THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER : JANUARY 5, 1892 8 THE NATIONAL MEETING. A Good Deal of Legislation The Game Played by the Plutocratic Press Some Inside Light. Mr. Editor: A few items from In -s dianapolis perhaps would not be with out interest to your readers. The heavy fusillade of the enemy caused the Su preme Council to hold on to its old base of action because it thought it-; rather risky to change base under such j a heavy fire. So you will find as re j gard policies and demands no impor- j tant change made. Still there was a wonderful amount of legislative work done in so short a time, perhaps crude ly done. - We will now give your readers the inside light ol the workings of the enemies of this reform movement. These facts brought before the public may be of importance. On my way to Indianapolis, after passing Rich mond in the same State, I formed the acquaintance of an old gentleman by the surname of Haf ris. We were com paring notes on the peculiar character istics of the Southern and Northern people. Finally we drifted to the sub ject of memory of names and faces, 1 By the by, " says he, 1 ' I was requested by Mr. Edwards, of Richmond, lnd., to deliver a message to a gentleman whose name I have forgotten. I would find him at the depot hotel. The message was this, that he could not come con veniently, but if there was an urgent necessity, wire him and he would come at once. Fortunately, however, I've his name hem on a card. The name is D. H. Rittenhouse. Do you know him?'' ' Certainly," says I. Mr. Editor, I commenced to smell a rat. What was the special business of D. II. Ritten housQ in Indianapolis? What did he want with his friend Edwards? What mrgent necessity could arise demanding his presence? The answer to these questions were given farther on in part. D. H. Rittenhouse and others were working the associated press racket and of necessity they must have money. licAiiister ana xeaman ana many reporters for the dailies were there all manufacturing news to order. Ed wards was not needed. A special agent came from the eastern parts to pay them for ther labors. They were paid well and went home happy. The reports sent out by this band of rascals, if they were not laughably Win e: they would be hellishly malicious. But it is having its deadly effect in very city ana village tnrougnoui; tne land. The reader having ac .'ess to no other literature, takes a dose every morning and while he knows at first the cup is mingled with poison he be comes educated to it and its taste finally becomes second nature and is sweet This is the nature of the ware being manufactured by the plutocratic press, knowinclv and maliciously. The dailies all, with but few exceptions, are, 'engaged in this concerted aDd ne farious scheme, and some of the week lies-taking them as guides, play a sec ond nddle. Tne scheme is this, it we can consolidate the towns and cities by working on their prejudices against the laborers and the farmers' interest we will have a solid back bone to start with and from behind this battery we can dart our missies into the ranks of the enemy. This racket is being worked by the dailies for all that it is worth. There is no Democr it;C or Republican party in the scheme. It is a strategem of the plutocracy ogainst the people. Why my it be asked that this work is being pushed by the dailies? First, because their patronage is mostly con fined to cities and they lose no patron age by it. Second, because these pa pers are owned in most cases by capi talists who hav no interest jn common with the laborer and country people. Third, because some papers are subsid ized to preach certain doctrine or are guarantee! a running support outside of their patronage. These are some of the reasons why this scheme is being ghoved by the capitalistic press. - Knowing the truth as to what oc curred at Indianapolis and then read ing the reports