nmn ntmt T fflltW 1 OfTUfD" lilili rUDLlls, 1 i..AOJlt.Al. TuiisriT Ortic, ' Kivemben 19f, 1S4 f Bn-I nave the kcewr herewith to transmit to t be laid before th General Assembly, Re . pert, preMrei in obedience to an Aot of Assembly, Btitlei "As Ac, concerning th Treasurer of the SttU." 1 have the honor to be, ,' -Sir, Tour obedient servant. ' CHARLES L. Hi-VtON. Hob. E. Sn.i.t; sinter tA : f Comma. TMiSrBT DM-AtTM!!, 1 V November, 1814. J gy UK Slate vj . The Pm'blto'fWslircr. in obedience to en Act ihe Aewiabature, passed in issn, eciiusx .cvm onOsrning in ruoirc a rcuomsi, . .j j ' mi eh f . aiewin Report : L-pwje KBTWct amb EsnDrnrnss. Jbreiett'a ? IVMif Treasurer from the 1st A. 114, rt 31 Ort ofer, 1844, r followt : Cih WCfllTed D.W. Stone; Cath Kof far of the Bank of Cape Few, iu '"L dtoedead en 10 shares of Stock , .'"f held in said Bunk, r $30 pO st3 Cash received, amount fcetrowed ti , Jan, of the Bank of Cape Fear by vir- , tuof an Act paved at the mmon 01M84-1845 Caeh rwoiTod of R. Reid, for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, feb. Caah received of J. W. Green, Treasurer, an interest on $50,000 of the bonds of -the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road company, held by the State, ApT. Cash received of Green 1131, for Rope aald. Caah reeewod of T. Wright, cash lor, dividend on 10 ihares of tock in the Bank of Cnpe Kear, July. Caah receiTed of J. W. Green,. Treasurer, aa interest on $50,000 of bonds of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road company, and duo 1st Julyy Received of E. J. Hale, for sale of Rented Statutes, Ant Received pf Chas. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of the State, as tax on 2973 shares of stock held by individuals in said Bank. Received of C 8tover, President of the Merchants' Bnk,Newbern, as tax of 25 cents on 2230 shares of stock held by individuals in , said Bank, Sept Received of Sheriffs for Fublic Tax for 1844, , " additional returns, Nov. Received of T, Wright, cashier, aa tax of 25 cents on 9556 shares of stock held by individuals in Bank of Cape Fear, Received of T. Wright, dividend on 10 shares of stock to said Bank, Dec. Received of Green Hill, for tools sold from the Arsenal, 1S46 Received of J. W. Green, Trea- Ma'h. surer of the Wilmington and Ra leigh Rail Road company, s in terest on $500,000 of Bonds held by the State and due 1st January, Received of R. M. Saunders, on note due the State, April Received of William Boy lan, Pre sident of Raleigh and Gaston Rail ' Road, in part of the earnings be fore sole of said Road, 50,000 00 3 00 1,500 00 5 50 30 00 1,500 00 43 70 3,243 25 552 50 79,224 35 Ci5 04 2,389 00 30 00 3 35 1,500 00 201 00 2,000 00 Msy. Received of H. D. Turner, bal ance of account due for Revised Statutes sold by him, Received amount borrowed of the Bank of the State, Received of T. Wright, cashier, dividend on 10 shorn of stock in Bank of Cape Fear" Received of J. W. Green, Trcnv nrer of the Wilmington and Ra leigh Rail Road company, as in terest on $50,000 of Bonds, due 1st July, 1846, Received of W. W. Vans, Treas urer of Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road company, in part of the ear nings of said road, to 1st of June, Received of W. W.Clark, Cash ier of the Merchant's Bank of Newbern, tax on 2250 shares of stock held by Individuals, Received of Sheriffs for Public Tax for. 1845. . " additional rot urns, Received of Win. Boylan, Presi dent of the Raleigh and Guston Rail Road company, in part of the .earnings of said road before sale, Received of W. H Jones, cashier, tax of 25 cent on 9556 shares of stock held by individuals in Bank of Cape Fear, Received of Jos. Barnhnrd. bal ahce due on exchange of bells, " Received of Jus. Puttick, agent Rock Cluarry, i 661 60 S,S47 13 30 July. 1,500 00 7,200 00 Aug. 562 50 30.673 4S 26 1 94 Sept. 600 Oct 2.3S9 54 67 Making an aggregate of $246,000 CR Tha expenditures from the Public Fund for same period, that is, from the 31at Oct. 1844, Jtq 1st of Nov: 184C, consist of the following items : Balance due Publio Treasurer, lsirsor. 1844, Paid principal on Raleigh i. Gaston Roil Road Bonds en- ' 70,034 dorsed by the State and due the 1st of January 1S45, u 1847 30,000 00 30,000 00 60,000 Paid Interest on same, due 1845, u u 1340 45,529 50 45,015 00 -90,514 Judiciary, 1845, 27.154 67 IS 16, 29,674 04 56,828 Executive Department,184 5, 1S46, 2,300 00 2,225 00 4,525 Treasury 1845, , 1V16, 2,000 00 2,000 00 4,000 State 1845, IS 16, 1843, 1846, 1845, 1846, 800 00 800 00 1,600 Comptroller's" 1,000 00 1,000 00 200 00 200 00 2,000 Adjutant General, 400 00 " Saperintendant Pub lic Buildings, u u 1845, 1846; , 1845, 1846, 1843, 1844, 260 00 260 00 300 00 300 00 3,753 34 1,800 30 930 00 41 Librarian, a CantiBganclea, 7,643 FubUe Library. 