THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER: DECEMBER 15. 1891. 8 1 ii , ... i i "" i ...... - "' 1 ' ( - OUR PROGRESS. ! duce as fine as has ever been grown in smoking tob.icco Weekly Record of Manufacturing and Other Eenterprises Started Rip Van Winkle no Longer in the Old North State. Manufacturers' Record Franklin T. S. Arthur is reported as erecting a saw mill. Silver City W. F. Fox will c lish, it is reported, a Hour mill at Silver City. Morgan ton J. C. & Manley Mc Dowell will start a factory. New Berne Efforts are, it is said, being made for the establishment of a cotton mill. Rocky Mount W. II. Cheek, Jr., has erected a four story leaf tobacco prize house. Chimney Rock The Thermal Belt Improvement Co. has erected a saw and planing mill at Hickory Nut Gap. Jefferson J. B. Colvard and George Crouse are reported as to dt velop iron ore mines on their property in Asl e county. Burlington L. J. Fonvillo, men tioned last week, contemplates putting nevr michinery in his carriage and wagon shop. Castle Hayne The North Carolina Phosphate Co. is reported as to put in additional machinery and double the output of its phosphate mines. Ashboro The Ashboro Lumber Co. is reported as having purchased the Betts property, near Ashboro, and as to develop gold mine on same New Berne W. II Winfield fc Sou are to establish a factory for the manu facture of buggies, wagons, etc. ; build ing is now in course of erection. Dunn A stock company is being or ganized to establish an iron foundry and machine shop. For information address Joseph Pearsall, secretary. Morganton An Euglih syndicate is i: c il... ... I,.. C f 1. negotiating lor uib purcu.usti ui iuc asbestos mining property near Morgan ton of the L Colmsky Co., of Waking ton, D. C. Monroe It is stated that efforts are being made for the organization of a stock company to establish a knitting mill, probably to be operated in con nection with the Monroe Cotton Mills. Sali.-.bury A. i ann Ellen Lihthill and W. F. Aid rich have incorporated the Aldrich Mining Co. to deal in real estate and carry on a mining, manu facturing and milling business. The capital stock is $50,000. with privilege of increasing to $500, 0C0. RAISE TOBACCO. this State. No man that ever gives it a fair trial, employing the necessary ! skill and industry, will ever raise an ! other bale of cotton for sale. O. C. Cabot. riiocc lvucdc All FISF FANS! hi Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. U66 K LxJ in time. Sold by druggists. r Ei L j It is impossible to run a paper on a strictly cash lasis. It is alio impos- sibie to run one without atsh. Have stab- i yu puid your subscript ii i If not. ; irny not do so nowt e ncea The money j to pay accounts ice owe. Boeeharn's Mils cure bilious ami nervous ills Sssd 1 Sssds, Seed s! A)! fcir.rfsof Grass and Clover Seeds, now ar- ri ins in store. Fresh Crimsou or Animal Clover Seeds. Also Southern I'rize Turnip Seeds at 2.V. per pouijil, or by the bushel whole sale. '1 his is a valu able varietv, nrod'iciug large wiJte turnu-s, of good quality, very hardy aiul nest turnip for alal. Will stai.d cold est