c x . AY. S tf.f , V"mmm. in ir t i -, fnblUlied Terf Friday, by Q tf ST 3Bt 3&JL 3 8t Baiter .and Proprietor, at Three Dollar per Annum. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1840 Vd.'XITIII. NO. 7. -tstk vv ttw isyw r rw -vr-k wTv Tuesday, November 1V846. l XSJ" Members, ajfb omEBfl, desirous of taking Ui RaiiEIob Registe during the Session of the State Legislature, en have tt furnished on the fol lowing term, payable, of course, m adrance : JVia , 0f Dotfar. - WeeWy, tytf Cents. ' It'le evident, that the coming Session will be one , of peculiar Interest, and it shall be the aim of tho Editor, to give a funfeir and impartial account of lU proceeding v. t, Yesterday, being the day fixed by law, for the At itjunio meeting of the Legislature of North Carolina, r the members of both branches assembled at the Cap itol at 2 o'clock, P. M, for the purpose of organisa tion. The sun alione out bright anil gloriously, the pre cursor, we treat, of the brightened prospects w hich V will gladden the hearts of our people, from the wise and salutary legislation of those they have delega ted to correct the abuses of the past, and to devise measures of wisdom for the future. Not only were the Members of both Houses unu sually punctual in their attendance, but thalobbies and galleries were crammed with spectators. The Senate was called to onler by Pkbbix Bvsbee, DIAMONDS IN NORTH CAROLINA We invite attention to the interesting Communi cation in this paper, from Chapel Hill, on the sub ject ef Diamond finding. WARRENT ON MALE ACADEMY. The attention of the reader is invited to the Ad vertisement of Mr. R. A. Ezell, in this paper, one ' of the most experienced and successful Teachers of Boys in the State; and, besides this, his location, Warrenton, cannot be exceeded in point of health. THE PROSPECT. The Whig party, every where, seems now sensi ble of its power. Confidence in their own strength, the only thing wanting to ensure success, is now tho roughly established, and two years hence, instead of finding them listless and spiritless, they will be found united and irresistible. It Is apparent that the friends of the Administration, however they may whistle to keep their courage up, are sensible of their waning prospects, and that the disposition of the next Presi dency is in the hands of the Whigs, THE TOFUTAK" VOTE. The " New York Express" publishes a table show ing the vote on the Congressional ticket in each Dis- ! trict of the State, by which they claim a Whig ma jority in the popular vote, on National questions, 01 upwards offfiflOO! ALL HAIL MASSACHUSETTS! We recollect that our distinguished Senator, Mr. Mangttm, once remarked in a public Speech, that he loved and honored Massachusetts, because she had never been conquered. We love and honor her too, Si, Reading Clerk at the last Session, and the Sc and none the less, that she has proved true not only ' . -iw twui.dn Esq a in the sixth, but in rncseventiiiruuuicui lii-uu- IUH013 if trcDnuru m " "-",-'- - ; - . Justice of the Peace for Wake County 46 Senators answering to their names. The absentees were MMcrR.an.UAM, GifccunisT and Howard, (Whigs) and oM vacancy (Loco Foco.) After Which, Mr. Wakdell, of Orange, moved that the Senate proceed to the election of a Speaker, and nominated for the station that veteran Whig, Col. Amdrkw Joiner, of Halifax. The name of L. D. Wilson, of Edgecomb, (Loco Foco) was added to the nomination, by Mr. Camkkon, of Cumberland. i The Senate then proceeded to vote, when the Clerk , Announced the result as follows : fijk For Andrew Joyner, 24 ! For L. D. Wilson, 20 Col. Joysek, having received a majority of the Whole number of votes given, was conducted to the Chair, bv Messrs. Waddei.l and Camkeon, from v ' ' thniM ha delivered a most appropriate Art- dress, acknowledging his thanks for tho honor con ferred open him. Mr. Patterson then nominated Hknry W. MilijcH, (Whig) of Raleigh, as PrIneipM Clerk. No one being named in opposition, the Senate pro ceeded to vote, when Mr. Miller received 38 votes, anil was declared duly elected. For Reading Clerk, Mr. Francis nominated H. W. HfSTK, (Whig) of Raleigh, and Mr. Graves added the nameof Pebkin Di.sbee. Thcvote wasas follows: ForHusted, 25 For Cusbee, 21 Bo Mr. Husted was duly elected. Greek Hill, of Raleigh, was elected Principal Doorkeeper, by 5 votes