( ! 4 i 1 -1 . . i i Enterprises of Various Kinds to be Put in Operation and Things Znkely to be Done at an Early Day Rip Van Winkle Cannot Stay in the Old North Slate. Manufatcurers' Record. Monroe C. W. Laney will proba bly develop a gold mine. Durham It is rumored that a car riage factory will be erected. Raleigh A bakery and cracker factory will, it is repuneu, uo cawu lished. High Point The High Point Fur niture Factory is reported as to be enlarged. Chapel Hill It is stated that a syndicate will open iron mines near Chapel Hill. Mt. Olive Stewart, Hines & Co. have, it is reported, put new machinery in their lumber mill. Asheville W. E. Logan will put a stand of rolls and a new boiler and engine in his flour mill. Durham Duke, Sons & Co. have put three additional cigarette ma chines in their cigarette factory. Fayetteville Boston (Mass.) cap italists will, it is reported, erect new machine shops in Fayetteville. Elizabeth City The Albemarle Lumber Co. is reported as putting new machinery in its lumber mill. Charlotte W. E. Worth & Co., of Wilmington, will, is reported, sink an artesian well and erect an ice factory. Tarboro The Tarboro Oil Mills is reported as improving its cotton seed cil mill and putting in new machinery. Greensboro Captain Troy, of Ashe- ville, has received contract to furnish the 2 miles of sewer-pipe recently reported. Danbury It is stated that J. A Gilmer, of Greensboro, has purchased the Piedmont Springs, near Danbury, for $10,000. Elizabeth City The city will hold an election on September 8 to decide as to the issuance of$ 10,000 of bonds for improvements. Salisbury Peacock & Barrier, of China Gove, mentioned in last issue, are erecting in Salisbury a shuttle block and spoke billet factory. Gibsonville The Eureka Mill Co. is the name of the stock company recently reported (under Gibsonville, S.-C.) as being organized to erect a roller flour mill. Goldsboro The Argus Knitting Mills has been organ zed by W. T. Yelverton, J. B. Edgerton and P. H. Joyner to operate the knitting mill lately mentioned. Hester New York capitalists have; it is reported, purchased a tract of land between Hester and Loraine, and will build a new town, construct water works, erect an electric light plant, etc. Burlington Lawrence C. Holt, pro prietor Aurora Cotton Mills, refered to in last issue, is building an addition to contain 75 looms for weaving cot ton check and plaids. Machinery has been purchased. Greensboro W. P. Beall is presi dent of the Cane Creek Quarry Co. mentioned in last issue (un4er Cane Creek). The company owns a whet stone quarry, and will erect machinery for working and finishing such stone. Swain County C. E. Graham, Natt. Atkinson and J. M. Thrash, of Ashe ville, have purchased the Whittier timber lands of 70,000 acres, as stated in last issue, but have not decided what they will do with the property. Alliance Warehouse, HENDERSON, N. C. - Authorized Capital $100,000. The new Tobacco Crop ia a large one will cure bright and must bring BIG MONEY I We cordially invite all who have Tobacco to sell (old or new), to give us their patronage. We are in every way welJ prepared to handle a large ehare cf what Henderson will sell the coming season We gaarantee REST PRICES and LOWEST CHARGES. Sell With Us and Save Money ! Truly your friends, Vance County Alliance W. H. Co , W. H. JENKIN3, Manager. Directors : Walter Bullock, J. P. Satterwhite, J. H. Dunn, I. C. Bobbitt, M. P. Burwell. Special Business. Think of the fact tbat the Sun Is the only organ of the Farmers' and Laborers' Union Smth. of Nashville and West of Chattanooga in the State of Tennessee or North Alabama, and is therefore the best medium through which advertise s can reach our Farmers. We will make you epecial rates on etanding ads. This is your chance to reach the farmers of our