P10GKESSIYE Largest Circalx tioa afany Paper in the South At lantic States. pliflt Your Ad Tcrtiscment in gich Soil. TH7 'DUSTEIAL AED EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS OF OUR PEOPLE PARAMOUNT TO ALL OTHER C05SIDERATI0KS OF STATE POLICY. RALEIGH, N. C, NOVEMBER 12, 1895. Vol. 10. No. 40 T0E NATIONAL FARMERS' ALLI ANCE AND INDUSTRIAL UNION. President-J. iTwilletts, Topeka, Vi'ce-President-H. C. Snavely, Leb r-Troasurer-Col. D. P. Dun 5an, Columbia, 8. C. EXECUTIVE BOARD. H L. Loucks, Huron, 8. D. ; Mann Brandon, Virginia; I. E. Dean, Honeoye FaUa, New York; H. C. Dem Secretary, Harrijurg Penayl !5fa; Marion Butler, Raleigh, N. C. JUDICIARY. R. A. Southworth, Denver, Colo. Q. W. Beck, Alabama. M. D. Davie, Kentucky. i OBTE OABOLINaTIEES7 STATE ALLI ANCE. President - Dr. Cyrus Thompson, v"icnpresident Jno.Grabam,Ridge Wrtar-Treasurer-W. 8. Barnes, T. B. Hoover, Elm City, NBte'ward-Dr. V. N. Seawell, Villa-'chapiaS-Rev. P. H. Massey, Dur-Tcirper--Geo. T. Lane, Greens-b)istaSDoor-keeper-Ja3. E. Lyon, DratCArxns-A. D. K. Wallace, teB2NiST. Ivey, Ral- 81usteBusinesa Agency Fund-W. Graham, Machpelan, N. C lXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE NORTH CABOLINA FARMERS' STATE ALLIANCE. A F. Hileman, Concord, N. C. ; N. C. English, Trinity, N. C. ; James M. ifewborne, Kins on, N. C. 8TATX ALLIANCE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. John Graham, Gatesville, N.C. ; Dr. J.F. Harrell, Whiteville, N. C; T. J. Candler, Acton, N. C. Korth Carolina Reform Pre Association. Oncers J. L. Ramsey, President; terion Butler, Vice-President; W. S. Samea, Secretary, papers. Pnzresalve Farmer. State Organ, R&ete. N. C. Caucasian, di v j n rvwzrv Hickory, N. C attler Will takers, JN. U. SEl Beaver Dam. N. C. The Populist, Lnmberton, jn. C. Tie People's Paper, . Charlotte, N. C. The Vestibule, ' Concord, N. C. The Plow- Boy. Wadesboro, N . C. Carolina Watchmac, baiisbury, . C Each of the above-named papers are nquesteato keep the list standing on 'lie first page and add others, provided Aey are duly elected. Any paper fail ing to advocate the Ocala platform will ie dropped from the list promptly. Our wple can now see what papers are uilished in their interest. AGEICULTUKE. Those who keep but one cdw nd save the cream until a sufficiency has accumulated for a churning will not succeed in making choice butter, as it is a mistake to mix tne oia ana new cream. This is a fact that is irequenuy overlooked, and has been tne cause or more failures than anything else. The Russian thistle has moved a lit tie closer to the East, and it is simply a matter of time when it will be estab lished on the Atlantic coast. The rail road cars bring the seeds and scatter them along the lines. Good cultivation destroys it. It is not as severe a pest as the gypsy moth or the potato beetle. The large varieties of beet have very few leaves in proportion to their size. These leaves make a valuable feed for cowa and hogs, but must be used quick ly, as they are very succulent, and de cay quickly if left in heaps. The leaves are succulent rather than nutritious, and ought always to be fed with grain and other dry fed with grain and other dry feed. They are as good as the beets -m 1 A. 1 to lacrease the milk now wnne iney last Tne Jer?evs in this country are grad ually iricrea-inc in size, even when the breed is kpt Dure This is not due so much to t ter feed, as to the fact that m this country where the Jersey IS I Kist grown, the heifers do not begin to treed as early es they do in th( ri;. cliin-ue of the channel islands Vv ita increase o s"ze will come greater Vib"-r of constitution, which will re fcove one of the principal objections to kis breed of cows. All farmers' wives know that the from apple trees, especially from the twigs and branches Druned, i3 very rich in potash. The same is true of stone fruits, such as the neach or plum, Te reason, apparently, is that the tree 1:1 fruitiDR makes large demands on tiie root for potash, and that the annual growth ig made up from what if left 0ver of the same kind of sap. Young Iruit trees that have never borne have Doteo much potash, tbiough 'they all avemore th&.n trees rnwn in dense I0feets. THE C VER SEED CROP. There h Deen considerable clover seed saved through Western North Carolina the past season, but nearly all the seed saved in that section contains a considerable quantity of weed seed, principally plairitain, which makes the seed practically unmerchantable. The farmers of this section will realize now the desirability of sowing clean clover seed. If this had been done, they would have obtained a much better price for their present crop. Some sections of North Carolina have long been notorious for the low grades of seed bought by its merchants to supply their customers, and the pres ent experience of seme of these farm era is a practical lesson that will have its results in causing them to be more careful in the quality of seed they sow in the future. "As a man sows, so shall he reap." Southern Planter. When a cow is dry she should not receive heavy rations of grain. Hay and fodder, with