8 THE FARMER, JULY 16, 1889. PROGRESSIVE SEVENTY THOUSAND LAW-; YERS. David Dudley Field, the oldest lawyer in active practice now living, and not far from the forefront of the profession, has given to the world his views on the modern bar. He says that the average lawyer of to-day 13 not averse to seeking business by urg ing people to go to law for a division of what may be made out of the suit; -that the lawyers that can't get legiti mate business must create litigation, or seek some other method of making & living. Of course, Mr. Field con demns all this as " dishonorable and disreputable," but he candidly ac knowledges the fact that such prac tices prevail. A cause must be found for this state of affairs, and the great New "York advocate thinks he has discov ered it. There are too many lawyers for the population. By the census of 1880 there were 50,000,000 people m the United States, and 70,000 law yers, one to each 715 people. In franco in the same year there were -40,000,000 people and 6000 lawyers, or one to each 6667 of the population. It need occasion no wonder, therefore, to learn that courts are beiDg multi plied in this country; that the number of judges is being increased, and that the dockets of the courts are over crowded, and the judges in a constant flurry to keep up with the ever on ward march of litigation. And as decisions increase in number, prece dents thereby, multiply, successful lawyers are largely becoming those who can find in the multitudinous and multifarious volumes of reports of thirty-eight States, and of the United States courts the latest judical pronun ciamento on the question in dispute. It is clearly a matter of chance, or rather of industry, and the client who has the lawyer of stronger constitu tion and greater perseverance is more than apt to win: It is thus clearly the duty of the press to advocate the adoption by our young men of other spheres of activ ity than that of law. When our aver age rises to that of France, then and not till then should the legal fac tories our law schools resume Tations. Times-Democrat. ope- CONGRESS AND FARMERS' STITUTES. IN- "VVe observe that a number of our exchanges are inclined to question the wisdom of the appropriation by Con gress of $2,000 to each State to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Agriculture for Institute meetings. We think, however, it is occasioned by a misapprehension as to the manner of use of this $2,000. It might, indeed, become an injury if the Secretary should take the man agement out of the hands of those who in each State are well acquainted with the wants of the section, and presume to dictate who should speak ' and teach in all places. But this would be a stretch of authority which could not be expected, as even a small portion of common sense must be ac corded to any person occupying the position of a member of the Presi dent's Cabinet. Give us the $2,000 and the Institutes in all our States. Maryland Farmer. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP ! On Salisbury street. In rear of Julius Lewis & Co.'s Hardware store. Andrews & Goodwin. We have formed co-partnership and opened a large new brick Blacksmith Shop, fitted up for work in all Its branches. Our workmen are expe rienced men at their trade, and work entrusted to us will be done In the very beet manner and with promptness. Borsestoing ad Stesl Working a Sjsciallj, We have a Woodshop attached, and are prepared for all kinds of Wasron repairing:, Jtc. - Give us a trial. R- M. ANDREWS, jal53m W. H. J. GOODWIN. OHE-P SOAP! Send 10 cent silver and prepaid self- addressed envelope for recipe for making soaD for less than one cent per pouna. Reauires no crease, and can be made in 25 minutes. Rend at once for recipe and premium list Address, ni mrt J u: Ml li HIV apl6 Allenton, Robeson Co., JN. U. ir or Sale! Three thoronrt-bred Jersey Bulls one year old. aay ior service wis spring. and reared here, their ancestors are accli- entitled to registration, ready for service DroDDed and reared here, their anceeto mated, lneir sire is Aioert scopes rogis, wnuee Krrlce fee alone Is 25. Their Dams are exceptioa- illv rich, each el vine more than four callOns of milk per day. Price, $50 each. jaStf W. G. UPCHTJRCH, Raleigh. N. C. 4.YCOCK fc DANIELS, OOLDSBOBO, N. C, C. C. DANIELS WILSON, N. C. AYCOCK & DANIELS & DANIELS, Attorn eys-at-Law, - V WILSON, N. C. Any business entrusted to us will be promptly ittended to. apl61m Fruit and Grap Grower, horticulture, but chiefly to ournaT on pomology, and the A. 16-page monthly devoted i. iigrowine irun cnn re. 11 is in iv one sontn oi tne rotomac river, sampj with nremium lists, five cts. Published at Charlottes- ?an of the Piedmont Pomological and Horticultural journal on pomology, i one South of the Potomac river. Sample copies Society, is a standard onl 1 premium lists, five cts Tllle, Va. