c3 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER: AUGUST 20, 1895. """ BUSINESS Conducted by T. Ivey S. B A. take notice that nails, wire ?iea,firon products are advancing, 1 fill lrU . r U A na imni rAilrnaH nr pt P receipt forgooas soippeu w uur W , at anv point. It is not needed f; time :r jht then. This mates no aa 38 i trouble to shipper, and may This makes no ad- 33" times save trouble and delay. -29 r shipping wool always put your iff Tags some times get lose ana r? 'on package prevents possible franco Always state whether you K ta pay money for the work, or r the wool tolled, or t iere will be - and trouble of correspondence. r,rrr Jars. Djn't wait until you Lztv to use them before you buy, fi yu wisn tntm shipped from I i-lgh at the difference in price. We to get your jars, unless the ALENNCCEV. f.-ir should Do exuauseu, wnicu is Choice roasted Rio Lw . . i A - . i; I Golden roasted Rio, time 10 dO ID. jmer la lime. Morning roasted Glorv, f A. .3 . M a 4-. S1 lrt 1 A .knfilr la ; J uk " w x cements of wool are now coming jt fast. Trust that we may this ": nnndpnaQ our trade that by an .-fvear the Alliance wool iraue wm i uiracuoicegreeu 's" I t .very best methods or letting tne iiie feel our strengm. n is me Key h Uu."";-T . -- I t-riuio r-a world. -Ltd ine manutaciurerx, ceddarsso-eo lbs, rsorroiK, fa'P! pnrl brokers realiza that tne Rir.ee trade is worth something, and i:r Will Uiu iui i. r . .. .in union there is strength." It we 1 tar our clljrts the country over, we Crackers Trenton & family ..JKilirina Tnpm i a nr. I Mixed cakes t..Vfln nur Doesibilities, fCff what the Alliance can do, if it ft.aa7 this fact. The Alliance already made itself felt, but it can i its force as rapidly as it gained it. .Y'mnet Hard times js no excuse fLlLLUt- mL 1 J 1 . tVo nrrfit.v fnr t,h Alli- nfl Thfi work of the Alliance is not ComDlished until prosperity shall be Good family tatrtTPd alia HUCICLV ID DU 1UUY CUUUU I LI nnimrla r rith its Drinciples that men cannot act Excelsior, choice fa V nnriitiOIl. Will that time ever Kuby. fair family JjnieJ Ithaa been nearly 2,000 years Seethe introduction of Christianity to the world, but it has never so com etely seized hold of the people as to delude the necessity of agitation Alliance is Lnristianity. Siu'p vegetables, fruit and produce r.Ivej, S. B. A , Boston. " " New York. it Pittsburg, Pa. Baltimore. Richmond, Va. Newark, N. J. " 41 Philadelphia, Pa. lark aisLinctiy ana place your Ta name on pacKage, inen notuy i . U agency at Raleigh of ship tax. We can not be responsible ib consignments unless these simple fecaons are followed. When you hke first shipment, then our agents (ilteepyou posted as to prices. Caution. New fruits and tender, irishable vegetables forwarded by r$t long distaLces are apt to arrive :bai condition. Such goods should cl ipped by express. Best Market Days The volume of M increases daily, as a rule, from day to Saturday. Monday's mar Sis usuallv a narrow one. bv reason "5u ivutlW, COlliailJ UL CALICO!) fcignments, and a slender attend t i . . - i hx ui Olivers, mouen nrimo pnoniJ i sale in fair quantities. Tues- 'j'a and Wednesday's markets are ii"U uetier. mursuay is me al shipping day, when out of town Tt?a fi.rp in frpiatftt: fittonrlnn.i jiiay flais city retailers thronging ptcurket in quest of supulif s for Sit- Hit- I 1 1 . j , uuu scwea are usually larger on a than any other day. Saturday's 2 13 alwavH ftfitivft in th parlv ipg liours", when market stallmen frisk and