--- :..-v- .-TT- -ft -r-,r-rrr -, . f ' i j . .- - - . . : a i m i i . . ; . . i i -i 1 i i .lv- . 3 . .. - i . j - a i 1 1 " 1 ' " ' - - 3 -n : I , - a . K - ITSWneiVtb!1 UOT CAWEAR AND "WhaY power' trfil the. proi- GIRLS. h exercise in the coming , politic are tru;.to.tliijnciRlj It wiS water power. Norristown Herald. Smith "I jaw you carrying home a couple of nice-Ioofan Watermelons last ; night, .Brown. Mow much did they cost I you?" BrownI$p$tl$now yet. The ! ; doctor is up a the "House how." Life. A young lady in San- Leando dreamed the other evening that she was riding and that the hbrsX was" runmhgfar&tay. She lumped and fell from the bed to the floor, dislotinl' shoulde. Thrown, frppa a mgnwnare,-as ic were. , v.- A clerk is in his dotage a doctor in his pillage-a thief t in his cribbage a butcher in his sausage- a sailor in his stowage a salesman in his storage a prpfeonaV-lejan in Jiis, mikae-- ,Whyr - Jobj3ny.pxcliijed , mamina, "aren't, youi ashamed of- yjourselfU going aTj'but with such & dirty " face ? V HJSPff ain't, replied Johnny, with conscious pride in the integrity of Jus intentions, "vou d like to-nave me taken for a dude. woulun t you , A jery? loqiiaioi3 Md$: :C&jled Jo con sult her physician. She' talked on and on .with, such ryolubility that the latter coma not gei in- a wora. edgewise, irrowr mg aupaucut, xie au leiigur. uu uer to put out her tongue, which she did. He then said, "Now) please keep it there till you have heard what I have to say to you." Pray, my "good man," said a judge, to an Irishman who was a witness on atrial, "what didjpass between you.and the nris onef?" ,'0h thenl plase your 'lordship." said Pat, "sure I sees Phelim atop of the wall. 'Paddy,' said he, 'What?'., says I. 'Here,' says he.4 'Where ?' says I. 'Whist 1' says he. 'Hush!' says I.. And that's all, A well-known Bostonian was trying a horse one day in company with the owner, a professional jockey. Having driven him a. mile or, two,-the gentleman, 1 who noticed, that he pulled pretty hard, re quiring constant watching 'anji, a steady rein, said: "Do .you, think that.it is just the horse for a lady to drive? " Well sir," answered the jockey, " I must say I shouldn't want to marry the woman who could drive that horse. - A lady 'in Detroit advertised for servant, and a colored woman put in ah appearance. Her hrst question was "Has yer got any chillun?" "No, I. have no children. Why do you ask ? "Bekase, if you hant got no chillun, I haint gwine- ter stay wid yer. 'What have children to do with your work?" "Idon't wanter stay in no house, whar dar s no chillun, bekase den, wheneber any dishes am broke, it am always laid on de servant and tucken outen her wages." : ' - THE KIND OF PAPERS THE FARMERS NEED. : . . The forlowirig -wWwntten: hnm aKoMerh rSt ; The Nacter who copied it ypuchfeff ior its; fieblls are very stuckup and digni TheySheir -manner and behaviorJ thing - more of ; dress than ah'y rags. Tfiw ! -'to play- witnVdolls and a far distance, if they e0 -a cow in They stay at Hafeafraid of guns. to 'chiircli evety Ml the5 time and go ana maKing, -gun Kox Tways lunny say how dirty; i TjheVhands and marbles. I pity : them;atAn'tf i play They make fun of boy:ahdMnings; I rotind ami love .themiiiidon'tSJrarti they ever killeil;afc,f or anytn There never was a time when the farnier was so much in need of the help and representation of indepen dent and fearless agricultural journals as to-day. Not only does he need to be kept informed of the various im-: proyements that are constantly being ; made in the farmer's handicraft the introduction of improved varieties of plants or. animals, of new . machinery, and new methods of culture and man agement r-but the effect of State and; National legislation upon the interest of agriculture has become so great iuai ine iarmer wno wouia ao nis duty by, himself, his.