1843r 1840, 1,249 60 707 4 i,P07(m PnbUc Printing 1845, 9,648 16 1846,, 837 12 S,4M ' a PMtO&W, 1645, 1944, 1845, 1545, 1846, 1845, ' AW, 530 29 18168 5 Cffipeiliar State, rvwaots Hcraae, 976 64, 143 90 Mil 34, ? SiatJaaaty, 400 43 366 U Wdghtft aai Maa v Snsriffes for settling ; V Publio Tax, ltwa, u 1S46, Congressional Elec tions, e 1815, Electoral Elections, 1S-I5, Governor's Election, 1M6, Senatorial Election, 1 s4 3, IMC, 1,213 00 1,242 42 3,485 42 715 68 1.97S G4 U8S 00 10 00 230 43 250 75 122 73 432 50 232 30 240 43 State Capitol, 1845, lSJtt, 1845, 1S46, 1S45, 373 50 Pensioners, 665 00 Bnijue Banks, 171 58 35.363 77 63 03 General Assembly. Treasury notes burnt, IntercstonStatclouii, 1845, " 1846, Amount boTTfed of the Bank of the State, 1816, Insolveut Polls, 1840, Mokinff an anrreca'te of of 1,450 00 3,028 68 4,478 68 10,000 00 139 00 SMS, 151 21 From which, deduct am'nt of receipts, 246,000 72 Leaves a balance due the Public Treasurer, on thelstufNov. 18 16, $122,150 49 II. LITERARY FOND. The balance duo the President and Directors of the Literary Board, on the 1st of November. IS 44, osruportod to the Legislature. 64,329 40 Rfrcihrcd for entries of Vacant Laud : November, 1S44, l.tSM ua 3.2S4 72 121 17 215 07 206 92 150 25 167 33 2U472 143 5H rs.j.i H5 84 I 37 371 37 Pecenibcr, " J;inu:iry 1S45, February " March " -"April " May " ' June " July " August l! September " October " h.041 16 35H95 1.29a 09 531 40 7bl 31 Ci i !0 419 51 331 09 157 S I 135 02 83 33 332 51 347 61 November " Dceemlpcr " January 1MI6, February " March '' April ';, May " J une " July " August " September ,: October " 5,447 06 Nov. Received S. Backus, Auctioneer " D. W- Stone, Cashier. Dividend on Stock in Bank of Cape Fear, Received Gov. Morehcad, Presi dent er. officio of the Literury Board, as jriucipaTon loans. Received Gov. Morchead. Presi dent ex officio of the Literary Board, as intercut on loans by said Board, Received C. Dewey, Cashier, as dividend on stock iu the Bank of the State, 7 59 15,966 00 2,487 59 950 35 Dec. 1745. 15,081 00 Jan'y. Received Gov. Graham. President ex opno ot tne iuerury noara, as princi)! on loans by said Board, Received of Gov. Graham. Presi dent tx officio of Literary Board, an interest on loans by said Board, Received of Gov. Graham, Presi dent er officio of Literary Board, as principal on bonds of the Ra leigh and Guston Rail Road Com- Keoeived of Gov. Graham, Presi dent ex officio of Literary Board, as internal on bonds Of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, Received of Golt Graham, Presi dent er, officio of Literary Board, aa principal ou loans by Literary Board, Received of Gov. Graham, Presi dent ex officio of Literary-Board, as interest on loans by Literary Board, Received of Gov. Graham, Presi dent ex officio of Literary Board, as interest on bonds of the Wil mington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, Received of Gov. Graham. Presi dent er officio ot the Board of In ternal Improvement, as interest on loans by said Board, 4C3 76 5C0 20 00 2:000 00 4,909 00 Ap'L 889 SI 271 98 00 4,110 00 00 470 81 Received of D. W. Stone, cahierv as Dividend on Stock in the Bank of Cape Fear, - 1 15,966 00 Received of G. W. McNail, Trea surer of the Cape Fear Navigation Company, being Dividend Wo SO, 21, 22,of'ou percent: oa 650 shares of Stock held in said Com 50 84 Msy. 72 the the pany by the President and Direc tors of the Liierary Board, 1,950 00 Received of tov. Graham, fresi deut tz officio of Literary Board, asprincipal ou loans by said Board, 1,774 2G Received of Gov. Graham, Presi 97 dent ex officio of Literary Board, as interest ou loans by said Board, Recsived of C. Dewey, Coimier, dividend No. 20 of 3 per cent, on 5027 Shares of Slock in the Bank of the State, ' Received of A. Joyner, President 1,171,26 uly. 00 19,337 75 50 of the Roanoke Navigation Com pany, Dividend No. 13 ol H per cent, on 500 Shares of Slock iu ' aid company Received of Gov. Graham, Prasi ' deut ex . officio of tha Liierary Board, as iutereaton Bonds of ihs Raleigh and Gaston Rail, Road Company held by Mid Beard, Received or Gov. Graham. Presi dent ex officio of tlx Liierary Board, as inlerett on Bonds of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rait Road Compaay held by said Board, Received of Gov. Graham, Presi-' dent ix officio of the Literary Board, as iutoreatou leans by said Board, Received of Gov. Graham, Presi dent ix officio of tha Board of In ternal Improvement, as interest aa loans by said Board, Received of Gov. Graham, Presi dent ix officio of th Board af la terual Improvement, as principal 71 750 OS 00 00 4,899 00 00 4,110 00 00 75 00 191 S6 600 00 a loans by aaid Heard, , Received of Go Graham, Presi dent e ejKcta of literary Beard. 