THE PKOGKESSlVE FAEMER, SEPTEMBER 24, 1889. 6 r ; s !il ! ? i ' ! : i I : 1 !' ' if i Hi ;hi ."! t ' i jit 1!) : & r !l : I f ' i 1 - i ; ; ft ! ; ; i : AN INTERESTING LECTURE. Mb. Editob: It was the pleasure of the writer to near Uro. u. r Meacham lecture on the 10th and 1 1th insL. at Middle Creek and Enno Alliances.. The audiences were not as large as I wish they had been, nor as they would have been had there been longer notice given or. tne ap pointments. Yet 1 nope gooa win re. sfilt as thfl audiences were composed M interested hearers. Bro. Meacham is doing a good work on the right line under the auspices oi our county Executive Committee. Our brethren need to be informed and stirred upon the vital issues that are pending and so soon to fix the destinies of the masses of our laboring and wealth producing people. This information and. stimulus must be given by the few newspapers that are published in the interest of this class of people and by lectures, and we have so many non-reading citizens we must rely much upon sober, sound, sensible speeches to do the work and induce people to read more and think and act more wisely for themselves. ;J hope the people of Wake county will not fail to hear our brother in his further fulfillment of appointments. Yours fraternally, - H. W. IN ORRIS. AN ESSAY. Delivered by the Worthy Assistant Lecturer, Sister Lizzie A. Marshbum, Before the Catharine Lake Lodge, No. 241, of Onslow County, Sept. 7, 1889. Mb. President, Brethren and Sisters: I reckon T must say some thing to-day, but it will be dry and uninteresting, as usual; nevertheless, I am full to the brim of the Alliance, but cannot express myself. I can go to a certain extent: I just tell you I am so thankful I belong to this grand and noble unioD,.I cannot express my delight. WheD I hear this noble word "Alliance," I wonder if it takes the same effect on everybody alike. I am sure if it did all would be more punctual in attending the meetings. Why is it that the farmer and labor ing class generally, have got no self will or resolution of their own ? It is a great mystery to me; there are some exceptions, but as a general rule they have been ever ready to link their destinies with any political aspi rant who can get up and deliver a flowery address of misrepresentations -with a few anecdotes in to please their fancy; but let a brawny-handed farmer with good hard practical sense get up and talk business without the anec dotes, and he is put down as a dull and stupid old dunce. How is it that so many stay away? -Because we have no flowery orator. There are some members who have never been here since we changed our meeting place. Will not some one ask those brethren and sisters if they would not like to come to our Alliance meeting one time more ? I tell you, brethren , and sisters, we ought to have self-will and be a persevering, go ahead people; not wait for one another. Suppose we all were to pull back and wait, do you thinks we would ever accomplish anything ? What do people join the Alliance for if they do not intend to come ? I tell you, my friends, it is like excuses about going to church: they say, " I would go if I had a new dress or new pants; my hat is torn; my face is too poor and wrinkley; I am too ugly; I haven't shaved; I don't feel like in fact I can't get . ready in time." And just such excuses are continually being made. Is it to show our new clothing that we are here? Sure we are not here for such pur pose as that; if so, I am really sorry for all in the great Hereafter. Of course I am glad to see as many out to-day; we must work the harder and learn the more. There is something for each one of us to do; so don't be idle, but be up and doing; "work while it is yet day, for -the night cometh when no man can work." We have a great many- young men. in our country who are farmers and laboring .men's sons. What