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS - - AND " iMIusical Instruments Can be purchased by the FARMERS' ALLIANCE it special reaucea rates rrom iium-c, a CO.. Richmond. Norfolk or Portsmouth, Va. Writ for catalogues and discounts. fWIn sending in your orders, please state whether tovare a member of the Farmers' Alliance. se46m LIGHT FOR THE FARMERS ! Herosene aid Fratfc's Astral Oils, Cheap ! H. Lee at early morning . Will sell it Call at stables of Mr. Ed or from 12 to 2 p. m., or after sundown. cheap. ALFRED JONES. mrl21m ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, IsT O. The Advent Term. THE 95TH SEMI-ANNUAL SES SION BEGINS THURSDAY, SEP TEMBER 12TH, 1889. For Catalogue, address the Rector, REV. BENNETT SHEDES, A. H, Jel83m. TKADE CAEDS ! Trade Cards, Trade Cards ! Trxds Cards'! Trads Cards ! Trade Cards! Twenty-five cents per 100, 500 for $1.00. Send ordars to Edwards & Broughton, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. O. THE FARMER, The BactMejHlie Country! It is a conceded fact in the minds of every busi ness man that the commercial status of every com munity is greatly dependent on the farmers of our -country ; in fact, so much so that should ill fortune visit the fields of our never ceasing toilers, then the merchants of our city would be forced .to retreat. Therefore, let us as business men aid and shield the "the farmers," whom I consider the hackboneof every community, from every impediment that is -likely to retard their progress. Mr. L. C. Bagwell, having removed his stock of - Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes and everything in the Undertaking line, to the corner of East Martin and South Blount Sts., is folly prepared to accom modate everybody, both in the city and elsewhere, mii the necessary equipments to give entire satis SSpf J116 mo?. careful attention given to all w l day or night. We heartily recommend M ruo-un . v,nn. man or mit? : p, - nd full eatiRf at; ,7Ti u. u,ul.liloimt st8- BUeyalSi 1)6 eitended ln most Attention, Alliance! The Proaressive Aae. a forty-eight column! elch. Alliance, and as a news medium it has no equal. It Alliance of South Alabama. Subscription price on dollar per year, cash in advance. Send for specimei copy to Tne Alliance FuDiisning uo., ueorgiana, Ala J. J. Stewart and Ed. Williams, Home Ed Business Manager's itors and mr2etf FOR SALE ! Magnolia, Gcrandiflora. For the richnes of its foliage, the beauty of its nowers, ana tne majeeuc naDit 01 tne tree it nas no superior. I also have a fine stock of Evergreens and Shade Trees suitable for lawn street or cemetery planting. Also Raspberry plants in variety; Tomato ana uaboage i'lants during spring months. Prices on application. e A. B. FORREST. mr53m "How to Get Richm the SontL" Telling what to do, how to do it, and profits realized. This Is the most complete work ever pub lished on the South. It tells all about stock rais ing, grasses, hay-making, fruit culture, trucking, &c. It will pay any man to have this valuable cloth-bound volume. Endorsed by the press and prominent statesmen rrom Virginia to Texas. Sent poit-paid to any address for $1.00. J. E. RUE, fe261m P. O. Box No. 4. Littleton. N. C. Highest Cash Price paid for Bones deliv ered at any Depot in North Carolina. Ad dress: N. C. Phosphate Co., Raleigh, N. C. Patent Well Fixture! Tflfi Host CflmTi el Well Fill nf ih kit ! - - - - " " m-m II fH Willi VI M V llgV I v. ... xi is simple, ana nothing to get out of order. No more children hurt 1 No more blistered hands I No morespoiiea tempers 1 A child six years old can ucratc ik wiuium tne ieui aanger, as It has a S elf-A. oting Break. Price reduced from f 15.00 to S10.00 to Farmer' Alliance. Write for Circulars. WHITE BROS., Mebane, N. C. I congratulate you on having the best water-lift- pparatus 1 ever saw. j. A . nvrrrna. ei3m Pres't Bank of Winaton -w n $500 Reward! We will MT tne above nwnl fn liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indiges- constipation or eostiveness wb cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the direc tions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For uc ut u urosgwjw. ueware or counterfeits and uiiiuiuuuB. 