900 00 Aug 64 - as principal en loans by said Board, 1,654 06 cwved or I'ov uroham, rra. . sWnt ex officio of Literary Board as later oa bona by said Beard,' 3.941 SrpV Received af Reuiiem of Spirits, Oct. Do. Auction Tax, Nat. Do. Uividead No. 79 of 3 per aent oa 5037 shares held by Literal-; Board ia Bauk eat Cape 8.936 607 Si 719 18 873 W rooty 15,966 151 20,108 4,838 1848. Jaa'y. KaeiTd AoethM Tea, DK Dividend No. 51 sf 4 per cent oa 5037 shares of steak In the Baak of the Stale,, Received inlerett eg bonds of tho Raleigh and Gaston Kad, load Cumpany, 1,065 SI, Received principal on loans by Lit- , , rrary Board, ' , Kaeeivwd ititereat on loans by Lit-( erary Board, ch. Received Cape Fear Navigation ' "Company, amount due ou decree of Supreme Court, Recrived C.pa Fasr Nsvatiou Company, Dividend No. 83, Rreeivd principal ou loans by Lit- ernry Board, Received inlerett ou loans by Lit nrv Buard. 3.827 54 3,636 41 Mi 608 81 650 00 2,913 51 S lBO 39 May. Received Dividend No 73 en 5333 shares of. stork in tha Bauk of Cspe Fear, 4 -Received Cape-Fear Navigation Cempany , No. 23 and 24, of $650 each, Received Dividend No. 23 of 3i 15,966 00 U00 00 June. per cent, on 5027 sharel el stoca iu ih Bank of the State. Rrceiijfd iiiiereBt on bonds of the Wilntingtoii &. Raleigh Kail Road Cempany, k Received Roanoke Navigation Company, Dividend No. 14 of 1 per cent on 500 shares of atuck, Received Tax en Retailers of Spirits, Rrceived principal oa loauaby Lit erary Board, Received Interest on loans by Lit erary Board, Received lulerent on bonds f the Raleigh and Gaston Kill Road Compaay,, Racaivrd Gov. flraliam, amount received from Orange County, ou account of Deaf and Dumb, Received Interest on -(4n by Board of Internal Improvemeut, Received Auctiou Tax, 1G.337 75 July 4,110 00 875 00 9,987 52 Sept. 24201 19 4,899 00 41 35 733 42 643 39 Oct Ae)rreeale amount of Receipts, 2!)3.007 87 The Disbursements of the Literary Fund for the some period, are as follows: Cash aid for supimrt of ConioionSchools for 1845, 61.460 01 " ' " 1816, 96,702 01 " Expenses of Litern- ry BoitrU, includ-- . ing Printing, 18I5, " . " . " 1816, " forE'luctitionnftlie, ' Dcafaii.l Dumb, 18-15. ' ' " IMS, 830 12 1,022 95 1.873 07 2,010 58 3. l'.'5 72 3,512 10 Nov. R. Myers, monies paid on account if iitranip Lands IS 13, Makinz the sum of 95 05 S105.6S8 24 Which, deducted from the receipts, leave a balance in the hands of the Public Treasurer, a.i Treasurer of the Lit- erary Fund, of HI FUND FOR $127,319 63 IMPROVE- INTERNAL MENT. Balance due President find Directors of the Fund for Internal Improvement on the 1st of November, lb II, Received Dividen d ou 112 shares ol'8iou.c held by the Presi dent ti. Directors of the Fund for Internal Improve- ment in the Bunk 51.166 01 of Cape Fear, 1845, 1S46, 1S45, 702 00 672 00 1,374 60 Cherokee Bondn, 7.355 65 12222 44 1S16, 19,578 09 Princi pal on loans, 1813, " 1846. 1,534 96 1.760 58 3,295 54 05,113 64 DISBURSEMENTS OF INTERNAL IM P HOVE ME NT BOAKD. Paid expense of the Board of Intoruol Im provement, includ ing Clerks wages. 1845, 315 25 " 1816, 339 25 674 50 Joseph Cathy, compensation as a member of the Board ou Cherokee Bonds, Jacob Silcr, Do. do. do. E. Mitchollj' for Surveying Wes tern Turnpike, 190 00 204 SO 400 00 Making an aggregate of 1,4C9 30 Which, deducted from t,he receipts, leave a balance in the hands of the Public Treasurer, as Treasurerof the Fund for Internal Improvement on the 1st of No vember, lb46, of 1 $73,944 31 RECAPITULATION. The foregoing statement shows the balance of the different Funds on the 1st day of November, 1846, Balance due Public Treasurer, 122,150 49 " " Literary Fund, $127,319 63 " Int. Imp.Fuud, 73,944 34" 201,203 l7 Deduct balance due Public - Treasurer,, 122,150 49 In Cash, $79.113 43 The above balance is disposetLof-M follows : Deposit in Bank of the State, $3.6,092.79 Lape r ear, 42,873 14 -32 00 4 18 18 37 93 00 Cash in Notes in Treasury vault, " Oliver, Treasury change, vouchers, $79,113 48 It will be necessary to take into your consideration tha demands on the Treasury for the next two years over and above the ordinary expenses and to provide the means of meeting them. These demands all arise from liabilities for the Raleigh and Gaston Kail Road Company, and may be stated