weather without protection. These seeds are Ml fresh, carefully ;rowti, and best selected seec's on the market. My spot ial (trass aiid Clover St d raivtures give spb-n-iid results wherever ued. Pi ic s arenive.n for quant if y Biiineient to seed nn acre or more. f d sired i stial! also take pleasure in quoting the rice per bushel of any of the above named Seeds. Latent Improved farm implements, eiitcine?. boilers saw mills, etc., for Kale, also Pratt Cot ton (.iin, and Nance power Cotton Press. I,. R . W Y T T, 21! Fiyetteville St., Raleigh. X. C. (315 Mill-Stones. lxmsrht the M'll-Stone Quarries of h E. Phillip's estate, I wiil continue to manufac ture Viiil-tones, Mil -Spindles and Portable !aiils for trrindintr corn and wheat. Address .1. T. WYA'I'T, (.Vh Faith, Rowan Co., N. C. RMD THIS POMONA TEKRACOTTA CO POMONA, N. C. Terra-Coi fa Chlninev Flues or Stove Pipe. Farm Tiraiii Tile, Fire Urfck, etc. Catalogue free. tili JSe ci n'iT H'ZJiWi THE 8alisKu ry Watclmuin Is the paper vou are hikii:Lr for. It is the "Watchman on the tower," tluit wiil watch after the intere ts of the people. Briyht, newsy, and not afraid to tell the truth. The Watchman is devoted to the upbuilding of the agricultural, niannfacturiutr and rnininK iuterests of the State. OriHnofthe. Alliance in tiie Piedmont section. Subscribe for it. Single subscriptions, gl.'x), carh in M(lt,nce; clubs of live, L'S); ten or more at one t iui l.nt. All kinds of job priniintc exteiit.-d In lir.-jt-elas style. I'c'st newspaper job orlhe in the Stale. Kry secretary and business nent of the Alliance in the State should hive l etter Heads and Fn elope printed. Or.; - s hy mail prompt Iv rilled. Address Salisbury N. C. A. h. UAMsi'Y, rviitor Hi'.l Prop'r. ! Pomona II ill Nurseries To the Farmers of Wake County and their Neighbors of Like Occupation. Raleigh. N. C, Dec. 3, '01. Mk. Editor: Mo? t of you, if not all. agree that raising cotton, as your money crop, has not been ix very paying busi ness for several years, and that this year the price you are compelled to take for our cotton crop does not pay for the outlay of fertilizers, etc., re quired to make and prepare it for market. This being the case, it is the part of wisdom that, every prudent man will appruve ai:d act on, to stop the cultivation of cotton and sUcJy out something else on which to put your year's labors that gives promise of pay ing something more than the actual cost of production. The object of this article is to sug gest a crop that will meet your want, if proper care and industry is given to its cultivation and preparation for market. It is tobacco, and these ire my reasons for thinking so and Jennie ing so: Tobvco is raised in every country of the known world, and the quality varies in different countries ac cording to the varied conditions of soil, climate, etc. ; and there are many dif ferent sorts ot tobacco, each tort being pecu iarly adapted to some special use. If more (strength is wanted hi a country than their native tobacco furnisher, it is bought where it can be had and im ported into and us-d in that country. But if bright tobacco uf line