a small proportion of bran, is better than concentrated food, as such cows are non producers, and if fed too heavily will become fat, a con dition which is not very favorable at the calving period, milk fever often re suiting when the cow is too fat from overfeeding. DIGESTIBILITY OF HAY. In the consumption of hay and clover there is, perhaps, under ordinary cir cumstances, a less proportion digested and so rendered available in the growth or fattening of animals than is gener ally supposed. This has been pretty clearly demonstrated in a series of di gestion experiments that have been conducted at the Maine station. The composition of the hay is given as fol lows: Protein compounds, 5 91; crude fibre, 28.89; nitrogen free extract, 47.41 and fat. 2 67. Of the above there is, under ordinary circumstances digested protein compounds, 2 7; crude fibre, 12 4; nitrogen free extract. 27 9, and fat, 1.4. By the above it appears that only about one half of the nutritive, prin ciples of timothy are digested. In the case of clover hay the result is very nearly the same, the only difference of any amount being in the fact that clover hay furnishes about twich as much of protein compounds as the timothy. Assuming that 3,875 pounds of timothy is cut from an acre, there will be digested 1,016 pounds of protein matter, while from an acre of 4,075 pounds of clover hay would be digested 238 2 pounds of protein, with but little difference in the fat and nitrogen free extract. As the protein contains the substance for animal tissue, this is im p0rtant in the feeding of growing and young animals. HOW TO KEEP DAIRY CATTLE UP DURING THE WINTER. Many of our Southern farmers either have not yet learned the importance of the silo, or they are afraid of its cost ; hence the making of ensilage for cattle in winter is with them an untried step in agriculture. It is to this class, especially, that I address the few following remarks on the subject of a winter pasture. My remarks are applicable to rye or barley, so the farmer wisning to follow mv mode of culture can plant either. I prefer rye, possibly because I have grown it more than I have barley. Of course there are other nronn that could be planted for winter pasture for mstance the clovers-but it is now t n late fo orimRnn oiovr anrl to clover will be discussed in another article. My plan is to break the land as early in the fall as possible, with a two-horse plow ; turning under all organic matter nnssihlp in nrlHitinn tn tho monni.n f VUU UiUUUlD scattered broadcast. inasmuch as few of us in the South have barnyard manure enough to go over as large an area as a winter pas ture would require, we have to supple- ment with cotton seed and commercial fertilizers. There are many brands of good fertilizers on the market, and fortunately lor the iarmer, in most States at least, they are worth all that is asked for them. But, according to my e'xperience and observation, most crops would do better with a larger amount of potash than is put m the average fertilizer sold in the market. I do not believe in the prescription theory for soils, but I do believe that some soils and some plants require more of one element to be added in a I fertilizer than others. I find that the following formula works well with the average Southern crop : Cotton seed meal, 750 lbs. ; acid phosphate, 750 lbs, ; and kainit, 500 lbs ; or muriate, 125 lbs., making in all one ton. Apply from 300 to 500 Its. to the acre. For a rye crop in connec tion with manure, I would put on, say 300 lbs., and would apply broadcast,; just after the spring-tooth harrow, or just after the disc harrow, and follow with the smoothing harrow. In other word3, 1 break the land deep with the two horse plow, sow the seed at the rate of one bushel per acre on this rough plowed land, then cover with disc harrow, then sow fertilizer broad cast and follow with a smoothing har row. If the land is cloddy, I would advise rolling or dragging, to finish up with. Either process will pack the ground around the seed and cause them to germinate quicker and make early growth, which is very desirable for a winter pasture. If it is found that the stand is too thick, then a smoothing harrow or a "Z Breed Weeder and Cultivator" can be run over the crop to thin it out. This cul tivation would be a benefit to the crop left, as well as thinning it out. This green crop in the winter will give the cattle a relish for the dry food, and it will have a telling effect on the milk cows, and the calves will be greatly benefited as well. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of fresh, green food for cattle in winter, and the farmer who provides these delicacies for his cattle will be fully repaid. Prof. B. Irby, in Southern Planter. A few inches of dry earth over a pile of fermenting manure will effectually prevent loss of ammonia. This is a much more common cause of loss where manure is piled than is leaching. We doubt whether during summer and until cold weather the piles of manure left out of doors get more rainfall than is good for them. This is especially true of horse manure, which will burn into ashes and lose half of its manurial value if kept where rain cannot reach it. The waste from leaching of manure occurs mainly in winter and early spring, when the melting of snows and heavy rains drench the soil with water. KEEP A RECORD OF WORK. Every farmer is to a great extent a manufacturer, and ought to keep a record of his operations. This is the key to success in any business. But the soil-tiller should attend to some other matters in connection with his accounts. A writer in an exchange suggests that a map of the farm, with each field numbered, and its size, qual ity of soil, etc., specified, will be a great aid in keeping track of the year's trans action. How many farmers have such a guide and convenience? And how many kept such a memoranda the past year as will enable them to tell the expense of each crop grown? And how about the domestic animals? If you keep cows what have they paid you per head in the aggregate? And what of sheep, swine, and even chick ens? How much did each contribute to your income, and which was the most profitable? Those who can answer those perti nent questions must be well advised in regard to their financial position, and need no admonition ; but we fear many are utterly unable to give any detailed account of their farming operations, or whether the balance is on the right or wrong side of the ledger. It is need less to say that such management would soon wreck any commercial en terprise, and hence the frequent com plaint that "farming don't pay" ia not surprising. We would suggest that you keep an accurate accoimt of your doings, and you will not only be wiser, but ere long, richer in consequence. In fact, resolve that you will know how you stand at the close of another year. . This is the time of year when the breeders of fancy poultry are thinning off their flocks and disposing of the surplus. Most beginners in poultry growing and egg production wait until spring, thinking that thus they will save the expense of winter keeping. But the poulterer necessarily charges for thi3, and at higher rates than most private parties would pay if they kept them over winter themselves. There is nothing like buying fancy poultry when it ia most plentiful. It ia a good time, therefore, for farmers who have kept mongrel poultry to sell it all off and begin with a few of the very best. From a single trio bought now the flock may be increased next year to any extent desired. NITRATES IN THE SOIL. As soil fertility is of so much moment to farmers, and as the productiveness of a soil is directly proportional to the amount of nitrates which it contains, and the facilities or favorable con ditions offered for the conversion of organic nitrogen into nitrates, the sub ject of nitrification becomes one of prime importance to agriculturists. Nitre or saltpetre is a compound of nitrogen which represents the form of combination in which nitrogen must be, in order that plants may use it as food. The organic nitrogent of the soiV as well as that contained in such fertilizer materials as cotton seed meal, castor pomace, dried blood, fish scrap, and tankage must be converted into nitrate of ammonia salts before plants can use it as food. All nitrates are formed through the instrumentality of small microdemes or living organisms, which require cer tain conditions for proper growth and development. They require (1) air or oxygen, (2) a due amount of moisture, (3) a proper temperature, 98 degrees to 100 degrees F, being best, (4) phosphates and other ash ingredients of plants, (5) a mild alkali such as carbonate of lime, (6) organic matter containing nitrogen, and (7) shade is also favorable to their development. The germs themselves are in greater or less numbers in all cultivated soils, and in order for a soil to furnish the conditions mentioned above, it must be loose and porous, so as to admit the air freely to it ; it should be well drained and have good capillary action, so that at all times it will as near as possible have that moisture about it which is present when ground plows well, as this is the degree of moisture most de sirable, and it should have plenty of organic matter in it to furnish nitrogen and favorably influence the supply of water. Soils deficient in the nitric ferment germ are barren, while those which furnish conditions favorable for a nitre bed, conditions such as have been given above, are always fertile. Prof.W. L. Hatchinson, in Southern Farm Gazette. It is generally said that the potato is exclusively a native of the Western continent, whence it was introduced into Europe about three hundred years ago. But the Chinese had the potato growing long before the discovery of America by Columbus. It is still found growing wild on the borders of Tartary, and in the western provinces of China the potato is as much a staple food as rice is in the eastern portions of the Empire. It seems certain that the po tato was indigenous to both hemi spheres, though it was unknown in Europe until it was introduced by Sir Walter Raleigh. THE PRESERVATION OF VEGE TABLES. As ordinarily kept, the root crops