as follows : The State endorsed for the Company at one time, Bonds to the amount of S500.000, and at another 300,000 more. Of the last issue 513,000 were not used, and therefore that sum is to be substracted from tha State's liabilities. Two instalments of $30,000 each have been also paid heretofore oil the latter class of Boads, so as to reduce the amount due on them to $227,000 and therefore-he total vatao to $727,000. As it is yet uncertain wbM disposition the Legislature will make of the Rail Koad, or what recoveries Will be obtained from Stockholders and Subscribaaavon their individual obligations, and at wnat time any aid to the 1 rensury may be expected from tnese sources, it is important to ascertain toe liabilities to be met before the next session of the Legislature and tha resources at our command for that purpose. There will fall due 1847. !, Jan. 1st. 3 payments of the Principal " of the Bonds issued in 1841, 30,000 00 " Intorest6monthson$737,0O0, 21,810 00 July 1st " . 897,000, 20,910 00 104 -5 Jan. lit 4th payment of Principal on . soia Bonds, - 30,00000 Interest 6 months on B97.000, 30,910 00 89 July 1st . .66"!,000, 20,010 00 56 53 $143.640 00 The ordinary expenses on an average for the last 10 years is 67,300- par year, which, being doubled for two years is 135,000 00, Making tbewbole liabilities for two years, 978,640 00 "Add for Interest on leans proposed to be made from the Literary Board an $9,50$ 00 of Rail Road Bonds now hold v K tl,l UMNl.nil,ll,Al.r Tlln.n. IfiJI " 00 33 00 00 and Interest on any $60,000 of bonds ana notes of inliviiucfs proposed to be ltor rower! from the saina, 1- - 2Z 04 Mikiagaa'aggrefitaef 2S,IC0 J'rom present aourcea and rates of Re- 1 tonne from taxes for two years, 172000 00 24,000 60 I Catimat of profits of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company 12,000 per Ruil Road bonds Wontrina- to th Lit erary Board and due the Jt January, 1947, which .it is proposed fo borsow, 8,500 00 Bonds and notes ofludividuals to DC token on loan, aajr,, ; 6p4Q00 00 W .?0500 00 MttWntt a low estimate of the inoraase of Revenue from a new atwessmentof lands, and a fairer listing of polls, and oa increased ineome from,ew objecta of taxation, it U supposed that thero can be readily riuaou a sumcieni auiouni to meci ine Dalance oe- tweexr the above stun of $2,86,800, and.$294,50'Q.of 1 meana ' '- . - . .. f I By virtue of authority givon by th last Legislaf J vuru i uorrow money 10 nice ins lia unities 01 iue State, the Public Treasurer, (my predecessor) in January, 1843, borrowed of the Baak of Cape Fair, $50,000, the interest on which has been naitf semi annually That Institution, by It Charter, is boon J to loan tne State, upon a notice or three months, aqy amount not exceed inj5$ 130,000. It i with the Leg irtlatare to say, whether sterol shall be tokeato pay off this debt. If thay should determine to pay a part or the whole, then additional means must be pro vided for that purpose. - if The attention of the Legislature, through their Committee of Finance, lajjjirtTiilfy invited to tha manner in which the accounts tor tne sale ot tne Cherokee Lands art kept in the Treasurer" and Comptroller's Offices. .. , That portion of the Public Revenue, accounted for by the Sheriffs, has been as usual, in every instance, paid into the Public Treasury within the period pro scribed by law. . '. , - !"!" " - licspcctfujly submitted, CHARLES L, itlNTON, 5 Public Treasurer. k From the Picaytinc Extra. BOMBARDMENT OF TABASCO. Wt have been furnished by an officer of the Navy, who arrived here this morning in the schooner Por tia, Capt. Powera, six days from Point Lizardo, who was engaged in the affair of Tabasco, with the an nexed summary and sketch of the proceedings of Com. Perry, wilh the detachment of vessels sent un der him against Tabasco. The enterprise was alto gether successful. The object of the expedition was to cut out certain prizes anchored in the river. These were all taken. When the City was sum moned to surrender, the people were all in favor of yielding at ouce. The Governor ami soldiery opposed it. Time was given for all peaceable persons, wo men and children, to get out of harm' way ; but the Governor would not allow an- one to leave, so that it is feared most of those killed during the bombard ment were not soldiers. Some of the regulars were killed. Had it not been that the execution was Drincinallv done upon inoffensive persons, the. City would h ive been demolished, with the exception of the residences of the Foreign' Consuls and the Hos pitals. Squadron consisting of the Mississippi, Com. Per ry; Vixen, Com'r. Sands; Bonita, Lieut Com'g. Benham ; Reefer, Lieut. Sterrct ; Nonita, Lieut Ha fard : revenue steamer MeLane, C.ipt. Howard ; re venue cutter Forward, Capt Nones; 200 seamen and marines from tho Rsritan and Cumberland, un der command of Capt Forrest, Licuts. Gist, Wins TowTWalsh, Hunt, Capt. Edson and Lieut. Adams, of the Marines. Left Anton Lizardo on the 16th October, and arrived at Frontera on the 23d. Cap tured steamers Petrita and Tabasqucua, and several small vessels. 