of Rittenhouse, McAl lister & Co., words fail me to express the deep degradation to which Ameri can journalism has sunk and the black ness of that conspiracy of the plutoc racy against the people of this republic. If I was ignorant of the power of the press I would not care in whose hands it fell. If I was ignorant of the un scrupulous methods of plutocracy 1 might look on this malicious lying with more charity and sad die it all on the reporter himself, but knowing some fact as I do we see in it a relentless war against labor and agriculture and if the cities are more susceptible to their influence, the engendering of Vn4-"k ' ll - T" Vrtnii il , in 4-1- cities against the producers. This is a hellish work and if pushed too far will bear bitter fruit. There is not one sin in the category of political crime too dark and damnable for plutocracy to hug to its bosom. Great unanimity and good feeling existed throughout the deliberations of the Supreme Council. It would have been the policy of that body perhaps to have changed its officer'- and de mands. but the fire was so -hot from the ranks of the enemy it was thought advisable to hold fast on the old base a change of officers or the line might prove hurtful under fire. W, R. Lindsay sent to The Progressive Farmer and Hickory Mercury for publication, and also a copy to the Kews and Observer, of Raleigh, to be disposed of as it may see fit. H. J. Rettzel, J. W. Rockett, . R. H. Deal, Committee HOW DOES IT LOOK NOW? Resolution passed by Maple Grove Alliance, No. 460: Whereas, The partisan papers of ur State are trying to weaken the Alliance by publishing false and slan derous reports concerning our officers, State and National, and especially our honored President, L. L. Polk; and whereas, the slanderous reports have been proven to be false in every in stance. Resolved, That we endorse the official conduct of our President, as well as the other officers of the Alliance, and also that in all honesty, we believe the editors of these rank partisan papers to be willful liars and malicious slan ccrers. . , . 2: That a copy of these resolutions be Will this pass for good Democratic doctrine? It is a plank in the National Democratic . plattorm of 1856 : - We declare, "That Congress has no power to charter national banks, that we believe such institutions of deadly hostility to the best interest of the country, danger ous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calcu lated to place the business of the coun try within the control of concentrated money power, and above the laws and will of the people ; that the separation of the money of the government from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds and rights of the people," This is exactly the view of the Alii ancemen of the present day. We imagine if a Demo -rat of to-day should make such an assertion m a Democratic Executive Committe in Georgia he would be asked to resign instantly. Southern Alliance Farmer. The Fort Scott (Kansas) Globe, truth fully says: "If the government can make a good bond, it can make good money. If the government can loan money to the banks, it can loan it direct to the people. If it is right to loan it to an association of individuals, it is right to loan it to an individual. If a government has to issue bonds to borrow money, how can it ever pay the bonds off in money ? If the gov ernment can make money, and is the "only power that can make money, why does it issue interest bearing obliga tions to get it back from the people? By what authority of law, common decency or honesty doee a government issue bonds to borrow money from people who would be . placed under arrest if they attempted to make money to loan to the government?" The above is for honest and intelli gent people to think about. It is bad reading for fools or rascals. INCUBATORS ONLY A. F. Williams, Bristol, Conn Mill-Stones. Having bought, the Mill-Stone