, which he cannot solve ? Because, lie gutft it up ! . ID" Mexico is now invaded by three columns of the U- S. Army. Besides the main force under Gen. TiVLoa, is tbatuf Gen, Wool, marching through San Antonio, and the cammaud of Gen. Kearnkv, now Mastersof New Mexico. They will probably couceu Irate at SaHiMo.mn the route to the City of Mexico. The War la asjtumiiig a very iutorsstiug and lively aspect, ID Our readers will ponder with astonishment, (says the "JMilledgeville Recorder,) the Proclama tion of Gen. Kesrnev, aud notice his actings and do. ings with no less wonder. This summary annexation of Nations by the sword and the Executive order, without the slightest authority from the Representa tives of the People, if a strange thing to be recorded Hi our national history" At one swoop, Gen. Kxir Ntv and the President ;Uve Annexed and OJJicered a country about four limes as large as the whole of Uie New Engjaud Stales put together. We have not room for comment on this subject now, but we shall say more much more oh it anon. THE DUTY ADDED TO THE TRICE. Mr..Wucca iu bis Free Trade Report, says, that the People of the United States pay $94,220,857, on 16 protected articles in order to get $18,339,452 into the Treasury. Or in ether words we pay $75,784, 405 to the manufacturers. This is a tall sum just a little more than the whole raiue of the Cotton Crop. Mr. Walker's theory is that the duty it added to the jpriee of the domestic article produced iu all cases. Let ns take one article to illustrate his theory. One 1 his) j6 articles is Cotton Bagging, j" - - iu 1041, Kentucky Bagging SOW at 4 io no cenu par'yard in 1845, at 8 to 11 cents. Rope in 1841 sold at 10 cenu per pound in 1845 M 34 to 4. The price in 1841, was nnder the Compromise Act ; in 1845, under the Tariff of-1842. In June 1841, bagging aud rope, paid a duty of 20 per cent. ; in 1845, rope was charged a duty of 6 cts. a pound and tagging a duty of 4 ct. the sqr. yard, yet they dou't stem to have risen much, particularly rope, which How sells at 3, while the duty is 6 cents per pound. 07 At the recent Election in Pennsylvania, the I leather was very inclement indeed ; but though tle Rain waa pelting, it was not near so pitiless as the palling Returns of the Polls. . , . FLORIDA. We'll give them t touch of that same old tunes .We'-tfahew Uiem a sight of that same old Coen. Cairu. (Whir) lis been elected to Conprees. over aum (Loco) by a small majority thus gaining a "ember for the Whigs, aud rebuking the one-sided etien of Congress toward Mr. Camcu, at the la CONNECTICUT. Tht result of the Town Elections in thit State, is highly gratifying. The Whigs have gained eight Tewna nett, and have tied at Towna which were Democratic last yeart The whole number of Towne in the State i 144 J of these, we have heard from 100. The Whigs have tieen successful in 5G, the Locos in 35, aud 9 in the Board is divided. PENNSYLVANIA. A Wma Canal Couuissiomer, showing a clear ma jority in the State ! A Wma Delegation in C'o.xaREss, showing 17 Whig members out of 24 ! I ' . A Wmo Senate A Wma Hoi sk bp Representatives ! ! ! ! Wma ANn DKUbcHATic rehire or Tin British j TARtrr, and of deceptions of the leaders of '" t)emocraey in 1844 !!!.'