-4i THE IQGSfer pMPR, lOYEMBER 19, 1889. '"V " TTTTT" SON. R. B. VANCE JN SALISBURY. Mb. Edixobi it's seldom that the jpeople of bid Rowan county have had the pleasure to listen : to' an address each as was delivered on the 5th oi October by that eminent statesman and, christian gentleman, Hon, B. Vance, of Buncombe' counter. ' The Address was delivered for the interest of the farmers of Rowan county, who pho wed how, much they loved their 5 koble organization bjr their presence said attention.; 'Nevertheless Robing ,cqn's circus, exhibited in Salisbury bri 'that day,-the court house was full to " .Hoverflowing with the good farmers of Rowan, who gave the speaker their best attention for two'hours, while he "explained to the vast audience a his tory oflcthe rings and combinations and the grip ;thati tliey had on the laboring class of people of this coun try, and the necessity of the organizaJ s tion known as the Farmers' Alliance to keep those vast combinations from xetaining or regaining their Hold upon the laboring people of this common- wealth , j He spoke of the importance of the Farmers':; Alliance being, true rto its '"Obligation, thereby saving them selves from being hewers of' wood and drawers of water any longer for those-, yastj combines who have beep favored by the enactment of awa that r gave a few capitalists the power to ..oppress the masses of this vast coun- .try of ours. -i Hon. R. B. Vance is one of whom JNorth Carolina can be proud.' He ' has represented his State in the Na- tlonal Congress for twelve years. , He i hza had the manhood and courage, at iall times whether on' the floor of the House or on important committees to stand up for what he believed to be for the best interest of the people of North Carolina. When on important committees in the National Congress -when any measure would come up for lis consideration his first inquiries would be, is it for the best interest of my people? We, the members of the Farmers' Alliance of Rowan county, are great ly pleased in the selection of Hon. R. B. Vance as a lecturer for. the State of North Carolina. Every member of the Farmers Alliance in the State of North Caro ' lina should feel that the interest of the organization has been intrusted with one of North , Carolina's purest and best men, one of North Carolina's greatest statesmen; one of North Carolina's bravest generals, a man whom it should be the delight of -every North Carolinian to honor. - - , - T. K. 1 QUICK WAY TO SETTLE IT. Farmers! The next time a self appointed solon gives you his sage advice upon how to practice economy, ask him to compare his personal and family expenses with yours. This will close the discussion, and at the same time relieve you of the presence of a "set-fast." He'll travel. Bjlbby Tbacy. notice; There will be a called meeting of the Durham County Alliance "Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at 10 a. m. A full delegation is earnestly requested, as business of im portance will be transacted. P. H. Massky, Pres't. Rev. P. H. Massey, District Lecturer of the Farmers' Alliance, will address the farmers of his district at the following times and places, on the beauties and pur 'poses of rthe" Farmers' Alliance. T. B. Long, State Lecturer, will be present at as many of these meetings as possible: Antioch, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 11 a. m. Smithfield (at the court house) Nov. HO, 11 a. m. .... . , - .... Princeton, Thursday, Nov. 21, .11 a. m. I Springs, Friday, Nov. 22, 4II a. m..1 ! "Watkms, Saturday, Nov. 23, 11 a. m. Freeunion, Nash Co., Monday, Nov. 25, 11 a. m. i Spring Hope, Nash Co., Tuesday, Nov. 26, 11 a. m. XTashville, Nash Co., "Wednesday, Nov. 27, 11 a. m. Bed Oak, Nash Co., Thursday, No vv 38, 11a. m. ' Gold Mine, Nash Co., Friday, Nov. 29, 11 a. m. : Castalia, Nash Co., Saturday,- Nov. 30, 11 a. m. , ueaar hock, Monaay, uec 11 a, m. Laurel, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 11 a. m. Rocky Ford, Wednesday, Dec 4, 11 -a. m. ' - ; . , : Poplar Spring, Thursday, Dec 5, 11 a. m. ' Youngsville, Friday, Dec. 6, 11 a. m. Pope's Chapel, Durham Co., Monday, jjec-y, 'z p. m. ' v ; - - ' South Durham Durham Co., Tuesday,' uec w, 11a.m. - Banbox, Durham Co., Wednesday, .JLiec 11. 