section. We will work for our ad vertisers... Address THE SUN, Fayetteville, Tenn. The North Carolina Cclhga of Agriculture and Hcchnic Art? Will begin its second session on Septem ber 4th, 1890. The new and large shop buildings for working in iron and wood, will be ready for occupation, and all the department are equipped for thorough work. Ex penses are less than in any similar college in existence. For further particulars, address Alexander Q. Hollidat, Pres't, Raktgh, N. C. THE CHAMPION Blood-pnrifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla leads all others in age, merit, .and popularity. It tones up the svstcm, improves the appetite, strengthens the nerves, and vitalizes the Blood. Just what you need. Try it. " I am sellinc vour goods freely, and more cf Aver's Sarsaparilla than of ail other hlood inedicines put t:ether."-Il. A. McW illiams. Grand Itapids, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Maes. Price $1; "six Lotties, $5. Worth $5 a bottle- WOOLLCOTT & SON 14rE. Martin Sir., RALEIGH, N. C. IT or IT all Wear: rwo thousand yards Cashmere and Plaids, one yard wide, 25c. per yard. Three thousands yards Worsted Dress Goods, from 10c. per yard. Children's Merit) o Vests and Pant from 17c each. Ladies Merino Vests f ?r 30c. each. Three hundred pairs Kid Gloves, $1 per per pair : best in the State. All kinds of Ladies Hats, Ribbons, Feath ers, Birds, Wings, &c. Our shoe department is complete. Babies shoes from 3oc Children's shoes from G5c. Ladies and Men's shoes for $1 per pair. Clothing for Men and Boys all prices and sizes. Crockery, Glassware, Wooden Ware, Toys, Fancy Goods, Lamps, &c, in end less variety and-very cheap. All our goods are marked in plain figures, and one price to all our customers. Any customer who buys $20 worth of goods in three months' time, we make them a present of a valuable book valued at $G. DURHAM FARMS' JLUMCE TOBACCO mamjfaciusihs mm, Dunn am, N. C. J. H. Meadows, Secretary. W. F. Meadows, Manager. DIRECTORS : J. o. W. Pope, Durham county ; Je.se W. Brooks, Durham county ; P II. Massey, Dur ham county; Paul A. Brown, Durham county; V. T.A dama, Granville county; J.J. Meadows, Granville county. Kanufaetnrers cf all Brades cf Chewing Tobacco, We make a specialty of fine Sun Cured To bacco, and our " F. A. Ir V."' and San Curtl Swettness" brands ars made of the finest gun-cured leaf, and never fail to give satis faction. We also make a fine line ol other goods in all styles, and at the very lowest pos sible prices. Our Factory is fitted up with all the latest improved maci inery, and we use retiring but the very best licorice and sugars in the manu facture of our tobacco, and we ask you for a trial order. , We know we can please you, both as to quality and price. ' Our Factory is owned and controlled by Alliance men only and is strictly an Alliance enterprise, established under aud governed by the laws and Constitution of the National and State Farmers' Alliance. Send tor samples and price lint. Address Durham Farmers' Alliance Tobacco Manu facturing Co., Durham, N. C. 'Winter "Tetche- One of the most nutritious, largest -yildhjer aid satisfactory crops for hay or grwn feed. Also mases excellent winter or epring r&zihg, or a fiiet-c'aes crop for green soilinsr. Wr.te for prices and fall circular, giving further iLfomiation, also contain frier descriptive lists of Keed Wheats, Oats, Kye, uiney, urass ana Clover seeds, mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SON:, 8 & 10 South 14th St., Richmond. NOTICE TO m FARMERS' ALLIANCE ! DO TOU WANT A PIANOS-ORGAN ? THE OLD AND RELIABLE FIRM OF Hume, . Minor k Co., Richmond, Va., Norfolk or Portsmouth will SAVE YOU BIGHET. This firm hag entered into an arrange ment to sell members of the Farmers' Alliance Pianos' and Organs at the Agents' prices, sa write direct to them at Richmond, Va., and get benefits of all discount. Best Instruments, Lowest Prices, Easiest Terms. Everything in the Music Line at a Discount. SHEET MUSIC TEN CTS. PER COPY. Members of the Allin m'ait-inrr t,-a and Norfolk are invited to make Hume, Minor & Co.'s wareroomstheir head nnnrfpna Thow mill received courteously and given any information they may desire. Farmers' Alliance Badges Best cold nlate. hio-hiv oTumoioi patent safety joint and catsh, preventing loss. Needs to be seen to hp nnrM-itH i?