do they know of this life, and what do they think of ? Why, they just think of getting a wife. Well, what kind of a man is he ? what is his profession ? does he belong to this great body the Alli ance ? Yes, he belongs to the Alli ance; he is a very industrious and in telligent young man, hard-working, brawny hands, sunburnt and care worn; he is a farmer who tills the great soil, t and his cash is there, his purse is heavy, and if he is out of money, he has something to sell to get his dollar. What kind of a wife does he want and need ? Why, of course he wants one who knows how to , work to advantage; one who will help . him . and not be a burden and who has a loving disposition, one who will1 give him a cheering smile and a word of comfort. " " Brethren and sisters, do you find such as these every day ? I tell you they are hard to find. We must try to cultivate these good traits of char acter, and beware of hard feelings to ward our fellow-men. Let us come together as a unit and say "united we stand, divided we fall." So let us be up and doing and try to . leave some works of remembrance behind. We may not become famous as statesmen or writers, but if we will we may make our lives true and worthy and noble, for. 11 Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, " And departing, leave behind us Foot-prints on the sands of time. Oh, how noble that would be ? -Now let each one of us try to do our duty; let us ask God to help us 'in this blessed work; ask him in faith and with all our hearts; He will not hear us if we turn from Him when he bids us come; He loves us stilly " One heart encircle all that live And blesses great and small, And mee it i that each should give His little to the all." By order of the Executive Committee of Wake county Alliance, in conformity to a resolution passed in the County Alli ance, August 23d, 1889, D. P. Meacham will lecture at the following Sub-Alliances on the principles and purposes of the Alliance, the condition and depression of the producing classes, and remedy, on the days as' follow : Eagle Rock, Roelnborg, -Social Plains, Samaria, 1 , Little Rock, Garner, Mackling Springs, Holly Springs, Thomas Creek, Tuesd'y,Sept24,10 " Wed'dy, " 25, 11 Th'rady, " 26,1 p.m. Fridav, " 27,1 " Satnrdy " 28, 11 a. m. Moi day ' 80, 8 p. m. Tuesday Oct 1, 10 a. m. Wed'dy " 2, 10 a. m. Thurd'y 44 8, 11 a. m. Saturd'y 44 5, 11 a nr. Monday 44 7, 1 p. m. Tuesday 44 8, 11 a. m. Wed'dy 44 9, 11 a. m. Thurd'y 44 10, 11 a. m. Fridav 11, 11 a. m. Saturdy 44 12, 11 a. m. Aebery. Pine Level, LeeBville, Soapetone, Boics, Sandy Plains, New Light, Timely notice will be given of other appointments, as all the Sub-Alliances in the county are to be visited. All farmers and laborers and the general public are cordially invited to attend these meetings, and bring your wives and daughters. The brethren' will ' 'please secure house room to be used in the event of bad weather, as the appointments are to be filled regardless of the weather. GET A SEAL. If you write to the State Secretary, the Business Agent, the Trustee, the Presi dent or the Chairman of the Executive Committee, do so under seal of your Alli ance, now can these cmcers know that you are a member of the Alliance, except when you write under seal? This is busi ness, brethren. The seal is your protection against imposition. Use it. NOTICE. A meetiner of the officers of the Alliance Peanut Union, the advisorv board con sisting of the vice-presidents, the com mittees ana statistician are requested to meet in Waverly, Sussex county, Va., at 12 m. on Thursday, the 19th of Sentem- ber, 1889. Other brethren will be gladly welcomed. Immediate action concern ing factories and warehouses is impera tive. Each Alliance in the Union should send up'the amount of stock taken by the members in shares of $5 for building fac tories and warehouses, and what induce