liberal buyers, but busi -sis well over by noon, and goods go unsold, together with the later i':iptd of the dav. must co to thfi joggling huckster trade at cut prices 'warnea over to another week. 00L Vi fi nan h fim rnnr ixrrw-il -rked for you in anv shane vou man at the following prices : r-t. verlb.... .ft' ir . g i ut.V koiis," prib" r I'l'iumg, per .b 1 cerl. 6 cents 12 cents 18 cents 20 cents 25 cents 30 cents 14 C6t.tS 16 cents 17 tents 18 cents :JR a'l Weaving .TV.Vr-c t',L - & cotortd wry., per - ard saving Jeans HColi.rw! -.., ... . T . 1 1 ani eans (we f ur- Ilir) !icr vrr! ti.lorH.l fnliH 1"- jam. aving with warp - illic an 1 U".-.vir..":.V. ?a-F:at,Ue!,irHrr "U V -lu- F, l?J $200 t milling Custom ngi ustom to bo cuiored., i,er ard. 12 cents e w: Hi ;7 i-5 change fur goods lc .n washed wool free r . . rry .vool wo v. ill make - u a we thmk to be fair iin their wool worked at u d not grease it, as we ihe greane off before we We make no charge for x-ept rolls, lor which we s.vnt per lo. - freight on all wool sent 1 ii exceeding ten pounds, r trove n into goods i Ivv. S. B A. Lib f'U- t.) (-, i - hiving vour own name Xvrn t.-ii on tag, or paek-n-l l-istructions and bill of i 1,1 f-l' these directions we can of all shipments and be of 10 you m tracinfir lost Dackaees -t-. i Pi: 8 discrepancies. ALLIANCE PRICE LIST. All prices (riven In this list are subject to change without notice. In case of decline, you get the benefit of it; If prices go hegher, jou pay the advance. In placing orders through the State Business Agency members are buying direct from dealers or manufacturers, through their own hired agent. This Agency is not In any way liable for losses, freight, taxes, dam ages or anything else of that nature. Orders are placed exactly as sent in, and there our re sponsibility ceases. We are liable on'y for errors made in this office, and for such will make due reparation, but beyond this we as sume no responsibility. In case of lost goods, or any other delay or dissatisfaction, we will take pleasure in rendering any assistance we can toward getting matters righted. Prices on anything not quoted in this list will be given on application. All orders must have upon them the seal of the Alliance. Seals furnished delivered at $1.50 each. Please write plainly, stating postofflce and shipping point, giving the line on which your station is located, unless it is a well-known point, and if a prepay station so state. Baking Powder Perfect, lbs, per dozen, Phila Perfect, 1-2 lbs, per doz. Perfect, 1-4 lbs, per doz, " Coffee 00 00 50 Fancy old green Java, Choice green Laguayra, Prime green Rio, Rio Peaberry, Choice green Maracaibo, Fancy green Rio, Good green Rio, Extra choice green Rio, Phlla 271-2 20 17 3-4 20 1-2 21 1-2 44 20 1-4 17 1-4 19 1-4 18 44 21 " 19 1 2 Common green Klo, I OrrHnarv roasted Rio. 22 14 ArtuckTes Ariosa. 100 in case. Norfolk 21 70 21 80 21 90 " 36 " Fancy Rio green ....19 1-2 ....18 1-2 ....17 1-2 ....16 1-2 nuice Fair Com'n . . .... 1 i 1 -11 I r-. . T I TDJ D1V- M ltfCrt& Diaaiug iur. Aula ia wuo Good t u j i mini.t m vv v . w - - - - M Cheese th. SZS&m iatiecZm- & rt state, per lb, PMU , Small cheese 20-50 lbs, Norfolk 11 1-2 Cakes and Crackers Bbl Box. Assorted cakes. Phlla 71-2 51-2 5 1-2 51-2 51-2 71-2 Butter cracken Coffee biscuit. Js ic-nacs. -v- v uw i . i -v 51-2 Orders not filled for less than barrel or box. Weight of barrel, 55 to 60 lbs, box 20 to 30 lbs. Candy Stick candy. 