. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER: MARCH 29. 1892. 8 ST. LOUIS PLATFORM ENDORSED SASSAFRAS FORK ALLIANCE. The following resolution was adopted . -ar- t a a A 1 A. rrw Sassafras tforK Alliance at its iasc roo-nlnr mpetinsr: Resolved, That we do hereby heartily ndora the demands made as the late St. Louis Convention, and do hereby pledge ourselves to vote in the future only for such persons, who niay be a candidate for political officep, as shall have solemnly promised to use all law ful means to have these demands executed into laws. AH. Gregory, Pres t. R. A. Gill, Sect'y. . AN APPEAL. Mr. Editor: I have been requested by Shiloh Academy Alliance, No. 1S31, in behalf of Bro. Jefferson Lannin?, He lost his horse that was worth $75 and is a very poor man with four small children. We have helped several of the other brethren in trie State, and we call on the brethren throughout the State to contribute to B. J. Lanning, and send any amount, however small, to J. Lanning. Lexington, N. C. H. Hklmstetler, Sec'y. LETTER FROM CHATHAM. Williams' Mills, N. C. Mr, Editor: I see a piece in the Chronicle of -ivlttrch 15th, headed. J4 Failures and Dreatners," stating who are the men to Ciiry the Western States for the Third party. He calls them constitutional and peripathetic kickers. He says one of them has been hopelessly fighting the two old parties for a dozen years; the other has spent all his days to prove that Bacon wrote the works of Shak espeare. He also say s suth men cannot deliver anything. Now, Mr. Editor, I'm glad to know that neither of them has been connected with either of the old parties. Just such men as they are not corrupted by the spoils of office, and the Third party claims to be for a reform and wants men who have no smell of corruption about them. I have always voted the Democratic ticket, but hereafter expect to vote for men and not party. If Cleveland or Hill is nominated by the Democratic party, I feel confident in saying that ninety per cent, of the white voters of niy,- fitction will not vote at all. If Jfchere is no Third party man nomitated there will be a mass meeting held at Fearington's Mill on the 25rh of this month, and we would be glad if you or some cood speaker could be with us We are all farmers speech-making. If send us some good all the infoimation section is solid on Louis platforms. and not much at you cannot come man, for we want we can get. This the Ocala and St For Reform. GIRLS WHO HAVE PUSH. ! cheap zone or belt railroad svstem, soon to be opened m oenm, . .J live in the suDums anu wwiwui The government management of the railway ri nances utw tuow . liant success, surpassing all expecta tions. In Prussia alone last year, af ter paying the interest and part of the principal on the bonded debt, there was a surplus of 25 million dollars. The reductions in fares and freights annu ally amount to a general distribution of over 25 million dollars. I must say a word for the high quality of the freight service, which is fully equal to the express traffic in many parts of our country. A trunk can be sent all over Germany with perfect safety and con venience for a mere trifle, while a few nnta pxtra will insure it. and a few cents more guarantee its delivery at a certain hour Prof. Ely, of Johns Hopkins University. Disordered liver set right with Beecham's Pills. Tie Prorosive Farmer from April 1st to Not. M for Fifty Cents. Make up your Clubs. SECOND DECLARATION OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. There is an interest ing group of bright girls at the New England Conservatory of Music, in Boston who represent the quality of push characteristic of the American girl, mere are some unrty five of these girls, and they are being musically and vocally educated by The Ladies' Home Jour nil of Phila delphia. Some time ago this magazine