"I ' "' S2a&jk 55 ;- 3TTE.- SSJ.U-Jia.SXl -LI" J""gJ Published every Friday, by "vjy SSSP EST 25. S ,& S3 S rj Editor '.And Proprietor, at Three Dollars per Aunnm. f AMU i - yv.." i mil ii ii in m aa ' I V j.. XliVIII. Estate legislature. 4 (Rctoitkd FOR Till! Register. SENATE. Tbi-bsday, December 10. '! Mr, Patterson presented the petition of sundry ci tlteM of the Town of Lenoir, praying tlie LcgUla turttopass a law incorporating; said Town, which was referred, on his motion, to tha Committee on AhTwildoH, from theCommittee ou the Judici . to whom was referred " a Bill to give exclusive jurisdiction to the Superior Courts of Moore Coun f ty and for the better regulation of the County Courts irfsaid County.? reported tin same with an amend I -...,t Th. Rai and the amendment were ordered to He en tho tiUile. : . Mf'Caer from the Committee on Chums, to honi was' reierred a Resolution in favor of Owen Siieinore, reported the sauie and recommended its passaga. .The Resolution and report were ordered to ii on ihe table. Mr. Albright, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, to whom win referred - a Bill to re- Mi! an Act entitled on. Act to incorporate the. Town 'f Shelby, in the County of Clcavelund, and appoint lt!onrmisioners thereof,'' reported the same und re- i -commended its passage. Ordered to lie mi the table. " v Mr". Street introduced a Bill to incorporate the iNeustf Rivef Fire Company in the Town of New bern i which passed its first reading and was referred to th Committee on Private Dills. Mr. Hill introduced "a Bill to prevent obstruc tiona in Rocktish Creek, in DupHn County." which i paused the first reading and referred to the Commit tee' on Propositions and Grievances. :. M. Waddell. from the Committee on the Judicia- . try, to whom wan referred the memorial of curtain ci tizens f the County of Cherokee, praying the pas sage o a law to secure to them a small piece of land "s a burial ground, rerortod a Bill in accordance with tha prayer of the memorialists; which wag read the first time and passed. ,'V Mr. Ehringhaus, from the Committee on Military 'Affair to whom was referred the Bill to regulate tho appointment of Field Oliiccrs of Regiim-ut of Volunteers called into the service of the Luited , States, reported the same with an amendment. Or-' , derod to lie ou the table. '', TheBill to amend an Act, entitled an Act to amend "the Revised Statutes entitled "an Act conoi;rning last' Wills and Testaments,'' was road the second : timiand passed. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the Rules were suspended and tii? Bill real the third i time, passed and ordered to be Engrossed. . On motion of Mr Ashe, the Senate proceeded to f tha consideration of the B ill (Wilmington and Ra leigh Road) to inorporate tlu; North and South Ca roiiua Rail Road Company, and the amendments re eomintndcd bv the Committee ou Internal Im- proWnenta, which were agreed, to. The question wathen taken on the recommendation of tho Com mittee on internal Improvements, to strikeout all of the titleof the Bill except the words ' a Bill,': and insert the words 1:to Charter the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company," and decided iu tlii affirmative. The question then recurred on the 'pigo of the Bill ou its third reading, and decided in he affirmative, as follows : Te3 Messrs. Albright, Ashe, Bogle, Cameron, Carter, Cowper, Daniel, Eboru. EhringlurV. Gilliam, tiUmer. Gilchrist, Haley. Hill, Hopin, Howard, Kelly, McMillan, Melchor, Mills, Moody, Patter an, Poindexter. Stalling, Thomas, WaddiJ, Wood 's Wooten, and Wallcew-3t)r :,;1Vav3 Messrs. Boyd, Drake, Exum, Fc.-rand, Ga Yln, Graves, Hargrave, Hawkins, Hester, Speight, Stowe, Street, Thompaon, Tomlinson, Ward uu l Wilson 16. 'wiiThe Bill was then ordered to be Engrossed. (Mr. Tomlinson introduced ;:a Bill to incorporate the Ncuse River Steamboat Cumjuuy which pas sed its first 'reading ami ordered to be referred to the Conimitlee on Internal Improvement. Mr. Patterson introduced "a Bill supp'.cnr'ntnl to J1 Act passed at the present Session ot Uie General . 'Anseinbly, entitled an Act to charter the Wilming ton and Manchester Rail Uo.il Company ' Read the first lime and piuvsed. The Bill to incorporate the Perquimans aad Pas quotank Guards, paxsed its seceiid reading. The Bill to amend an Act entitled an Act. for u Caual from Cape Fear to Lumber. River, passed its third reading. The Bill to incorpori'c the Trustees of the Dan River Institute, in ihe Town of Yatiey vilie , passe 1 ita second reading. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Baiter, of Henderson, introduced a Bill, founded on a Petition, to cede a portion ot Buncombe County to the County of Henderson, which p .ss-l first reading aud was referred to the Commit - oh Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Hawkins, from the Committee on Ciaim i -ported the. following Resolutions' -referred to lin-.n aud recommended their passage ; which parsed second reading t-nthe enolution in favor of John Wheeler, and the Resolution in favor of James W. Doak. former Sheriff of Guilford County. Mr. Hawk i in, from the sameCommiitee. to whom was referred that part of the Goveru-r'a Message relating to compensation to be made to the State s Counsel in the matter therein stated, reported a Re solution iu favor of Spier Whitukcr anl James Iredell; which passed first reading. Mr. Skinner, from the Committee on Private Bills, reported, without amendment, the Bill to pre vent obstructions in Town Creek ; and also, the Bill to alter the mode of electing Constables in the Coun ty of Iredell; which were read the second time and passed. Mr. Skinher, front the same Committee, also re ported the BUI to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Neptune Fire Company iu the Town of Washington , ratified 26th January. 