' r . ' . ' " ""' ' 1 --- i -, . ... . ..... t rubtofced Wrl4aTty aSal&a Editor aMl Proprietor, at Throe DolUrt pe aum, VOI.. XLVIII. Tuesday, November 27, 1846, ELECTION OF SENATORS. On Friday lust, Hon. George E. Baogkb was e leeted by the legislature, ft Senator of the United fSUAoi to fill tne vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of Hoh.Wii.uam H. Haywood, Jr. And, on Saturday last, Hon. Wwn P. Mangum was re-elected to the scat, which he, at present,$l, With such t.ij .i,;Tir :- Honor, iay we, to the firmness and 'independence Of the great Whig party of North Carolina ! In el evating such men, they have) honored both themselves and the State. Geouge E. Bauoer and Willie P. Manoum ! What State in the Union will be represented- with greater ability than North Carolina? And what son of the Old North, who reads of their glowing eloquence in the Senate Chamber, will not proudly say ''I, too, am a North Carolinian." ' Of Mr. M anoi m, it is unnecessary to apeak. He las long been before the publio eye, and he is well known and appreciated. But Mr. Badger, though valued and honored at home, is not so extensively known throughout the Union. Having no aspira tions for political preferment, he has never been in public life, except for a short time duringGcu. Hak suson's Administration. But there he became dis- linguished, not only for the ability with which he Iwlministered the Naval Department of the Govern went, but for his prompt resignation of the seals of Office, when he could no longer hold them without a violation of the obligations which he owed to him $ilfs as a man of honor, and to the Whig party, as the representative of its integrity and purity. And if he had never done any thing else to endear him to the Whig party, that act alonr, is sufficient to justify the manifestation of attachment, and of esteem and con science, "exhibited towards him by tho Representa tive of that party in the Legislature. It ll a coincidence worthy of remark, that in both Instances where otfice has been conferred upon Mr. BiMsa, it has been done not only without his soli citation, but under circumstances which rendered it yery doubtful, whether he would yield to the wishes Of the appointing power. When selected by Gen Harrison, as a member of Ms Cabinet, he accepted, tnost reluctantly, we know, the trust cohferred upon him; and, now, while absent from the City, without eVcr intimating to any human being, that he would accept the appointment, the high, the responsible, tho pasftion f Ir. S. Scatttor has boan tendered te him. It ia our belief, tlrat he will accept that he cannot decline an office, bestowed under circumstan ces id honorable to his character, so gratifying to his feelings. He cannot, he mill not, subject himself to the imputation of insensibility to kindness, or of in difference to the public welfare. ' We are almost afVaid to trust our feelings of at tachment to the man, to speak of him in this connec tion but we will say this that, in the distinguish ed body, of which ho is soon, we trust to become a member, not one will be found his superior, in all those qualities of both head and heart, which consti tute true greatness; and this opinion will be endors d by the whole country, before his term expires. In conclusion, we must add, that in this whole mat ter of electing Senators, the members of both, branch es have acted as became IVhigs. Discarding all per sonal preferences, giving up all local attachments, they went for the unity of the Whig party, and the glory and honor of North Carolina. There were se veral gentlemen spoken of as candidates, who had Ctrong claims upon their friends ; but they yielded them all up, upon the Altar of their country's inter est. They are comparatively young men, imbued With the laudable ambition of making themselves known to fame. Let them bide their time. Their disinterestedness and patriotism will yet have their Jeward. SECRETARY OF STATE. On Friday last, William Hill, Esq,, was upani mtuslf re-elected Secretary of State, for the ensuing two years. This is, indeed, a compliment, vj-bich no Inan, we are sure, fcols more sensibly than ihc ven erable recipient of Legislative favor. If fidelity in the discbarge of his duties, exact system in (business and great promptitude in tho performance (of duty, ver entitled a public servant to tho flattering com pliment Secretary Hill has received from the Leg islature, we accord only justice to the selection, when We lay that a better one could not have been made. EOT Wo regret to state, that Mr. Krimmincer, of caoarrus, is conhned to his lodgings in this City, by Indisposition. This accounts for bis name not ap pearing in the vote for Senators. Xbe absence of Dr. Bond, of Bertie, also, on the first vote for Senator, was occasioned! by indisposition. LOCO FOCO NOMiNEES. The Locos in the Legislature' ran Mr. Asa Biggs against Mr. Badoer. and Gen. McKay, against Mr. Manoum.. Whether they would have nominated ft General, if they had had the majority, we can Kot say, but we are confident fiioos would not have been thought of. He was run this time, they say, o tHdcrn hit attack on Senator Haywood, If the ndwun for as badly as the Principal did, In that attack, they wm n0 me of gmtulation. CT- We would call the attention of all those in- forested, to the Advertisement of Mr. V. XI. Ac. relatire to a new invention, called The TaUor't trHtfer:' Pnn the commendation, havo heard Ptw upon It, by those competent to jndire. we ihoiiht Info !,.