1 ae eenume JOHN C. WEST GEORGIA Farmers Alliance Advocate. The only strictly Alliance paper in the State. Subscription, $1.00 per annum in advance EIGHT PAGES, FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS. Our paper is conceded to be the best Aflianc paper printed in the State. Send for a sample copy Address, ADVOCATE. mr262m Montezuma, Ga. CROWN JEWEL AND PERFECTION CARPET SWEEPERS, THE BEST, 1HE CHEAPEST, THE MOST D URABLE. COLD WEATHER WILL COME, ICE WILL FORM. AND WE HAVE THE BEST NICKEL PLATED, ALL CLAMP STEEL Only $1.50 per Pair, Dblitkrid at Your Nearest Express Office. THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS, DRaJeigli, 3ST. O. POTATO SLIPS. I will have sweet potato slips ready to set out Dy April 2oth. Prices are as fol lows: Barbadoes, per 1,000, $1.00 Early Norton Yams, per 1.000, $1.50 Sugar Yam, per 1,000, $1.50: Early Red Peabody, per 1,000, $1.50. Reduced prices for large quantities. Address, J. C. L. Harris, Raleigh, N. C. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds ! Fresh from the bosom of North Carolina soil ; and better adapted to cotton and tobacco lands than any seeds in the world. Except my Buncombe cabbage, and three or four novelties which I sell at ten cents I send everything postpaid at cents per package. Send for catalogue. J. W. VANDIVER, Seedsman, Weaverville. N. C. SECURE A HOI Bnllding Lots Only $30 Eacl! The undersigned takes this method of informing :he public that he is prepared to sell building lots at Ajsoury, jn. u., only six miles rrom tne city or Kaj sigh, on the North Carolina and the Raleigh A Au gusta Railroads. Persons who take advantage of this opportunity and - build at Asbury will have the benefits and advantages of the city without any of its expenses. The trains on both roads, going Bast and West, make regular stoppages, morning and evening, and it is only a matter of ten or fifteen minutes ride between the two stations. The lots. which are 80 feet front by 210 feet deep, are sold at tne small price of $ 30.00 a lot. Tne lots are going rapidly ana those wno wisn to purcnase snouia make application at once to SAMUEL J. IRELAND. Or J. S. Hampton. Raleigh. N. C. Where it is not convenient to pay whole amount cash, payments may be made by installments; title reservea until run payments are maae. Lots donated for schools and manufacturing pur ooees. BE IN TIME WITH YOUR FERTILIZER FOR PEAS I BUY LIME PHOSPHATE, THE CHEAPEST AND SAFEST FERTILIZER IN THE MARKET You can grow more stock-food with peas, and shade your land at same time, than any other way. Improve your lands and make food for your stock, and thus get more manure to compost most and best for the money. Lime Phosphate will flo this Better to any other Fertilizer! It is first-rate for corn at laying-by. Write for term3. isr. o. fhosfh-A-te: co., ja86m RALEIGH. USE ' ALLISON & ADDISON'S "STAR BRAND." FEET ILIZEES FOR fTobacco,Cotton,Corn, &c WW i ALLISON & ADDISON, MANUFACTURERS, These f ertilizers now need no recommendation from us, as they have a standard reputation of over 20 years, and the most successful farmers and planters everywhere in Virginia and North Carblina testify to their superior merits. The constantly increasing demand is the best evidence of their value. Every bag is guaranteed to be of standard quality. For further particulars, address SUMM W CQ 02 CQ O o CQ Bent-wood Churns, THE BEST Tobacco Flues, REFRIGERATORS. M W 0 O CQ hi I t W CQ o IiAND FOR SALE ! I offer for sale my farm, containing about 830 acres, located twelve miles north of Charlotte and three miles from the town of Huntereville, on the A. T. & O. R. R. The farm lies on both sides of McDowell's Creek. Will sell the whole in one tract, or will divide into small farms to suit pur chasers. Terms easy. , Price moderate. For further information, address the undersigned. in JOHN W. MOORE, s43m Hunteraville, N. C. The Georgia Farmer, Published at Barnesville, Georgia, on the 1st and iaiu oi eaca monin, is an eight page, mterestln paper, puDiisnea m the Interest of Agriculture an tne farmers' Alliance. It is always filled with nee ful information to farmers from the pens of expe rienced and successful farmers. It is the paper for the farmer. CLUB RATES. The yearly subscription of the Georgia Farmer is 50 cents. To any one getting us a club of ten at 35 cents each we will send the Farmer free six months, nd for a club of twenty will send Farmer free one fear. Send for sample copy. Address, GEORGIA FARMER, mr263t Barnesville, Ga. THE NORTH CAE0LINA Home Insurance OF -:RALEIG-H5 3ST. q Insures Against Loss Co, Tins Company has b6ftT, in Successful Oper tion for Sixteen Years. W,&PMMRQS"7 . p W. a. UPCHURCH, Vice Pre ? CHAS. ROOT, - Sec. and Trea p.cowper, - . Tf:urer- "busier. SMITH SONS GIN AND MACHINEcS! Birmingham ? Alabama, MANUFACTURERS OF "'P 1 1 - "j 'ij, , jj "3. y Iwdi 11 ill life - Jp Ilk & V7fs '' Ju " .