t -, THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. JULY 29 i80 r r COUNTY. OF CALDWELL A pian in Place of Sub-Treasury. We published a part of the proceed- 7S of Caldwell County Alliance last eek The following is the part left oyer for lack of space: The paper known as the Sub Treas ury bill," which had been sent down to the Sub Alliances for adoption or rejection, coming up as" unfinished business from the April meeting of the County Alliance, a motion was made to adopt. After an able discus sion of the bill for and against, a vote was taken and the motion to adopt was lost. Dr. R. L. Be all then offered the following paper, which was adopted, viz: Believing in the fundamental prin ciples of our Constitution, viz: equal rights to all ind special favors to none; to constantly strive to secure harmony and good will among all mankind; to suppress personal, local, sectional and national prejudices; and having faith in the intelligence and conservatism of our fellow citizens, we offer the following plan as a rem edy for existing public evils, not only to our brethren in North Carolina, but of the whole order, and would firmly but respectfully ask of all candidates for the Legislature or Congress a public acceptance of the rame. First. Such a modification of the tariff as will allow the products of our farms not only to reach the free mar kets of the world, but to get in ex change for our products the manu factures of a free market without un just restrictions. Second, Such an economical admin istration of national finances as shall leave none of the people's money locked in the government vaults as a surplus above the needs of the gov ernment, tuereby contracting the cur rency, or acting as a temptation to corrupt schemes, or wasted on need less public buildings and unnavigable harbors and rivers. Third, A modi6caf,ion of the nation al banking act, so as to prevent a needless contraction of the currency; the repeal of the tax on our State banks, and the free coinage and re: monetization of silver. Fourth, A cessation and repeal of all unconstitutional, central:zing, sec tional and pa-tisan legislation by Con gress, thereby promoting a feeling of national brotherhood and confidence in the justness and stability of the government which is the basis of na TIONAL PROSPERITY. Fifth, A proper control of the rail roads, which are but the highways of the people for purposes of travel and commerce, in such a manner as not to deprive the railroad companies of a reasonable protit on their investment and at the same lime protect the peo pie from unjust discriminations and restrictions on trade and travel. Sixth, Stern opposition to the usur pation of powers not granted in the constitution and reserved to the people. AMONG THE ALLIANCES. What the Organization is Doing Throughout the Country. Georgia now has 140 counties organized and a membership of 85, 000. Rice county, Kan., exchange has been organized with a capital of $5,000. A day has been set apart for the Alliance at the Piedmont Alliance, Atlanta, this i all. Foard County, Kan , Alliance ex change has been organized with a capital of $100,000. A correspondent of the Mocksville Times says that th Alliance is pro gressing finely in his sectioi. Dr. W T. Cheatham has been ap pointed physician to the Vance county branch of the National Far uers' Alli ance. The farmers of Leavenworth, Kan., have resolved that they will not sup port any lawyer or banker for Con gress hereafter. The Neasha County Alliance Ex change