(.,.: I . ... B" u we luveuuuu is one or great utili- Wa4 worthy of inTostigatioa and trial b nen "attar. . HAVE YOU TESTED THEM) " Have Ton tried K&ahhe'b A rvmii. 1 -1 avail t.fn..M "ew Tobacco, i.hi nmimuicU of magnifi "" f U not, delay 15b longer a trial will ie rv sen recfljipefirlauoii 0 these artklet, THE FIRST DEBATE. . We are pleased to see a spirit of courtesy and good nature in the Intercourse of members- of the Legis lature, even on party questions, which' augurs well in these somewhat stormy times. On Saturday last, a specimen of this spirit occurred in the Senate. Mr. Francis introduced a Resolution appointing a Committee to inform Mr. Bauuek of his election as Senator, and to request his acceptance, Mr. Wa jiijell immediately rose, and suggested that it might be rather too much to ask the Demo cratic members of the Senate to ask M r. B. to accept an office for which they hod not voted for him in tho election. ' And stated that in 1836, he Temembered that a notification was given to Mr. Strange of his election by the Speakers of the twe Houses, without a request to accept ; and Mr. W. intimated that it would be in good taste now, as well as right in it self, to give a similar notification to Mr. B. omitting the re j nest. Whereupon, Mr. Cameron moved an amendment to the Resolution, by striking out the request to accept. This motion brought Mr. Francis to his feet, who stated that he had copied literally a Resolution of the Session of 18 1 J, passed by the Democratic Senate of that year, and applied to the very gentleman whose unexpired term Mr. B. was elected to fill. Mr. Wajidell then stated that, as there was so decided a precedent for this course, established too, by Democratic authority, and by many of tho very j distinguished Senators now in that Hull, he could ; not disregard the very hiiih authority and binding force of this precede!. t. He was not for annulling j established usages, and should feel himself compell- ed to conform to the practice of his distinguished friends over the way, and trusted that they would 1 battle of 1 y IS. I he victories recently achieved by not now spurn the chalice which his friend from Hay- the Whigs, therefore, have uuusiil importance at wood commended to their lips. If it was right and : 'ached to tlletn. They will divide the next Pro.-i-iu good taste, i 1842. it could not be less so now. ' dent ial contest. Every sensible man must see this. Hd certainly would not impute such inconsistency to his Democratic friends, as to suppose that they could now reject scornfully the measure for which they voted so unanimously in' 1642. Let them pre serve their consistency, &.C. f Mr. Strket thought this a small matter, not worth the debate it had occasioned. He was willing to vote for it he saw no harm in it. Mr. Badger was c lected, and though not by his vote, he thought that asking him to accept was a mere matter of courtesy, not at all inconsistent with a previous opposition to his election. He was glad though, (and here he seem ed a little a very little, spiteful,) that his Whig friends had been looking over the Journals of 1842. There were many good things in that Journal. They hud found one which bad pleased them. He hoped they would continue the search, and find other foot prints, which would lead them iu the good old De mocratic paths, &,c. Mr. Wilson thought the Resolution itself wrss en tirely unnecessary. The lajs.provided that the Se nator elect should receive a certificate of his election before he could take his seat, and that he deemed a sufficient notification. An informal notification would amount to nothing it would not even dispense wit h the necessity for the certificate, and he presumed that it would give to the distinguished Senator elect, no information which he had not before. His personal and political friends could with more propriety, in a more private way, press Mr. Badger to accept the appointment, ic. He preferred leaving it to them, and he had no doubt that they would do their duty in the premises, 4,c. This called up Mr. Francis again, who was just getting under good head-way, his eye sparkling with fun, and his Whole face beaming with good humor, when Mr. Cameron, the mover of the amendment, arose, and, stating that his motion had accomplished its ob ject, in having raised a good tempered discussion, he withdrew his amendment, and the debate was ended. The liesolulinn