of the garden soon become shrivelled, and lose their flavor, or in some cases become "pithy" and "woody." TUis can to some extent be remedied if they are packed away in the fall in dry sandy soil. While the Shrivelling is for the most part prevented, the flavor suffers to a considerable extent. Per haps the best material in which to pack them, and one that is unequalled in re taining the vegetables in their normal condition is found in the leaves of most of our forest and shade trees. Oak leaves are rather thick and coarse, but those of the maple, elm, poplar and other trees answer well. As they drop in the fall, they should be gathered and used at once. If allowed to become drv it will be well to rake them into Diles. and either wet them down, or leave them until wet by rain. As soon as the excess of water has drained off they can be used. Dry leaves will an swer if the vegetable room is damp. The vegetables should be packed in alternate layers in the leaves, in either bins or boxes. Onions, like other bulbs, can be easily preserved if kept dry, and although, if this is observed, they will stand a con 8iderable range of temperature, it is desirable that they have a temperature of from 35 to 45 negrees. When in a damp room they start readily, espe cially if at a high temperature, and as spring approaches the buds start even if kept comparatively cool. Care should be taken not to store onions in too large bulk, -and to prevent heating they should be in shallow bins or in crates. Although considerable .trouble ia ex perienced with the preserving winter squashes, they are among the easiest vegetables to carry through the winter. One source of trouble ia that they are often left too long on the vines and subjected to severe frosts. Even if not quite ripe it is best to gather them (if the vmes are thick it is generally safe to risk one frost) and place them in some sunny spot where they can be covered at night. When freezine weather comes they should be carried to the house, and, unlike most of the other vegetables, should be placed in the warmest and driest place at hand. If one has a furnace and the squashes are packed around it, there will be lit tle danger of their not keeping, even if no more than half grown. The sweet potato is another vegetable that does not withstand a low tempera ture. They can c f ten be bought cheaply in the fall and can be preserved, if packed in boxes, between layers of dry leaves and kept where the temperature does not fall much below 60 degrees. It is generally thought that there is eome secret about the keeping of celery as well as in raising it. There will be no trouble in keeping it if it is placed in room where the temperature ranges from 35 to 45 degrees, and if it is supplied with sufficient moisture to prevent wilting. It should have been blanched while growing in the garden, and should be placed in the cellar about the tenth of November. For family use it may be packed in boxes or in half barrels, or other small receptacles that are a little deeper than the plants are high. Three or four inches of soil should be placed in the bottom, and the celery should then be packed in ver tically, about as thick as it will stand, the soil be pressed firmly about the roots. If a large quantity is to be stored, it may be picked in the same way between boards placed on edge about twelve inches apart; but fully as good results will be obtained if it is packed in trenches in the open ground and covered so as to keep out the frost. As soon as packed, if kept in the house, it will be'necessary to wet the soil about the roots, and at intervals during the winter, when it is found to be get ting dry, the application should be re peated. In doing this care should be taken not to wet the stalks, as it is likely to cause them to rot. The water can be poured in from a watering pot through a short piece of tin or iron pipe, or a short hose may be attached to the end of the spout. Some have found small drain tile tiles inserted at intervals among the plants good for this purpose. Cabbages and potatoes are too com monly wintered to require much at tention here. The former should be put away with the outer leaves and stems attached to the heads. They will keep if left in thin layers in almost any way, in a cool room, but if placed in such a position that the roots can be covered with dry sand, they will be less likely to shrivel and lose their outer leaves. If many are to be wintered over for spring use, it will be best to select some well drained spot out of doors and place them with their stems up, in furrows close enough to gether so that, when one has been filled with cabbages, the heads will be cov ered with soil when the next furrow is turned. When freezing weather comes they should be covered with three or four inches of light litter. They are most likely to be injured from alternate freezing and thawing. Potatoes keep best in a moderately dry room at a temperature of from 35 to 45 degrees, but if kept dry will not suffer, except from shrivelling, even if the tempera ture reaches much higher. Prof. L. R Taft, in American