A THE PEOGRESSfVE FAElRi SEPTEMBER 30, 1890. 1 y I AMONG THE ALLIANCES. What the Organization is Doing Throughout the Country." . The Alliance is building a knitting at Tallapoosa, Aiaoama. The Marion Iree Lance says the full blast in that Alliance - tnwn. t. T, Polk will attend the mPPtin of the Kansas State Alliance at Topeka on the 15th of October. Michigan State Alliance was organ ot Tasini? on the 17th of Sep w Rro. H. E. Cole was elected ICIUUVA President. Rnr.kv Wall Alliance, Lexington county, S. C , has passed a resolution reauiring its members to take and read t- i : 1 ... 1 rvoruir at least one gooa agnciutuioi r We are sorry indeel that a man rhn thonftonle love as they do Gov ernor Gordon, should be giving his aid to the politicians in persecuting the Alliance. Southern Alliance r armtu A meeting of the Alliances of West Florida assembled at DeFuniak Springs, last Saturday for the purpose nf establishing an exchange at Pensi- it. is t.n absorb the Escambia Exchange, and starts with a capital of $50,00Q. The Alliance has purchased ma chinery for a bagging factory in Americus. The Recorder says the Alliance is on a big boom in Sumter county, and in no county in Georgia is the Alliance accomplishing more good for the agricultural and other inter ests than in Sumter. THE BATTLE IS ON. Step by step the labor movement is making headway against party rings and bossism, and we see many of the old partisan leaders relegated to the rear. An avahnche of condemnation is coming upon those who have broken faith with the people. From every nook and corner we read of the great movement which is uniting the labor element all over the nation, and we predict that two years more will bring a revolution undreamed of at the present time. So strong has the movement become in some sections of the country that the two old parties are talking of coming together for the purpose of fighting the reform move ment. It will do no good, gentlemen. The "die is cast," and the people are going to rule this Republic in spite of partisan leaders and monopolies. Within the next four years many of the present partisan leaders will go into oblivion with their memory clothed with universal detestation by those I whom they have betrayed and sold to A monopoly. We have about reached the crisis; the battle between the peo ple and the corporations is on, and will continue. It is a struggle between right and wrong, liberty and slavery, and money and flesh and blood. Texas Labor Journal. WEEKLY WEATHER CROP BUL LETIN For the Week Ending Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1890. Central Office, Raleigh, N. C. The reports of correspondents of the Weekly Weather Crop Bull tin, issued by the North Carolina Experiment Station and State Weather Service, cooperating with the United States Signal Service, show that the week ending Saturday, September 20, 1890, has been unfavorable for crops and farm work of all kinds. The first four days of the week, continued to be very damp with frequent rains, and the injury done to cotton is consider able. Excessive warmth and mois ture has caused cotton to rot or sprout in the bolls, while that which had al ready opened has been stained and otherwise considerably damaged. The latter part of the week, Wednesday to Saturday, has been cooler and clear, and altogether more favorable, permitting farmers to resum picking where it had been interrupted. In many places tobacco is nearly all housed. In the western portion of the State a light frost in low places occurred on the 18th. At Fork Church, Davie county, a heavy rain and hail storm on the 16th injured crops to some extent. H. B. Battle, Ph D., Director. t. F. vox Herrmann, Signal Corps, Assistant. NOTICE. ! 1 .ot ce is nerey given that the Board f 01 Oountv Onmmiscinr, rt A inave ordered an entire new registration Pt ail the voters of Wake county for 190. o. -r. adams, Kegister Deeds, Ex-officip Clerk. Wanted. Some good rooda in thf trvT . pui UP a Iuu etocfc or U ilUnAr,? L?". C, and Bell to KUhtag to do Bo, one .1 P T'PfHTO f V44 TTAfXJ. Co B. A., Sands, N. C lLANO. Titx.. , e : liatlam. MrrtJ A-iwt- :M.Y 1.3, 1839. 