was then naase.1 without amend- I . . I ment, by a considerable majority. RE-DISTRICTING THE STATE. It will be seen, that so much of tho Governor's Message, as relates to re-modelling the arrange ment of the Congressional Districs, has been re ferred to a Select Committee. This Committee, w e have no doubt, after due deliberation, will report an arrangement of Districts so just and equitable, that no reasonable man can find Cuult with it. They will be so arranged .us to reflect the popular will, but there will be no attempt to associato discordant interests, for the purpose merely of making a Whig District, as the Loco Focos did in lS4vi ; or, in other words, there will be no gerrymandering. And, we are satisfied, from an interchange of sen timent with the Whig members of our Legislature, that when such a just arrangement of tho Districts is report ed, i majprity of the Legislature will Sustain and .adopt it. And why? 1st. Because the Loco Focbs perpetrated a flagrant act of injustice in 1S42. And, 2d, the Wliigs are bound to redress the wrong; and if, as we know they will, the Whigs consult in their arrangement of the Districts, justice, conven ience, and population, they will be sustained not on ly by their own party, but by a respectable portion of their opponents. It is said, that tho Loco Koc?s. if ever they regain power, will re-instate the Jis trict, or gerrymander them worse. We do not be lieve, they will ever have the chance; but, if they do, let them alter the new arrangement, if they dare ! THAT FLAG. We are pleased to see that the Legislature have ordered the National Flag to be kept floating to the breeze, while cither branch of the General Assembly is in Session. We like the idea. As we write, we can look out upon its majestic folds playing In the breeze, and feel that kindling of enthusiasm Which the sight of that Banner ever awakens in the heart of an American. We say then Forever float that standard sheet I Where breathes the foe bat falls before us 7 With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, " 'S And FrcedfflL's Homer streaming o'er ns ! 5?" In announcing the election of Speaker, we as fi r.iu Surry. He formerly raided in that County, but now represcuts Rockingham, FRIDAY, NO MEMBER 27,, 1840. "!! iiiiiiiiniiMwniL ... i .. )UJtl. 1.. OUR. "CURIOSITY SHOP." Tho following ''curiosities" we offer for general circulation, and if they are duty honored, we may give currency to somo more "MintSauct," at our leisure : A Hare from the head of the Potomac. A quill from the wing ol'the Flying Dutchman. Some ashes from the nest of a Plnvnix. A drainfltt of air, from the wind that blowi nobo dy any good. A shift,-made for the " Song of a Shirt.'' A note of the firm of Dombev Sl Sun. A wick from' the 'Lump of Ai.ladiv A skin of the flint of aTeuan Rifle. Somo malt from the house that Jack built " A butt from an Irish bull. An answer to the question, who is J. K. Polk ' A hoop from the bucket that we must all kirk.. Tho bill for nieriding Secretary Marry 'a 'breeches marked paul a very great curiosity, The axe that the Woodman spared the tree with. A sign-pcst on the Road to Fully. ' The plough-stare which makes the furrows of Time. A 'blast from the born of plenty. The portrait of a man who pays'hi printer and returns a borrowed umbrella! A word from, the Tongue of Time The collar of the cloak of sin. A rod from the house Of correction. A lesson in the School of Adversity. A bit of experience picked up in the Vale of Tears. A Daguerreotype of the man in the moon. THE BEGINNING AND THE END. The Whigs are now fighting, jn fad, the g The glorious Whig triumphs of 1V38 were the pre cursors of the great WUipiiiahmlie of 1S40: nod 1 the Whig succese of lMii, will surely result in a j brilliant Whig victory in IMS. Who will be luke warm, when he thinks of this connection APPOINTMENT BY THE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA. His Excellency, Jorhi a L. Martin, has appoint ed Gioroe Little, Esq. of this City, Commissioner for the.State of North Carolina, for taking proof of Deeds, Depositions and other Instruments iu wri ting, to be used in the Sta.c of Alubama. VIRGIN GOLD. Wo saw in possession of Dr. V. J. Kron, of Mont gomery, a few days since, a most bouuliful specimen of Virgin Gold, found in Island Creek, in that Coun ty. It Weighed UJ penny weights. BETTER STILL. Under this appropriate captiun. the 'Philadelphia Inquirer' states, that not only have the Whigs of Pennsylvania, at the late election, secured a majori ty in the State Legislature, but they have, besides, secured a majority of the Whigs in the State Senate fvr three: years to come. Tlis the Inquirer shows by a statement of facts and moral certainties which lead directly to this conclusion. GEM. WOOL'S COMMAND. As every thing, connected with the Army, is, at this time, a subjet of interest to the Country, we publish an extract Iroui a letter, just received from an Officer