- family and ? his brother farmers, must keep a careful watch on the politics of the day. But the farmer makes a .very serious 'mis take; ; who: expects -to " keep himself posted by taking a single political i journal, and especially one of the weeklies .vwjuch nearly all pplitiqal jodrriafs now publish ' for the special benefit of their ... rural' subscribers. made up, as they, generally are, of matter "set over"1 from' fche daily; edition, .with the addition, of a, few columns of so-called "afirricultural" matter, clipped by a city clerk from agrjcultirral exjchanges, r, r Tlie.fact ' is that a very; large portion ,of, the-polititf cai press is so bond by.,partisan aK liances that the truth.ris quite a secQn-, uary consiaerauonr m .us . uueraneesy to the supposed necessities of "political intrigue and when a question of xgri- , cultural interest comes to yieVen-ougE imoortance to hav6 anV!,fiiSHt.ini ssiirni- ficancej it is either sat once tabooed or so manipulated that the truth is hidden or distorted.' The fact that times are hard on rthe 'f am is ; but an additional evidence that te farmer needA- the help of tftro jouriilfe that?can and will speak out in his interest, untram meled by political alliances of any sort; and t.hft v.li7 rif aiifTi Vitlr Viae Vuun abundantly5 defflnstratfeS durin3 re cent years. Farm and Fireside. 1 VI! The f rait crop has been: iniured bv the late cold weather, but riot entirelv iLeuve Belew'g Creek;. I Arrive Greensboro : . . TKey look oufc-eve'ryrnite and say, . fKl Arrive sahford. .'. . a?nt:th'moon JoVelv 1" , TWi.fronfe?fe-,Ui yAdkiN LEY. RAILWAY COMPANY. : CONDENSBD SCHEDULE No. SI. . i )H V TftVing- eflf6 A,9Moi!4y,"April;18th, DRAINS MOVma NORTH . . .i ' J- -'f"r Arrival knf Departak' of Trn.w-jn Leave ienhettsviHe v Arrive Maptfion., Arrive X Jttevlllea . i J J PJBt. 10.00 W.I5 Leave pfayetteville Arnyc swuuiu Leave fianfosdi ; i Arrive- Greensboro . f . Leave Greensboro, . ' Arrive Belew's CreeK.i, , raw j . ,tV " Passenger an4 Mail Dinner ; at ganfor,d. 10.15 A.M. , 12.50 .M. Freight and Passenger. 1.30 P.M. : 3.35 4.10 " 7.50 " 10!0QAiM. ' 2.46 P.M. aapb ' , M " trains MoyiNG sqs: ;; -i Toortnrt?Pas8eneer andf Freight as i Arrival and DepartuiefPassenger ai of Trains. Maa- a'nt-tfcft'moon lovely !"'- Thir fsofone tllirighrive, not tdld arid:that-is :they iiliT" ; it o MANUFACTURER AND1 DEALER. IN LCKiKDS OF FXJRNITUIiE MK ' BRAKGhES. v'v1.' f - , - i 'V.:.?' j' . ( .. . tr ' ti AS . . j . i 9 You will And me at my same old stand in Salem, where l nave been ior 29 years, always reaay ana wu ling to wait on iny customers: ' j My. stock of Furnitare Is oompletej also my Un dertaking Department, where I. have nil kinds of i WO OD AND METALIC COFFINS and CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES, COOLING BOAnDg,&Nt)i d At any minute, Day or Nijht, to wait on you. rget tne place wnen you want anyrpi Also Veach's ironing Stana Dont for In mr line. TnanKing you ror past ravors, i remain, - jpecuuiiy i onrs A. O. VOGLER, -v MAINiBlREET, SLEM, N..C. EYTTEITBERG BROS. Trade Palace! GRAY BLOCK, WINSTON, N. C. NO TIME USE THE PKESEXTTO SECURE Unparalleled Barg ams. The people, are overwhelmed at the vast an ay of inducements we offer, ana pur willingness to give full value for every dollar spent with us, secures the favor and confidence of our patrons,' and fixes be yonid'all question .our claim to the distinction of Leaders In Our Ldne ! Strouely protestinz azainst the common practice of trickery and deception, the low prices we name for first-class articles; strike with terror all competition:' we Know tne wants or all . classes. - we. supply them in the most satisfactory manner. We are the recognized authority on Fashion and OUR IMMENSE u STOCK- THIS ..BATHING NEW AND ELEGANT, maintains our reputation. We ask you to look'at ine complete line or , Fashionable Fabrics! ate that are burdening"our shelves and' coimtecs. ' Com are our prices wiin any nouMjin me city, . ana e o not 'ear the result! ).We suo-sTl of the -.