THE PROGKRESSIVE FABMKST SEPTEMBEE 30 1890. continued fbom first PAGE J I recognize that it is impossible to so adjust the delicate financial machinery of a great government that it will work automatically in exact relations to the requirements of commerce, but I do insist that it is the duty of the warehouses for whiskey, whose bun-lit now has Sub-Treasuries in New ness it would be to verify the state- York, St. Louis, Chicago, San Fran- raents made on the face of the ware- Cisco, Boston, Cincinnati and New Or house receipt. The improper issuance leans, and to establish them in each ot any receipt by the officers of this State would require but little time, bonded warehouse could be made a very little increase of governmental ment turned its back upon criminal offense. In fact, without any I patronage, and the mere extension of terns and established the ago. We tried the State banks of isiue, and speculation overran the country, and bankruptcy was brought upon -thousands and thousands of honest people. The Federal govern both sys tt i"nr?rpn- THE FINANPJAL POLICY OF OUR ! GOVERNMENT. Private OLD FOGY. ernment funds with without security. So all interests are placated All. the peoole Dav for it oil and The financial policy of John Sher- The addition of 9 ;n: man, Diniel Manning and the present lars dispelled all fears of a do1 Secretory of the Treasury, Wm. Win- money is again so low that10 m dom, have been substantially the 0f one million was nl ne Ioan They have favored a gold at 4 per cent., while only a 11?! sime. basis and contraction of the currency, it could not be gotten .t inB.l, ago They have favored the banks at the times that per cent. n five government to Derfect the machinery radical change in the conduct of the I a system that" has been perfected dent Treasury," as it was then called, so that it may at least approximately business, with a far less number of through years of use. National banks oi the " Sub- Treasury," as it is now approach the desired result. To attack federal officials than are now employed now exist all over the country, and called. At the time of the establish- the flexibility of the proposed cur- in the collection of the iniquitous tariff any number cin be chartered under ment of this system it was gravely renr.v. is to attack the Dronosition that taxe?, it wouli be easy to secure the the general law. If these two agencies argued with great force bv many of the issuance of paper currency should issuance of a warehouse receipt that were brought into close and harmoni the ablest men in the country, that it expense of the people. They have all Both parties veil tariff L , be regulated by the laws of supply would be a certain guarantee that the ous relations, and the national banks would not be successful. It has favored our present monopolistic 'shout more currency Lt e and demand This is to fly in the product it purported to represent was of each State were given a credit with stood the test of half a century. At banking system the government fur events, constantly enacted face of the best writers on the subject actually within the walk of a perfectly the Sub Treasury to be established in the time of its establishment i; was nishing money at 1 per cent, to the whether the hayseeder or polV "Ve and the first principles of common responsible warehouse. Wit lout any each State to an amount equal to the urged by John C. Calhoun, its great banks and any per cent, the banks correct. lcian ia sense. Tne stronsrest argument tnat UL tu saiemiarus anu restrictions wnoie or some portion 01 tneir fullv supporter and defender, that an elas couiu get out 01 me people ior me use has been made against paper money which the government could throw paid in capital stock, and the use of ticity should be given to the issue of of the money so issued. They have NORTH CAROLINA STATE Pa is, a3 stated oy Jevons, the impos around the