under Gen. Wont's command, to a gen tleman iu this State, who has Uindly permitted in to take a copy : Camp on the left banlt of the !!io Grande, (t Texas, or Tanmaulipas, Oct, 10th. IMS. ( ' The morning of my departure from San Antonio (Sept. oth,) I received your letter of she l'Jth of August. I had no time then to answer it ami have had but little leisure since. We reached this place 011 "e blh JUHt bolero noon. W e were met at the shore by a Hag of truce, with a letter from the Alcadc of Presidio Itio Grande, Hami'slinc that the inhabitants ol'the place might be t rented with clem ency aa they were neutral in the cunt est, ami not bearing arms against the United States. The 1 ; n enil made a satisfactory reply and the iiiifsenger re turned. We then pitched our tents on the Teias side. On yesterday a Soundnm of the -d Dra-oon- i crossed over, the, ford baiu' in the nuanl ime In 1 ti dis:o creu practicable, aiet lornied an eii,;.:iiipinciit two or t.aec iniics beyond the town. On ibis cxpi dition 1 wa a volunteer. The great river of the North, as the Mexicans cull it, is here two hundred and seventy-t wo yards wide, and about four leet three inches deep. The current is .rapid, but the bottom being ban), it is forded without much difl'.rnltv. The water is very much like that of the Mi-ouri and lower Mississippi. I entered the river just .nfter the Colonel of Dragoons, passed hi iu ou the route, mid was the first of the party in Mexico. The village of Presidio is about five milesfrom the ford, and is appro died by a road winding through a dense growth of Mueijueet trees. Just before reaching it, you conic upon the ruins of au old Church, which is in a much more dilipidated condi tion, than we have heretofore seen. The, village re sembles in many respects San Antonio: 'l.e houses are without floors, and 'but one stuiy. high. The streets are cleaner than the Texan town, but there are no indications of industry or prosperity ; and if it were not Presidio it would be S in Antonio. Our entrance was made with colours flying and bugles sounding. The Hand played Hail Columbia on the march, and when we halted at the Plaiza, they struck up Yankee Doodle. The whole people seemed to be in motion. , The Spua're w9 surrounded by bare headed ', Bremen and broad brimmed men, aud children in all varieties of costume down to none at Alt. Aflni nAtitimiiiifr with tlio I If uwifiTii tn thoir -c a u "v"-,u 'i 1 nr nr ft mnre rMclertir aiution nul fw .n..uiy- nun, seen in comparison with those on onr arrival. We heard the day of our arrival here, that Mon terey had fallen into the bands of Gen. Taylor. We have no official knowledge of the fact, hut pre sume it may be true. What effect this Amy have upon the War is not very apparent, though if thej Mexicans were not the most wilfully blinded people' in the world, or the government the nrM knavish, they would at once commence negotiations, and in the language of Cardinal Woisey, exclaim to u, "Here take an inventory of all I h ive' P. S. Oct. 11. An express Icuc in a few minute We cross the river to dny. ml shall wait on ihe other side for the retuniutltr of the force, i.ew at. and 011 its way from Sun Autoijo, 3 wsck, pottibl v longer, W way be thwo 1 1 m e .1 ,dno3 firi'l a gloom over the unhappy MunU wiih eB eut nnles from the r. ver in jn. which ecajB0Ucd au earl Leut. It was company with one other Othcer, I returned. I he 1 & T-:. w,,m, J J iTtVothtr f 'i',6 t0', W bte" Tt I TLe Sw"rJ M Sl of Louisiana intend, evl SenoritlS S r'l!.?1 " ' lntinp to General Tavlor, i. now exhibiting in .JlliLT"' I'T I '! window of one of our tlrollwav Jewelrv SWr ff !-J EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. New York, S'oveniher 10th. THE WH1NTNGS OK LOCO F.OCOlSM. It is ccrtuiuly very amusing to hear the "Vauses'' which chagrined and awfully disappointeU Locotbeo isiu assigns for the merciless rout it has just Suffered in New York. The animal, true to its natural in stinct, is seldom at a loss for an expedient to cover its disgrace. I. ami or forms no part of its character, it will never ''own up, ' but, on the contrary, indus triously employs all tboe arts of tergiversation and I misrepresentation, in which it is so proficiently vers- ed, in order, if possible, to diminish the magnitude I of the brilliant and efficient triumph of its opponents, l as wU as tu conceal it own amply tsi44 I:.. cation and regret, at the summary overthrow the ; Whig have fdt it their duty to administer to itsad J ministration of public a (fairs iu this State. Thus, ! " Anii-Rentism, not the Whig parly, per se, has de i feated the Deiiuicraev." is bawled out by soniedisap j pointed Tammany liall oracle; white 'another ex claims, "Whig money was profusely scattered till over the State from Buffalo to Mont.auk Point to i bring idjout the result," and a third gravely declares i his opinion, that the severe rain storm,""prevalent during election day, undoubtedly prevented