24th and 2,th ascended the river 72 miles to Tabasco: the current very rapid towed by the Petrita and. Vixen, passed Devil's Turn at 2, P. M., landed and spiked four 24 pounders. Ar rived off Tabasco at 4 P. M., and anchored in line a hend ilistant 150 yards of the shore. Summoned the City to surrender. Governor refused. Fired three shots from the' Vixen one cut the flag-stnff of the fort, and as tho color fell we thought that they had surrendered.' Au officer came off with a request that wo would spare their hospitals, which was gran ted. At 5 o'clock, landed 200 seamen and marines, but as it .'was too late to attack the fort, they were ordered on board. Some skirmishing ensued, but none of us were hurt. This was Sunday, and the Commodore was somewhat reluctant to com mence the attack on that day. Captured one brig, three schooners, aud one large sloop ; also captured one schooner before 'we arrived at Frontera, and an other on our passage up the river making in nil, one brig, five schooners, two steamers, and one sloop, and many small craft and lighters. Monday, 20th, at day light, a sharp fire of musketry from shore, which waa returned by our great guns whenever we heard a report. Firing continued for sopie time at intervals. When a white Flag was shown by the ci vilians on shore, no doubt with the consent of the Governor. Sent off a petition to the Commodore to spare the town, which he granted, nddirlg that hcen ly desired to fight tha soldiery. Got the priies un der weigh and made every preparation for return- ine ; white Hag Hying all the wmic. iieut. w, a. Parker got on shore with his prize vessel, near tho City, and waa attacked by abiut eighty aoimers, we beat off with eighteen men, losing only one and having but two wounded. This affair lasted thirty minutes. Lieut C. W. Morris wot despatched to him with orders, and passing the heavy fire of the enemt, was wounded in the neck by a musket ball. Lieut. Morris stood up in his boat and cheered the men most gallantly nntU he fell into the arms of Midshipman Uhceter; , who was witn mm. mc Commodore then commenced canonading in earnest from the Vixen, Bonita, Nonita and -forward, and n the space of halt or tureo fourths or an hour, al most demolished the City. : j At about midday the fleet left I abasco, and, as it pasi)d the different streets at 'ljight, angles with the water, tired musketry and great guna, and swept tnem completely of every living things All the prizes were savea vrua me excepiion 01 one, wnicn was burnt by the Commodore's order, it having been found impossible to get her clear of the '-Devil's Turn," a rapid: pass in the river. -Arrived at t rontera on auniinv at midnight in habitants all peaceful having been kept in awe du ring our absence by Lieut. Walsh and his oomraand. It will be seen by reading this cursory report that the" Commodore spared the City out of feelings of humanity. The k'- Mtaats could not leave, as the Governor would nolttnit them ; hence they sought refuge in cellars during the cannonading, aud thus escaped destruction. , Had it not been that we were necessarily obliged to kill many innocent persons before taking tho city.Tabasco at this moment wouia have been ours. As ft is, we have paid them dearly for the shot that deprived us of Lieut. Morns long will they remember our visit and dread the .return LoX the Americana i p.e Mexican rorce was jbv regular troops, wihi four pieces of cannon," besides an jwknown numbM of armed peasants; alt of whom were posted in strong military works, or in the occupation of stone or brick houses; hence we could only reach them with' oar great guns and at every disadvantage,- .- mmmmmgmgmmgg Tho Hon. John Ypulto, the newly alected Governor of the Empire State, was jn early life thrown UP"" hia cw resources, hi parents ba ingin very moderat pecuniary circumstances. He went 10 work, qualified himself as a teacher in I comiBon country ar.hool, waa subsequently a member of the LetfialwunMheii a member of Congress, and is now the Governor elect of the largest and moat powerful Stale in our great confederacy- Tbi if a bright example, worthy of emulation of the poorest young men in tha naliim. 