AT THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, JANUARY 29, 19. ALLIANCE NOTES. Members of the Alliance' when, writing tons. will greatly favor us if they will always give the No. of their Alliance. We have given the sixth and seventh pages of oar paper to the exclusive use of the Alliance. Use them, brethren. For all official orders, rulings, notices, &c, the brethren will ex amine these pages. Farmers' Alliance fareionse, Henderson, XT. O. - 1,508 Alliances up to date. All seals ordered up to date will be forwarded from this office by the end oi tnis weeK. .. --In answer to inquiry, we will state that the Alliance seal is only used in official business. Grant's Creek Alliance, of Rowan county, Have, finished their Alliance hall, and it will be 'ready for occupancy so soon as me seats are put in. There will be a meeting of the "Wake .County Sub-Business Agents at the court house in the city of Ral eigh on Friday, February 8th, by or der of the County Business Agent. State Business Agent, Capt. W. A. Darden, is now prepared to furnish the Alliances with " Trade Cards " at twenty-five cents per hundred. Ad dress orders to W. A. Darden, Ral eigh, N. C. '; -Roanoke Alliance, No. 819, Mar tin county, by resolution, requests that the State Business Agent furnish County Agents with monthly price lists of supplies, such as meat, sugar, coffee, flour, molasses, &c. Bro. E. F. Champion, Secretary of Union Springs Alliance, writes that the lodge is in fine working order, and that the membership most heartily endorse the resolutions of the State Alliance, "passed at the last annual session. Vance Countv Allianefi ant.hnrizprf tV.o opening of this Jlouse and stands pledged to give it ahearty : support. ' We respectfully request Alliance men ana otners to patronize us. OUR MOTTO, GOOD PRICES, L0 CHARGES is full of meaning. Sell one load of Tobacco with us and vou ... . will come again. Truly your friends, Butler, Jenkins & Co. NOTICE! flavin pr been armnintud "R-rprntrvr -f c.a Mr iuv vctaic Ul llenrv W. Rhodes, of "Mnrlr'n Wake county, J. C, this is to notify all parties holding claims against said estate to present the same for collection within the next twelve months. or tnis notice will De plead In oar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate are warned I Ttf 1 1 QQQ - - ,m A, 1UW. 1111 For Sale! Three thorough-bred Jersey Bulls one vear old. entitled to registration, ready for service th is fpring. Dropped and reared here, their ancestors are accli mated. Their Sire is Albert Stokes Pogfs, whose service fee alone is $25. Their Dams are exception ally rich, each 2ivina more than four gallons of milk per day. Price, $50 each. jastf W. G. UPCHURCH, Raleigh. N. C. Roll Book for Subordinate Secretaries of Alliances. A great convenience. Printed Dasre headings. Will hold 192 names. Each month and quarter separate. A column to enter date of tavment of dues. The attendance can be kept neatly. Try uue. .rnce 10 cis. Auaress. J. W. HELD, Sec'y S. C. State Alliance, ReidvUle, S. C. FOR HVIales and. Females ! Located in Wake county, N. C, six miles from R. A. R. R. R. Spring term opens January 7th, 1889. Latest and most improved methods persued in teaching. Special training: to those desiring to teach. Rates per month : Board $6.50, tuition from $1 to from and tcwailroad free of charge. For particu lars, address . C. F. SILER, Principal, ja81m Holly Spring, N. C. R0BERS0FS HOTEL, CHAPEL HILL N. C. Now under management of H. L. Barns. We are fully prepared to accommodate the traveling public in the most comfortable manner, both gentlemen and ladies. The public may feel assured of a quiet house, a comfortable and clean room, and a table supplied with the best the market affords. Drummers can be accommodated with a good sample room on the first floor. ja8tf Alliance Member's Badge, DURABLE GOLD PLATE. AUTHORIZED BY ALLIANCE I Delivered free, cm receipt