8 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER' JANUARY ; 2. 1892. OFFICIAL. To the Brotherhood of the National Farm ers' Alliance and Industrial Union. We believe that the groat principles upon which the demands uf our Order are based are correct. We believe that these principles are founded in equity and justice. We believe their recog nition and adoption in our govern mental policy would conserve the highest interests of the public weal. We believe that the just equipose be tween the great industries of our coun try, which is absolutely e?jsentiil to ur existence as a free people, has been destroyed. We believe that the politi al power aud wealth of the country are being appropriated and .absorbed, through discriminating and vicious legislation, by the few, to the detriment andruiu of the many. We believe that as a people rve are fa.-t drifting away from the 1 uidmarkf of the fathers of the republic. Prompted by these painful convic tions, we have solemnly appealed to the sense of justice and patriotism of the American people. Ignoring past party differences, men of all sections and of all shades of political opinion, have magnanimously and patriotically aligned themselves under the Alliance banner and espoused a common cause the cause of a common country, the cause of humanity and justice. We expected opposition, persistent, bitter and powerful opposition. We xpected that every expedient that eould be devised for demoralizing and dividing us would be mployed. We expected that the formidable evils against which we had entered battle would intrench and fortify behind party lines and employ the machinery and enginery of party power against us. We expected that our righteous demand for an open fild asd an equal eliauce in the race of lite would be iguortnl and spurned. We expected that our earnest plea for justice would not be weighed in the scale of reason nor met with fairan.i manly argument, but thav we would be ridiculed, maligned nnd persistently mtsrepre seated. In all this we have not been disappointed. Now what is our duty as Alliance men? Plainly, it is to stand loyally and manfully by our principles, vute for no man nor party who oppose our principles, extend th-3 hand of friend ship and fellowship to any nrm or party who furor our principles. Place principles above parties. Pla :e meas ures above men. PI see country ab.ve section. Place love of hom of family, above the illusive and treacherous re wards of party service. Place right above wrong. Let duty the grandest word ever uttered iu the dialect of in .rt tongue duty to God, duty to country, duty to home an i family, be the sublime standard of our action in all thmgs de volving upon us as citizens. Let u- be ddigent and faithful in all our duties as Alliancemen. Kep up and strength n the organizatom. Encourage th wavering, strengthen the weak and confirm the strong Coniinuj t edu cate the people ir the ureal prio-:ples of justice, equity and truth. Tn ;ru.-iai test of our manhood and our loyalty to principle isupon rs Stupendon.-1 iXvri will be m tde by our enrrnif s to so direvt the campaign of 1802 -is to dis rupt and destroy our orvnizHt i n. Appt-.als to sectional pricie or pn-judice will be made. Lot us answer that our Ord r knos no North, no South, io East, no West. The disaffection or disloyalty of an occasional traitor in our ranks will be urged as eviden.