1813 ; which pawed second reading. Mr. Flemming, of Yancyj presented a Petition from sundry citiieps of Y'aucy County, praying the aid ot the State to open and construct a Public Road in said County ; which was referred to the Commit tee on Internal Improvements. air. liritton, of Bertie, presenteit a I ctition lrom sundry citizens of Bertie County, praying the eUl Mshmcut of lay days on the Fisheries in the Albc toarle, Croatau and Pamlico Sounds; which was deferred to the Committee on Propositions and nevaiicc. Mr. Brower, ot Randolph, presented a Bill to ex tend the timo for Registering Grants, Mesne Con- Yeyanees, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale and Deeds of Gift ; which passed first reading and was referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Washington, of Craven, presented a Resolu tion in fYor of the Representatives qf the late A. H. Van Bokelen ; which paused first reading, and was referred to the Committee on Claims Mr. Puryaar, of Surry, called up for consideration the Bill to provide for holding a Session of the Su preme Court, once a year, in the Western part of the State. On motion of Mr. Mebane, of Orange, the Bill was amended by inserting a clause giving the Jndgee of the Supreme Court a power to ad journ, i their discretion, cases from the docket of the Su JjKma Court at Morganton, to the docket at Raleigh. The question being put shall this Bill pass third ''ding, it was decided in the affirmativeae follows : Maasm, Adam,Baxtr,Britton.Brower.Bul Mek,Callwar.Chiian, J P. Davis, Elli?, Erwin, Fags, toa, Flamming, Gmbill, George", Gilliam, Uol t. Gnioa, Gwvaa, Hackney. Hall, Hrrrve, ay, Havatt, liicks, Hoover, Hunt, W. F. Jones, T Lasater, Marehall. J Martin. E. P. Miller, G. A. Mil- ler, McCurry, McKeuon, McNeil, Paine. Palmer, Peebles, Peg-am, Puryer, Regan, Reid, Ueinhardi; Ribelin. Russell, Scott, Shaw, Skiiiner.Smaw, Steele, Waddell, Walnor, Washington, I. While, Wellborn, and Wilson 57. Kay Mmnii Austin, Barnes, Blount, Bond, be printed ; also, reported unfavorably on the I, ese ferntr.len. Rrown. Charles. Collins. Courts. Dancv. ; lution nrovidine for the nioilo iu which the Coroner Dtvanpurt, J. P. Davis, Edwards, Faucett, Ferebee," aFoy, Griggs, Harris, Harrison, Hawkins, Helden, Ilolrman. Jaokson, K. Jones, Kelly, Leathers, Lin- tlie turtlier consMeration ot tne sutyecl. i ne rc mond. Long, W K. Martin, AlebaiiB, Move, Murphy, port was concurred in. McDowell, MoMullea, Neal, Og'jrn, Potts, Rich-, Mr. Gilliamj from the same Committee, to whom ardson. Sanders, Sims. Smith, Stone, Walters, Web- ' was referred the Bill to make Real Estate -Assets, ster. Whiiaker, Wilder Wil'ianu. Williamson 1H. reported as an amendment an enf iresuhstitute; when The foUowiii.' Bills' and Resolutions were read j the third time, p:issed and ordered to le Engrossed : I The Bill to repeal an Act entitled an Act to a- i mend nii Act entitled an Act for the better, regula- tion of the Town of Tarborough, in Edgecombe , County aud for other purposes. j The" Bill to amend an Act entitled nn Act for the I relief of certain purchasers of the Cherokee lands , passed in the year Chap. HJ. The Bill to revive an Act passed iu the rear IS I :t, entitled an Act for erecting an Academy in i the Town of TarlHinmgli. ! The Bill lo incorporate the Cape Fear M.inufac- turing Company of Wilmington. i The Resolution in favor of P. Busbee. Clerk and Master for Wake Coiui'v. " I The Resolution in lav. r of H njanim Morris; Mite i Sheriff o! Lincoln County ; an l j The Resolution in favor of John C. Knight, laic j Sheriff of Richmond County. " Mr. Edwards, of Green"." prcscn.'ed the resna I tion of Arthur Speight, a Justice of the Peace for j tho County of i 1 eene. v. hich was HCcepfed. j The House then resum. d the con-ider.itioii !' the ' unfinished business of yesierd, iv. viz: the Ite-lis-, trioting. Mr. Eilis, oi' Rnwnu, bei'ii.j cutilled to the floor, made a very ingenious Speecli against toe passage of the Bill : but o dug to the narrow lir.iits to which our Reports are confined, we are unable to I give even a sketch of it. .Mr. Ellis having (jonoluiled, the further consideration . f the Bill was postponed until to-iaorrow, nil ni'itioii ol Mr. Ninilli, ol'Oi aiige. ;- A niessiige w:ts receive 1 frmn the Senate, propi. ! sing that the two 1 lousoi shall, at 1 1 o'clock, to-morrow, go into an election of Attorney .G.sneis.l. I The proposition was agreed to and the Senate in i formed that the name of Edward Stanly was with ; drawn from the nomination for this office. The House ihcn adjourned. SENATE. l'i: 1 m v. T).c 11. A message was received fi 0:11 the House of Com mons, agreeing to the proposition f the Senate to go into an election of Attorney Genural this day. at 11 oclook. Mr. Wnddell- introdiid "a Bilf ' concerning Clerks an 1 Masters iu EquYly which passed first reading. V Oh motion of Mr. Mills, ordered that the Com mittee on the. Judiciary inquire whether any legisla tion be necessary to compel witnesses to attend bo ,. . . . , 1 , ,, ,.,, , , .