over Page, Loco Foco. For Assistant Doorkeeper, there were several com petitors. On the fifth rote, Patrick McGowan Was elected, the Loco Focos having made a piteous appeal to the Whigs, to let them have one Door keeper to attend their Caucuses. The House of Commons was called to onler by Charles Maslv, Esq., Principal Clerk. A quo rum appearing, Johnston Bcssem, Esq, administer ed the usual oaths of qualification ; which tedious business being over, Mr. Gilliam, af Granville, proposed the name of the Hon. Edw,i Stanly, (Whig) of Beau fort, as Speaker; Mr. Flekino, of Yancy, ad ded to the nomination, D. W. Courts, of Surry, (Loco Foco.) ; The House proceeded to voters follows : For Stanly, r 05 For Courts 47 Mr. Stanlt, haying received a majority of the whole number of votes, was declared by the Clerk duly elected ; whereupon, he was conducted to the Chair by Messrs. Gilliam and Flemming, from The Election is just over in this glorious State, and the Whigs have carried every thing, and one besides. Let us see what we have done : 1st. Baic.os (Whig) is re-elected Governor, by about 15,000 majority. 2d. The Woe Congressional delegation is Whig not euc Loco Foco being left, to say a word in be half of the British Tariff. 3.1. The nhole State Senate is vnammovshj Whig that party having chosen 40 Senators, the entire number elected ! 4th. In the House, tho Loco Focos have elected but very few members, and the Whigs all the rest, numbering more than 100 ! ' Alas! poor Loco Focoism! DELAWARE ELECTION. The Election held in Delaware, on Tuesday last, has resulted in the choice of TiiARr, the Locofoco candidate for Governor, by a majority of 169 votes. Houston, the Whig candidate for Congress, is elect ed, and tho Whigs have a majority in the Legisla ture, which secures thorn a United States Senator in the place of tho Hon. Thom as Clayton, whose term expires on the 4th of March next. WILMINGTON RAIL ROAD. We learn that tho annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Wilmington Rail Road Company, held list Friday, was unusually well attended. Hon. Richard Hines, of this City, represented the State's interest in the meeting. We have heard none of the details of the meeting, but understand that General Alexander McRae was elected President of the Company, vice Ex-Governor Di diey, who declined a re-election to the office, which he has filled with such sigual ability. FRESCO" PAINTING. - Mr. Henrt KaYton, who brings most flattering letters of recommendation from Norfolk, where he was located, is prepared to execute at his residence on Fayetteville Street, in this City, Portraits and M matures in the fresco style style, which gives enduring freshness and brilliancy. Specimens may be seen by such as are disposed, either to admire the performance of the Artist, or to employ his pencil. We subjoin a notice Of one of Kayton's Pictures, from that admirable paper, the " Baltimore Sun." "Portrait of Judge Brice Happening in the Office of the Clerk of the City Court on Saturday. we observed over the mantel piece an admirably exe cuted Portrait of bis Honor Judge Brice, recently from the pencil of Kayton, done in fresco, and re presenting the expression of the features, and every characteristic of the face, with life-like and striking accuracy. The venerable Judge ia presented to the eye in a farailar position, the forehead reposing upon the first two attenuated fingers of the Wft hand, and we believe there's not a knave in town but would identify 'he likeness in a moment. The disposition of the whitening locks. And their peculiar shiule is in excellent keeping, and the tout ensemhU is scurcely less natural and impressive than the veritable Judge himself. This "fresco style," seems admirably adapted for effect, and withal preserving tho har mony antTpristine freshness of its coloring under the test of centuries, has been lately, very successfully brought iuto use for Portraits." ' jy Mr. II. H. Clements, Associate Editor and Agvnt of thtit sterling Whig Periodical, the Ameri can Review, is now in this City, where he will re main several days, during which tinfe, he would be pleased to add to the list of Subscribers, the names of such gentlemen as are dcsiroOB of patronizing the Work. X7 The Messrs. Lindley, of Chatham, famous for 'theil Fruit Orchards, intend visiting Raleigh during the