ments offered by localities. R. T. Barnes, Pres't . R. S. Boykin, Sec'y. BUFFALO, N. Y., FAIR. The Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell, during the month of September, round-trip summer excursion tickets to Niagara Falls, N. Y., good to return un til Oct 31st, at the following rates: From Durham, - - ' $32.50 " Goldsboro, - 33.50 " Henderson, - 31.75 " Oxford, - - 31.50 " Raleigh, - - 33.50 " Selma, - - 33.50 Parties desiring to attend the Great International Fair at Buffalo, N. Y., can avail themselves of these rates. W. A. Turk, D. P. A. Cannot and Shall Not. We would not submit to any one sell ing nice clothing cheaper than we do. We have as nice line of clothing for men, boys and children as you want; and we have the nicest line of men's Melton overcoats, satin-lined, you ever saw. We have a lot of blue Chinchilla overcoats heavy, worth $6. We are selling those goods at $3.99. Five hundred pair of men's all-wool jeans pants, slightly dam aged, are $1.25 pants, will sell choice at 69 cents per pair. These pants are from the Oak City Manufacturing Company, and if there are any doubts as to the truth of the statements, ask them about it. SOMETHING TO READ. We have received 500 novels, by stand ard authors. We offer the entire lot at 10 cents.,, A grand opportunity for thope that love? to read. BIG RACKET STORE. NOTICE. In addition to contract made by Capt Darden for 70,000 yards of bagging, I have just closed a contract with the J. Turner, Morehead & Co. Mills for all the cotton bagging they can make to Decem ber 1st, at -12$ cents per running yard. E- O. B. 2 per : cent - off for- cash.-- It-is 44.. inches wide, weighs. 12 ounces per yard -Will be shipped to Business Agents as fast as it can be manufactured, say "m 30,000-to 45,000- yards per, month. Will be shipped with cash draft bill of lading attached. Orders , will be filled in regular order as received. Business Agents who have : not done so, will place their orders at once for bagging. - W. H. Worth, State Business Agent Edisto Phosphate ' Co., MANUFACTURERS OP Edisto Dissolved Bone, 13 to 16 per cent. Available va- . Phosphoric Acid. eliZ Cid Phoephte. (with Potash, 1J per cent) Edieto Ammoniated - Fertilizer, 2 per celt. Am' monia. iscusto Ammoniated Diseolved Bone. 2 per cent. Edisto Soluble Guano "different Formula), 2 per -r,,,, . , . cent. Ammonia. . . Edisto Ammoniated Superphosphate, 1 per cent. ' Ammonia ' Edisto Ash Element. Importers of Eeauins Beraan Kainit, k J. B. E. SLOAN, Treas. and Gen'l Ae't, eeirsm Brown's Wharf Charleston, S. C. GEO. H. HOPE, Trav. Ag't. V . SEED All tested new and standard varieties. Choice clean stocks and healthy f w'ell de veloped grains. Write for new Fall Circulaiy giving full descriptions 1 and prices. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, sel02t r Richmond, Va. Wanted". By a competent young lady, a position as teacher. Assistant to take primary depart ment in a school, preferred. . Address, ' 1 ' MISSH., se32t Wallace, Duplin Go.; N. C. Land for Sale Will sell 134 acres ot land lying "twelve miles south of Raleigh ' Good dwelling, six rooms; all other houses needful, 5 acres .in a state of cultivation. -; Said land is ' adapted to corn, cotton and tobacco; soil i ed and Bandy. For mrtner particulars call and see or ad dress, BUFUS A. SMITH, sesim Gully's Mill, Wake Co., N. C. Special Rates to the Heaters of tig farc ers' Alliance! Having been indorsed by the Alliance in the counties of Norfolk, Princess Anne and a portion of Eastern Carolina. I would, reepectf ullv call the attention of all members of the Alliance to my laree stock of everything in the Boot, Shoe and Trunk line. Prices to the Alliance are muclrbe low the regular rates, and 1 would respectfully ask a trial order or a call from any in need of first-class Boots and Shoes. Orders by mail will have prompt attention. GEORGE R. WHITEHURST, Boot and Shoe Dealer, 29 Market Square, ge24 ' Norfolk, Va. Shelby Military Institute, Shelby, 'isr. C A first-claBS Military Boarding School with Business Department attached. Next session opens first Monday in September. 