issuance of these warehouse the increased currency they obtained paper money by the government, in favored loaning the people's money to AIK bub-treasury was con- order that the currency might be sup oanKs at no per cent, at an. so iar Mb. .Editor: The time fn u 1,. roper restrictions, to ad- plied in accordance with the laws of tbey are just alike. It is of this policy the Annual Fair of the S-it a .8 tnral d rr 1 a f tt mill 1 6 fiat I shall write. tural Society will soon be ricuj. upon sibilitv of varvinf? its amount in ac receipts, they now piss as good col- through the cordance with the reauirements of lateral in the banks of the country, fiaed, under proper trade." Specie, it has been argued, Aiier tnis warenouse receipt had been vances upon the great staple crops, an supply and demand. This feature has could be called from one portion of issued it could be deposited with a abundant currency, as stable as any never been engrafted, as it should In the week ending September 9th, Preparations for the great ev t the world to another in accordance sub treasury, to be established in each in existence, could be brought into use have been, upon the Sub Treasury 1890, the money market in New York actually underway. The with the demand of trade, but piper of the States of the Uuion, and 80 and the rate of interest on money ma. system. Without it, it is incomplete; grew so "tight" that they actually fully appreciate the value off thf3 Circulating only in one country would percent, of the value of the product terially lowered throughout the Union, with it, it is the most complete system squeezed out of borrowers interest at in past years, which the pre 7' not have any reserve supply in other it represented could be issued in treas Any stringency in money from mov hat ever has been devised or probably the rate of over 100 per cent, per an- freely rendered in making the P portions of the world to draw upon in ury notes. With the present banking ing crops would be eliminated from that can ever be devisp.d T.ikA all nnm rrt. snaev tV.oW oi r.4ir a i -i m . . - i i - i i r-- m . vuv t ai at -m r periods of activity or foreign outlet "cuities ot tne country and a law the condiiions surrounding commerce, other systems, it needs amendment, A brief explanation of the causes licit the same renewed or eni for investment in periods of depres- properly drawn, a single sub treasury and a healthful method of expansion from time to time, to make it corres- may not be unappropriate The new assistance in making the Fair affl sion. The flexibility of the proposed ln each State could be made amply and contraction in accordance with pond with the requirements of busi. tariff bill, now in conference is ex- year the greatest success yet a i- currency is the strongest argument sufficient for all purposes. the volume of trade inaugurated. The ness, but in all amendments one car- nected to Wnr w ' TW Providence is hlftssino. nL Hnd mil that can be advanced in its favor The SIMPLE AND CONSTITUTIONAL -l i . is an enormous demand upon tne en- can be perfected, there is no doubt na" tire currency of the country duriner n. ;e ' draft , , - ci uy ouussuiLULiuuai reason fFrtTfArm nn amt m 11 X. II I 1 "1 1 11 T I . I. ..... tuvciiiuicuii w 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 La k k nil iiHrr. in 1.1IH 1 11 1 mm.! nrinpirv o onnn ri a nroTro nmtmvn I w i - ji -m i I i-v. i l vt o w " 1 y a guuuiu uinaio tuvoiu i 112 v h ikhii ti rrrpaapn nroinm rrrnn a uuuiili 1 11 1 1 mrvpsr.a ioita 1 danger arises, not from its rlexibiiitv. Thom ,,11 u ::..... .