-e of decay. Lot us answer that no human organiz ttion that ever had an existence was exempt from these. Party fealty and puty spirit wiU be invoked to force anaandonment of our principles. Let us answer that we will swuid by that iKirty that will stand by us. f ml that we are not so blind as to look for relief at the hnnd of any political party that opposes our principles and seks to destroy our organization. Weak ness in members, and our disorganized condition as a political factor, will be paraded to prove our helplessness. Let us answer that the old Saxon spirit; and courage which met this sttme basfl argument in two of the might it-at revo lutions of modern times, r.nd t-ave to the world this great country, has not yet died out in the hearts of tne Ameri can people. Corporate power, centralized capital, and all their allied forces, will be held up in formidable array to intimidate us. Relying on the justice of our cause, the invincible power of right and the favor of God, let us meet them w ith the only weapons M t u manhood and ballots. "Equal rights to all and epvcial privi leges to none" is all we ask. A. just and honorable people would ask for nothing more. A just and honorable people would be content with nothing less. Be not deceived by plausible de Tices involving a compromise of prin ciples, or a betrayal of the high pur poses of our Order. Beware of gilt bearing Greeks. Fraternally, L. L. Poijc. Pres't N. F. A. and I. U. Reform pre3 please copy. FAMOUS ALLAN CE DISCUSSION. One of the most important debates on the Ocala demands yet, occurred at Atlanta a few days tince between Con gressman Oates, of Alabama, and Presi dent Livingston, of Georgia. Oates led in the dicustuon and con sumed the whole entire day, and Livingston answered him upon the following day. The crift of Oates speech was a wholesale attack upon the Alliance measures, and a bitter denunciation of the xVlliance leaders. He charged the Alliance with a purpose of dividing the Democratic party ; that the Ocala Convention was made up of bankrupt politicians that there were no farmers in it; said that the Ocala platform was a mixt ure of republican and democratic doctrines; paid our leaders were un known, unhonored and unsung; said that he was opposed to the repeal of the national banking system ; tnat the government had no constitutional right to lend money ; that the farmers were demanding class legislation; quoted from Secretary of Treasury Foster to show that we had $24.10 per capita in circulation now. He . said our " leaders were living on the fat of the land, that they were making speeches to keep their places. Livingston asked him ''what he was speaking for!" Immense ap plause. LIYISG3TOX. In his reply on the following day Livingston said: "The Alliance does not attempt division, but our purpose is to bring this igreat m;vss of people under one great flag nearer together; that we had sent petitions to Congress for re lief signed by a million of voters and the petitions had been pigeon holed ; that we now intend to senu our petition to Congress, six feet long, with boots on one end and brains on the other." 