Quarries of L E. Phillip's estate, I will continue to manufac ture Mifl-Stones, Mili-Sjinciles and Portahl. mills for grindinj; rorn and wheat. Address J. T. WYATT, c5B6) Faith, Rowan Co., N. C. CHEAP FARMS And ranches for sale in Texas De lightful elimnto, rich soil. Splendid bargains Terms easy. Write for par ticulars. J. b Wellington, Jr., (671) Fort Worth, Texas R. II. Xesiutt. W. H. Kendhick, R. II. 3VESBITT & CO. Real Estate Agents, Gorflonsville, Va. Hiisj, feal ni flakr Ink i SpaHt. (663) rh) Tickle The Eartb With a Hoe, SOW FERRY'S SEEDS and nature will de the rest. Seeds largely determine tbe harvest always plant the beet FERRY'S. A book full of inforaaatios about Gardens how and wht to raise, etc., sent free t all who ask for Ask to-day. D. M. FERRY fj P. O. Box 126. & CO., S DETROIT. MICH. W JM. Granville Female Institute, OXFORD, N. C. The Spring Term will begin January 21st, 1S92. Full Collegiate Course. Special ad vantages in Languages, Music, Art, Social and Physical Culture (Delsarte system.) Board and tuition in Academic Course for five months $80. For cata logue, apply to (680; MISS CLARKE, Principal, FOR SUFFERING WOMEN. D3.-BILES' RESTORATIVE no tti Pl 1 S n. 1 i L 6 nr m rrmiiM' V- l s ate . L ' J j .xx I wees 1 Jl 1 ,i E07iiJ! ins? tiki cures 0J1eeples Frustration, Sick asdSer- . Tons RekdacMe Fit tc. After four years treatment by the bent doctors, but without relief. h&Te used XrrLn for one : and bare not bad an attack since. Hurt C. Braccus, Heathrlll, Pa. Four Xervlae has cured me completely of Nervous troubles. J. M. Taylor., Lotty, Ohio. (a Bottl Vrce At Xjrasgista DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd. Pomona Hill Nurseries Fruit Trees, Vines, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Green House Plants, etc. Over One Million Trees and Vines, old and new varieties. Send for catalogue No. 1 of Fruit Trees, Vines, etc., and catalogue No. 2 of Young Roses and Green House Plants. J. VAN LINDLEY, 330 . Pomono, N. C. fiTT TTfl INSTANT RELIEF Cure in 15 days, rill hn evr returns. No pa rf e. No Salve. x mMj jj0 suppository. Remedy mailed f res. tAddresa J. .HREEVEa, Bo JfcSXV New York Clty.N. Y. T L ngjii CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Us in time. Bold by arupsrisw. POMONA TERRACOTTA CO POMONA, N. C. Terra-Cotta Chimney Flues or Stove Pipe. Farm Drain Tile, Fire Brick, etc. Catalogue free. 4 (301) HEAD THIS I Send orders for Bootis, Shoes. Trunks an Valises to Oeore R. "W hitehurst; 29 Mark?' Square, Norfolk. VtL .. Endorsed for third yoar by the Farmer's Ai liance of Extern Carolina and Virginia. Price list on application. J)S Seeds, Seeds, Seeds! All kinds of Gr&ss and Clover Seeds, now ar riving in store. Fresh Crimson or Annual Clover Seeds. Also Southern Prize Turnip Seeds at 2c. per pound, or by tbe bushel whole sale. This is a valu able variety, producing large white turnips, of good quality, very hardy and best turnip for salac.. xvill stand cold est weather without protection. These seedt are all fresh, carefully grown, and best selected seeds :on the market. My special Grass and Clover Seed mixtures give splendid results wherever used. Irices a re given for quantity sufficient to i-eett an acre or more, f 1 sired 1 shall also take pleasure in quoting the price per bushel of any of the above named Latest improved farm implements, engine, boilers, saw mills, etc., for siile, also Pratt Cot ton Gin, and Nance power Cotton Press. R. VYAT T, 21 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. (34" PI f tlifl ntalopuea. Speakers, for School, J t f Club and Parlor. Catalogue free. I OT. S. DENIStM, Publisher. Chicago. COTTON GIN BOOK. The best ever nuule. Price $1.25. by mall, postpaid. Will record 2,0t) customers. "ALLIASCSlOHfi BOOK," BT Sr. 3. Seid vti i, 3, Ssl:. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF HSiTHUSlAHTIO SONG ' Prise bj tio cent j-tr cop. fc-OH HAM! BV- ALFK fc'.T) WI1 A JAMS it COM PAN V PuOK,-BLI.KK. KLKir.H, N. C. S2ySepd to ua t'nr everything you want iu tb T-f I T TO of c? r O K We 'an kfivn special lr. ;-ri es oi rrrooi. !"' ks, !;kooki Hookh. Srsc .School 1'ooks. &c, vc. Cabnc-'sMaii'Ml l'Mri;::iiHry Pi act! by :i.H 'pv .r)l ' CTltS. For 10 Ceiis' Wcrili of Ti AND Throe Cents' Wrih of Trcabk Vis Vil! Give You a Dolls; How ? Why, if you will send The I'i -gressive Farmer three cash sub scribers at one time, we will mail to your address a copy of Dun nine's Great EOOK, "The Philosophy of Price Uichly worth one dollar. Every vote in tne United States should read a- d study it. Or, if you are a subscriber to our paper iind want the book, send us 25 cts. and we will mail it to you. Send us three subscribers and thus get the best book you ever -saw. Address The Progressive Farmt ' Raleigh; N. C. Hatch Chickens by Steam improved EXCELSIOR IfiCUBHTGn i 1W?",Will do it. Tbonaandc In gaecessfal ei - rLowest-pnoea first-class Hatcher made. Gaarantoed to hatch a lareer nercent-LM 1 of fertile einillim ttntst t hun mit r'- Sa4 6a. tot 111 OS. G&Uiog. - (SUW U. STAUi, ala?, i.i.' CT.RTATX and HAPID CTTtZ, XO PAIX, bo lnconreniencr. perfictiy reliable; the twst oi refti-oncfs; new and certsia AJdrec ALblOK tHAa.Avr CO., Eox 44, ALBION, MICH. RIFLES $5.68 iCTnicic. v'wy uw im Btmat, rid I ULo IQ H Aiciio, hiciiAJa,o. Cincinnati.01Uo All klada akaaaMP baa alMwhtra. Be ml itrated to Tfta mntCtm rp Saw a.m4 OrUt If 111. A S.P. it 3 I ;"a larger. Cfttclorue Ira. HliifciBlliiiLlCa I1LL CI., ItlaaU. Ca. CHEW ajid SLIOICE untaxed NATURAL LEAF T0QACC0 rot prra wsiti to New, Curtate Bwtody. tut. rm ins cure, naver retarns. I will send m vawBivuy bw cut itevuoivr, m pro a Bcription t (aluj imall, weak i parts ami certain car fr Wmnj J. D. HOUb. Box . o Alblca. Miohu GENUINE STANDARD SINGER t Sewing Machines. Latest improved. i Dial raaue. noiwiens. " n-i nxucu tij. I SATK BOSKY ) 935.00 Uachine for $ 64 r nswwnue V "46.00 - i.uo OU VMM got J w.w jmplete set oi aiiacHmeni ifcti. aoh d for light or heary work. Light run ilncr Nicely finlt-hed. Send for catalogue CASH BUYERS' IS 105, Dearkont BU B. -J7 Cblcago. (7 1 1 ? , 1 ablft, finely flr.Wie.i, xi-pi-.i !.? ik i.d!ie!ivr wcirk.n-il.ti a cosptct; &t t :t t he It. t irejroeil attaebnents fei-e, L-rhwx,:v gusr irlcad for i oni ponncr 19 H LWl lElll oritLe.oiiii.ii tlVANTEDM'S ample to tbe wholesale and retail trade. Litwrai salary and expenses paid. Perma- eat position. Money advaaoed for waees.advertiaine.etc. For full particulars and reforasoe address CENTENNIAL MFO. CO., CHICAGO, ILL, Kew. PosltiTe Remedy. M Remedy FBiE Prompt Belief Lasting Cnre. 1 will Fend (sealed; fr? to any sufferer, prescription to enlarge small, weak parts and speedily care Lot Manhood, Emttuilonti, Vnrle-.ele and ImnoteneT. CHAS.E.GAUS. Box Marshall. Mich. immmmmmmmamsBam We end the mnrvelons Freack Kcrnedy CALTHOS fie, Ami a lM?al guarantee that C altiios will P T a rexd Ac Kanifwiona, ClTla MrM'rmi:t4rrfaea,Varleceele u4 ISHsTttUE Lot Vlor. Use it and fay if satisfied. Ad Ire-, VON MO HL CO,, Rule Auu-riran Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio. B.W.ST01IE&CO., Thomasville, Ga. A new treatise on Pear trees ju6t Issued, Including the latest and best information on Pear Culture, together with Descriptive and Price List of Pear, Plum, Persimmon and other fruit trees. ' nAPIV A MISSOURI .ii-4l J V whilo looking ot LUCEIV over het cash. f icked out a quarter worth $39. A armer in Ohio found a half-dime worth $83... A. boy in Tennensee " P"1 F 1 f" atora tamo acres- a copper cent which PSPriWrai he 10,(1 tor 811. A Manachusetta shoe dealer retired a dollar wortli $1 ,100 In hla cuh from the bank. The aboye are a few of huadred of Instance of I.Ut! ftT PEOPLE There ere over &OO dates and varieties of U. S. coin which I buy, and pay from 5 cents to $1,000 over face value. I t upply leading museums and numismatists. Bend stamps tit once, and get inJbmation regarding the coin burineM. V. ii. fckiaiiqf, naUnsta Street, VoMtna, Kaatk F0E.T0QE8 APni.ABET PHIA MAN found a dollar worth $776. A LarKoi in Prtcfop receWed a coin worth 75. A man in Orange, Vj. J., picked up a esat worth 912. An Iowa lady came across a! dime worth 934. A Kansas farmer found in his cash a half-dollar w rth I4D 7i A Tpt rlprk (Tot a quarter for which 1 paid 929. The above are but a few of many eolae worth bis; prfeoe, many of which are found daily. WANTED. 