! SOUTH CAROLINA. The Congressional Delegation stands as follows, viz: Joskimi A. Woodward, James A. Black, R. F. SiursoN, . A. D. Sims, R. -Barnwell Ruett, I.E. IIolmks,A. Burt, all re-elected without opposition, except Messrs. Black, and Holmes. GEORGIA. The following Summary will show tlrf relative po litical strength of parties, as disclosed by tlie lato Elec tion for Members of Congress: M SUMMARY. Jst TJisUict Kind, (V.) majority, 1,027 j 2d. District Ivei son, (L. F.) majority, 397 Democratic gain since 1844, 109 3d District Jones (W.) majority, 173 Gain of a member. -4lh District Hajitlton, (L. F.) majority, 152 Democratic loss since 1844, 405 Sill District Lumpkin, (L. F.) Re-elected ,' without Wtiig opposition. Clh District CoiA (L. F.) majority, 974 7th District Stephens (Whig) majority 1,423 Gain since 1844, 332 8th District Toojids (Whig) 1.C43 Gain since 1844, 267 ARRIVAL OF THE CALEDONIA. SAFETY OF THE GREAT BRITAIN. The Caledonia arrived at Boston, on the 20th inst. The Steamship Great Britain, Capt. Husk en, loft Li verpool ou the 22d ult., for New York, with onehuu dred aud twenty-five passengers, aud, ou the same night, she went ashore at Rallrmullen, in Duudtein Bay, ou the coast of Irclaud. ' The passengers were all safely landed. ... At . the Jateat-ACcpuuts, she had not been got off. Tli ere had been large sales of Cotton, and prices if any tWtig were a bh4 higher. The market for all kinds of produce continued buoy ant, aud at rapidly advancing prices. " Willmer j- Smith' European Times, caution their friends in this" country against wild speculation, as the money aud enterprise of England will find and bring food fiom every quarter of the earth, if neces sary. Indiau Corn is attracting more attention, at an ad vance in price. THE ARMY. ON THE RIO GRANDE. The last advices etate,.lhat one Regiment of Volunteers and four Companies of Regulars, are stationed at Matamons, and that about 700, most of whom are volunteers, were Bick of dysenlary and typhoid fever. Oiie Regiment of Volunteers is stationed at the mouth of the Kio Grande, two Regiments at a Mexican Fort on the Itiv'ef tcu. miles above ita mouth. - Two companies are stationed at Rcynosa, one at Mier and two in tlie Plaza Mier. ARRESTED. We learn from the Mobile Register that Bryant Hines, late of Groene County, Ala., who "run off" a lan'e number of slaves deeded to the State Bank, and for whose apprehension, with tho slaves, the hank commissioners offered a large reward, (one-fourth the value of the property,) has been takeu in Florida, and is now in the Eutaw jail. About forty of the slaves, we learn, have been secured. There were in all, we believe, some sixty deeded to the bank. POST MASTER FRANKLIN. In 1754, Benjamin Franklin was Post Master General, wilb permission to make G000 pounds con tinental money, if he could, out of the whole Post office department in America. The very next year, be gave the astounding notice that the mail, which had before run once a fortnight to New Eugland, would start once a week the year round," whereby answers might be attained to letters between Phila delphia and Boston iu three weeks, which.before had required six weeks. Iu 1774 it was announced iu all the papers of the colony, that " John Perkins en gages to ride Post, to carry tlie mail once a week be tween Philadelphia aud Baltimore, and will lake a loug or bring back led horses, or any parcel." When a Post-rider proposed starting, notice was given of his intention by advertisement, also by the crier, for several days. in advance. In 1790, the number of Post-offices had increased through the country to 75, AIDS TO THE MEMORY. Rhymes, which ire not always poetry, are recom mended in some of the old books as admirable helps to the memory. The regular leeurreuce of the sanje sounds aasisiu impressing the'loagest passages upon tlie mind. The following given an account of the regular soeeeanoa of the Sovereigns of England First William the Norman a then William his so ; Heurv, Stephen and Henry; then BiehardatfifJeb) Next llenry tlie third; Edward; on,tw and three) Aud again after Richard, three) Henrys we see. -Two Edwards, third Richard, if rightly1 1 euess,- Two Henrys, sixth Richard, Queen Mary and Bess ; Then Jamie the