THE PK0GKESS1VE FABMER, JULZ 29, l90. 8 '- - . - r ' ! ' " 1 r T I CHEROKEE IN SESSION. Mubphy, N. C. Mb. Editob: The farmers of old Cherokee county celebrated the 4th day of July in holding their County Alliance meeting. The brethren dis cussed with great earnestness many topi;s in which every farmer in these United States are much interested. Unity and brotherly love prevailed in all our deliberations This principle of the Alliance will ultimately and triumphantly bring the farmers to a glorious victory. We elected the following officers for the ensuing year: A. B. Wells, President; J. T. Patterson, Vice-Presi-dent; H. B. Elliott, Secretary; W. P. Farmer, Treasurer; W. McRhey, Lec turer; Rev. J. W. La wing, Chaplain, A. W. Davidson, Door keeper; John Wood, Assistant Door-keeper; M. Barton, Sergeant at Arms; J. T. Hayes, Business Agent; J. A. Kinsey, delegate to State Convention. Fraternally, H B. Elliott. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. Always be systematic and thorough. Arrange supports for climbing plants. Crown corn and clover as con querors. Keep the fence corners clear of weeds this month. Keeping the field clean is better than making it clean. Never forget that pigs in clover enjoy themselves and grow. A wise farmer profits by his mis takts as well as his successes. Don't let the wheat stand too long you know it shells badly. Oil, and a wrench, are cheap pre servatives of mowers during haying. Don't "lay by" the corn until obliged to get at the haying harvest As soon as a crop is off put in an other ; plow up before weeds go to seed. It is useless to expect a large crop of plump oats on land lacking fertility. Remember the team enjoys the shade as well as you while resting these hot days. An occasional scattering of wood ashes around the sweet pea vines will help them. The practical farmer, so far from disdaining book knowlege, will read all he can of the writings of profes sional agriculturists. Sow Hungarian or Millet or plant some early corn for fodder, if you have any vacancies of considerable size. If small spots, sow turnips. Don't forget the oil the next time you go to town. It don't pay to make trips to town often, during hay ing, or any time for that matter. The bale of cotton that brings only ,$40 into local circulation as a bale of cotton, would bring in $100 or more as a bale of calico or cotton stripes. A crop of oats cut when the berry is in the milky stage and cured, is excellent for stock and serves as an agreeable addition to the regular diet in winter. It is evident from the opinions ex pressed in the discussion now going on about the silver question, that the great majority of the people want silver money. One essential qualification in the boy who works on a farm is that he shall have a love for animal life, and be able to tell intuitively when an animal is sick. Do not dose yourself or your stock with medicine for every little ill. Diet and rest- Sleep, and a moder ately empty stomach, are the best medicines in the world. Keep the farm-house in good repair if onlf a sod house. or board shanty. This is necessary to comfort and con venience, which may be secured even in the humblest dwelling. Grass should be cut for Say at the proper time, and that is just as it is done growing. It has then acquired all its natural strength and aroma, and will not become harsh and brittle from overripeness. In South Carolina with but few exceptions perfect stands of cotton are reported throughout the State The rice crop, while needing rain in some sections, is in better condition than at the same time last year. Better farming is to be secured by more intelligent effort on the part of the individual. Better laws can be had only through the organized efforts of the producers at the caucuses, con ventions and polls. Agriculture and manufacturing should go peacefully hand in hand to secure the highest development of a country, an A. tne enorts of political demagogues to array one against the other should be promptly defeated. When you have mowed the weeds from inside the road fence, go outside and mow, or you will not get the full benefit of your work. Burn them when dry. Better still, keep them so short that there wil not be enough yp to pay for burning. LITHIA SPRING'S OF VIKGINIA! SPRING NO. 1. Nerve Tonic Properties of Spring No. 1, Nervous Dyspepsia, Dis eases of Women, Albumi nuria of Pregnancy, Disorder of Teeth ing Infants, Etc., Etc. Dr. John H. Tucker, Henderson, N. C, Mem ber oi tne iieaicai