offered, as a stimulent to girls to get subscriptions for it, free educations at the Conservatory. The American girl is quick to see a chance, and ono by one these thirty-five girls have come from all parts of the country to Boston. They receive the very best the Con servatory affords, the most desirable rooms in the building are the.rs, and they have all their wants carefully looked after by a wealthy prodical. Perhaps in no other country on the face of the globe could such a thing be possible. Ihese girls, too, the reporter was told, belong to nice families, but they preferred to earn their own musical education rather than depend on the family purse. Of course, the particular girls are unknown to the scholars at large, and to all intents and purposes the are paying their own way. And they certainly are. It is said that the magazme is also educt ing a number of other girls at Wellesley, Smith and Vassar Colleges. Boston Journal. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. t The Advantages of Public Ownership as Applied to Germany. I was very much impressed during my stay in Germany thi summer by the superior service of the state con trolled railways of that country as com pared with the careless management of our own lines. There was scarcely an ,aocident in Pru-sia during the whole summer, while in this country nearly five times as many passengers are in- tiured or killed outright. The Ameri can railways have not enough employes !nd has four times as many men, and "Ymany even more. Ye are fully thirty years behind in ty for passengers. There are no harded crossings allowed to me he public. Even at the stations Vao crossing the tracks to reach going trains, as is the case in f n Union station. To get on the Mde in Germany you must de fl ght of steps and pass through jl under the track. The stations lives are models of beautiful ture. The new one in Frank it eighteen million dollars. When rernment intends to erect a new lit offers a prize to architects for Vital designs. There Is a maxi--omfort in railway travel, as ns are all union stations, ssible since the government Germany, ten years yements m speed have Mies an hoiHbeiner Smanytrains. TraJ ao Hamburg made 11 stops included. Jljp also opens a "t,jri&e raHway forso "he general opinion is Aon is too much cen- .arge cities, and by the Platform Adopted by the Confederated In dustrial Organizations at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 22-24, 1892. PREAMBLE. This, the firet great labor conference of the United States and of the world, represent ins all divisions of urban and rural organized iudubtry, asseinbl d in national congress in ok ing upon its action the blessings and protection of Al mighty God,, puts fort) to and for the producers of the nation this declaration of union and in dependence. The conditions which surround us best justify our co operation. We meet in the mdst of a nation brought to the vere of moral, political, and material ruin. Corruption dominates rh ballot-box. the legislature, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized. Many of tl e states have been compelled to isolate the voters at tl e polling places in order to prevent universal intimidation or bribery. The news papers are subsidized ormuzzled. public, opiid' n silenced business prof-t rated, our homes covered with mortgages, labur impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urbn workmen are denied i he ritlt of organization for seif-protecMon; imported pau perized lalor beats down their wages: a hire ling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down ; and they are rapidly degenerating to European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to buil up colossal fortunes, unprece dented in the history of the world, while their possessors despise the republic and endanger liberty. From the sme