THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, JULY 29, 1890. rmm : t GENERAL STATE NEWS Cream of the State Press. from tne . Wf,Bt . n r p.. .,.., 0Iw d Cotton Seed from the South, Charlotte will have another Building and Loan. Mr. J. F. "White's kitchen, at Oxford, -was burned one night last week. Charlotte gets $7,000 appropriation for the completion of its public building. ; All the prisoners in Halifax jail, six in number, made their escape "Wednesday night. W. F. Robeson accideatly shot and killed himself with a shot-gun in Harnett coutty a few days ago. Eighty-two miles of streets have been laid out in Greensboro in the past few weeks, says the Patriot. Miss Mattie "Wilson, of Mecklenburg county, committed suicide on account of bad health, one day last week. The city authorities of Greensboro have passed an ordinance requiring the removal of screens from bar-rooms. The building craze has struck Burlington.- Five buildings are in course of construction, while three are in project. Henry Stuart, a train hand on the rail road, was thrown from cars Thursday at Salisbury : in the fall his leg was broken. Mount Airy News: Mt. Airy is build ing and no mistake. Go anywhere you may and you will see new houses going up. According to a re:ent statement of the commissioners of agriculture corn, cotton and tobacco is at least two weeks ahead of last year. Troy Carroll, of Johnston county, has been convicted of illicit distilling and sent to the Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary for two years. George "Wilson, the tegro who was in jail at Graham for having committed rape on his own daughter, made his escape Monday night. Tarboro Southerner: Dick Sessums, a young man 22 years of age living on the farm of Lee Staton, attempted to take his own life Tuesday. Espia Adams, a young white man, was killed instantly while coupling cars at Sanford one day last week. His home was in Greensboro. Mr. Herbert L. Finlyson, a drummer, had his collar bone broken by" his horse running away between Oxford and Hen derson or e day last week. Orphan's Friend: Our grapes are rotting to some extent. "We hope they will not be destroyed by the inst cts j which are causing the rot. A nugget of gold weighing nine pounds was shipped from the Haile gold mine in South Carolina. It was valued at $9,500, says the Western Free Lance. Two men, McKoy and Reed, engaged in a pistol fight in Macon county in which the former was instantly killed. Reed's horse was shot from under him. Rev. Elisha Holland, of Goldsboro, is 85 years of age; and a heavy coat of black hair is beginning to grow on his bald head. At 80 he cut a tooth. Oscar Spencer, a small white boy liv ing in Greensboro, was bitten by a dog supposed to be mad a few days ago. A mad stone was applied and stuck. Charlotte News : The probabilities are that Col. J. T. Anthony will resign, and with him, as a matter of course, will be tendered the resignation of his staff. A cash prize has been offered by the Cabarrus County Fair Association to any couple who will get married publicly at the grand stand during the exhibition. "Warren Cummings, a deaf and dumb negro living near Greensboro, fell dead there one night last week. Heart disease was supposed to have caused his death. The Governor has offered a reward of $200 for the apprehension of Robt. L. McPeeters, who is charg&g with the murder of L. "W. Moody in Madison county. Perhaps the youngest mother in the country lives at Chapel Hill, N. C. She is not quite 14 years of age and has been married nearly a year. Her husband is only 17. Between "Wilmington, Morehead, ishe ville, Mt. Airy and the Piedmont section, North Carolina is independent of the world as to summer resorts. Fayetteville Observer. Durham Globe: The election of DrJ Dixon's successor as superintendent of W lUOU Xi-OJr Will not ! place till after the encampment at "Wrightsville. iiic uoys ago tne Asneviiie people paid the way of two boys who were sup posed to have hydrophobia to have them treated for a dog bite. They have come back all right. Carthage Blade: Crops are fine and the farmers are expecting a bountiful harvest. Died on the 12th inst., at the residence of Mr. D. C. Barrett, his son, in this county, Mr. Samuel Barrett; aged 87 years. r Tnmentine and Grains of Rice from the JJP Vinrt4ji of Grapes and Totacco Stems Est ' ,L North ; Stalks of Oon and Grains 'mill I lit- - - 5T Miss Mollie Fletcher, who 4s employed at the millinery store of Mrs. Ada Masten,' bad tne misfortune to b eak a bone in her f ,t yesterday by a tall, says the Iwin- City Daily. Wf biter' .s We-kly says thit. a voun? chap named Maxwell