4 "These last petitions went before the primaries and the people endorsed them. If there is any division in this fair Southland it shall not be laid at the door of the farmers." "Oates said the Ocala convention did not have a dcx n farmers in h. The eligibility clause of our consti tution puts the seal of falsehood on this. There was not one per cent, of of that body but what were genuine farmers. Tiiere was not a single law yer, banker, railroad man or merchant among them." "He cannot point to one single thing in our platform that is undemocratic. His objeec in saying that was to play upon secti nal prejudice. The blood jr shirt has cost us a decent liriug for twenty five years, and now it is time to sr.op." He attacked our lenders; said they were not. renowned states man. "Could it be expected of the hay seeders from the plow to put re nowned men to the front?'' Bu 1 tell you what we have done. We have put some men to the front that are troubling Oates like thunder. What is Oates lighting Macune for, if there is nothing in him? Oates sxaid th gov ernment had no constitution right to lend money. He made that statement here yeett-rday. What did he say in 1834 "as a member of Congress when the New Orleans Exposition wanted to borrow $1,000,000? Here he mid irom the Congressional Recoid a speech mad by Oates, as follows: Oates 'then 8'iid: "This bid in not for an appropriation proper; it is a loan upon security for return. There is no constitutional power, in my judg ment, to make an appropriation out side of the constitution, but I ask, ha- Congress got power to mnke a loan of the money or property of thn United States? Is thti not . consent practice lure? If Con.res ha not the power to make thi. iuan on security for in return, then all your legislation lending tents i.o soldiers reunions and disposing of other property is equally outside of the coiL-ititiUKn. Tne loan will not d any harm, for the reason there i a surplus iu the treasury. The only thing to d is ror Con.re? to ;-?ee thi property s-unty is taken for repay nifMit of the money loaned, and ifc return to the treasury. Some discre tion mut b ! ft to Congress to be exercized in resemee to the proo-rtf and money in ii:e Ui.iVd States. T lis. mmk. y-u. is not an appropriation out-side of lw c r-s! ituti 'ii It is a loan.' Said Livingr-ton, "this w.s Oau-s in ISS-l but Onus y.-i-terc: ay. when he r.unet.o combat to iota i t ti:e poor far.uor brroing m-nfy, h' (I up his hat!'- and s-iid it un coriti?ut i 'itul. Oatt sua in LS4 That it was eon stirutional Jino said so thn under oath; ye iMay was not under out!) "Oh, o:i-:.--."ii;s thou art a jerrel." Living4-!: in sp ke ovrr two tours, and in c.oncluuiog, fviid: "Tiiere is grer.t rf -joroi g-.;rig on m this country, and it is g-.in on ami on until we re to JefL'j-noniau prin;ipler. We are driving to ll-a'. olr.t, and will not stop until we r-ach it Living-r :- sp'ch va-regarded as an overwhelming vi?idication of the Allifince. The Proyresxivr Farmer jlfteei. months for o-f doll tr. Read "oa? big offer on awnd ioge. NOTICE, COUNTY LECTURERS. In the organization of the District Lecture Bureau any member of the Alliance in the District can be chosen President, and the said President shad be District Ieo urer. Fraternally, W. S. Baknus, Seo.