'WnnyfewniiJ lnqui'rr. A Wise Replt When Cyrus had taken captive the wife of Tigranes, he asked him w hat J he would give or her redempiion 1 "All that I nave, snd my own me witn 11, wss ine rep y : upon which ihe ronqiiemr gratuitously removed hrri" All tfontmending Cyrus, Tifrrsnes askifd his wfo what she thought 'nf birr did" Ihit,"' aaid M w ife !k at h,nn " Not bwk at hlin I en whom then Vlul you lock t" "At tbf .jrener olw "tnt'n wlio ufferrd hi own life tn redeem ine . Irom Uvery. A pious rqind will want no as 09 I ailtanco to app'y thia interesting anecdote. - , SPLENDID, s vDccember Lotteries, i, G. tREGORV & CO, MANAGERS. $35,0001 " v Claim , Q.' for 1H46H To be drawn at Alexandria,'' I). C- on Saturday, the 12' h of December, 1846. IS Drawn Nos. out or 78. 4 rLKSpro pr ilea. Prize of , f 35.0UU I 1 Priz of $1,900 l non 1,700 1,606 1 51)0 600 do do da da do ' "&(. 1 0 000 6.000 3,25b 2.200 .ifM06 do do .do do do Six Tickets $10 Htlves 5. Quarters $1 til, -Certificate of Packages of 26 Vt hole Ticket, 1 20 00 V D do 26 Half v- do , CO 00 D do - f 2b Quaiter do 30 U0 $30,000 ! ' - ALKXA&DfclA LOTTEBY, " '"Ciana R, for 1346, ha drawn at Alexandria, on f-atuiday, the 19th of December. 1846. - ' 14 Drawn Numlwrs nut of 75. oaaiiii tent Ms. to I priz of - $ 30.000 10.000 6,0011 6.000 4,000 3,1100 2.500 I prize of fa. 120 S.OOd 1 ,000 fion 400 ' 300 cc do do I do 25 20 20 30 do do do do &c do do do do c Tickets flO Halves 5 Quarter & 50. Cerlificjteaofpjckagesol !i5 Whole Tickcls JI20 00 Do do 25 Half" do Go Off Do do 25 Quarters do 30 110 $33,000. Class 8, ma 1816. diawn at Aleznmlfiu, on Saturday, the 2Gth of December, 1H46. BRILLIANT SCHEME. To be Prize of do do do do $33.11110 U.ouo 8.000 6.000 v 4.01.0 1 Prize of 30 prizes of 50 .lo 50 do Ac. $3 120 1 ,5 II 500 400 Ac. 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. W hole Tickets f 10 Malvea i Quaieri2 50. Ceiiificatevof Packages of 26 V hole 'l'ickei8'30 (in Do do 26 Halves 65 00 Do. do 26 Quarters 32 60 Orders for Tickets and shares and Certificates .,f Packaije!' in Hie obove Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official arcmint "I each drawing sent immediately after it is over to all who order from us. Address. J G. GREGORY t Co Managrrs, W'usliington City, D C Sale of Valuable Property, i olietiiem e 10 iue ium w hi hiiu i vnwucui m Geoge B. Kpruill, dex'd. the S.ibscrilitM will pro . . I 1 . . , ' II 1 'I' .... . .. I ceed 10 sell at his lnte residence, in Werren County, on Monday, the 31 at ol December ensuing, the Plan tation, Crop of Corn, Fodder, Cats and Stock of eve ry description : THE LA.VD is of excellent quality, and in the immediate vicinity ol the Slioc 00 and White Wulphur Niring, eight miles Hmith of W'afreutoii. On it is a large and convenient ITIaiKioii IIo5sc, recently built, with every necextary out build ing, dec. I he i iNiit.ilion ia in excellent condition for making a Crop having on it all the nrre-sery Barns, Mables, Granary, and good hou-es for the the aceommodmion of iNegroe. It coniains Three Thiuiarid Acres, and will be sold in two or moie Tiai ts lo suit purchasers, nntl on a lone credit Persons who leel disposed lo purchase privately, are invited lo dime lorward ami do so. Ai the lime time and place, wilt be offered for sale about twenty valualde SLAVES, a part ot tnem, it is expecteu lor i,nn. The terms of the above sale will be maile known on ti e day ot side, and Will be continued fioin day 10 day until all is dipo-ed of. V. l UKNtli,? . . VV. J. HILL. u x rs, Nov. 14, IM6. 92 - ids Male Academy, VAicifi;.vro, c. R. A. EZELL, a. M. I'bincifal. B. F. POWELL, Assistant Instboctor. BE Kxerciaes of -this Institution, for t lis last seven year in tne .charge ol the undersigned, will be resumed on the second Monday ol Jan uary. 1847. In addition to the spacious sccommodalions furnish ed by the Academy, ihe Princ pal, with a view lo a permanent location, has erected a large and commo dious Residence? in 'the adjoininp; Grove ; by which arrangement, an increased number of Students may be Comfortably boardrd. aud the enure establishment, at all times, placed under bis immediate eye. - Boys from a distance are required to reside in the Family of the Principal, who, whilst he enforces a strict ad herence 10 the Lawa of llie Institution, provides for litem a comfortable Home. They are oof allowed to visil Trwo, unless accompanied by Ibeir Teacher, or by hisk special permission) - They are required, every Sabbath, to attend one of the Churches in the vil lage, at the