11 a. m. , Mt Silvin, Durham Co., Thursday, Uec vz, 11a.m. Round Hill, Durham Co., Thursday, Dec. 12, 7 p. m. Flat River, Durham Co., Friday, Dec 13, 11 a. m. Morning Sun, Durham Co., Saturday, JJec. 14, 11. a. m. All officers and members of the Alii ance are most respectfully requested to give publicity to these appointments and he present to take part in the speaking if they desire to do so. . For a thoroughly reliable and guaran teed Black Winter Oat that has been grown here with unequalled success for ten years for November and December luaaung. Apply to A. J. Til rl,vnr PAnrUnJ XT f w . H. Woeth, S. B. A., Raleigh, N. C TO 0SlNfi;S AGtllTS; 'Blib C;, Now 2, 1889, : t - -r.T-erAfpr1 to sunnlv groceries in whole .nacWes at lowest prices,.to be shipped from New York, " Charlotte, JSai- uraore. xuuuwmui. - , v which &c 1 give a iew saiupw pfwo, are subject to fluctuations : ; . Granulated sugar: Brown sugar. v Coffee Dry salt rib sides Sugar cured hams f . . , Bhouldera ...... Refined lard, in tins 5c6cl , 16c20c. ; 6.20. ' HMo. ! 6c. 6c. . 674C. Tierces. The agency will always keep posted and buy in the. best mariceis lowco prices'on the day the order is placed. j . tt TTT C4.nA A mint ; notice. In obedience to instructions from the State Executive Uommittee, 1 nave jubt visited several of the Northern cities to make arraBgements-for trade :,wUh lead- 0 ' houses and- manufacturers - ana m now prepared to have orders : 'tmea- on very iayorable terms. All orders should be ent through the County .Business Agent- and properly sealed. : All orders for cotton bagging can npw uo yrviuj filled. " w! H. Worth, S. B. A . n APPOINTMENTS. In pursuance of an order of.the-jEobe,- son uouniy .ajiiance auw will lecture as follows. At each,, place there will be two addresses delivered, one to the public in general and afterward one to the members of the' order. It is hoped the brethren, wilj-. get the best at-H tendance possible I ' " Boriafide, Tuesd ay, ' Moulton; Wednesday,-: i Philadelphus, Thursday, Floral, Friday, -Branclmllej Saturday, Nov.. 19. i 2Q.; 22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. f iKitchen St., Tuesday, Alfbrdsville,. Wednesday, Cotton Valley, O-hursday, Iona, Friday, Back Swamp, Saturday, At 10 o'clock each day. Fraternally, J. J. SCOTT. NOTICE. To the Members oj the Farmers' and Labor ers' Union of America, and all btate organizations coming under its jurisdic tion, greeting : The first regular session of the Farm- , t i i tt a i :n ers ana Ojaoorers union oi Amenua wm convene in' the city of St Louis, Missouri, on the first Tuesday, the third day, of December, 1889, at 10 o''clock sharp. Officers and members are requested to oe prompt, as business will begin promptly at the time designated by the Constitu tion. Given under my hand and seal this the 4th day of November, 1889. JkVAN JONES, Pres't F. and L. U. of A. SEAL " 200,000 yards of Dundee Bagging in ust three yard pieces, weighing r.vo pounds to the yard, at 7i cents a yanl f. o. b. Equal to jute in every respect. For sample, &c, apply to The .Planters .bagging uo., nl2 19 Old Slip, N. Y. Dr. D. Reid Parker, Lecturer for the 7th Congressional district, will address the Brotherhood at the following places as per dates below : CATAWBA COUNTY. Plateau ... .Tuesday, Nov. Hickory". .Wednesday, " 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Deal's School House ...Pridaj laay, turaay Mt. Creek..... ...w. ....Sat Col. T. B. Long will attend as many of the above appointments as he can reach. PUBLIC ADDRESSES. In compliance with a resolution passed by the Duplin County Farmers' Alliance, shall address the pabhc on