proline womb of gov ernmental iniusth e breed the two great lasses pnupers and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to enrich nond- older ; silver, which has been accepted asc-in since the dawn of history, ha been demonetized to add to the pure: as:rg power of gold b de creasing the value of all torms of property, as well as human la-r or, nd the supply of currency is purpoelv ab idgdto fatten usurers, hank ru t enterprise, and enslave industry. A w t-t conspiracy againt mankind hss bet tt organized on two continents, hud is taking possession of tl e world. If n -t met and overthrown at once, it forbodes terrible social convulsions the de struction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism. In this crisis of human affairs the intelligent working people and producers of the United States 1 ave come together in tt e na neof peace, order, and society to defend liberty, prosperity and justice. We deciure our union and indeiiendence. We assort our purpose to support the politic al or ganization wl ici represents our principles. We charge that U e contro in influence dom inating the old p- liticH.1 pM ties have allowe the existing dreadful conditions to develop without s nous effort to restrain or prevent them. Ti ey have agreed together to ignore, ic the coming campaign, every issue but one. They propose to drown theoutcries f a plundered people with the uproar of -a sham battle over the tariff; so that corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, "watered stock," the demonetization of silver, and the oppression of usurers, may a!l ho lost sight of. Ine-i proio-e to sacrifice our homes hikI children upon the altar of mammon ; to de stroy the Lopes o the multitude in order to secure corrupt iou funds from the great Ion s of plunder. e assert tl at a political organization, repre senting the political principles herein stated, is necessary to redress ti e grievances of which we, complain. Assembled on the anniversary or the oirtn ol the iliustrioT s man who led the flr.-t revolution on this continent against oppression, tilled with thesentimeu which actuated tuat grand ven eration, we seek to restore the overument of tl e hands of the plain people, ' with whom it originated. Our doors are open to all points of the compass. We ask all honest men to join with and help us. In order to restrain the extortions of aggregate capital to drive ti e money changers out of the temple to form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide lor the common defense, promote ?he geiiersA welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity w e d ordain and eotablish the 'ollowing platform of principles: First Ne declare the union of the lalor forces of t- United States this day accomplished per manent and jerpetual. Mny its spirit enter into all hearts of the republic and the uplifting of nimkind. Second Wealth belongs to him who created it. Every dollar taken tiom industry without an equivalent is roboery. If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. The interests of rural and urban labor are the same, their ene mies are identical. PLATFORM. riN'AiNCE. First "We demand a national currency safe, sound and flexible, issued bv the (ieneral Gov ernment only, a full legal tender for all debts. iu: lie and private; ami that without the use of banking corporations a ju-t and equitable and erUcieut, n eans of distri ution direct to the peo ple at a tax n-.t to exceed z per cent be provided, as set forth in the Sub-Jieaury plan of tLe Farmers' Alliance, or some better system ; also, by payments iu'disci are of its obligation tor public improvements. a. We dVmand free and unlimited eolnage of silver. b. We demand that th amount of circulating medium be speedily increased to not less than $50pe capsta. c. We 'emaml a graduated income tax. d. We bedeve that