-7.--; "uTbiUHT The Smith Improved Plain Breast Gin, The Smith Hull and Seed Separator Gin, FEEDERS JNJD CONDENSERS. For descriptive Catalogue and prices, write to Birmingham, Ala., office, or to S. F. HOUSTON, Charlotte, N. C. jell4m CARD WELL'S THRESHER & CLEANER! Mounted on 2 and 4 wheels, with self- regulating blast and tailings elevator, wastes no grain, cleans perfectly, and for simplicity of construction, easy of management, clean and rapid threshinsr. tliev are without a rival. We make them of vari ous sizes to salt and warrant them to ii give satisfaction. Buy of "the IvLKer. MZ anifsLotxr ed. by the CARDWELL MA-CHHSTE CO., RICHMOND, VA. aplGCm G F For tlie 2SJ"ew Justices of tlie Peace ! BUSBEESN. C. JUSTICE AND FORM BOOK REVISED AND EN LARGED EDITION. The new edition of this popular hand-book for Justices of the Peace and other County Officers is the best book of the kind ever issued in the State. It is printed in good large type and can be easily read. it tt has received the endorsement of several .TiirlfreR of the Srmrpm fnnrt nf North Carolina as to its value to the Magistrate and other County Officers, and this gives the book an importance which attaches to no other book of the kind ever published in the State. v It is the cheapest Law Book ever published in the State, embracing nearly COO paea, 362 Forms, Rules of Interest and Table of Days, Law Dictionary and a perfect index ; is strongly bound in leather, and will be mailed, post-paid, to any address on receipt of price, $2.00. J8S A Special Discount is made when five or more copies are ordered at one time. Agents wanted, and liberal commissions allowed. Send orders to the publishers, WILLIAMS 5c CO., Booksellers and Stationers, Raleigh, C. HARDWARE- m m 0 Pi i t 1 H CQ CD CS W CQ CQ CQ o CQ CQ M o O W CQ 0 CO w c3 i-H ID b H 0 HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. JTTLITJS LEWIS & CO. Chicago, HI. manniactnred nnlv w., ou6 w . AiaaiBon street, World's Best. Wert's Liver Pills, a sure cure for 14. uvcr tojuymwi. uyppepeia. sick neadache, and indi kcouuu. ou puis izoc. jsoia ojjita. McKImmon mally A AXTBXD D. JONIS. HXRBXKT X. ffln -- - JONES A NORMS, Attorneys at Law, Raleigh, N. C. Office ill Conrt TTrtnoA nvw mt-'a m. t mine conntip nf wVo Trmaf rv-v Moore, SUte and Federal courts. Loans neeotiated ajJU prompt attention given to collection ofclaiins. mreim .A.T W. G. SEPAEKS' OjSTE price cash store, 16 E. Hargett and S08 "Wilmington Sts.. EALBIGH, 3ST. C. "sreSxr "WANT GUMS, REVOLVERS, AMMUNITIOfi, Pishing Tackle. Base Ban NETS, RAZORS, 1 XCustnUl Mm G. W. HARDER, Williamsport, Pa. New Line of Pall and Winter CLOTHING and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS and MILLINERY GOODS, arriving daily. I IWITE AH niSPECTIOIT OF H Y STOCK ! In r rf ) tL-iSCv 2r JJ nr. GRINDING lo A fee m th arj && go ye in on mc loc bej vir I i anc in I firn fFii The BEST IQILLon EARTH S hasonraivTTViiATTnirintAnHM tnnrTentbreakMsDOr" U lrm MctdMtJly get UU Mill. Other laprTeaaU Upt MM t EAR CORN with SHUCKS on. A arreat saving of feed as well as labor of II" 1L. ! it h mrtirnilT on wuicaiiig ennas any ana aii oioer iuub w VI)ir. than ca be obtained with any other Hill. . imp- VE CUARArJTEE,yx:fSj5Si Sarts considered. Sent on trial to responsible P"1- te(j. rnmerona sizes for all Powers. All foU7je?& v Band for XUuBtrated -J3 r?M4a. w.-at 0mmmm)mp''a'a ' Catalogue. " r Engines, BoUere, Saw Mill Ontflta, Dry Kilns, Lath Machines, Planers and all kdsof W. 1C i 1 at" ft i) i : fa . .tl .--.. J lu JK VOTT n A TsT GET A beautiful RegLter (iUustrated) of OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE and BUSC" COLLEGE telling: all about that celebrated School You should do this if you con -r-n -r- -CP T71 T X Jo-. . .or pr template patronizing any scnooi nv' pares ior pares ior -r-ri"pX)nt TEACHING, FOE BUSINESS, OR FOE OOLW 219 Stnent u.t This School is finely located in the Piedmont r k Ter N. C.,near Greensboro, 'where good beard can be hjd low. It .Jmb V and iiox ings, fine study halls, and elegantly rcrnisnea oociew g completely equipped One of the few &st -class High Schools m the 4tf I Address, I . J. A & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C.

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