ate 48 banannas last Saturday. He must have a capacious maw and a good appetite. What think the public of him ? The large steam saw mill of J. R. Robots four miles from Mt. Airy was totally destroyed by fire Sunday night. The loss is estimated at $3,000, say the Greensboro Patriot. The largest real estate sale ever made in this town was made too late to give an account of. It amounted to $30,000 Look out for it next week, says the Western Free Lance. Monroe Register: Many farmers have about finished cultivating their crops. They have worked faithfully, their crops are in good condition, and ti ey are look ing forwa d to good crops - Western Free Lance: Congressman Ewart's house in Hendersonville, was struck by lightning a short time ago. The next election will knock him so high he will think lightning struck him. Capt. G. "W. Newell, yard-master of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, was insulted by a negro brakeman this morn ing, and carved up the negro's physiog nomy with a rock. Greensboro Patriot. Dr. Geo. W. Sanderlin, the State Aud itor, adds life and zest to the pleasures of the guests of Cleveland Springs. He al ways has a crowd around him, and never fails to disperse it with a laugh all around. Chadbourn News: At a meeting of the members of the Baptist church of t is place last Saturday afternoon, steps were taken toward raising the funds for the purpose of building a house of worship. Troy Vidette: We regret to learn that a vicious dog attacked the 12-year-old son of Mr. Seth Andrews, of Pee Dee township, last week, and threw the boy down and severely bit him in several places. The Durham Globe says that a gentle man of that city has a watch made of gold dug in Chatham county less than thirty miles from there, in 1825. Six watches were made at that time, and his is one of them. E. S. Edwards, postmaster at Purgatory, Onslow county, was arrested Friday and carried to the New Birne jail. He is charged with stealing a registered letter containing $87.50, mailed by Dr. W. J. Monteford, of Richlands. Mt. Airy News: The farmers tell us hat crops never looked better at this season of the year. The town is growing in every direction and in every respect. A $10,000 Methodist Church is the latest, and it is a certainty. The Sanford Express says the folowing losses, no insurance, resulted from a fire at Mt. Gillead, last week : McRea and Leach, 1,800 ; Ingram & Haywood, 2,000 ; postofhee building, $600 ; cash and stamps in postoffice, $80 ; total, $5,080. Asheville Citizen: James Scott and Thomas Corpening, the two boys sent on to New Yofk through the medium of the Citizen to be taated for mad dog bites, have returned. They are now considered to be out of all danger of hydrophobia. Persons who came up from the Ham mocks last night reported that Capt. Gilli can, master of one of the sharpies there, was attacked between Wrightsville and Bradley's Creek about ten o'clock by a strange negro, says the Wilmington Star. Maxton Union: The "Eureka" rail road south of Bennettsville is being rap idly pushed through. The contractors expect ; o have it ready for the trains by December 1st, next This road will put Maxton on another north and south line. Nathan Fails, an aged and inoffensive white man was murdered by some un known person on the public highway, near Wilmington, on Thursday. A re ward of $250 has been offered by the County Commissioner for the murderer's arrest. Greensboro Patriot : Jim Watlington, who made his escape from the peniten tiary sometime ago, wa3 captured yester day near Re idsville. Chief of Police Hall, of Reidsville, passed through last night on his way to the penitentiary with Wat lington. Soon after daylight yesterday morning, Chas. Henderson, a negro from the country, made a brutal assault upon a colored woman, named Julia Hoskins, who has been employed as a cook at the Dodge House in this city, says the Char lotte News. Rofikino-bam Ftnirit nf the South: Dr. Winston W. Covington died at 4 o'clock p. m., July loth, in ins 4dd year. Mrs. Col. Jesse Harsrrave died at her home, near Laurel Hill, in this county, heart disease Mr Wm Sneed. of of Laurel Hill township, died at his home last Thursday evening after a lingering illness. On last Saturday night a man by the name of Levester, who keeps Ang Prevatt's old stand, shot and severely wounded a white man whose name we were unable to learn, Winston Daily : We are reliably in formed that the capital has bjen subscribed for the erection of a canning establish ment and an ice factory in Win ton. The plant is to cost between $20,000 and 825,000. It is to be in ru ning order by next