1 Uear smi h.ivrt vn; w,.' ' ?wfi Tex: toT rheumatism Up to a year lenr a cTertaln ' Kfl J?" J. and and Eli bnt A", u? "ave never Deen troubled with u. LT ft ! f fe, Kon then, andlfler1 aBte a l reiv awappeared: I have oflCi WH lit Xnlft Piy l the Killer to. La ,u faied to cure rheumatism , v'rf wort r j ork. as yet. as it invariably did the iwcjsci,ia uii y, t v WM. Lumber and all kinds "fc&lerin t,,-. . WM. Matthews. ria!. "uuloer ana all kinds of Building Ma- ' Jensen & Co., Sole Agents for Raleigh. TO BUSINESS AGENTS. Raleigh, N. 0.. Sept 27, 1890. I am now prepared to supply groceries in wnole packages only at lowest whole sale prices. The tone of the market is strong. STJQAB. Granulated . American A. 6c No. I. . 5.87 5.69 Sz. 2... u Ex. tt ti 11 COFFEE. a C. I. F. P D & B f. No. F. No. Laga... 7 19 Q. A L,. No. 10 N. C. 10 : S. L B. No 5 :.. B.C. No. 4 ' MOLASSES. Aloysia, N. O Laurel, " Magnolia, " Cedar Grove, " M-.yognez, " 43 42 33 34 33 30 28 27 25 30 30 29 26 23 22 36 35 26 25 P. R. No. 74, " " 45 " " 63 Aricebo P. R St. Kitts, 115 gallon puncheons. . . New crop Cuba Barbadoes, No. Antiqua, 44 Mucavado. . . f .. 40. 34. 8YBUP. Rock candy drips... Orange (flivor) Gold leaf (vanilla)... Crushed sugar drops. Crystal table syrup. . ratapsco SOAP. Persion, 10 Ts Admiral 10 J libs $2.00 335 2.00 2.65 7c Compound 5sAo 60 libs 44 100 4 lbs LARD. Pure i efined in tins Pare refined, in tierce Fairbank's, in tierce 2 501b tins in case ? 6o 420 lb tins 44 " 6c i it it b 10 lb tics " 125 lb tins 44 STARCH. Large lumrj 40 lb box Pearl laundry 40 lb box 4Jc 4K 1.50 3.00 HOMINY AND OBITS. 100 lb bags 200 lb bbls RICE. 100 lb bags or bbla 6a6c 13c 13c 3.25 3.10 2.70 3o 4o PEPPER. Sifted grain in 120 lb bags Sifted grain in email quantity'. LYE. Star Best pure concentrated Best pure potash SODA. Boxes of 112 lbs Boxes of 60 lbs in lb pkg N B Boxes of 60 lbs in 1 and y pack ages N U FLOUR. XXX Extra 385 4.20 5.50 5.75 6.50 Snow flake in bbl Roanoke in bbl President in bbl deal 5c per bbl less in bbl Backs. MEAT. Sides in box (400500 lbs) Richmond 6c 6c 1 2c 12 00 (400-500 lbs) Wilmington Sugar cured hams Mess pork per bbl (200 lbs). . . Special rates for car load 20,000 lbs BRAN, ETC. Special rates on C. L. lots. Ship stuff per ton Bran CRACKERS. Soda in bbla CANDY. Best plain, 25 lb box " 44 200 lb bbl Cocoanut 20.00 20.00 4c 9o 11c 4.50 4.75 .00 5.10 08 13 18 Clover Seed, Red, good quality. . . 44 44 44 prime quality... bos. 60 lbs " 60 44 44 60 44 44 60 44 per lb. per lb. it 44 choice 44 44 Sapling or pvin. Ger. Crfrn. or annual. Lucrn, or Alfalfa, ch. White it it Burr " 30 Grass Seed, Timothy prime bus. 45 lbs. 1.70 Orchard prime 44 14 1.40 Orchord choice 44 14 Herds, or red top 44 10 1.50 45 11 1.20 1.25 90 1.00 2.4'J 2.60 85 65 1.10 it it it ti ti rancyper lb... Tall meadow oat bos, II Medw Fescue, or Ran, 14 11 14 24 14 56 32 48 I'errennla rye Italian rye ... Johnsongrass Kentucky blue crass.. it t it it pns. it it it Seed Grain Rye.Va. Winter, bag in. 44 44 Oata.Va. Winter 4? 44 Barley 44 44 44 44 Oats.RdRetprf bgsln. 32 65 Seed Wheat All our wheat are thoroughly cleaned. selected sound grain. Put up in new ' grain bags, 2J4 bushels to the bag. Prices include bags. Fultz, prime bus. 60 lbs 1.30 Red May,... 44 6 0 44 1.30 Purple straw 44 - 60 . 44 1.30 Pierce or Early 44 60 44 1.40 Lancaster 44 60 . 44 1.30 Fulcaster 44 6 0 44 1.40 Tuscin IslanI 44 60 44 1.40 Descriptive fall circular mailed on application. Winter vetches bus. 50 lbs 2.J0 Cyclone fan 23 00 each. Cahoon broadcast seeders..... ... 3 50 44 WHBAT DRILLS. No. 1 wheat drills 50.00 F. O. B. and guaranteed to any point in N C. Not more than $7 per drill. These are first class. t ties (cash.) - New arrow per bdl 1.35 F. O, B. Raleigh. N. C, or N.Y... Freight from Wilmington to Ral eigh, 7c per bdl. BONT5 MBAL Baugh's pure raw bone meal, made from genuine raw bones that have not been steamed or baked, guar-' anteed under f orf eitare of bill, in car load lot?, per ton. '. F. O. B Norfolk, Va. MEAL. Best white corn C. L. lots, No.l WAGONS. One horse Two horse CASTS. Log, complete Dump Road . . . . .. BEST MACHINE THREAD. Kerr's spool cotton in cases of 50 doz. pet doz 27.50 80 22.50 35a42 85.00 20.00 12.50a30 40c 2Ca34c 20a60c 32.00 31.50 "30.00 28 00 BINDERS. 