has just been orgaaized, says the Alliance Tiihune. The capita stock is $10,000. An Alliance man in Georgia walked" twenty miles recently to carry impor tant news to his brethren. That is the kind of grit we need. The Alliance of Alabama will use flax bagging for the coming cotton crop. , Cost 5 J cents per yard for 1 pound bagging, six cents per yard for two pound bagging. Rev. S. S. Goforth, of Loves Alliance, Wilkes county, informs the brethren as follows:. " Corn and veg etable crops look prosperous.1 Wheat, oats and rye not more than half a crop. Health of the people tolerably goou. ine Alliance is. advancing." Bro. Goforth has our thanks for two subscribers. Dr. Roberts Bartholow, M A, LL.D. I rofe? sor of Materia Medica and General Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical Col- Vcgci.o Pnidelphia,.&c. See his "Materia Medica and Therapeutics." ' wUmS&H1 SVIin,ot Virginia, contains tracts or Lithia and is Alkaline. Amatll vithareat advantage in Gouty, meat ven that Alkaline taken before the AUn Pnctionjof acid gastric juice, See"ad."lnthlaiBfln TO BUSINESS AGENTS. Raleigh, N. C, July 26, 1890. I am now prepared to supply groceries in whole packages only at lowest whole sale prices. The tone of the market is strong and advancing. Corn is higher. SUOAB. Standard granulated American A No. a X 3... No. 4 X4 ; COFFEE. 6.31c 6C 5.60c 5c 5.50c -5c D R No. 24. R " 8. DR " 25. A EOB DR H.Ii. C. I). R. 23. D. R. 22. W.B. I. A. 4 G. 9 c C( ( , B. 9. 2. I.. SYBUP. Crystal table. Crushed sugar drops Rock candy drips. Patapsco MOLASSES. 1 1 4 vac a Muscovado Ponce P. Rico No. 43 (bbls). . New crop Cuba (Tres) " " " (bbls) Port Rico No. 46 a 4.0 " " " 34 Cuba A D B New Orleans : Laurel N. O soap. Pure admiral brand 100 lb box Is 60 lb box Is LABD. Pure i efined in tins Pare refined, in tierce rairbank's, in tierce I8c 19o 20c 19o 20Ac 20c 22c 20c 19c 19c 19o 18o 18c 24c 28c 33c 23c 19c 21c 29c 29c 30c 23c 2ic 22c 18o 26c 38 3.35 2.00 8c c Compound 5?ic 2 50 lb tins in case " 420 lb tins " " " 610 lb tics " " 125 lb tins " STABCH. Large lump 40 lb box Pearl laundry 40 lb box HOMINY AXD OBITS. 100 lb bags 200 lb bbls BICE. Choice seed per bushel 100 lb bags or bbls PEPPEB. Sifted grain in 120 lb bags Silted grain in email quantity. Strictly pure Pari. Green in 100 lb lots per lb A brand 100 lb lots B braud " " Bbls holding abont 300 ibs cent less on the above. LYE. Best pure concentrated Best pure potash SODA. Kegs of 112 lbs Boxes of 60 lbs in lb pkg N B Boxes of 60 lbs in 1 and y pack ages N B FLOUB. XXX Extra Snow flake in bbl Roanoke in bbl President in bbl Ideal 15c per bbl less in bbl sacks. MEAT. Sides in box (400500 lbs) Richmond (400-500 lbs) Wilmington Sugar cured hams California hams Mess pork per bbl (200 lbs) . . . Special rates for car load 20,000 lbs BRAN, ETC. Specia1 rales on C. L. lots. Ship stuff per ton Bran 6)1 6c 6c S'c 2Bc 1.50 3.00 1.50 14c 15c 12c 12c 10c 3.10 2.60 2?4'c 4c Soda in bbls CBACKEBS. CANDY. Best plain, 25 lb box " 44 200 lb bbl. . . Cocoanut HAY. Best timothy C. L. (13 tons)... Best mixed C. L. (13 tons) OATS DELIVERED IN N. C. No. 2 mixed Only in C. L. lots. COBN. Delivered in N. C. White, sacked Mixed " 3Vc. less in bulk. Only in car lots 500700 bus. CLOVfiR SEEDS. Crimeon, clean per lb '. .. " rough " F. O. B. Raleigh, N. C. 15 lbs clean teed per acre. 40 lb9 rough seed pe acie. inter vetches per lb F. O. B. Raleigh, N. C. 4C lbs per at re. SEED WHEiT. Fulcaster per bushel (new grain bagt) ... I.ancafter per bushel