THE PROGIffiS MARCH 26, 1889. of 1 1 Tie Capital.Alliance Warehouse, OF . ; ; Raleigh, IsT- O., Is now open and ready for business. - The first Grand Special Sale Will take place on Wednesday, April the 3rd, 1889. Send in your Tobacco, and your interests ; will be protected. We have good floors, lights and acconamo ; dations, and will do our best to please our customers. SpTobacco fertilizers sold to Alliance men and customers at wholesale prices. We keep it purely for your accommodation, as we do not charge one cent of profit On. Fraternally, S. Otho Wilsox, Manager. W. B. UrcnuRCii, Chm'n B'd Direct'rs. Z. T. Brocgiiton, Auct'r. mr2Glm The Big Racket Store Is receiving this week the handsoniest line of Dress Gooda, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and notions of all kinda yon ever(eaw. D. T Swindell has been in New York for ten dayB selecting those goods and we say that we have the cheapest line of fine goods ever opened in Raleieh. Ths Big Racket Store always leads in low prices but never follows. When you tear of anything cheap you may be sure that you can find it at the Biff Racket. D. T. Swindell goes North about ten times a year and by having the cash to buy with he can always find bargains, and he never fails to do it if the thing is a real bargain. We have thousands of bargains all the time but our space will not permit us to mention them, but we will tell you this, when vou come to Raleigh, don't fail to come to the Big Racket for it will always pay you. We have people i o tell us every day that when they came tn, they did not intend to buy a thing, but they find the goods really so cheap that they buy them. If you want to buy anything come to the Big Racket Store and if you don't want to buy come to the Big Racket Store anyhow. You are always welcomed. Will give you a list or a few of our bar gains next week at the Big Racket Store. attention I Choice Ever-Blooming Roses in varie ties, Bedding Plants, Colens, Heliotropes, Tuberose Bulbs, Moon Vines, &c. Choice Cut Flowers, Boquets, and Floral Designs, Evergreens, Magnolias and Shade Trees, Cabbage, Tomato and Egg Plants. Also Choice Flower Seeds, and in fact everything usually kept in my line. Ad dress. II. STEINMETZ, Florist, mr2G3m Raleigh, N. C. T. A. Clayton, Aeent of the Farmers' Union Commercial Associa tion of Louisiana, (limited). 198 Gravier St., New Orleans, La. Headquarters for purchase of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and Rice, and for sale of Cotton, Staves and all countrv produce. mr96Cm l The Great Discovery! Pomona Hill Nurseries, POMONA, N. C, Two and ajialf miles west of Greens boro, N. C. The main line of the R. & D.' R. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and. Fruit growing are cordial ly invited to inspect this the largest nursery in the State and one among the largest in the South. The proprietor has for many years visited the leading Nurseries North and "West and corresponded with those of foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit the South, both native and foreign. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that many agents going out from Greensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they are representing these nur series. Why do they do it? Lo; the public answer. I have in stock growing (and can show visitors the same) the largest and best stock of trees, &c, ever shown or seen in any two nurseries in North Carolina, consisting of apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, Japanese persimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Russian apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruits: Strawberry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rhubard,. asparagus, ever greens, shade trees, roses, &c. Give your order to my authorized agent or order direct from the nur sery. Correspondence solicited. Des criptive catalogues free to applicants. Address ' J. Van Lindley, Pomona, Guilford county,jST. C. SEE-WHAT ; Mrs, Joe Person's Wash Will Ss Chronic Bilious Colic, . 