8 THE PEOeRESSIVE FARMER, NOVEMBER 3, 1887. LIMB PHOSPHATE -IS A NORTH CAROLINA. .X'U-3. J.:.iI.Vt v.U'j...:. ilt. I Home-Made Fertilizer. The rock is mined near Wilmington an f orroiind at Raleierh. It contains over sbfoers dent .'of i .Carbonate rpl Ximl ,i i . i i n jj (Agricultural jjime; Dauiy neeueu on 1 every farm, and ten to twelve per cent, of Phosphate of Lime (Phosphoric Acid) and a small Der cent of Potash both standard articles. Analysis by the State Chemist: It is the richest marl in tne world. Sold for less than half the price of fertilizers made with Sulphuric Acid YOU CAN MAKE ALL YOUR MAN- LI URES AT HOME OUT OF 3, PHOSPHATE. FOR CORN: LM 1. A compost of Lime Phosphate, 1,000 pounds, Kainit or hard wood ashes, 200 pounds, and oOO pounds oi cow or horse stable manure, makes as good a general manure as can be found. 2. On land rich in vegetable matter, like bottom or new land, use 500 pounds of Phosphate. FOR CLOVER AND GRASSES Lime Phosphate is the best clover food known. It gives good stands corrects the sourness of red lands of the middle and western counties. It will make clover grow on red hillside galls, which we con sider the Greatest triumph. Use 600 to 2,000 pounds per acre on clover and grasses. .On very sandy land use Kainit with it FOEPBASE, It is the natural 'manure, as mightfbe sup posed; 600 pounds per acre, with kainit, on sandy land. Excellent top dressing for small grain, clover and the grasses. FOR TOBACCO: 600 pounds Lime Phosphate, 1,000 pounds finely-chopped stable manure, 200 pounds leached ashes, 200 pounds high grade ara moniated fertilizer. N. C. PHOSPHATE CO., RALEIGH, N. C. THE WILMINGTON STAR. REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attention is called to the following reduced rates of subscription, caeh in advance : The ID ally Star. One Year. $6 00 Six Months 3 00 Three Months 1 50 One Month 50 . The Weekly Star. One Tear , $1 00 Six Months 60 Three Months 80 Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely increased, and it is our determination to keep the Star np to the highest standard of news paper excellence. Address, WM. II. BERNARD, Wilmington, N. C. 3fi 4 V7. 1 n EGGS! EGGS!! HIGH-CLASS, PURE-BRED, Plymouth Rocks. HARD-TIME PRICES. Send along $1.50 for a Setting of IS, or send for Circular. THOMPSON BROS., Lincolnton, N. C. W. G.SEP ARK, One rioe Oasii Store! 162 Hargett and 208 S. Wilmington St. GREAT BARGAINS throughout all the entire departments. The Great Closing Out Sales of Summer Dry Goods, Notions, &c. of all kinds, are steadily increasing. Hilliaery . Goods Hats and Trimmings. Gents' Fnrnisiifls Goods. .Clotting for Hen, Boys and Children. SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND UMBRELLAS W. a. SEP ARK, JAMES MeKIMMON & CO., 113 FAYETTEVILIiE ST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! First-Class Pharmacists to Compound Them! Full Stock Proprietary Medicines. TOILET ARTICLES A. SPECIALTY. Milk-Shakes, Limeades, Ginger Ale, Soda and Mineral Waters. CIG-ARS .A. 1ST ZD TOBACCO. Everything to be found in a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. SIMPSON'S LIVEE PILLS. ju303m JAMES MeKIMMON & CO. GRAY GRANITE, RED SCOTCH GRANITE, BLACK DIAMOND GRANITE, RED SANDSTONE, GRAY SANDSTONE, FLESH COLORED SANDSTONE, P. LINBHAN & CO., Producers and Dealers in Carolina Granites and Sandstones, No. 313, Halifax Street, ap-ly RALEIGH, N. C. CHOICE SEED WHEATS! .A.11 5 Valuable, New and Standard Varieties. Send for Fall Circular Giving Prices, Description, Etc. Barley, Rye, Va. Winter and Rust Proof Oats. The Virginia Winter is the hardiest and only true Winter Oat in cultiva- . tion. Jb ar superior to tne tea Jttust rrooi. GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS. All kinds, New Crop, Cleanest and Best Stocks. Descriptive- Fall Circular containing valuable information, tree. All interested m Farming are requested to send for it. T. W. WOOD 5c SOISTS, Seedsmen, No. 10, S. Fourteenth St., Richmond, Va. jl283m ALL KINDS OF BOOKS 1 tOR BODY. AT DENMARK'S STATE BOO K DEPOT. Bottom Prices Guaranteed WE PUBLISH THE N. C. MANUAL OF LAW FORMS, the best book of its kind in the State. Price by Mail, 82.00. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO J. W. DENMAEK & CO., Raleigh, 2ST. O. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY. STONE'S MUSIC. HOUSE C&rric the LARGEST STOCK OF PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH! A' FROM 40 TO 75 PIANOS AND PROM 100 TO 200 ORGANS Of all the Best Makes Always in Stock. I have built up this Large Business by Selling 03ST3LiY G-OOD 1 1ST S rriRTTME 1ST TS ON LIBERAL TERMS, And am now in better position to serve my Customers than ever before J". L. 8T O IN" E , Raleigh, 1ST. C. .A-gent For NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE. GOOD ADVICE. PLANT BUIST'S NEW CROP TURNIP SEEDS AND BUY THEM FROM JOHN Y. MacRAE. If you need anything in the DRUG LINE, be sure to go to MacRAE'S DRUG STORE, Cor. Wilmington, Martin and Market &rs., RALEIGH, N. a Brown Brown, Druggists, x-. m WINSTON, N. C, Garry t3ae largest StocK. SELL AT BOTTOM PRICES AND APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE. 1-ly tar GIVE US A CALL. NORTH CAROLINA TALENT TO THE FRONT Ihave resolved that I will offer as good and faith ful and cheap work as can be had anywhere in my line. I am now the SOLE PROPRIETOR , rOF THE RALEIGH !!ARBLEsEiEA!iITE WORKS. If you want 'Monuments, Box Tombs or -Head Stones, ia Italian or American Marbles or Granites, and executed in the beet styles and at living prices, call or write to me before purchasing. Designs and prices furnished free by toail. - ... '- CHA8. A. GOODWIN, ; 1 417 and 419 Fayetteville St., seplly -. i -- .Kaleieh. N. C. IN" THESE TIMES OF Strikes, Earthquakes AND LABORQTT A K"FiS Everybody wants to buy the best goods for the least possible money, and here they are: Say what you will there is nothing so attractive as the best quality and Lowest Price. This combination in DRUGS, MEDICINES and SEEDS can be found at the old reliable Drug Store. . JOHN S. PESCUD, 118 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. - T 1blackwell'8 Durham I 2&k. ntobacoo Co. y&y iiiu ClflC WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO HONEST, POPULAR, UNIFORM, RELIABLE, SATISFACTORY SMOKING TOBACCO EVER PUT UPON THE MARKET, Hence Dealers and Consumers always pro nounce It THE BEST. Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a grade of Tobacco that in texture, navor ana quauiy is noi grown eisewnere in me wona, me popularity oi mese gooas is only limit), ed by the quantity produced. We are In position to command the choice of all If r n V D C CT offerings upon this market, and spare no pains or expense to give the trade the ILIlI D LO I SEEGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Greensboro, 3ST. O. HANUFACTUSZBS OF FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL i COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of Every Description. 3 Send for Price-LisU FARMERS ! You can sare moneyjby buying FERTILIZERS Direct from usat WHOLESALE PRICES, for Cash. Send for Prices. 3 Baugh & Sons Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Double PURE ANIMAL BONE, BAUGH'S BONE AND POTASH COMPANY AND HIGH GEADE CHEMICALS. Baltimore, Md., and Norfolk, Va. D. S. REID, LEADEE OF LOW PRICES, HAS JUST BOUGHT A VERY LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES and HATS. tn rail and m t) J D uvVt AU Tf 111 UCbVlllOli J via v examine his stock, which is full in all departments, and satisfy yourselves. His Grocery Stock Is large and well selected, consisting in part of Molasses, Sugar, Syrup," Coffee, Lard, Cheese, Fish, Fancy Groceries, in fact everything kept in a General Merchan- No charge for showing croods. Uniform courtesv extended bv Dolite salesmen to persons wishing to examine his stock, as well as to those who purchase. SMALh PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS enable him to sell at BOTTOM FIGURES. Facts will speak louder than words. Come and see for yourselves. Salesmen: Mr. TTpn TTp WIS lies his friends and all to call and see him in his new quarters. Also Mr. John Marler, oi Yadkin county; Mr. W. P. Reid, of Winston, and Miss Bettie Traynham, of David son, are ready to extend the hand of welcome to all. . , Remember, he intends to fight it out on the line of Low Prices and Fair ana Spuare dealing with all. All kinds of Country Produce Taken in Exchange forlGoods, At Cash Prices. He annreciatpa iht vat-tt i;vot-1 ratrrmnrrA which he has re ceived, and hopes, by close attention to business and to the interest of his customer.-, to merit a continuance of their kind favors. 1 1 , Still Agent for the Old and Reliable Brand PACIFIC GUANO for Tobacco, sola vmy xor casii, at $o. 4 o per Dag.

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