manv i ; Den rutic voters attending the purls." Now. they i who attribute the victory ol the Whi to A nt i-ltcuf i vote", arr either in. or ink ring a inu.st y ili'ul and ! deliooratc untruth, because it is well known that Iheij Wli:i party proper, villi j en, and by word ,, nnrtil.li, " has c rr deprecated and condemned the Antirlicnt mown cut, from its inception down to I he present , time, and if Ami Kent voteshavr been east InrJnuN I leiMi, t,'i were en.tl ul InM irt!luit any jtWuKWwt ' on Ins jurt, or on the put of his In uJs. Can Silas WriKht say as inueh .No! Though the im-i-li- ioe o l-ce o; an en n-I, ;onct put, lie oinne.ii ed the oold-Uoode 1 murderer- of an Oili Law. (Mieritt .Sieelr. whose la's :s,nat inn extraordinary ci renin"! anrrsroiuiee.i-d I he all rcinetnlA-jyvi I're-bly.) while iu the ( his duty among llie.-e Mine A nti-Ucnter-. wifhnt.t!idiiig that ujvwn rds of nd-'ien wei- i-oiKii'iiin- rr of the Ilia! tho e i, ll We '.-nt iiu of I'm! llol eil'etteed to Ion tere,s ol iin,rioii ot tor lloii- rc'r-Hions i cnndnoi, (,'.! Il'ii".'. i h"nt tl,r, mint Its prior I- Oir I f.7. rfMW, lliuir ojkh tMr pn-m Jats. mJ (ri. ,t mm a per an-i vi.e.irviu imn.l pm Iph. at I lie. sum - turn : iiii(Uesiiimalily with the umleM.mdinir licit, then after, they and their Iriends shonl I ally I In'insi lve, with the " democracy and endi .mo-to rt-eha i their beneb.elor, Uoun nor lor another two y cms. Lieut, tiov. (iardiner tilso. has not hern idle in dmimgoging with these A ui.i-Ri titers ; for evidence of winch, 1 need only refer you to a letter he wrote seine of ihi ni, .i .1 ii- 1 . ' ' then, does such a lyinir charge roiuc frcini that wiiiir- ter! Ei.iedly malevolent and untrue is the old sin . ' .. . .' ry ftlmut Whig money corrupting the ballot bos. It is too absurd to deserve a denial too silly, even, to merit contempt. It 'reminds one of the oh! I nt bear. British Gold," Loc'ofoeoisni irot 1111 tu IVii'ht- en the people from voting for (ha. Harrison, lint mark ! .what a compliment is here paid to the people of the State of New York: ' Nought up !"' "Cor rupted by Whig mnn-y'x. see the'".. Y. Globe," the day following election, et. etc. There have. uv doubt, been great many so-called Democrats who, two years ago, contributed to put Silas Wright & Co into power, that in the late contest voted for Young. A careful analysis ol'the political character of every County in the.State, prove thi fact. Prnbablv. it is to thes.e recreants tho "Globe'-' ami oilier Locofo 00 prints, particularly refer, for Whig do nut sell their right of suffrage, as is commonly the case, on election days in this City, with a certain class 'of the Demnenitie. party who vegetate about the Five Points District, Jur a flass of lupior. or sonic such mercena ry conoidcsalion. Then, as to that terrible ram storm' that terrified the hitherto itnlerrificd democ racy. I would ask. who ever knew a New York Dim munil. afraid of mini or dirty weather I Nnnsetiie ! A' pitiful pretext that, gentlemen ! Here: in this Ci ty, at all events, " bare-footed'' 1 s, as well as the Alins-hoiisR people, not beetling the pcllitia-s of the pitiltss storm, did their duly well enough to give "( bet ween -1.0(111 and .'i.'UHI majority ! liesi'les, yon have always considered a stormy election dav a good oiiien of Democratic success "silk sto,. kings," b"ing to'i timid, you know, to vi nture out al the (mils. Why, then, charge the e.lcnit t.ts with your defeat ; To conclude -did Anti-Ueiitisin vumpiish the party in Pennsylvania, in New 'Jersey, anil Ohio I did Unit influence increase Whig niajorit ies iu Mass n.biisnlts.' No! Nor did "Wall street funds."' nor a rain storm either ; but the disgust of the American People, i nv iirtrepuianie enamel rr 01 their i at tonal I mvei ti ment, prompted, as a prelude to its final overthrow, (when its I ime conies.) the deserved tlaK''llatioti of ir ;ditical adherents in the councils of the ilillVicnl States, and accomplished the lyvniution thai litis -wept over the land lo Its pill-incut Urn. it is to be hoped. o'l eantt'ot have forgotten 1 he ridieitluu f tree en acted some three tuoii'h. g by ('. 1. .1. .) Sieven-.-ou and his redoubtable California Itcgiun o' of . uuleers. Tin- .