the origin, principles and purposes of the Farmers' Alliance at the usual meeting places of the Sub-Alliances on the days named be low, beginning at 12 o'clock, p. m., sharp. Goshen, " 1,002, Tuesday, Nov. 19. Washington, " 1,438, Wed'd v, " 20. Lott's Brrnch, " 839, Thursd'y, " 21. Probability, " 1,231, Friday, " 22, ' -5 'B. F. Grady,, Lecturer County Alliance. Albertson, N. C, Oct. 11, '89. ''""''. TO THE FARMERS, AND THEIR WIVES AttD SONS AND - DAUGHTERS, r Capt. W. A. Darden, Assistant Lecturer, will address the farmers of , the second Congressional district, and adjoining counties, -at the iollowing times and places, on the purposes and objects of the Farmers Alliance : ":; u . - Tuesday, Nov. 19. ' Scotland Neck, Halifax-Co., Wednes- day,:Nov. 20."!- -. , . Scotland Neck, Halifax' Co.." Thursdav. Halifax, Halifax Co., FridayrNdv.. 22; Town Creek, Tuesday, Novr 26v5 ' Mount Pisgah, Wednesday, Nov; 27. Union Chapel, Thursday, Nov. "28 Will goon the beach Friday, Nov. 29. : Shallotte, Saturday, Nov. 30. 4 ; ; Sou thport, Monday, Dec 2. The business agents of Edgecombe and Halifax counties will fill up the blanks for 11 . . meir respective counties. ; Other appointments will be made soon. A CARD. Having now ninety-two counties in the state organized, and about two thou sand County and Sub-Business Agents, I cannot fill ' any more orders without the seal of 'the Alliance. Sub-Alliances not having seals will use the county seals. A 77 J . t ... . xi uruers must nave - ine finance seal or they will be returned to writer. W. H. Worth, S. B. A. ORGANIZER'S APPOINTMENTS. I will be at the following places for the pur pose oi organizing and re-organizing the ioagea menuoned below : linwood, Dec. 4, 2 p. m. Grant Creek, Dec. 5, 11 a. m. Barber's School House, Dec. 5, 7 p. m. Loco, Dec. 6, 10 a. m. ...A. T. Beoww, County Organizer. FARMERS9 BORDER ALL1AICE WAREHOUSE- ; aviLL va. ?, - li chartered for the pnrposfoof cwductajjg a rf gsn:ral warehouse business. w have tfc e cordial eood wishes of 'thebtxyers. Oar facilities are first class in all reepects. We in-. tend to do nstnt ana we tnzena w mcceea? " If ron have. Todsco losenmtms raarsesBeuu, to BORDEB AUCIANCE WAREHOUSE. , where von will be met by polite afrd affable bosintss men, j ana every -lacuiir uuww. w the city for the handling afcd Bale of btfr Tobacco.' . . vw. ornnraa Vauti John RnatArd- lata Of AcEfee's .warehouse, M. BiKor, of'HfflRfyJannty, Va., H. M. Covington, 01 tasweu couniy, jj. Clerks. J . S . Johnstonyof Rockingham county, N. C General Manager ; J. W. oueof ftttsyivania icrotity,Va., Koor Managed y. sba; f sh- iiaili&x county, v- tf-ii. mond, of Person couniy, s. u. Auciioneer. - Laiid for Sale ! Will sell 134 acres of land lymg twelve miiAH tannth- of Raleieh. Good dwelling, six rooms; all other houses needful, 85 acres in a state of cultivation. Said land is adapted to corn-cotton and tobacco; soil 1 ed and sandy. 4- SjesialiSatis toils Hiates of;tlj Jara- ni Allianea l ' - I S; J : iTov4nr luten Irttlnrsfd bv the Alliance In the counties of Norfolk, Princess Anne and a pertion of Eastern Carolina. I would respectf uljv call the attention of all members of the Alliance to Tny large Btock:rbf everything in the Boot, Shoe ana Trunk line'.' Prices to the Alliance are much be low the regular rates, and 1 would respectfully ask wflit null from Awr In tim1 rtfs flrst-ClaSB Boots and Shoes. Orders by mail will have prompt attention. ujauxtuii jk. w txiia nuiwi. Boot ana snoe ueaier, z Maraei zsquare, j se24' - - r Norfolk, Va. Slielliy Military Institnte, Shelby, 3ST. C. A first-class Military Boarding School with Business Department attached,, Next session opens first Monday m 8ember. .( u , t : 8. E. GIDNEY, v , autJ ' Principals.: Por tlie liest GO TO Wharton's Gallery. 119 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. 