texture, quality and tl tvor is wanted in any part of the world, there is only one section of our country that it can be produced and that is our old North State, and in no other part of the world, for it has been tried over and over but failed. Now ail the world wants fine bright cigarettes and smok ing tobaeco paid rich mahogany wrap pers -nd clory liilers, which can be made only out of North Carolina stock, hence there is no danger that the supply wi 1 ever be as great as the de mand for it. That opinion can and does apply to all other kinds of tolx.cco because the count ies and sections that produces them are so large, but the delic ite silky fragrant tobacco of this State is used now in nearly or quite every country in the world, and many who have once used it v. ill have U ii it can be had. I have travelled a long, road to show you it is impossible to overstock the world with North Carolina bright to bacco. Virgin) i and t' e West make 2C times as many pounds as this State does, but it is dark, largo, very coarse and strong and sells from 3 to S ci-aits per lb., and they are glad to make 4t) per acre few make that much. Jkit the North Carolina raiser, who under stands and does the work of cultivat ing, curing and preparing for market properly, makes from $50 to 7r per acre and some few make over $100 per acre, i-o great is the advantage that nature gives our Foil over all other countries and States. Nature furnishes the peculiar soil and climate and it onlv remains for ou to furnish the skill and industry to succeed. It will be well if f-ome practical, skillful and successful North Carolina tobacco raider will follow this article with one giving ail necsary directions to ac quire success in this branch of agricul tur d enterprise and effort. Such direc tions should be carefully preserved for refercn -o to guide the Hbor and effort of the inexperienced to successful re sults Wako county is the very centre of the section where the finest tobacco in this State is grown and it can pro- Sm! orders for H.mt3 Shoe?, Trunk Valises to it-ore K. ,V Lltehurst: J rrarR Seynre, Norfolk, Va. Endorsed tor third year by the Fs.nncr'f . Jinnee of Eastern Carolina and Virginia. T'rlee list on application. TRINITY COLLEGE, XORTII CAUOLIXA The Fall Term will op-n September TJiur.--dy, at Trinity Station, in Randolph county, X. ('., wit li -greatly enlarged acuity and facilities for instruction. low. Send for bulle tin. JOHN F. CUOWELL, Ire-M.lent, (-MS) Trinity College, Randolph Co., N. C. Granville Female Institute, OXFORD, N. C. I The Spring Term will begin January 21st, 1M3. Fruit Trees, Vines, Evergreens Shade Trees, Green House Plants, etc. Over One Million Trees and Vines, ole and new varieties. Send for catalogue No. 1 of Frni' Trees, Vines, vie, and catalogue No. 2 of Young l? .ses and Green House Plants. J. VAN LINDLEY, Pomono, N. C I SPECIAL OVERCOAT Bi.BGllHS! FARMERS' ALLIANCE Wholesale Supply House Ail Oeoils Soli! at Lowest Whole sale Prices! Sizes Run from 35 to 42 tabs mm om vest, sams as FOE COAT ! Mt-n's al'.