of price. Each 25 cts.; per dozen, $2.40; gross, $24.00. Write for prices of Alliance Regalia Badges and Seals. MANUFACTURED BY THE BRADLEY M'F'G CO., de8Cm 210 Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas. On January 12th, Beaver Dam Alliance, of Johnston county, was en tertained by C. F. R Cornegay, Vice t.ViA Cnnntv Alliance, in an able and interesting address, which, Holly Spring AfiadfiTTiy our uorrespuiiueiiu iuiuab, win lcsuit in great good. Bro. R. A. Hardy, writing from Essex, Halifax county, says that Essex Alliance, which is one of the best in the country, is ready to "tackle the guano trust, and refuse to buy a pound, if the Alliances of the State will join them in the tussel. ; The sub-business agents of David son county, are earnestly., requested to meet Bro. J. W. Upchurch, County Business Agent, in Lexington court house on Monday, tbe 4th day of February, at 1 1 o'clock, a. m., for con sultation upon business matters of importance. Straw Pond Alliance, No. 580, 0 Sampson county, having worked up all the available material of the com munity, have gone to work to better the condition of the membership. By unity and co-operation they have al ready been greatly benefited and are greatly encouraged. Bro. H.Ae. Thompson, of Stan- tonsburg Alliance, Wilson county, writes to say that hi3 Alliance is pro gressing finely and that the member ship may be depended upon to aid in 'every good work which has for its object the improvement of the con dition of the farmers of tne land. . Bro. Francis Joyner, Secretary, writing from Chocowinity, N. C, says: "Allow me through Ihe pro gressive Farmer to call the attention of the Secretaries of Beaufort County Alliances to Sec. 3, of Art. VI, of the Constitution, and ask their compliance therewith, as a matter of importance to the order." .' At ' the- Jast t meeting of Mingo Academy Alliance, No. , ' Sampson county, it was agreed by the member ship that immediately upon the dis covery -.of a case of hog cholera, the owner of such animal will see that it is immediately closely confined, and if said animal dies it is to be buried or burned to ashes. Tne attention of all Alliance men in North and South Carolina and Vir ginia is called to the advertisement of Bro. J. C. Klutts in4 to-day's Pro gressive b armer, headed " fetolen. Brethren are requested to read the description and keep a look out for them, and communicate any informa tion to J. C. Klutts, Clear Creek, Cabarrus county, N. C. Dermt.v Orrn.nizer A. Tj. fJhfirrv. - x j w - o ' j ' 9 Lincoln county, reports Alliances organized as follows: Un Dec. Jst, North Brook Alliance,' with W. A. Thompson, President, and T. P. Jenks, Secretary; Jan.. 2d,. Orleans Alliance, with W. C. Childers, President, (and S. J. Thompson, Secretary; Jan. 3rd, Laurel Hill Alliance, with P. W. ftamseur, President, and John E. Hoover, Secretary. Ij Cirou-I ' X lixe tit THE DORCAS MAGAZINE Is full of useful information on Woman's Handi work: Knitting, Crotchet-work, Embroidery, Art Needlework, and other household topics of prac tical character. Every lady should subscribe for it. Price. 50c. a year. Address The Dorcas Magazine, 19 Park Place, New York. IMPROVED EXCELSIOR IIIGUDATOR Staple, Farfaet ul Slf-Rrultlnf . Han. dreds in successful operation. Guaranteed t? to hatch larger percentage or ierciie 5kk" 0 at less cost than any other hatcher. Send Co forlllus Cttta. GKO. U.BTAHL, Qala(gr,IU. T.M.AItQO:. J.H.FLEMING. ARGO & FliEMING, Attorneys at Law, Xialeigli, 3ST. O. Office in Fisher Building, (Over StronacJCs Store vomer oj maricei) 217 Fatettbvillk Strkbt. Practice in the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the Federal Court, and the . Civil Courts of Wake, Johnston, Harnett and Wayne. - . selSly --jj Farmsrs' Alliance Ref lation Fin. Heavy Metal, Beautifully Gold Plated 50 cents each. The Pin is exact size of cut fehbwfi herewith. Address all orders