-Tren'-t. N. C. F. S. A BeecLaui'B Pills are fait ful fiieRdf. W KOW? BMkk 1W per cre cloar pr&t. TncMci iumu6 rueing Potatoes, Peas, TgEatsss, Callages, m4 tkr Tegtabls for the crty markets. If yoa would liko to know all abrt tvock frming. write fcr nr pamphlet (sent fre tha A I? V 1 Arriiil. til re, rvrised aad enlarered. It tclli bat to pljrit tke ti t plant, hmxv to plant, the ct t w. and where t Ball tha diffarant Tacratablee ta adr.ir t. Alno Farm Ckciaistry aad how to raif a enorn iaall and profitably all th stapla Griunn. Catton, Siaa hF. u "ti GARDEN SEEDS FP.EE. W. S. POWELL & CO., CSaemlcal Fertilizer BlanafaaMK-Mrs, BALTIMORE, MD. PILES ii INSTANT RELIEF, fare in IS dayt. erreiurns. xo purse. o SAlvf. iaarerej. ti. KC.n.vcs, ox SttW, Nvr Yeri City, N. Y. " ivy clean! fe "e WHY NOT KN6 r PIm's RM j far Catarrh la tfe a. -nilfli --w ri i i u Said by dra prists r vemfe bj mail. I I id. X. T. HaUiA T7rre, Pa. LJ 1 i P02I0NA TSSSACOTTA CO POMONA, N. C. Terra-C'otta Thhuny Vuem or Ktoya Piie. Farm Iraia Tile, Fire Brick, etc. OatU.a frtm. (3.b EIAD THIO ? SenJ orders fur Ioots, ShXf, Trrmk fv. Tv!ises to leorifl It. V iiittLiiiit; 28 StAi't' Smiare, Norfolk, Va. Sndorrt"d for thin! yrar ly tl.-e Farmer's A llanre of -ru aaoiina Hnl v iriuia. Prie ll.M ia apiUifatiou. MOL ASSES ! I hare shipment of good mobiles at 16c. per gallon bv the barrel. Secure bargain by ordering at once. I am selling the best Hour that ha3 ever bet-n put on this market. If you have ccra, peas and other produce for sale, cone spond with me. K. J. POWELL. C. B. A., (727) li-ilri-h, N. I5ERKSIIIRES! Genuii e Berk shires of all ages and sexes, and of the Sub-Treasury strain for aKle, $5.00 and up, according to ige, boxed and delivered at, Charlotte. N. C J. SPRINGS DAVIDSON, (725.1 Charlotte, N. C. TOBACCO SEED. The r.ewfpt and btft for all ( lasses and type furnihd at the lowest prices. Planters raw tobacco for the money it. biings, at:d o.-.ly tin curiftirt i nduce Ai ' t-cl.i--s tor mcco. thai pays. Start ri'bl by ordering t be hist for jour 1 ca'ity. and tliti- rc-alie the binjrtt Wtui jor sib'e from th ciop ( 'talo-ues mailed free or application. R. L. IiA(iLANl) 8KKI) ( O.. 1 1 co, Va Seeds' All kind of Urass and C'ioTr Seds, i.on ar- ririntf in htore. r re.sh Crimson or Annual Clover Seeds. Southern Prize Turtdj Sels at S-.c it-r p.)f. :v or Iit the bushel wli-.lf-ale. Tb's is a vain ab! arity, prod ( ii irj whit tumijs, o? lfvod ijualitT. very haroy aud vst tn nop for . talad. ill M-:.d cold est vt-..rlKr vi!l.u:;t prot n-t in. Ttii'Si el are . II i'ri;.. c;ifei'i!lv Uriin:. Ai'.d br-t seb-e'fd et: t !.e ;sih K ?. My 5pe- ial (;r a ;i "!or Seed in x t r gi pl n lid re- u i ' Khi'r.iT U-'eii. Pri' e .; v i ii for tti.sil i: y 'ti'.eient to -e-d an fliT:' el :i ore. f dt 1 ! 1 . ?: :0 ti.l ; :or i .a tbe f h 1 1 y f.arr-r ln , p'. ( fn .11 inih-m-nt.', engine Arrs rid'i-, cic, for .M;ii-. als) Pr:itt K. T '(n f in, a:ui e irtr (.'oiton I res.-. . 11 . v y ri: . 21 Fayetteville St., Bnh i-h, N. C. :". err SASliv m u a xiff m Mm ftarVaadfearft. Sn4 4- for " W OMAN S hi bSC, (iUXlLli." Wilcox fepealOa C. lMla, l'a 1 COTTOK GIIST BOOK. f The he-t 'V r made j I'osti'aid. Will rtcoid ri. r f l.LT). hy mail, ? ',)'. O lU.-tllllH i HY tfc i km ?1 A BPLKNDII) COLLECTION OF ENTHUSIASTIC SONGS ! Pri? l-j mail, pni', tvi c.-if r C"?.