Scotsman, then Charles whom they lew; Yet received aller Cromwell, another Charles too. ;'Wt, James the second, aeesnded the throne; 1 nan' good William and Mary together came on , Till Anne, Georees four, and fourth William all past, OHIO ELECTION. " the Caret from the Whig Ceutral Committee or Ohio, which we publish in this paper, tails the whole story of our glorious w?tory' m a few words. Alas! poor Loco Focoism, soon there will bo none so poor as to do thee reverence ! Tlie "Bangor Mercury states that there is now liv iug in that City, a female, who is 100 years of age, and thai she was bom in Newberu, N. C. iu 1746, and quite active, walking to Church regularly every Sabbath. STRAW BONNETS. When Straw Bonnets first became general, it was common to trim them with bunches of artilicia! wheat or barley, iu the ear: on which the following hues were written : Ev " Who now of threatening famine dare complain, When every female forehead teems with grain : See how the wheat-sheaves nod amid the pinnies, Our barns are now transferred to drawing-rooms, And husbands who iudulge iu active lives, To fill their granaries, may thrash llieir wives?" EXTRA SESSION. N The Philadelphia U. IS. Gazette, in some re marks upon tlie probable necessity for an extra session of Congress next year, growing, out of the state of affairs produced by the Mexican war, " and. the inability of the administration to manage the affairs of the government, adds : If such should prove to he the case, it will be a matter of rejoicing among all patriots that they have been successlul at tlie polls; that they have placed in Congress members wit It correct views, and compact talents. The question is settled fur Ohio and Pennsylvania; but there are other Slates yet to vote, and it behoves tlie Whigs to he up arid doing, not only for a party triumph, but that the nation may profifby i)at party success. New Jersey, and Massachusetts for example, will vote next month for Congress. Let l.er stand by her principles and her men, and place in the legislative halls of the nation, delegates that can think well, and vote well. Some chock must be put upon the mad schemes of the administra tion. The members seem ignorant of (he effects of the measures-they are pursuing; to be rushing headlong upon evils that are as incvilalilo as their bad acts arc certain. From the New Orleant Tiupic. LIEUT. E. R. PRICE I&sltaLAwciioLT fate. Intelligence waa received at Natchez on Mon day last of the fate of Lieut. Ezra R. Price, who, in company with two-Wtbcr United Slates Volun teers, had left Cairiafgo some vvocfcs since to join ihe command of GeneraLTaylcrl -during Jiia ad vance to Monterey. The informant states that the bodies of Mr. Prico and his two companions, were f iid lying in the grass somwtance from the road leading from Cainargo to Monterey, com pletely riddled with bullet holes. The bodies of seventeen Mexican soldiers were lying scattered around them. Mr. Price wag the brother-in-law of Lewis Sanders, Jr., of Natchez, and was asso ciated with him in tlie practice of the Law. When the requisition was made upon the Sice of Louisiana for A olunlccrs. ha enrolled himself in the "Sparrow Guards," then being raised at Concordia, and wa elected 2d Lieutenant of the Company. Upon the disbanding of the Louisiana Volunteers, he determined still to devote himself to the cause of his country, and proceeded loCa margo for that purpose, meeting with the above untimely fate. As he and his two companions were armed with revolving pistols, it is supposed that they must have killed the seventeen jltari cents in a most desperate encounter. OUT AT LAST. Tlio Secretary of tho Treasury has given "rie tice that he will issue 6U,0(IO.