discretion, in every instance. Of the Pa rent or Guardian.;' aud ho attempt is marie to incul cate aeclariau principles 1 he most rigid observance of morality is enjoined. TERM8: For Board of rloya pnder twelve years of age for the Seeeion of five mouths $40 00 Board of Bvs above twelve 50 00 Tuition in Languages and Mathematics IS 00 la the English Branches , 12 50 Fuel at Academv (Ihe only extra obr) - 1 00 , R. A. EZELL, A. M.; Principal. "' Warrenton, M.r I -1 Jiow 14, 1 848. f - 92-4w - - f. REFERENCE : - For the character f-Hhef School, its successful mode f discipline and InaiiisJtioo, the Prmcipal i" penntiteo ro re ler ma ruone 10 me lotiowingKf enu Deo. amongst a number of others : iHoti. M. T. Hawkiua, 1 At present Members ofthe . At A. Austin, E0'f I North Carolina Legia 1 Gea. J. ii. Hawkins, ) laturo. ' Hon.' Daniel Turner, Principal of the Warreston Female Seminary. Kev.C. F. MoUae, HoiwYV. N. Edwards. F A. Thornton, G, D Uaskerville, Win. Pliimmer, Wrq Ealoe jr., John R. Somervell, 1 hoa. E. Green, Win. C. WilKains, B E Cook, Esqro. ; and Dr. Aleiad der Hall. . , .. ; " " '" '" Notice i hereby glren,tbat an application wnl lie raaue 10 ine pres ent Legislature, to para an Act lo incar p.. rale ErereUsville female' Academy, in the i;ouniy ol V syne. t , NoiM6.n46. -. f5lM f ?1oUtn UaSgillg' and Rope, a freak supply is to hand, aud will be sold low. Nov. 27, S5 St ' WlXEsTEt av P, S. We yei have Jlolasses by lbs hhtf, oilfee by thi- Bag, Jtc ita ' ''., ORE BACO?l STI.t-In odu.ii.n to a a-nod stock on hJt ws Have tost re- 0 :, . 100 mora puma gnats WILL. FECK.' WARRITO T7FM A I X?'r numv a b Wultacriber will inks charge of the Pemsle Academy in lbs Town of Waffent.m N at 1 K .. u n , . ; . ... . . 1 .11 . . v .... . ..o,, , , ., wm piueavor 10 render It an Institution in every respect acceptable to the Public. The be.i Teachers will be aelectd e assistants i the Bchool,and every exertion uaed lo give a ihorouah A . ,1 . I 1 5 . , " - - - A-MuipBwr vqucauon i move eniruate l lo hi, tire .At .he same lime, that due abordiiitiou will 1 observed, pn will be Uken 10 make it a'plrsaant and agreeable s)ma "All shall he tenderly cared for and iheir morula carefully watched over. All the! brsncheof an Kxgliah Kducalioo. froni ibe uwat' to the- hiiihest, will be laughl.- together with the' French Lmguage, Music, brewing. &fi f 'J'he Of tabliahed rrputaiiun ( W arrenton for hsSltkv it fucilby of acce'xa to the lower "Country, renders U in every rn-pect. a detirahle locality. This, together , nun luiiueraie merges, will, 11 is n.ip. U, serareadue prop nion of patrona;fl The buildinga will be greatly enlarged, and the School will b redy for I ho reception of rt.-boHara, the middle el January, riming. Terms' per Hessimt ( he moat lis, payable In aV vance. aa 'allows 1 - For Bomd t!0 00 Knxlish Tuition French Language Drawing Music on the Piano Use of In-irument IS 69 i 00 6 00 30 Otf- al 00.-- Books, Hiationsry, !-c., will be furnished at ih lowest retail pn'cea. and no ex'ra rharfra made. .-J, I would beg leave to refei to my friends, and nue memua acijoainiaiK-es in Noilli Carolina aud Vt( Kinia, among whom are ihe following : , Hon. John . Mason, VV oshingiori. . Hon. Arcli d Aikinson, J VVm. It Baskarvill; Esq.. S Virginia. Hn John H.Brxan f . , . G. W. M.ilec.i. L'sq., 5 - Col. Uavtd Outlaw, . lf. Jno. Arrington, C North Carolina. Jsmes M Lt:i'lle, Esq. J) I would be k lad 10 hear from those, wild m'sy de. sire lo place their Unughlers under our esre, by L-U ler, directed to VA'arrei.lon, .. C. , D. ti;rer. Warrenlnn, Oct. 14. " 84wif Sale of Silver Mine. OTILE is hereby given, thai by virtue and In puisnuiice ..I a Deed of Trust, leeallv stei'Uled nmlie I llh dsy of October, by VV AtHlsaTuV .viimko lomuji toJobn Taylor. Jr , and Koswell A. King, fur the pmpose of s. curing certain Pebts therein specilied, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tliursday, lh 22nd, 123rd and S4th of Dfcemoer, 184ft at the Waiiingtu Miss, in the County mi Uavidr-oo, iu I'orth Carolina, (cmmoi.ly kni.wn as the Silver ui Lead Mine.) will lie sold at I'ubltr Sals to the highest bidder, upon a credit of aix and twelve months the said Wurhingtuii Mim-, and Mining Ulenils, implements and apparatus appertaining Hicieunio conisiin( of two Tracts of Laud. The first coniainina, one humlnui and sixty an aa , whicti includes raid vilcablk Miss now in opera tion.and irom which has been taken ot HiLvsrt and Lead, the amount of nearly two hundred thousand dollars, and which f.