Session, with a choice variety of young Fruit Trees, for sale at moderate prices. THE NEW YORK ELECTIONS. We are beaten badly beaten, routed and used up. Even old " Cayuga Bridge," that good old crossing place, has broken down, and we are compelled to con fess that, to use a favorite expression- of a friend of ours, the democrats have, received " unmitigated goggj" If we know the motives by which we are actuated, we would not intentionally deoeive or Whence he made his acknowledgements in a inoet-MnUUaa a single reader oi our numoie snew, ana ni- 'f 1 Address. though, line otners, we nave party rets, uu wgjinpe I chaste anO. beautiful Address. The House then proceeded to the '.election of a I Principal Clerk. Charles, , Manly, Esq, of this City, ira nominated, an1 vuminmstf elected. J. R-DoDct, of Surry, was then elected Clerk As- luitaat, alse without regular opposition. For Principal Doorkeeper, S. J. Finch, and John C. Moore, were nominated. The House voted as I follows: J-m Find, 62 Moore, 15 . ' Mr. Finch, having received majority of-th I votes given, was declared duly elected. W. R. Lovell, of Surry, was then elected Assis tant Door-keeper, without regular opposition, and the House adjourned. The Whigs of both branches of our Legislature, I have thus shown, that they know the wishes of-their I constituents, and are determined to carry them out. 'adeed, they would be reereant to every principle of honor and good faith, if, with inch a majority as ' have in North Carolina, thev did not secure a fiig argaaitatiaa of the Legislature throughout ; twkanweaay tUefw include all the Officers appointment within the rift of the Lecielatare. lit is only by preserving of tte pt tttat ) can nope to sustain ourwW tu ptrty. And, ely, when the great State f New York and Pennsylvania, have asked t be admitted into oar a, old North Carolina, the foreaooat ef the ori. 1 panel, win she w'bo sign of baaUng eat. W i that every ma. wn professes to he a Whiz. 1 show himself; retry m Whig, and disregard- that when we know the truth we have the Indepen dence to spetik it We copy the foregoing honest confession from the " Petersburg Republican," a Democratic paper, and would particularly commend it to the attention ef the Editor of the "Standard." tor his party on ev?yy party question. In this wy, and this only, can, we hop jto succeed. ANOTHER SMALL SIGN. The publication of the " Democratic Review," the organ of the party, has been suspended ! Polkism and Loco Focoism is dead ! Who can we get to preach the Funeral sermon 1 Even suicides are al lowed in this eoontry, Christian burial, and this Administration ought to eom4 In under that head. . 1 t" ... ARREST ESCAPE. Parker Comw, who ran away with Mr. Hunt's wife from Guilford, wasrrested In Columbia, S. C. last week, and placed under the charge of an Officer to be carried back to Greensboro'. He made hie es cape, however, from the Officer, about 63 miles from Columbia ; or, what ia more probable, bribed him. He had a large sum of money, and offered the Inten- dant of Colombia 150 to let him off. A SMALL SIGN. New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, arc the three imperial States of the Union. They have a popula tion of nearly six millions, efect seventy-nine mem bers to the lower House of Congress, and are enti tled to eighty-live Electoral votes. They must, there fore, always exercise a controlling influence in the National Elections. Within a short time past, theso three magnificent States have proclaimed their devo tion to the measures of the Whig party It certain ly is a significant sign of the times. CONGRESSMEN ELECTED IN NEW YORK The following is a complete list of the names of the Representatives elected to the next Congress from the State of New York : Whigs. F. A. Tallmadge William Nelson Cornelius Warren D. 15. St. John Eliakiin Shcrril P. H. Sylvester Gideon Reynolds John I. Slinderlond Orlando Kellogg Hugh White Joseph Mullin t . William Duer Daniel Gott H. S. Conger Wm. T. Lawrenco John M. Holley E. B. Holmes Robert L. Roso David Rumsey Dudley Marvin N. K. Hall Harvey Putnam Washington Hunt. Democrats. Frederick W. Lord Henry C. Murphy Henry Nicoll Wol B. Maclay D viil 8. Jackson Sidney Lawrence George Petrie Timothy Jenkins G. A. Starkweather Ausbura BinUnll. Francis Seger COM. DECATUR'S TOAST. The "Norfolk Herald0 give the