Futz Purple straw " WHEAT DRILLS. No. 1 wheat drills F. O. B. and guaranteed to any point In N C Not more than $7 per drill. These are firtt- class. B3GOING (cash.) Large heavy bags 'about 2 lbs each) 334 cents per b. F. O. B. N. Y. 250 bas to the bale. Freight rates to Ralogb, 28c per 100 lbs. ties (cash.) New arrow per bdl ... F. O, B. Wilmington, N.C., or N.Y. Freight tn m Wilmington to Ral eigh, 7c per bdl. SALT. 240 lb No. 1 bags each 280 lb bbls each 320 lb .bbls each 16 meeh salt per ton bulk Agricultural salt per ton, bulk. . F. O. B New York. Freight per car load Rale's h and Goldboro 30c per 100 lb. Char lotte 31c per 100 lfcs. meal. Best white corn C. L. lots, No.l WAGONS. One horse Two horse CABTS. Log, complete Damp " Ho&$ BEST MACHINE THREAD. Kerr's spool cotton in cases of 50 doz. pei doz Best tobacco flues (F. O. B., Raleigh) Per pound TOBACCO. 10 lb. boxes 30 lb. boxes . CIGARS. Alliance, No. 1, per m... . t .... I. ....... " 4 4t LAWN MOWERS, MOWERS, BBAPERS AND Enclosed gear mowers . American reaping attachment.".'.".' Harvesters snd binders Fraweport for harvester and' binder ' Ilay rakes Lawn mowers Steel cotton hoes, 6 to 8 "m". goose neck, per diz & Straw cutters .". ". ".".. ". ". ". ".! " "." " . NAIL8 AND SHOES. xioree enues per Keg. Mule shoes per keg ' uorse snoe ails '.i... eTOYlsi ; . i Cook, complete 1 Healing " PLOWS AND FIXTTJBX3. Special prices on $10.00 lots and np. BEWTNO MACHINES. Alliance High Ana, 4 drawer. ...... 3.50 3.65 4.75 5.10 5.85 5.6CC 53lc 11.75 20.00 20.00 4c 9o lie 13.00 12.50 4 62 63c 1(1 74 9c 6C 8c 1.25 a. 20 1.15 1.15 50.00 1.25 76C 85c 93c 3.50 2.00 10 60 22.50 35a42 35.C0 20.00 12.50a30 40c 26a 34c 26&60c 32.00 31.50 30.00 2800 'binders. 35a45.00 13.00 -110all9 8.00 lla20 5a9 2.50af.50 4.00aS5.00 ; 3 85 4.85 liaise .50aS5.00 S.50a30 17.00 Singer pattern $12afl5 New crown $14.50ai35 BUGGIES AND HARNESS. Busfirv ha'npss per set 5 00 liar and names ' ooc 8.10 14 00 33.27 38.88 70.00 21.50 20.50 Collar and names Waonharnes one-half leather traces Double wagon narness Open ...... Too Top phaetons FERTILIZERS . N C. Farmers' Alliance official guano F. O. B. Durham, N. C... F. O. B. Richmond, Va Any quantity from Durham, but only in car loads from Richmond. No discountf on above prices. Com. tv and jub-Business Agents p' ease fend In their names aid certincates or Donds. In ordering be careful to state what depot goods are to be sh'p ped to and be sure to give name of your postofflco as it is very important. Please condense your correspondence for I am run over with business. Please have orders and letters on different paper. Yours fraternallv, W. H. Worth. S. B. A. SSeals delivered for $2.25. Trade cards, 25c. per ioo. Wood's Hew Crop TURNIP AND RUTABAGA SEEDS. Pbice, Postage Paid, Five Cents per Ounce, Forty Cents per Pound. All Varieties. GERMAN OR CRIMSON CLOVER, . Earliest of all the Clovers, invaluable for early green feed, hay, or as an improver. Price 12?. per pound $6.50 per bushel. Fall circular ol all Seeds for Fall Sowing mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, 8 & 10 South 14th St., Richmond, Ya. Special Business. Think of the fact that the Su,i is the o:ilv organ of the Farmers' and Laborere' Unon Siuth of Nashville and vv est of Chattanooga in the State of Tennessee or North Alabama, and is therefore the best medium through wn.cn auveitise scan reach our FarniiTs. W v i!' make y-u special rates on Ftanding ads. This is your chance to reach the farmers of our section. We will work for our ad vertiserc. Address THE SUN, Fayetteville, Tenn. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. Condensed Schedule, corrected to May 18th, 1890. Southbound. Leave Richmond.., Leave Burkville Leave Keysville Leave Danville Arrive Greensboro. . Leave Goldsboro.. Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh. . . Leave Durham Arrive Greensboro. Leave Winston Salem... Leave Greensboro. Arrive Salisbury. . . Arrive Arrive Arrive Statesville. . . Aeheville Hot Springs. Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Salisbury Charlotte Spartanburg. Greenville... Atlanta Leave Charlotte.. Arrive Columbus. Arrive Augusta . . Daily. No. 50. No. 52. 3 00 P M 2 30 A M 5 06 P M 4 30 A M 5 48 P M 5 10 A M 8 40 P M 8 05 A M 10 27 P M 9 42 A M 2 40 PM T5 00PM 4 40 P M 9 00 PM 4 45 PM 1 OdrOl 5 48 P M 2 55 A M 8 20 P M 7 30 A M t6 30 P M 6 15 A M 10 37 P M 9 50 A M 12 26 A M 11 19 A M 1 49 A M 12 08 P M 722AM 422PM 9 34 A M 5 55 P M 12 32 A M 11 24 A M 2 05 A M 12 40 P M 4 51 AM 33riPM 5 56 A M 4 46 P M 11 00 A M 9 40 P M 2 20 A M 1 00 PM 6 80 A M 5 10 P M 10 30 A M 9 00 P M Northbound. Leave Augusta. . Leave Columbia. Arrive Charlotte. Leave AUanta Arrive Greenville. . . Arrive Spartanburg. Arrive Charlotte Arrive Salisbury Leave Leave Leave Arrive Hot Springs. Asheville . . . Statesville. . Salisbury. . . Leave Arrive Salisbury. . . Greensboro . Arrive Winston-Salem. Leave Greensboro Arrive Durham Arrive Raleigh , Leave Raleigh Arrive Goldsboro.. Daely. Leave Greensboro.., Arrive Danville , Arrive Keysville Arrive Burkville Arrive Richmond . . . No. 51. j ftp. 53. 6 10 P M 8 00 A M 10 35 " 12 50 P M 3 13 A M 5 15 " BU0PM ! ? 10 A M 12 35 A M 148PM 1 39 " 2 52 " 4 25 " 5 30 44 6 02 44 7 05 4 11 10 P"il 12 24 P M 12 40 44 2 02 44 5 02 A M 5 58 44 5 53 44 6 42 44 6 07 44 7 12 44 7 47 ,4 8 40 44 11 40 44 t!2 30 A M 9 45 44 11 00 P M 12 01 P M 5 00 A M 1 05 44 7 45 44 1 05 P M t9 00 A M 3 55 44 12 50 P M 7 55 A M S 50 P M 9 32 44 10 20 44 12 18 P M 1 55 A M 1 00 44 2 45 44 3 30 44 5 15 44 BETWEEN WEST POINT, EICHMOND AND KALKIGH. Via Keysville, Oxford, and Durham. 54 an- 102. STATIONS. 55 nd 103 18 00 AM Lv W et-t Point.... Ar. C00PM. 9 40 44 Ar Richmond Lv. t4 35 44 11 00 44 Lv Richmond Ar. 4 30 44 100PM 4 .... Barkevllle 44 2 25 44 2 05 " 44 ... . Keysville 44 1 45 44 2 4 4 4 4 44 ....chase City.... 4 12 30 44 3 15 44 " ClarksviJle 44 11 55A.M. 4 13 44 Ar.. . Oxford Lv. IP 4(5 44 ' 1 12 Lv Oxforo Ar. 10 00 A M. 5 45 44 Henderson 44 8 5 5 44 4 13 P M. Lv Oxford . Ar- 10 46 A M. 6 57 44 Ar Raleigh Lv. 8 15 44 tDaily exce. t Sunday. Daily.. Daily, except Mondiy. Additional train leaves Oxford daily ex cept Sunday 11.00 a. m., arrive Hender son 12.05 p. m., returning leave Hender son 2.10 p, m. daily except Sunday, airive Oxford 3.15 p. m. No. 50, leaving Goldsboro 2.20 p. m. and Raleigh 4.45 p. m. daily, makes con nection, at Durham with No. 19, leaving at G.00 p. m. daily, except Sunday for Ox ford, Henderson, and all points on O. & H., O. & C, and R. & M. Roads. Passenger coaches run through between "West Point and Raleigh, via Keysville, on os. 54 and 102, and 55 and 103. Nos. 51 and 53 ! connect at' Richmond from and to West Point and Baltimore daily except Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. - On trains 50 and 51, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York, Danville and Augusta, and Greensboro, via Asheville to Jtf orristown, Tenn. On 52 and 53, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Washington and New Orleans, via Montgomery, and between Washing ton and Birmingham, Richmond and Greensboro, Raleigh and Greensboro, and between Washington and Augusta, and Pullman Buffet Sleepers between- Wash ington and Asheville and Hot Springs. Sol Haas, W. A. Turk, Jas. L. Taylor, Traffic Man. Div.Pass.Agt. Gkn.Paws.Agt. RALEIGH, N. O. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are recommended by the beet physicians, because they are free from calomel and other injurious dr gs bring composed of purely vegetable Ingredients. While thorough In their action, they stimulate and etrenghten the bo well and secretory organs. Some, Syest Home 'OTJ NEED NOT SEND AWAY FROtf HOME ior anything. EDWARDS & BROUGHTON, RALEIGH, N. C, Printers, Binders, Stationers and Blank Book Manufacturers. Can supply every want in their line, foi they have one of the largest and best equipped establish ments of the kind to be found in this country. g9T" Alii ince printing of every kind, from the Trade Card to the largest Record. Publishers of the North Carolina Manual of La.w and P'orms, the great Hand-book for Magistrates and County Officers. ROWAN GRANITE WORKS Hill Stones! jam Stones ! The undersigned wjll sell you mill stones rcu' out of the old Shuping quarrie. This is one of the best jgrits for mbl stones. It is a hard and very sharp grit. The late E. E. Phillips, the ereat mill man of Rowan county, cut mill stones for fifteen or twenty years out of this well-known and popu lar grit. We will furnish stones with furrows cut, ready to put up ano run, also without fur ow. We guaraniet this grit to be one of The best for mill stones. We will furnish any design of granite work, from a corner-stone to foundation stoned, to go under a one-thousand horse-power engines Kock-boTtom Prices. Don't buy before yoc write us for cur best terms. : Special prices to our brothers In the Alliance . Have yonr letters stamped with seal, or siemed b your brother or Secretary. FISHER, SHUPING & RICHIE. Lcck-box 149, Salisbury, N. C. Robt. M. Jeffreys, President. T. Y. Allen. Sec'y & Treas FARMERS' UNION Tobacco Manufac turing Company, Fi-sre Forks, Ya. MAHIFA MESS OF PLUS TOSACCO Established by Mecklenbure County Farm er' Alliance and industrial ut ion, and con- 1 rolled only by Alliance men. Manufacture a genuine sun-cured tobacco with Ormokn filler. Trial orders "-olicited Samples sent on application. Address, Farmers' Union Tobacco M'f'o Co. , Skipwith P. O., Va. Alliance Warehouse, 1: HENDERSON, N. C. AnThorizefl Capital $100,000. The new Tobacco Crop is a large one will cure bright and must bring BIG MONEY ! We cordially invite all who have Tobacco to eel (old or new), to give us their patronage. We ar in every way well prepared to hand'e a large ehare i f what Henderson will t?ell the coming season We goarantee BEST PRICES and LOWEST CHARGES. Sell With-Us and Save Money ! DiiECTOC? : Walter BuJlock, J. P. Sttewhite, J. II. Minn, J. C. Bobbitt, M. P. urwell. Truly your fr'cnds, Vance C ounty Alliance W. 11. Co , W. H. JENKINS Ma . e . Turner's Emancipator ROBERT A. TURNER, Editor. Published Monthly. Ten Cents a Year. Turner's Emancipator is a champion of the r:ghts of labtr, expv es fraud whertver found. It- edi torials ae snap, gimrer. and n.;tro-g!yterir;e. If ou are a laboring man you w. nt it. If you farm is mortgaged, or vou cans.ot tret work, you want it. It is a rert-hot supprrtr of the F. M B A., F. & L. T. and K. of L. E ery memoer of taese or ders should subeciibe for it at once. Only 19 cents