81,000 for Ib04 OLD fjoir s tor 900 other kinds if aa i V. li. SlaLunar, ollar, $5.75 for 1853 quarter, 2 for 1856 ct. and Bla- Prieea uired. Send stamp for particulars. Washington Street, Beaton, ftaa. k. a Scientific American Agency fGr 1 ..... aL- CAVEATS, -4 TRADE MARKS. -4 DESICN PATENTS fVfl COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook wrire to MUNN & CO.. 3d Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in Americn. Every patent taken out by us is brought before tbe public by a notice given free of chaige in tbe i largest circulation or any scientinc pnper mtaa wunu. ppieiiuiuiy musiraieu. no lmeiiiireui; mtn should be without it. Weekly, 83. Oo a (mit', fl.60 six months. Address MUNJi & CO ruBLi&HERS, 361 Broadway, New York. per ACRE CLEAN WHY N0T.KN0W HOYiTi The lart U. S. Census shows that Truck Farmers make $100 per acre clear profit. Tracking means raisin? Potatoes, Peas, Tomatoes, Cabbages. and other Vegetables for the city markets. If yon would like to knew all about truck farming, write for our pamphlet (sent free) the A B C of Agricul ture, revised and enlarged. It tells what te plant the time to plant, bow to plant, the cost to raise and where to sell the different Vegetables to advan tage. Also Farm Chemistry and how to rake econom ically and profitably all the staple Grains. Cotton, rietnbowtogefeSod GARDEN SEEDS FREEi W. S. POWELL & CO., Chemical Fertilizer Manufacturers) BALTIMORE. MD. rnmu Fi!l fee; it b Vi nr a. . . ,w ct cof.-: sri S '".:a: iitects or a..-:c set n Old or Young. Rubu.l, r,!;, II 1, iiU.. I ' Uj-i r.l. loflar!r'; id fU reaglbeu H K. S, I N l K i fc. t o V r. lF n X tsef BOBY Abolut!.v n'i!!!i: ; ; '.t- !!i 'il'.t 1 1 lvT " -n.-JV.s in a day. Ken Testify rrw. t T "late., i'errltrl"; an4 Vurelsn Couatries. Wu can mi :aa. e o U. Ik! Ml", it, un.i f.rr.iif.i 1 eafajfrce. AJdrt-at t:K XKWaCAI. Vi- - r.l r'ft'ALO, . Y. THE Salisbury Watchman Ts the paper you are looking for. It is the "Watchman on the tower," that will watch afte? the interests of the people. Bright, newsy, and not afraid to tell the truth. The V atchmaw Is devoted to the upbuilding of the agricultural, manufacturing and mining interests of the State. Organ of tb Alliance in the Piedmont section. Subscribe for it. Single subscriptions, $1.50, cash in advance: clubs of five, $1.25; ten or more at one time. S1.0. All kinds of job printing executed in first class style. Best newspaper job office In tk -Itate. Every secretary and business agent of tne ivxiiance m tne tstate snouid. nave Juetter Heads and Envelopes printed. Orders by mail promptly filled. Ad.irebs. Salisbury N. C. J. L. RAMSEY. Stf Editor and Prop'r. RSOSV: BUY YOUR GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FARMERS' WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE. A R. HANO & BRO.. 117 & 119 X. 8th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Lar Shoes, Rubbers, Clothing, Hats. Dry Good etc.. of all kinds, grades and styles. Send free to any address. Boots a:ocL SiLoes. Men's Solid Kip Boots, $2 45 " Heavy Split Boots, 1.65 Calf Boots, 2 15 Solid Grain B ots, 2.37 " " Kip Brogans, 1.05 " " Plow Shoes, 1.25 Bovs' Solid Kip Boots, 1.75 Ladies' Solid alf Shoes, 1.37 " Grain Button, 1.27 " "A" Kiu Lace. 1.15 Fine Paris Kid Button, 1.50 Children's Solid Leather Shoes. Tipped or plain, 11 to 2, .93 " " " 8toK', .79 " " " ft t gest Wholesale Dealers and Mauufactnrerji of Boots s. Hosiery, Underwear, Millinery, Dress Good, etc.. for our catalogue and price list. e will mail it Men's Fine Cassimere Suits, 5.00 " Worsted Diagonal Suits, 5.50 " Good Serviceable Cassimeres. 