-. t ousiness oc the countrv: it would have I the neonlo nf this TTninn the Wnrarl but because it may not be flfxirJe ting money upon the warehouse re- no T01ce m ranking or the fixing of government should issue the money factured here, have had the duy in- shown, at this time of the yeaP P enough to meet the demands of trade ceipt at the nearest bank simply for credlt8: the whoIe machinery of gov- of the country and regulate its value,' creased thereon. Take, for example much promise of large returns tnl in the spring when the great staple the cost of exchange. That a simple, ernmt banking and commerce and the recognition, credit and power an article on which the duty is now farmer. Your readers will Hp .vT "'f'J wiouuw. sate and expeditious method of gettiug T u V T J , ; , ues "uw Lue reuerai governmeni snouid oe 40 per cent., and under the McKinley and will wish to attend the Fair v! .But when it is remembered that there these trasnrv nntoC ;7,io,,A and the only change would be that the behind everv dollar that comes into hill will aa it ;a M;o n an thoir famiiit.oa mh y "vuu vjiiuiciLiUU i ,. t i i . ' , pt . . I . I " T. uuvuu am ia laisou w uu I - -.w.vw. t i ciorfi TTlrief "tt7u,u uauil8' msieaa 01 navmg 10 existence, rne danger ot expansion per cent. earnestly request that you will draft on the great money centers of is that it tends to create reckless or Vt o T-Tri C5i-n f lanr atta-w.. Ann I AT fl 11 Q in r11 1 f 1 n rr if Vnf il. . ' the country, would find ample funds ulation; but an issue of currency lim- thousand dollars worth of goods will and in keeping it before the nZ!' for moving and handling the great ited m its use to handling the great py a duty of four hundred dollars; It is the people's Fair; every i2 !Swj FT mr nG STeasunes staple crops would always have behind under the new law the same goods tant of the Old North State is in ! established practically at their doors, it commodities that are absolutely would have to pay six hundred dol- ested in its success. Please I I" As consumption took place the m essential to the existence of civilized lars. Speculators have taken advan- upon your readers the importance 2 tht TrreDCy W0X W baC u 1 u U 18 8afe f0r the banks t0 laSe of the Prosed change in the contributing to that success, by Pla I- a TInll t0 g Ut haDdlie these commodhies now to a law and have now one hundred mil- ing on exhibition the best their h?l agiin as demanded by the exigencies very large extent upon drafts, bills of lions of dollars worth of such goods nave produced; the most sS of trade forced upon the country by exchange and artificial currency man- at the custom house. If they can pay work of their hands, and thole fi2 i 5L.h q0rT0UB MDKU Productlons' ufatured through the necessities of out under the present law it will only and promising animals, the de Hiacn Otate WOUld have nno nr mnra r.nmrnarna if mnlA U 11 r j ,n . J Ai , . iiue 01 f?r,o;ni t. j , : , v WVJ' iU YT wux wo o4uuy neeu 4u millions oi money to pay the Htneir nearts. u rge them to makn rhA tLfi rLTJ $JJ&J StatesgovernmeJitsVx; if days of the FaiA time of S tney wait until the law passes, they recreation, and the many articles ex would have to pay out sixty millions hibited a means of pleasure and edu of dollars. cation to their children. No entry Thus they would make 20 millions charge is made on any exhibits. We nn ao.i-Vi 1 flft m-HliM-TO A n 1 I VuaenoalT- ffrm tta,t A 1 i w.-.v avv uiimwuo uivaocu auiuau, i num jwu auu mo people geD 11 -11 il 1 . T me iau montns wnen toe crops are being marketed; that a greater volume of business is necessarily conducted at that time than at any other in the year, and that the money of tie coun try is enormously supplemented under present business methods by drafts, bills of exchange and every form of commercial credit, it will be seen at once that the increase .of currency during this period of activity would why the government 3hould not have the right to issue its trea ury notes based upon this warehouse receipt. At the proper time and in the proper form I would undertake to demonstrate that there is le3s constitutional objnc tion to the issuance of these treasury notes than there is to the banks issu ing notes