-wool warm Overcoats, well made $ 3.00 Mixcrl hroru Cassimere )v( -i nfi! s o.M Urown ami fray mixed Cas.simere )vencat- lleavv inixi-d ('asni)iiere Overcoats. . Blue '('hericliilla Overcoats, velvet COlOT'S " 151ack ami in-own plaid, heavy worst--ed Overcoats, food and warm ' T).-uble-wevcd, rxtm heavj dark worsted Overcoats Heavy r rsted. dark plaid Over coals, t-xtrst (Utnblo heavy euins ti(M ) black heavy worsted overcoats velvet or plain collar, double or sii.le lreasted " T. ack Entlish Bcnvcr Overcoats, velvet or plain collar, single r double breate Ktra Ionic, liavy Frilirh worsted ( ereoHts, solid am well made.... " I5e-t blue or black lieaver Overcoats, sir.uie or double biearled, velvet or i i-iin collar " Fine hr(!Mi C herichilla Overcoats., (irav dii?onal rough surface Over '!'.tS I to slloar (Hdd by retail irle.'Tal sal irr ami exiM'usps imi I. Perma- ur iit po-iiion. Mont-v tiiivauc-'t (or wie.a iw-nisiUif.wM. f or f'.ll pi. .cuUrjaui reference fcllrril CtNTEIAL Mtti. U . Cii: AUO. ILL. cor la,rlVAnTED, DOT RLE Freich-Loader $7.99. RIFLES $2.oo ii H fit' i V A1 kiuda heier liTfl.HB (Isenhirs. K- iwre jom nur, leD'l tump fur illustrated i ataloicur to TRa lf.H Jlin Sir, ib m t?H ej a ml p a p? '-kutai v n- katid cvm. thaia. Altrtw ALi. l.'.Hi.V.t CO., Ijj. '.i. A I t:0.'., MI.U FARlV.EilS . r 3.:r 4 K) 4.50 4.45 4.75 4.95 5.00 5 50 525 5.50 6. To (.: ray beaver, bet uua!it Overcoats - 1 '..Oil 9.00 -7"liolesa-le Siapply 23:o-cl? A. R. HANO & BRO. 117 and 119 N. 8th Street, Philadelphia Pa. WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS, SHOES. RUBBERS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, HOSIERY DERWEAR, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, COATS, WRAPPERS, &C. Al the tal Wbolesab Pricess Lsss a Special Alliance Cmni cf Tm fc FOE CASH. Send for our Catalogue and Price List. We will mail it Free to any A1 Boots aooLcL Slioes. ! Clotliiiig. Men's Kip Boots Calf 44 Extra heavy Calf Boots. Kip Plow Shoes Split 44 " Heavy Kip Lace Heavy Brogans Fine Calf Lace Fine Calf Button " " Congress Every Shapa Ice, Bread o? Sarro 1 1 $2.45 2.35 v -1(1 l , 1.47 . 1.25 , 1.35 . 1.25 , 2.00 1.G0 , 1.60 0.50 I nrk mixed, lu-avy f lorni foats. ' F.xtra ht-avy worsted storm oat .. " KLie all-vviMjl English Heaver Over- ( :s " J'urk ijtixtil plaid t(rm Coats, ilo-sble breasted Heavy v oite:i, dark plaid (tvercoats " Fiiie !; ver nd ray Tiiix'd Prince Albert Overcoat, liy trojit, very ! :a'.doIT.u lO.tiO YOL'N M EN S (J V E I'.COATS. ." li.-v ,;,5 U 37iQf 17 fo 22 Yt tr. Hlack avd trrav heavy Enulih worsted t rcoaK f 2.05 Heavy, iiuest. Satinet 'assimere Overci-af s 3.5 thrown p aid t asMiiitie, double seauu-'l Oveieoatr. tJr.iy ruv.ii H aver, l:eavy warm lining. ... Hr;w ii mixed, broken plaid Overcoats. ... ilia;, mixed, diagonal pattern, t jsimere Overcoats Ili-avv b ue r b a k l' a ver, elvet-co'lar. . Fine Me.e t bin iu !a. elv-t ollar, sinKle or double lifUted Overcoats 3.5t! 3.15 4.10 4..r,0 5.00 5.0ti Saw n Orlat 91111. 4 H.F. and larpr. 1'ataloue free. DeLOACU KILL CO., itlantt. Ca. .GENUINE STANDARD SINGER ' Situini. !flihiniu lllt-Ht illlIirVfl. f. imiiqHHjKr madV. Noiseless. AVarrnnted vrs. I t X Jl 1 S1VK 3I0XKX ) t:i' 00 Machine for $'. 