spring. New Berne Journal: Gen. Robert Ransom, who has recently nude atrip up Neuse river as far as Fort Barnwell, says that the crops are very fine indeed on the plantations along the river. They are well cultivated and very far advanced for the time of year. Saturday afternoon there was another homicide in Pittsb ro. Mr. Chas. Harden killed a negro by the name of Alex. Moore. Harden had a preliminary exam ination the same afternoon and his plea was self-denfence. He was bound over to court in a bond of $500. The preleminary trial of W. A. Hyman at Greenville for the murder of J. M. King, was begun before G T. Evans, J. P. on the ,10th and was finished Monday following. It resulted ii simply binding Hym-in over to cou t in the sum of $500.00. Carolina Bmner. Raleigh Chronicle : Mr. P M. Wilson, Commissioner of Immigration for North Carolina, has resigned. The office is now vacant. The resignation was tendered at the last meeting of the Agricultural Board. His successor will doubtless be elected at the next meeting of that body. New Berne Journal: Last evening we had an interview with the largest farmer in this section, and among other facts he gave us the following: From one acre and a half he realized in the spring from cabbages two hundred and twenty-five dollars over and above expenses. In the neighborhood of Rileys Cross Road s, it is said that Mr Jas. Gay has old cotton stalks that sprouted and are now growing. The writer saw the same thing, except it was tobacco instead of cotton, between Louisburg and Spring hope, a few days ago. Franklin Times. Raleigh Visitor: The examination yesterday afternoon, at Leonard Hospital, of the body of Tempy Dishman, wife of Joshua Dishman, ended in the discharge of the latter, as nothing was elicited tend ing to show that he ha I caused the death of the deceased by "neglect or otherwise. The conductor on the Wilkesboro road informs us that there was a washout between Rural Hall and Mt. Airy on the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad yesterday. The train from Mt. Airy had not passed down the road when the Wilkesboro train came down this morning. Twin-City Uaiiy. . A negro, William Rand has been lodged in jail here, thought to be the one who killed Abner Sanders at a festival last winter. He was arrested in Dunn last Monday by Deputy Sheriff Arnold Pa rrish of Wake. Mr. Parrish had been on h s track for some time, says the Smithfield Herald. Asheville Journal: The Loughran sala was well attended this morning. The Hickory band left the square at 11:30 and the sale began promptly at 11 o'clock. Twenty-six lots were disposed of realiz ing over $10,000, a profit of $6,000 on the amount paid tor the property by Mr. Loughran. Raleigh Visitor: In Wake Forest township, on Powell's creek, it is said that there are a great many cases of sick ness ; f ev- r of a malarial typhoid type. It is becoming quite alarming; it is said there are a dozen or more families that have one or more cases in them in the neighborhood Two little darkies, Hasper and Will Wall, aged about 12 and 14 years, of Rockingham county, were arrested here yesterday upon the charge of stealing money from a trunk near Madison. Both gave bond for their appearance before a magistrate in Madison next Tuesday. Twin- City Daily. The Reporter says that J ack Hicks, a young farmer living near Danbury went into the bushes by the road side to cut a switch. He stirred up a hornet's nest, and in fighting them with the open knife in his hand stuck the blade in his neck and came near bleeding to death before assistance arrived. Henderson Tomahawk: "Peg Leg" Williams may have carried 40,000 of the colored population out of the State, but from the number of them idling on our streets one would hardly believe it. It now seems a certainty the subscription to the Nash county road will be carried by quite a majority. Wheat is now being thrashed and the yield is reported to be remarkably small. We are told that one farmer sewed twelve bushels and realized therefrom the hand some sum of fifteen ; another sewed thirty, more or less, expecting to make at least 150 bushels, and instead got about fifty, says the Sanford Express. On Sunday afternoon while the family of Mr. W. M. Sellers were at Sunday school sme one entered his residence on Hanover and Third sareets. His little son who returned to get a b ok fright ened the man out of the house. He was colored, and had stolen several articles, says the Wilmington Messenger. Washington Ptagreis: While digging - .