-;. rou salv: by ALFRED WLLLlAMScScCOMIXY HoCKMI.I.bKh, H.M.tKUJ, N. C. JlHSend to for everything yon want in tu- iLi i :m i: ofjp o o k IVe can give you .special low prices ou SCHOOIi liOOKH, liEi'OKD BOOKS, SCKtA School Hooks, c, Vc. "Caching's Manual Parliamentary Practice,' hy mail for 5i tent,!. 41 PI'SHEE'S Jnticeand Form Hook Hevised, (;:l H n 9 3 3 M dv::ur. tor KVlquarU M 1 J i2f..rlsV.-t..andlilf Pri juartfr. lor W otkirLlntiii if as if';uiri-l. Seivl j'snj. tnr particular. VV. li. rU.Inr, 3-j WasniHtun Mit-tl, Boitaa. liaaa. Ilia- Priaei Mill-Stones. Ilavin? ltouscht tlie Till-Stone Qnarri- y r ' E. Phillip's e.-tat, 1 will continue to nmir.3f'f r.ure MiU-rtone.s, Mil -Spindles and pin-tat.ii nulla for srinding corn and wheat. Addre-- T- '1. VYA'1T. ix fea!th, Uowau C:c, . ( ' CHEAP FARMS And ranches for sale in Texas. De lightful climate, rich soil. Splendid bargains. Terms easy. Write for par ticulars. J. E. Wellington, Jr., (671) Fort Worth, Texas. R. II. N'MBITT. W. B. KE.IDiacit. R. II. NESBITT & CO. Real Estate Agents, GoruensTille, Ta. fail, fed ui lister kih i Spe&itt, 0n ipondTiee invitfd. (Mi) Pomona Hili Nurseries Fruii Trees, Vines, Evergreen Shade Trees, Green House Plant, etc. Over One Million Trees and Tines, old and new r&rie.iee. Send for catalogue No. 1 of Fran Trees, Vines, etc., and catalogue No. t of Young Roses and Green llousr Plant. J. VAN LINDLET, 830 Pomono, N. C Granville Female Institute, OXFORD, N. C. Hie Spring Term will begin January 2 1st, ibdv.. Full Collegiate Course. Special ad vantages in language-s, Music, Art, Social and Physical Culture (Delsarte by tern.) Bofird and tuition in Academic Qjurse for five months $80. For eata loguo, apply to (6.80) MISS CLARKE, Principal. INOUBAT.ORS ONLY .$12 A. F. Williams, Bristol, Conn 715) THE Salisbury Watchman Is the liaptir you are looking for. It is the "Watchman on the tower," that will watch after the interests of the people. Uriht, newsy, and uot afraiil to tell tht- truth. The Watchman ie devottxi to the upbuilding of the aKricultural, manufacturing and mining interest h of the Stale. )rgan of the Allian-e in the Piedmont Miction. Sjjhwrilm tor it. Si agle subscriptions, ?l..riJ), cash in advance; clubs of live, $d.2.; ten or more- at one time, $1.1)0. All kind.t of job printing executed in f.rst ela.x htrle. I?e?t newspaper job ofiice in tae State. Kvery uecretary and n5ine-HS aent of the Alliance in the State should have Letter Uead.s aiai Kurtlopes printed. Orders by mail promptly filled. Addm SfKbury N. c. j. L. RAMSEY, - Editor and i'rop'r. aadGrlstYIII1.4S.r. larger. Cataloerae free. DtLOACH MILL CO., lU&ntt, U. CKIIW and SfOICS untaxed NATUflftL LESF TOBACCO -of l.i w 1'KrCF.S WRITE TO HtKIHhlllliH Jk f4., ( I.irUsTille, TuriA, .GENUINE STANDARD SINGER oewinif Aiac'iiintii. J-nU'st improved. Bet iii.'tde. Noisels. Warranted 6yrs. a k sio.ikx l tar 00 ilachine f or o 50 now while v tr, oo " " tu oo .-ou can get a l.r6.00 " " fll it lOomplete set of attachments FRKI. Aday- i .ea tor llirht or heavy worlc. Libt rua Ulrikr Vieelr nihed. Snd fr atalorn CASH BCTKB8 VNlU-t, tilt-SCa irbont Ui. B. ., , (Uwfti ff S K E? .