50 V' Vff i-J nowwhilo UlS.OO " " lr toucan ti't a ).oo " " tin bQ onniletf set or attaclimcnTs ikjk. AOi'.ji td lir litrht or he att work. Lljfht rua nlni Xiifl v t!nlu d Send for catalogue CASH HU LKS' INIO. 3iS-S66 Urbni 6U B. . Chlcro. HOYS' OVK1U OATS, Ayr hi U is Yttn -Sfr . U ' Year?. Fancy j;ray mixd heavy Satinet (..'asimere )vercais Hrou n and bla k p. laid, h avy Caimere 0-rctats Heavy Kuiili worsted, lsa.y lined Over ( al s llr-.y mixed d aynal pattern, l.eavy Over toats I'rown mix. (1, broke, j'laid, hi a y Over eoa i s (ioo.l M.if'.. i:r bbie Kn.nlirli He. ier Over coats . . : Hlue i i.iiiclii'da, velvt collar, f-inyle or don'. breasted Ovtrcoat" 2.5 Srx eial tul- Full Collegiate Course vantages in Laniruas, Music, Art, j Social and Phvsical Culture (Delsarto system. ) Board and tuition ia Acadt mic Course for liv months tS.o. T-'or cat;i ; lop;ue, apjlv to iCSO) MISS CLARKE, Principal. millstone quarry! i Veiv bt;st m'it for yrindinif ( 'orn at the lowest price lor kom1 work. Price.-, furnished on arpH cation and strict fttteiiti n driven to all orders. Address, W. HICHIE, .V CO., (421) Faith, Rowan Co., N. v COTTON PIIODUCERS I have arrangements f. r storing cot ton and advancing money on same. Look to your interest and correspond with. me. Just received : One ear load Flour. One il " M:eal. One 4 4 Oats. Bagging, Ties. etc. mi)) R J. POWELL. C. B. A. For Sale. i'.iil-ot 2sorth C;vroiiracenvncy lfiird dnriii the ise(;l;:'io nrj v. a r. :i-de !,;l: d below, have l,'cn i)!ac t d in my !-.and for va'e: I. Oiic-Mxteei.1 II or a m .bar, issio-d r.y Au thority of V.t-itKs at ilH!if pril X HTo.-' 1. Oiie-eihth oi 1. i.e dollar I. Five do iars ad.i!;vr!f-;:;,,t,;;-v,v-ealf- ! a n Ar t ot As.em 1 b!y jsa-v-etl at Hills J boi-o Aug. btlul.Trt." 1. Ten d.-lUrs ) ff' :Va "-V'T- 1. I'wentv do.dars " ' A'1 ",!b K ' Tv-.-n'x t-t-M ,o.1'. i fVf.-?d at Slil-.tli m-ld -. !lc,halJ May ihe i:,th,lT' ' Vjrifi-a'.le to an 1. rvertydive dollars ; t ,,f Assemldy 1. Three hundred doilnrs f pns.-ml at Nrv, lu'rii i xV.ay loth, Persoi.s -wishing to all or any ot these hills, will address me at Kaleioh, N. C. (ttjj) J. 'Vr-. Dl NMAHK. DTT Vtf INSTANT Ki;idKF. Cure In 15days. j j 1 1 f.A Never returns. No purue. No Salre. A N'o suuyositorf. .en-e iv mailed Jree. Address.!. H. p.fiYES. Hoi Sew Yt.rV, x. 'f. m mmm fie 0" S S i ' ' -"'''i ' f to any fti 4 jtfS i-n'..''. r. n --t ip:i..:i t. iiIui lo fAvji fl -f wnk parts and ii.n.iiy B U U V !rlc- f l n J Impolt ii' T. Srw. PirMt'ne Knawl:. ( .Urli:i l. Mi.-h. i: tii ; CALTHOS fw, an.l a If,- d Lii iriinteo lliitt t althos will Tni'PIcki-tf..t RniU.lon. "f" I'lBV nrilorrhem.t nrtcorclo 1 W I'.-t it at fav if satisfied. A,! irr.j VON MOHLCO.. 'I i. c - -. " tit Af.nt, ( iDc.nnalL, Olilo. WEES,-, Kit-' ANrr... VJ S !,. A-.r. B. W. STOHE & GO., feyglg Thoma-ville, Gn. A new Jg tn'atise on Pear trees just ?7 issued, iuclndinir the latest and tiest information on Pear Cult tire, together with Descriptive and Price List of Pear, Plum, Persimmon and other fruit trees. :3 pl:;ial mm to secure mm Tii 3 ycif-ldk-iasi with your -i and aooi i-s-.i ' ! .';k-?s,-ii;.;i';t :t i t sup t --.k s -it ;.i i.r 1 :-.' o:.!y I It .'3rtc"9 ill y.:v V:s l? icn. .n.. pa-K ! s, eU. A;.; i! hl U : :::3 an-i h ,. to . m e. a i onti i itv-c S-. :'t v i nn v ot on call' t.. A f-'v nA:;i w.