true version of the celebrated Toast drank by Cora. Decatvk in that City, in April, 1819, and which it appears has been since entirely perverted. As published in the Herald of April 3, 1816, the toast reads as follows H all penonal oonddaatkjJaTmSva B7 Commodore Decatur Our CWrjr : In her . . mwmw jmvatcunpuisca, t-i-.. i(h Varlm Nations mav she always intercourse with Foreign Nations may she always be in the right ; and always successful, whether right er wrong' THE REVOLUTION IN NEW YORK. Speculating upon the moral and political causes to which the results of the recent election in the Empire State are attributable, the "New York Com mercial Advertiser" says: - " We have not the least doubt that the Mexican war has contributed its share to the result. There is dissatisfaction with this war among thinking men of all parties. They are not convinced that it was necessary in its inception; they cannot approve of its management ; they are uneasy at its ruinous ex pense; and, above all, they look forward with anx ious eyes to its consequences to the movements that shall follow tho restoration of peace. They believe, as we do, that the conduct of the national affairs two years hence perhaps sooner, perhaps later when peace is restored, will involve questions of the most momentous interest ; and they are not willing that the hands to which this conduct must be entrusted shall be the same that have brought the country to its present condition. Under this aspect, tho defeat of Mr. Wright and the Democratic party in this State is but an incident of popular distrust for the Democratic party throughout the Union." THE ARMY NEWS. The following extract from the l; New Orleans Times," confirms the important intelligence pub lished by us in a Postscript, last week : From Col. Davis, we learn that the Mexicans have totally evacuated the whole country this side of San Luis Poteei. The information has been derived from so many sources that there is now no doubt of this fact. They left behind some forty dragoons to destroy the fortifications that had been constructed at Los Muertos, a naturally strong and difficult pass on the road to Saltillo, and about five or six miles be yond the Rinconada. They have also dismantled Saltillo, destroying whatever might be of use to our army, and which they could not take away. Thus there is nothing now left for Gen. Taylor to conquer. but a barren region of rugged mountains and thirsty plains, affording neither water nor provisions for the subsistence of man or beast, over a distance of two or three hundred miles to San Luis PotosL If, as has been said, Gen. Taylor hns orders to march upon San Lais Potosi, so as to reach that City by the end of November, the question arises how he is to era verse such a country, as he will have to do, by a forced march at the rate of fifteen or twenty miles per dayl The only water on this route is in the Mexican ranks, which will doubtless be all broken up as the enemy retires. To carry water sufficient to save his army and teams from suffering, would probably re quire more horses, mules and oxen than are now in the army, all of which are required for tho transpor tation of the necessary stores an1 munitions. In making this retreat, the enemy have doubtless adopt ed a wise policy, leaving behind them a far more formidable enemy tor Gen. Taylor to encounter (vir this march) than he eoskl ever find in their own arms and fortified (owns. This policy has questionably been dictated by the sagacity of Santa Anna, It is stated, en good authority, that he had sent orders to Ampudia to evacuate Monterey, and all other places this side of the mountains, but that those orders wtra net re ceived till after the battle. , , v f After leaving the troop necentary to garrison Monterey, Saltillo and other towns, Gen. Taylor will only hare an army ef about 6000 men with which to penetrate into tho heart of the enemy's eountrr. and far beyond the reach of any .reserve upon which ho might fall back for support in ease of neeensity. Koch we believe is a correct accoant of ta jaresent position and prospects of our army, as derived from good authority. Gen. Ampodia has been superseded in command, but the name of his successor is not renmnbertd. LEGISLATURE OF 1 810-7. We subjoin a list, as correct as we arc able to make it, of tho names of the Memliers-composln; present Legislature! Those, whose names appear in Italics, are Loco Focos: HKXREKS OF THE SENATE. 