2001bbbls. per " .... ' 6 6 1-2 51-2 6 SticK candy, 30 lb pails, per .... Fine mixtures, 200 lb bbls, per pound zo lb boxes, per Flour- Golden sheaf, patent, per bbl, Ph Ila. ....... $4 40 Pomona patent. 4 20 3 85 4 00 patent. Norfolk 4 75 mily. 4 50 4 40 Raleigh 4 75 5 00 Gulden rod 2d patent. White wonder 1st patent. Fish- White fish fob Philadelphia, per 100 lbs. . 3 75 Lye Ke stone. 4 dozen in case, per case. Phila 2 50 Gloucester ball potash, per case, " 2 60 Star, iNorrolK Mendleson's Lye, ' Star ball potash. 3 50 3 16 3 00 Lard Pure leaf lard, tierces, Richmond.... 7 6 3-4 47 8 Red label, pure lard, tierces. Refined lard (stan'd.) tierces. . . . . . . . Relative prices various size pkgs: 60 lb plain tubs 1-8 over tierces 80 lb rancy tubs 1-4 " 5-8 " 1-4 " 3-8 " " 3-4 " 7-8 " " lo " 20 lb wooden pails 50 lb tins, 2 in case 201b " 4 101b " 6 51b " 12 31o " 20 ... i Meats- Dry salt short rib sides. Richmond, 8 Dry salt extra short clears ' Dry salt heavy fat backs... Dry salt short ba ks 6 50 6 38 6 50 6 00 11 0 11 50 Mess pork, per bbl " Morgan pork Smoked meats Sugar cured hams, average about 10 lbs Sugar cured hams, average about 12 Jbs 11 7H Sugnr c'r.ed California h'ms 8 to 10 'bs Sugar cured breakfast b'c'n 4 to 5 lbs Molasies Fancy Porto Rico. Phlla. 20 f "hoice Porto Rico, 18 Kant v Uuba. " VX) Fancy New Orleans, " ..29 rancy 1'onee, ISortoik... zl ( jrie porto Rico, Norfolk and Raleigh. 20 18 No 121 forto Kico, New crop Cuba, A No 1, Wilmington 27 U 'n 9 21 14 C NO 3', Lamp Oils (f. o. b.) 115 deg, Richmond and Norfolk, I 9 1-2 10 1-2 11 11 1-2 12 Aladdin sec oil, Pratt's astral oil. Red illuminat ing oil, ' Carnadinered oil, Baltimore, l-2c lower 115 deg oil Raleigh, 11 Alaadin sec oil " 12 1-2 Red illuminating oil " 13 Pratt'? astral oil " 13 1-2 Carnadine red oil " 14 ' Whole Spices and Pepper Whole allspice, by the bag Phila, 7 Whole pepper, by the bag " 61-2 " less quantities " 7 Norfk 8 Ral'gh 7 1-2 Ground Spices and Pepper Pure pepper, lbs, 30 ib boxes, per lb, Phlla,12 Pure allspice, lbs, 30 lb boxes, per lb " 13 Rice-. Fancy head, per lb. Best grits, bbl.... Good, . Choice Japan , Phila, 5 1-2 " 5 " 4 1-2 Norfk 5 1-2 Sugar Best white soft A, per 100 lb Phila, Extra V yellow, bright " 3 94 Extra C white, standard 4 Stanrard, powdered " 4 Standard A, white, tonf't'rs. " Patent cut loaf ' 18 94 4V$ AH 4S6 31 90 Standard granulated Granulated . Norfk (Confectioners Franklin B California B . Keystone XL. Syrup: White maple drips, Philadelphia 21 14 24 25 13 24 19 14 18 20 2 25 28 30 White honey " Fancy golden " ' Sugar drit, pure sugar " Fancy tugar syrup, Norfolk, Gofi New Crop Jamaica, " teugtr syrup, Raleigh, ( Vanilla drips. White clover drips " Orange syrup, ' Soda: Baking so-la, lb. packages, 60 lb boxes. perib, Philadelphia Baking soda In kegs 113 lbs. loose. 41-2 21-2 21-2 per lb.. Philadelphia Kegs, 112 lbs, Norfolk Starch: Glos-s 43 lb3. in box, per lb., Phil- Laundrv, 40 lbs., loose. " 51-2 4 ' 51-4 33-4 Com, 45 lbs, in box, per lb., ' Large lump, NorfolK Soap: Barnes' Ne-.v South 5oap, wrapped, per box 100 package,, Philadelphia Barnes New South Soap, unwrapped, per boy. Philadelphia Barnes' Best Washing, per box Octagon. 100 3-4 lb. bars. Nonolk 1 85 1 75 3 50 3 90 3 00 ure uiive. 1' 0 1 lb. bars, " Monday, 100 lb. bars. Syrup and Molasses (f. o. b. Baltimore) Hbbl. 2c per gal., 5 and 10 gaL kegs 5c. per gau Aoove ddi. prices. Syrup A 10 B 17 C! 19 Orange 27 Silver Drip 26 Molasses Fancy Ponce P. R 31 Aucibo. 