6.(T0 " Eh gant Blak Cheviot Suits, C.00 " Dressy Corkscrews, QM " Fine Cassinieres, 7.50 Chinchilla Overcoats, 4.75 Black Beaver Overcoats, 6.00 Cassimere Overcoats, 6.50 Boys' Cassimere Overcoats Suits 18 to 23 y 'ra 5.00 Cassimere Suits 13 to 18 years, 4.00 Cassimere Suits, 5 to 12, 2.00 Send for our Catalogue. Sent free to any adoress. All goods at wholesale prices, We fill all orders and ship on 30 days' time when orders are signed by the President, Sec retary and bonded Agent and bearing seal, or we will allow you a special cash discount of 5 per cent, when cah is sent with order, or goods are sent C. O. D. Send for Catalogue. I Send for Catalogue. FARMERS1 ALLIANCE SUPPLY HOUSE. A. R. HANO & BRO. 117 and 119 N. 8th Street, Philadelphia Pa. Mention this paper. (714) THE - ALLIANCE - WHOLESALE - GROCERY - HOUSE I THIOEITTOIT BilBIT 241 North Water St., Philadelphia, Pa. GROCERIES - AT - WHOLESALE - PRICES hi. orMfaPl Our House was one of the First Wholesale Grocery Houses in the Country to come out boldlv and openly to DEAL DIRECT WITH THE FARMERS ALLAKCE AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. All the goods we handle we purchase direct from the leading Importers and Manufacturers in large amounts. We carry a large and complete Stock of Fancy and Stapl Groceries, Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c. We would be pleased to receive a TRIAL ORDER, and compare the quaiitj of our Groceries with what yciu have been i2Sing. We guarantee to please you, and you will obtain Pure Goods and Full Weight. In dealing with our House you Biv Direct ai Wholesale Prices an;l Save tie Home's Profits. We obtain Through Freight Rates, which you will find very reasonable, and that you can BUY GROCERIES TO ADVANTAGE IN PHILADELPHIA . We fill all orders received from the Bonded Business Agent, when under Sea! of the Alliance. When the Trade Agent incloses with the order a certificati- i signed by the officers, certifying that he is the authorized Bonded Agent of the Suo Alliance, and the goods will be snipped on 30 days' time wiien you nave received the goods and have examined them and found them satisfactory, you pay for them in .30 days. We shall be pleased to furnish them in regard to pric on any goods in our line of business. We endeavor to answer all ir qniries promptly and satisfactorily. We will nr-ii free upon roquet our complete Price List of Groceries, giving tht- Wholesale Prices on all Goods in the. Grocery Line. Write under Seal. Stats Eiub s Agent W, .3, Wc,!h InrJy recossrsds and indorses esr fa to ih Alliarxi m r-mife iovi3 to todi with. Yen can crdc to W, E, Worth, c? direst to fa, ccn" nd prcsilT filled. 1.1' " 'S-kll i irHPflATFIf Perf eet JmM The ONLY TRUE TREE TOMATO ' &;;0HEI6HT CF la !r 12 FEET, and produces fruit of an immense size and of tha l FINEST FL1TOR. At an KiMrmnnK nrinrt w rnir. t chased the trne stock of this tomato from the Ej 5 originator, ana tnis seea can be fROCURKD only f X FEOM US. It ia OUXAilENTAIi as well as USEFUL, fj r Two or three of these plants will make a wonderful ' display, and if cared for, will produce all the ' tomatoes one family can nse. Single specimens r often measure over 6 inches in diarne-i ,4 ter and weish over 3 lbs. The demand for l- tun rir noTeicy lufit Reason wiis crearer tne ,il Y j; ,u BUpplyEND IX YOUB OBXK EAItLY THIS YKAK. hf(Z FLOWER and VEGETABLE SEEDSFF?FF ..V f i order to induce every reader of this paper to - 4; test Nortliern Grown Seeds, we will give, free of in Bilver or postal note for a packet of this rare to i r names this paper and number of offer, a i I COUPON that entitles them to a