-r several years has niven constant employment 10 fr..m lorty lo fifty hands, and said l.an l now containing rova SMittT iko turnaceaand Miufta (hereon, which have been sunk 200 fe. t There ia also upon said Tract Silly bouses, and other convenient buildings for ihe Uses of said Mine; also two Sine houses. i Ti e second Tract contains three hundred seres adjoining the former: . - There will also he so'd at the same time sad pi ce seven or eight hundred dollars worth of.fore, Gooijs. A wo, eight or ten head of burses, grsr, harness. &e. A quantity of vnflliable Ores raised from the Mine, and a quantity reedy for Smelling. Also, lied, aud Furniture, and a ureal variety of otbei artic.es. Also, s one bki rirct slid valuable srtciaisi extractrd liom (aid Mine, and some Metal ready for. Dnml and security will he required, and due atten tion given by ihe underis,nd. f JOHN TAYLOR J. g: KOSVi;l,L A. KI.NG. 1 Not 21. fi 91 wtlSD HIS Iiiotiliil ioh is now under the control of ths Kubsciiber, who has purchased the premises, ud intends making it a permanent School. It is 7 miles iorineast o ijoiiisonrg in a very nranny, m lelligent. and moral community, and v itliin half a mile of a Church, at which there will be preaching two or three times a month. Leclures on Muial and Liierary subjects will be occasionally deliveied Hjvuig for several years berli libeiflly patronited ebewhete, I hall still exert myself lo merit the pat ronage of those who vrUh their sons thoroughly in structed. Students will be prepared to enter To! leije, (no advanced class, if required.) or for business of any kind. Cheap board cau be had 111 highly re spectable families, convenient lo the Academy. The Subscriber will take several hoys at If I per monm. Tuition. Latin. Greek, and the higher .Mat. is- mateal and English Branches, , $15 per session. Common Euolisli Branches, 10 The Spring bessiuu will commence on the J'-lh of January next. - TURNER M. JONES. 1 ' Pnncipil- v Midway, Franklin countv, ) Nov 111. lK4li. S 94 St Valuable Prppcrty FOR SALE. HIE Subscriber, wishing 10 move 5onth, of r.r r.,r Ssl his IIrollS CrOC'U Tract of Land, lying within two miles and a half of ihs Town of Osloid. Granville County, N. C, contain- ilia laOU acres. 1 n- risntainin is in "I""' and in an improved and iinprovm)! coudiiioii. oemj! iu a superior slate for ths the cultivation ol loSaccn and Graiu. The improvements consist of a lar;; two story Dwelling House, wilh every conveuisul eul house, Tobacco Burns, &c. ALSO, K,OCIIt Valley, situated on mile and a half from Oxford, containing 4011 acres, being well " completely improved, ihe Uwellhig House; t h'g"" r . ,! J - r ...kl- rA u'.lllV Bit y COininOtllOUS SUU Ullllui,lt . ytTn-; -, a uated, and surrounded by extvusive Orchards of well hrhi aeiecua r run. A I.SO. ITIcritsVille, coniaiiuug3I5 adres, immsshatr ,TavriS9vsiis-f w a -"y- ly adjacent to Uaiord. There -iws just lcxril this Tr.tt. a Dwillina of lh largest Jimeusio.is, aoiflm( iu the neateat style of arcHiieelare. located on au sn'-kiitr . . .1.. 'l-n. ol,in m hsil mila olli n- inence overiooaiog u - a the Court House. rri 1 .11 MnnlimiAiia hut mav be Clnt A iteae ieuiiBi'v.-j j il r vated separalely, or ihey may be consolidated, and.0fp ... ..... ' :.. j..j....i 'l'l,.v si lucaterl in tllmr cuuivateo oy one ini" ' .c. i.:.l. il..r. is nniui UM)r region el country uiu vm - healthy, and in Ihe midst ol a society uiisurpassad f-lralt -n..-.....i .Md kiuh mural excellency-lcon lllieillgsucv. iriiu-ii.-M. .-.s," ' They will be sold on accomodating l , s.Frsons desirous of examining Ihem. .are req e-i'o to call on mv friend and Attorney, "y"'"" TAYLOR, E,..ol Oxfoid J;k' & sure iu showuig the Lands, aud who is fully auih ised Mdwpaswef ! ', r. XAY LOR. Nov. 6, 1846 9U-l. Cheaper than ever C M, WljiTAKER ju-t kf-fresh supply Ol pisiu - - -, Wuly Ca-unereV, Satin.tis, Kentucky v ... i, ,h R,idlinia! and Bilk and. LX"n- Velve.e,' Alpa.-ta, Ca.hu reaof lbs latest lJH0 t Hi.Eltstt and f reocn oierinoa. a varieij - . ... 1 , i smiSIC.Iiinr and rrenctt CaahowfS) lhawS Psper rrenctt 1 asnmera r-uswis j- neL a..d a Urge and Wautiful aasort.n"' Jpro ri ia net, ana wik ; . 0 .L. 1..... .... L. a.l Atl..ril. Mr IU waiicosur t - j r-" ' .- . " u: 1 u. uh .k r ihsnevar. Laoio uieArSiuiia sn sw ! wv- ande. .d n Kav. So, IS 1. , . ' 91 e A ( at I mo u j 1 1 a 01 llal aJJjV kibe Kin rel rer tpir. arji A fc in ft.T eai tn r' Va Jt 0 1: lie nitii ad low tw 'Dill ;oul em nil hia! or sinis rem Phr sucr hVa ha 1 lure ili pill pn Act: WiJ Ke t iei was far! taei Jl iatoi an . ;gun ore He tier posi thei joic Let oto- oet oft TP , f .in. r't.f

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