35a45.00 : ' 13.00 .110all9 . 8.00 lla20 5a9 2.0a?.50 4O0a.35.00 4 00 5.100 lOallc Best tobacco flues (F. O. B., Raleigh) Per pound. . TOBACCO. 10 lb. boxes 301b. boxes... CI6ABS. - Alliance, No. 1, per m . . . 2, 3, 44 - 44 4, tt- LAWN MOWERS, MOWIRS, REAPERS AND Enclosed gear mowers American reaping attachment Harvesters and binders Fraweport for harvester and binder. Hayrake8 ; ; Lawn mowers ."!!!."!:J.r .." bteei cotton hoes, 6 to 8 in neck, per d3z goose Straw cutters NAILS AND SHOES. Horse shoes per keg Mule shoes per keg. . .'. Horse shoe i ails. ..".".".." '..".".".". STOVIS. Cook, complete Heating 44 PLOWS AND FIXTTTRTCS 10.50a35.00 3.50a30 Special prices on $10.00 lots and up. BIT WING MACHINES. Alliance High Arm, 4 drawer 17.00 Singer pattern $12a$15 New crown $14.50a$35 BUGGIES AND HARNESS. Buggy harness per eet 5 00 Collar and hames 1.00 Wajon harness one-half leather traces ". .. 8.10 Double wagon narness 14 00 OP211 33.27 Top 38.88 70.00 FERTILIZERS. N. C. Farmers' Alliance official guano F. O. B. Durham, N. C... F. O. B. Richmond, Va Any quantity from Durham, but only in car loads from Richmond, No discounts on above prices. The above prices are subject 21.50 20.50 to the market nucruauons. County and Sub-Business Agents phase send In meir names ana cenincaies oi Donds. In ordering be careful to state what depot goods are to De smppea 10 ana oe sure to give ca-ne ox your postomce as it Is very Important. . Please condense your correspondence for I am run over with business. Please have orders and letters on different paper. Yours fraternally, W. H. Worth, S. B. A Seals delivered for f 2.25. Trade cards, 25c per iw Robt. M. Jeffreys, President, T. Y. Allen, Sec'y & Treas FARMERS' UNION ' Tobacco Manufac turing Company, Five Forks. Ya. MffACTITRESS OF PLU& TOBACCO. Established by Mecklenburg County Partn ers' Alliance and industrial Uii ion, and con trolled only by Alliance men. Manufacture a genuine sun-cured tobacco with, Orinoko nller. Trial orders tohcited. Samples sent on application. Address, . Fabmers' Union Tobacco M'f'o Co., Skipwith F. O., Va. Norfolk. Va. Jan. 23. 1890. The Business Committee of the Farmers' Alliance of the counties of Norfolk and Prin cess Anne, recently convened in this oitv have unanimously re-elected me as their shnfl nouse lor tne near 1890. It gives me pleasure to inform my Alliance brt to appre- lrienua inai i snail use everv etrnrt to armrA. ciate the renewed confidence of the Alliance by making prices that suit the times. T hav no salesman on the road, but solicit corrfl- spondence and will send samples on applica- tion. GEO. R. WHfrEHTTRsf . ueaier in Hoots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises, u xu.ai ji.et oquare, isorioiK, va. Home, Sweet Home YOU NSED NOT SEND AWAY FROM HOME for anvthin?. o EDWARDS & BROUGHTON, RALEIGH, N. C. Printers, Binders, Stationers and Blank Book Manufacturers. Can supply every want in their line, for they have one of the largest and best equipped establish ments of the Kind to oe round m this country. Alliince printing of every kind. from the Trade Card to the largest Record, Publishers of the North Carolina Manual or Law and Forms, the great Hand-book for Magistrates and County umcers. Virginia "Winter Oats. Trie best Oat for trie Southern States Hardy, large yielding, Tnearly always free from ruet, and produces flue winter and spring grazing Write ror prices and full circular containing lists of best yieifling Wheats, Grass and Clover Seeds, Dutch lauiua, etc. ju.aj:eo iree. T. W. WOOD & SONS, 8 & 10 Soutn 14th St., Richmond, Va. Wanted. An intelligent Alliance man, or son, In everv county in the United States