-, .,!- fore Commissioners appointed by the Courts ot other o. , , , ,,. , ,-, . .', ,. , ; sit.,i I,,!,., ool n. , ... , . Mi r- ' . 1 .i1 . .1 .. 1 .. ii:.i ,,.n.,. other- ill sain eyouias nun mai nicy repuii 0111 01 Wise. Mr. Gilchrist introduced the following Resolution, which passed first reading and on hi- motion was 1 referred to the Conimitlee ou E location and the Literary Fund : j Rtsolctd, That the President an 1 Directors of j the Literary Fun 1 be and -they arc hereby, instruc ted to lend Two Thousand Dollars of the l.itei-iry Fund to the President and Trustees of Floral Col lege; on their giving good and saoioicnt personal se curity for tip1 s.ir.i.'. Mr. 1 Inward introduced Bill to inceyporate'tho Xew River and Bear Crock Canal Company." iu Onslow County ," which passed fust reading. .Hid on his motion, was rofcrio d. woli the e.coouipanyiiig memorial, to Committee on Internal luii'i.e 1 ne'iiN. Mr. Ehringhoiis: from the Joint Committee to whom-was relVrcd the subject of .11. h -ing th " Cap itol Square, reported a series of It . i 11 1 i uis for that purpose; which passed first reading;, and th" sail : Uesolutions and Report thereon were ordered to be jirintel. j Mr. Patterson int rodiuied the following Resolu- j tion. viz : ll'SoMI. Thit. . ". J. Fox. J. W. Osborne, ' !. AV. ( '.lid well, or eit luo-one or more of them, be appointed Commissioners, with fail powiran l auth. rity toat tend ihe Legislature uf Smith Carolina, now in m'S sion, mid res-ctf:il!y tossk-that body to" enact the Act passed by thi Le;ii1a!ur -. entitled '-mi Act to incorporate the Charlotte jt, C.itu leu Rail florul Company,1' or to pass .in h other Act to effect the same object, as tho said Livislatui'e may d.'etu b; hot inconsistent with tae pi said. Which was read the firs; motion of Mr. Patterson, th and the Resolution was re nassed. On mot ion of Mr. i-siOnS 01 the Actillo'-e- t i nn1 R.il n! r."u.e! Oo 1 " ; hit'' sos- 1 1 e. I d the second ti.ue an 1 Wallii"'. the Resolution was amended bv addinx the f. Row.iuc proviso, viz : " Proriilfil that Ihe f. t e of t!i' fur.innir wdwi shall not be priiil by tin State''' On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the vote on the adoption of the amendment was reconsidered. It was then withdrawn by Mi'. Walker, and the Resolution jiayserf the third read ing and was ordered to he engrossed. A message, was received from ihe House of Com mons, stating that the hour having arrived for the election of Attorney General, as heretofore agreed 0:1 by the two Houses, that body w.lnld proceed to vote and that Ihe name of F.dward Stanly was.with Irawn from the nomination. The Senate thereupon pro ceeded to vote. Mr. Whitukcr received iil votes. ... , ... , 1 nr. IT. .i.-.' Mr. Aloore zi. Air. .taniy -'. an 1 air. v a.sinugioii 1. No one having received a majority, there was no election Mr. Ashe introduced "a Bill in relation to Rail 'Roa. Companies'' to provide against obstructions; which passed first reading and was referred to the Committee on Internal Improvement.. Mr. Speight introduced "a Gill to authorize the inspection of pro' Llon-; whieh passed first rcadirg and was referred to the Committee ou Propositions and Grievances. ? Mr. Halsey introduced a Bill to extend tho time for registering gnwits, mesne conveyances, powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale and Deeds of Gift; which passed its first reading. The Senate then proceeded to vote again for At torney General. Mr. Kerr received 17 votes, Mr. Mcltae TJ, Mr. Moore 7, and Mr. Alley I. No c lection. , On motion of Mr. Albright, ordered that a mes sage be sent to the House of Commons, proposing to vote again forthwith for Attorney General. Ou motion of Mr. Moody, the name" of Bat. F. Moore. Ksq. was withdrawn from the nomination, and the House informed thereof. HOL'SE OF COMMONS. Mr. Rayncr, intrwlucol a Bill to incorporate !. Whil. House Guar.!, : which .aMmd first! read- ine, and was referred to the Committee on Military , Affairs. . J M. nV.n t Wtll-n. nn-M.snlo.1 Rill erl.ir,!. ' ini the timeof perfectinn titles to lands, heretofore entered : which passed first reading, and ordered to lie en the table. Mr. Hicks,; of ' Macon, presented a petitibn front , and was reierred to ihe Committee ou Propositions John A. Wilson, of Macon County, praying re- and Grievances. lief on certain Cherokee Bonds; which was referred , On moiion of Mr. Patterson, ihe vote on the paj to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. sage of ilia " Resolution appointing James W. Os Mr. Harris, from the Committee on the Judiciary borne and others, to aiiend me Lenishuorut ol South Mnsf-J i,i..i m i.-i m Tttll in vtnl t.fir , Pnmlina now in Seition. and rriue5t llie Dissaze ol i.jwiiu, niwtvu. MUGlllllirai H"- -' - - Urns fir Registering Granls. Mesna Conveyanoea. FRIDAY," DECIBER i, ISio ,WI1, IIPUIl'JKI imijgauiMijijJ ill -J Powers of Attorney Bill uf Sale and Deodn of. Gift; ! when the said Bill was read the second -und, third'' times, passed and ordered to be engrossed. I Mr. Chlliam, from'the same Committee, reported, ! I without ai..cndmeut, tho Bill concerning contempt a ' I of Court : which was ordered to lie on the table and of Edgecombe County may in future give his bond'!, and prayed that the Committee be discharged from it was oi ler.' 1 thai the said Bill lie ou the table, aud that the Report and substitute be printed. j Mr. Gilliam from the same Committee, reported unfavorably on the Bill for the more speedy and e- quitablc settlement of the Estates, of deceased per- sons. Ordered to lie on the table, Mi Mebane. from the Committee on Proposi fons and Grievances, to whom a petition on the subject had been referred, reported a Resolmi. n, gr.u.tiug a portion of Cherokee Land for a Camp Ground ; which passed its flint reading, i Mr. Steele, from the Committee -n the Judiciary, to whom wits referred a lie-.djiien mi the 3d inst., in reference to the Cb rl.s of the Coun'y t '-.ir'.s. ie- ported against I.c.