()6o of Treasury notes, beariifg an interest cf tivo and two-lillhs per cent, per annum, and iuvilcs individualsand corporations (llioso horrid thingB, the banks, we presume,) to cumo forward with llicir tpeck, in sums of not less than Jfil.UOO, and swap! The Union, in announcing liii.s " interesting" event, gives a new definition of Treasury notes, and nays they "must be regarded in the light of m'eue bearing interest." Tins is rather a fi'iru1 definition, and. we doubt whether il can be found in Johnson, Webster, or Walker. Alex. (Ja:i:tc. PENNSYLVANIA'S RESPECTS TO MH. SENATOR -'SEVIER. WITH A SOME WHAT -SEVERE" REPROOF. It will be remembered that during the debate, upon the tariff, in the Senate, Mr. Sevier, in re ply to a remark of Mr. Cameron, said that as to the people of Pennsylvania having been deceived in regard to ihe opinions of Mr. Polk upon the Tariff" question, during the canvass of 1&44, and having voted for In in only because they ware made to believe that he was in favor of i lie Ta riff of '42, there was nothing in it. The demo crats of Pennsylvania he 6aid, could not have been deceived: they must have known, thnj did know, that Mr. Polk was opposed to that Taritt' and a good free trade man ; they voted for him with this knowledge, and woiiid yote lor him a gain. Pennsylvania always hjfibeeji a democrat ic State and always would be. She was not to be changed, and these predictions, that the pas sage of tins tariff tariff of 15)40 would throw her into the arms of the Whigs, .did not move him in the least ; lie did not behove them. ' In reply to this, Pennsylvania now presents her respects to Mr. Sevier, through the ballot box, the only instrument through which she can speak, and begs to return a flat contradiction to his ca lumnious remark. She kuows thai the leaders of the self-styled " democratic party," have looked upon her as excessively stupid, and so de votedly attached tu that parity as not to be driven from its support by the fact that she has been grossly deceived and imposed upon, any' her great interests trampled on and sacrificed by those in whom she has, unfortunately confided. The evidences she has now given of an ability to perceive, and a disposition to resent the wrongs inflicted upon her by her pretended friends, she trusts, will induce Mr. Sevier to retract tlie ca. lumnious remarks referred to, as publicly as they were made, and others as well as himself to take care hereafter how they tamper with her inter ests, and rely upon her blind devotion to a party, no longer entitled to the name it assumes, to save lliein from her just indignation. 1'. 8. Gazette. BEAUTIFUL COMPARISON. , Iu so imaginary conversation between Petrarch and Boccaccio, from the pen of Waller Landor, thero is the followiug passage s " The dumps of Autumn sink into the leaves, and prepare tliem fur the necessity of thei fall ; and thus iSAseusibly are we, as years close round us, detached from our tenacity to Wo by tlie geulle pressure of re corded sorrows." RAILROAD CONVENTION. We have been honored with an invitation to Stteud a Convention of Delegates to be held at Fayetteville, North Carolina, on the 4th of next month, to take into consideration the importance of completing the connecting link in the Mclrop olitaMhne of Jtailroad between the city of Raleigh and ffle towu of Camden, in South Carolina ; aud we certainly could not attend a meeting for any wptkvt Internal Improvement which we should bi more pleased to sec effected Ihan this. We sincerely hope that the Convention may be ahlo to five an impulse to this important object which may lead to its early commencement and ulti mate completion. We do not know of any work of improvement in the whole country certainly not one south of the Potomac so essential to the general convenience, as this link in the great chain of railroad communication. It uii'ht, in deed, nnder iho strictest construction of the Con stitution, be executed by the General Govern ment, as an essential part of a system of " com. mon defence ;" and wo almost doubt whether tlio South Carolina Members of Congress, to avoid the soa-voyage which llicy have now to inalto every year on their way to the seat of Govern ment, would not bo willing tu voto an appropria tion .lor the road under the "general welfuro" clause.