THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, JULY 29, 1890. 6 I RELIGIOUS NEWS. A brier outline of the doings.of ,the differ ent Christian organizations through out our State and country Per- sonal points, etc. The fall session of Wake Forest College opens Sept. 1st. '"We are glad to hear that Rev. Dr. A. E. Owen, of Portsmouth,' Va., is convalescing ' Rev. C. S.'Farris and -wife - of Or lando, Florida, are spending the sum mer in Dolonia. Rev. A. D. Hunter and family, of Greenville, returned to Raleigh from Asheville on Saturday. Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, of Greens boro, has received a call to the pastor ate of the church at Wake Forest. Rev. Dr. N. B. Cob, of Cary, was in Raleigh on Thursiay last on his way to his appointment at Middleburg. Rev. J. F. Fletcher, is being pros pered in the mission work in Ashe county beyond his most sanguine hopes. Rev. A. D. Hunter, of Greenville, preached for Dr. Nelson of the First church, Asheville, on last Sunday night. Biblical Recorder. Rev. Dr. R. R. Overby, of Belcross, is this week with Re 7. J. F. Tuttle in a meeting with the church at Cresweil. Biblical Recorder. Rev. H. T. Williams, of Margaretts ville writes: " We dedicated the new house of worship here on last Sunday." Biblical Recorder. Rev. George J. Dowel, of Williams ton, expects to help Rev. J. W. Rose, of Johnston county in a meeting during the month of August.- Bibli cal Recorder. Rev. H. A. Brown informs us that he and Rev. S. F. Conrad and Rev. C. C. Haymore will organize a Bap tist church at Germanton on the 29th inst. Winston Daily. Good news reaches us about the work of Rev. J. A. Smit'a, of Fair Bluff. The people hold him in high esteem, and the work of the Lord prospers in his hands. Biblicil Recorder. Rev. C. A. G. Thomas, after preach ing to his people on Sunday last, bade them good bye on Monday morning and started to points in Rockingham county, N. C. Biblical Recorder. Rev. J. E. Hutson, the dis anguished Virginia revivalist, has just closed a fine meeting with Near Hope church in Mecklenburg county, Va. The Lord has greatly blessed this good man and his work. Biblical Recorder. Rev. A. W. Price preached at Alma last Sunday morning. A col lection taken up to aid in building a church in the place of the one de stroyed by lightning in Laurinburg a few weeks ago amounted to $105. Robesonian. The " Sunbeam Society," of the Southside church, of Birmingham, Ala., raised during twelve months $139 05. This shows what the little tots can do for missions, if some lady in each church will only organize them. Biblical Recorder. Rev. R. W. Cridlin, of Hanover county, Va., takes charge of the Southside Female Institute at Burk ville, Va. We have known Bro. Cridlin for years, and have always looked upon him as one of the best of men for any position. Biblical Re corder. An interesting series of meetings has just closed in the Southside Baptist church as Birmingham, Ala. Pastor P. T. Hall was aided by some dozen Baptist preachers, who preached once or twice each. There were thirty-two additions to the church. Biblical Re corder. A new Baptist church has been or ganized at Chadbourne,- N. C, with thirteen members, and has called Rev. T. J. Cobb to preach for them once a month. This little church starts out to build a house of worship, and to secure Brother Cobb for two Sundays in a month as soon as possible. Bib lical Recorder. Rev. D. A. Glenn, of Marvin, Va., has about finished the beautiful new house of worship, and hopes to dedi cate next month. Bro. Glenn is a fine preacher and a faith fu pastor. His father, Bro. J. Glenn, of Sugar Grove, N. . C, is in his eighty-first year, but still reads the Recorder. Biblical Recorder. Rev. W. L. Wright preached'seven days at Ephesus, in Person county, beginning July 5th. He preached, as but few men can, the pure gospel of Christ. Twenty-four persons professed faith in Christ. Nineteen joined the. church. Bro. Wright is an humble man of God, and to know him is to love him much. J. II. Lamberth, Roxboro, July 16, 1889. I expect to go to Palestine early next winter and shall therefore be un able to fill any evangelistic engage ments after Christmas. Pastors with whom I have such engagements will please make other arrangements. If any of your readers think of visiting the holy land any time soon I would like to correspond with them, as 1 am getting up a party to go.H. M. Wharton, Baltimore, in Biblical Re corder. At no time, and under no circum stances, will I permit one of my hands to aid in degrading what the other has lost in seeking to uphold the honor of my native State.