(nystci-y or the gi'rtlein it, s pr- t ip:-' latc exit is i,ovf" ripUini d. and am i Iter in-t in tho comedy is about, to be. performed. It s"-'in t h.tl t he President on the very day lie s t nn i.,n sailed lo i.ee, determined I" deprive him ol his coiuih.iiid on a- t 1,11111 of the troublr bit-.veeit him mi 1 the lolnnteer-i. be: a friend of the ( 'olouoi, ffif hiugloii iniiin'di v h sent him notice, through the 'JVIegrnj.li, of the Pia sidcut's i;e.soti.!.ju. KleVeiion took the hint, an I hence his uiioeremo'iiou-, arid, at the time, unac countably. luHtv departure ll -i.t-iiis. bowce,-. Mr j Polk will have his way iu the, matter, for you will perceive he has appointed a Col. M.et.n to -upt rietlt Col. S. Mason designs to charier a vessel to is.!;. I him to Chagres iniimdiately , theine be will cross ; to the Pacific, iinil taking' one of the -goM rojuciit vessels, will ultoiil:telly wan ti San 1 Taio-i-t o 0(. fore Stevenson iintl bis et-. w 'J'his statere t,t I hc lieve is Correct, iiol wit bstanding it i said. 111 some, ipiarters. that Col. Mason (, u'ut ua ' fio'.crnt.r of Cnlifornia.'1 The Whigs he, n grand i'el:liraioii fete, in honor of their late victory, id the Par',; on Tuesday even ing, directly in front of the City Hall, in one of tin: rooms of which, directlyfrontingthcaujinattd scene, sat, in evening Session, the Locofoeo Common Coun cil. The members did very little public busines that night, I ween. The glare of the fireworks, the deafening roar of cannon, and the glad shouts and I..,...,- f f.,U.. C., .U, , 1 1 a ' . . . . ' .J It wan designeil by Hyde ic Uoo-lnch. of ew Of c , loans, mi I manufactured; by C. P. Amos, of Spring field, Maes. The ship RappahanBoci-" arrived here yesterday wwuuy. Bintuui.iv iwiauB, 1 th 010 imasent-cre, mostly Iriah. trora L,iverpool Willi ail iu a liiust doplorabl al.l rnnditinr,: M,i i.fibnm it ' is stated, are paupers, in a state of utter destitution i and rliainiuL On teieWaaiiM ou,f.rl wrU ! . -. -J" mid disease. On the posvage iiarejidied, and weru thrown overlyirJ; and shortlv. after the vessel ar rived at tha dock, the Coroom r wus oiillcd to hold an inquest 011 th body of the 1 St b, a young woman, named Eiit MeCotmie'r, win taken "'''k but twu diys provito.i to h r deitb. 'VI Hhiji her.M If 'is iu a mo 4 -til '" con, Hion, ".11 I th.! an" horiiio , have ninelt C 'THi,n,-l uiittin.' her to oome up to the Citv. SaJ. td, iul rJ, u-e:,he w;i-c.-i i.r seninl every day, Ci. tl.t U'li.aJ of hwc Carg '-'s of 'iuunv, beings. ' WViiliiO.P- CALL OF TROOPS. Requisitions have been sent out from the War De partment, calling into the service of tho United States nine additional regiments of Volunteers to serve during the war With-Mexico? unless sooner discharged. They are askod for from the following States. One regiment of infantry from Ma.ssarliusodts; One regiment of infantry from the State of New York ; One regiment of infantry frbm Pennsylvania; One regiment of infantry from Vitvinji. One regiment of infantry from .North Carolina ; Otic regiment of infantry 'from South I 'ar-.liia One reithuonl of infantry from Louisiana , Oue regiment of infantry from Missw-inpi and ippi , One regiment of mounted men from T rsas. In Warren County, ,. Tuesday iiieyiuugtho 1 ;ta lllStUUt, ttcv. 1 lo'loas S. t 'ainpitell, nt lie, C;,v tu .Miss Ktikabuth D. Colli;.. .!uu,.Un-r uf.M.chid Collins, Esq. At tlie resilience of )r, Janu s l',i.H" on the .1th of Noveiuber, by the. lit J , by, Col. liiehard O. Brittou. of lie.t Oxford. U J Hi I. t ' , I.) .vi i's. .Maria 1 . iveunott. In l''aycttei!!e, by- the Rev. Mr. Huilori lr .lu,n C. Williams, I.. Mess Nabcllu I). 1 luskr, ' daughter ol John Huske. Ms.,. AI',o, by tho Hot M r. Hiixtoi,. Mr. William Uibboney. nf Wvlheille, Yil, U) Mi,.i Caroline A,, daughter of M r. jttnie Kyle. In Wilmington, by Ihe ltev. Mr. Capers, Mr. Ed win T. Low. to Mrs. Julia Mi T a '."art A l.-o, by the Rev. Dr. Iirur.e, Mr. Win. Ihiiiiiu;. 1. t-. Mi.-'x Harriet .Sophia Brown, daobUa of .Mr. Thomas W. Brown. GENUINE SCOTCH ALE, F the finril oualllv luj'tnt llol i !d, da 1 ' v i- P Cc;e.l at PEisVl'DS Dnu, Mi.,,.. lix iiioi-n a!i ysSt :il Kjat'.-, Jiv A. U'liitncv. On niEIHY. I "III Jsuuarv. 1817. .Ninth Hi.l,f the I ' iiHlttin II.M1M-, ul 11 u'l kak, will lui .j i without utiy icerve tvl,mer, by unb 1 of ibo tin- ; ecu 1 or. ol the rotate ol Knbeil Fluniinj, ; All liiai cM.iiMy,, three sinry HKIi'K TK.NK- I Mt.NT ut.,1 1,01' Or I.A.NU, wiih appurlciMnie. j titri. ttt, Hitiiwii do ine iiotri n rrni'fiy iniri-i, ttii.1 ! hit-. Dr. Ilnv,!' riilnuti ui il. Sto. .::,,.,. . r " ll,r 11,8 la"1 yr . ineaminnu mid eon- . , . . " . itiiiititu 1 iiu ti i 1 u-g rpci 1 U .11 V.l l. I on (ieorge aired ( I HO) one hundred and eiuhiv Ii-m and on the Hninh line (liti) oue hundred and h'voii' ly aix feci, bo the auuie mote or luaa ; iiUmhorod ;1 v one. ilao, All that three story liliICK TK.N'F.MKNT and J I'Ol' Of 1,UD, adjotliiin in he Mouth 01 the cor ner, meaaunng aud eoiiidining in Ironton King-street I aa olo 011 lite back line (srll .11 ft. ti 11.1 thiriy-omi j fust incbes; 111 ilcptl) uri ihn i,,ntli nl( (170 )t. rj i in. ) oiib liundied ami aeveoly six fet an 101 hea, ami I 111 depth on the .oulb bna (17'J It. i m.) mm j liundri-d and evi)uiy nine feel 11 inn inches, ba thn auuie more or leas ( numheied K.Z) two. 1 i.ao, All that two .lory UIUCK TE.NEMKNT and I. Ol' OP I, AND, adjoining to the aoulb of Ule a boye; meaauriii and containing in limit on King- stri'ttl, (Jl It 6 in.) thirty one et yu Inchra, ainl 1 in .depth (175) one bundled and seventy five leet, 1 tin lUe same inoie 01 lean, with a buie brick Hack IS oie. and ("I) three. l.rg. .ateway