5 F ,.w;t.b.bell, . 8. E. GIDNEY, au6 - Principals. For tie. 'best Photograph's, GO TO Wharton's Gallery. 119 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. C. Photographs of aU sizes, from 'Card t Jjte Size. PiFSpecial attention given to ' copyim old Pictures. " - "fe OAKDALE ACADEMY, Oakdale, 1ST. Or Located in Alamance county, 14 miles south west from Graham, and four miles northeast from Liberty, on C. F. & Y. V. R. B., the near est railroad depot. Location healthy, com munity moral, cnurches convenient. Both sexes admitted. Fall Term opens Monday, August 26, 1889. Expenses per month: Tuition, from $1.25 to $2.00; Language, Music and Drawing extra. Board, washing, luel and lights included, $7.00. For further information write to J. M. ANDERSON, au61m Oakdale, N. O. . Bargains at WOOLLOOTT &JSON, 14 E. Martin St. 10,000 yards F. C. Plaids, 5c. pear yard. 3,000 yards Calico, 6c. a yard. 10,000 spools Cotton, at 2c. a spool. 3,000 yards Pant Goods, from. 7,000 yards White Cloth, 6c. to 76?i yard. 1,000 unlaundried Shirts, 25c. and 50c. 8,000 yards Dress Ginghams, at 7i. a yard. a, large lot of Gents! Hand-made Shoes, bought at a large closing out, and we offer) them at 25 per cent, less than they can be bought for at the factories. AJ1 shades of the new Spring Henrietta Cloth, 38 inches wide, 25c; worth 35c. Ve have just received a lot of allJinen Crepe Towels, 45 inches long and 25 inches wide, 25c. each; it is the biggest bargain ever offered in towels. Ve are daily receiving bargains In all lines of goods. All our goods are marked in plain figures, and one price to all. a. new lot of Hand-made Torchon Lace at 10, 12 " ' aud 15c. a yard; an excellent bargain. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! DO YOU WANT A t; PIANO OR ORGAN ? SEND YOUB ORDERS TO Hume, Minor & Co.', Riolimoiici, Va. 4 , .THEY WILL s SAVE YOU HONEY. Thev iye Special Discounts to Meier's of Farmers' Alliance. HUME. MINOR & CO.. npll ) Knot "PI an no and Organs, and sell cheaper than any other house. HUME. MINOR & CO win ln n aict . m - AAA DCU Vfc. iui iu wiiu yvr vopy. xne same you nave been paying from 35 to 60 cents for. Catalogue Free. "' ; ' Mention Tme PBoeiucsBro Fakms when:, you TT 111 UI UlUCf. NO PATENT, NO PAY! E. H.. BATES, Attorney, WASHINGTON, D. C. ' Book on Patents Free. liumtoer Wanted ! If any Alliance brother desires to sell Pine Lumber by the car-load, they would do well toaddress " :yt LARRICK & LARICK,' Middletowri, Va. Mr. Larrick is the County Business Agent au20tf Send 10 cent silver and stamped ad dressed envelope for recipe for preserving fruit and vegetables without cooking or scalding. No sugar require i. Address, ' Miss S E. MOODY, au27 '; Allenton, Robeson Co., N. 0. Catch the Thief ! My dark bay Horse Mule, a little over medium size, in good order, was stolen ;from Williamson & Upchurch's lot to-day. His left fore ankle is enlarged. Had sad dle, bridle and rope halter on him when taken. The undersigned will be glad to have information of the thief and of the mule given to him or Capt. C. D. Heartt, Chief of Police in Raleigh. J.F.CAIN, Cary, N. C. August 16, 1889. ' ' SUGAR IS HIGH. The Fruit Crop will lie Large. 