-2-National Intelligencer. DO YOU GIVE IT UP 7 Tlio "Nashville Union," a paper pre-eminently devoted to the support of the present Admin istration, and, indeed, the leading Locofoco or. gan of the West, gets around ihe Proclamations of General Kearney and Commodore Sloal by I lie following novel apology. The "Charleston Mer cury" was less happy iu surmounting the Cou etttutional difficulty : "If these Proclamations, Kearney's and Sloats particularly that of Gen. Kearney, had been ad dressed o our citizens, we bhould havo placed it 111 the samu category with the declaration of San ta Anna, that he " would pluck laurels ou tho banks of the Sabine." Santa Anna designed Ins remark for Mexican cars not for our citizens ; addressed to tliem, ft may havo been very appro, priate addressed to us, il would have excited de rision. So with the Proclamation of Gen. Xcar ney ; addressed to ignorant, half-civilized Mexi cans, it may be altogether' appropriate ; address ed to our own people, it might be considered ar rant hmtfwleiffr-'W'e shali riot, therefore, -make ourselves ridiculous by treating these documents, designed for a Mexican latitude, as great State f.anejj, putting forth Coualituiiiialioctriiietud laying dowu rules of international law." Bhaveky. I never knew said Lord Erisliinc a luau remarkable 'tot Jicroi bravery whose very aspect was nut JighleJ up by gentleness and hu manity. In tics Cily, on Thursday evening laot, by Ucv. Dr. Mason, Mr. William M. Bojlaii to Miss Mary A4winciy. lI'J Methodist Episcopal Church, in this City, on l'liiirsiliiy evening lat.1, by Kev. Thomas S. Camp bell, .Mr. lli'iiiy 1. Kvans to Misi Lucy B. While, daughter of the lalu William II. White. New Fall Dry Goods, TK are receiving i'g;iV AI I'Afcll- lOl lKM: CiOOU( ulmoa daily, ut unprecedented low piices. V e shall bo pleased if cmr friends, and the public generally. Hill tall and examine our block, which embrace every sriicle in the Dry Goods hue such as Cushineres, I'laids, De Laincs, beautiful I'rinls, Alpaca, Cloths, ('nssimeres, Tweeds, Domestics, &c. oil. which will be sold cheap by U.TUCKUU A-sort. Raleigh, Oct. 20. Hfi-ft TUCKER A SON, havo on hand, a com- plele asoriment of BSATS AM Si CAPS, which cannot be surpassed by any olli red in this City. If one ol our Hats you would hul try, Ws wpiruut you'll coll auiu and buy.' Raleigh, Oct. 20. Sf.-Ct OW KLAUV Turner's North Carolina Al ihanuc, for lti'17. Kor sale wlo.lesale sod le- liitby H . D. JX UN Kit, At the N. C, Book btore, Raleigh, Oclolier 2V, 1BIG. wB In I'urniliiliC! of the Decree of the Cobrl of Equity of Krankhii County, entered at Fall J'trm, l45,of said Court, in the cause ol Turner M. Jones snd wif,et el. vs. Mary K. Hione, and ihe heirs at law of Thatnss G. Stone, deceased, I shall olF. f for sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of LouUburg, on the Hlh day ol December licit, ike Tract of Land belonging to said heirs, lying one mile from Louisburg. on the east side ol the road leading from Louisburg to Warrenlou, conUuiini 345 acres, mors or less.,, The said laud w ill be sold far a division among the said Uifs,iu a ciedit of one and two years. Bond and approved security will be required by the