society 01 jNorm Caro lina, Member of the American Mt dical As sociation. "The action of the BUFFALO LITHH. WATER, SPRING NO. 1, ia that of a decided Nerve Tonic. Nervous Dyspepsia Trith ita train of distressing symptoms is promptly and permanently relieved by it. In ma ly of the diseases peculiar to women menstrual irregularities, suppression and the many functional derangements resulting from Chloro-Anemic conditions I prescribe this water with almost the same confideEce that I do quinine in chills and fevers. In Albumi nuria of pregnant women it has proved a great blessing. "I have observed marked beneficial re sults from ita use in the disorder of teething infants. I have sent many patients ol this water, and without exception, they have re turned to me cured or greatly benefited." Malarious Fevers, Affections Pe culiar to Women, Atonia Dyspepsia, Etc. Dr. Wm. T. Howard, of Baltimore, Professor of Diseases of Women and Children, in the University of Maryland. " For twenty-five years of my professional life I resided in the town of Warren ton, N. C. some forty miles distant from the Buffalo Springs, and sent many patients to them, thus having ample opportunity of observing the effects of the water, and I feel fully warranted in saying that nothing but the want of moun tain air, the paucity of the accommodations hitherto, and the small pains to t ring it be fore the public, could possibly have prevented its taking rank with that of the far famed White Sulphur Springs in Greenbrier county. West VirgiLia. Indeed, in a certain class of cases, it is much superior to the latter. I aLudetothe abiding debility attendant upon the tardy convalescence from grave acute diseases, and more especially to the Cachexia and sequela incident to the Malarious fevers, in all their grades and varieties, to certain forms of Atonio Dyspepsia, and all the affections pecu liar to women that are remedied at all by mineral waters. In short, were I called upon to ktate from what mineral waters I have seen the great st and most unnftstakable amount of good accrue in the largest number of cases in a general way, I iwould unhesitatingly sav THE BUFFALO SPRINGS, in Mecklenburg county, Va. Now Open for Guests. Apply for rates of board to M. L. OGLESBY, Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. THE VOICE, when hoarse and husky from overstrain or irritation of the vocal organs, is improved and strengthened by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Clergy men, Singers, Actors, and Public Speakers find great relief in the use of this prep aration. A specific for throat affections. It relieves Croup and Whooping Cough, and is indispensable in every household. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggiata. Price 1 ; six bottles, $5. WOOLLCOTT & SON 14: E. Martin St., RALEIGH, N. C. Are offering for summer wear 2,000 light weight Coats for 50c. " " " Vests for 40c " " " Pants for 50c. Men's and Boy's Straw Hats for 10c. Ladies' and Misses' Hats for 15c. A complete line of Flowers, Ribbons and - Nets. Lawns, Challies, Flouncings, Nainsooks, and all kinds of white goods in endless variety. Ladies Slippers for 40c. per pair. Ladies' Cloth Gaiters for 75c. per pair. Our Ladies' Buttoned Shoes at $1 00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 00 per pair cannot be excelled in quality anywhere, and when ever you want to purchase any size, qual ity or price, sure it will pay you to buy them of us. 3,000 Ladies' Ribbed Vest 10c. each. Farmers' I Mechanic's Advocate, The Official Organ of the Dallas County F. & L. U. Kon-partizan in Politics. A Defender oj the People's Rights. Piompt attention given to advertisements. Spe cial inducements to club-raisers. Job work done on short notice, and at living rates. , ONLY 75 CENTS PER. YEAR. Devoted entirely to the promotion of the Union and the advancnient of the people's interests every where. Send for samp'e copy. Address FARMERS AND MECHANICS ADVOCATE, Buffalo, Mlf sourl. Farmers1 Alliance Badges Best gol : plate, highly enameled and finished, patent safety joint and c t h, preventing loss. Needs to be seen to he apitclatel. Every Alli ance member should have one Sent by mail for 40c., two for 75c, tbree for 81.00, currency. Address all orders to J. P O. Box No. 4, Littltton. N. C. 3stal note or RUE, B. A., Ssals for Farmers' Aliiinca ! County, Notary Public, Corporations. pri ;es reduced To Fanners'' Alliance for $2.20. On eceipt of price, de livered to nearest ex press office free. Edward