1st District Perquimans and Pasquotank J. ('. B. Ehringhaus. 2d Cmden and Currituck D. Barnard. 3d Gates and Chowan Whittiu l J. Stitllim;.'. 4th Washington and Tyrrel Joseph Hitlsey. Sth Northampton John M. Moody. flth-Hertfonl R . G. Cowper. 7th Bertie J. R. Gilliam. 8th Martin Daniel Wnrtt 9th Halifax Andrew Joyncr. 10th Nash J. . Drain. 11th Wake Grorifc W. Thottfsrtn. 12th Franklin John E. Thomas. i:ith Johnston James Tomtinson. 14th Warren M. T. Hawkins. 12ta Edgeoembo L. O. Wilso. lflth Wayne John Exvm. 17th Greene and Lenoir E. O. Sjiiigit. lMh Pitt H. F. Kborn, lttth Beaufort and Hyde David Carter. 2(lth Cateret and Jones James W. Howard. 21st Craven N. 11. Str:rt. 22d Chatham William Albright. J.'ld Granville James A- Russell. 24th Person Rolmrt Hester. 2.")th' Cumberland Tliotnns A. Cttmfron Stith fcianipsoii Edrrard tlmin. 'J7lh New Hanover William S. Aihe. 2Mh Duplin Jnnus K. Hill. 'JOtli Onslow- William Fcrraud. 30th Brunswick, Blailen, Sic. Mr. Wooen a 1 .it Richmond and Robeson John Gilchrist. 3-M Anson 1. D. Daniel. . 33d Cabarrus and Stanly-Christnpher 1U i lcher 3 Ith Moore and Montgomery Alt Minde r Ivellv. 33t h Caswell (Jelrm (Jni ns. 3fith Rockingham. (r. V.Boyd. 37 1 h O range Hugh Waddcil. 3Mh Randolph Alexander. Hogun. 30th Guilford John A Gilmer: 40th Stokes John F. Poindexter. 41st Rowan and Davie Samuel Kerr. 42d Davidson Samuel Harzrai?. 43( Surry and Ashe A. B. McMillan. 41th Buncombe, Yancy, Vc. N. W. Woodfin. 4."th Burke, CnldwelL V.c S. F. Patterson. 4()th Lincoln, Alc. Larbiu Stoirc 47th Iredell J. M. Bogle. 48th Rutherford and Cloavcland ColumLus Mills. 49th Haywood, Macon, In: Michael Francis. 50th Mecklenburg (Vacancy ly death.) MEMBERS OF THE llOI'SK OF (n)ln. Anson Mr Ilargravc and Jono. Trull. Ashe Benjamin Calloway. Buncombe John A.Faggund Alfred H. Chunu. Bertie John W. Bond and Richard O. Brittou. Bladen Mr. McDoieell. Beaufort Edward Stanly and Thos. Smaw. Brunswick Henry H. Watters. Burke, 4c W. F. McKesson and J. J. Erwin. Cabarrus J. W. Scott anil L. B. Kiiiuminer Caldwell E P Miller. Columbus A'. L Williamson. Carteret Jennings Piggott. Cleavttand CnrrHuck B. Jones. Chatham Daniel Hacknev, Thos. Lussiter and M. Ci. Waddell. Chowan Robert T. Paine. Cumberland O. W. l'e:;rvm and Diiiwii Slum: Camden D. D. Ferrebce Caswell John B. McMulli n. (VaennAy.) Craven William 11. Washington aSd H. T. Guion. Cherokee Geo. W. I In vs. Duulm I. B. K Ih, ami J P. Dnris. Davidson V. Hoover and 11. Walscr. Davie G. A Miller. Edgecomb Wyalt Mnye and Wm. F. Duncey. Franklin James Collins mid II'. A'. Martin Granville R. B. Gilliam, J M. Bullock and J M. Stom. Gates Rddick Catling. Greene James U. Eihrarth. Guilford Nathan Hunt, K. W. Onlmrnc and Peter Adams. Halifax.. M Long and .W. C Whitakrr. Hertford Kiinetli Rayner. Hyde Wilson Creedle. Haywood Anilrrm Ferguson. Henderson John Baxter. Iredell It. Reid, W W. George ami W. II. Haynt. Jones William Foy. Johnston L. Kicharrlson and Ashley Sanders. Lincoln, 4tc. J. H. Whit', F. V. Hthanlt, A. WUson, and J. Webster. Lenoir -Jessee Jackson. Macon John. Y. I licks. Moore M. B. Person. Montgomery Z. Russell Mecklenburg Jom W. Potts, John .V Dans and Bohert Lemmmd. , Martin .1 . CoffieM. New Hanover Edward Hull and Thvmis Wil liams. . ' .Nash IT. D. Harrison. . if., ! Northampton E. J. Peebles nnd D. A. Barnes. Onslow Harrey Cox. Orange Giles Mebune, C. Faucet t. J. 11. Leath ers and 8. Smith. Person J amtw Holemen. Pasquotank Wni. Charles. Perquissons T. L. Skinner. Pitt -Elias J. Blount and H. F. Harris. v. Rowan Isaac Ribclin and J. W, Ellis. Randolph Abraham Brower and White. Rockingham Darnel W. Cowtt tivl Josijtli Neal. Robeson N. Began and JoAn McNeill. Richmond Walter L. Steele. Rutherford William F. Jones and Simon Mc Curry. Sampson Jrid Murphy and B'orrn. Surry R. C. Puryeur, Oynn and Sluek. Stokes R. Golding, jlfnrjW.and Martin. Stanly Mr. Palmer. 