-Iatirr a.-.i'.u :! atid a.,l.ed that the Commit I, dis.d...iy.-l ii-om-the lui lher couse I'lerati in ol li:'.' j.-.-t. I oe l.ep.ji . v;us con- currel in. Mr. Mil vvlii ii.-. fio'.n the Ciinr.o te on Claims, re- j ported without ainioidinciit. Ilic R-snlutiuu ill favor of Etc Shvn .11 : which paed its tii.it reading, and was ..r o red to lie elu1 ro-tcd. ' Mr. f laves, of Cherokee, pivseutcl a emiit old an 1 infrni persons from ."i'.g which jias.sed its lir-t reeling, and v.a.s the t'.'iiuoiMce on the Ji: li-. i.iry. Mr. Golding. ot' Stol.e. i:i-c-ented a Tiy favor of 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 Hveuini: Si' -iou.s : w hich. was ur lered lo lie 011 lle'la'ile. . The re-ignation ol' lVenj ilnin Fre. man. son ( 'omit v. and of Brvant Tin I d', of I r. Pill to es oii .1 uries ; 't.-rred to 1 11: ii.11 i,n i.fRohi delii'o'i tV. Justices, were preentid all i aece.ted. Tbi hour having arrived for the execution of the joint order, the House procevded to vote for Alt ncv General. Mr. Whitukcr receive I t:i v:.-s. Air. Mo.-ec :in. Mr. St.rtilv li, Mr.'Kerr 1 I. Mr. Oimvcm 2. Mr. M.uliaej, M'r. Bushee 1. and Mr. Allen 1. No person having a maji rity of tie.- wh.de ntnuliei- of votes cast, tlu'rc was 110 .de. tion. On. inoiiou of Mr. Sicde. of Richmond, a message j was scut lo tlie Sen ite. proposing ej vote again forlii 1 with for Attorney General, and informing that the ' names of Duncan K.Maeliae and John Kerr tire mlded .to the nomination ; which was agreed to by the Seiuil e. and the House then proceeded to vole. Mr K rr received I.1 votes. Mr. Ao,-.',.'. .HI. Mr. Moor I I. Mr. St .'"; o. Mr. Aiim '-', Il"i.'i. r '.', 1 and Mr. lUir: 1. No o:.-' having a niaioi'ity. I hero ! was no election. i Mr. Steele, of ft iehniond. presents! a Resolution concerning the l'utilie M qs, stiewniglhe t ongrc- 1 1 1 . ... 1 .1 1 1 , 5 01a r'isiric.s w 1 c 1 , is 110 ne i. ! .' . ' T , I M r. Gill ia ill. from t lie I ornmittce oil the J udi. uirv to whom was referred a Bill to 1.1'otect Real Estat I 'fl w''om was refenvd a Bill to pr suhstitutc tor ! said Bill entitled a Bill to protect Houses and in- closures from wilful injury. The. amendment was adopted ml the Bill road a third time, passed anl ordered to be ElieToSsoil. The House then proceed si to the ooRsidi'1-aii..n .f t he unfinished business of yesic', day. viz the Bill to re-district the -Stale. Mi'. Smith, of Orange, be- ing eutifled to the floor. 1,1 .de 11 f eech ugainsi the pr-.-age of the Bill, 'lb was follow.' I by Mr. Prog den. ot' Wayne, also ag'iicst its p issage. On 10 aiou of .Mr. Wa-.liin-.'ioii. of Cr.i-..-:i. 1 lie furllier wisid--ra'ioii of the Bill m po-iyom d until to-morrow. The Engrossed Bill to iurm -p-rate a Conipany to roust met .1 Bail Rend from s-iue point 1 11 thc.s ,1 1 1 1 1 Carolina Rail Bead to the Town of Chare. lie. .M-ckleiiloirg Co.inte. to b.-calb' I the Chariot. e A C miden Bail Bead 1 '.on: p :n,' time and pass"-! ; aud erdei e I ad the ii'. . S'.,1TK-S, Patterson, f.'oni t . . .. V r 1 .u.oi.l. 1 B II to hi!- r U. oil I a. ei uul 1 11- ui'-oi ;ior.ile tie. lldi:rd lull" Mr provcioents, repoi led Neuse Biver Steamboa ( 1 011 the tab1-. Mr. Sto.ve introduced a Bid supplemental lo a lid! 1 pnssett by thepresMiil (.eiu-nl AsM'iohly. to lay ull i und est ;ihl ish a new t 'on tit y by the name of tit t:in ; j whieh passed liri,t readme;. Mr. Ashe preeenteil 11 .''ii'1' of Besohittoii'', pas-sed ! by the Cooioiissioiie.'S of the Town of V ilnnatoii ; ' wliich wele releried to tiio Cto 11 1 ip I lee oil I lie J uibce i 1 ilP 'aeoroonie me iiereoauis .i-aui'j.'u: V oinpanv, ot r a et! ev i. le, passetl In.sL rending aim ' was ordered !o I grossed. The Be-obil 1011 in-li ucl 1117 1 hn ( llaliee to 111 1 1 1 1 r; ililo Ihe e.l ,11'dlt lie lumiltee 011 l'i- .1 la Hi', a 1.1 liiips and Vessels, pinpei.e'Wiy ie:Mn er i,ail, i': . was 1 u ken up read and adopted- The Hill to regulate, the uipoin! inent of Field Gf ficer.s of Ueguneiits of voIuineeiK e ilted into the ser vice of the I niled Suites, and Ih- aintpdoients pro posed by Ihe Comniillee oil Ml.ll.iV AiiJII", were taken up, the amend. neais coocu.n d 111, and tin Bill, as amended, p iseii Hi.rJ read ni; and was or dered lo be Lngiossed. A message was sent 10 tlm House of Commons, proposing to vole, forthwith lor Alioruvy Ocnerul. A inessag- wus roceivetj frmn Ihe House, areeiuir lothe proposition, and .siatinif that the name o; Bar tholomew F .Moore was withdrawn. The. Senaie thereupon proceeded lo vote Mr. McRue received ! voles, .Mr. Kerr 'Jl, Mr. Cilliaoi I, and .Mr. Aloodv I. No election. c On motion of Air Cameron, the na-ne of Duncan K. Acllae was withdrawn from the lniuiiaaiitiii for Attorney Oeneral and ou neilion of Mr. Ashe the name of B. F. iVoore, was added lo tlie nom. nation, and ihe House ql' Couiuioas uiliirnifd thereof. A message was received fiom Ihe House