0. Photographs of aU sizes, from' Card tt Jjife Size. KfT'Special attention given to copying old Pictures. - fe9 NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor under the last will and testament of Upchurch Smith, deceased-before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake county I hereby .give ;nptice to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment to me at my residence in Marks' creek township, "Wake county, and those to whom the estate is inde oted to prosent theii claims on or before the 28th of September,, 1889, or this will be plead in bar of their re covery. J NO. W. CSMTTH, JliXeCUfcOr. Baxgains at WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 B. Martinet. 10,000 yards F. C. Plaids, 6c. pear yard. 3,000 yards Calico, 6c. a yatd. 10,000 spools Cotton, at 2c. a spool. 8,000 yards Pant Goods, from 8. 7,000 yards White Cloth, 6c. to 7. a yard. 1,000 unlaundried Shirts, 25c. and 50c. 8,000 yards Dress Ginghams, at 7c. a yard. A large lot of Gents' Hand-made Shoes, bought at a large closing oat, and we offer them at 25 per cent: -less than they can be bought for at the factories. All shades of the new Spring Henrietta Cloth, 86 inches wide, 25c; worth 35c. We have just received a lot of all-linen Crepe Towels, 45 inches long and 25 inches wide 25c. each; it is the biggest bargain ' ever off ered in towels. 1 :" We are daily receiving bargains In alllbaes of goods. All our goods are marked ln plain figures, and one price to all. u A new lot of Hand-made Torchon Lace at 10, 12 and 15c. a yard; an excellent bargain. ; FARMERS, TAKE 1TICE J DO YOU WANT A PIANO OR ORGAN? SEND YOUR ORDERS TO Hume, Minor t Co., Riolimoiid, Va. I.-'' THEY WHJ, SAVE YOU H0HEY. They give Special Discounts to Llemters ' of Fanners' Alliance. WSJ- HUME, MINOR & CO., sell the best Pianos ana urgans, ana seu cheaper than any other house. 3p"HUME, MINOR & CO. will'sell you heet mwnc iw xv rcuis per copy. The same you nave Deen paying irom 35 to 60 cents for. S'y"--.Catal6gTie.Ireo. Mention Trat Pboorbssttb Fabksb when yon QPATEIT,n0 PAY! E. H. BATES, Attorney, WASHINGTON, D. O. wrrr tnitDAT narucuinrit. auu. Hea. uv a dress. . . RTJFTJS A. SMlTHi n ( lJ sisim ' 5 i Gully's MiU, Waks ., H.a Plifltflgrapls, Book on Patents Free. Lumber Wanted ! '.If ftny.AlIiarice brother desires to sell Pine Lumber by the carload, they would do well to address ; - i j?- " " "J 1 :iliddlei6wn,TCr! Mi. -Laxrick is 'the Agent County Business Z'- 'y , au20tf . Send 10 cent ' silver and stamped ad dressed envelope for recipe for preserving fruit and vegetables:, without cooking or scalding. No sugar required. Address, ; , Miss S. E. MOODY, au27 Allenton, Robeson Co.; IT. C. Catch the Thief ! 'My dark bay Horse Mule a little-over medium size, in vood order was stolen from Williamson & Upchurch's lot to-day. His left fore ankle is enlarged. Had sad dle, bridle and rope halter on him. when taken. i The uadersigned will be glad to have information of the thief and of the mule given to him or Capt. O. D. Heartt, Chief of Police in Raleigh.' ?cth- ' J. F. CAIN, .3? r Carj;. a . Augusfevl6, 1889. . ... v. ,.4 IS HIGH. Tk Jrnit Crop will Vbe Large; Preserving your fruit will not be expensive if you use tne American Fruit Preserving Powder ani Liquid. No sugar need be used. It gives the most perfect satuiaction. . AGENTS CAN MAKE LARGE SALES. Write for terms and testimonials. J. M. BROUGHTON, Sole Wholesale Agents, je44t Raleigh, N. C. Liiincott's lontMy laeazine, A Popular Journal of General Literature. The April number now reaay, contains : The Witness of the San, Amelle Rives; Bayard Taylor, Richard Henry Stoddard; Her Likeness, (a poem); William H. Hayne: If he Had Known, Alice Wel lington RoIIIbs; Where the Battle is Fought, (a poem) M. P.; Two Nights in Bohemia; Lovers Sor row, (a poem) M. G. McClelland; What Pessimism is Not, Edgar Saltus; Our One Hundred Questions IX; Our Monthly Gossip; The Germ Theory of Ideas; Whittier's Snowbound; A Correction; A 'notation by Jdgar aitus; Tne jrnnce 01 waies s 