based on the deposit of gov ernment bonds, or to the purchase bv the government of silver bullion. To take the place of the existing forms of defray any additional expense that the creaic, wnicn now supplement the erovernment volume of money, and that, if the in crease c supplement the government mio-ht be nm tn a simnio dered independent of the great finanH directly from the covernment. vuiaiue oi money, and tnat, it tne in- tax could be levied upon the issue of cial centers In an article of this character it is oi currency cjuid oe made tj every note, a tax small enough not to pbactical wobking of bill. impossible to point out all the limita inTreLVPvo burdeDS031f to the people, and at To better understand the plan, let tions and provisions that should sur eVes 3S h ' thesam?tlme large enough to prevent us consider for a moment its practical ound such an increase of currency, Wfiri p i? 7 would be anyone from drawing m mey f om the working. Suppose a Sub-Treasurv b these are mere details which can anTfdva-ita government unless I had fmmediate was est! bushed" in Atknta and n S easily perfected. If I have sue arise Tirol thl JLhll 7 lt U3G fr 11 is safe to Predict that vannah and with one or the other of 066(36(1 in causinS those read it to wMch the cr f no more money would be drawn than these Sub Treasuries the national Pse and consider well the most vital me?c was necessary to cheaply and econom- banks of the S;ate had a credit equal question of the hour I shall be more A. x icaiiy aistriDute the staple crons for to thnir p.anit.A.1 fif.r.rij- onri tVio fknT. I tnan satisned. coasumpuon. mis advantage would consu -ration T ri km,- " " Tfl J ir.. , , 7not i . X----. UvU uoiicvo tiib wum uaw me currency derived trom rL,Axjroaii entitled to sup princinallv manifest ,.! f ii,fln5w 5r"; : .. u nai couj the rate of interest and in enh: 80Ur06 only for the purpose of aces upon the great staple crops, ad of sending to New Fork for estimate is currencv. as thpv arn nnvtr .11 Alii anno nlaf fnHm V O..U T1 I I a. it rT-o t , , 1 , , j " wmcuou .v, lauiuiui, uutj ou-xreasury 1 uiarneu -w v buau I w uv --u ouu.uuiug even the busiest in the fall. S30.000.. advances nnon th rrt nr, . v.-: .. ' ji , skuuh dwuio Tiwiia. 1 .Txay uwu rvm v 1 1 1 1 x i iihsk man in rna ...11 -i It - . . j , . I J ,uu - vuv onuauuu. XUK WUU1U D6 lUSteaa OI Senain to Nftor York fnr pnnntrr; nnf h f , u r ; .1 x . o I --j "'""cu uuuu tue ue ui tue stringency in tne monev With Which tO DiV for oott.nn. I bill or aomt.hinfv hot-tor. t.K,;t. -,iu j , . 1 wvv., A vy r 1UC VVJ.UL1 7 firm nnn ui , . I , r. . r - j bk.e "onW eTuiV S3 ,ronoo 0 5 f oTLS 1?,. 2L S .f6?"" of ' the, ' '. banker, a . v . -v . ' i - - j j vr aticut. i Kicau uiiuci uiH inaL underlies tne speculator, a honrtholrW ariA -.r. .1 -. ; i j v currency derived from liace platfobm entitled aiy ior the purpose of port. the price of the crop, but it would be 000 of additional notes a great error to suppose that all busi- brought - into use. This uc luwicsw wouiu not aiso reap a liberal. vuiicsuuuiug uenent. I 7 000 000 I ui ujs-rjsiiiSsiNQ the markets. oui equais $.515,000,000. and of security which thev m c -i . I tnat SO rAr ponf rf i 1 ! Ai . x" i o sr "i" uuuemeo mo ojjoouia.ui, a uuiiuuoiuer, ine tmancial rnorf. in tho Atlanta . ut vaiue only 10 ootain tne currncv dirpp.tlv frr.m mftasnrA knH Constitution for Wednesdav-rjuTv 23J ??3- 00.000- Now, the entire the Sub Treasury, instead oY dido " Z v V 1, Si,!! . which was certainly not intended as """"'"''jri their Extern correspoaden's. Ther. and detai s that it will fullv conform for fundsT thTvTn uV always K m .nd h S"n " "2 fr tMs CUrrenCy ' the SPirit and Senius of our dom- H h W for them smeTblfnrftrress ?thffli9 C"f Tm fi?anc,aI . eI"- Cotton tions and secure for all, without in- The speculator says: "Mr. Windom n.!Ii!.Pu0freSt.hefir3tdayso wuld move just as it