-'-.t-."'! - St V O 'ii r i-.wp CO.. COTTON GIN BOOK. !The hest evrr rmide. Price 1.5. hy mail, liostaid. Will l-ec.Mid 2,H1 tustoniers. i . 4 CI'.ILDUEK S oVKItd) .TS. Ay U ?? Y os. P.'af k a:ul s;ray ttiied plnid Cas-inu r ( V. ) rt,.tis Soi id !!.! k or iiV - v. si i.l-:v ( ) v : - oats I!eav wor-ted, ' d v., int.. :i o: rv st v "ish e n i.Oi .".;'fl i.7" l WV! :;.e;i :j.."o l' ancj o:-: Ml, w I! ' ii ( ond l ca t '; rs ii' :i iv, w,':! ; , or l.ltie Priivxn mixi-.i, k ? i pl d 'a--i nn'iv ira aiid bro.N'n, broken olald. fai:- )vi-r- ci'.i: w i !; i-a;-- Fine Kci;ii--h I;.:','r, ery drcs-;.- SKXD IS vorn okiki;s and -ae ir,on-y ! buying mr i;:.ns direi-t at wiio!,'saie pri. i. ( . . tnl- j' ' !''' t U'! a. it. iiAXo nno., 117 & ir.i X. all M., Iiiladelphia, Pa. avjiui'j jyUtJWit til's likGi . V r I! 3Vl (lit.'-) i - y'tjtef fJ.-''iuK V.-a., - '.v.i. ;r ft.-- ft cr-rr p f.c c 1 . I f &II r.' cr'U 5 A V.Y 7? S.lifl Fer 10 Cents' Worft ef Tl AND Itae tratf Weft cf W y a mm i H jw ? Whj'. if you will oend Tiik l:if (in:ssiv'E Faiimkr three cash Buh scrihers at one tune, we wilj mail to your .address a copy of Dun nine's Great BOOK, "The Philosophy of Price Kiehly worth one dollar. Every vote' in the United States should read and study it. Or, if you are subscriber to our paper and want the book, send us 25 ets. and we mil mail it to yc-u. Send us three subscribers and thus get the best book you ever saw. Address The PivOQressite Farb-:.. 346) N. C. A SpLKNidD COLLKCTION OF ENTHUSIASTIC SONGS ' I?ir by mail, ;-(-.:p,id. tai etui f er coj FOit KAf.K V ALFRED W 1 A A AM S COM! JA P.OOKSKM.lil.'S, ,l,K?OJi, X. C. 3 I J2ySend to us lor everything- you want i:i i .n i jl, i m er; of r o ok e i I We can kdve you ;,eci?.l low prices o: j School Books, Pfcoku Books, ckdat School Books, &c. Sic. "Cushla's .Mniuia 1 Parliamentary I'ractice, by mail for ai cents. " BUSKEE'S .Ttiftice and Form Book " Ue-ised, Oli FOR IE1 OMLY! M rUil IlfC (ncrl nd 5 RRVGt-S PASiLlTY; jT O "W-kne8 of 3ody and Moid; EifecU W li bw of Errors or Kxce9e in OUorYoun. I(iiliit, NnMp M ASHOlllt ta'i'r U.-IctcI. H w i rnlarif a nit S:rcnslhen V. K4K, IMIKVKI.lifHI IIKt: tNS A Vk KTS of KO t)Y AliKolulfij' 1IOM K TICK AT SI li i ilrn-HU In a dT. Mn TeKtify friMB 4 MfllrR.TcrrilnriianJ Fi.rflK n l'.aBtrlt. lournn write them. ltoi!, fu'A r i!tn.ii inn, aiid rfiors miOIrd Veajree. Adilres tKlK JtKUKAL CO- H r r ALU, .N. V. PLETT' tS Ift t SSAIR TI,. FOREMOST WPSSSJ STANDARD OF THt VORLP BI3HIST AVARD ?N0DLDD.SDMff fr.r IiSt Wrfr, Rest Haiti pic and Oenera rl!Ii,T, at the World's Cotton Centennial Kipoi tKn, . New Criean. over all comnetitftra. AiMat Improvements Double Hrusli Belts on large Oin J Adjustable Seed Boards, etc., have been added' ; Every iit n elutl,v TF.STKIt with COTTOK j before shipment. Address for further parto.uar OULlETTGin CO. AMITECITP Boys' Kip Coots " Calf " 44 Shoes Ladies' Heavy Kip Lace Calt Uutton... A Calf Lace Solid Calf Lace Heavy Grain Lace 44 Button . . Fine Kid Button Glove Kid Congress. . . Finest Kid Button ft I .12.15 . 