1 Tyrrell Mr. Davenport. Washington Thomns B. Nicholls. Wilkes James Wellborne and J. J. Gamliill Warren A. A. Austin and John 11. llankins. Wayne Elias Barms and C. H. Brogden. Wake Be rry D. Sou, O. H. Wilder and H'. W. Holdai. Yancy Samuel Flenming. lit Salisbury, on the 0th inst. William Chambers, Esq.. aged alsiut 5'i years. A NEW MAP OF RALEIGH. We have seen a Map ofthe City of Raleigh, exe cuted by Mr. John W. Johnson, of the N. C. Milita ry Academy, which is remarkably ascurale, aud which m doubtless the result ef a grtti deal of labor sad patience. This Map we shoold like to see en (rsved, as ear eitneaa would no doubt avail them selvea readily of aa opportunity to procure a new and, correct plan ef the City, aod we hope the City su theritiet will either ubecrihe for a iiomeer of copies, r lake soon step calculated to encourage the Indus trieoe and ingenious author tad at the same lime ia fure an engraving of the work. At a mere matter of convenience such a Map would be valuable to the owners of property, and It would atsobe important to ach persons as might desire to locate in the City. Standard OKITIAKV. Died, September 10th, at the house of Mr. Logan, ill Rutherford County, Mr Jon Mr('iv Ai.r.x amiki:, only son of Col. II. and V. Alexander, in his lth year. At the time of hifrdcath, Mr. A. had gone to tho Mountains, with the hope of recruiting and iniro rating a constitution enfeebled by frequent attacks of chills and close application, previous to entering upon the studies of his senior year in Davidson College. While faf fnm n faiher's eye ami u mother's guardian ttUT, scieiv disease assailed, bat tled nil medical skill, and he sunk Wiicu'.h its power on the 10th day. in the death of Mr. A., society lias experienced a severe affliction. Affection delights to linger on the ilecp impivssions of his ninny excellencies and vii tucs; 'ligiiinci, graceful and manly in manner; friendly, aH'ectiotinl e and cordial in disposition; up rilit and fair in all his intercourse with'liis fellow nu n, he has endeared himself to all. Anient, in the pursuit of knowledge, chvsely applying his power to the great wuvk of discipline lor uofulncss, his friends rejoiced in powers uiifuldint;, and faculties expanding, as sw eet lokeus of a bright hiy of use fulness and distinction; Imt ilenlh has sped hi arrow, nnd we bitterly nimn-n our desolation. A ixiuj&aa 8 MALL lot ;u$ lo hand, o. 16. I84D. WILL. PECK. 92 At tlie residence of his father in York litrlcf, SC., on. the !th of September iiimI, Mr Jni l . Mmiiii, son id' Jos. Smith, Esq:, in the '-Mill year of his age. lie had returned from College to spend the vacation. with his friends; Imt, nhw, it was only to sicken and die! 1 lis fellow-students, as well us many o her friends, wish to manifest their sincere respect for his memory, and express their genuine sorrow mid sympathy with his relatives, on account pialities of his heart, his Valuable Land for Sale, riIIE Subscriber, having more Lend than X. he t1"8 "liands" to r.tillivate to ad vantage, pnipoe sell from THREE TO SIX HUNURKO ACRK.S.Ivmgon Walnut Creek, one oi (wo rmlr South West of Raleigh. The Lsnd if of excellent analiiy, ami wrM Hmberetl Willi Oak and Ilickoiy VYoocl. Benin ahoOl llie ncaiesl Wood-land lo tho iNlnrkri, won!, I le h vatuuhle conaideisnon to any on wishing to senle n nice Farm, as the usual Tfnir.i on a Farm, cun be very profitably employed durum the whole. Winter hauling Wood, for wlucli Iheie is nlwayn a demand. A reiisonuLki eieiin can he given if desired. Ap ply to E. HALL. Raleieh, Nov. 2, 1SJS. 83 wtf T( THK NKT OK KI.N OF JtHN JlSTICB, DECEA' Kouln tin' irmtipr of William H. Bfidgea anil Sum h liisjtvitc, Jul) n Jusiir.CjWilliani Duncan nnd K!iahe:li bin w;fe, Warden Durham and Nancysliis nilfj Allen Juxticoi David Justice Kezi;ili Justice, Klixalielli Jusiicp, Harsh Jus tice, Alien Robertson, iVatlisiitcl Robertson, Stephen Robertson, David Robertson, Mernt Rohertfiim. John Kobcrtsuii, William 'I'lionip son nnd Khilielli his Wile, Williiini Justice, Clavhnrn .IiisItc, Wesley Kiltturds and Dollf Iih wile, and "Kruiih liri freeman aiid Sarah liisf wile 'jii'j'ls, AKn Steplien IMemwirtir;' 'Kx'c'liloTTinnolniit Will of Stephen Justice, deceased Defendant. L'RsKANT to nn Order of the Supreme Court of Aorth Ciifoliiiu, ihiectina nie to rnouire sml slate to tho Uouit who tveie the children til John of his death. The lovely iinassiiiiiing inanm rs and hi promising talents, had Jutice, deceased, (a brother of the testator, Stephen secumt Irom tticni an endearing an, I growing re- j justicu) living at the dentil of thu mm lentatur, to paril. His example in behavior, mid ill tho faithful j wit, in ln;ir, and