'Preserving your fruit will not be expensive if you use the 'American Fruit FreserVing Fowler and Liquid. f " -N No sugar need be used. It gives the most perfect satisfaction. AGENTS CAN MAKE LARGE SALES. Write for terms and testimonials. , J. Mv BROUGHTON, Sole Wholesale Agents, je44t Raleigh, N. C. Lippincott's lontMy Magazine, A Popular Journal of General Literature. The April number now- reaay, con-tains : The Witness of the Sun, Amelie Rives; Bayard Taylor, Richard Henry Stoddard; Her Lifeenees, (a poem); William H. Hayne; If he Had Known, Alice Wel lington Rolliss; Where the Battle is Fought, (a poem) M. P.; Two Nights in. Bohemia; Love's Sor row, (a poem) M. G. McClelland; What Pessimism is Not, Edgar Saltus; Our One Hundred Questions IX; Our Monthly Gossip; The Germ Theory of Ideas; Whittier's Snowbound; A Correction; A Quotation by Edgar Saltus; The Prince of Wales's Crest; Oberon; Book-Talk, Wm. S. Walsh; The Mutations of Public Taste; Howell's "Annie Kil burn;" The Mission of the Novelist; Miscellaneous Books; Every Day's Record. Single number 25c. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO., ap2 Philadelphia, Pa. SPECKLED CATFISH AND CARP. Persons wishing either 8peckled Catfish or German Carp for stocking ponds, can get them from W. R. FRALEY, Salisbury, N. C. Write for terms, &c. jy30 Farmers, Loot to Your Interest! Improve Your Lands Feraanenily, at Small Cost, and in a Time. Use Oyster Shell Lime at the rate of from 500 to 2,000 pounds per acre broadcast and harrow in. Can be used with great benefit in the furrow un der cotton at the rate of 300 pounds per acre in con nection with 20 to 30 bushels cotton seed. The cheapness and facility for procuring this wonderful renovator of the soil should make it one of the first objects of the farmer to obtain it. I am prepared to furnish FRESH BURNT SHELL LIME, in any quantity, at shortest notice, m bulk and sacked. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting .a continuance of your orders, I remain, Very truly, W. D. STYRON, Norfolk, Va. All orders sent to Everett Bros., Gibson & Co., Norfolk, will receive prompt attention. oc30Gm T. A. Clayton, Aeent of the Farmers' Union Commercial Associa tion of Louisiana, (limited). 198 Gravier St., New Orleans. La. Headquarters for purchase of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and Rice, and for sale of Cotton, Staves and all country produce. mr266m The Great Discovery ! Piospiatic LIMIB. Manufactured from the bones and petrified faeces of Ante-diluvian animals. Best and cheapest Fer tilizer yet discovered. Effects on cotton and corn astonishing. Keeps insects and worms out of the soil. Send for descriptive circular with certificates from many of the best farmers in the country. To ths Brethren of the Farmers' Alliance i Phosphatlc Lime can be nsed in the COMPOST HEAP, in the DRILL, and on the SURFACE AFTER THE CROP IS UP. The nature of lime is to work, dawn in the soil. It never evaporates. For the Autumn Crops, Wheat, Eye, k, it is the best fertilizer, for the money, to be found. Address. FRENCH BROS.. delStf Rocky Point, N. C. HEALTH IS WEALTH! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul sions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness. Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermattorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self -abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 1 a box; or six boxes for $5, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. v WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the" money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by James McKimmon & Co., Druggists, Sole Agents, 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, NT a mally . THE2 ZETrR-IE-R,, The Mllm of the Conntry ! It la a conceded fact in the minds of every buei aess man that the commercial status of every com munity is greatly dependent on the farmers of our country ; in fact, so much so that should ill fortune visit the fields of our never ceasing toilers, then the Serchants of our city would be forced to retreat, tierefore, let us as business men aid and shield the ' the farmers," whom I consider the hackbone of every community, from every impediment that is likely to retard their progress. Mr. L. C. Bagwell, having removed his