2o Muscavado Cuba 16 Orange Grove, N. C 27 Salt: 100 lbs. Burlaps fine Amer., Wilmington, 200 Liverpool, 180 " " 44 2Q0 224 " Factory filled Dairy. " Tobacco Barnes' New South, Philadelphia. 36 61 57 41 27 Good Uheer, " Our Ideal, Big Chew, 29 28 30 18 33 Pilot Mountain, N. C. Pilot Hustler, 9-in. 53, 10, 20, 40-lbs Lillie Brown, 9-in. 5s. 10, 20. 40-lbs Little Et ta, 9-in. 4a, 10, 20, 40-lbs 25 Honest. Frank. 9-ln. 4s. 10. 20-lbS oo 4srbraker?.v.v:::::::: Lillie Brown, d in. Oxford, N. C. Alliarce Sweet, 10-pound cad. 20 " Sun Cured, " Mahogany, 30 30 LEAF IN HAJBTD Common 5 to 6 Good 9H to 10 Extra. 11 to Mi Harness and Saddles- Single Buegy Harness: 5.70, 7.13, 8.08, 9.50, 10 93, Double Buggy Harness: 17.40, 19.00, 23 75. 28 50, Single Wagon Harness: 5.70, 6.42, 7.13, 7.60, 9.50. Dnnbla Waeron Harness: 11.40. 13 3U. 14 25. 17.1U, Sirgle Wagon Breeching: 2.14, 2.38, 2.85, 3.33, 3 80 Donble Watron Breeching: 2M. 3.80, 4.75, 6.18 Riding Saddles: 2.38, 3.33, 4.28, 4.75, 5.70, 7.13, 8 55. Collars, Each: 75-., 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Wagon Bridles: 75c, 1.00. 1 25, 1.50, Riding bridles; 75c, 1.00, 1 25, 1.50. Collar Pads, Each: 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c. Hook Hames: 35c, 50c, 75c. Halters: 25c. 50c. 75c. 1.00. Horse Blankets, Horse Sheets, Lap Robes, Lap Dusters, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Wagon Buggy and Riding Whips, Harness Oil, Dress ing and Soap. All the above at reasonable prices. Seeps (p. o. b.) Richmond, Va. Cotton bags for clover charged extra 20c. Clover: Crimson i?2 80 per bus. Prime Red o bo Choice Red. . . 6 10 Mammoth or Sapling 6 25 Lucern or Alfalta 12 per lb. Alsike 15 Japan 4 50 perbu?. Bags included except for Timothy extra 20 Grass: Choice Timothy 2 75 " 45 lbs. Prime Red Top or Herds ... 60 " 10 Fancy " " ' .... 15 per lb. Prime Orchard Grass....... 2 00 per bus. 14 Choice 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 40 1 85 14 tt Bromos Inermls.. 14 14 14 11 14 Extra Clean Ky. Blue. Fancv Kentucky Tall Meadow Oat Fine Lawn Grass 2 25 Peas Canada Field 1 20 Qut en of Carolina, 2-oz...'. 25 Oats (prices include bags): White Spring, bagged Black 45 per bus. 45 50 50 55 65 65 Red Rust Proof. Prime Virginia bagged Choice Virginia bagged Winter Bye... . .Barley... Winter, "Winter! Bagging 21b. new jute .5 14 lb. new jute ....5 2J4 lb. new jute 6 The above delivered where freight from Wil mington does not exceed 16c. per 100 lbs Over plus of freight to be added to the price when shipments to points are over the 16c. rate. Old Bagging 2 1b... K 211 lb 5 Delivered in any portion of North Carolina In carle ad lots, J4c. less DRY GOODS. (F. O. B. Raleigh ) Bleached Domestics ri on a j 5 5 6 6-M VjULUIUUU w - ....,, Monroe Mills 4-4 , Barker " 4-4 , Fruit of the Loom 4-4 Masonville 4-4. Unbleached Domestic Larchmott. 1 yd. wide 4 5& King of All. 1 yd. wide Webster A A, H xd. wide. Webster A A. 1 yd. wide. . . Graham A A A, 1 yd wide.... White Star A A, 1 yd. wide, heavy Arista Mills, 1 yd. wide, extra heavy,..., Ginghams Caraleigh Mills Climax Zephyrs Kilbernie Checks Fancy Dress Styles 5 to Calico Lodi Shirtings Central Park Shirting American Dress Styles 4 to Plaids 4H 4Hi 5 6& m 4 5H 23-inch N. C. 25 inch " 27-inch " Plaids. 4Mi m 8 (extra heavy). Southern Silk . , Good Cheviot. . , Best Grades. . . . .. ....... .7J6 to Pant Goods Belmont Cottonades. Gray Lock ' . Buckeje " . "a 12 13 Dundee Gibralta Warren (8 oz. Double and Twist). Tickings- Mattress Ticking.. Feather 7i to 9 11 to 21 Buttons Bone o liar bet tons (per grogs). . . . Ivory " ' 45 35 35 85 vvaah Uress Pant buttons. G G. 1 hread J & Coats , (per doz.). ... 