of Com mons, pronontiijj 16 vole ysoi for Attorney General, w h eh was agreed to, and ihe Seuate proceeded to ole as follows 01 Fur U. t'. Moore .Vessts. Speaker, Ashe, Bur- nan!, Bogle, Cowper, FTinneliaus, tiiiehrl'st, Hnlsi'V, Keily, Aleichor, .Moody, I a'lcrson and Drake 1.1. For Jnhfl Keir .Wessrs. Il.e, d, KurrjiidT Gilmer, (iraves, Hargrave, lle!er, Uul, llogdii, Kerr, Mi: itfillan. Aills, Stnwe, Thomas, Thuaijoon, Wadded, Woolen and Walker 17. For Kdaard Stanly Vessrs. Cameron, Carter, Daniel, Ebom, Howard, l'uiiidexter, Speijjht, Street and Tomlinson 9. For I' liaibee .Vessrs. Gavin, Hawkins, mid Siallings 3. iWr. Kinm voted for .1fr; Whkakrr, Mr. Ftaflic.s for .Ur. Mdlei, and iUr. (idliam for Mr. Allen. ' Mr Hill, from die Joint Ctrnmu're, ai.j.ointed 10 suH-nn'erid Hie eleenon, repoiied ih n Kdwaid ij.aii- ly, having received a iriujuiiiy of Ihe whole number ol ( voles easl liv holli Houses, vvns dlllv elected Alloruev ! ' .." " .i ' Mr. Carter, imnxluced a Bill to -.udior i.e, ihe She- riffol Hyde Coun.rroTTtecute any p,i on any ,' ' ... , , ... :. !.., IL.ri Ik., ure.oi : Ocracock Island. , Hv.le Cooi.y, and ihe Island ol ; ; Portsmouth- in Carmret County, and 10 increase ihe I lees lor such service ; which pa-sed in lint raadin-t i I . . i tha 'Hill to incorporate tha Carm'en aud Char oue Kailt Road Company," waa reconsidered, and the question being then n the passage of the Resolution on vt 'lord nailing, on Ins monon it wae ouleied lo lie on die ial.l. The EngmMfd Resolution in nvor of Hczckiali Turner, pw;d us ihird reading and as onloied to be tixtoUtd. Son, try oilier Bills ofninor importance, were la ken up on their seromt reading ami pHseit, when tho Senaie s.ljourncJ till Momlay iiiormng, ai 10 o'clock. HOL'SE OF COM I (IN P. Mr. . K. Martin, of Franklin, iiittooiirei! a Res ottlflbti in favor of Howell Conk, and a h'ewil.iiHni in favor of Joseph hraruey. 'I'lies liesoiiilieus were , re"d 'he f'rt "'. pUsed and referred lo Ilia Com- mil lee on t 'lainis. Mr. Ctnm. from the Conintittee ou the Judiciary. to whom was referred the 1'iil to in ft out and in nun prr.iiK iron, serving on .nines, repmled the same hack to the House, and recommended its reteeUgi.. .... ., ,. . ' , . J I tie lZi.'l was rejecien accordingly. Mr (.'ilii.,111, fioin the same Coiumitlee, to wlmrn was refrrid the lt.il 40 amend the Revised Statute eniitle.l Conns of E.piily, repurlel the same with 1111 r : r- i BiiiBiiiinieoi m 1 en ion uii was oruereu 10 118 ou lie . table h 1 id he printed M r. (hIIinih, lrom Ihe sanie.Coiiiiiiittee, reported weleMit ainel.ifilinl.llie Bill ill addition l.ilhe Krvts ed .i.:t ji.'s. ent.lle.l Fi ;,ud ami 1 1 aotlutriit t 'onv y mie.'. und rceiiinoieii.le..l Us pass.ioe. (In moMon of Al. .M l.aue. the Riii w us orilcreu lo lie' on tho tahie anu be ptniled .Mi Kayoer. f oin the Committee 011 Internal m proiiieuls, re polled uufavuralily oil the I), II to lay ott' uul esiali', h a lioad tiolll Brown s or Sl,.i,.e.-' Fold, on the Yadk.il Kiver, 111 tlie I oonlv ol '.lkes, lo tin iup of tl0 It no K.dee, at Ihe t'onntv hue -Mr. Weilliolo m ule some leloirk 10 d feiie-' ol the Bill, wl .-ii it wa- o.il,-reJ..lu ile 00 the t th.e, a::cr ul tei i,n the approp. 10a ! 1 oia.ij'oi.ll lo '.'i,l, AI.1 II.i) ner. lioni itie (..uira Cooi:n'ii;e. r.i'orted Willi aineudiiirule, Bill to esuhl 'idi a Public Koad IU tin' Connly ot llolicolillie. '1 lie am. ...loienu Were eolieiini-.J 10. and 1,11 motion uf Air. I'a, the Bill Wjs Oldeld tj h. oil lio- l.iliie. Air. Il.wkins. fomi the Cu:iiiinlle 00 Aldd.nv Allur-.. reiori.d. wohoilt an ainendnie l, t!i I d lo incolpurale Ihe . h'lHjionse t'.ivaliy. m loe A'oonly O Kofe-.on. eoHlin.Mili-.l hv l'j.t. Ldiou.ni 1 A..d : w Inch passed second reading. Air. 1'liis ut l.i.waii. a.-.ked ilio indalence of th Hoove lo move a reeonsidt'itioii of (lo. vole taken yesti iiJ.n , t-v which iho hill lo nr- " t'.l'.l'f.l at,,i .'.,j . i.'.io' II . ,i.l P'M-.il.- I lie a.o. I ...,,.,,jr' i.10' li ..!. 1 n ::iuiiiii. f pj e.l tin J r...::n lie sail! he ue.li-l.lood u,.. S,i t'arohlla Lei.-i.illlie hud puspj n Bill liieoioratnig a Company lo eouti ucl .1 K.ol K.cul lroniMi.11ep u.it (in the So 1 1 1 i 1 t'ulwlilia Kad Uuad lo the 'I'owii, ol t hallolle, Al eldllenhlll g Colllil V, under liie 11 :l 1 1 o ol , "far S'lillh Cui'ili'iti aiui i 'fun iiit ir Unit Hud fo.-n-1.10'." mid il w as ui-'eessa 1 v" to chunee lie- till.) in oae of the tii-:s ; 11 ml as ihe I in I hefoi e 1 he Iliac had uol heroine a I a W --several Ullieild 11 noils loi vine lu-e n made lo illrvdiith Ihe Senate had not Coiieiined in yet he hoped thw House would reconsider Ihn vole, i bom"; pat, the vole was reconsidered, uuil on lilolinu oi All. lolls, U10 Bill was ordered lo he oil the table. ! .Mr. Hawkins, bom the Juml Committee on Alih- tarv Alb.iis, lo whom was referred the Be.olutiou .' relating 10 the, appoitiiiiient of Field Gllieers 111 the 1 .Will Carolina v-lnuieers, reported (he same Willi I . a reeoininendaliun ihut 11 he rejected. The reasons j 1 oi lilt), Coiiliiollee lor- lecoillllieodiilg Its rej. el ion, 1 :'-eie lit a xuiiibr Rruolnliou had been repoiie.1 lo ' ', "" .lenale and I tad pus.ed. Tlw Ke.oloiiou wa j I'J lii II nU kins, ion 11 the sjiuh Com mult' reported on! i.oi.ibiy on Ihe Ke ilulioo I re a. . i a Ca ah v , .v i.eu lo-' -:i L'olicrioioe ti-it.no ic w as alo ieei. i.,l. I i.e lit.i'lnlem ui hivoi ol lleni limn Ivy, ol Manly l.'ooii'.v, l, be K II A me. lead the thud II. I .sod. pu'-ed and ouleied '...Ige v.n li'i'f-.ved if. '11 liie e:uo , uuil .e.l i n !.y , lot A l 'OfVui .Ou W as agreed lo Ho. rnn'e propovne, eiiernl in v The 1 1 It V ' ' ll.e' II i.i-r pro Mr Mo- id 'o vole Mr. Ill-1 r leer mil I.) wo 17, Mr Slai.lv 4, Air V Ici.i i.