to Dallas Engraving Co., Dallas, Tsx. Seals delivered in North Carolina for $2.40. Send for DJnstrated circular oi seais, nna ana Regalia.; . . , - m Refer by permission to air. kj. y . mauuue, ce dent N. F. A. and C. U. of A. Patent Well Fixture ! xhe Horth Carolina Ammoniated : fertilizer Is Made By v lb M Completa Well Mm of the Age ! THE ITORTH CAE0LINA PHOSPHATE CO. Nearly all tlie Ingredients are Home Products It is simple, and nothing to get out of order. No more children hurt I No more blistered hands 1 No more spoiled tempers I , A child six years old can operate it witnout the least danger, as it has a . Seli-jA.ctmg -Break. Price reduced from $15.00 to $10.00 to' Farmers' ai"uw. vy rue i or ircuiare. . WHITE BROS., ' Mebane, N. C. I congratulate you on having the best water-lift- "8 o)itnuauuo x cyci can. v. a. uij. llliVJ, ae43m Pres't Bank of Winston, N. C. FOR SAIE ! One Chester white Sow, in farrow. One regis tered v iCTona sow, two years oja. one registerea Victoria Sow, 18 monihs old, . Two young Victoria sows, entiuea to De registerea, live months old. GEO. W. POE, Raleigh, N. C. ! SECURE A HOME ! BiiMini Lots Only $30 Each! I The undersigned takes this method of informing the public that he ii prepared to sell buildiug lots at Asbury, N. C, only miles from the city of Kal ieigh, ou the North Carolina and the Raleigh & Au gusta Railroads. Persons who take advantage of this opportunity and build at Asbury will have the benefits and advantages of the city without any of its expenses. The trains on both roads, going East and West, make regular stoppages, morning and evening, and it is only a matter of ten or fifteen minutes ride between the two stations. The lots, which are 80 feet front by 210 feet deep, are sold at tne small price of S30.00 a lot. The lots are goin rapidly and those who wish to purchase snoulc make application at once to SAMUEL J. IRELAND. Or J. S. Hampton. Raleieh. N. C. Where it is not convenient to jwiy whole amount casn, payments may be made Dy installments; title reserved until full payments aie made. Lots donated for schools and manufacturing purposes. Farmers, Loot to Your Interest ! Improve Vcur Lands Permanently, at Small ' Cost, and in a Short Time. Use Oyster Shell Lime at the rate of from 500 to 2,000 pounds per acre broadcast and harrow m. Can be usea with great benefit in the furrow un der cotton at .the rate of 300 pounds per acre in con nection with 20 to 30 bushels cotton seed. The cheapness and facility for procuring this wonderful renovator of the soil should make it one of the first objects of the farmer to obtain it. I am prepared to furnish FRESH BURNT SII ELL LIME, in any quantity, at shortest notice, m bulk and sacked. . Thanking: you for past favors and soliciting c- continuance of vour orders, I remain,, Very truly, W. D. SfRON, . i&rfolk, Va. All orders sent to Everett Bros.; Gdbson & Co., Norfolk, will receive prompt attention.-; oc306m HEALTH IS WEALTH! TREATMENT Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hvteria, Dizziness, Convul sions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caueod by the ut.e of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting io insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Iremature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss or power m either sex, involuntary Losses and Spermattorrhcea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box, or six boxes for 5. sent by mail prepaid on receiptor price. v WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each ordei received by us" for. six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not 'effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by James McKimmon & Co., Druggists, Sole Agents, 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. mally No. 13 West Hargett St., IeLleigb., 3ST. O. To my farming friends and the public generally, wish to say that I have on hand and. can furnish a nil line of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, Gold and Steel Spectacles, and do all kinds of Watch and Clock and Jewelry .Repairing as Jow ahpireet labor and material can be put together..':. "CALI AND SEE ME. . -. .i. 