- :pr ' ' - ' LATEST STYJi?.; WRAPS ! a marvelously lofv figures. lull iae of NOTIONS AND MILLINERY! Ahd with a flrsticlass Milliner and Dress Maker in the house,- we flatter ourselves that we are able to meet tne wants or au. : Make your headquarters at . . . When you- vistt'Wiristbti; 'and saver money ;6h all your purchases. . ;U t: .;., ,. 1 Very resrjectfully,' - - , Hriv1J,ayettevme. . . ; -eTayetteville Maxtoh ettajrilieT. 1.50 P. M. 4.30 10.00 A. 31. 1.30 P. M. 1.55 ' 4.10 4.5 6fft R 9f 7.4& Freight as Passengeif t and. getf. 4( 4 4( 44 RED SCOTCH; GRANITE, BEACK "BIAMOIitej GRANITE, - RED SANDSTONE, GRAY SANDSTONE : FLESH COLORED SANDSTONE, P. LINBH AN" & iProducers ani Dealers -in. r M..-1 G arolina Granites and San No. 31 3? , Halifax EUGENE foj ?.4.RRELIi. r i ESTABLISHED 1866. JOHN-B, FEATHERY. -.r..- 1 U III . 44 v r 6100 A!"MJ. 10.15 A. Ma, 12:20 P.'MJ J ,r4nd Mall Dttuorat Sanford. FACTORY Bl Train Moving North. rScgREIGH'r AUD PAS , Vuu.: Alfred' Williams & Cos .... i,t. tj. , . . . . yf ti Leave Milboro. Arrive Greensboro..' A.M. 7.45 91130 ajn JriKo Sovta- Leave Greensboro', k'qo Arrive Millboro. . . j 7.U RALEIGH, N. C. - if 7 ' : v-;fc-5lca.rj.?. j r .-- :y: ! :v- '. T Freight and Passenjer Train runs between Fay ettevilfe and Bennetteyille on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. I - - ' - Freight and Passearer Train runs between Fay- etteville and Greensbiro Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and between Greensboro and Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Passenger and MaiiTrain runs daily except Sun days. I The north bound Pfcsencer and Mail Train makes close connection at axton with Carolina . Central to Charlotte. Trains on Factory day. J. W. FRY. General Superintfident ranch run daily except Sun- W. E. KYLE, General Passenger Agent. Send your.der t( us for EVERYTHING STOU, WANT.iit thiline; anA w& guarantee perlect faction. Latest Publications: SCHOOL MAPS -OP JUSTICE AND. FORM $2.00. 1 - i '' NOEVi ,1 ) '. CAROLINA 4x6 feet, $4.50. BUSBEE'S NEW csohitaming the laws ot 188Y, pnee . rqaucefj. CAROLINA CENTRAL Rl R. CO., . . Orfcst or Superintendent, ? Wilmingf n, N. C, Sept. 27, 1885. ... f CHANGE!4l)F schedule. ON AND AFTERTHIS DATE THE FOLLOW lowing schedule frill be operated on thiB rail road : PASSENGER, MAHJTAND EXPRESS TRAIN : DAILY EXCEPT STNDAYS. ' -: ' ) Leave Wilmington at ........ No. 1. V Leave Raleigh, at , ) Arrive at Charibtte at. . ,.f 7.00P.M. 7.85 P. M. . I 7.30 A. M. Leave Charlotte at ...... J 8.15P. M. No. 2. VArrive at Raletoh at.. ;...f 9.00 A; M. V Arrive at Wilnfngton at . . , I 8.25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT-? ASSEJ4.GER j CAR $ AT . T4CHED. Leave Charlotte, at. . . T--' ...: 7.40 A. M. Arrive at Laurinburg at ... , . . - 5.45 P. M. Leave Laurinburgrat. : YHV. . .... . . V. 6.15 A. M Arrive at Charlotte at: m ..ij. . . . ; . Leave Wilmington at. ... '. . ; w Arrive at Laurinburg at . . Leave Laurinburg at. . . j Arrive at Wilmington at: . . ; ; Local Freight between' (Wilmington and Laurin- 4.40 P.M. 6.45 A. M. 5.0ffP.M. 5.80 A.M. 5.40 P. M. burg Tri-weejtlyleaviitg'.Wllmlngton.on .Mondays, Weanesdavff and Fridays. Leave Laurinburs on Tuesdays, Thursdays am Saturdays.; Passenger trains stopiM regular, stations only, and points designated in thj jCompany's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, ASSENGER MAIL, EX PRESSED FREIGHT. (Daily extept Sundays.) " Leave Charlotfeat. .t . . . ... . .-. '. :l 8A5 A. M. Arrive Shelby at I .... 