- . ' , I " out the old Cellar on the Morton lot on Main street, last week, they found six bottles of huckleberries. The b .ttles were old-fashned chunk bottle, quart size. There wpr bjried there over fifty years ago by the mother of our aged and es teemed citizen. Mr. W. Z. Mort n, Sr. Prof. H. E Van Deman, Pomologist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture will deliver an address at the State Grape Fair at Mt. Holly, July 31st. Represent ing as he does the scientific as well as the practical side of the question, his coming should add large numbers to the vis tors, as they will be instructed as well as en tertained. Elizabeth City Economist: At the meeting of the Congressional Executive Committee of the First district, in Wash ington, on Thursday, July 10, for the purpose of selecting the time and place of holding the next convention to nominate a candidate for Congress, the 12th day of August, at 4 a. m., was the time and Elizabeth City the place chosen. Greenville Relector: Pitt county to bacco crop this year is something won derful. Quite a number of farmers have cured barns of tobacco primings the past week. This pla . of saving the under leaves of the plant wh ch heretofore were thrown away will make the crop more profitable. Several planters will next week be cutting the stalk f r curing. Last night about twelve o'clock several pistol shots were heard near the city limit3, just beyond the Graded School. No particular notice was taken of the matter until this morning, when some parties were passing up the old plank road, near the location where the pistol shots were herd, when it was discovered near the road a pool of blood. Twin- City Daily. Deputy Sheriff Westley Westbrook, of Pender county, arrested a supposed high wayman a few days ago about twenty miles frDiU the city on the H ,lly Shelter road. He was a nesrro and was shot in the face. This led the offi ;er to suspect him nd upon being questioned the man told several stories as to how. he received his wound, says the Wilmington Mes senger. Ashevil'e Democrat : The Black Moun tain Iron and Alum Springs Company has jus' been incorporated and consists of Dr. J. S. Grant, Dr. S. W. Bittle and Messrs. Moore, Sprague and Echols. They have purchased the celebrate 1 iron and alum springs near Black Mountain station, and will enter at once upon the development of the property and utiliza tion cf the waters. Asheville Citizen : Wm. Featherston, who was arrested here some time ago for stealing goods from a railroad camp in Yancey county will be taken ' to that county for trial in a short while, officers are here now to take h m back. The deed for the Garrett property in Victoria involving $100,000 was filed for registra tion to-day. This is the largest transac tion ever closed in the county. Greensboro Workman : A telegram was received here to-day announcing the death of Dr. Lambeth, of O e Hill. Mr. E?pie Adams, a young man of this city, who for a short time has been em ployed on the C. F. & Y. V. railroad as brakeman, was instantly killed this morn ing about 3 o'clock at Sanford while coupling cars. His head was caught between two cars and crushed. Raleigh News and Observer : The re ports from our tobacco planters are most promising. The crops this year will sur pass any heretofore in this county, both in quality and quantity. Yesterday ex- Sheriff W. H. High shot a mad cat at the residence of Mr. V. C. Royster on Hillsboro street. The cat was taken with a fit of some kind and ran all around the lot biting at any and everything it could find. Durham Sun: The L & D. reached the town this afternoon. The work of finishing up will be completed to-morrow and the Lynchburg & Durham railroad is now a reality. News reached the city late yesterday of the drowning of a youth about 16 years of age, in Freeman's pood, some time during the afternoon. We have been unable to learn the name, but he was a sen of Mr. Sid Ferrell, who lives near the pond. Wadesboro Messenger-Intelligencer: We have in our office the greatest curiosity in the way of a chicken we have ever seen. It was handed to us by Frank Little, colored, and was hatched by a hen belonging to Ed. Little, colored, of Wadesboro. The chicken in question has four legs and four feet, four wings and two well developed backs; in fact it is a double chicken in evpry particular, except that it has only one head. Winston Sentinel: Thirteen years ago an old lady, now living in a suburb of this city, was unceremoniously deserted by her worthy spouse. For some reason of her own she has always since studiously circulated the impression that her husband had long since departed for that land " from whose bourne no traveller returns,' taking pains to explain the immediate cacse of his