- Were I to affix my signature to the bill I would indeed be ashamed-to let my left hand know what my right had done.' I place the honor of the State above money, and in expressing that sentiment I sincerely voice that of thousands of brave and true men, and of good and devoted women of the State. Francis T. Nicholls, Governor of Louisiana. These are brave words from the Govern oj in his message vetoing the lottery bill. Biblical Re corder. A WORD FROM OBIDS. Chase, N. C. Mb. Editor I beg leave of space in your most valuable paper the farmers' friend to make knon our progress to the kindred Alliances in the Old North State. Our lodge, Obids, No. 1,957, was organiz-d Xov. 16th,. 1889, with 16 males and two females. We now have 100 members 58 males and 42 females. More ladies than any other lodge in the county. Fraternally, C. C. Bowie. ALLIANCE NOTES. Always give the name and number of y ur Alliance, your pOstoffice and your c unty, plainly, when you write to the President. 'Secretary. Trustee, Business Agentor Chairman of Executive Com mittee of the State Alliance. Bro. Monroe Seagle, of Lincoln county, has our thanks for a club of eight subscribers. Bro. H. Barringer sends us a club of five subscribers from Jo. ods. Thanks, Bro. Barringer. Bro. Duncan Bedsole, of Autrey- ville, Sampson county, has our thanks for a club of 13 subscibers. Bro. R. A. Hardy, President of Essex Alliance, No- 85, Halifax county, has our thanks for a club of 8 subscribers. Bro. J. C. Miller, of Laurell Springs, Alleghany county, sends a club of four subscribers. He says the Alliance there is a unit for the Sub Treasury plan. Bro. L. T. Walters, of Silver Creek, Alliance Buke coumy, writes that they now have 150 me nbers, and all heartily in favor of the passage of the Sub-Treasury Bui. Bro. J. R. Orborne, Secretary of Bethany Alliance, No. 601, Davidson county, has our thanks for a club of ten subscribers. He says thev now have 47 male and 24 female me nbers. Sister B. A. Morgan, of Penelope, N. C, has our thanks for a club of 5 subscribers. She says: "The Pro gressive Farmer is worth more than all of the other papers in the State to the, farmers." Bro. C. H. Julian, Secretary of Gold Branch Alliance, No. 1,503. has our thanks for a club of six suvfnb ers. He writes that they now have 42 members and stand firm for the great reform movement. Bro. W. A. Adams, Secretary of Holly Springs Alliance, Wake coun y, sends us a club of six subscribers His Alliance has 87 members, and he says they are fitting up a large hall. Crops are looking fine. Bro. R. W. Fitch, Secretary of Union Ridge Alliance, sends a club of 1 7 subscribers. He says that those who read The Progressive Farmer are better posted than others. They now have 92 members. Bro J. F. Westbrook, of New ton Grove Alliance, No. 257, has our thanks for a club of five subscribers. He siys they have about 50 wide awake members and more knocking at their doors every meeting. Their lolge has established a farmers' Insti tute. Bro. D. W. Dudley, of Jones county, write3 that there will be an Alliance picnic at Deep Spring Church, Jones county, on Friday, August 1st. Bros. E. C. Beddingfield, L. D. Koonce and other speakers have been invited. The brethren and all friends are in vited to come. Bro. C. McG.-Dunn, Lecturer for Bladen ; County Alliance, writes that he has visited a number of Alliances in his county ; that he found one or two in a disorganized condition, others were very weak, but they are not entirely dead and he hopes they can be started again. Index to New Advertisements. Fairview Academy. Julius Lewis & Co., Hardware, Cane Mills, etc. Buffalo Lithia Springs. ' Williamson & Upchurch Clover Seed, Gins, Feeders and Condensers, Smoothing Harrows. Excursion to Asheville, Aug. 11th. Chowan Baptist Female Institute Fall Session, begins Sept. lOtk Leaksville Woolen Mills Balmy sleep. Alliance Warehouse, Henderson, N. C. Farmers' Union Tobacco M'fn'p- Co. Five Forks, Va. Competitive Examination. . There will be a competitive examina tion for three scholarships in the A. & M. College, held at the court house on the 14th of August. W. Q. Clements, Co. Supt Wake Co. I . S " DEATHS. Rrn Mnces Heathlev. aeed 71 years. a member of Green River Alliance, No. 1,236, Henders n county, died on tne btn inst. . ! " ' Bro. J. T. Dickson, aged 6o years, a member of Catawba Creek Alliance, No. 636 Gaston county, died on the 27th of June. Bro. A. D. Kerr, a member of Little Helton Alliance, No. 