Pasnach, Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE TO THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE ! DO YOU WANT A PIANORAN-ORGrAN ? THE OLD AND RELIABLE FIRM OP Hume, Minor & Co., Richmond, Va., Norfolk or Portsmouth will SAVE YOU HOXTEY. This firm has entered Into an arrange ment to sell members of the Farmers1 Alliance Pianos' and Organs at the Agents prices, ee write direct to them at Richmond, Va., and get benefits of all discount. Best Instruments, Lowest Prices, Easiest Terms. Everything in the Music Line at a Discount. SHEET MUSIC TEN CTS. PER COPT. i ..d.WAJK VA.HlVr I A - 1 . . a Members of lh Alllnn ouu iiuiiun are mviteu to mase iiume, jflinor s Co.'s wareroom8ktheir headquarters. They will be received courteously and given any information they may desire. PROGRESS MFG. CO. JSH222EJS2 "SElF-TRAnPiriQ" iiOTTOM PRESS IstPrpmiumN n v It Saves all tramn'l nr In nf fftt- tOn. heilCe With it nno man r-a n pack all the cotton ginned by anv rin stand uomolete. seit- supporting, ready for the belt, requires little space, simnle.very stroncr. ouiok and HnraHia Also ile. not mounted f 150, continuous, steel lined, unrivaled TURjSrilP SEED 1 Ito Cehlralei Scilitra Friza Turnip. Especially god for winter use and for greens. Send 10 cents in silver or stamps, to the Orphans, and get 1 full ounce, or 3 ounces for 25 cents. GUARANTEED GENUINE. Refer to J. S. Myers, 8. B. Alexander and McD. Watkina. Rev. E. A. OSBORNE, 8 opt. Thompex n Orphanage, 307 N. Graham ft., Charlotte, N. C. Mi WW rJJ Ait &rvmt E ARE IMPORTING A FINE ARTICLE OP this Salt which we recommend as tne aaai for HORSES, CATTLE, and other STOCK. For prices and other information, address the Norfolk Importing and Exporting Ccspanv, W. D. DENBY, Supt. Norfolk, Va. FOIWCOIS HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C, Fruit Trees, Vines, &c of every description. The new Japan Plums, Kelseyr Japan, and Bol ton fruited this eeason nd were a wonder to ever) one who saw them. Exhibition of some were madt at the Fruit Fair and other places. Bohton riper. with the Wild Goose, Kelsyr Japan late in August and early in September. Specimens measured el3 inches in circumference, beautiful color, of bt quality, and a very prolific bearer. Tkey have ccme to stay and every one snoulc have them. Descriptive catalogue free. Address, J. VAN LINDLE1 , POMOKA, N. HORNER SCHOOL, Oxford, 1ST. O- FACULTY : J. H. HORNER, M A., Univer ity of N, C, founder of School. COL. T. J. DREWRY, COM'D'T , Star Graduate Virginia Military Institute. J. C. HORNER, A. M., Davidson College. G. A. Wauohope, !. A., PH. D., . University of Berlin, laie Fellow Washington and J e University. J. M. HORNER, B A., B D., University of Va., Johns Hopkins University. Fortieth annual 8 ;ssion opens 4th of August, 1810 One of the biet (quipped Schools in the -outh. Refers to nearly three V ousand old stu dents. For catalogue, addrew HORNER & DREWRY, Oxford, N. C. Norfolk, Va. Jan, 23, 1890. The Business Committee of the Farmers' Alliance of the tonnties of Norfolk and Prin cess Anne, recently convened in this city, have unanimously re-elected me as their shoe house for the hear 1890. It gives me pleasure to inform my Alliance lrien?s that I shall use every effort to appre ciate the renewed confidence of the Alliance by making prices that suit the times. I have no salesman on the road, but solicit corre spondence and will send samples on applica tion. GEO. R. WHITEHURST, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises, 29 Market Square, Norfolk, Va. FARMERS, SUPPLIES, BUILDERS' PUPPLIES, LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, NAILS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, BELT PACKING, FILES, IRON, STEEL STOVES, BELLOWS, VISES, ANVILS, GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT. LOW PRICES. RUNS EASY, TlciNS FAST. l I DcorrrTi v i bv i bi Hakes FINE SAMPLE. -V'R CHOKES or bKAKS THZ ROLL. CELEBRATED COTTON BLOOTwl LJVJ Has All. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS including Balance Wheel on Bruh which In sures even speed. This feature Is peculiar to this make of Gin and is used on no other. Are FUl.rY C PARAMTEED and Are Delivered FREE OF FREIGHT at any R. B. Station or the landing of any Regnlar Steamboat Line in the South. If we have no Agent near you, address the General Southern Agent, HAV .HUBBARDValjvtex.' 3 TonV S35. 