death, etc., and her neighbors had come to believe implicitly in this explanation of his absence. But Tuesday evening he suddenly turned up, the pic ture of health, to the utter discomfiture, no doubt, of the old lady. THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD FOR A WEEK. Sparks from the Wires. . Extensive prairie fires are burning in Texas. The disturbance is over in Bainwtll county. It is reported that yellow fever is raging in Hanava. Ex-Ernpres-. Eigene is as much of a recluse as though she were a nun. Suits wili be brought in favor of the mir ers killed in the Hill farm mine. A Pennsylvania lawyer is indicted for obtaining frauculent pension affidavits. The town of Stillwater, Minn , was en tirely destroyed by a cyclone last night. It is said the French expedition to the Upper Niger has been routed by the na tives. - There is a quarrel between the whites and colored Grand Army posts of New Orleas s. Oscar Johuson, of Augusta, Ga., con fesses the doable crime of criminal as sault and murder. At a meeting in an Iowa town the citi zens determined to tar and feather any perso nattempting to s ill spirituous liquors. The general manager of the Magazins du Louvre in Paris gets a salary or $30, 000 a year, with a percentage on the profits. The betrothal of Princess Victori", sister of Jimperor vv imam to Jrrinoe Adolph, of Schaumburg, is officially an nounced. The Western Union Telegraph office, in New York City, and other buildings were burned a few days ago. Loss, about $1,000,000. An eye-witness gives an account of the explosion at King's Mills. Ten per sons at least, were killed and double that number wounded. The retired pensioned veterans who fought under the great' Napoleon, who now receive $10 year, put their number at 112 instead of 180 as in 1888. Marshall Pass, on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, 10,851 feet above the sea level, is the highest point crossed by a railroad inside the limits of the United Statts. St. Petersburg, July 22 The town of Slonim has been partly wrecked by a hurricane. A number of people were buried in the ruins. Nineteen bodies have been recovered. Petersburg, Va., July 18. Eddie Coma, a young man living at City Point, nine miles from here, committed suicide to day shooting himself in the breast. No cause for the act is known. Montgomery, Ala, July 21. Cottrell, the desperado and fugitive Mayor of Cedar Keys, Fla., surrendered to United States Marshal Walker here last night. He was released on $2,500 bail. Petersburg, Va.. July 18. Eddie Coma, a young man living at City Point, nine miles from here committed suicide to-day by shooting himself in the breast. No cause for the act is known. Boston, July 21. J. B. Johnson the champion swimmer of Great Britain, has made a match wkh Professor Donaldson to swim ten miles for $1,000 a side over an ocean course, probably off Coney Island London, July 21 3:30 p. m. Bar sil ver is quoted at 50d. per ounce, an un precedented price, due to the change made in the value of the precious metal throughout the world by the passage of the silver bill. A mad ox was killed at Daviston, Ga., last week. He broke through every bar rier, and was hard to keep up with. The men shot him twenty-seven times before killing him. He was bitten by a mad dog three weeks ago. Wilmington, Del , July 21. Fire this morning destroyed the cotton mills of Edwin J. Cranston, at Stanton, near this city. The fire originated in one of the cards in the carding room. Loss, $20, 000; insurance unknown. City of Mexico, July 21. It is re ported that a battle has occurred between the for es of Guatemala and San Salvador, the former being defeated and sustaining heavy loss, and their artillery being cap tured by the San Salvadorians. At the celebration of the fiftieth an niversary of the invention of the postage stamp, held recently in England, a stamp was shown worth 100 guinas. It was from the British Guinea collection and showed a rude post-mark on pink paper. Chicago, July 22. The coroner's jury invesugating the Tioga explosion ren dertd a verdict this afternoon recom mending that J. C. Bright, of Buffalo, president of the Genessee Oil Company ; W. H. Bright, of Philadelphia, vice presi dent, secretary and treasurer of the com pany, be held for, the murder of the twenty-four victims of the Tioga, on the ground that they wilfully violated the law, and in so doing caused the death of the men. Miss Winnie Davis is not, a is by some r.rople s-upp sed, the only Kiuviving laughter of the Confederate 'endr Miss W-u'-ie hs H'. ..lriVrn ter, l rj who is the wif? or J. A. Ilty:,. s oiiirn. illy a M ssissiopian, but