1,857, Ashe county, died at Big Scone Gap, Va., on the 4th of Ju'y. Bro. (jt D. Holan, a member of Lone Star Alliance, No. 990, Northamption county, died on the 3d of this month at the age of 72. We understand that the Raleigh Ma chinery Agency are selling a great many engines, boilers, saw mills, cotton gins, presses, etc. They guarantee the best quality of machinery at the lowest prices. Wayne Allcott, Manager, has his offi le at T. W. Blake's jewelry store. &i g 3 CD c oo s s o Cf D CD CD CT5 -t CD r-r J. CO la E3 - B CD o Jr a 80 cf e 3 3 t-j a O- CD 8 i & s ( i 3 2 i s3 O CD si p. 2 o CD O 0 0 E3 3 TO q ct ro p B o sr o to O era 3 CD CO i-o CD E3 CD CD NOTICE. Complaints are being received from CouLty and Sub-Business Agents con cerning incorrect statements of accounts. This is cvased by County Business Agents ordering goods and Sub-Business Agents smdiug money and not stating for what k is sent. Brethren, please don't let this be the ease any more. I will do all I can to corre t errors and hope the Business Agent will assist. Fraternally. W. II Worth, S.B. A. NOTICE. In obedience to instructions from the State Executive Committee, I have just visited several of the Northern cities to make arrangements for trade with lead ing houses and manufacturers and? am now prepared to have orders filled on very favorable terms. All orders should be sent through the County Business Agent unless cah nceompames Sub-Business Agent's orders. W. Li. Worth, S. B.. A. MAKE A NOTE OF THIS. O;; ai! matter r!n ii:g to the State Alii nc", address E. C. Leddingfield, Ral-i-iiP-h. N. C. On id! rriiitters intended for the or gar of the order, a-irr??? The Progressivj Farmer, Raleigh, N. O. On all maiteis ieiauug to the Business Agency, address W. H. Worth, Business Agent, Raleigh, N. C. On all matters relating to the National Order, address L. L. Polk, President, 511 9th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. NOTICE. To the Secretaries of the Sub-Alliances of North Carolina: You are hereby directed to pay out of the money now in the treasury of your Sub-Alliance, to your County Secretary, the five cents per capita on each male member in good standing, as per article 2, section 7, of the National Constitution. County Secretaries will please remit the amount as soon as received to the State Secretary. Please be prompt, as our National Secretary is in need of the funds. Fraternally, Elias Carr, Pres't N. C. F. A. Corbin Dish and Thomas Smoothing Harrows, the best Harrows in use, can be bought low of Williamson & Upchurch. Raleigh, N. C, July 28, 1890. OFFICIAL Washington, D. C, Janv.&ry 3, 1889. At an early day the Ritmil" containing form for burial service, will be published and issued from this office. Also the Constitution and Statutory Laws of the Order, with simple and practical rules ol parlimmentary usage. These books will be printed in neat anc durable style and will each bear the imprint of the seal of the National Order. Rituals and National Constitutions with out such imprint will not be recognized as official. . This office can supply State secretaries only. Members of the order must applv to their State secretary. By order of the President. J. H. Turner, Secretary N. F. A. and I. U. All communications for L. L. Polk. President National Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, or for J. H. Turner, national secretary, should be addressed to them, 511 9th St,, N. W., Washington, D. C. By special permission we refer to Mr. Matthew Griffin, editor and proprietor of the well-known fluancial paper, The Daily Stockholder, 176 Broad way, New York, who was cu'ed of the rheumatism oy the ue of our remedy, and is contifinally recommending it to his friends. Lee, Johnson & Co., f ole Agents for Kaleih. lSt all" go on the excur sion to ASHEVILLE, AUGUST ixTH. 11 hfl mn from Raleieh AcAxrllo Anarnof 11 th. and returning v iiVf q - J ' leave AshevilU in the afternoon of August lotn. rare ior rouu inp, uum xwicigu, Q ft. nrkoTn &3 F(Y- ftrepnshnro. $3.00: Q.i;K.irTT S9 fin I Viia will (rive delegates and all who wish to attend the State Alii- ance Convention about two days ana two nights in Asheville. Let's all go. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A meetiner of the stockholders of the Farmers' Alliance Warehouse Co. will be held in Durham, N. C, on Friday, August 1st, 1890, at 2 p. m. It is earnestly re quested that all stockholders and Alli ance men be present. U. is. 13 eavers, bee y. By order of J W. Allen, Pres't Board Directors. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 9, 1889. -It is hereby ordered by the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Farmers' State Alliance, in session in Raleigh this day, that the State Alliance Business Agent shall, on and after February 1st, 1890, fill orders only from County and Sub-Alliance Business Agents when cash for the full amount of the bill shall ac company the order. Except orders from such County A lliance Business Agents as shall have filed their justified legal bond with the Executive Committee of their County Alliance, and the State Business Agent been duly certified of the same, under seal of the County Alliance. S. B. Alexander, Ch'mn Ex. Committee. The small amount of cash in the hands of the State Business Agent, and the in creasing business of his office, render it necessary that the above ordes should be made. County Agents should always send in cash for full amount of bills not later than twenty days after receiving them. Promptness in these matters is very necessary and will greatly oblige, Fraternally, W. H. Worth, S. B. A. N. C. F. S. A. RATES TO North Carolina State Farmers' Alliance, Asheville, N. C. The Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell parties attending the Nor h Caro lina State Farmers' Alliance, at Asheville, N. C, tickets to ihat point and return at the following rates from points named, tickets on sale August 10th to 13th, in clusive, good returning until and includ ing August 19th, 1890 : Froaa Charlotte, - - $4.50 ' Greensboro, - 4.95 " Durham, - - 6 25 Raleigh, - - 6 90 u Selma, - - 7.65 " Goldsboro, - - 8.15 " Henderson, - 7.40 " Winston-Salem, - 5.50 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. NOTICE. To Nash County Alliance Men : Brethren, remember our three voluntary monthly meetings, viz: Business A j;enu meet every second Friday, Presidents meet every third Friday, Secretaries meet every fourth Friday. On the fourth Fri day in March Sub-Secretaries are ex pected to make their reports and settle dues with the County Secretary, so that the County Alliance may proceed at once to business when it meets in April. The County Business Agent will attend each of these meetings to serve you. Sam'l R. Hilliard, Sec'y Nash Co. Alliance. !3,oooPAIRS HOME-MADE SHOES. This is the quantity just purchased of the celebrated Wetmore Shoes for our Alliance trade. These shoes are not shoddy but honest home-made goods, and are warranted to give the best wear. They are fully 25 per cent, better and 25 per cent, cheaper than the Northern goods. This is one of the largest single pur chases of one make of shoes ever made in the State. These shoes are recommended by Mr. Worth, State Busines Agent, and Capt. Powell, Business Agent Wake County Alliance. W. II. & R. S. Tucker & Co. BUSINESS AGENTS. Fall Terms on Guano and Acid. I am prepared to furnish the North Carolina Farmer's Official Fertilizer upon the following terms, viz: Car lots F. o!B., Richmond, Va., payable Oct. let, 1890 $2)50 Pavab.e Jan. 5th. 1891 21.00 Payable Nov. l-t H)l 22.40 Any quantity F. I). B., Durham, N. C, Payable Oct. let, 189 $21 5 ) Payable Jn 5tn, 18'1 22.00 Payable Nov. isr, 1891 23 40 Parties desiring to purchase on time will please send orders and notes d!re. t. to Durham Fertilizer Co., Durham, N. C. Cash orders, as above or, th ough this of fice. North Carolina Farmers Alliance Bone Phosphate guarameed 13 per cent, avail able Phosphoric Acid ( uns 13 1 2 to 14 per cent.) at any railroad d- pot in Nortn Carolina at $1640. Yours Fraternally, W H. WORTH S. B A. THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY ALL1 ANCE READY TO WORK. Shallotte, N. C, Jan. 30, 1890. The Brunswick County Alliance Busi ness Agency is now ready to attend to the wants of the AUiancemen of the county. If you want to sell your farm products, or if you wish to purchase any thing in the markets, your agent may be of mate rial benefit to you. Consult me on the market prices of all your products. Let your wants be known to me and they shall be attended to. E. L. Stanley, Business Agent. Hudsos, Dec. 14, 1889. Mr, Wm. Rad&m: I write to certify that I have taken your "Mi crobe Ki'ler" and have derived much Decent from it. I consider it an excellent remedy for general debility. Yours reep.c fully, R. A. Ouzbxsxt. Lee Johnson A Co., Sole Agents for Raleigh. NEW RITUALS AND NATIONAL CONSTITUTIONS. The new rituals with burial Bervicfc and the new Constitution of the Nation' Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Unioi are now ready. Brethren can get sup plies by ordering