whether any of them are linen performance of his duties as a student, is worthy of I ,joad, and il dead, who ia or are their peraorial rcpre- all coimneiidalioii ; and his death i deeply h utcl ! gennyy,, . ,, nEnnr iuvk Nofics to all uch ill the College of whiih he was a member. Hut the ppnna, to come in and make out their kindled he- pain, mtlict.sl by his loss is greatly mitigate! uy I lie for(1 mg (he (,mc- nf Co jn ()e cj uf inforiontioii obtained from his father respecl i 1 1 jjt his death-bed repculiince ; it was truly a happy instance of the value of Christian Religion. At an early period of bis illness, ho seemed evidently to repent of his sins with a bitter and humble rojiciitanco. earnestly besetshin forgiveness, ami, alier a few days, rejoiced in the firm belief of his iicce'ptanee with (lod. In the nearer aiii'ioUcli of death his faith failed not, nor faltered : hut he eeiued tu llief last stayed upas by the Kock of Ages. The PiiikAXTHRoric Sm.-u.rv, having convened for the purpose of rxpreHbing in a becoming maimer their sense of the worth nl their deceased fellow ineiuliei-s, and deep regret further loss, adopted tlu' following Ucsolutioiia : Bi-soleid, That wc feci deeply grieved for the loss of our dcccsi"l brethren, on account of their excellent talents and many virtues, an well aaJthcir exemphu'y deportment during their connesjtiou with us. Resolved, That a Committee lie appointed lo w rite letters of condoloncv to the Parents uf the deceased : and, also, a Committee to attend lo tbo publication of suitable Obituary notices. Btsalved, That the Oliituu ics, wilh these procoud ings, be publisbisl ill the ' Chariot It; Journal,'' and ' Raleigh Register."' ''J. T. K BKI.K. ) J n m, KiM ! v.; ' siii:i:ii i s ham:. N the first Monday in D? ceinbrr, at llio Court Houao door, in lliu Town of Troy. I shall aril the follow in TKAC'TN OFLA.VI), r to much thereof, aa will satisfy the Taxes duu Ihrreou for the years 1 644 and 18l.ri, and pay for advertising : I Acres What waters lf-1 I IMI.ri 5IM :Nakeii creek ; 1.1(1 'Thiokrly cr'k! 1 M! t'abin creek ! ; Do. do. i I lit) 'JU0 Names. Win. (..'opulttiid IIowrII (ireen r.y.ekiel Ivea 1'urney Mnrgand Koheit rainier A. B. Loriiinons Neill Imon8 heirs, J. II. Kirkbam Hannah Hurly Swncer Mai gaud .lull n C. Atkins Kdm'd A nil re w, Est Thos. Andrews Solomon Barret, Eat Colin Mcltax Richmond Smith Jennel Ingram A I.iltlo William W'ada 1-' 211 ( edar ereh !Crdar &,(' 1 bin creeks 2 4 l!i 2.') 100 AW) IUU I Oil 4.fj 350 I I'J'ii Cabiu creek W illiums cr'ki Biirnes creek Cedar ereek Rocky creek Itichlund cr'k .1 IVdre River 6n October 24. jlMIJCIarka creek 50 Do. do. 4 3,rj i5 jlfoeky creek : I i(, 375 1 1 lariiL-r creek ! I'cdee River 1 ' 194 llam-r er.ei I 7f' A. II. SANDKRS, Sheriff. IV. Adv. $4.) yd 3w vai:i:i;m FEMALE ACADEMY. THHE ISulincrilier will take charge of the Female Jfl Acd my iiMifte Town of Warrcnigu, N. C, the enauiriR year , allJ, will endeavor Ui .ilider il an Inalitiition in every resct ac4-rpla!ile 10 the Public. The best Tracheia will he selected as SHialanla in the School, and every exertion uaad to givers thorouifli aod accompliaheil oUucaiion to ibowl rnirualnl lo Ins care. At the aame lime, that duo unotilinalion will be observed, puna artil he ten lo makf it a pb-ajani and agreeable homo A il lull be tradeilf cared toi, and their mor.la rarelullv walrhed oar. All ihe branches nl an Kie;hah r.ilucaiiou, ' hb the liiwsot lo the hiaheil, will lw i.VKht, i with u,e Kronch l.aiiguara, Muaic, l"ain(. Tho eiHaMiabcrf rrputaiHiai of vVanrntoa or health, its facility ol accea tn Ihe lower Couulryv (etidera it in every rewct, e deairable hicalrtjr. This, tofelbei Willi moderate charge, will, hoped, aerura t dua proporuon of paironaje. 'I 'lie buildings will be lireally enlargrd, and the Hrhl will be reily lor ihe reception of Mcholara, ihe middle ol January, nauinf. Terma per Hmiii of tfit mouiba, payable in ad Vance, aa followa : For Board f '0 00 Engliah Tuition 12 SU French Language & 00 . Drawing & 00 Muaic on the Piano SO 00 Uae of Instrument 3 00 Books, (Stationary, 4c, will be furniahed at tho lowest retail pricea, and no extra charges mads. I would beg leave to refei to my friends, and nu merous acquaintances in .North Carolina and Vir ginia, among whom are the following : Hon. John Y. Mason, Washington. Hon. Arch'd Atkinson, ... . Wm. R. Baakarvill. Eaq., J V,r8"' Hon. John H. Brian, , . s O. W.M..rdeci. E.q., Col. David Outlaw, Dr. Jno. Arlington, C . 