Master hum .the purchaser, bearing interest from the first day of January next, i Ih many respects, this is one of the most desirable tracts of land in the neighborhood. Upon il is u very comfortable dwelling house, situated in a beau tiful grove in f roii I, aud an eicellent garden, aud an Orchard of choice fruit trees filling up the rear ground. A very inconsiderable expense in the way of paling, outhouses, Ac. would make the residence a most agreeable one. Persons down the country especially, who wish to snjoy health, snd sfhwd their children the advantages of our excellent schools, will not again have such an opporlonity of locating them selves. The' flanUtfon i in good repair, and a large prpportion of the' cleared land is fresh and of good quality. There are about 100 seres still in woods, lylngconvanienl to keep up Ihe plsnlation, snd, for the roost part within a mils and a half of Iouisburg, where the purchaser would find ready market for any quantity of wood he might wish to sell. There is also s very valuable meadow on the laud, of some 20 acres. As it is not etpeetesl hst any ons will purchnse without first eitioining the premises, il Will sfloul me plessure at any time to ride over the land with peisons desirous to see it- T HO'S K. THOMAS, C M E. October 22 1S1C 4. NEW GOODS Pall and Winter Trade, S. ITI. W1UTAKF.R, IS XOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OP drv goods c.koci:kii:s, 11AI11 waki:, &c. And would respectfully solicit a call from those wUliinii to puiehase, as he flatters Imnsell ihnt he ! will ho prepaied to please th tin both in price and quality. DRY GOODS Cloths Broadeloihs, Casimeros, fintinrtts, Casl iiPlts, Kentucky Jeans, Homespuns, &c, V iuUnge of u II qualities, truin 50 cents to the finest that run be tHHijikt in the State, Cai-hmeies, Berates, Alpacas, 1 Muslin il I. nines, Muslin, liohes, Ac. Uslicoos of nil qualiiiosand prices, tiitibons of every description. l'ugiii)S and liisertmes. bhawls of all kinds. Stocks, Cravuts, .Wk Ties, Suspenders. Homes tics Shi'ilings, Shiriings, &c. Blnnkets, Carpet ing, Kerseys. Flannels, Uinghams, Checks, Liuy Woolseys. Cinbn llus, nn exUmsivo assoctmeut, and every thing hi the Dry liood line. Hilts and Clips of the latest styles. Itootl, Shot's, ond IlroKitllM, which will hear compari son with any In this market, l.ild.ic. itud Itllwcs) (xailt'in mid Mi. SiiRiirs Loaf, Ciushod, Powdered and Brown. Codies Java, Bio aud. Loguira. Teas Voting Hyson, Imperial aud Oun powdor. Chocolate, Mo- l.isies, hull, Pepper, Spice, Soleraius, Ginger, Mus tard, Blackim; ond Brushes, So nf various kinds ; Candles Adamuiiliue, Sperm and Tallow. Cigars, Siiull and Tobacco. Razors, Ropers' Cutlciy, Lmks, Chains, Chissrls, Burns' A hps, Tacks, Screws, Ovens, Wool Cards, Brooms, Curry Combs, Looking lihisns, slid Combs 'l'0'U'l'y An extrusive on-orlineiil Together with most every article that can be called for. Thankful for past favors, he most respectfully ro iiutata a continuance of tho same. S. M. V IIITAKl.lt, Two doors south of the Apothecary establishment of illi.iniii. Haywood V Co. OcUiberSM. Nti Itiink of um IVnr, 5 VViLMiM.ToN, October -Ulh ISIi riHIS flank has dcrlniad a dividend of :t percent. JL lor Ihe hall year ending iho -Otli iuxt., and the mine will he payable to Stockholders or then legal representatives, on or after Thuisduy tho 5th day ol November. THOS. II. WKICilT, Cash'r. Oct. 20. 184ft. Hii-'it. I)U. l?vlj. l'KEUY'S Vermifuge or "Dead Sliol," FOR WORMS. .1 highly qalualile prrpnratlun, rapMc, fium the pium.itude of it.i action, of ctrmintl the tern in a ffle hours, of rtcrij H oim. THERE is perhaps no disease tn villi, h Chihlreu aro exposed so common and fatal as Worms ; they iniilalo tho syuiituins of almost eveiy other complaint, and olten produce the most shinning il fccis htforo they are suspected. 