- aim - - - rr-viv, oaiwi nu ance member should have one. Sent by mail for 40c., two for 75c, three for f 1.00, postal note or viuicu-jr. Auureso ail orders to o . t KITE K A P. O. Box No. 4, Littleton, N. C. T.M.ARGO. J. H. FLEMING ARQO & FLEMING, Attorneys at Law, Raleigh, 1ST. C. W9t Martin Strert. North of Postofbx Sguqrt Practie In the Supreme Court of "North Carolina and the Federal Court, and the Civil Courts of Wake Johnston, Harnett and Wayne. .'l Wi THE WONDERFUL SALE OF THE 5) m lies t V ' V AY ! 1 . Jir 95 WmiT)pQ& , , Tr r , fontiirflrH ot the world. Our untiring" efforts to sell tne Best goods ?: RFr In the last two years has been the study of the largest manufacturers ot the worm. ""Murrnv" rllO mo.; - j Ofe'Saj in Xne last two ycoio nan ubbu m ovijr & Triei. - - , i. ,,4. v,. n DunnuanH Unrness POOI Or l rust THE COWSOmtK ana xo Z "fconH To v Prices has crowned us with Harness solely on their world-renowned Merits and Low prices, SUCCESS UNP REGEDENTED and branded us in glowing letters as the "PEOPLE'S BUGGY & HARNESS FACTORY" Our tremendous and rapidly increasing trade shows conclusively that the people Vm XJ fT7tl yte cv5 every vmm LOOKI .J tr hi own interest and trvinef- tr o... w . -W mwmm ----- - - O W ijyn ff v4uiiui v) uiiu Mb vv viniw navy ft 0 the aoiiars, ana at me sume time nave the i Best Buggies and Harness in existence shou d write lmmeaiaioiy tor our fro World-renowned " Murray" Buggies and Harness, s i(nnw n Rnrni Thinff IVIinn Thev See It. "MURRAY BUILDING," 139 Vest Front Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. f HE BEST IN THE WORLD! B IJ BULL Uillliii.i SMOB TOBACCO. :rCs I f GET THE GENUINE. KOXE OEXUHTE WITHOUT THE Trade-Mark of the Ball on Each Package. Situated in the immediate Section'of Coun try that produces a grade of Tobacco, that in texture, flavor and quality is not grown else where in the world, and being in position to Command the choice of all offerings upon this market, we spare no pains nor expense to give the trade THE VERY BEST. BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM Smoking Tobacco Is the most POPULAR, UNIFORM, RELIABLE and SATISFACTORY SL70KING TOBACCO Ever put upon the market, hence Dealers and Consumers always pronounce it the BEST. tM Your Dealer for It and Take Ho Other. TRINITY COLLEGE. If the agricultural classes wish to regain their former prestige in direct ing the administration of public affairs and to understand clearly the work ings of modern industrial society, no nrestment will bring them so good a return as that which provides the present generation of youths ani young men with a more liberal etluca- ion in political science, including political economy, history and organ ization of industries, statistics, admin istrative law, political philosophy, etc. lrinity College is the only institu tion in North Carolina -which has a regularly organized school of Political and Social Science with courses ex- ending through two years. Trinity had 16 students in this school last year. For 1890-91 it offers 36 courses in political science and 25 in history, in cluding industrial history. See pages 54 to 64 of catalogue. Applicants admitted to all courses. Special courses in engineeing, discus sions of public questions; chemistry, including analysis of drinking and