to lh. South, nutnbatcd 011011 IJUCK ii.o, All that Vacant LDP OP LA M), situate on the HVht ide or King atrcet, a lew doori nboe lJounda ry street, adjoining to the north ,d Mmnuel Wiley 'a, in copied n,a wa-on yard ; iinsaurini; and e..inatn tng in front on King airerl. (70 ft. 10 111.) arvenly fret 1,-ti nit lioa, anil in depth ( I CO ft, 10 in.) 0110 bundled am) amy feat ton inches, be the ait inn u,ori) or l ab ; numbered ( I) lour. Tbo whole of Ur. utiove properly ia nonr under rent lo good tenants, encrpi the Hoiel, to winch ininifili ale po-caioi can he bad, and 1 1 10 pieiuiyea con ,e inspected at any tone-. N. U 'l'b Hoiel baa been cataliliahed for the loat t'liirty jcara puat, and under proper iiianageiiirtil inn be nude a profitable investment, aa 11 ha alway. been a favorite hini.a wiih th0 tnerebullls arid travellers Iruiii tin) inieti.-ir ol ilua Statu, and tiiuae of Nuith C'tirohna and (ic-trgtj. Ternia of sale will be made known in a future a.lvcriiatiueiil, and lint purchnaer tu pay for all iincrs- paper (1 y I be tolumbia Soiiib .'sndina Trmpsrance Adviijstis i.lie Chronicle ami tSininiel, Alleluia.' will plea-i- copy ondliiyeil iwicea wet-k Until TJitlr.dny, January 7:h, Hl7. nn 1 a, nd fto.'n sacb .fllfice iwo p,ipir cor.ii,ini U,b uiIm-hhciiiciiI, amtheir hill to my ll for pavmTrfi.t A. VV HIT. KV, A iiclionrer and Uioker, ,o. 11, C'uuilierhind-al , ( llarlcnton, (j. C. Nov. 1:1. 'r. Ad'l .fin. 91 1 J 7 - i'I'ATK OK MOUI'll tlAi(OLI.A.--(janr. ipi.-ia-i-T. In Kijuily, Pall Term, 1 H 16. i'eicr tf liinea, Attorney of Asa Jones, Jemima Junes, ami Gardner Jones, and Bethany bit wife. in, Tbenphilua D.iil. Kx'r ol Thomas Hail, and Wndc fliitta.Ailui'i of Klirabeih Cuft. and Albroml 1 ,!, ami ully In wile, (Jotey McL'ay, Keuban Uau ea, and Minerva his wife, James Wpivev, and Kehei rn ln wile, and Mally, lirthnny 1.11J John (.). I) nl and Jtdly an,J Thoiiiua'Ulda, and PIVyd Albrition. and I'lnkey Ilia wife, and tiideon, Thomaa and - Aiiliu'r Olds, and Minerva OhU ami V , iam, I,. I, -...I 'l'i -.!,..:' 1 t 1 1' 1 . , 001, aim i ooiiiun ian, unu jriieraoti, liickeiBoll .Madison, f'.haa, h'e.ldkk Biirfield Albert Ds,.,.UJ Dtcey , of f In th a c.iae, 11 apjx aiing that the Defrndaiila Alii. Ijood Olda, and Sail bta wile, (j'at.ej McCay, Kau ben (aulas and Minervs his mile, Jamsa PimVv, and j Itebecta his wife, Sally, IJelhany and John 0. Dail, j and Jolly and I'boinaa Old., and Flnd AibriU.u,, i and 1'inkey lilt wife and Gideon, Thomas and Ai I Ibur Olda, and William, John and Thomas Ud and .IcfforBnn. Dickersnn, Madison, lihas, Albert 1 Dad. ami b.e.ey. wile of Ksddick llarCeld, are nun t reatdenla ol the Slats of iS'orih Candin I, Cha.le. tdwanla, Clerk and Ma-ter 111 Liiuily lor the b'ou ! IS ol Urny-ne, do accordniff lo the act of Aacmblv 111 such ia mad, by ibis advorliwinenl. 10 In se,ted in the Kaleigh Ksgtsler sii weeks, bevehv r.i , e . . . . nou!l H''f"' 'nd non-re-idem l.fen.1.nt.,. I'I'ear onois ins nonor, llie Judg. ol 1 he Kuprrior (,,,. ,,r !. l !.-.... ,k- . T.. ,.f 1 01 T ,r-1u,ly. " lh 1 'm "' Uou" 10 held for tha County of Craene, at lbs ;ourt House in'Snow Hill, 011 it,. s,nd Mond 7 after the fourth Monday in March neit and pi. .,1, ansAer or demur to Ciiniplainaiita' 15 1 1 1 of complaints; ' nihirwtae. ihe namn vvill be taken tifin..and hemd if inirle. as confessed by( ' VI'n aa, Cbii.. ;-,dyvaril', Cl.-rk and Mter of said Onuri, at Otlifv 111 -aid Couniy, ine 'Jud Mnn. d.iy ..Iter the 4tti Mundiiv ol e;iiemi--r, ,. V , IS 10. ',1'r, Ai. JS.J' - 84-yv NO 8, 'PHIS nWEI,NG HOUSE, formerly occupied 1 by Y .vct HaM.kt, dee'd.. is offVrMl for Kent th cnsuuig ear, poMeiwinn to be given the first of Jn- uury. Twinn o'o)iTt. .Also, '.bo miluil House nt Ifsyli, ccCUpM by Eli Crsgston. possesion of whicR 'will be immediately given. App'y at thi, Offlco . .Raleigh, Nov I 7 Hi. 94 Jt lll.s liiainotiuii ii iniw under the eantrol uf tli Ssulwcrtlier, who ha Biirchased the oremiaes. nil iniend making ij a peiiuaiieut School. It is 7 miles Norihemit of Louishurg in 11 vtiry healthy, ia tlligriit, ami inoral cominiuiily, and within half a iiiiiu nf u Chuirh, at winch there will be preaching wo or lUee tune" s muiiili. Wuu-eu M-u-atauJ l.ttfuiry mibjects will bu? occasionally delivered. Having fur fpvrnil years been libmally patronised t' .ieuhaie, 1 -.hall exert mysll lo merit the pat unajje of those who wi-.li their loin thoroughly lu itructed. Sluileuts will be prapornd to enter Cul h'i;, i s it advunceil clam, if reipnrod,) or for bnaineui of any kind. Cheap bonrd can b bad in liij;hly rs- iieetnl.ln familiai, convenient to the .Vradsiny. The Subscriber will lake i-evera! hoy at 7 per ntnuth. Tinlwn. I.alin, (Ireek, and the hnjher Matlie niatical oiyl linglinh llranchi'8, 1 .1 per -tension. Cinniiinii Knghvh Hranclim, IU " Tlt Spiinij s,j-,ion will riiiiiiunei on the I'Jtli of Jauuaty ui. TU R.N hilt M JON K8. l'riiieival. M tu ffn V . o 1 r mii k. 1 111 enunty, t 3 I at y. EDGtWORTH FEMALE ACADEMY. r 1 . iimii oil tho I lib of Ds--e lie A to, 1. ,of y, sar, Oil th 7 Ml b '.'1 i u 1 : r lo ,,, ,. b'T, und clt -e i Lllli of M(iv, ill) the ;; a 'loso', Oiaivin and I' M ml 1 11 i .an mijua . ami uui '011 ul uiw Senior Clasa. ni in;' . liin A anient and Ine kt'vei.il biHiieliyia uf ,'iieotn, arc e ii I nisi ed Ii) opt leucrd , plulr.