'iho symptoms which aro produced by the irritation of wonus in the bowels, unil which with some degree of certainty in dicate their existence, are ns fotlwws : Countenance pale, toriRue whilely furred, grinding of the teeth, fetid breath, stomach hardnjid swelled, wastlim of the thwh, sickness and puins iu the stomach, bowels eillier loo eo.tivu or too loose, great frellulncss, un naiuralVrnviug for clay, diitor chalk, chohc, convul sion!', fits, Ac. Ae. " " NiMiierouH eeriilV ales of the value arid usefulness of linn preparation are aluiosl daily received. Tho following is fiom the Rev. V. I). Win Inn, a distinguished preacher of (lie Methodist Church. Abingdon, Va-, May 12, 1S43. I dit .hereby, ceitify. that I have used Dr. Perry's Vermifuge'. In my family lo the great satisfaction of mymlf and relief ol m childien. It is prompt in its action, and in one ease removed a large nuniher ol norms in three or loin hours afler il as giveii to the child. I am satisfied that us a Vermifuge it is supe rior to any that 1 have ever used. W. B. WINTON. Ncwbern. N. C, May 23d, 1S14. Dear Sir I have been anxiously looking for art other supply of your " Dead Shot Vermifuge," as 1 bate H0 a single vial left. There are constant sp pliemions for ihe medicine, and I should lie pleased Iu supply the dsunsnd. Ilftus proved itself, so far as tried ill this vieujily, lo be a positive i gptcijie, and no humbug. Please inform tlie by rsluru mail, bow soon you can furnish me with another upply. . Truly yours, a J. A. LOUAJf. Price 25 cents per vial. Piemred by Dr, H. F. Psntr.and sold wholesale Und ictail by A. B. A D. BANDS, Druggists, .100 Fulton street, corner ol William, ."New Kork. Sold also by P. F. I'E&CUD, Raleigh, North Car. olinn, and by Xiuggis genoially throughout lbs U llited Sav.cs. , Raleigh. Oct. 26, 1848. 8d-ly. tlTAlKOF MJRTH CAROLINA. Komkhos Coiktt, Court of Pleas aud (Quarter Scssiuiis, August Term, 18Mi. Daniel Currie and Ncill Currie, r SK. William Hogerson snd wife, snd Robert Co rrie. Pel Him for Ine division of Heat Btlale, which deucuded to the lltirs nf Angut Currie, deed. Ordered, thst puhlicslion be made at the Court House door. Html in the Raleigh Register, for six weeks, that (ne Defenatanls appear at the next Term of ibis ouit, to 1 held at jhe 1&urt Houw in the Town or Lumberion, on Ins fourth Mondsy in N oem, ter next, then and I her to jjcsd, answer or demur lo the Petition ; otherwise, ibre same will b taken pro eimfttw slid hesrd tx pmrte. Wimew, Shadrsch Hoewlk Clsrk of said Court, St Office, in Lumberion, ibe fourth Monday in Au gust, A. D., 1846, sud ot American Independence tb87,,l,er 8HD.HOWEU,C.r.C. Sept. 12, 181. tl'r. ss!v. 5 CJ 75 0w I7JSTIIAY Taksnupby Green Ferrcll, neat1 IJ Hayes' Store, 14 miles North-west of Italeigh, sliiiy Horse, without Uhoes, sbotlf 1) years old, four leet eight inches high, his right hip little sunk JSaid Horse was sppuised by Jamas Lowesnd tiemy 1i. Hayes, at 10. WILLIS 8COTT, Ranger. October 24, 1840. 60 - NEW IJOOIiN.-.No. b, (and last) States' men of the Commonwealth of England, Hoidelhurg, a lionianrr, by U. P. K. James, Esqi No. H Pictorial History of England, I.oonline, or the Court of Louis, the Fifteenth, fcy Mrs. Maheily, Altowtn.or incidents of Life and Adventures lit. the Kocky Mountains, by an arasieur Traveller, Lditcd by J. Wulson Wbh, 2 vols. 12 mo. Lectures to VVomon on Anatomy and Physiology t with an Appendix on Water cure, by Msry H. tiuiei H. V. TURNER, N. C. Book Store, Italeigh. Oct. Sr. lS4fi. t)S S THIRST BOOK I.N LATIN By McChntoch iB Crooks, Prolessorn of Languages ill Dickinson College. Kcccived this day by if. D. TURNER, H. V. Book store. Oct. 27, 1H 17. 