-kia ef iuriy and Mird; ESmcti W J Qi C cftTorn t "Excfc bi i n Older Young. R-ku-l, Sol.l. H Nll;MtT fnir Y.r e-r, h.iw to r!rr a 4 SlrenelhfWK,lK,l'M)K fKI OPKi) ItlUi AX rtKTSorhtiDI Abkoltitelr unfaillr IMH: F I Rl B VI BporflCi la a mj. IJpii Testify from I 7 Ki ale, Torrlturlri nd Fcrrlpa nlrlt u run writ i! km. Bm.'x, fiill i nation, m I prnofs at nil Sljfree. Id J res XlilK SFUllAL CO- tSl f 7tLO, . I 4 WE TELL THE FRUTH about Seeds. We will send you Free cur Seed Annuel for 1892, which tells THE WHOLE TRUTH. We illustrate and give prices in this Catalogue, which is handsomer than ever. It trlis NOTHING BUT THE Write for it to-day. 'BfK J T'LJS (P.O.Box i.-6o 5 JT ' I n, D.M.FERRY A. OO,. Dstro!t,Miclv k&Ja.4 Scientific American r -ff' .? Ansncv for . 0 j A 1HV LA I SLt DESIGN PATENTS 'VWf COPYRIGHTS, etc. I'or information and free nandboolt Trite to Ml'NX St CO.. ;;Ti I'.roaowav, Nkw York. Oldest bxiruHU for pecurine patents in America, livery patent taken out by us is brought before 1 !.'? public by a notice given free f charae in Uie Tfirirest eirculstlon of any peientiff? paper in tho world. Splendidly illustrated, is'o Intelligent r if.n rhniUl be without it. Weeklv, S.OO a jenr; $l.x) six moTiths. Adflre.s MtINN & CO Pl ulisushs, Kl Broadway, Vort. -iKf F i I if era Palm, fg.. ! LOVELY WEEPING PALM, This Kinir of Oriianiflntal P)nt. the Weeninr el Filifera Palm, is stalely and beautiful beyond deseria- tiiin It. n In cphitm i 11 nr wiihIaw am nailv mm A If Ceranium, and is a uerb addit ion to any cllecli f plants. It U of a compact growth. nth elrant ( i larxe fan-6haped lcares from rrbioh haac loa;, S thread-like illaineut e:Tinsr the plant a most add ami 1 f SSSSS terminate quu-Wij and jrrow rapidly. It i a plant whose grandeur anti hautT will anrprise you. Far ONLY 30o. WE WIL1, (lCM BY MAIL, 1T PA1IN A I. Ia K THK rLKWIN6i Seeds of thie lerely WEEPI1T riLUSXA 7AL2Z. i Seeds of the W0JiDP0TJ8 "WSATKi.Il FLAT. 1 pkt. JAPAN EGO Car!aaia4a:a!. 1 pkt. KAGNrFICEW f GIA.3IT SPIDER 1 pkt. SNOW GUEIJf PAH&T, are tatim wLit. 1 bulb NEW YAKIf-ATi; T'BBERCgB. Tfryiare, 1 bulb GLADIOLUS L0TILY "WHITE VAIITT. 1 bulb GLADI0Li LOVELY PI3TK YARIITY. 1 bulb GLADIOLUS L0TILY YXLL0TV YARISTY. 2 bulb 0XALI8, wait and visit, f ia!4 fr iara. 1 bulb OaARMINS FAIRY LILY, a.d our Superb Bronze Slue Cataiajue ef 159 p.tgts aad 7 macaii- eent larfe eelered piatss, aid aaa.e eoey ei tke MAYPLiwjER wife graad eelered flata. li ju alreaay hT ar a(alra far aay so, we willaaae aewetkiac e!a inateael. Tkee rare bulbs and eoa (worth il.aB) will all flower this season, ami we send thm for 33.. only to introdaee eur superior stock. Out your neig hbors to seart wita yon, and we will nrt four of these collections for$l. OrJer at nee, an tkin wtTar may aat appear asraia. Our Gronze-Oiue Catsioj3 hv (832 (A superb work ef art printed In Bronze Blae) ef issued. 15? pag-es kundreds of elegant engrrarinirs, Stipple Lithorraph Corers and 71nrire eolorad nlataa. -11 mm mm w? NaAJaaaaMaafiMBMCtaU We offer tke unest aoTeitias in Flowers, Vea-etablee and Fruits, notably: Our rreat Japanese Wineberry, ButterHy Orchid, Star Phloxes, tatr Plants, New aiVo th. rrea". eoHedeuoifC?a7i Ingrskrubs. This elegant Catalogue will ke seat for SSHHK-SS'H: ubm'&m" i,j'f ""5Si;r '" J0UI1 LEVIS GUILDS, Flirel Park, H. Y. n" BUT YOUR iOOlS IT FARMERS' WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE A. II. 1IAXO fc BilO.. 117 it V.9 N. Ith St.. I'hiiadelidiia, Ta. Lariat i wioes. ituuucrs. cjotnini:, nets. 1) it J A .Ii L! 1 -1 Shoes, Rubbers. Clot hi ni:, Hms. Dry