1 12.15 P M; 1.40 A.M. 5.40 P.M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close. connection, at Hamlet with R. & A. Twins to and from Raleigh' Throu2h Sleeping Cawbutween Wilmington and Charlotte and Kaleigh ui)d .Charlotte.. Take Train No. 1 ftfr Stateeville, Stations on Western N. C. R. R , Astteville and points West: ' Also, for Spartanburg;,, Greenville, Athens, Atr: lanta and all points Stmthwest. i--,-. L. ti. jujujcs, superintendent. -,W. F. Clark, General Passenger. Agent. t . " ' No. 0. : irr,!- i ( Leave Shelby at 1 1 . ; ... . . f 0, j Arrive at Charlotte at........ H A JE I G II - 7 "',"'7 'J,M:;'!4.'-: ', -' Christiaiik Advocate, PUBLISHED AT 1 Raleigh, Ni C. r - . . - ' ..- F. L REID, Editor and Proprietor. ; Established in in 1855. The official or gan of over eightytnousand Korth Caro lina Methodists. . Every Metiipdi , ouglit 10 taice ii, anu every uusiiu-ss inan ougni to advertise m it. .-::V,-' It has a large circulibn'au' ortn Carolina. Advertising at liberal, given on, application, . : V .' SUBSGiBIPTION JRICEj $2 pwinmim..; f,ior ftirtrier irifofrriation addfess 1 1 4.'. J. XtXUXA Tar Heel Liniment; :i It v 1 A valuable Renieuv for the ' Cure, and Ilelief of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, . Cholera Morbus, Cramps; ? ' Cramp ;. Colic, Kid ney Complaint, 1 (travel in Bladdery Pains in gtpmacli arid B(jyel$ r hima tism. ieuralVa.i:'taine, or Stiff Back, Bruises' grains. J etilerash,: poison ' Oafc, Itch, Frost Bites, e.tc v .... Or 0jms UiyisT. Ask your Idrugisi or merchant for it.and Sbcs Linimenroh tlie marketi Price 50 fZrtl rf hv II 1-11 Merchants generally. .Send . for : testi monial i .tevir,,H' ' -:; Sb? JowrS Manufacturers, ' - -;J : .-a ensBoro; N.'d' J. E. GILMER,WhofeleJAgent1 ' : EManjMvOF it TASTE, BLEGANOB. AND FASHION. - SUPERB SPRING NOVELTIES. Printed China SilkB, Fancy Velvets; all Silk Pongees, Embroidered Pongee Robes, Persian Embroidered Ondine Cloths. . ... ' , ' - ' -' v " : tJNIQUE STYLES IN ..." I:";.: i Stripes, Plaids, Flush and Wool. Effects, &c.; Our collection comprises many exclusive designs tvhicb cannot be found elsewhere. For STYLISH GOODS Peculiarly applicable to our Climate, our selections' are .unexcelled, .and, not house can quote lawerprlcee. Joblot KID GLOVES, 48 cent, real value $1.!50.' : i. Or ; :s : FuJUine.of beantiful,IJAIIES, PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, all styles and prices. We represent the best manufacturers of. LADIES1 SHOES in the United States, and challenge compete tion in prices, styles and service. V ; V ';J.. , ...J&r GFj NT'S, STRAW 'U'AT'S, jgf "'" - v' J ' ', .... " . V. . .- r " -'-- ' -f : - ' .. LATEST STYLES AND BOCK BOTTOM PRICES. ' : ' ' Samples of all lines of 'Dry Goods with prices sent; by mail on application. If you. want anything, in. onr line send for samples and prices before you bnv. ' Vc can .and will please you. JN Ulrtl fiC Nos; 206 and 20$ Favetteville Street, . Raleifftj N. C. W JH 1 , r .SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO;, f'i iMANTJFACTUREBS OT . - RARRARftUBBiHE WATER WHEEL, CO O IC AND H E ATI HG STO V E 3t Saw MillsV Cane Milk, Hprss Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters; Andirons And Castings of Every Description " ' 9-Send for Price-Usu i ' c ' " r4 ij t. 1 r LP s IT W SEEDS fSIRASS ND CLOVER SEED8! q, ' A'ltDEN AND FliOWER gEEDS! c :l Prices tjubted on bpplicatiort: Dctf&ive catalogue failed f ree. Compondf ; soHcild.SSI MV ' ' sss. NO. 10 S. flfyuhTEEXTH" FAR HERS ! S EDSM EJv' ,F: B"R T I'Xi I tB R'S Fflflff Direct ft mnfc .WHILES ArLl:E PR I pj, TtrB'V-ihfor Cash.... .ggrr Send for Prices, 1 ; iPmtE ANIMAI- BONEBAUaH'S 30NE AD4,P0TA,SIi COMPANY. AD n V ! i 1 . .1 i f 6 i f. : ! i- - 7 I. jouea. . e RYTTENBERG BROS. 21 9m . .r-T 9 THnston, N. C, fx I I Lt ? - j ........ ; , ft .:

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