3 A New Departure. Farmers' Bone Fertilizer.! A Home Product for Cotton, Tobacco and Grain. MANUFACTURED BY Tarfcoro Oil Mills, TARBORO, N. C. Fdr sale at all points by Agents. If not sold in your town, write to II. K. NASH, JR., Secretary and Manager, Tarboro. N. C. This is a home enterprise; belongs to no trust and deserves the patronage of the North Carolina farm ers. fel93m MONEY TO LOAN ! On long time and easy payments, in sums of $300 and upwards, to be secured by first mortgage on improved farm lands. Apply to PACE, HOLDING & IIECK. Attorneys, oc306m Raleigh, N. C. 'As a family medicine for general use I consider Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy ahead of anything I have ever seen ; we try it for everything, on man and beast, and like a good friend, it is always ready to help us. I was a frequent sufferer from severe attacks of colic; at such times J would take a big dose, a wineglass and a half full, which always gave me immediate rejief, and its continued use has entirely cured me of the trouble. Being a farmer, I frequently jjiave accidents among my stock. On one occasion I poured some of the Wash on a hog which had been badly bitten and torn by dogs, and the places were alive with vermin ; as soon as the Wash touched the affected parts the vermin would leave and there was no further trouble. I have saved two valu able head of stock by an application of the Wash, and, unlike other things usually used, it is perfectly painless. I think all farmers who own stock should try this great remedy. In such cases, it is worth its weight m gold. If all knew the worth of your Remedy and Wash, I do not think you could supply the demand. ARCH. C. WOODY, Bethel Hill, Person Co., N. C. Address . . MRS. JOE PERSON, Kittrell, N. C. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP! On Salisbury Btreet, in rear of Julius Lewis & Co.'s Hardware Store. Andrews & Goodwin. We have formed co-partnership and opened a large new brick Blacksmith Shop, fitted up for work in all its branches. Our workmen are expe rienced men at their trade, and work entrusted to us will be done in the very best manner and with promptness. . . r Horseshoeing and Stesl Working a Specially. We have a Woodshop attached, and are prepared for all kinds of Wagon repairing, &c. Give us a trial. R. M.ANDREWS, jal53m W. II. J. GOODWIN. AND -ALLIANCE MEN Can save many Thousand Dollars Yearly by order ing Fruit Trees and all kinda of Nur sery Stock from the GREENSBORO NURSERIES. Special rates to Clubs and xVlliances. Wrire for prices. Our low rates will surprise vou. Address, GREENSBORO NURSERIES, mrl21m Greensboro, N. C. Pnosnnatic LIME. Manufactured from the bones and petrified faeces of Ante-diluvian animals. Be6t and cheapest Fer tilizer yet discovered. Effects on cotton and corn astonishing. Keeps insects and worms ont of the soil. Send for descriptive circular with certificates from many of the best farmers in the country. To lis M:::z of lis farmers' .Alliance : Phosphatic Lime can be used in the CMPOST HEAP, in ihe DRILL, and on the SURFACE AFTER THE CROP IS UP. The nature of lime is to work down in ihe soil. It n v r evaporates, i.d in many place it is used Js lLate as July. Address, FRKNCII BROS., delStf Uocky Point, N. C. OFFICE OF 7 S. WITTKOWSKY, Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 20, 1889. By Pa:', Fhii, and Perseverancs - I have established the. largest WHOLESALE HOUSE In North Carolina, and am prewired to compete in prices with any- reliable Wholesale House in the United States, and can make it of interest to all those buying to sell again in the following lines, viz.: BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, , v DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. S. WITTKOWSKY. fe263m AWARDED BY THE VIRGINIA EXPOSITION At Richmond, Ya., On the 1888 Tobacco Crop, .v- - , FOR THE Finest Lemon O61ored. "Wrappers, Finest Lemon Colored Cutters, Finest Lemon Oolored Smokers. The above Tobacco was grown with G. OBER & SOXS COMPANY'S SPECIAL COMPOUHD FOR TOBACCO. i The BEST Fertilizer is always the cheapest. Certificates can be furnished by the thousand if desired. 'ihe Tobacco Display at the Virginia Exposition was the finest the World has ever seen. On sale at most of the Tobacco Markets. If no agent in your section, address, CHARX.ES watkins, Director in G. Ober & Sons Co., at Richmond, Va. THE PREMIER FLOUR OF AMERICA. 