the money of the country hould be kept as much as possible iu the hands of the people, and hence w e demand all national and State revenue shall be limited to t: e neces sary extienses of tLe government economically and hon es t! y ad 11 1 n 1st ered . . We demand that postal savings' banks be established by the government for the safe de posit of the earnings of the people and to facili tate exchange. Second The land, including all the natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all the people a-.d should not be monopolized for specu lative purposes, and alien ownersi in of laud should be prohibited. All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by alien-, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only. TRANSPORTATION. Third Transportation be'ng a m ans of ex change and a public necessity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the in- terest of the peopie. a. The telegraph and tflephone, like the post office system, being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people. p CERTAIN nod RAPID CTTRE, 1 1 no iQoouTeiLLM.ee, nll&bla: tha bit a j Mnaaa; new ul mrttia meth4: anled information - ... ...... --""I lUUrUBUOl ALkiH PnUJUiACi CO.. hok 44, LBION, MICH. POKOHA TEEHAOOTTA CO POMONA, N. C. Terra-got ta Chimney Flues or Stove Pipe. Farm Drain Tile, Fire Brick, etc Catalogue (745) Playing at house cleaning is tiresome, but real hquse cleaning is more so. " Gold Dust Washing" Powder does the work so well, and makes it so much easier, that half the terrors of house cleaning are removed by its use. 4 lb. package 25 cents. At your grocers. Try it. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Sole Manufacturers, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON. BALTIMORE, NEW ORLEANS, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, ME., PORTLAND, ORE., PITTSBURGH AND MILWAUKEE. ij Hi r Mill-Stones. Having bought the Mill-Stone Quarries of E. E. Phillip's estate, I will continue to manufac ture Mill-Stones, Mih-Spindles and Portabh mills for grinding corn and wheat. Address J. T. WVATT, (536) Faith, Rowan Co.. N. C. h alia Jji4j frasr?"! ritr',Birariii 3 B THE OFFICE bEEKS THE MAN, but no "ward heeler" need apply. He must bo lesi onsib'e, reliable and ne whom the people delig t to honor." No matter how high his standing, an agency for the Coiled Spring Fence wnl do him honor. Ills hrotner iarmers wnl speak of bin. a a BENE FACTOR. V rite tor particulars. PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO , (779) Adrian, Mich. PIANOS. UNEQUALLED IN Tons, Tcucb, Worfennslip and Durability. Baltimore. 22 and 24 East Baltimore Street. New York, US Fifth Ave. Washington, 817 Mar ket Jrpace. (oo 0 Saw &nd Orlt 91111. 4 H.P. .ana larger, catalogue iree. iDeLOACU MILL CO., Atlanta, fa. SMITHDEALw VriUo.tType wri?, JJJ Jjhort-hana, Tvltrs fv- phr, La'tiel and Oeu 3 timcn Day an J Nigbl O Sesnious. Sniithdval't COkLECE, Richmond; Va. PRACTICAL THE Salisbury Watchman Is the paper you are looking for. It Is the "Watchman on the tower," that will watch after the interests of the people. Bright, newsy, and not afraid to tell the truth. The Watchman is devoted to the upbuilding of the agricultural, manufacturing and mining infsts of the State. Organ of the Alliance in tha Iledmont section. Subscribe for it. Single ouDscriptions, $1.50, cash in advance: clul8 of five, $1.25; ten or more at one time, $1.00. . All kinds of job printing executed in first class style. Best newspaper job office in the State. Every secretary and business agent of the Alliance in the Slate should have Letter Heads and Envelopes printed. Orders by mail promptly filled. Address Salisbury N. C. J. L. RAMSEY, Editor and Proper. 1 AHSY PILLS I Safe ad (sore. Band 4c for " WOMAN'S fsAf t OA&i." Wilcox Kpeeifla PJO MFRIWAFlTEDi?. lUilZIM ellonr goods by aaiupleto the wholesale and retail trade. Lirxral salary and ezDenaes caiiL. Pprni a- Bi-nt position. Money ad vnno.'