Goodw, i tic, w ait inus, Kraues anaeiyifc ! free to any address. bcu ror Men'i Solid Kip Boots. Heavy Split Boots, Calf Boots, Solid Grain B ot?, " " Kip linearis, I'iow Scoes. St 1 6 2 2.37 1 V I 1.25 i 1.75 ! S Bora' Solid Ki, Boots, 3 Ladies' Solid alf Shoes, 1 S7 1.27 " " Grain Hut ton, "A" Kip Lace, " Fine Paris Kid Button, Children's Solid Leather Shosa Tipped or plain, 11 to , " 8 to lt.t, 1.1c 1 6 to We fill all orders and hip on 30 days' time retar and Ixmdcd Agent and bearing eeal, or we fil a!lor you a apacial ah discount of 5 ler cent, when ca-h is bent with order, or goods ara s-aat C O. I). Send for Catalogue. for Catalo-ue. FARMERS' ALLIANCE SUPPLY HOUSE. A. R. HANO & BRO. 117 and 119 N. 8th Street, Philadelphia Pa. Mention this paper. (714) WEAK ME KiifTerinf; from Lout Visor, Semi, ml VeaUna, Losneo or Drain from wh-itever cause, if you waiit YOUR MANHOOD RESTORED, write to us and we will send vou a I'UEK SAill'Lt; of a wonderful specific, ta plain wrr- pr. AddresK. . HOLLAND, 2G9 Derfcora 8t. Chleago, 111. ff You Mayo Ono of the Following HEART SYMPTOMS, LOOK OUT I mi ee5 i a tax a ana ren- auio icuicujr i-ji r,n . f-t Heart, Pain in Side, Vs Asthma, Short Breath. &a 1 j ct a n" riutterinff, D r ops yC1 ' tAU ' Oppression, Wind i:if CURE. Etomach, Irregular . j f res Pulse, Choking Sansa- im tion xn liiroat, uneasy aen-pf a sanoa in wnan;, tsrnouierir.g v bwu Spoils. Draarainsr, Niprhtr.iive. J tto. Get DR. filLES TOOK, "New and Etartlinf Facts," Iraa at Draprjisf.s jJ very here, or address, DR. MILES' MEDIAL GO., Eikrt, Ind. vis, Sewicrr XftiM'.n ; fritc wortror lait t:, Caciy SaLcc j, u-J.-iriod ic, llh.t ni'eu-j t ftif- werk.with aoamr Icier; i of fhi ix'uvi injyrTc4 1 Bttftcasieata frrc. --..h.-7i l 'w ip:hl for 6 veara. Boy ilrwrifwrioi r '3 rif .'.ad5-ve.1.-r .aa4 agwiU profit. Scn-I f.v hi&K CVTAL&t,'. !i. B. W. STONE k CO., V-r--r I rinmfliTille. tia. A tiew . . .. -r . . . . a ireausc 011 1 rear ireea jun 5gs issued, lnciuuing the latest i i?v nd orst mtormation o 1 Pear Culture, together with i l)y?critive and J'riee List of Tear, Plum, P.Tkimnien ntl other f vuit trc-i.-a. Befora and After Use Mm Kin-, THE - ALLIANCE - WHOLESALE - GROCERY - HOUSE i TI-IOEITTOIT BAIBITES. 241 North Water St., Philadelphia, Pa. GltOCERIES - AT - WHOLESALE - PJMCES Our House was on? of tht First Wholestile Grocery Houses in the Country i.o come cut bold I v and openlv to DEAL DJUEOT WITH THE FARMER ALLANCE AT filE LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. All th goods handle vs-e purchase dirt.'t from the leading ImportevHt and Manufacturers in lare amounts. We carry a larg and complete Stm k of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Sugars, Syruis, Molassts, Tens, Coffees. Spices, cc. We would be pleased to receive a TRIAL ORDER, find compare the quality of our Groceries with what you have len usiji. Wo guarantee to please oii, and you will obtain Pure Goods and Full Weight. In dealing with our House yov Buy Direct at Wholesale Prices anl Save tie Mfawli Eierliitapt Profits. We obtain Through Freight Rates, which vou ill nnd rerv rt finable and that, you can BUY GROCERIES TO ADVANTAGE IN PHILADELPHIA.' We fill all orders received from the Bonded Business Agent, when under Sen! of the Alliance. When the Trade Agent incloses irith