45 20 45 20 16 14 Glazed 200 yds). " (500 yas) ttall Otton (2 lbs. in box). . . .(per lb.) Knitting Cotton 16 oz. pkg.)..(per pkg.).... (14 oz. pkg.).. HARDWARE. (F.O. B. Raleigh.) Hauies No. 2 1-2 Hook, iron-bound, per doz f 3 00 g . ... 16 " brass knobs. 2 85 - 6 00 Plow Lines Cotton, with snaps, 33 feet long, doz Ma iras Hemp with snaps, 33 feet 1 85 1 85 FENCE WIRE- In 500 nonn.1 lots. Less quantity 10c. per 100 pound hi her. Plain Wire. DUt ud in rolls of 140 pounds. Barbed Wire, put uo in rolls of -100 pounds eacu. Five pounds totaples to the roll at 4c. per pound. Galv barbed from stock, per 100 lbs.... 3 00 ' factory " ' " 2 60 Plain Wire, Not Galvanized, From Mill: Nos. 6 to 9. 1 70 per huru Nos. 10 to 11 1 80 " N03. 12 and 12HJ 1 95 " N os. 12 and 14. 2 05 " No. 16 2 45 " Plain Wire, Galvanized! From Mill: Nos. 6 to 9 ...2 ttS " - - rsos. 10tol2U 2 20 Nos 12 and 12$ Nos. 13 and 14 . . 30 2 45 aVO. 10... ........2 80 " Poultry Netting Put up in rolls of 150 running feet, full rolls ?-c. less than Tirina nnotfd below. 2 inch mesh, 36 in. wide, for running foot. 2 la i . 48 t tt .. .. 4 Buck Thorn Fencing Wire, per pound 4J4- 3 t I Back Bands o wuu nooks, per doz. 7o 3 1-3 inch, with hooka, per doz. 85 Webbing 4 111 ... No. 0. 3 1-2 inch, per 100 feet 2 1. 3 1-2 t Single Trees ! 50 75 Common, with hooks or rings, per doz.. .xtra quality, hooks or rings, per doz. . Plow Handles Unfinished, straight, 1-horse, per doz. . . Clevises 1 50 2 50 1 75 2 Loop, per doz 2 Loop Ston vea fi tUVi " 65 65 90 QT-.T liUii , . . Buckets 2 hoop, painted, 3 " 2 " brass-bon per doz 1 20 1 35 1 80 2 00 3 - Horseshoes AU sizes, per kez 3 25 3 75 Mule snoes, " Horseshoe Nulla-. i....... a. ...... fbifperb8" an(i by the'of'25 Tobocco Fluos 101-2 151-2 Best m Grub Hoes- No. 1 per doz 3 50 Mattocks- Cutter, per doz 4 05 Bush Hooks- Best, No. lt per doz , 9 00 Pitch Forks- No. 21, thimble, per doz. 3 00 3 25 3 50 4 20 - 23 strap, " 24. " t " 124, strap and lock cap! per doz!!!!!! Shovels- All right Steele, No. 2, per doz 5 50 H. & Co., teel. No. 2. Der doz 7 50 7 00 3 50 tmver, per aoz Ray, No. 2, per doz Plow Bolts 1x3-8. per 100 65 70 80 90 95 00 1 1-4x3-8 1 1-2x3-8 tt tt 2x3-8 2 1-2x3-8 3x3-8 Cotton Rope White, per lb... 11 09 Medium white. Farm Bells- No. 1 (40 lbs from stock . . . . , 1 20 1 50 2 25 3 00 2 (50 lbs), " " ..... 3751bs " .... x . . . . Cauldrons (or Kettles)- 20 gallons 4 00 4 50 6 50 9 00 30 4.5 60 Hame Strings 5-8 inch, knotted, per doz 3-4 inch, " 75 85 Blacksmith Bellows 30 Inch 5 25 5 50 32 " Grindstones, per lb 13-4 Axe Handles 36 inch, straight, per doz , 85 Plow Traces 6 1-2, 8, 3, per doz pairs 3 00 7. 8. 3, 3 50 7. 10, 2. 4 00 4 50 7, 12. 2. Axes Axes, best, 41-2 to 5 1-2 lbs, per doz... t. tt ... 00 50 good, Hoes 'Bolles" Cotton Hoes: 7, 76, 8 and 8V inch. per dozen 2 50 Nails From mills in 5 keg lots. Less quantity 30 cents per keg higher, from Raleigh. 3d headed 3 0 3 0 2 &5 2 70 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 3 00 2 85 2 75 2 75 4d l 6d " 8d " lOd 13d " 20d " 301 M 40d " 60d " 6d finish 8d " lOd " 12d Plow- No. 8, F F, f o. b., Greensboro. 