'amsm OSGOOD U. S. STANDARD SENT On t SCALES --Tretc-at said, fnllj warraated. Othtr ticca W fs. til. II proportion U It low. Engine, BUn sad Fd Griadlac Bilk. H.W.HCBBARD,Gnl.Sooth o Arnt,AtUnU,Gaor DaUa,Tx. The Alliance Fanner, SELMAN, FLA. W. R. Shields, Editor, Pub'r and Prop'r. The first all-Alliance paper published east of the Mississippi River. The only paper in the world published upon a farm, by a farmer, and devoted ex cfnsively to the Alliance. The Farmer is an all-wool hat. eayseed Eaper, is s t up and printed in a barn, and as the smell of hayset d upon it strong. Bend for sample copy free. Address ALLIANCE FABMER. Selman, Fla. JA8. BOTUUT. T. W. 3Z 13. EL North Carolina's Great Dry Goofls Establishment ! Undoubtedly one of the Greatest Enterprises in North Carolina. Dry Goods for Spring and Summer 1890 We offer to the Farmers of North Carolina the largest and most comprehensive stock of DRY n-u of all kinds, SHOES and HOUSE-FUKNISHING GOODS ever gathered together in North Career We make a specialty of all kinds of goods manufactured in this State.'and propose to sell event h '' in the way of ary goods that is made in North Carolina, thereby keeping the money at home iUht4 North Carolina made Cassimeres, Pant Goods, Flanne.s, Shirtings, Chevlo:s, Suiting Clothe irgs, Plaids, Towels, Ginghams, Undershirts, Stockings, Socks, Sufpenders, Knitting CotmV c ing Thread and Shoes. OE' Show Your Alliance Cardo and Get Alliance Prices We solicit orders for samples and goods from all sections of the State. All questiots cheerV'i swered, and entire satisfaction guaranteed, ' at We prepay all express charges on bills amounting to 85 or more when the cash is enclosed with o-n W. Pi. &o 2R,. S. TUCKER Sc CO. ALLIANCE, ATTENTION. The Alliance Wholesale Grocery House THO 24rl OSTortli Water St., Philadelphia, Fa. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES ! We deal directly with the Farmers' Alliance or individual member of an Alliatre at the lowest wholesale prices. If you have never favored our house with an onU-r we would be pleased to receive a trial, and we guarantee toplease you in the quality of the Groceries. We carry a large and complete stock of Fancy and Staple Grocer ies. We do not handle poor or inferior goods, and wet:an save you considerable money by purchasing Groceries of our house at wholesale prices. We are now re ceiving many orders from Alliances in North Carolina, as the through freight rates are very reasonable. We obtain on all shipments through freight rates. You wil' find that you can purchase Groceries to advantage in Philadelphia. We Respectfully Refer to W. H. Worth, Raleigh, N. C State Business Agent, who kindly Recommends our House to the Alliances of North Carolina. We fill all orders received from a Subordinate Alliance when under seal of the Alliance and signed by the President, Secretary and bonded Business Agent, and the goods will be snipped on thirty days' time, and ' when the goods arrive and prove satisfactory, payment must be made in thirty days from date of bills. We do not ask fox the payment of goods in advance. When you have received the goods and have exam ined them, and found them satisfactory, you can pay for them. If you desire infor mation in regard to prices on any goods in our line of business, do not fail to write us. We shall be pleased to furnish the desired information. We endeavor to answe all inquiries promptly and satisfactorily. We will nail free, upon request, m complete Fries List of Groceries, giving :i wholesale prices on all MECKLEHBURG IRON WORKS 1 CHARLOTTE, 1ST. C. Gins, Presses, Cotton Elevators, Engines and Boilers of all Sizes. "Write for Prices and Circulars. It will pay you. The North Carolina Phosphate Company Offero at tlie Very LoTzoot Prioeo Lime Phosphate, Bone Phosphate and Pure Animai Bone and N. O. Ammoniated Fertilizer. Prepare your lands well for wheat and put on them these fertilizers. The are the best. Address for prices, j 3KT. O. FKOSFHlTE CO., RALEIGH. S GET THE BEST DTJRHALI BULL AHHOHIATED FERTILIZES HOME PRODUCT. HOME CAPITAL. IEEsub USTo SuLperior. Speoia.1 IPrioes and Terms to Farmers' -Allianoe Olub Send orders at once. DURHAM FERTILIZER CO., VAN WINKLE GIN & MACHINERY CO. ATLANTA, GA., and DALLAS, TEX. XANTOMCTtTBEBS fT COTTON Gil, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS COTTON-SEED OIL HILLS, mmi rumn, mm DOBBIN. TT7CKBB c CO. Goods in the Grocery Line, HOME ENTERPRISE lots. Durham. N. C AND PRESSES, if 'iv J'lhi t i ,. 'i ;7 lo. i i m mm, nm pdl'fs, sic. r f

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