4E SIJPATAPSCO FLO URIHG MILLS Fruit and Grape Grower, A 16-pae monthly devoted to fruit growing and horticulture, but chiefly to fruit culture. It is the or ean ol the Piedmont Penological and Horticultural Society, is a standard journal on pomology, and the only one South of the Potomac river. Sample copies with premium lists, five cts. Published at Charlottes ville, a. The Georgia Farmer, Published at Barnesville, Georgia, on the 1st and loth of each month, is an eight nae interesting ?hTpubli?h?,in the &v4 ofeicuiSSSf f nf inmere , AUjaD?e- 11 "always filled with use ful information to farmers from the pens of erne thenfarat?d eucce88ful farmere- the paper for CLUB RATES. The yearly subscription of the Georgia Farmer e a0 cents, rfo any one getting us a club of ten kt 35 cents each we will send the Parmer free six months and for a club of twenty will send Farmer free one year. Send for sample copy. Addrees inrSfiat GEORGIA FARMER, mr383t BarnesvUle, Ga. ESTABLISHED 1774 atent ZESpller Plours ARE -MANUFACTURED FROM THE Filjie Jersey Bull for "Sale Registered A. J. C. C. 19,046. age three years. Rarest bargain eAer offered. Address ' R. L. STROUD, Chapel Hill, N. C. Tie Holstein Bull. For which Baltimore as a Market Stands 'Pre-eminent. Their superiority for UNIFORMITY- STRENGTH, and UNAPPROACH ABLE FLAVOR has long, been acknowledged. Our Patapsco Su perlative Patent stands unrivalled. Of a Rich, Creamy Color, it makes a bread that will suit the most fastidious. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Patapsco Superlative Patent, Roland Choice Patent, ZEtapsco 3.1137" IFaiterxt, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA, BALDWIN FAMILY, MAPLETON FAMILY, SEVEN MILLS EXTRA, HOWARD MILLS EXTRA. O. ;A.. G-lM:BEIIL,L, M'F'G CO., Sl4r Commerce St., ; - ; - - - - Baltimore. Raleigh Ho 5,411. Sire, Sulianes Selatin, 489, Dam, Dottie, D. P., 817, calved August 23, 1886, is offered for eale. He is a finely bred bull, well grown not vicious, and will be sold low. Certifi cate of registry furnished. Apply to THOS. B. WILDER, mrch 12-lm Louisburg, N. C. G. M. ALLEN. WM. CRAM. , ALLEN & CRAM, Raleigh, C, Founders i Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Engines and Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills, Cotton Presses, Cotton Seed',' Crushers, Brick Making Ma- ' chinery, Boiler Feeders, FARM MACHINERY AND AGENTS FOR Smith's Cotton Gins, Feeders anfl Condensers. . Address all orders to ALLEN fc OEAM - Raleigh, . N. C. L W. "W" A T S O 1ST. PHOTOGRAPHER, RALEIGH,N. Is prepared to make Photographs, Portraits ix Crayon, India Ink. Water Colors, OiL Ac. All executed in the highest excellence of the Art. P01 particulars call at 2?o. 131, Payetteville Street." : , jun301y. - ALFRED D. JONES. .HERBERT E. NORRI9, of Apex. JONES & NORRTS, Attorneys at Law, Raleigh, N. Cr - Office in Court House over Clerk's office. Practice in the counties of Wake, Harnett, Chatham and Moore, State and Federal courts. Loans negotiated and prompt attention given to collection of claims. . mr261m T. "W. COX No. 13 West Habgett St., Raleigh, JST. O. To my farming friends and the public generally. T wish to eay that I have on hand and can furnish t full line of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelr?. Gold and Steel Spectacles, and do all kinda of Watch and Clock and Jewelry Repairing as low as honest labor and material can be put together. fCAU AND SEE ME. fe91 Attention, Alliance I The Progressive Age, a f6rty-eight column, endif page paper devoted to the promotion of the Farmers AJyanee, and as a newmedinm it has no equal. Its entire outfit is owned and controlled by the Farmers Alliance of Sooth Alabama. Subscription price one dollar per year, cash in advance. Send for specimen copy to The Alliance Publishing Co., Georgian, AI. J. J. Stewart and Ed. Williams, Ilome Editors and Business Manager's . mr2Gtf GEORGIA . Farmers Alliance Advocate. The only stricilv Alliance paper in ths State. Subscription, $1.00 per annum in advance. , EIGHT PAGES, FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS. Our paper is conceded to be the best Alliance, paper printed in the State. Send for a sample copy. au"rf, A1J V UVAXJS. mr202m Montezuma, GtL 4r6tn YEAR! The Southern Cultivator and Dixie Farmer the. great farm, industrial and stock journal of the South.. One year for one dollar. Sample copies will be mailed free on application to THE C ULTI VATOR PUBLISHING CO., :' mr263m . Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. 6C The most Extensive Pure Bred LIVE STOCK Establishment in the World. New - Importations constantly arriving ; f1 unequalled collec 1 tions ; superior qual- 1 Itv: choicest breeding Clydesdales, - Percheronsj ;v ; French Drafts. English Shires. Ilolstein-Friesian and Devon Cattle, Standard Bred Trotters, : French Coachers, . Cleveland Bays,. carriage Horses, Saddle Horses, Keal Estate, STKAW2ERR7, SHAPE, PEACH AND EEC PACKAGES, Send for circulars and prices. W. Ij. Baxter, General Agent, Ridgeway, 2?.C. outh Iidb anufactujg PETERSBURGf-, VA. .. 123 and 125 FayetteviUe St., 12i and 126 Wilmington St, RAIjESIC-H, o. . Iceland, Shetland and Welsh Ponies. Our customers have the advantage of out many years' experience in breeding and importing ; opportunity of comparing different breeds, &c. No other Establishment in the World offers such Advantages to the Purchaser. PRICES LOW! TERMS EASY! Visitors Welcome. Correspondence Solicited. Cir culars Free. POWELL BROTHERS, Springbpro, Crawford Co., Pa. When you write, mention The Progressive Farmer. THE DORCAS MAGAZINE is full of useful information on Woman's Handi work: Knitting, Crotchet-work, Embroidery, Art Needlework, and other household topics of prac tical character. Every lady should subscribe for it. Price, 50c. a year. Address The Dorcas Magazine, 19 Park Place, New York. DRY GOODS, CARPETS, SHOES, &C. .: Special selling., Agents for W. H. WETMOEE & CO.'S CELEBRATED HAND-MADE SHOES. We are prepared to sell the farmers of Wake and adjoining counties their Dry Goods, Shoes. Ac. at lower prices than any other house in the trade. We carry the largest stock in the State, and only substantial, honest goods nothing shoddy: and sell them at prices lower than other houses sell worthless goods. , ; - All our Spring Goods are now in store, and we are "ready for work. We cordially invite the farmers and their families lo come and see us. W- PI. Sc tt. S. TUCKER 3c CO. JEWELLER AND PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, RALiEIGrH, IN". O- Alliance KomV:: Sadge. DURABLE GOLD PLATE. AUTHORIZED BY ALLIANCE ! Delivered free, on receipt of price. Lach -ZS rta. : per dozen, $2.40; gross, $24.00. Write for prices of Alliaiice ReytHa Badges and Seals. MANUFACTURED BY THE BRADLEY M' FG CO., de86m 210 Main Street, Fort Wi.rth, Texas. For tie lest Photopaplis, GO TO Wharton's Gallery, 119 FayetteviUe St.. Raleigh, N. C. Phofoyrujths of alt sizw, from f 'nrl t Life Size. Kirpeeial attention ffivn to :pyinf old Pictures. fVji) Farmers' ' Allianca Regu lation Heavy Metal, Beantif ully Gold Plated 75 cents each. . The Pin is exact size of cut shown herewith. Address all orders to Dallas Engraving Co., Dallas, Tex. Seals delivered in North Carolina for $2.40. Send for Illustrated Circular of Seals, Pins and Reralia; v . Refer bv Dermission to Mr. C. W. Macune, I'reai- dent N. JF, A.. and. C. U. of A. seal nmi umi mm, sic, MADE TO ORDER, ujhs vjvul 10 xv, xuxx uri-VJ rial J3n J . AND WEDDING RINGS, ANti 'i SIZE AND WEIGHT Send for prices, and save 25 per cent. Sleigh. AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2, 3, AND 4 OZ, COIN SILVER CASES, HADE TO OSDES FOR ALLIANCE KEN, . ;. : ; Soljd'fiold Spettaeles atfinlte,: -; ' at $3.75, Usual Fries $5.00. : Me Focused Solid Bold Spset&cles at ' 15,29, Usual Fiite $6.50. Sent post-paid anywhere, on receipt of' prices. State age, occupation and how long elasset - nave ueen worn, or sena your old glasseft, which we will return with the new pair. Wfr'.-v .)ave large experience ana can guarantee satisfaction. J3est Qiaality Seal Presses, To Farmers' Alliances in . North Carolina ani Virginia at $210 Ai DELIVERED FREE K. AN WINKLE & CO.. ATLANIW, GEOllGM, & ft o w 02 1 1 tt cej H rfj yjr S3 n - Eh O EH EH O H H O o : Hi ' ' j- o is Hi l-l Awarded Four Gold Medals at the Texas State Fair for the "best Ginnirip: Mn- chrneiy. Gold Medal at Internationa! Cotfon rv-rsr:on. ..Atlanta, ana Charleston. S. C. Z71v--t r. i;:u ;u ''tu lij. In. vl., Fixli: " rite for ..Prices- and. Discounts. -

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