3 00 2 25 1 20 2 50 No. 7, " NO. 5. " No. 11, Dixie, " Rov " 1 1 o 2 3 1 15 75 75 75 00 85 21-2 3 Castings for above, per 100 lbs. icew Era. or Granger, iNoriolk. Girl Champion, No. A Champion, " Climax & S rone wall, ' Turn Plow Castings, Cotton " Double Shovel Plows $1.75 and $2.00; i. e., $1 75 for the South ern nattern. and 2 00 for the Malta. Steel for same, immitation Genuine 5 51-4 MASON'S FRUIT JARS. (F. O. B., Philadelphia, Pa.) Porcelain-lined, quarts, per gross 8 8 00 ..10 00 V6-gal.. " 8 dozen quarts in a box. 6 dozen & gal. in a box. No charge for package or drayage. (F. O. B., Raleigh, N. C.) Quarts pr doz 85 00 si gaiion per aoz. . . TIN TOP JELLY GLASSES. pint, tin tcp covered Jellies (1H gross in barrel) $2 75 6-pint, tin top covered Jellies (1 gross in barrel) w Charge for packing, 35 cents. We cannot ecarantee these prices on Jars any length of time, as they are liable to advance any day. There have been several advances already. Binding Twine 6?4 7 OiScLl pel fvuuji( Standaid, per pouud. Corn Shellers Single spout sheller and separator 5 75 Double spout plain 1150 Double spout plain with separator 14 5 Clinton or common 3 60 Lancaster, with coo separator o t Black Hawk corn shelter va Favorite " " 5 00 Bwkeye. " " & w Kuckeye Junior corn 1 neuer sr Daisy corn exieiiers ami bepa.ra.tor Reliance corn shellers and separators.... 5 50 6 0() 75 4 75 8 00 11 50 13 00 3 25 11 Wi 11 50 11 00 11 50 Fan for either, extra.. . . Cotton and Corn Planters rv-w pnttnn nlanter Improved t oster cotton planter. . . Keystone corn piauwis, With rertiiizer anatuiuuui., Dow Law cotton planters. . . . p'nstpr cotton planters 1 ...... Sm. Centennial corn planters . . . . Mdinm Centennial corn planters 1 . . . Sinclair c .rn planters Feed Cutters (f. o. b. factory) Telegraph No. 4 11 00 13 50 9 00 9 50 10 00 2 50 ii Baldwin o. 1 . ; . Daisy prop, cutters, 6-in. knives . . . Improved section cutters S-mith S patent icv ci ouon ww-' - t. .. K I an pa Hairows (f. o. b. factory) Clark's cutaway New Englann cutaway a No. 6 cutaway Rival. 16 in, 12 disk.... 22 JW 22 50 24 50 22 0 17 50 19 00 14 00 10 00 11 00 6 50 7 00 8 00 8 50 All steel spring tootn, 10 teeth . r. t. . tt ia .t . reversible S. ar d D.. 56 teeth Two section xunge, o teeth . .. 50 " . it Trtvrlo. nil flnnnra I.Kn.aa lum j J -1 in j l .............. Double v , l-norse, lo teeth " " 3 44 23 Cultivators (f. o. b. factory) Iron Age No. 2 , ,,,,, 2 75 3 00 3 25 11 00 13 00 22 00 Iron Age special, steel frame. Fig. 1 angular frame. Fig. 2... No. L H-xterminator, X. o. b, St. Johns, Mich........ jjo. 4. Exterminator, f. o. b. St. Johns, Mich In vigor ator, f. o. b. St. Johns, Mich Harrison Cultivator, xtw.o. , angle: will take any gunn- o plow for cultivating nyS 'nt80 time. Price. f.o.bT Cary, crder m Cyclone Seeder , 1 7o For Spraying 50 GlTOlUb.f!?...TOpr' P Sprayers (f . o. b. Ix)ckport, N.' y!)- Perfection, iron working parts . . en Phiam1pesEmpir wor p!!!!!! ? oo Junior Empire, brass " f 59 Perfection, " A. Double Empire, " " tt 7 00 Phillips, 00 Garfield Knapsacks, all copper and brass. 8 50 tator "!Mnatto Z Little Gem. all brass , All parts quoted on application.' Lenox sprayer, f. o, b. Pittsfleld, Mass. . . . 3 50 !SS? delierea railroad station in North Carolina. W arranted for ten veara Prices including instruction book sin A stool): u Stle 30. Parlor f m m tt 50 00 40U, 54 QO " 100, 6 octave 67 m - 20, Chapel ;. 47 00 la. 65 00 PIANOS (delivered at any R. R. Station In North Carolina) Style 1, Upright $154 15 - " 3, 44 165 31 " 3, " 176 00 " 4. " 197 36 Sewing Machines, Cincinnati, Ohio: V i.fz.