moves now, and jury to any. the relief Hemaaded hi navs th navm-nff " incrnno.oiff, "u "V , . , iwuueu tne great tue exigencies ot our hnancial "V 7 V, , p uas cotne lnCo marKets and -was paid for an amount sight & very bale of cotton and every currency equivalent to that advanced bushel of wheat would no more be in Atlanta would flow back into some pledged to tie government than every one or other of the Sub-Treasuries bi.e of cotton and every bushel of S. conservative are the national wueai is now pledged to the banks banks of the country that it is prob li! ,"1? on; but if able they could be safely allowed ar Whether the dutv ia naid to t.n eraHy a kind reception and assistant government under the present law or fco tne accredited agents of the Agri- under the McKinley bill, about to be cultural Society, to be sent out into come a law, the prices paid for the tne. State. at large to advertise the goods by the farmer wilfbe the same. Fr' &ive us Jour influence and The difference is, whether the govern assistance in every way consistent ment shall be 20 millions poorer on wlth yur o vn interest in making the the 100 millions imported or not 30tn State Fair, October 13th to 18th, This i3 the situation. Thi9 'iHth the best Fair. Premium lists will be sent on application. Yours very truly, Now I want to invite your attention Jno. T. Patrick. General Superintendent, THE SUB-TREASURY PLAN. an argument in f .vor of the farmers' Sub Treasury plan, siys in discussing the financial situUijn in New York . " Tue bears hive been looking forward to the time when crops wili make such demands upon the financial resources of the country that there will be nothing left in New York banks with which to carry on bull speculation." In other words, the be irs were then preparing to seize upon the tightness of the money market incident to mar keting the crops, to depress their prices auu tue prices or a n-hor som.i " w. WVVULitiCO. exigencies commercial condition ? Georgian H SUMAC. and deliyed, postponed, vou don't nPpd the money ?" The banker says: "Mr. Windom, you have millions of money in the vaults that you do not need, loan it to us and we will relieve th There have been many foolish thina written and said about the Sub Treas ury plan as advocated by the National Frmrs' Alliance Legislative Com mittee at Washington City. These foolish things have been said and written br two classes of citizens there was danger of too great an in- increase of currency, to be used an in u government could limit handling merchandise gene ally but the amount of its treasurv nots t.n ho n AKnZt . --.5!rl. 7? U HOW Wflll t.haxr, i aa vanCOd UPOn the DiedfrA O p th o frnn I anr, an oocil.. tl . r J . .. . . ouceueu nas TaTrt ua'j 4 ? " i- onjr ia iu mrown out oi gear i wo nandred millions ot dollars would that any increase of cnrr.n,. fu oe more tnan ample to secure a very be based onlv nnon mh T, " I lTm -Mn- - i . i I y A K.wiau II T ... - - uA iU teres! and an easy finan- articles of merchandise as must be 1In aione tne larSe sum of $6,000 to i uiuauon during the fall months, consumed within a limited neriod Puuu annually, urnac is extensive out cannot a safpr mrtT.o ffi : I nn . . u penuu. , eorJ j i.t . ut cannot a safer, more flffiM?n. T nH, 1UU' It used in dvein cloth h .vTJ Premium ot 25 percent, amounting This i. pfT T. and more direct mAtbr. Ka a;.i I v, t A Ai . uuuuiuj t . fi iQQtu t..-j m an to aoout lo millions of dollars." .i. 6 . r uoiisbu luiuuguuui, wo country, and thns to ueaiuea our cufw tj,a Vtu .hi , uw.a6wuB oiue most conserva W III lTOlr I TTG 11 I 1 . . ' I Tin M ta A. X Ifrtk been demonstrated by the decline in prices of nearly all securities and the advance of interest to the rite of 188 per cent, per annum. The contraction under the proposed plan during the the gradual consumption of tho staple will effectively and practically properly regulate the value o viua wouiu oe rnuca less stringe than the contraction incidAnt. tn ti fall months under existing condition It would ab Ant. Ann at f 1-. 