stock of Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes and everything 1b the Undertaking line, to the corner of East Martin ind South Blount Sts., is fully prepared to accom modate everybody, both in the city and elsewhere, with the necessary equipments to give entire satis faction. The most careful attention given to all orders at day or night. We heartily recommend Mr. Bagwell as a young man of untiring energy, and should yon need any thing in the Undertaker's line, visit his place of business, corner of E. Martin and South Blount Sts., and full satisfaction will be extended in a most gentlemanly manner.. GET THE BEST DURHAM BULL AMHONIATED FERTILIZE HOME PRODUCT. HOME CAPITAL. . HOME ENTERPRISE. -EEsls 3STo S"U.perIor. Speoial Prices and: Terms to Farmers' -Alliance Olub lots Send orders at once.-.. : DURHAM FERTILIZER CO., selO ' ' , . : r . ' Durham, N. q atrorxl!z;e-H:ora.e In.d.-a.stx3ri The Only Seal1 I3ST THE II. MAHLEE, Jeweler, 1ST. C. "W. -31- cSs IE3- S3- T"CTC:3I3 Sc CO. 123 and 125 Fayetteville St., 124 and 126 Wilmington St., RALEIG-H, 1ST. O. DRY GOODS, CARPETS, SHOES, &0, Selling Agents for The Randolph Comity -Celebrated Hanfl-Mafle Sloes, Made of North Carolina leather, and The Vetmore Shoe and Leather Go's Celebrated Hand-Made Shoes. We are prepared to sell the Farmers of Wake -trad' adjoining "bounties their DryGooai Shoes, &c, at lower prices than any Other house in the trade. Farmers and their families are cordially invited to come and see ns. We offer all Alliance Ken and all Alliances Special Inducements to Trade Tiil b COME AND SEE US I W. H. Sc . S. TUCKER & CO. JEWELLER AND PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, BALEIG-H, N. C. 5 Sleigh. AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2, 3, AND 4 02, V" M ALLIANCE HEN, Send for prices, and eave 25 per cent. Best Quality Seal Presses5 To Farffigrs' Alliances in North Carolina and Virginia at $2.40. DELIVEBED FREE. Th.e Best Seeds for tle So-J-t13-1 G-RASS JISTJD OLOYBB SE-5:-3! Pure clean stocks of high germinating power. It is most important m oer to secure good stands and large yields of Grass to sow only thfe fres-eai best quality that can be procured. We reclean and tejt the ger minating powers of our Seeds, and farmers can be aisured of good success by their use. All varieties if SEED WHEAT, OATS, RYE ANDIBARLEY- Selected sound grain, thoroughly recleaned. Write for samples lfree. quantities you. are likely to require. Descriptive catalogue m Fall circular of Seed , Whea V&c, ready about September The Virginia Gray Winter Oat is the best Oat for the South, either for - a or seedingf Larger yielding and hardier than the Red tfust T. W. WOOD jy233m Yancey & Strain Nos. 819, 821 and 323 Wilmington St gan street ,-130 2.aleigli, isr. c. it We manufacture all kinds of Vehicles the largest stocky of Buggies, Carriagt Wagons, Road Carts and Farm Wa -mf' State, having in stock now abont thrp8.111 it Vehicles ranging in price from $15 oo t We are prepared to do any kind of ren f nun tuuee. w e quote you some of onr Ode-horse Wagons, Two-horse Wagons, Open. Buggies, - 5-00 to S 0-00 t0 Trn KinrorifiS - fin An Spring Wagons, . 50.00 to S Road Carts,, - 15.00 to 35 S When you want anything in ont' write or give us a call UDei YANCEY & STRONACH, . Manufacturer Manufactory STATE. .1 -40. SEAL PRESSES, BADGES, MEDALS, ETC MADE TO ORDER, SOLID GOLD 18 K. ENGAGEMEH! AND WEDDING RINGS, ANY SIZE AND WEIGHT COIN SILVER CASES, MADE TO 0SM1 Solid Bold Spectacles andEveEIa at 13.75, Uswlr rice 35.09. SonUe Focnssd Solid Bold Sjsctaclsil $5,25, Usaal Price tt m Sent post-paid anywhere, on receipt Prices- , have large experience aRd can gnnu satiBfactlon. & SONS, beeasmeu, TfiVhrnond. Va. 8 & & 10 boutn wra ra a mi rtrnvim 1 mrn nnw iuuk k have been worn, or send your oia

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