mineral waters, ores, soiis; sanitation, botany, zoology, etc. Terms, tuition $25 a half year. Matriculation fee, $5. Board, $7 to $12 per month. Opens September 4th and January 1st. John P. Crowell, Pres't, Trinity College, N. C. Randolph Co. Nokfolk, Va. Jan, 23, 1890. The Business Committee of the Farmers' Alii ance of the counties of Norfolk and Prin cess Anne, recently convened in this city, have unanimously re-elected me as their shoe house for the hear 1S90. It gives me pleasure to inform my Alliance friends that I shall use everv effort to appre ciate the renewed confidence of the Alliance by making prices that suit the times. I have no salesman on the road, but solicit corre spondence and will send Samples on applica tion. GEO. R. WHfTEHURHT, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises, 29 Market Square, Norfolk, Va. 1 Piedmont Seminary. LINCOLNTON, N. C. A school for both eexs; wide awake and up with the times; prac ical methods and thor ough work; prepares for college, business or teaching. No malaris. Access to Lincoln Lithia Springs. Of easy access by railroad. Enrollment last year 115. For circular Ac, address, D. MATT. THOMPSON, Prin. ROWAN GRANITE WORK Uill Stones ! Hill Stones! The undersigned will eell you mill stones 'cut out of the old Simping q-iarrlee. This is one of the beet fgrita for mill stones. It la a hard and very sharp grit. The late E. E. Phillips, the ereat mill man of Rowan county, cut mill stones for fifteen or twenty years out of this well-known and popa lar grit. We will furnish 8tnes with furrows cnt. ready to put up and run, also without fur ow. We guarantee this grit to be one of the best for mill etones. We will furnish any design of granite work, from a corner-stone to foundation stones, to go under a one-thousand horse-power engines Rock-bottom Price. Don't bay before yon write us for our beet terms. Special prices to our brothers in the Alliance . Have your letters stamped with seal, or siened by your brother or Secret . ry. FIsUCH, SHFPTNG A RICHIE. Lcck-box 149, Salisbury, N. C. OIVXOIVA. HILI TV JU POMONA, N. C, ruit Trees, "V ines, & of every description. The new Jajan Plums, Kelseyr JapaD, and B- ton frurrw this ce&bon nd were a wonder to evti) one who saw them Exhibition of some were nssc at the Fruit Fair and other places. Bohton ripen wi:h the Wild ioote, Keit-eyr Japau late in August and early in September. Spf-cirueus measured e.'3 Incites in circamfereT.ce, beautiful color, of be quality, and a very prolific bearer. Tkcy have come to stay and every one shon.'r have them. Descriptive catalogue free. Address, J. VAN LINDLE1 , Pokoxx, N. r. Turner's Emancipator ROBERT A. TURNER, Editor. Puolished Monthly. Ten Cents a Year. Turner's Emancipator is a champion of the rights of labor, expor es fraud wherever found. It edi torials are SDap, ginger, ard nitroglycerine. If ou are a .'aboring man yon want it. If your farm Is mortgaged, or you cannot get work, you want it. It is a red-hot supporter of the F. M. B. A., F. & L. T. and K. of L. E fery member of t'lese or ders should subscribe for it at once. Only 10 cents a year. Address, TURNER EMANCIPATOR, Lone Ofck. Bates Co., Mo. FARMERS, SUPPLIES, BUILDERS' ITPPLIES, LIME. PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, NAIL-S, SASH, DOORS, . BLINDS, Pi IN7S, OILS. GLASS. C53 GO Bp BELT PACKING. FILES, TRON, STEEL STOVES, BELLOWS. VISES, ANVILS, GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER. SHOT. LOW PRICES. RUNS EASY, GINS FAST. Clean;. SEED PERFECTLY. Rakes FINE SAMPLE. rjrx'R CHOKES or BKtAKS TH ROLL. THE'CELEB RATED cotton ffnrn BLOOTwl v3(J L!V Has All. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Including Balance Wheel on Brash which In sures even speed. This feature is peculiar to this make of Gin and is used on no other. Are HLr,Y GUARANTEED and Are Delivered FREE OF FREIGHT at any B. B. Station or the landing of any Regular Steamboat Line in the South. If we have no Agent near you, address the General Southern Agent, H.W . H UB B AR D iS88!t-& 3 Ton' S35. .SENT8M - OSGOOD U. S. STANDARD SCALES Freight M, full warraated. Other diet proportionately low. Engine, Boiler, and re4 tii-iadlng ilia, H. W.HUBBARD,Genl.South n Ag.nt,AtlantA,Ga.or Dfcllah.Tax. The Alliance i armer, SELMAN, FLA. W. R, Shields, Editor, Pub'r and Prop'r. The first aU-AUiance paper published east o the Mississippi , River. The OBily paper in the world published upon a farm, by a farmer, and devoted e. clusively to the Allia.?e. The Fartaer ia an all-wool hat, hayseed Eaper, ia s t up and printed in a barn, and as the smell of hayse d upon it strong. Send for eample copy free. Address ALLIANCE FARMER, Selman, Ela. Tie Georgia Alliance Record la a large 8 page weekly devoted to Alliance news, agricnlture, horticulture, stock raising, literary and general news. Sec d for a sample copy. Addrt as ALLIANCE RECORD, Monterlima, Ga. ALLIANCE, ATTENTION. The Alliance Wholesale Grace A. V 23rl 3Srorth Water St., Fhiladelpliia, Fa. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES! We deal directly with the Farmers' Alliance or individual member of an Ailia-v at the lowest wholesale prices. "If you have never favored our house with an orde we would be pleased to receive a trial, and we guarantee to please you in the quaiitV of the Groceries. We carry a large and complete stock of Fancy and Staple arnLi ies. We do not handle poor or inferior goods, and we can save you considerate ! money by purchasing Groceries of our house at wholesale prices. We are now ceiviug many orders from Alliances in North Carolina, as the through freight raet I find that you "can purchase Groceries to advantage in Philadelphia. We Respectfully Refer to W. H. Worth, Raleigh, N. C, State Business Agent, who kindly Recommends our House to the Alliances of North Carolina. We fill all orders received from a Subordinate Alliance when under seal of Lt Alliance and signed by the President, Secretary and bonded Business Agent and the goods will be shipped on thirty days' time, and when the goods arrive and nrcvf satisfactory, payment must be made in thirty days from date of bills. We do not ask foj the payment of goods in advance. When you have received the goods and have exam ined them, and found them satisfactory, you can pay for them. If you desire ifor mation in regard to prices on any goods in cur line of business, do not fail to wriu us. We shall be pleased to furnish the desired information. We endeavor to awe all inquiries promptly and satisfactorily. s We will mail free, upon request, cur complete Price List of wholesale prices on all Seeds is tie Grocery Line -,. x THE- r.-. Cktt9D00a Cane Kills ltd JLxe the Eest! THEY HAVE GREATA D VANTAGES J OVER ANY OTHER. Ask those wlio h.aYe used them. Cock Stoves, Tron, Nails. Steel. shown in our Store.- ju.5gwisc&." I HARDWARE Sole Agente for Chattanooga Cane Mills and Evaporators. Lime, Plaster, Cemert Glaes. Oil. Puttv. Ydmi. ffrjnVtJa TTn ho " All T? -V n ...1 u PAtinn Vim" a virung tn our large ana varied Mock gladl'j qmt or Largest Stoolc in 1ST ortti Carolina. S ) i. MECKLENBURG IR0H WORKS, J O HEIST WILKES, MiA.lSrA.GER, CHARLOTTE, U. C. Gins Presses, Cotton Elevators, Engines anc Boilers of all Sizes. Write for Prices and Circulars. It will pay you. ihe Horth Carolina Phosphate Cornwall Offers at the Very lowest Pricee Liime Phosphate, Bone Phosphate and Pure Anim Bone and K". O. Ammoiiiated Fertilizei'. Prepare your lands well for wheat and put on them these fertilizers. T-e. are the best. Address for prices, 1ST. O. PHOSPHATE CO., KALKK 1 V

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