1 j " j7 . . .. J"waing ae- Rnt v.,M " , . ' """" ui . auuuionai concessions 7?- 'J' l Worst- " would ;n3. ."r; Vr "J8 P'an- ? ?ad? t0 the. Pvide . low and aci lua penoa or contraction compared V mwmcu1' WIiai would De nxed rate of interest Tirltv, u 1 , . I acnomnliQhorl fVi . . I "uu vyiumeoiiraoe irom the fall to r . J sverumeni issu those opposing the plan and those ad vrmat inir it Tlin . l . Tne costing and caring of the ""lf 'h money market " b,en hetrd of all men. The opponents of the plan have been very intemperate in their declarations regarding what it really proposes. Those advocating it have been equally inconsistent in their declarations. The greatest harm to the plan comes from discussion of leaves of the wild smnacs occupies for prUJSS several 01 tne summer months the time of hundreds of women and chil dren in Virginia and the Carolinas. This product, which would otherwise be wasted, distributes among the poorer country people of North Caro- The President, the Secretary, and the whole gang listen with great at tention to their wants. The bondholder says: "Mr. Win dom, I have $50,000,000 in bonds. I will sell them to vou if von will v 1 5 , , fi . " - j ,"v it uy men wno nave a wrong concep- me the interest on them for np.arlv a j -.a 1 . wur ; -a T J - "uu ui ii reai intents and nurpojes. jrcax mauvauu) ana men 1 Want a Of nnnrco tho U ? wvkv uv mau nas i iq eiicuiica. s I ua.ivc uiuuucl imm in imiii r r 11 i uiuiiey, . n . ' , . 1 . intea 10 mil 10 nt u , u w wiluoui congress, a3 oy tne Constitution of """ impurieu irom tne Qjfj mu " either the government building nr th TTnitaH a,.l ;7l H South of Eurone. Nort.Wn k, J doPted- Tne - bonding warehouses, by simply an ex empowered ic Tdo, could in consider of sumac cjmPlain the gatherers Xnt7dUt tension of asrenc es now in IJt o L; u. .iX ' m consiaer oarfilfiRfilv nr Hii,ftM,iw .;Ju .u. adopted, and I J '-"""on in rViLU LiiO I So that the bondholder will be bene- ns if his plan is packed leaves sticks, stom .-: and other crash. 1 his is verv wm . j- unH Anaa banker will be bene- millions if his plan is the speculator will be benefited anywhere from 25 millions upwards if his plan is adopted. tive and far reaching minds of the county; while among its opponents stand some of the leading statesmen of the nation. Just what the outcome will be no one can tell. But it does not require the foresight of a prophet to see that relief to the farming and not benefit the packers. ;.s buyers al- ,w Jou Pres.ent your plan to Mr. laboring classes must speedily come, the spring Every business man would l?0117 dileQt uPon the warehouse - , TRiEASURY- ways remove such trash eforc weigh- y.dom compiled after the Silver even if it require such positive led sla- HillJHLHH I r. TO-nn M .t A -l I XUU UlttU UmnnHRn ari I I rnt. rvfn., inv J j. J! . - w. I Kn Mat. hi 1 1 4hAf U 1 t i I . - . o " uvuiu iiiiii iirMvunrTrtAi a. i P"'"w- t 111 . lj. 11 i, in ni v 111 v iih m im. i rrrr ..r,uulllluo - - , . J I O v know that stringency of money during tYln. Aril .J L . J - & t:i price of the ?alJion bm,tnat he and his friends tion as the plan proposed. The peo S ""J uiuuoy UUlllItJ . , i w uuo . . i . - - , j o o piivic; tl Lilt) " axxtuuo vavsu to biio uiail piODOSeQ 1 ne peo- the fall would be impossible: and he ?Q of the Te&t staPle crops from 10 ttle Vlews and prejudices of those leaves the cost of removing the trash drafted and tell him that if he will pie want relief. If it will' require the would also know, even if there was b?mg reSulated by the universal law wn have for a quarter of a century and freight on same- Phe N. (J. Ex- loan yu 100 millions you will pay incorporation of such plans into laws ivnil 1 A oler Lt-t-1 t. r .t some contraction during the soring . PP1 ano demand. It would compared with the volume of currencv fP1 D7 reducing the coat of carry that came into use in the fall, that it -S .?ese Pro.ducts until they were would tase place at a timA rvhor ti. uloluuua piecemeal for con sum n demands of business are less than they tl0n' nhaDce their value to the extent are in the fall. 3 to which their cost of carriage was i,r::uj i . o BEST METHOD OF PERFECTING BILL. The proposition having been lishei that a safe, sound, and stable currency , that will pass on a parity wim goiu, can oe issued on the great staple cropland that flexibility or elas ticity in the volume of the currency of the country will tend to promote me staouuy ot prices and keep down the rates' of interest, we 'pass next to the consideration of the best method of accomplishing this much desired result. Jt would not be difficult to de vise a system based on the lin 3 sug gested by the Farmers'. Alliance that would require no large expenditure of government funds and no great change in the present methods of conducting business. Jt would be easy enough to permit uny; responsible company to establish a warehouse, and to give bond to th government that it would issue no re ' rE . a0. having the product rep sfon eThbj itactualI7Vin its possePs sion. i he government could appoint SOTernment gauger for the bonded diminished; or perhaps to be more ac cUrte, oy a universal hw of tr-. this decrease in cost would be shared Doth by the producer and the r.on. sumer, neither monopolizing the full u vantage or it. it would also, by furnishing an abundant and flexible currency, render stable the rates of interest, prevent artificial stringency uiwuojr market and manipula- ciiio uepress tne price of commod ties, and leave the laws of demand and supply to -work more evenly and rnuwuu aiuiuuiai ODStructions A NEW SUGGESTION. Now, if it can be demonstrated by discussion that all this can be done mrougn a currency issued on the great staple crops without carrying the gov ernment into either the warehouse or banking business, I am satisfied the farmers would promptly accept such a modification of their views nri every productive interest in the whole country could be- brought into a and harmony on the subject. The short road to this end is for the d-ov- ernment to establish at least one Sub- j-raasury m each State of the Union m n A r-. " . . . j i o i no xTi. j. xKi- i " , , , j fj i -vvijviuMuu ui ouuu plans into ias made War linnn tha r.afiV.nnl I v; a. ai.i; -n .. . I unnr r?oKf o ill - . I ... t g . . hnt i -7 e uaua, liuiout owuon win investigate the J. , r wiu go into to secure that relief, they should be hir k P GTy attack these advisability of cultivate gsumaa and circulation, the panic will be arrested, incorporated. If relief will come from -ST? contmued ?, exist and to the value of leaves from the cultivated the country more prosperous and that some other source, well and good. ui . : BSioaiiu piams. aianuiacturers give the fol- J " " " vy tome govern- rne times are nroDitious for 1 t 1 I m onf rtna mi lintB 1 It i . -t.. some stan a a. oo-otor, uu.- IT .. : ' r " . 1.7 . f- ; t v"'- uuwwuiis ior curing leaves: T j- XVA wo oi one legislation tnat will secure equal ngnts existed anvwho of ..J! r " ww , " Wi ---" ioveB. A , u 6 w win secure equal j arriH 1 x J pexiuu 01 iae weaves may oe gathered any time ";8anu inne nas no to all and unjust exactions from none, tnthb r,Q7-reiale m regard from June 20th to October 1st, or use for as an agent of the govern- The Alliances are not particularly nv!7r . u .8TWh!ch 1 have until the leaves turn red red leaves and 8ee whether the President, wedded to the Sub Treasury bill butt rZlZA , bare never are worthIess. The best leaves are the Secretary will pay any attention it is presented as a declaration to the r X"Pa te lnl ne senseless denuncia- those gathered in June and July. As yu or not. If