.l for waeea, adv?rtising,erc. For full puuouUn ud refenaoe adOnnf CMM.NlAL HFO. CO., CiilCASO, 1LI i WANTED. tbOOOforlSO t dollar. $5.75 for 185S quarter, " 2forl8.V5rt.,andBlrrla for 990 other binds if ae re,uirej. Send rtampfor particular. TV. . Skinner, SM Washlnston Street, Bili, law PILES: RemedyFree. ISTAMT RELIEF. Final euro ui IU day N e vc-r r turn ; no purjte : no sa ve : no suppository. A victim tried in vaio every rem dy lias d Hoovered a simple cure, which ha will mail free to his fellow mif ftsrers. Address J. H.KKE KS.ltoz U'J:U,ew York Uljr.K. . Hatch Chickens by Stoam. improved EXCELSIOR INCUBATOR rT3T.i?nWill do it. Thonsands In successful oper i i f " f-Ttion. SimpU.Perfect and Mf-Heffulaiing emm Loweat-prioBd flrt-clM Hatcher made. 1 1 STUL! Guaranteed to batch a larjrer percenter Tf " of fertile etrtrs at ea owt than any other. Send 60. for lilus. Catalog. taO. U. bTAUL, iinej, IU, THE FARMER'S SIDE. ' Where ue are, how wc get here, Gild Ind nay out. By Hon. V. A. PEFFER, v. 8. slnatoh rnoa kaxsas. EllEi BEiiOV FREE! aiataaU l'rompf ftelief. Lasting Cure. enpa Hffl i,J nood (sealed) free to any t I H Vj fuflerer a prescription to enlarge hvi II II rnall,weHk parts and Bpeedily cure BVJlnSI U I-oht Manhood. Kuilcsiona, Varirnrpln and Iniootenov. Sew, PMltto Beaedji UAS. K. HAS, Koz 4i, MarnhaU, JKlch. 12 mo, cloth ! K IH i3 ri si ti ! FMITRjjrqR nur.r.nt .1... ..4 . T,TVind.ar1 Maehlna THE BLTMTIKlMHWaa'.15'j: ItTon a,ra?te that Ca WHO wUl Use it and pay if satisfied. Address, VON MOHLTn. Sule Ameriean Ageafa, ClsclaaaU, Ohio. rreteat aid. BeBtXIJCS WOTKJ WIRE FBtr ir w A THE - ALLIANCE - WHOLESALE - GROCERYT 241 North Water St., Philadelphia, Pa. GROCERIES - AT - WHOLESALE - PKKjB Our House was one of the First Wholesale Grocery Houses in to come out boldly- and openly to DEL DIRECT WITH THE p atS ALLANCE AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. All th handle we purchase direct from the leading Importers and Manufacture . large amounts. We carry a large and complete Stock of Fancy and 9 uroceries, ougars, oyrups, moiasses, leas, jonees, opices, ore. 4 We would be pleased to receive a TRIAL ORDER, and compare .he o - l of our Groceries with what youJiave been using. We guarantee to please r5 and you will obtain Pure Goods and Full Weight. In dealing with our Houseyl Bay Direct at Wholesale Prices and Save tie Heirs Eioit! h Freierht Rates, which you will find very rnn, TrrrriTTf7c a t"t a atti a tt ttvt otitt . v.ulw We obtain Throm and that you can BUY GROCERIES TO ADVANTAGE IN PHILADKLpm j We fill all orders received .from the Bonded Business Agent, when under?? of the Alliance. When the Trade Agent incloses with the order a eeniO - ii . nrt - r .1 1 11 1.1 3 T. 1 .1 . signed Dy ine omcers, cerxirying inai ne is me autnorizeu puuuea Agent of tl Sub-Alliance, and the goods will be shipped on 30 days' time when i you fc5 received tha goods and have examined them and found them satisfactory 5 pay for them in 30 days. We shall be pleased to furnish them ir. rerarl prices on any goods m our line of busmess. We endeavor to answer alfp quiries prompuy ana saiisiaciomy, TTT ill . -1 C . i. 14 T r.f r vv e win mail iree uyuii icuue&u uur uuujpieie rnuc xjiou vxrocerios e-irrr turj v iiuitT3ciit; ATiiuea kjlx txii uwup iLt tA-ic uiuLctjf i iino. iiic under oCal, State Susies Ant W, H, Worth kindly recsaaenis and dcrss c;r Kow t: th AS- aa a W a a BM M II Mt as a rescnsiUIs bo t, wads witn. M can ssna orders to w, B. worta, c? curssl to h vnieluTer is m convssient, ana us orders will cs property ana prcspuy m ESTABLISHED 1865. JULIUS LEWIS CO -Yfy -l r RALEIGH, 3ST. C. - w ' 189?j Trice, 01.00. There is a demand for a ccinj rrlicnivc nn3 autboritiitiva book wLieb ehall