a year. Address, TURNER EMANCIPATOR, Th3 Cbpest M Sctol ia North Carolina, Liberty Hisrh Sch and Business tns'itate. Liberty, N. C, " h : s'xxh session of this 80hool beclBe ueuet 12rta, 189 . Board including everj tuing, $7.50. Tuition (English) from fc7.SC To $12.:;i per :er r. Languages, eacn, gi.o per morin. Bu-iuess Department Penmanship and Doo -keeping from $15.0 to $ 8,00 per:etin (5 month) Telegraphy, (complete coiir-e) $j5 00. Type writ ing, (complete course) 510-00. No. of teachers, 5. No. of tudent last year, 190. Write for cstaloeue. Ardre?s, J. M. WEATHERLY. Exolsior Academy. FALL TERM OPENS VEPTEVBER FIR3T, 1890. Tuitiou per mouth, $1.50, $2.50, $3.50. Music. (Piano and Organ) $3X0. Board with furnished room, $7.00. With many ytars"s expeiience, we warrant satisfaction to those intrusted to our care, males and females Rev. J. M. WHITE, Principal. Mfs. A. D. WHIT; Mubic. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." THRESHERS ENGINES SAW MILLS For Pamphlets write to TMC AULTMAN ft TAYLOR CCBPANY, V CLOVER UANSriELO.0. on saw this, (Say where jc ) The American FarW Encampment of 2550. Aug. 17 to 23, 1890, .inclusive. Mount Gretna Park, Lebanon Co., Pal Five thousand acres of woodland, meadow and lake. Convenient accommodations for s.uuo farmers aud their families. Pavilion for discus eions, and auditorium for amusements. Eighty thousand square feet of platform for ex hibits and acres-for machinery in motion. - Tn the nark is the celebrated .M ount Gretna Na-- row Gauge Railroad, the most unique and wonder ful raUrad in actual operation, In the world. Ta feee it alOLeIs worth a visit. T Opening sermon, An?ust 17th, by Rev, T, De- Witt xaimage, u u. eacrea mus.c uj iay araiueu choristers. Agriculturists from all parts of America invited. Ample railroad facilities, lo rates, quick transit. No charge ior admission. For particulars, address Executive Committee American Farmers' Encampment, Harrisburg, Perm. HEALTH! HEALTH! A NEW DISCOVERY. Givat Southern Remedy Having been a great sufferer, from child hood, the result ot protracted chilis and indi gestion, terminating in diseasea ol Liver, Kidney and Ukinabt OKeixs, and having tried many remedies known to the profession with only temp rary relief. After much ex perimenting, I. succeeded in. discovering a combination of vegetable remedies, which combination has proven a j emedy for diseases ot all the internal organs superior to any known in a lite ot suffering and practice of fifty years. As by it I have b-en restored from what seemed.lo be inevitable death to perfect hea th, without auv other medicine, for those diseases over three rears past. It also erabled me to travel all the winter of 1838 and 189, in the mountain, in all kinds of weather, and eating any and everything set betore me with impunity." It has since cured me of chills an. I prevented mv taking "la grippe," and relieved those .-f the late epi demic who tried it. It i? also proving valua ble in many leo ale diseases. For further partiula'-s, applv to druggist, or Dr. Jno. F. Foard, Hrop'r. O'in, N. C. 50 cts. a pint, it is now the cheapest remedy ui iiiv k.iuu in Aiueaca. j. . t. TO THE FARHERS' ALLIAKI2 OF I C, AND U . -THE SOUTH ! Chewing and. Smoking 5 -.V Wanted. AfANlrACTUXD BY GRANVILLE COlATV HlKMER'S ALUAIICD TCZACCO MANUFACTURING (5 THC ONLY GENUiNE IN THE WORLD An intelligent, Alliance man, or sop, in every couary iu th-; United Srtes to se!! my bork "Fewr Acres ml a System of Isprove meat." The drearest book of th-1 