- Improved Farmers' Alliance with full set attachments and automatic bobbin winder. All latest improvements, fine ly finished, first-class in every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for E 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready for immediate use Price, freight paid o any railroad station in North Caro lina $ 19 50 A number of valuable improvements have rec ntly been added to the Farm ers Alliance machine, and it will here after be known as the improved Farm ers' ALiance. and will be supplied at the same price. Any machine not en tirely satisfactory after ten days' trial can be returned to the factory and money paid will be refunded. In ordering sewing machine suppTles. be sure to send old parts for samples. When ordering needle, also specify sizes desired, as well as to send sam ples. We give you below a list of net Drices. viz.: Needles, pr doz Shuttles, each Bobbins, per doz Kufflers, each Tuckers Hemmers, sets BUGGIES (No. 501 B. Corning Bodv. and No. 501 A, Piano Body) Price Prie Grade. . with top. without top. L B," 43 09 35 39 R,"..... 48 79 39 90 Champion," 53 82 44 99 W," 59 24 49 07 Premium," 95 00 72 92 Dimensions as follows: Body, 20 inches wide. Axles. 13-16 Incl . Body, 50 inches long. Wheels, 94 in r tread. Track, 4 feet 4 inches. .Elliptic Spl liigS. Average weight, top, craUd 456 lbs. Average open 400 lbs Note 9 We furnish opn buggies in "Cham pion." 44 W." and "Premium" grades with full lazy back. Onen lazy back furnished on L P" and 4 R" grades. No. 40, grade D, top, piano box 40 38 No. 48. grade B, top, piano box 49 88 No. 48. grade A. top. piano box. 54 63 No. 48. grade D, open , 34 20 No. 48. grade C open 38 00 No. 160. grade B, top, piano box 52 25 See Catalogue for other styles. Road Carts Ocala (f. o. b., Cary, N. C.) 12 6t Ball bearing. (f. q. b Cincinnati, O.), 12 51 No. 400. Our Cart. ... I . 1Q Ef V 44 14 2h 44 13 15 44 23 6f No. First National No 2. Second National u Winner Phaeton 44 OCALA "-THE ONLY "Plii,, L AT FOB M oH These Wagons are made by Alllancemen for the Alliance trade, and are supplied to the South era States. Every wagon is guaranteed for twelve months. Prices are as low a consistent wiuJ good work. All shipments f. o. b., Cary, N. C. One-horse, 214 inch thimb'e skein $22 50 One-horse, 2 1-2 inch thimble skein 24 75 Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein 32 50 Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein. 37 50 Ith hn-r IwH in wanted add 2.50. If bed and seat are not wanted, deduct for bed $2.50. for seat $L00, Two-horse Dump Carta with Patent Adjustable Saddles and Yoke $42 50 Ocala Road Carts..... 60 Market Report August c 50 05 Grapes, per lb . . Grapes Cone j.d, per lb. ... j 4' 44 5 lb... . : Grapes Ives, per lb i 44 10 ib Grapes, Delaware, per lb 10 lb. .. Watermelons Watermelon0, ier 100 i Cantaloupes, per crate ; Cantaloupes, p r barrel j Peaches, 1 bu bak-t. choice.. . choi e, 4 baket crate. 1 Apples, per crate. New apples, per barrel 2 to 3 10 to 15 0 to 60c 1 1 25 to 50c i 60c 40 to 50c Cucumbers, per bushel. . , per basket. . , Cabbage per barrel 'ft Pears, per barrel 1 - .... Onions, per bus. 50 to 60 - Onions, per barrel , L 25, I 50 1 25, 1 Potatoes Peerles,per barrel. 1 25, 1 40 Rose, c Milium 44 Potatoes, swter, red per bbl . ! 75c yeiiow, per odi, Eggs colce per doz j lo to 11 j Chickens-Live, fcroile? s, pair. live, each 12Hto lo . live, per It ' - I- Shoulders N. C I 8 to 9c j. Hams N. C IJOto 10?;. Side N.C to 9. Tomatoes, bushel .....i. .Cook Stoves (f . o. b. Greensboro, N. C.) 1 'r5' I No. 7, 18-in oven Carolina, with ware.,.. 10 00 No. 8. 