the order a certificate sitmed by the offi(?ers, cerTiyinjr that he is the authorised Bonded Agent, of the Sub Alliance, and the goods will be shipped on 30 dnys' time when vou have received the goods and have examined them and found them satisfaetory, vou pay for them in 30 days. We shall be pleased to f urnish them in regVra to j; rices on any goods in our line of business. We end oarer to answer-all ir fairies promptly and satisfactorily. We will mail free upon request our complete Price Lit of Groceries, givi;)c the Wholesale Prices on all Goods in the Grocery Line. Write under Seal Sbls Mm kid W, H, Wo?th kis-Sj mwti mi ssfes m m to th: Alliance is a resicsuiKs to to inh itL Ici can nd orders to W, H, Wcrli, dial to Koi'se, TfriicisTtr is &esi ccnr.Bkst, and tis crdsrs will h prcperTy anl promptly iHid, (683) ! Tc9" -gr "tzri i jAXl SZx)-(3-s ozC Stores eljclcL Ranges l j CALUMET, ROANOKE, UINEOLA, SOLAR LIGHT, and many other Heaters. GUNS VSTD SPORTJIISra GOODS! RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! ii i !S :i i s sleio i a. torn. t. yr. ! BALEIGH, 1ST. C. ;1891. DRESS GOOD3, WRAPS, HATS, DOMESTIC'S, SHEETINGS, CASSIilEHES, BLANKETS, TRUNKS, CURTAINS, CARPETS, &C, &C. r . ;TIIE BEST GOODS. ' TIT" TT Ci t T rT? t l rv-mn t ' O JljL VjJtLO I JriOJbjJS I C5jHO!HiHl TV, i v. 4. . ro, VT , " kJXXWXJO I ' Orgeat ttfid beet stock of Shoes m North Carolina, and our prices the lowest ) ;siecial attention given to Alliance People, and the Fill j ing of Alliance Orders I ' ' EL. &j u. s. TTJOKBE So CO. ,2M WHOLESALE FFilfiES.- Wholesale Dealers and ifanfat Hofiery. Underwear, Ifillintrr, Drss tio,His'tt. epa:e ueaier nn Manarat ip..re f o our caiaiotfn ana pric jut. v-;u u;ail 45 ! Upn'i Fine Caseimere Snlte, 65i " Worsted Diagonal Suits, 15 I " Good Serri.-eabl Caahncrc3 So.flO 5. SO if) .lfj 7.5i 4.75 6.00 El prant lila- k Ch?fiot kStiits, Dressy Corkscrewa, F ine Caasimers, " Chinchilla Orrrcoafci, j " Hlack Bearer Orercoata, I " Ca-pimere Overcoat. .15 Boya' CasituereOTercoataSnitaiatoaay'rsaOO .50 j " Casgimere Suita 12 to It yeai s, 4.(h 6.5 j t. assunera bulta, to YZ, j.qq .S3 Pend for our Catalogue. Sant fi to auy .79 ; ad re -c. .63 1 All irnodn t wtirtM.1 m nrifme. when onlfn r n.i hi th trf.rlni -w.. lance, mim, League and other orsA5atia trill stake a rnibtake If fchaj bay a BUGGY, VEHICLE er HARNESS ef any klmd bafera eeingoar fre, Ms cta3xve, just out, show ing over 100 dif ferent styles of Carriages aud Harness. mo casta iaaTKae rqw&rom frw memben. LTneinnan is the larfttst car riage market in the world, and we are ahead of the procession. Pxr-.KeiereHe: aesoud jRatioaal Bank, Cincinnati. Get onr price and compare local aaaier'a pricee. Good a are hand raae and warranted for 1 years. HEADQUARTER FB ANYTHlfJS ON WhttLS "vV'e will send; aeautuui aiu- "X a aace badge to aay one who will aand us the I 1r-'" arr tea prospective buyers. AILIANCS GMRM m. Ciisafl.C DOUBLE Ertech h-Loaticrf hi! If ! ifE1"" B ' qq li 11 I IV fr ". n4 MlM f I uata far iltavat4 S7 WStM aMAA Atrl IV I aleae t Ti tl ,T!iPaallA.atOa J ILiVi iH Kaia atr.rf. rid I U'Ld 1 0 A Ii'lan a . Bay i .A, a. CuciUaU.Oaia ! "ALL RIGHT" and "COTTON KING COOKS, ROYAL MAGIC and NEW FRANKLIN RANGES. TvZS d3 CO. - b:, isr. c. dobbin. 1S1. THE LOWEST PRICES. --a. I AH 1 55? . J y ' V IV 1