VsNt -'- -'' " 20;1886. THE VE FARMER, High Point Classical Institute, V ': ., . , :o: A SCHOOL OF HIGH GRADE FOR BOTH SEXES. TIMES JUST AHEAD! ? ! i i .1 ! . 0 w'1 ' '': i j 'il t 4 1 1 i s SMITH & BEOWN, 0 -CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK - Sell at Bottom Prices and Appreciate your Trade. l-ly. O-A-T iT i. irwi C Ii We have recently doubled the capacity of our Store Room by making an open ing into the adjoining Store. This arrangement makes our Store 49x90 feet, and with Basements and Warehouse gives us every facility for displaying and handling our Large Stock. We have the BEST ARRANGED HARDWARE STORE in this section, and can now wait upon our Customers with greater ease and dis patch. Our Stock shall be kept up to our full capacity, and we will maintain our repu tion for keeping ; - . Wfa Most Com IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. We beg to call attention to the following leading Divisions or Departments o our business : HARD WARE. Here will be found everything for the BUILDER AND MECHANIC, both in Tools and Material, and a varied Assortment for everybody. STOVES. In this Department we have met with great success ; in 1885 our sales reaching in the aggregate NEARLY FOUR CAR LOADS, the House Keeper looking for a Stove unexcelled in Baking qualities, and to be "a jo forever," will find here the thing sought for, and a LARGER LINE OF STOVES than any house displays in Winston. FARMING TOOLS. In one or two weeks we shall offer for BOTTOM PRICES 75 Clipper Plows, 100 Farmers' Friend Plows, 125 Single and Double Stock Plows, also 30,000 Black Steel Plows, (our own Shapes.) Of Handled and Eyed Hoes we will have from 100 to 150 Dozen, of best quality. Also full lines of Spades, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, Scythes, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Reapers, Mowers and Threshers. - HARNESS. We have engaged the services of an experienced Harness Maker, and will man ufacture everything in that line. Will carry a full stock of Saddles, Wagon and Buggy Harness, Leather, Trimmings, Buckles, Bits, Hames. &c, &c. PAINTS, OILS, &C -. We carry Lewis' White Lead, Lucas' Ready Mixed Paints, Best Grade of Colors, Linseed Oils, &c. FIVE COURSES OF STUDY. Teach ers' and Commercial Courses are specialties. Tuition $1.50 to $4.00 per month. Music $3.00. Board in private families $8.00 to $10.00 ; in clubs, $4.00 to $6.00. Next session begins August 23, 1886, For Catalogues, Circulars or Monitors, address S. H. THOMPSON, Principal, High Point, N. C. 23 3m. Wake Forest 'College. -:o:- WITH A FACULTY OF NINE Professors, with an Invested En dowment of $100,000, with : large and convenient Buildings, with a central and healthful Location, with a Library of 8,000 volumes, with Appliances for teach ing the sciences, with a well equipped Gymnasium, with two Literary Societies of great efficacy, with a system of Discip line which allows perfect liberty but no license invites the patronage of the young men of North Carolina. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 1st; SPRING TERM, JAN. 15th. expenses: Tuition per Term of five months,....$30 00 Incidental Fee, 3 00 Library Fee, 2 00 Room (unfurnished) for each occu pant, per Term, 3 00 For special information, or catalogues, address Rev. C. E. TAYLOR, 23 till sept. 1. Wake Forest, N. C. And the undersigned intends to do all in his power to hasten it and keep it Up He is now receiving .and opening the largest and best selected stock of has ever had, and as heretofore will sell them as low as the lowest. Indeed HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. And he is determined to supply his rapidly growing trade BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. In the Grocery Department will be found Molasses, Sugars, Coffees, Laid. Cheese Syrups, Fish and a full line of Fancy Groceries, fith the Dry Goods a full line: Hats, Boots, Shoes, Wood and Willow-ware, Glass-ware Drugs, Spices, &c, &c. Call for what you want and you shall have it. ' Agent for the celebrated WHEAT FERTILIZERS: Pacific Guano and Dissolved Bone Phosphate. These Fertilizers have given universal satisfaction and are sold cheap. All kinds of Country Prodnce bought at best market prices. He appreciates most highly the substantial patronage which he has received and hopes to merit a full share of it in the future by close attention to business and to the interest of his customers. His stock will be kept full with constant supplies of fresh, new goods. Polite attention, fair dealing and short profits, is his motto. Don't fail to give him a ID. S. -FUKillD, 31ly. Main Street, Winston, X. C. SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Greensboro, 2T. O. MANUFACTUBEBS OF FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of Every Description. 25 Send for Price-List. 30:6m. MAGHINBRT. This Department is under the management of Mr. JNO. I. NISSEN. We are prepared to give favorable terms and prices on every kind of Machinery, Mill Supplies, Wrought Pipe, Belting, Oils, fcc. We have recently put up in Farmington, Davie County, a 50 Horse Boiler and 35 Horse Engine I and other Machinery, making one of the largest A and finest Planing and Saw Mills in this vicinity. - fiSsr x lans ana estimates given at any time. Write for Prices and Circulars before buying. T i. C C 1 ii nr xesi; oi reiereiiues given as regarus me emciency of our Machinery. BROWN, ROGERS & CO, WINSTON, N. C. stop:raising;tobacco ! V-'lttttUSB -AND BUY THE- In the United States from ijR.?R. CRAWFORD. A CAR LOAD OF McSHERRY Drills and a few Meadow King Mowing Machines to dispose of at once on THE INSTALLMENT PLAN, OR CASH, TO SUIT OUK CUSTOMERS. . JReg?p, J&LS line of GENEAL HARDWARE is always full and complete, including TOBACCO FLUES. . J MAIN STEEET,' Winston, N. C, Sept. 2nd, 1886. '9 POST TO YOU. IMPOR T A N T THE PTT -A.I.Hj C H OOL BO OK -USED IN NORTH CAROLINA.- cBOOJT YOU Wj2JVT, OF A JST1T vvill he sent post-paid, to any cuoZcLress on receipt of the PUBLISHERS' PRICE. X W. DENMARK k CO., RALEIGH, E G. RESPECT THE DEAD! AND CALL OK W. DURHAM,-:- 9 FOR MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices Made to Suit the Hard Times. MAELED FREE Winston, July 7 6m. I. i U-S SEND FOR OUR MAILING PRICE LIST.,:, ;