20-In 44 44 44 nc 0 7, 20-in 11 oq Fire backs for above ! ! ! 25 Ke sure to state exact number and she of oven. The following ware goes with each stove above: Straight Pot. 1 Bulged Pot. 2 Bread Pans, 1 lea Kettle. 1 Long Frying Pan, 1 Round Fry 1 inS ?a41-1 Gl -iddle, 1 Elbow. 3 Joints of Pipe. 1 P Covers and Lifters. Every stove cuar I .an teed. . Box Heiting Stoves 18 Inches 20 (f. o, b. Greensboro) 2 23 2 75 3 00 25 44 28 44 30 44 " t. 31 44 34 44 44 36 44 44 44 Pipe per joint 44 44 ! A No. tzo incu siove. witn a firnm nn ft thai for. that would heat a room 30x40 all right. Cider Mills, with press- No 0, Hutchenfcon No. 1, E' celsior Junior Excelsior Medium Excelsior Senior 16 00 Cane Mills Price, with and without furnace and evaporator pan, delivered (Galvanized Steel): No. 11, one-horse 21 01 N' 12, one-horse, large 28 00 No. 13, two-horse , 43 qq No. 14, two-horse, large '.. 60 08 No. 11, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 12 60 No. 12, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 14 00 No. 13, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 17 60 No. 14, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 21 00 No. 11, evaporator pan, with furnace 25 20 No. 12, evaporator pan, with furnace 28 06 No. 13, evaporatot pan, with furnace 85 00 No. 14, evaporator pan, with furnace 42 00 Roofing All kinds of iron, tin and felt roofing at low prices. Write for catalogue. PRICE LIST OF GUANO For the North Carolina Alliance for 1895. I g i 2 2 5 M a q S tS 6 21.00 20.00 20.00 2LO0 21.25 20.25 20.25 2L25 22 40 2L40 2L40 22.40 23.25 22.26 22.35 23.25 r 12.00 12.00 12.00 U.08 13.00 13.00 13.00 12J00 30.00 30 00 32.50 32.50 , 33.50 33.50 ON CARS AT53F- N.C.Alliance Gu ano. May 1, '95. N.C.Alliance Gu ano, July 1, '95, N.C.Alliance Gu ano,Nov. 15,95, N.C.Alliance Gu ano. Mar 1,'96, N.C. Acid Phos- phate.Mayl.o N. C. Acid Phos phate.Nov.15,'95 Plant and Truck Cash ..... Plant and Truck Aug. 1, 95 Plant and Truck Nov. 15, '95 25 85 25 60 35 20 .Standard Acid Phosphate $1 per ton less than : the Alliance Official Acid Phosphate. Progressive Farmer Guano, $2 per ton leatt than the Alliance Official Guano. All the above prices are for lots of ten tons or more on cars at points named. Any quantity less than ten tons will be $1 per ton higher than tSe above prices. Kainit, t. o. b. Norfolk, per ton 11 OCT Prepared Agr'l Lime and Land Plaster: Land Plaster, car loard lot f . o. b. Rich mond, per ton 800 Land Plaster, less car load lot f. o. b. Rich mond, per ton 8 60 Land Plaster, less car load lot f . o. b. Nor folk, per ton 7 00 Lime, car load lot f . o. b Richmon, per ton, 12 00 44 less car load lot f . o. b Richmond, 12 50 ' Plain shell lime, sacked, L. C. S.. per ton. . . 5 00 " carload, 44 ... 4 KT Cotton-Seed Meal: Cotton-Seed Meal, per ton, car load lot.. .$ 15.51 Cotton-Seed Meal, per ton f. c. b. Ral- eiah, N C. less car load lots 16 53 Linseed Meal, fob, Richmond, per ton.... 28 03 ALLIANCE WAGON M A.DE. One-horse, 1 1-4 Inch iron axle 23 eo One-horse, 1 3-8 inch iron axle. 24 76 Tro-norse. 1 1-2 inch iron axle w Two-horse, 1 3-4 inch iron axle 37 60 two sections, and one spring seat. If brake la 1 1 a. j te r -m. . 01 Vti 15th, 1 895 -Subject to Change. "a 05 S3 S M u o 3 3 G O o S3 8 to 4 "k'to'i' 'eto'T .12 00,16 00 . 1 00. 2 Ht '. i'wrVfr) ), 2 ) . r o for 2i ti " , .5 O '-'0 -Js I K), 3 00 50 to 6- 1 50, 1 75 1 . 1 25 25, 1 fO 2 obTV'.Tb 2 5t l H 00 10 to Hi 2: to 0 . ; - 50 ' ,. '.ZZfiQ te 4 00 4 75 5 00 5 Si e 7 15 8 CO 7 50 8 60 10 50 13 m