nprtscnt the farmer, and set forth liis condition, the influ ences surroundino: him, and plans end pro ri.t3 for tha future. This book had been written 1)' Hon. W. A. Pcffer, who was elected to the United States Senata from Kansas to succeed Senator Ingalls. The title is Tue Farmiu's Side, and this indicates the purpose of the work. In the earlier chapters, Senator Teffcr de cribes the condition of the farmer in voii' u. parts of the country, and compares it with tha condition of men in other calling. He carefullj examines the cost of kbor, of living, the prices of crops, taxes, mortgages, and rates of interest, lie jrive elaborate tabiea showing the increasa of wealth in railroads, manufactures, banking, and other forma of business, and he compares this with the earnings of the farmer, and also waa-workers in' general. In a clear, forcille style, with abundant citations of facts and fig ures, th author tells how the farmer reached hU present unsatisfactory condition. Then fol lows an elaborate discussion of 44 The "Way cut," which is the fullest and most authoritative prf i ntation of the alms and views of the Fanners' Alliance that has been published, ineludir full discussion! of the currency, the questions of interest and mortgage, railroads, the sale of crops, and other matters of vital consequence. Thw book is the only one which attempts to cover the whole ground, and it is unneccsesry to emphasize its value. It is a compendium of the facts, Cruras, and BUfjestiona which the farmer ought to have at hand. Thb Farmer's Side has jut born issutd and makes a handsome mi frubttmial brok of 280 paes. We Lav crranced with the rb Jisner. lor its side to our readers t the fub-lk-ilKer price. The book may be cttrviicd at our oluce, or we will forward copies to anv address, po8t-paid, on receipt of $1.00 per cor-v Address LJ' The Pi'.oo tussive Farmzu, Raleigh, N. C. Sssds, Seeds, Sesdsl All kinds of Gross and Clover Seeds, now ar riving in store. Fresh Crimson or Annnal Clover .Seeds. Also Soutliern Prizw Turnip Seeds at pr pound, or by the bushel whole sale. This is a valu able variety, prod,1 icing large white tnrniri, of good quality, very hardy and best turnip for salad. "Will stand cold est weather without protection. These seeds are all fresb, carefully grown, and best selected seeds on the market. My special Grass and Clover t?eed mixtures give splendid results wherever used. Prices are given for quantity sufficient to seed an acre or more, t de sired I &hall also take pleasure in quoting the price per bushel tf any of the above named Seeds. Latest improved farm implements, engines, boilers, saw mills, etc., for sale, also Pratt Cot ton Gin, and Isance power Cotton Press. Hi. E. W Y T T, fi FayetTille St., Raleigh, N. C. 33 New, Certain Remedy. Last ing cure, never returns. I will send ; Bealed)free to any sufferer, a Dre- scription to enlarge email weak part ana certain cure for Lost Yitror. KmlHHlona Vnrirn.l Impotency. J.D. IJouse.lJox 8, Albion, Mich.' JAY-c TK-8EE r'"-ljn:..w r C" k rein can be uwd. :v iu"juii4f io trtt out of repair. Iiinad- JJUKt?l lueaiily aa with eommoo Hook. Aak your iLaruma ilulfr I l.A It! -. . - " T- ... "X am we wi mail yon ens Xt Fu"h' or Habl-ar with UoIi jliniiiir. W RACINE KALIEASLE IRSJ! CO. w m w v The Garrett Picket & Wire Fence Machine ligjj! El Weaves to tha Tonts. Tt.t in the world. Thousands , in use. Oaarantead. Freight paid. Aj-enta are report ing big sales. Machines, fH Wire, etc., at wholesale If! direct lo Farmers where "fr I have ne arent. Oeta- I tl loa-ue free. Address the -Intf lift: LWJ44JIU S. H. GARRETT. maun f aetnrer. MANSFIELD. OHIO. k positive fcffiijrfli'Sf isgs??i k: -. efX(7aar2xean01darYounr Uboit, Kl fat'j S.i.W'-c4. Ii w t o ulanra aid inr a Strnlaeu WliK.l fV l-)r KU 1 kPi aTS r lObT Aholtl7 ufjiMps UCKS TS4TIT R.arStn ia a J. Eon TantlfT frant 4 lrrtria aa rrlsa CaaairUn, fou Cna wrIU tana. tL mti xiatlin, an Brri aall4 b4JIW. A -.