to sell my book 11 Fewer Acres with a System of taprove 3 n&ati" The greatest book of the age. Every farmei endorses it. Its title sells it, and the very low price puts it in reach of all. Hundreds can be sold In a day at picnics, courts, political meetings and public gatherings of all kinds, A harvest for those who apply early. Send 25 cents for sample copy and terms. Address J. R. CLINE, Catawba, N. C. $100 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS $100 -A: JLontli Easily made by securing subscribers for FARM FUJNT, The Independent Champion of the Farm ers' Alliance. Brim full of wit and humor from the best writers of the day. It sells for Fifty Cents per Tear, And agents are allowed twenty cents on each sub scription secured. Any agent of no matter what experience, can secure at least, five hundred subscribers a monthj thereby making the snug salary of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FEP. MONTH- Send five cents for sample copy and go to work. . Address Farm' Fun Publishing Co., - S , - Cincinnati, Ohio. ITS CAUSES' AND CURE. Scientifically treated by an aurist of world-wide reputation. Deafness eradicated and entirely cured, of from 20 to 30 years' standing:, after ail other treatments have failed. How the difficulty is reached and the cause removed, fully explained in circulars, with affidavits and testimonials of cures from prominent people, mailed fre. Dr. A. FON TAINE, 34 West 14th St.. N. Y. Croup frequently fiads a household unprepared for its visit, while the rapidity with which it aevei- ops calls ror instant treatment, ifor tnis d ngerous eease Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is an admirable miraoie Keep it remedy. It saves many lives every year. in the nouse Top phaetons m mi Business Qnnortnnitv' -rr j YET OFFEKED! The WiDston West End Land Company offers for sale a limited number of its lots in Northwest Winston. They are within six minuses' walk of the best line of street cars in the South, convenient to schools, cnurcnes, and stores, shaded, mountain views. Population in 1880, four thou sand (4,000) : in 1890, twelve thousand (12,000). A million and three quarters of outside money invested in Winston-Salem in 1890. Three hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars put into factories., and home build ings in 1890, to September. Three rail roads building into country tributary to Winston. This is the best time to buy. Maps, price? and terms given ph application to P. M WILSON, Sec'y, Winston, N. C. A. GOLD WATCH I FOR ONE DOLLAR I Per week by our Club system. Our . 14 karat patent stiffened Gold Cases are fully war ranted lor 20 years. Elgin or Waltham I movement with latest improvements reliable and known, stem-wind and set. Lady's or Geirt 8 81ze Hunting or open face. Equal I to any $75 watch. We sell one of these I watches for $25 cash and send to any address Dy registered man, or by express, C. O. D. wim yiivneto ui examination: aiso dv our Club system it $1 per week. One good, re liable, permanent AGENT WANTED in each place. Write tor particulars. EMPIRE WATCH C., 35 Park Row, New York. SEALS, SEALS, SEALS ! eadauarters. Every Alliance should have a SEAL ; it Is jour only protection in your correfDondence aeainet imposition. We will make von an official Farmers' Alliance Seal, and del Ivor to any express office in the State for only $2.00. TUB AM.HK1UAN siALi wuafi.o, 1,6(52 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. THE Kentucky State Union. Theleading labor paper of Kentucky, in which are discussed all the leading ques tions. A fearless expounder of the peo- Ple's rights, and an enemy to monopoly, usta ;and unjust legislation. .Trice, $1 per year, auuicss, Kentucky state union, Bowling Green, Ky. Farmers' i Mechanic's Advocate, The Official Organ of the DallasCounty F. ts L. U. Non-partizan in Politics. A Defender oj the People s Rights. Prompt attention given to advertisements. Spe cial inducements to club-raisers. Job work done on shon notice, and at living rates. ONLY 