-e r 3 Mi. M ml '.!.' Mr. I'a.'.e 3. Air. A!i. Nuroi'i 1 XO'V I , Al I. s 1 . M r I ivvi-oa,,! J , AI. Aloioj I, AI, U0,e,- I, . Mi: '.li. w lib,,. I ,il-,-r ( "f fieri, .v.i.- n'o elec i -n. .1 liowuo, nodo vv ibo toooi ot II K lb.- no ourilion, and ni.nrd that a m-s ' i llie Senaie, piopo io ni vice iiesoi. I. b. h, l,.r A'l :.ol ll.tnt'd .onlay nexl oy Gr iie.iil. Air. li.ixter, oil iiinei..! Ihe nutioii l.y sayio He h lid le' r.oiulil lle're w.i- : AI ut. no io ..vol:' ll :i-:ini no'il I1 eot can b lap s wrou rrcou.': w aii po-lpoio-.t oiiiil Aloiolay, i eleio :io A ooroey lentoni. ( 1. coil's o the d ti-r ' and tl ihe eh- -lion though! Ihey could .s'.'haab!.. obieetion lien.' ituole, (he lloil,e Hpjieaiiii- -ii,- oi ol loe elecii ui so a' lo o on well us ..he dm non o 1 looii w a lej-i led. nod j Uf. pi 1 r ' Fobs :ieo ,'d io. A rness.!-.:- v.ms i r bo.'.,o. -s - opo.'ll'ol, t.l -eivei oil I ihe St-ii.Te, t-.ioi.el i ' oie iu me pi" sir mi and li I ho nod si.poij F. M "O I loo St. tliM lljtil loe icioiej of f.il were aildid lo Ihe I v .r.l s,.;ii ly looiioalioo.. proceedeil oj v.ee us lollu ., s : Fur ; St,mi - Mcn. Adam-, Baxter Broeden, IJ I owel , Call i a'.i y , IJiiililt'-, (ho Bloom, I, I 'oi. lot Fere.,. :-, Gi (.Voile, Daveopotl.,.). I' U ivi-, J. N. want-, lal.s, Fiin, F iu', 1 auce't. F( I Il IV n l.i e, ; sun, Flemmilli;. Kov. C-niilml, (iall llillll, ffOldlOlj, tilllOO. fi.Vy.llO, ll.iCli'e'y lb. ll. Hu ll,. U. ararive, lla-.tkms, Hayes, It'.yi Htdeinan, Hoover, Hunt, lack-on, W F. .lou-s i'e. ly. Basaier, Le-uhen, Beinoioud. Muishall, W. K .Maitjli, Mebane, K. P. Miiler, Muipby, McCuriy, AleUowed, Me-vjn, NiehnlLs, Ogboio, Pion,., I'almer, Pot s. I'nryeur, Kayoer, Ihvmi, Heel, Bibe ho, Kil.M-eli. .S.ioder., Seou, Sheek, Skonier, Soihiv. Siiuih.'Svi-irt. Sone, Troll, Waddell. U' al-er.tVash-oielt. n, Wafers, J.II.WUce, I W'n.'.e, tctlloi, Willimisoii. WiUousfj, Fur 11. F Mtiarr Messrs. Bond, Button, Coliitdd, Peebles and W luuiker j . For Jnlrl h'rrr Mesi-r- Courts, Hofl-n. I(..Iones, G. A. iMlilt-r, .McMuileli, .Mc.'seid, rs-at, I'rison, anil K oil. noli !l. Fni S li'liitukir Me.rs. F. Barno, B, block, Austin, Moye and Wilder, 0 Far P. Blilbce M-..is Coli.n., Ilai. -on, .f-eoi Alailin, Pegiaill, Sons, W'el.s'er, anil V 111 .., oia 7. Fur Mr. .Vmfhi t V . F Lau. y. For Mr. l-tith Mr. C.ni. For All . II i i'KK 'V r Slmw. The boor havon- uiliV-'i, the House proceeded to die unfiiiisheit b'i:ne-of yeslenhiy wh- li was in e'e Ihe special uoler ot lo .hly Mr. v ...l.n l-'oi. ot Lia-v-n, hem- eo'uled to the fl tor uni le ,i spot eh in ! t vor o' fie B.ii,ieSjr'ed by llie Coilllllitlee io tedi.tiu-l ill Stale" He was Pillowed by Mr, Fleriun,io, of Yancy , Mr. W el'Uirn, of Wiikes, made u "hort reply lo Mr. FiCinono';, wh-n on motion ol Air. Ptxy rier. ol llertloid,-It, e toither eonsideration nl ihe' Bill was posipooed until .Monday next. 'I he Home, liieo atljourr.ed. . IErT. V vrr ridi-rulnm err"r hav'pg crerit into our tiaper, in aiiriooiicini- Ihe ch-iracl-r of a ,.;,, r,ri..llt by Mr. Cffield . , , i. . ' ..I e..... f AJariin. we Pu""''" 11 Mn " ' " ' " " ' Mr- Cofield. of Martin, presented a m-nwrinl from certain eitueif of Martin ( ounty, pray,,,- the restrict illC 'f hllullil'' Seines, all I ''!tll,g nets 111 I lie waters of Albemarle, Croatau mi I umii'-o Sounds. i:;itoi:i for IV.iiHOKS will be mid at public sale, on the 4lb day of January next. Terms of the i a e six months crtdlt. Boud H'.'.h approved security will be required. W. J. CLARK. - - , . , Vt. 14, ISto. luu is I ev . . I I IMUilCH ItKillSi'EH. " Our's are the piant of fair dr'ihtjul prarr, " Umrarp'd by yaiti taxt In lire like brather'' tt ALEKill, N . C. Tuesday, December 15, 18-16. THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. It w.mM be a su ertloous reeoime.eu lution, wori we to all the attention uf i'ur reu.lev.i to the Messugo of the President, as its political importance is ill- ' . .. ways calculated f, excite the mo.it lively interest ' u t i .1 n . Partaking, however, of tin vice ot all American j L'lt" V now-a-d iy s, we ,,,.,..., we can- ' "'t puhlirdi the whole document iu a single paper ; To do so. woul.l exclude every thing else from nur ,.,,.,,,, v. n... 1 1 . 1 ,,-n . 1 .. u columns. 11 0 ttiere.oro iiiM'li1 it, atot iTilt iiublish the residue on Friday, so tlmt our II " I. hi will cu tain the Message etit.ic. And, we adopt ihisconr.-e, 11 froin any peculiar merit, that lie M ".-i;.e poi ses:'', iu itself, but because it einauat sMtt.'i,1. hed of ih Nation, an 1 every one is presumed to de-'u. t ' know the views taken by that functionary of our National Alfuir?. li will be seen. Jhnt by fur lloi gi eater nu t ion of the do. unietil in taken 11 11 w ith .lis- , cussing the Mexican War. no! in a Statesman-! i ke 1 iKanncr. b it : I'e .idoc of 1 h. Perhaps, l! -11 ..:, .1 - I.esl 1 '-..'.i. and e i , trite n oiniiieiiiarv . Me ,. :tiri 111.11 I I be d lauie l!..lt 0.0; OU 1 ll.U poi-tlon ol Hie Ale , e Mum u eilis til th v. inch ti I in ;il t;;e 011 this .Mcicall War. i roi use J just t Wl " I' il-.W .llg month. :!.: of. I'li'i.hr-v.