'rest: Oberon; Book-Talk, Wm. 8. Walsh; The Mutations of Public Taste; Howell's "Annie Kil burn;" The Mission of the Novelist; Miscellaneous Books; Every Day's Record. Single number 25c. ap2 Philadelphia, Pa. SPECKLED CATFISH AND CARP. Persons wishing either Speckled Catfish or German Carp for stocking ponds, can get them from W. R. ERA LEY, Salisbury, N. 0. Write for terms, &c. jy30 Farmers, Loot to Yonr Interest ! Inprovs Your Lands Permanently, at Small Cost, and in a Short-lime, Use Oyster Shell Lime at the rate of from 500 to 2,000 pounds per acre broadcast and harrow m. Can be used with great benefit in the furrow un der cotton at the rate of 300 pounds per acre in con nection with 20 to 30 bushels cotton seed. The cheapness and racinty for procuring tnis wonderful renovator of the sou should make it one of the first objects of the farmer to obtain it. I am prepared to rurnisn Jtritttsii u u Jtus t stxtsnju LIME, in any quantity, at shortest notice, in bulk and sacked. Thanking you for past favors ana soliciting .a continuance of your orders, I remain, ' Very truly, - - W. D. STYRON, Norfolk, Va. All orders sent to Everett Bros., Gibson & Co., Norfolk, will receive prompt attention. oc306m T. A. Clayton, Agent of the Farmers Union Commercial Associa tion of Louisiana, (limited). 198 Gravier St., New Orleans, La. Headquarters for purchase of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and Rice, and for sale of Cotton, Staves and all country produce. mr266m The Great Discovery ! PtaMc LIME. Manufactured from the bones and petrified faeces of Ante-diluvian animals. Best and cheapest Fer tilizer yet discovered. Effects on cotton and corn astonishing. Keeps insects and worms out of the soil. Send for descriptive circular with certificates from many of the best farmers in the country. . To ths Mini of ih Farmers1 Alliance : Phosphatlc Lime can be used in the COMPOST HEAP, in the DRILL, and on the SURFACE AFTER THE CROP IS UP. The nature of lime is to work down in .the soil. . It never evaporates. Fcr tb Autumn Crops, Wieai,s Bye, &s., it is the best fertilizer, for the money, to be found. Address, del8tf FRENCH BROS, Rocky Point, N. C. HEALTH IS WEALTH! BRA1M Jt-srviV TREATMENT Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for HveteriaDizziness, Convul sions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in infeaulty and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrennesa. Loss of power In either sex, Involuntary Losses and. Snfrm attnrrh rpA ranned bv over-exertion Of the brain, self -abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box, or six boxes for $5, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us tor rtt- TbnxpK Accomrj&nied with 5, we will send the nurchaser our written euarantee to refund the monfiv if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees leaned only by James McEimmon & Co., DrujETgists, Sole Agents, 133 Fayetteville St, rn r m -m the fabmer, ; Tie 'Bacttofe of le Country ! litem conceded fact in the minds of every busi ness man that the commercial status of every com munity Is greatly dependent on the farmers of our: country ;. in fact, so much so that should ill fortune visit the fields of our never ceasing tollers, then the merchants of our city would be forced to retreat. .Therefore, let us as business men aid and shield the "the fanners," whom I censider the backbone of every community, 'from every impediment that is likely to retard their progress. ' Mr. L. C Bagwell, having removed his stock of Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes and everything in the Undertaking line, to the corner of East Martin and South Blonnt Sts., is fully prepared to accom modate everybody, both in the city and elsewhere, with the necessary equipments to give entire satis faction. The most careful attention given to' all orden at day or night. We heartily recommend Mr. Bagwell .as a young man of untiring energy, and should