75 CENTS PER. YEAR. Devoted entirely to the promotion ,of the Union and the advancment or tne people's interests every where. Send for sample copy. Address FARMERS AND MECHANICS DVOCATE, Buffalo, Missouri. lES O O 3T I 2ST 3- . GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING- FELT costs only $2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a gooa root tor years, ana anyone can put it on. oena stamp ior sample a 1 and full particulars. Gum Elastic Roofing Co., 39& 41 West Broadway, New, York. Seals for Farmers' Alliance! Delivered-at Nearest Express Offics for $2.20. Solid metal Counters. Shipped twenty-four hours after receipt of order by T.W. BJake, Raleigh, JST. C. The Southern Mercury, DALLAS, TEXAS. Official Organ of - the Farmers' Statt Alliance of Texas. An eight -page, forty-eight column weekly devoted to Alliance afiairs and matters of general interest to' farmers. Farm era desiring to know all above Texas and the Alliance in this State should subscribe for it at once. Price, per an num, $1.00. Address, Southern Mercury, , Dallas, Texas. Songs of Dixie. A standard collection of Camp Songs, Home Sonera, Plantation Sonera and Marching Songs. These are arranged as solos, quart ts and choruses, with simple accompaniments. There is no section of our common country which possesses such a distinctive class oi folk r-. ik - 1 songs as tne ooutn ana gooa cnacs nave as serted that these Southern melodies are as choice and as individual as the boasted " Volks-Iaeder " of Europe. Contains li4 pages printed in large clear type and attrac tively ponna. .trice, ju cents. 145 & 147 Wabash Ave., .Chicago, 111. health i health i A NEW DISCOVERY. Great Southern Remed3-. Having been a great sufferer, from cliild' hood, the result ot protracted chills and indi gestion, terminating in diseases oi Liver, Kldxey and Urivasy O tried many remedies known to the profession wim uuiy lemDor&rv reiifit. Attr mnh perimenting," I succeeded in discovering a combination of vefffituhlA rsmpdipa wViih combination has proven a i emc dv lor diseases rt oil i A I 1 yjx on mo iuw;riiin orgsns - superior iQ any known in a life ol suffering and pr&ctice of fifty years. As by it I have bten restored from what seemed to be inevitable death to perfect hea.th, without any other medicine, for those diseases over three years past. It also erabledme to travel all the winter of 1888 and 1839. in thn mniintaina in oil Hn of weather, and eating any and eVerv thing set ueiure me wiux impunity, it has s.nce cured me of chills and prevented urn- takinsr "la gTirre" and relieved thns.it tiA L TM fill- Hemic who tried it. It is also proving valua- uiw m many ieHiaie aiseases. For further particulars, apply to druggist, or Dr. Jno. F. Foard, Propr, Olin, N. C. I. S flavin f rpHnOil fVio -rnnna t'-rntn 1 fi 50 eta. a pint, it is now the, cheapest remedy of the kind in America. ' J. F. F. A doctor s bill Is seldom Ipbb th .this does "t incladethe cost of fil'inor One dollar purchases a bottJe of Ayet's Sarsapa riila, which, in nine cases ont of ten, is all the medical treatment needel. Try it -nd save your money for a rainy day. to AMEEICAN BOOK COMPANY. THE AMERICAN BOOH COMPANY is an incorporated stock company, whose sole and exclusive -1- business is the manufacture of Sclool and College Text Books, Maps and Charts. 1 he principal places of business are in New York York, Cincinnati The American Book Company takes great pleasure general public that it has taken eteps toward a First The wholtsale prices formerly published from this date will be the mail n pricee of its books. Secoad The company proposes to make such to sell books at these mailing prices. Third The company will send any book on charge for postage or express, on receipt of its publ'shed price, thus placing in the hands of the con sumer even in the remotest and emailejt village in the country, an effective safeguard against extrava gant charges and profits on the part of local dealers or transportation companies. Fourth The company will contract directly with supply text-books for a term of years at net contract prices, and give guarantee that if at any future time the companj's prices shall be reduced, a corresponding reduction f hall be made in all existing con tract prices The American Book Company will employ its high reputation of the books now on its Het and to cost, and it will offer all its publications at the lowest price at which similar publications can be bought in any country. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. NEW YORK, 80G-J08 Broadway. CINCINNATI, 137 Waluut St eet. GKAND CLOSING OUT SALE BY Jere ZBeuxter, Nashville, Tennessee. Trotters, Clydes and Ponies; Holstein and THURSDAY, OCTOBER S5TH, 1800. Having sold my Farm t will sell all my stock, Trotting Mares bred to " Hermitage Stud " Stallions, Holstein Cattle, numbers best bred herd of its size. Other stock of best quality. mowers. Write for catalogue. GET THE BEST DURHAM BULL AMM0MIATED FERTILIZER HOME PRODUCT. HOME OA lEEsts 2STo Spooled Prices and Terms to 3P armors' Allionoo C;1u.d lots. Send orders at once. DURHAM FERTILIZER CO., Durham. N. C. Liberty High. School . THE CHEAPEST GOOD SCHOOL IN NORTH per month. Tuit'on, rrom $2.uu 10 j.j.uu per moms. ompiere course in jciegrapny, p.w; Ane mattes, Eoglish, Latin, Greek, Telegraph, and Penmanship a specialty. rrv Tjr.w tA Ttnafnoaa TWnftrf"mTit Write for catalog Address, J. M. WEATIIERLY, Dtni, ship. One hundred and twenty lesssons rates to farmers sons ana aaugniers. oena ior catalogue giviug tcruia, cty. TO THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE OF I C. AND OF the soma ! Chewing and. SmoHig! AtANUrACTUXED BY ,1 15 GRANVILLE COUM7Y 1 ranMEfi's Alliaiicd TCZASCO MANUFACTURING (o, j TJT ONLY GENUiNE MILJUICE TUB AEIW IN THE WDRLDm A This manufacturing company is established by Alliance men, and run by Alliance men, in the heart of the world-renowned golden tobacco telt. Arrangements perfected for manufacturing as good pmoking and chewing tobacco as is made. Orders " solicited Alliance prices will be given to this and other States. Price list furnished. We refer to B. C. Beddingfle d, Sec'y N. C. S. F. A.. W. U. Worth, S. B. 4 Raleigh, N. C, Capt. S. B. Alex ander, ChmN Ex. Com., N. O. 8. A., Charlotte, N. C. ,and Elias Carr, President N. C. S. E. C. Granville County Farmers' Alliance Tolacco Manufacturing Co., Oxford, N C. Staggers in Horses. Upon receipt of 50 cents I wi'l send to any ad dress a r cipe to care any case of Staggers in Horses. Also the cause of same. Address, U. M. COLLINS, V. S., Jacksonville, N. C. Mr. K. T. Pool, of Cedartcwn, Ga., writes: " I b, lieve it to be one of the b et medicine sold. The physicians, two jears ago, said my wife had consumption, both lungs affected. I have had to t-end her South for several springs to keep her tlive, but since she has been taking Radam's Mi crobe Killer sbe has been right at home attending Toherbueines , an 1 is in better health than she has been in 20 y ears. Lee, Johnson & Co., Sole Agents for Raleighl and Chicago. n announcing to school officers, teachers and the reduction in the cost of school books to purchasers: by the American Book Company and its predecessors discounts from its published priced as will enable dealers its list to any address in the United States, free of Boards of Education in any part of the country to combined capital, labor and experience to sustain the produce new ones of the highest quality at the least CHICAGO, 258 60 Wabash Avenue. Jersey Cattle, and Farming Implements. Bulls, and more butter-tested cows than any All farm tools, rakes, wagons, harness and CAPT. P. O. KIOD, Auctioneer. PITAL. HOME ENTERPRISE. Superior. and Business Institute. CAROLINA Bard, including everything, $7.50 n Sfn ms 1 fit vear. 100. NO. Teachers. 5. P- ucipaJ, Liberty, N. C. J. t MATritrTt';.TlAivciR: V THE FOLLOWING STUDIES ARE TAUGHT : Teleorranhv. Book-keeDinsr. Mathematics and Penman- m. Stenography given by maiL bpecial

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