from State Secretary . Rituals 50 cents per dozen, National Con stitutions 25 cents per dozen. State Col. stitutions 50 cents per dozen, by m post-paid on receipt of price. s Hj. U. XEDDINGFIELD, Sec'y N. C. F. S. A TO COUNTY BUSINESS AGENTS. To" all who have written me as to locat ing a man in Norfolk or some other ship ping point to sell cotton and other pro duce, I will say your views will be sub mitted to the State Executive Committee at their meeting on the first Tuesday in August, and will then, or at the State meeting, decide whether it is thought ad visable to handle our Alliance cotton at such points or not. All County Business Agents who have not yet sent in their replies will please do so by Tuesday, August 5th. W. H. Worth, S. B. A. GET A SEAL. If you write to the State Secretary, the Business Agent, the Trustee, the Presi dent or the Chairman of the Executive Committee, do so under seal of your Alli ance. How can these officers know that you are a member of the Alliance, except when you write under seal? This is busi ness, brethren. The sea? is your protection against imposition. Use it. Pratt Sins, Feeders and Condeners The best machines in use for Ginning Cot ton: gin faster and cleaner. WILLIAMSON & UPCHURCH. Raleigh, N. C, July 28, 1890. Tie Farmers' Alliance Warehouse For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. Durham, N. C. The stockholders are composed of Alli ance men only. The Warehouse is oper ated by men of experience. Have the best lighted, best arranged and best equipped warehouse in this country for the sale of your tobacco. Have the good will and hearty support of all buyers on the market. We sell your tobacco for one half the auctioneers' and weighmasters charges that are charged by the other warehouses here, the charges being the same for all, whether mem bers of the Alliance or not. We furnish empty hogsheads and tierces to those desiring to ship by rail, at short notice, and make liberal advances on all tobacco in hand. Our Manager keeps thoroughly posted as to prices of tobacco on all inland markets, and when desired will give you the information as to where, in his judgment, is the best market to sell any grades of tobacco you may have. The Alliance Warehouse enterprise here has been in successful operation since the 5th of February, 1889, declared divi dends to the stockholders and at the same time has saved thousands of dollars to its natrons by reduced charges. We are in a position to guarantee the farmers as much money for their tobacco as they can get elsewhere, and by hard work, economy and close application to business we intend in the future, as we have in the past, to make the Farmers" Alliance Warehouse a grand success. On all matters pertaining to the sale of leaf tobacco, address JNO. W. POPE, Manager, Cor. Main and Great Jones Sts., Durham, N. C. Crimson Clover Seed. SOW m AUGUST, MOW IN APRIL. Gives you the land back in fine condition, in time to plant all Summer Crops. Five thousand pounds for sale in large or small quantities, by WILLIAMSON & UPCHURCH. Raleigh, N. C, July 23, 1890. Hudson, Dec. 16 1889. Wm. Radam Microbe Killer Co.; Dear Sire : Having tried every suggested remedy for chronic rheum it em for more than twenty 3' ears, I was dubious as to the effic cy of your Microbe Killer. But tm frank to admit cure after taking not quite two jues, aiid I eanifftly trust permanently. Yours respectfully, S. O. Lanct . Lee, Johnson A Co., Sole Agents for Raleigh Elon Oollege. New College; high s'andard. Thorough Instruc tion. Delightful location. Both sexes. One of the large.-t ard handsomest school buildings, and ore of the oet-t and cheapest colleges :n the" State. For annoancemmt. to REV. W.S. L' i.G, A. M. D. t. Pre?. K'ou College. Nr. C. .A. GOLD WATCH I I FOR ONE DOLLAR I Per week by our Club system. Our 14 karat patent stiffened Gold Cases are fully war ranted tor 20 years. Elgin or Waltham movement with latest improvements reliable and well known,. tem-wind and set. Lady's or Gent's size. Hunting open face. Equal to any $7 wu-h. We sell one of these watches for $23 cash and send to any address by registered mail, or by express, C. O. D., with privilege of examination; also by our Club system t $1 per week. One good, re liable, permanent A.GEN T WANTED in each place. Write for particulars. EMPIRE WATCH CO., 35 Park Bow, New York. " I was troubled with Catarrh for over two years. Ttried various remedies, and was treated by a number of phyricians, bat received no benefit n til I began to take Ayer's 8artaparilla. A