you need any thing in the Undertaker's line, -visit his place of business, comer of E. Martin and South Blount Sts., and full satisfaction will be extended in a most gentlemanly manner. ' GET THE BEST DURHAM BULL ALILIOIT I ATED PEETILIZEB HOME PRODUCT. HOME CAPITAL. Special Prices and Terms to Farmers' Club Serid -orders at once.' DURHAM FERTILIZER' CO., The Only Seal Manufactory INTHEST4TE.; EC. MAHLEE, Jeweler, RALEIG-H, N. O. J AS. BOTXiAK. T. "W. Dry Goods, for Fall and Winter Trade, 1889! Special Prices Made to our Farmer Fi'iends in these lines of North Carolina Eorrul Made Goods; , , ( f North Carolina Cassimeres, Kerseys, Iant Goods, Blankets, Flannels, Linseys, Shirtinf Stripes, Cheviots Outing Cloths, Sheetings, Plaids. Everything Warranted and you are. guaranteed the Best Goods for the least money, anl " . Ihe biggest kt&cle tiekctfrffm.' . ' 'X .f:MT' ' :' I 1- m T T TT n T. i,.4- cil--l.: Cf 1- CI J tt ll: r.J IHurill jaruiiua luweia, uuiguauis, Ajuuciauuio, k3iaju.o.,iukd, ouu&b, ousueuuera, xxmbuug voft ton, Sewing tnreaa, tnree Kmas or maites ot nome-maae iNortn uaroiina Hnoes, m larm' era' Shoes North Carolina beats the world) North Carolina Boots, North Caro lina and Mississippi Jeans, for men's and boys' wear. Tnese gooas we mention are an maae m jorin uaroima, are xwency-nve per cent. Detteraiq nearly twenty-live per cent cheaper than ary Northern goods. 1 We propose to sell everything in the way of Dry Goods that is mads in North Carolina. Be sure to call for these lines of home-hame goods when you come to see ns. W. H. & B. S; TUCKER & CO. JEWELLER AND PRACTICAL OPTICIAN RAL.EIO-H, IT. O. AMERICAN WATCHES IH 2, 3, AND 4 02, COIN SILVER CASES, HADE 10 Q - f FOE ALLIANCE HEN, 1 Send for prices, and save 25 per cent. IBest Qnality Seal IPreSses, To Farmers' Alliances in NorMCarolina and Yirpa at $2.40.' DELIVERED FREE., OTlie Best Seed. GRASS AND OLOVBB SEED! , Pure clean stocks of high gerriiinating power. It is most imPf JL secure good stands and large yields, of Grass to sow only the Bjanesi. best quality that can be procured. We reclean and test tne minating powers of our Seeds, and fanners can be assured of good success by their use. All varieties of SEED WHEAT, OATS, BYE AND ' ' ' i ft 1 Selected sound trrain. thoroughly 'recleaned. Write for samples and prices, ?1 f nnantitipa vnn are likelv to require. i . . " i ttti x iiaU circular of oeea vvneas, otc, reaujr bwu. The Virginia Gray Winter Oat is the best Oat for the Sou, eiAer tot -Fall or seedingf Larger yielding and hardier than the Ked Bust Proot. jy233m xancey & Vina Of Q W1 mA OOO TTT11 I l M ' gan street. ' 130 . iRaleigli, 1ST. c. We manufacture all kinds of Vehicle . - the largest stock of BaggfeB, CarriaL 11 Wagons,-Road Carta ana Farm Watm .Sprt State, having in stock now about thrr n VehicleB ranging in price from f 15.00 to S We are prepared to do any kincf 0f re, short notice. We quote you some of oufpric J One-horse Wagons. $25.00 tr Two-horse Wagons, w -w - w riU i in 50.00 to 55"S 50.00 to co$ 60.00 to 7500 WW to 4 15.00 to 3nnn Open Buggies, Top Buggies, Spring Wagons, Road Carts, When you want anything write ox give us a call. m our lin-. YANCEY & STRONACH m r manufacturers. . i HOME ENTERPRISE. -A.llianoe lots. Durham, N. C. In.d.-u.stx3rl DOBBHT. WM. BOTUS SEAL f BESSES, BAB5ES, HSSALS, ER it i MADE 70 mil, . SOLID GOLD 18 K. ENGAGEMET, AND WEDDING KINGS, ANT SIZE AND WEIGHT Solid Bold SrMndEr: . 4 al $3.75, UsPricB J5.D0. Double Focoi Solid Gfold Spsclsslsi ill S5.25, Usual Fries ; Sent post-paid anvwhere. on reci - PState age, occupation and how 1 $2 ? Voira hwn wnm rtr Mud VOOT Oil K , whir.n we wm return wiin uic , ' ... r.T -,nir. ' have large experience aad can satisfaction. for t3a.e So-citH1 Descriptive catalogue maueu f J -V. Onntatnhpr 1SU ' " "& T. W. WOOD.& SONS, Seedsmen. , . 8 & 10 South 14& St, Bichmoco, Raleigh, N. C. mally.

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