not, why not ? world that they demand protection of uon so oiten hurled at them. The soon as picked spread the leaves in Uoder ur form of government one our law makers from the unjust bur- j ahiA wimavaSei "1mare the most the sun for one or two hours, then re- citizen is the same before the law as den and unequal taxation that has f conntr J. tf financiers in the move to rain tight covered shed and mother, yet you will be derided be built up corporate wealth in our uniry, tuey are men who have spread thinlv on ahfiltrPH nt taVo a cause you are a roor lahorino- man count I - auu I - 1 . O J I J au CA.CUli ILL an i " IrinfT I OrlT trnn nnnHu . . , . I txr hi la tha --t at h w. r . J J I .1 T . . . 1 and lw!W 7 of banking, stir frequently to prevent the leaves hlle the Tlch man's demands are the audacity to dictate the financial otwi,! etter prepared than any from heating and turning black. Use eded and acted on at once. I chal policy of this government. Experience otner people in the countrv to band a thA n r.i- . Iptio-o nnvmomW t n i 1 j to , .l.i;.;- I . . VVUVJU C3Lll.1V 1111 1 I I Til I 1 I WMA.TkJU UAJ AACM M I I 1 V I I Til ITllTl T FT O T PITPM I 1 I . . wia.- i . - -, uiwiu fcuou oiii" r - i I. 1 . saro tt anri . n t aj uu uuuarvativeiv anv in creased issue of currency. Eich State wouia secure all it could hope to se cure through State banks of issue, and, what is much more, the currency of the country would be uniform and would have behind it the enti ot the government and a soundness and stability that could not ho oh. tained in any other wav. Tn t.h early history otour country we tried the United S;ates bank: at that tim it was argued that the government would be compelled to delegate the powers of issuing currency to a bank ing institution that could meet the re quirements of the varying demands of business. We tried the If it doil't pay you to make nort with akim milk, try feeding it to t.h hens, and see if eggs from skim milk don't pay. At this writing Congress seems And that. hAtir mLt not be Jong willing to extend the bonded period delayed, for the vast army of producers I until HVhrn r-TT 1 cf TQnv a 1 .1 J . nct. I ing the leaves never use iron. Th come iato tne columns of The Pbo. make the manT noorpr and the few greener the dried leaves are the higher GHESSIVE Farmeb and prove that thfs richer. The Sub Treasury plan sag will be the price they will bring. The not been the P?Jicy of both par- gests a way of escape. II that is not leaves win not be dry enough to pack ues ln e Past- the way, ye wise ones, give us a better. 1 uui" o.cuis oi tne leaves break when- bsnt. Dried sumac sells for irom 5 cents to $1 per 100 pounds. The chief buyers of N. C. sumac are Lreo. vv. Uampbell & Co., of Peters burg, Va, and C. T. Piunkett, of Lynchburg, Va. Both of these firms furnish, free of charge, sacks in which to pack the leaves. -Gtrala McCarthy Botanist ' - February 1st, 1891. A strav in this frovnmmnt rL in earnest-! law for the protection of farmers' is The realization of the second demand always denied, but just the thing for of the State Alliance would, we believe, lCUIL , . I " . got along wa toward bringing tht ol0uijr vv muom is ouying bonds relies. There used 4o be a max"? at 12 per cent, and prepaying inter- that read vox popuU, vox Dei. Ha3 it C8T ppajruieiiL oi interest on bonds grown absolete ? -Exchange to me amount oi 16 millions umfler 18ttL Saye the heifer calves from yourj ioney is Deing deposited m the best cows and keep them gentle o. national banks and a nronosition ia I o-onflo fro t m on t an that thev W0H 1 T J - . AV 1 I J-"- V AWUWLUWUV, AiV " J iuu&eu oa Willi iavcr to do a wav with hatro t K u krnVo. whAn thev oe a: oi ar bii wl Tl ca do ad mi fo Wi .in B c: ment and abandoned it half a century i me dqd ireasune3 and deposit gov . j W W W IV m "Jt., come cows.

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