-ry null- jr..!, by Mr. Vo':. : " Th's ac e-,ioii to ..ur :e- vdory Tea-i lias Iwen a bloodb'-T :ieii.ev"neii!. .Neennot !' -r. e l,.is lo-rn r used to pro luc'. ihe ie,up. The sv.ord Ids had 1:0 part in the victory. W e hive not s uih! lo e-.-teud oar le.-yiioi-i ii 1 os.'.e.ssion.s by ruqii'sl, i-r i"ir rc;'uti!ic:in "i n 1 .In: . hot:i nlii.lol 1 o'.e It was I he d liln r..le I. 1,11 -of h pe.., do 1 tie fel . :il pi'ilici j I of ou:- f.d. la! ive moon 1 1 h ,. 1 .i I r I in. est cut of 1 he 1. rril 'i v i 11 . 1 - e-1 iii t he e. 11 ip ot ion its pi o-; ', e' i o inll.e 11' e on Ann rica- lb" 110 an- b, v.lo.h il ha.- ben 1:. e. u,-pli- bed. -.l :,.' I ll' 1 1. 11 el . IV..111 I lie 1 hoi 1. e nil In- po ( I ' lli 'iiisidvi-. 1 1. sh a'.' ihe lih'-.'.uigi it our I' nio 1: . Ihe hi t"i-, ol t he w "i 11 111:1,1 I.,.' i:i,;' ilL'lipi- .1 to I 11;. ih a par iiieb ' The jill'l die' ion of the I ; nil is I Nlilcs, nh:. h lit the fori 1 ia I ion of lie i-'e bl a I C.o:-f i; at ...11. l .11- I-.:; t -d"dl',lhe.St M.11 1'., .11 li," Ail.n.ii . has pi... d ,hc I ''.ii,. of I-';,,, id',,, and bun, pe... I .iliy .Atnicle l to the Del Norte. 1,1 couteoiol.il ;n ; lb. .," deur of thin cunt, it is 11 a to i'.or ..1 00 I El.lt the r'si'it tviuS a hi.",. I i:l d. ,'.le ol lb' dip! 'tn.i'ic inti'i'ibr.'Hiif of the E 1 ropomi uionan 1. .. . I!E-P!.STiM 'T. Mi TDK ST ATK. :i fuii bh.s. r.-!!.- t: le I oui Is -t of ( '..'i;uo!s, !'. I if any lioiibl I l iuiupii o.i pa - ai'.' of the I' ol. dis-ip:,!, , by the v'.oleM Iui I'.n ty. 1.;, .mi; of . e I...... F.-.m.i. 'f"l. Wlr,- , i n ley rii, . and N -r' h ' .ii oiiu i ti. u Co.- AI. ule vs ,.f lb o I n i ui iu u:i a! I i ; .. i . )i .. li o , 1 .n'l f: -ii i!o I to II:- i 11' Xt el-.' I' '1 lo ti I w.r'j I j i I'll..- l'co w-lsne ph of and I'o I hi Si,, I ol We !.-. ! th' w i'.h a 1 1: j.- i. .0 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 p 1 1 1 ' f ielcllilig to th- al thi, ', .- Speech of i II'S'IO" IB I ir,- ii-. .. ..-. of Crii'eii. on i'llbleSpenh- .ind one of 1 1 1 r .-i ;H"! lal I'itii ill l'i ' I hn- -'i'n !.':!: -eids so - ; i Ifidi', ii.ii. I ! lo- woHtld. 1 I i s Sp. . , i, VS'.'h h lo v .o.v : 1'- . j i ly .fhoi nolo' ! .-! ailo'-et i.e,- iu ti'.. ! I ah:...-! nn ! B of i!. ply to M- of !! v. an d!i ,. e d Iii h I," . I iu ;': '.'tun. ids !i..t g'ojtp.ni,:,, ... ! In! tho t In nn pur-. Mr. H' ;'n 0 w. W I'O. '1 tie en '.'.bio 11"- !,'.. iin'iid. .-. ; i ill the in; i I.-. po... b:i! I ,. s and amid-! vo olO' :.!id il'l'li.'.! 1r H'ov'oe: a:.." , on the ly h.iraot,., made up of bit abortive eltoi I. I v : i Tbi :: .on or f..a . I vi 1 :. He I I f rli!i,: ;t II. is 11 lo r v.i f elov "ih'T si !", v I il.S - 1 '-I ' '. i r d n:iie i i'i d i.v i;. V. it Ion .id- W'h .'.ilio ,- b. : ol It w.'i.. s parti , P'-S- i v "i ons of if at U it. i i re er-,, I i.pp, S.IL es of Scl'i .1 ore. u i I ofall'd . lo. . verbo-e inane, end ' i.ipiy ifeeiam I le was re; Bed to by t li.tt ve!i illf Ih- Wlo e-l'lse, ( jell I! .'-'io... of W.o.e-'. With the sii iW ofeif.h!.y wait' is on i.ls hcadj the lir-of Palrieii.-n, burns its l.rijrbt ly in I.J'; b in. as wli-n, iu lln' sie- on I War "j .oil- Leo pi n l :ne,. he'took op anus in dcfi-iice of his eoiiidt j ' i,n I with the freedom und bliiuiiii".- of an old -soldo-., h" f-idleil lhiti' l.y tl.c'r ri -ht ii-iiiie-. S .i. of 1:. , !l,r itr, w:re u-!iii.i.i.Vt i:ll I A I I Olt.N ' "f)n .-atari. iv las'. II '.v ci,:m:ral. I,: Fl.'.VMM. Si . M.V,.the pr - sent Si cake:- $ t he ,1 loo -e A l I'lllM ', ti l.M It . of th tion il term of fo'ir y-.ti-s. i! is kreiw n. h is le - I, e. of Couilnois jvas elected Slaty, for the Coiislitu- r li-i'b rab.; dittienpy. ic!. iu in.ikiiiL' this Flection , but we iru.-! T Iui. now f,.-i-,, s.-ttled i,, n msniier that will give jimtiI s.iii-.factioti ll'.iiiihe proj-re.ss of the election, any uiipleasmit feeling litis been et.oeiuleri'.l. we hope that it will be forever iu the deep bosom of the Ocean buried'' We ptibii.-h the final vote, from which it will I.e j seen, that many Democrats yoked for Mr. Stan?, a ' h compliment to the impartiality with wlmli he scharges the duties of the Chair. Prior to liis .'O- , lection as Speak'T. two years ago. no Whig in the Slate, pcrhiips. was so obiunious to hi- political op- ! p-..'nts as he wa.s , but having found by intercourse I wiih hiin. that they tr.tiilly luisiindL'i stinnl his char- nter, they..sceui now d:-; d to make anmnds for the past. Jlr. Stanly hns be-n engaged in Ihe practice of the Law for seicral years, and stands d -served ly highin the Profos-sion. He is rem irknble for his habits of no . In alien. Ifls close invi sti': 'ion. and until.li; in- ergv uf character, and will, we have no doubt, mik I an iflkWnt sud a..jt!.:- Pr-v-uts Officar. NO. 11. Ct The Stniuiard ' congratulated old Meek- lei.Niirir, in its lasj nuniber, on tho arrival of Senator ; Walk kii, rnel assared her, tlin! her interests would , now be protected. e are lad lo see that the pro 1 mio ( I the ' .Standard" i- net to be broken. A day 1 "r two since nn effort mas made to amend the Bill 1 now pni.Liur. Iv whieh the Field 0 dicers of th Re i giiui'tit u f Yehin'ei rs i, r the Mosican War, were) ' l Tt aeevrdan-.c with ourov.n existing laws on the sub ject, und the amcii hneiit proposed to confine the elec tion of Ihe Field (Mier r to the CoiumUsioiiod Offi cers of the Regiment, so us to conform to the laws now in ;.,rc.. respecting our State Militia. Tha; unixcrsJ sutl'iage was advocited by several Senators with p-ront fal. When I h- v was ready to be ta ken 011 tl;? a:.icidtm.'iit, Mr. W.h.lvk callkd for tha )'.