80 Splendid Capitals, l'rjzt'N of lil,obo i urc $()(),()()()! Class M,, ior ! Mi. To bo drawn at Alexandria, 1). C. on Saturday, thu llthof Nuvembur, I prize of f 10.000 I pn;.e of tf!0,000 1 do 10,000 1 do 10,000 I do 10,000 t do " 10,000 I do 3,500 M do 1,00(1 I Jo 2,310 A3 ' do 400 200 Prices of 20(1, Ac. Ac. 7) No. Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10 Hulves fi Quarters 2 50. Certilicjlcs ol Purkiujesof 25 Whole Tickets 130 00 1)0 do of So Half do Of Oil Do do of 'J5 Ijuiirter do 32 50 $10,000. A L i: A MHtl A LOTTIE R V, Cluss N, for lS-Kl, To bo drawn at Alexandria, D. Con Sutuida, . the 21st of Noember, 1810. I'AI'ITAt.S. $10,000! 1-2.000! 10,000! $5,1001 0 pittes of 2,()00 60 III do 1,000 00 20 do 1,200 10 An. A-c, prizes wf $1,000 do 500 do 200 Ac. Drawn Ballots. 7 Nundjor Lottery 1 Tickets r0 llulves 5 Oiiarlers 2 50.- CeiliricaleiofFacliaauaul'iCi WholoTickelsf 140 00 , . ..Da., .do-.--, 2U-llulv.ua 7tt 0 Do. do 2(1. Quarters 35 00 ALi:X AN Dl'lA J.OTTERV, t 'las O, for Ifllfl, To be drawn nl Alexandnu, D. C , on Saturday, thd .JJtHh of ruvriuher, 1 fc 10 . i.chi.m x : 1 priie of f 30.00(1 I 1 pruo of f'J.OOd 1 do 10,000 1 do 1,00(1 I If. 5.000 1 do 1.H0I) I do :i.2.'r:i I I do 1,700 10 prir.es of 2,000 Dollars! 10 ol Mill! 10 of $300! 15 of 200 ! 400 of 150! Ac. Ac. Ae. 78 Numbers, 15 drawn. WholeTiikets $1U Halves S Quarters 2 50, Ccriilicatcsol Puckagcs of 2(1 Whole Tickets $ 120 1)0 Do do 2fi Half do CO 00 Do do 36Qimrler do 30 00 Orders for Tickets and Miures and Certificates of Paekiigss iu the above hplendid Lotteries will receive the iiiokI promiil all. nl ion, and an ollicial account of each druwiug sunt uun.t'iliatcly after it is over tu all who Older Irom us. Addrcis, ' J G'. UKEGOItV & Co. Managrrs, AValii rig-ton City, I). C. SdUlllE'SNew LOTTERY OFFICE. IVItii-nlMU'K, Viiviiiiil. 2a a-AiEaa SI'LEKDW SCHEMES! ! .' ATTFNTKJN ! Adventurers are renuosted to nc- lice the following Splendid Schemes lor this inoiith. Those who may with to olituin l rire Iickets, are in vited to apply personally, or by loiter, lo th Subscri ber. Dou t forrjet!! ! II. N. SQl'IRF.', Hank St., Petersburg, Va. BATLRDAY, OCTOUF.it Ulsr, $30,000. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class M- 7j .Nmnliirs li Druwn. I prire of ' 30,000 1 jiriic of $2700 1 du 10,000 10 do MU I do 6.1100 10 do 00(1 1 do ' 4,000 10 do 400 Ac. iVr;. At. Tickets 10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 f 0. Ri,k on a Package of M Wholes, J100 00 ' f)o. do 25 Halves ... K uO Jju. do 2S Quarters 20 00 SATURDAY, MJVKMBER 7rn, 1840, Claud Consolidated Lottery, Class 46. cifiTiu, 6 prizes of 13,000 7,000 . e.ooo S,7.1: 1,000 6110 $75 000 7,000 6,000 2,730 100,001) co.ooo 1 do a. , do ' do do 1 1 100 100 78 Vos., 14 Drawn. ' Tickets Sli-JIiilvei $7 50-quarlen (1 73 Kisk on a'J'acksge of Whole Tickets J66 60 J)o do Hslf. do 8S.25 l)o do tjusrter do 41 63 rr Remembt in purchstdjig by the package, 1 always" give in three tictelt. 1 have every day Lemeriss-from I ro20, sfiJ when s remittance is made to ma, rarge or sniail, I will al ways invest in 'he most popular Lonarieson hand. The drswmgs sent, when requeued, lo all who order horn uie. The casif tor all Capitals can ba had at light. On all tellers iiiomg cash or SMiae tiekeis. (lie postage need not be paid Tickets ia the abova Loiteriei are reeaiwd, stud all oidaisitddresaeil u uie will iiivetlb uiosi prompt and eonfideotial amriboii. Address il. N. SliUIHt: . Peisnhuig. Va. , JOB.miNTLNO Neall executed at ibis OfEce u SI a I . ', i 1 ; 1. , 11 j 7:- . 1 'ii '0 il 11 J i i i J God Sent them Victoria may she be the last.

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