2.25 . 1.75 . 1.15 . 1.30 . 1.35 . 1.45 . 1.27 . 1.25 . 1.50 . 1.55 . 2.10 I Men's Worsted Suits j " Diagonal 4k i " Cassimere " fitrirtpd nnssimern Si-i Cheviot " Fine All-wool ; Dressy Cork screw li Serviceable Cheviots xlll-wool Pants Jean 44 All-wool Kersey Pants... Worsted Coat and Vest Diagonal 4 4 4 4 4 4 Satinet Coats Cassimere Coats White Vests Overalls Jumpers Boys' Worsted Suits, 13 to 10 yY Diagonal Cassimere 4 4 4 4 Worsted Pants 44 Satinet CasfiimrroS'iiir. 4 to 13 years Striped Chviot SiPtts ; to 13 years Jean 1 'ants Chevoit Pants MEN'S HATS AND CAPS. Men's Stiff Black Hats 44 Broad Rim " .... 44 Soft Felt ' 44 Silk 44 44 Scotch Caps UNDERWEAR. it 4 4 .$1.15 . 1.40 . 1.55 . 3. t5 . .45 CHILDREN'S SHOES. viiiiuj Km a ouiiei i cuuit?, 11 to.; bine Kid, 11 to 2. . . . Solar Tips, 11 to 2. . . Oil Grain, 8 to lni. . Oil Grain, 5 to 7. . . i Babies' Soft Kid, 0 to 5 i 4 t ( t t i Men's White Shirts (unlauiidred 14 to 17i) 55e Colorel Shirts unlaundred 57c. " Cheviot 14 14 to 17. . . 42c. I 41 Wool Undershirts 03c. ! " " Underdrawers 4!Sc. ' Brown mixed Socks, 1) to 1 1 4c. ! LADIES' HATS AND BONNE' I Ladies' tasty trimmed Bonnets. . 4 4 ( 4 Beautiful fall Hats. Stylish walking Hats.. . . Prettiest Bonnets, ft, best English Bonnets I .r.o TTfita friniv..! 1m.,J, - j CORSETS, COATS. RIB ONS, FLOWERS. LACES, WHITE G'y j FEATHERS, GOSSAMERS, WRAPPERS, TOWELS, J BLANKETS, JERSEYS, &C. We will send yoti out catalogue free to any address. Write for if. soil rill floods to irifm hfVK of tlm V X on So ilark' Hn.o xvV.imt .m-,1, -. signed by the President, Secretary and bonded Age'At and have the srr Send in your orders. JianTu-rs Alliunce v hoV Sunnl v Hoi:-; A. R. HANO BRO., 117 and 1 10 N. 8th St.. Phil;!, Va. mrnmnt u in mi hi jf, K'LaaJ All Jl30LCLi sip TXT-53, nvi: : crJI Stores .zlcL Rant;; CALUMET, ROANOKE, MINEOLA, SOLAR LIGHT, and many tther Heaters. T ' "ALL lUnUT "COTTON COOKS, ROYAL MAGI; TEW FRAN! 1 ( . i. . O-TT iNTft I A T0"R.T'T"Xrr;. CI OODs RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. THE - ALLIANCE - WHOLESALE - GROCERY - KG! K. II. Sks ;:iTi'. I'. Kl"M)i;iCK. T IT 1J trill rvl A- 'V ferent styles of JL. Ii. A .U! DiIjL jfc iV VvAy. j Carriages and fe;r-sf5 cf the j Alliance, &fe, League and otlier organicutlv-ns v. ill nr!ic a mistake if thY buy a BUGGY, VEHICLE op HARNESS cf av kind bforo Beeing-our fre, bigcatalosne-, ' just out, sbow- ins over 100 dif MMiai8ApM.,W!lSilll8,Va.i ; Harness. C r re i uh nrc inc.' (ca: No casb ln4Tjutce realrod from iiirmlMn. Cincinnati is the largest car riage market in the world, and HOG FEED! t we are ahead of the procession. CT Reference : Second Aauouai Bank, Cincinnati. ; Get our pncM ' and compare Yv a v coniplaia tli it vou ean't mnke ; them with yoar xwxit "iri i.,iS c.rtiji;.rv Vhon ou can. l0,cal l01'' f, i i "i r rricea. Goods lwu your hog:? cm nv.ilberrks from the are Laud made 10th of M;;y until first of August and warranted for riOihiiT' a .pnmv.Mtixrlv Wj li-ivt I for 2 years. a beautiful 1, t of th ever bearing mul I HAD?,VA"EaS F0R ANVTHSNQ 2HELS tKrrv trppn lor f :nnl fffr fciktvi-i . ;., .