-.7.v ari l A'oyi Mr. tiii.xtri: remarked, that he thoucht lh nro- : ve w.nsi.t t li.ll oe- ...... 1. ...ft. ...-u j ..... .,1, ,1 ,, U.T a.nu vnu.114 to leuvf Ihe nu.tter us it wo,h But it was with av cii'.i.ir j n-pri-iy. that lh" eas an 1 Nays wero cull ed by tlie Senator fr.uu M cekleiibtirg. It was of very lit!'..' ,-, ,1-eipu 11, lo the Senator near him, ' (Mr Wcoi'i is.Hi nn v lor e Soicuortal District on ly eight C lupiuin H'lisit ion Bui it 1 the vo of M.-el.! mailer, w'. . !..i 1 - 'loiitiiud under ihe fiat rc 11 mailer of importance, tlmt "i-if hould be heard iu this; '; .. 'v M ill 1111 her Out) Cora- Phe. panie.it.. Ii,.!.t :!' I. .f ihe .ouniry. lie wad , glad tosec tl.eS. 1 I . .-in ih,-, very pa! rioth: Cuiin '''" , ty, atiiud up so iiian.i.ll . tr the nuls. qf her nnuo 'be 1 P, ,,;.,, x, ,i,..l ,ls .,., pi) (), I!., hoped tho Seiiaior would peisi-l iu hi-.ei.ll. and see 1 hat all the I'nruti'k ii an In. 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 y rhoiiM have a vote iu tlii.- import uit eb'.'i i ni Olli: fI. IS;,S to hand. It will ho .Id low bv Ifis ll.nishcnd 01 Barrel. I. .1. iHsii.lt t.Ui ii l .. Wnhavo two mole joud undid 1,1 our lute sick 011 hand. WILL. PECK. Rl.l.nd,, Dec I V pirn ;)t Medicated t'andy.-" ' rKHI! r-u list 1 il.er, Ht the U 1 mm ni, ro Hutu., JJJ ne.ir the Capii.,1 und II ipn-t I bun h, is now iiiiinnl i('iuieK hi., I.oiul n Mur Aleihraled Candy, llie br.sl iiilnde evei in. enlrJor Colli; lis, (,'nhls, Horo llineil. Sjiiitmn blnoil. A..thmn, or I'.ilpilnlom of the I, fail lie will mil IbeCaudv, iu uuantllies of i.ie pounds, but Will t. ike ii . pay, unless it aiioui-pii-n.'s ad ihul he proiiii, vs. iSu nilicle, be is ronli 1I1 nl , ever 10 nlo In tore, is so rlhcai liios 111 Ihe cure of tint id is ol doe ies, lor which it is iniendril. Pei h.iiis, desirous 01 le-i'iou ll.e (hiudv, will pirate call soon, us ilie .-'ul'.'.cribLi n slay will be hunted o F.w i.-k.'. JOll.N HAKDISON. Ii.il. uh. Dee C. 100) in: si,!,-of ti,,. v I-: t, tiI.I A Ci:5CK-S;, b-irlillole adverlised ill Ibis pa J .'', 1" b.i..' pbo e on th- Bhh unit.' is postponed lu tko B) ooo'l ot Iii B .ii 1 bo (ut-rnal Iniprnvemeiil, I '.).'. Mill li. M III.FV, liusio-.. Pee. 12. I1- ih. lull :? . t;r. r homo. XV., iil'.i atii i ItilM duto, the Vail Tlain ill VI P loi !', .ii-rshurg, st niu'clot k, A. M. Ion. ih .V (i.i .ion K. U illico, I loaro , Ib't'siiib-r In, I -Id. I, 100 It f v. MA:tm Chh.sh:;il,' Viiillieniiitical and j (','. 'jV'i lhr!t,i,nt: J. M . LDVEJ 0 l'i. tari roil, . I lAi-.l'il hy I!. II. ' M.i,!., ;.'..( ui .:. lj' 'i.o ' v I), j ,:rli;:ent : VV. F. DISBKOW. Til K vim will bcd.iide.J into two Seisions i.f flvti in. ni : ii - e.o h -, the liri ,vioii briiuiiiiiig on the first ot .bloull-'y, .illd lliM tn colld rMdSloll, on ilio first of I, ::i ihe ,!, s, of til- I'lOceptnlhnt this Instiiu-J loin sli..ll ii a ho so, pass, d, in tlie lOMyuutaoi . 0l,,rdt ( lor -,ii ; a iliooudi linglish, Classuul aud ,. Al.tth, in ilir.ti ihb-r itlon. j Pupils udi be pre) und to enter lli o Junior Clans of I :u) ( ,'oil, c 111 Ihe I l, He. I Mules, rj iiUiM (.'' .'II IIIUX. - j i'or I r . i I, -f, -,.,-1 Alalheuiatli ai Sludli'S, . ; per ie.fin,,, Jp 1 5 00 J pur I. al, ,,, (i,ee... I' fen, h, Sptinish end j It.lll.ili l.:i,o;o.i.' s. per Sem i,,i, 20 110 The iidvinced Clas.fs may pursue tkc Studies of a lower (. hiss,-1 nying only lor tho Studies of llie I Chiss which Ho y beloli,;, I 'Mdiiary Tu-tins uuglit lo the Pupils, free ef eilra cbu.-ji. - . h 'l ilt: de.ijn ol the M (itu. v DepartUil III beirg 10 fit tin- PiijoV I-1 so', in cue ,,l run , eitcv , as Oliicsrs, Ihe V esl Poiiil sltcniof ili,',,i,.-,,ou iv ill lie rarefully ' pu.su, d, i, .i wul ilm Anny 'i'urtjrs lie depHibd ; tioui, in ..nl, r to ethilul tiie lioys for the benefit of the lii.litull t), o, l r my oilier purposes. Ily mi Act oi ihe last l.r"isl..tiirr, the neerarr arm, ami fipiipnie nls will ho lutn.-ln-d hy the !liat., n ot l'arcii'8 wlio wish their t hihlren instruittsl in tho .'.iiiiiary In iutinei,t. will be rr-Uirvd to pruvide them I wuli the pieM-iil'i d I ijli.rin. I I'Sretits and ( .oard, uni, are rprpipsltol not to ullow tiii-ir Ciiildrrii or Wards to have accounts in the CtVi 'loll lo (iepos t the unoiey, for ihe purchas of iiaces- sanes, ih Itio bands of the Principal. I f. B. A fe I'oplis will be ukeu ss Boardrrs, y tb Plincipal of tfe And. inv. RLH-UFMLS. Hob. Geo. F.. H u'c-r, (ien. Moye, lion. Win H. llwood, Charles iliuton, J Ilea. R. M Saunders, He. 1. Lucy, lion, .'.din M- Bryan, ' Hn,,. John K. Oaniel, t linn. Richard li nos, I lir. Biker,' Wm. F. Collins. , James R. Shepard, II. V. I lusted, Kd. Yarbrougli. K. P. Guion, Ksij'rs. ! As the shore named gentlemen are well known in . ih Nate. I hare given their names as reference, i They send th-ir sous or wards to my School, aud of couise their opinions caa b confidently trusted. i. At. U Raleigh. December H, 1848. 100 TO K i;.TT, il.'RING the snstiiiij year, lbs Dnritxrasj ia Ih Wesiern uart of lbs City, at pnsMnt scetJDiesl by Jot. T. Huxrea. Apply K W. J. CLARK, psc H. l"Mfi. HlO tw ; . , i.,;i(M t.r. aJ Ul'GGY w,l. be Mid at . Al A .i.-:i,jii. on 'l'hursda v. lbs Siud iusL x. J- CLARK. . - pr 1 . .. lf? in 1 V" . i

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