few bottlt-s of thl medicine cured me." Jesse M. Boggs, nolman-s Mills, N. C. TO FIRST-CLASS LIFE INSTJR ANCE COMPANIES. We have , a proposition from a rst. class insurance company to give theV C. F. Alliance life insurance at spectai rates. Any such companies wishing to make special terms to us will make their propositions in writing to the State Busj. ness Agent, at Raleigh, N. C, and will present them for consideration to the State Executive committee at their next meeting in August. Respectfully, W. H. Worth, S. B. a. TIMELY NOTICE TO THOSE OR. DERING BINDERS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS. Persons wishing to order harvestn. machinery should place their orders at one, as there are often delays in railroa.j transportation, and the manufacturers are crowded as the season comes on, ar.d many machines have to be ordered frum the manufacturer. W. H. Worth, S. B. a. NOTICE. To County and Sub-Business Agents of X. C. Farmers' Alliance. I will be glad to meet as many County and Sub-Business Agents at Greensboro on July 23d, at the Benbow House, at 8 o'clock p. m., as can conveniently attend W. H. Worth, fc. B. A. NOTICE. County and Sub-Business Agents will please send their names und postotnee address, with certificate of bond, at once to the State Business Agf nt, W. H. Worth, Raleigh. N. C. Ths North Carolina College cf Agriculture . and K'ckn'c Art; Will begin its second session on Septem ber 4th, 1S90. The new and large shop buildings for working in iron and wood, will be ready for occupation, and all the departments are equipped for thorough work. Ex penses are less than in any similar college in existence. For further particulars, address Alexander Q Holliday, Pres't, Raleigh, N. C, IT air view Academy. Established 1884. One hundred students; four teachers, liegular Academic Course; complete Business Course; Thorough Teach ers' Course. Penmanship and Calisthenics free. Both sexes admitted. Board, $6.50 per month. Tuition low. Every advantage at little expense. Send for catalogue. Ad dress. W. T. WHITSETT, Supt., Gibsonville, N. C. r. M. AftGO. J. H. FLEMING ARGO & FLEMING. Attorneys at Law, Raleigh, 1ST. O. West Martin Street North of ltotfice Square Practie In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the Federal Court, and the 'Mvil Courts of Wake Johnston. Harnett and Wavtih Chowan Baptist Female Institute, MURFREESBORO, N. C. Parents and guardians will do well to note the following fac s: The Jnetita e was located at Murfreeeboro in preference to many other very desirable places because of Its celebrity for health, and the history of the school for more than fony ears demon strates the wisdom of their course. The beaut of the loc tti.ii ! not surpassed in North Carolina. The do ru-s were refurn shed and carpeted laet summer. The course of 'nf traction fe extensive as the demands of the public w l! aH -w. Only the best and most cspeiienced teucher? are employed In all department, and the work done is ' thorough. - The charges are as reasonable as they can be made for the class of work done. ; The fall session begins on Wednesday, Sq tember 10th. f For Catalogue or additional information, address ? JNO. B. BREWER, President. The Southern Mei cury, DALLAS, TEXAS. Official Organ of the Farmers' State Alliance of Texas. An eight -page, forty-eight column weekly devoted to Alliance affairs and matters of general interest to farmers. Farmers desiring to know all above Texas and the Alliance in this State should subscribe for it at once. Price, per an num, $1.00. Address, Southern Mercury, Dalla?, Texas. ATTENTION, BOYS ! EUTHEItFORD MILITARY INSTITUTE. Capt. W. T. R. Bell, Sup'f. OPENS SEPTEMBER 1ST, 1890 New buildings, icclndinjr main Viuililii -', Superintendent's Quarters," Music Hall, bar racks, etc. Board on supervipd JIfHs Tln Graduate of Virginia Military Institute com iniiiitiaLit of Cadets. Gr unda cover te i acres, bpecial courses, including Civil Engineer;?, without extra charge. Mount., m scenery. Rates within react ot aJl. Send tor circular!. Addres- the .Superintendent, Rutherfordtou, N. V. OAKRIOGEIIISTIiUIElS This school is situated in one of the most healthful section of the South. It is the largest I nvatc School in North Carolina. 267 students during year just closed. Full Courses for preparation ltr College. Teaching. Music. Bookkeeping. Penman ship. Shorthand, Telegraphy, Typewnting. if for beautiful Illustrated Catalogue Address. ZrZl. PRINCIPALS, OAK BIffGE, H. C .i r (

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