-miuual lii.-u tcion, vv'to il-ajfiuMip tlieir whule tun to Ilia lut p, tty, ,:,!, I ,,f lh-ir I't-pils. The Kdi lies mid iicciMiiinodlaioiw are ample fof 35 Ilea 1 dins, mo-it of lioui euinplHf u liboral and orna mental education. These, tvn'i tha dauirhiiira nf llu pi itripal f.iiotlira of (jrcrmii. ' ,", lorni cluwoa of mo- ilrrnteaiy.a iu oaeh of tho foil r )an, into which the pui-eithad ronrm ia diatrihiilrd. o,od nr.Ur, kind fi-lings, and gient improvement, nrr the wall known c-haraeteiialica ef Hilgt worth. Tli.) ei:i.-io.. ore $75 for In.lruetion, Board, Wishing, fuel, l.ieht, ic. JJ'JO for Mu.ic, 20 for bl raiuliog; ,310 far Diuwing, aud fj,,or u( l.aniiag. Many I'uiroMa, moat compatenl tn judge, have ex pifKietl tbair aurpi'lan, that an liiatitution of ao high clthiReli.r, and lituiiad uuiubar of nunily. nun 1 t k 1 1 1 e d al lbs ril.nm one., 1 l.u ""'e prices. l.etl.rs lor fiinlisr information Can ba addressed la Gov. Morahaail, the fiundnr of Ilia llialilutiwi.ajr to liie Key I'rofmaor Morgan, tha Principal. Greensboro', N. C. Nov. 17. 91 -d.SL HOI m AND HEADY. RfNGGOLDS' POCKET COMPANION, rivHOsli who love a quid of firat rale chmg J Tobacco, ran bo rslificdliY Callino on lh. Sk. "tii.-ei, aim a.anig tor 1110 alov Drands- manufac tured by li'amliaul & Davia, Pi-tershurg, Viriiiniu. and foi sale by p, f1, Ph;si(;JU B.I-iEh. Not. M. U'ti t i nut 'kir forcivliiK additional lupplitt, of Mtilicinro.l'aint; Oilt, and olhrr mtielti in ?m, l,. ...J pi e Hired to tnpphj I'hirieiltnt, Merchu'nH, and I'ubiie generally, on tht most aenmmadalint tenia, i'letciiptiant tnil familu reciaei. mr,fIL,. ,.J ,,.. . . , , ,, , r '. -: y ! " V " . iJT " , - H.ai.in., ((( urmjKiirn. P P. PESClin Tlr. ,;.. Nov. 23. ' 8hu7 'A FEW MORE OF THE SAME SORT LEFT," C" "VM.I. anil procure a llolllo of thnl Old P.wi Wine, (wmiiiiiiid to he the ri-na .Itira.l ami """"'"s1"1 i'T so wna nave given it , trtl, aa imir anno, Piles 7 A cunts per Untile-fi unr 'J"7""' P. PliSCl'U, Uruggi.1. Caution, lit. persons re cautioned againM tfiidin for a J IA. .Moo mi w. Lewis, Joint Smilli. VV. VV. While and Hid, hug fiima, for 1)00, (jivuri in 1841, ui' 1 Cl to lw 11 eiei ita. oim ol T ...!.... j,- I " -' i, ' , "'IU UliK 0 pUll in pay a rtaaonanie Howard lor 11a recovery. IJKOW . lip ir"VMy 'imoilM uf,wcop,es mi hand nt the ,Y C. Hook Sii.ru. Nov ami,, tmr,. !t Of ill I lor Itiir i.'.io.i 1.. ,i W., -'--y ..utn-o ny .inilll U ''""1 "on iiiti. iruied oy John ;, CI1.1 puian, 011 itio ol Hie moat eleirant niezzofinia eiror e- eciii-u y inai taieiiieii Artut ; inticli foiiii anJ impiovad in atvlc. cuiared ia 11. n IIJR.NPR. N. C Not. B4fi. Hook Store, UalniifK Sale of Silver Mine. Mil IC1. i hetehy given, that li v,rtue und" irl 1 pinorce ,d a lleed nf Trunl. Icr-allv e,.. ,,,..1 .. 1 me , ,, nay ni uctniHir, i.j, by VVsn-0T-lJn, f ioirivi tojobn 'J'aylor.Jr.,at,d Koawefl A. hui", (or the i.miioaenf avriwinie rv.i . - iheretn spccilied, 11 Inc. dny, Wcdneaday ami "i-tiBiii i,i,oia - I bonday, the i2mt JJrd I Stl at til Wa 'in so roj ml 21th of Uecemlwr, Ml in II, I '.,,.,:,, 1 i.ivni.oi,, in ,rtti caioliwa (coinm.ndy known as 1 be Silver r Mi,,,,) w 1 1 1 be .old al Public Hals to the highest bidder, upon a credit of j, ,d i,,a tnonths tiny uid Vi'...i,,..,i,.. hi:. - , . . 1, 1 ... - " 'u"tJ ' lTe,,.,,,, i.ople.ne,,,." IZXT' tbereumo conaisiing of two Tracts of Land. The lirat containing one hundred and srf-cven seres, winch includes said nit iini Mi.es'no in opera lion, and from which has been taken ol Siitsb and Lead, III aunuini of nearly two llllli(tr(.'l t lloUNHlld ilwllarn, and which for several years has jiven coiialant employment to from forty lo'fllty lianda, and aald I. an I. now ContSining roca smklt i.nu luuiacee and rdiufts ibereori, which have been suok KtlO feet. 'J'here is also uoon said Trai home., and oiher ennvenient buildinss for ihe uses 01 ".no ,yiine ; ui. 1 iwo oiofs niiuses. The second Tract contains three hundiej a eras a.!j lining the former. Theruw.ll alad he ,old at llw same time and nl..ee. mn n ov sight hundred dollars worlh of Bltwo Goods. Alj, eiglu or un hssd 0 hitfsvs, gen, burnsas. &.O. A quantity 0f Taluable Ores rslscd from th Mine, and . quantity reedy for SmeMna- Al.o 111. ,J Furnilure, d a gre.i 'tie Alao, a one acaOTirot and il o.tract, d f,om raid Mine, and s-me Metal (.ly lor lloiid and security will he required, sod due stleiy. t;tju gifeu by ihe underi;sa- d. JOHN TAYLOR .? . uuo vvKLL A. lil.vO. S "t Nov Cl. I ft Vi wU5) Ws i- f I 1 k

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