now a banker of Color ado Springs. Washington, July 18. Mr. Vnce in troduced in the Senate to-dy a bill pro riding for the repeal of the tax of ten per tent, on the circulation of State banks, and providing that n- hi hpr ra'o of tnx shall be levied on such circulation than n that of National banks. Buenos Aykrs, July 20 Conflicting reports are current of the discovery o: a plot against the government. Semi official papers declare that the reports have no foundation. A national conven tion will be convoked in January to des ignate for the Presidency, Cairo, 111., July 18. Eight prit-oners confined in the Pulaski county jail, at Mound City, seven miles above here, escaped la-it nigh". Some outsMe party s nuggled a rope to them aud they reached the ground through the scuttle hole. None of them ave been recaptured. In overhauling the Czar's civil list with a view to economy, recently, one of the items . discovered was the payment of $.750,ptr year for "lipsalve," which has been made to one family ever since the time of Empress Catharine, who is sup posed once to have had chapped lips. New York pick-pockets have invented a new scheme for robbing people. It is to pour kerosene or alcohol over the back of a man's coat and touch a match there to. Then while helping to extinguish the flames they "lift" the victim's watch and whatever money or valuables he may have. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 22. The steamer M. H. Clif t took fire from a spark, which was lodge i in a ba'e of hay this morning, off Linnon's Lodge, on the Tennessee river. About thirty passengers on board were badly frightened, but were sived without difficulty. The 'loss is about $G,000. Oshkosh, Wis., July 18. John War-poo-e, an Indian from the Keshene reser vation, who was found guilty in the U. S. Court here of repeated assaults upon his daughter, was sentenced to be hanged September 30th, on the reservation. This is the first death sentence ever passed in the State of Wisconsin. The Spanish mission, it is understood, has been tendered to General Mahone, of Virginia, but the probabilities are that he will not accept it. The reason assigned for his expected declination is that he does not lik President Harrison, and will not for that reason place himself under obligation to that gentleman. Birmingham, July 19. Bart Thrasher is a notorious moonshiner and escaped convict of Bibb county. Last night de tectives Morgan and Patton undertook to arrest Bart, and killed a man whom they supposed to be the outlaw. It proved to be Bart's father, however, who was standing guard over the ranjhe. Van Wert, Ohio, July 19. A bold at tempt at train robbery was made here late last night on the Cincinnati, Jackson & Michigan Railway. Three men boarded the engine of the r orth-bound passenger, near Enterprise, Ohio, and attacked en gineer Vandevender and his fireman with hammers and coupling pins, knocking both senseless. J. W. Napier, a detective, better known as u Kentucky Bui," armed with war rants for the arrest of the Hatfield s, starttd out from Charleston, W. Va , a tew weeks ago with the declaration that he would not return without them. It is now learned that his body, with a bullet in his heart, has been found near the home of the Hatfields. San Antonio, Texas, July 22. Small pox is epidemic along the Mexican side of the border. At Piedras Negras, 25 per cent, of the population has been affected, and the per centage of fatalities has been very high. In New Laredo have been upwards of 200 people stricken with the disease. The Mexicans have taken no precau'ion against its sp ead and in many of their smaller towns it is raging unchecked. Peorta, 111., 18. It was reported here at 7 o'clock last night that the town of Green Valley, on the line of Peoria, De catur & Evansville line, and Morton, on the Santa Fe, were swept away by a cyclone. Telegraphic communication with those places was shut off, as the wires are badly demoralized b, V e storm. The cyclone travelled toward Pekin, and mes sages from there say it approached th i outskirts of the city, and suddenly rose to the clouds, disappearing from view. Saratoga, N. Y., July 18. A bold daylight robbery was committed in this village yesterday. About noon, sneak thieves entered the Bliss cottage, on North Broadway, and got away with $10,000 worth of diamonds and jewelry. The cottage is occupied by Mr. Mortoa, Vice President of the United States, and. his law partner, Mr. Bliss, with their wives. It is impossible ti ascertain whether the jewelry was the property of Mr. Morton or Mrs. Bliss, as the parties interested de cline to make any statement.