'forth Carolina. ' Jam . Battle, Eaq. J I would be glad lo hear from those, who may de sire to place their Daughters under oor care, by let ter, directed to Warreulon, If. C. D. TURNER. Warrenton, Oct. U. Sl-wtf Raleigh, on the neond Moo, lay in March next, in drfuiilt thereof, they will he excluded from (1 ben efit in the dittribotimi ol a fund now in said Crfur. EDMUiNI) 11. FREEMAN, Cfk. IHIfl. 71 3m. Sept. 3, II .in i. i.Tt'iy ! B.i 1 Kx'is. 0a-id OPTICS- 1 VHlil'.'XS, ihe well known Optician. has Imnieil liimelfncxl cIoot to B. B, Mmith'e- Id stand, Fayetteville strei t, where he will be happy lo attend to all who should desire tils aid. He knows to apply wilh piecisinn any focus the defect of eye reqoiiea, and Ihe iilasaea in his Sprclsclea are u pcrior lo any eter introduced in thia country. Thern is no u-e in publishing hundreds of rerlificalea from celebrsted rncn in this Country and Europe, (.'all and tiy the glasses, and you will certify lo tho same fact. Not. 10. M If Sale of Valuable Property, 1.1 obedience In the hul Will and Testament of (Jeuige K. tfpnill!, dee'd. ihe Subm-ribcra will pro ceed lo ell at his IjIc resiilenfe, in Wanwn County, on Monday, llie " I at of Decsmber ensuing, ihe Plaii lalion, Crop of Corn, KudJsr, Uala and Stock of eve ry description : THK I,A?I0 ie of excellent niinlity. 1J7 iHi,m iciuiiy ui IMC Jlloc- 4 aa and White Hulphor 8prini, ciirht milea South of War-rsiiion. On it u u large and convenient MltTumltn ffoiiNC. recently built, with etsry iieccwaiy out build' mg, Ac. The Plantation la in excellent roiuliiiou for mailing a Crop, having on il all (lie nrrcMwy Barns, Stables, Granary, and good hmi.es for Ihn tho aCCommfalation of fVetrroes. Il coniatiis 'I'hreo Thousand Arms, and will be sold in Iwo or mom Trscta to suit purrhssers, and oil a long credit Persona who leel disposed lo purchase privutclv, ars invited In come forward and do an. At the same lime and place, will be offered for sale about twenty valuable SLAV US, par! of (hem, it ia pee(ed, for Cush. The terma of Ihe above sale will ha matin known on the day of sale, and will he continued from dov o day until all is dispoocd of. D. TURNER, W.J. iiy,,-. I0. I I, I S IB, Male Academy, R. A. EZELL, a. M.'hMHMt, rEIIK Eiercisea of Ibis liisliliilion, for the left I seven years in llir charge of ihe uuleri(;iied, will be reauined on tbo accoiid Monday of Jan uary, l47. In addition lo the apaeiotn accommodations furniah ed by Ilia Aruderiiy, ihe Principal,, wilh a view to a permanent location, has errctej a large and commo dious Keeideiica in tbo ailjoiiiing Unite by whVlli arrangement, an increased number of Students may be culnfoiUbly boarded, and Ihe entire eslabliahmf nl, at ell timea, placrd under his iinmediale rye. Boys from a distance are required to reside in Ihe Family of the I'nnc.pal, who, whilst he enforces atrict ad herence lo the Lawa of I ha Institution, provides for ihem a comfortable Home. They are not allowed to vwit Town, unieaa accompanied by their Teacher, or by bis apecial permiaaiou. They ars required, every Sabbath, to attend one of the Churches in the vil lage, at the discretion, in every instance, of Die Pa rent or Uuardian ; and no attempt is made to incul cata.aactariaa principles. The most rigid observance of morality is enjoined. TERMS: For Beard of Boys under twelve years of age ,for the Soesion of five months $ 10 OO Board of Boys above twelve 50 00 Tuil'iou in Languages and Mathematics 15 0O In the Englwli Uranchoa )2 50 Fuel at Academy (the only extra charge) 1 00 R. A. EZELI, A. M., Principal. U'arrenton, N. C.f Nov. H, I84. 93 4w REFERENCE : For the character of the School, Its successful mode of discipline and inatrnctron, the Principal ia permuted to refer the Fublie lo the fallowing geotlo- men, amongst a number ol others J Hon. M. T. Hawkins, 1 Al present Members of the) A. A. Austin, Esq., North Carolina Legia- Gen. J. II. Hawkins, ' lature. Hon. Daniel Turner, Principal ol the Warrenton Female Seminary. Kev. C. V. McRae, Hon, W. J. Edwards, F A, Thornton, ii. I). Baskerville, Wro. Phrmmer, Wsj, Eaton, jr., John B. Somorvalt, Thos. E. Green, Wm. i;. W illiams, B E Cook, Eiars. ; sad Dr AJuan dsr Hall.