a?e. Everv farmer endorses it. Ju tiile sells i:, aud the ver low pr ce puts it in reach of all. Hundreds can be sold in a nay at p'enic-", cou-ts, political meetitgs and public earheiimM of all kiudp. A liarveat for those who apply early. send ?5 cents f..r sample copy aud t ms. Address J. R. CLINE, Cahwba, N. C. This manufacturii:ir cornpau is established t j Alliance men, and run by Alliance men, in ! heart of the world-renowned golden tobacco tai'.. Arrangements perfected for manufacturing as go smoking and chewing tobacco as is made. Ordrr solicitec Alliance prices will be giveu to this ki( other States. Price list furnished. We refer t . C. Beddingfie r, Sec'y N. C. S. F. A., W. H. Worth, S. B. p. Raleigh, N. C, Capt. S. B. Atei. ander, Chrr. Ex. Com., N. C. S. A., Charlotte,) CandEliasCarr, Pxtsident N. C. S. E. C. Granville County Farmers' Alliance Tobacce Manufacturing Co., Oxford, N C. The agency will alvays keep posted and buy in the best markets at lowest Drives on the day the order is placed. W. H. Worth. Stale Agent, 1890 TM MILL--ENIUM IN PRICE, QUALITY AND FINISH. The Only GenninE " Manooja " PATENT TEHEE ROLL Cans Hills, Self-Skimmisg Eviporaicrs STEEL AMD COPPER, Arid Portable Steel Furnaces You want ueither Imitations nor 01d-st;,le Qoods when the Lutes' Improved are juntas Cheap. Wideawake Mer chants everywhere eell only the "CHATTANOOGA" Mills, et;., and you eyes will be opened " by investiga tion. Ask vour dear or write us for Illus'rated Cata logue, contiiu ng information and prlc;s. Remember we cte-iifuily ai.ewer qutstions and pomply reply to utters. Mention The Progressive Farmer CHATTANOOGA PLOW COMPANY, Chattanooga, Tenn. IjWJl . ii.i-iimiii I ymiii mmvmmm wna .i.iii i.i .n m m mi i. i.iii.iii .1 111 1 Address above or S. IT". Houston, General --ales Agent, Charlotte, 1ST . G. tilllBiiili ;?!!i!!iipli Wit, i III ii i iii- PJI: k THE CHATTiHOOGA CANE M EVAPOEATORo Are th.e Best! THEY HAVE G-EAT ADVANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER. Ask tliose yzIio haire used tliem. t 3Tl ! HARDWARE. . !ole Agentt for Chattanooga Cane Mills and Evaporators. I. Tm . P' i-i r. Ci k - ti vcp, i.o 0 r Sti )-. W-vn. ?p-kef, Unb?, 4 AllReht" and :1 Cot .mi K'nar" .1 nf 'i'i. in our large ond varied Stock gladly y ot'd -j h'jicn in X 'JC Ncrth Oa.ro! in a. M'-d. -iter- BP&j - ;i -;t,s--- IZ .'"v 3-- SSiJ-iHv : ' - w t vh; ' .... - . J .... ,JLs I? -...Z&7,AT:r -'TrtZi V-rr.'-V'i -4 GLTILF()iD COLLEGE New -Unas and best m dei i- 1 . ti.l. i: !:; ee, a course designed socially fur -i -I, "ituii e. to a atlunt. Tbre ursrs study u-s- n : ' t; -Tchc'iei" id a ' 'uimefci i Conr.-- . Supf -i advan'ages in G-rmai. ii' V -ie CabuiftJt and L ' .'ftr -- f-c-. N i"- T!i6rons;i J.y tr-iin'"! nrors. , , '. Ex tiient a ivnntaes i!i am err.$r and rmal Insinu-t'on. Location 1,00 ) feet Above -ea 1-ve: m i not-d 'or bealthfuKeps. Moral and Heliiuue, icllaences guud. -- - ScLol open a'ike to b'jtb sexes. , . Students la year from eleven states and "lrj if Canada. Prices moderste. . - : Fall term Leirs August 1?.ht IWQ. ... " ' j-Donotlaii f eeud tor a catalog a -t L. ; yxdox Hoebs, President, OrJoHVV Woodt, Titftarer, Guilford College, Guilford Co., X O. RliR FERTILIZER GRR1IJ DRILL UdUUUfl Th0 qegt in the YOnLD.S: 7L iTHESUPERIOR DRILL CO. SPRINGFIELD OHIO. 'UanufactureM of GRAIN DRILLS CULTIVATORS, CIDER MILLS HAY CARRIERS and FORKS. - j write us for catalogue and prices . ii 1 n Jlrf '.IT . m l '

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