'fe91y I MONET TO LOAN ! " . '. - i S V On long time and easy payments, In sums of $300 and upwards, to be secured by first mortgage on improved farm lands. Apply to- ... PACE, HOLDING & HECK, -. Attorneys, f oc306m Raleigh, N. C. "W" A. 3ST T E:!D I Reliable and Active lien to travel or an ."Estab lished House, during the snmrnfr mbnthsThoBQ who can furnish a horse and give security preferred. Money advanced montkly "jto pay eipense8.jA great chance for the iight men 1 Statfe age, busi ness experience, and to eave time better send names and address ef references. No attention paid to postal cards. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. Address " BUSINESS," Box 11, Richmond Va. ' Jul2tf Alabama Farmer, Official Organ Farmers1 State Alliance. j ATHENS, ALABAMA. HECTOR D. LANE, Editor and Manager. mr6tf Tm tt. GIL MANUFACTURING MACHINIST, RALEIGH, N. O. A fullillne of COTTON PRESSES, ENGINES and BOILERS, FEED CUTTERS, &c, constantly on hacr. Aeent for the BUCKEYE HARVESTTNG"MACHINES. For sale cheap, one second-hand FIFTY-SAW BR " VTH COTTON GIN, refitted and as good as new. All kinds of machinery repaired iu he best manner at short notice. PRICES SATISFACTORY. te&7 THE COMPANY IS A NORTH CAROLINA COMPANY. ' It will be Sold on the Most Reasonable Terms ! Address:. N. C. PHOSgD ATE CO., Raleigh; N. C. Our Lime Phosphate is now in its fifth year. Sales increased and satisfaction givenjieach succeeding year. Special for composts and wet lands. , Cheapest Fertihzer Sold. N, C. PHOSPHATE CO., jaSGm - : . ; RALEIGH. "2" ST Auct'rs and General Commission Merchants, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BiiEies, Carriages, Road Carts, Farm and Spring: Wapns, Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Wilmington St., and No, 130 Morgan St. 2R,a.leigli, INO. We have in stock now about two hundred and fifty vehicles, namely: Bug gies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, Road Carts, and one and two-horse wagons which we will sell at' cost or factory prices, with freight added. We can sell you Buggies for 50, Road Carts for $17.50 to $20, two-horse wagons $45 to $50. one-horse wagons $25 to $35. We make you this offer as we desire to make some changes in our business. YANCEY &. STRQ2STACIM. USE ALLISON & ADDISON'S arP2IT? TIP S "NTTI m'"" lyH1 E R T ILIZEES U-p:Jf k FOR tkM Tobacco,Cotton,Corn, &c These fertilizers now need no recommendation from ue, as they have a standard reputation of over 20 years, and the most eucceesf ul farmers and planters everywhere in Virginia and North Carolina testify to their superior merits. The constantly increasing demand is the best evidence of their value. Every bag is guaranteed to be of standard quality. For further particulars, addrees ALLISON & ADDISON, MANUFACTURERS, ,. ,.-; -T - " Ross " "ALL EIGHT " s a s h CELEBRATED AND DOORS Ensilage COTTON KING- U. AND- COOfe StOVpS, AND straw ALL KQTB8 HEATIN5 STOVES. cutters Colt's Hammerless Guns BLIHDS, .I3'D--,W -A- I3 E - auBBBR JUIIUS LEWIS & CO., south x -AN .; ' - Established 1865.' ' fj '. JBElSi)- Leather Rleig5h5 c. ohiliLiBD belting Paints, Oils, Lime, Plaster, Cement flow. C JL Ot J. Specially & dlover Seeds, j grass Seeds, Seed Potatoes, . , Seed Grain, 0 Adapted to the UUUlIi Carefully selected Seeds of the best quality. Write for Prices and Descriptive Catalogue. F I .iL JAPAN CLOTKB. Vegetable and ; Flowering Plants, Etc. CATALOGUE of tested Seeds, Novelties, etc., and containing valuable infor mation Mailed Free. 10 South 14th St., T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, r0hmond. va.

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