Agriculturalist. HORTICULTUEE , NATIVE PLUMS. Within the last few years native plums have been coming eomewhat into prominence. The opinions of fruit growers diner as to their merit. The market demaDd for them is limited, although it is steadily increasing for the early kinds. They come into mar ket about three weeks before the Euro pean varieties. One of our stations in propagating native pluma, Marirnuv and morobolon stocks are largely used. Prunus Americana is well adapted as to stock for northern climates. Meth ods of planting and cultivation do not differ from those used with the com mon pluas except that mixed planting mu3t be followed in order to secure the fertilization of many of the native plums. Native plums are not particu lar as to soil, although extremes in sand, clay and muck should be avoided. A soil too strong or too rich in nitro genous matter causes a heavy growth of foliage at the expense of productive ness. There are about 150 varieties of native plums embraced in five species, of which the most important are, Prunus American, P. hortulana and P. augustifolia. The roost valuable of the native plums are De3oto, Roll ingstone, Weaver, Wild Goose, Miner and Newman, of which Wild Goose Desoto and Miner are probably the most popular. In general, the native plums are to be recemmended to those who want plums for an early market ; because of their immunity from dis eases and insects, to the general f armer, and to large growers who want a greater variety of fruits. CARE OF TREES IN WINTER. When trees stand too thick, exclud ing air and sunshine (for each tree to bear well should be exposed to the light on all sides) then all inferior trees should be dug out, and many a cord of wood might be taken from most orch ards and yet plenty of trees remain to serve their purpose better. Remove all rough dead bark from the trees with a scraper and whitewash the body of the tree nearly up to the limbs; this destroys insects, the bark will be re newed and the whole tree restored ; tho scrapings, however, must be burned or the pests will live on the ground. To cause the insects burned in tho ground to freeze and openjthe soil to atmospheric influence, it is important to dig up thesoil around a tree from three and a half to six feet in diameter, then cover this piece of ground with, ashes, lime or some other fertilizer. Older trees must be fertilized near they outer circumference of their crowns,, where the finest root are. The manure or muck water is put into rills or holes. If planting in spring ia intended, then it is well to dig the holea in tho fall, says the North American Agricul turist.; If the tree ia to ba planted in an old orchard, then the hole must bo wide and deep. In early spring tho holes will be well frozen out and should be refilled with a mixture of clay and rich soil several weeks before planting. Thia filling may be hauled in winter and allowed to freeze, to improve it The autumn winda often loosen tho support of young trees, and theso should be looked after and refastened.. These supports should be smooth and tarred at one end to make them last longer in the ground. Always place the supporting props on the south &ide of the tree, aa this will protect tho tree from sun scald. For ties use straw or willow, which are soft and will not cut the tree. CREAM OF THE PRESS: Hard Hits, Bold Sayings and Patriotic: Paragraphs from Reform Papers. By lessening the number of dollars you lessen the amount of business that can be done. Labors' Tribune. Prosperity is coming a man can get a bigger job of work to do for 50 cents than ever before. Emporia Times. Carnegie's employees may look for another cut in wages soon. Andy is to found another free library. Sound Money. Dun's report is to the effect that in the last twelve months the average decline in prices of property has been, over 8 per cent. Chicago Express. If you want to support the banker, the corporations, the trusts and their hireling tools, you should keep right on voting an old party ticket. Peo pie's Advocate. Are national bankers honest? They are all "sound money" men yet they persist in paying out dishonest (f) 50& silver dollars. Queer, isn't it? Mis souri Commoner. , Failures for last week were 263 and only 253 during the corresponding week of last year. That returning: prosperity is coming too sudden; it knocks everybody; Tff. their feet. Farmers' Tribune. A poor fellow stole a bicycle a few- weeks ago, out in Iowa, and was sent to the penitentiary for three years. Taylor, the defaulting State Treasurer of South Dakota, stole $300,000 and ia sentenced to two vears. Chicago Ex press. "The money power within a gener ation has changed the financial fea tures of the nation, wiping out tho small manufacturear and trader, mak ing the masses more and more tho helots of the classes." Washington. Republic. John Sherman eays he ia willing that Republicans shall divide the Ben- ' ate offices with the Democrats and recognize the Senate on thia basis ; but the Populista must have nothing. The Bank of England will not turn John'a picture to the wall. Brockton Dia mond. r :j-'S,.