collection of Neither flower or vegetable seeds, which at our cata 5 logue prices amounts to 75 cents. W e make this R LiIBERAL OiTIR firvrPT.Y tn TVTrnnnrff Nnnmrrv Grown Sekds into all sections. The seeds will be fc-paid on return of the coupon to us. VAiuTED SB50 and thCTxaands of valuable premiums will be distributed among our patrons this year. Our catalogue will tell you how to get them. OUR CATALOGUE for this season Is bv f;Lr the most complete ever published, containiag colored plates and hundreds of illustrations. It is a thoroughly reliable guide, and a book thnt no person w no uses seeds or planta should be with oub. trice, a cents, inis book will be sent r ujcii, to an wuo order a package of the oziansneia Tomato. "Thb Chicago Inter-Ocean" says We are in receint of a hnsktnf Tm tomatoes-, not one weighed less than aDOUna. ins rrnit i tnliil thivnr i or ranna. mnnvvoich i h. OnOMlia imrnii ie ti . .. . ? w L vT i w ,-T, i " & ' Kusa ior aroutn stricken districts ana dry soiia. criki uu i Ltn Ksunn xneearuest yeUow dent variety in oultivation. uhuwh BicEos into an sections. snt to you pofit-paid on return of tl GRAIID UPRIGHT PIANO y it w 'II V Ik- ISSB FBU1T TflEES 1 VitJES Wormy Fruit and Leaf TWight of Apples, rear. Cherries, CYPClClflB 8PRATIKQ Grape and Potato Kot, Plum OarcuL prve&ted by nsint uAUCLJlUn OUTFITS. PERFECT FRUIT ALWAYS SELLS AT GOOD PRlCES.Cat&lotraeehOTr. ing all injarioas insects toFruits nailed fre, La.ra;c utoek ef Fralc Trees, Vines, nd Berry Plants at Bottom Prices. Addre Will. STAiiL Qniucj, ills. im &aiia, Leape and otSier exsr! tics n ill mako a mistake IT ttcy buy BUGGY. VEHICLE cr HARNESS Tl cf wf limd bfr eyeing onr JTlSt out, 6how inj over 100 dif ferent styles cf Carriages aad llarnees. W9i t 5 Guaranteed u ran easier d4 d better wark. Uia aar other in th wr1. i rubbing newKfarr. We cbailongi) a a-lal w ia any other machine. ;trr jt,;i- J for nre Tears ana ni.ney renaaM U teatirelT saktsractorr. V ;- tub. Save, time, BMBey aaa elths. Jast tha machine U-r v.':,-. are t ot vbtt Theasaaaa af Indies whn sf4 t hire td-,r w i done, nowaave thutexpaDM by asiag tha "BUSY Bit" TTAJI'CU. c Tonr uretifc-th, health, time, olaihaa aad aaT by iavMiiat cfii ;V- i' " BiHrhine. I'u't kep the Waskar bbIm. H sain th. TT o atra nr.uM.vJ'r and nieAti Jot what we ear. Wa iavita to iaveci.-are iti-r t' before ruking a cent. We will hrMl tlM te an Ton. wh wiil c - "-- La ever refa-ed the full amount ta a diaaa allied DnrehMur. i Af!TJlTC5 VI A riTCn l" aatT. xe!Bvetirrit?ry. M.-y 1 liiSalll I O f Aid I bU f ar Ajanta ataa W to 4 Areata ara very Boocewfoi. raraaara 1 taolr wives mrkc f-M io i-1 ? darin? winter. One feraer la Mlsaaari aald Prw.lai. 8iple in! to thoR dtMiriBK aa acraoy, aaly $J. Alsa NlebraMd fSS It Kl.KIEl r aadihr acefal hasea.ld articlas at l.waat whlaa!e pric.w': r-t-r to our P .M. Mayor, Agt. Am. Ii. C., nr aditar af tal papr. Write for Catalan !t)-1 nmii toAfeata. LAKt. t-Klc. Mru. Uu., 151 East I34h St., trtic, ri a.s. BOTI,A. Ifo cslaU iB3MlTG.n reiwTrcJ from members. ; Cincinnati is the largest car riage market in the world, and We are ahead of the procession. t. w. dobbin. W S S5 E S TTTnTT-P.T?. z 'AM. 0T1A CO. nefereace: acud .Uunul Bank, CincinnatL Get our prices and compare them with year local Coaler's prices. Goods are Land made and warranted for S years. HEADQUARTER FOR ANYTHING ON WHEELS We will send a beautiful Alli ance bad; to any one vrho will send as the addresses t Us prosysetiTO knysrs. ALLIA1ICE CAESUGB CO. Cincinnati, 0. 1891. ZTe-w G-oods SaJLl 1891. DRESS GOODSt WRAPS, HATS, DOMESTICS, SHEETINGS, CASSIMEBES BLANKETS, TRUNKS. CURTAINS, CARPETS, &C, &C. THE BEST GOODS. THE LOWEST PRICES SHOES! SHOES! SHOES ! The largest and best stock of Shoes in North Carolina, and our prices the lowest Special attention given to Alliance People, and the Fill ing of Alliance Orders I . "W"- EC. Sc S. TTJCKEE Sz CO-