--t" - . "1' j J1.H1- maueemenlsto the Allinnce. Business' ance badgo to Agents will do well to correspond with j afly one who us for all sorts of fnrit trees. i wU1 8end usthe o tit addrssg of o. o. vviSlUIWOK, Old North State Nurseries ten pros pec Vir buyers. 241 North Water St., Philadelphia, Pa. GROCERIES - AT - WHOLESALE - P1?M Our fTono was unn 7if tli ITi-wf Wlv-.lnanl n...-.....,. u .... . r. to corne out boldlv and onenlv to TiV. T. niRnr virfT tttv wir ALLAN CE AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. All the go handle we purchase direct from the leading Importers and Manuf.wl .u: 'a?ge amounts. We carry a large and complete Stock of Fancy n' Groceries, Sugars. Syrups, Molasses, Tens, Coffees. Spices &c We would be pleased to receive a TRIAL ORDE1 1, and compare the c of our Groceries with, and you will obtain Pure Goods and Full Weight, In dealing with oi irll'.-. Buy Direct ai Wholesale Prices am Save the Mton's Eh: Profits, We obtain Through Fi-eght iiab, vvhif-li vou will find vn s re; i1,atou r;ul BUY OJIOCERIES TO ADVANTAGE IN PIIlLADMh ve rdl all ordi rs received from the Bonded Business Agent when un-i of the Alliance When the Trade Agent incloses with the order a ; o ?i n-y U'e omcors' testifying that he is the authorized Bonded Airrn Sub Alliance, and the troods will be f-liinr.p1 on so n-- -i,.', . ,. V - ---- ; - v .iujh mt-iii tviiu luuiKi inem satit-rin io:. pay tor them m o0 da vs. We. s.bnll l.e f.,;...i.. i , lne(S Oil iinv fyr-u-u-So -r,nT- inn r-.f 1,,r-;-,.. trT t . r . . j t-,- - v ui 'ju.-jj:s. e er.uoavor to r.r quuies promptly and satisfactorilv, i S? Yin -f ree upon re(lutst our corn olete Price List of Groccrr the W holesale Prices on all Goods in the Grocery Line Writ uruh r ; Stats Mm Imi W, H, Worth kind!? nttzmik ar..4 z fi ' ssareponsibh m toted ilb, Ten cai si orders to W, H. Worth, cr M v ?.r is eo:i coavrat, gsi tte orders fe propdy and prcapllj filled. RUGS r.i dti m run eaurr annuo DMCr ri-k ihn nr :hrr i! i rubbio: neoesrT. We ehaI!eiK a trial with any other mw hn.f. ' tub. Sare tim, monef and alothM. Jait th mnhm f..r : aru rot vcr sirouc. Tboaaand mt lilina -b. m.i ... l.mj ti done, now sue iliataxijema by uaia; tba "34 8 Y BEE" VA9 .'"' ira--it, UcalUi, tima, alatiiM aod j by ioTtiup T -ws:hir. D' H t kerp the Wa.Uor ibIim it taica va. To are r-. - y ad mean Juat what vr aay. Wa iavita yoa to iriT.:n.i'' v.IC 5 v. i wm turreit w anyone wno w:;i Ttr refu-ed .Ua Tall amannt t a dnsariiBtd purchaser. v AGENTS WAHTEB i? nrivTO' ' -T AKnts ara very aaeotwfal. Farmert unH tbeir ii9 "i -" ' ' dunof winter. Ooa fariatr la MIoieuri sold V. rrcef . 1 , ; ta ihoca desiring an aeeney, onlv f. Alio r.l.hrat! l'K"i T i-? N r - ""oifcer sefalboosholdarticlat lonnt wkolMnle prioe. r- : ' ' ' t i ayar. t Aa. Kx. Co.. or blitnr f tJi. Wri, fcr e: ' ' ' ' ALLIANCE CASKIAGE C0.C!acinna!l.8 ----- r,UAu. LAKE ERIE MFG. CO., 151 East 13th St., K