- MK. LI MWtlt CO- - BtfALO, . Y. FOR QUFFmnO VOFslEN. BO. HUES' v. r v "U si m i aaV . r I "0- . RESTORATIVE TV id, lay ii A onres 81eplas- naaa, Aci'tohs Proitrntian, SltkanaAtr- tui SIcavalache Flta etc. A f ter f onr years traatrucnt by the beat doctors, but without relief, have used Narvtne for one week and have not had an attack since. Hurd C. Braccus. neathville. Ph.. Your Nerrlaa has cured m coraplto!y cf Nerroua troubles. J . M. Taylor, Loviy. Ohio. Tx-lf! BotU JC -- OOar-casrsistai DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Eikhart, Ind. RALEIGH, 1ST. C. 1892. Sprln.g Season wv wv 1SS2 XJ Gooc3- AND KINDEED WARES.. A COMPLETE MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Special attention given to Alliance People, and the Fii' ing of Alliance Orders I w. h:. & e.. s. tuokee & co il'! 1838. FIFTY-FOUR YEARS. 300 ACRES.-1S32 NUT I FRUIT TREES.&"SSHS VftLllABLE HEW PEARS. JSJSfeKrlffl? ElanB8Lma-pipa, laffal Brri, jMbrriif, Hardy Oran InmwM stoak af tiKATK IX Kf aad all Knoll rn;it r; toUtetion at ridwtd ratm. at liar valnnhln Nnvftltipa Fruit. Hh,ide and Nut Tret. (tKNAMK.NTAL HHKIJB', TI.NK. ic. Dhh'?C Catalogue free. Wra. Parry, POMONA NURSERIES, Parry, Kew Je.' HPBAY MB FRUIT TTQEES I VBiK! ' I V fc - 'J 4 Wory Frnit and Lea BKht f Appl Ft, Oba-ri.. rvncl C h15 PKJ? 1 1 1 Gaapo aad Potato Rot. Plom Corona imvaaSad byiSS FlChLSlUn fTll. ERFECT FRUIT ALWAYS Set t t ftftn rT5 airF.S. Oatalogw i I injF all inissicMifl inaAota t Fraita maaal fraa t.nm i, x rt. ir TrCA. V'l i ama Kerry Plants at Bottom ifrieos. aunw V JH. TAUL Quiacr; ' v-x hi ii r w a. m r Koaplre Pampasiir ha hu4 aatcaiatinaZlT a i1 r"-j ia.i Tt.m . r - up an a k jwitwi rhi. ilHiaru?i nuke fti JJtUe Oean aa4 KsrO14 CM ain't 5 nrarnr. na ,k. Varnan L ' astray nana is. iwh vooDnrnm trny m wmm hrm. a mm a ivu wr tlrr; We sail Sulvcata nt CDPr. Psris ri nxa l.noawa rarala at wkalnnala arw. i .,. frre.fi r e iarialaiaJf,-iiBcotatr.riELI fiUXZ TCiir VO 14 BHaaW ATarfKf 2T,'.V i .,- i zW7 HI AGAR A ana rn.ll lal ad mm v.iiTtie. JCmttra Qxiaimv. WanwCed true. 1 rut rales. Itr4waM I oi foe wt JHack Brtmpt j EATON. U r n.O COVERED KiTHSTU II; -- . aaron ni a aitt.na. it .V," . ' 5" y win w i ii. a it aua a haraa hanilie. The araD aot looaar alor. m w " r 1 "cma. Tea eaa anr aad raaaDnrata will eaiT anat vm n. - i . . ' JAMBS MlLME A SO JrA'Tlr lear it, ratna a knaMral ar.. vick i'm. yav all wara a.t Una .t paiaartaa It I paMal car a. aaac far a. rtw' cllJ Also other SMALL, m UITB. Kew Desentiva Oatalaso Free. T. 8. BTltxaJJ W-j HiSI:. Ii ! Costs bjJtOli G,fSa I IV" in m emu IfilltrHciisj VPUiri f UADkl7(t Ctlliunmnii..... ful to buy the best for tli'e lwi monevrw one set of Harness at carload rates, while our prices on m.n JT.h wlloIii, prices, snc usual retail nrirt aii con,!. f.,n -ivi'f ,i-.I"9P many other artir-i li . -i priviieSe of t'n,pei6n." Think ofn ee? " rfpSiTO. .d ffi One Good Enough for President Harri ?w 59 . UKabe ior yourseit. and we are sure of your orders L it S.h; 7'-er. -nr V a 'aaw-v "" PJll to fni u'itji;,; A11"' 1 a I Q I F.TL!1-Pa A Memberiam ihoti.nf of o.tS last rekr thTT r meJa ana wu, latroDi? m' V: year that wl?e compiled t ,K b? f' S purl. liutieil'HlDC?, "A" n n b n n R B 1 f ! I U B I a IS1 Grade $40. Send for our handsome, illus trated Catalogue, showing over 100 different styles of Vehicles and Harness, and you will un derstand why all this phenom enal success and immense busi ness. We actually give more ior less money than any Burtrv n tt world.. All eoods hand mads ifL LH?"15 factory in the our pnees and compare them Ith 'V6- uct have . VV oflri tfi: others shs ? otV ! Grade C4C. North Court 0t..opp. the C To. li' "i 1 V. awiwia, i;u Sj f f yljg ps A?' f I' i 1 TV".-: v