6 SHE gBOaBESBIVIP A T.TTTTO; FEBEtJAEY 16, 1897. OONTINXJED FROM FOURTH PAGE State against the blighting influence of the deadly cigarette and its trust; therefore, the judiciary committee be instructed to prepare and present to the House for its consideration a bill to establish a general dispensary oys tem for the State somewhat similar to the Waynesville dispensary act, though more intelligbily constructed regarding the cigarette traffic and con sumption. Tho calendar was taken up. Bill to establish a uniform standard of time for the State was tabled. Bills passed to pay ex Senator J. M. Early his ex pensesin the election contest of 1895; to incorporate the Tar River bank, at Tarboro; (resolution raising a commit tee to coneider the reduction of salaries to conform to the prices of farm prod ucts; to remove obstructions in Big Dutch Buffalo creek, Cabarrus county; to provide for the registration of land grants in territory which has been changed from one county to another. Bill to amend the road law so as to change the dutes of meeting of super visors to April and October, was tabled. Bills to amend the divorce law so as to permit either party to a divorce un der the act of 1895 be allowed to re marry during the life-time ol the other, was re referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. By leave, Sutton introduced a bill providing that parents and guardians shall cause their children and wards to be duly vaccinated before they are two years old, except children certified by a physician to be unfit subjects; the penalty for failure to be $5; the mu nicipal authorities of any city or town shall require the vaccination and re vaccination of the inhabitants when ever in the judgment of the local or State board of health it is necessary, and manufacturing companies, schools, State institutions, &?., are at their expense to have such vaccination done whenever the local or State boards of health deem it necessary. Bills passed regulating sheriff's bond in Tyrrell, and allowing the people of Henderson to vote on establishing graded schools; to allow Franklinton to issue bonds to pay debt ; to establish graded schools at Hickory. Private Secretary Alexander brought in a message from Governor Kussel . It was read and 1,000 copies ordered printed. Bill to make 10 hours a day's labor in all factories employing over five per sons came up with an unfavorable re port. Blackburn, chairman of the committee which heard the argument on it, moved to table. On this Dixon, of Greene, demanded the yeas and nays. The call was not sustained. The bill went to the table. SENATE. Clark, a petition from the citizens of Littleton against a dispensary law. Moye, from cit;z3ns of Pitt county, against stcck law. McCaskey, to prevent the sale of liquor in two miles of Edward's Mills, Beaufort county. Scales, from citizens of Gailford county, against the ten-hour law. Alexander, a petition to work con victs on the public roads. Barker, from citizens of Alexander county a3kiag the General Assembly not to make any more appropriations to State institutions, and to make no appriation for reformatory unless voted for by the people of the State. McNeill, to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor in two miles of Mill church, Wilkes county. Bills and resolutions introduced as fol lows: Mr. Justice, a bill authorizing com missioners of Rutherford county to levy special tax, also to amend section 747, of Code ; also to amend section 18, of Code. Utley, for the protection of educa tional and other interests of North Carolina. Abell, regulating the duties of clerks of courts in regard to books furnished by the State. Abell, requiring the Secretary of State to furnish Johnston county with certain Supreme Court reports ; also to appoint a cotton weigher for Benson, in Jonston county. Whedbee, to create Hertford town ship voting precinct, in Hertford county. Clark to amend section 2,056, of the Code; also to amend section 812 of the Code. Clark, prohibiting certain games of chance. Barringer, relating to working con victs in Cabarrus county. Geddie, a bill to prohibit the manu facture and sale of liquor in three miles of King Hiram Lodge, Cumber land county. Lyon, authorizing the Treasurer of Durham county to pay Miss Ida Christ zxus, a school teacher. Lyon, to repeal chapter 10, laws of 1893, in relation to concealed weapons H$ att, to amend chapter 130, public laws of 1891. Henderson, to amend section 1,754, cf the Code, relating to the tenant act. Moye, to incorporate the Hope Fire Insurance Company, of Greenville, N. O. Moye, to amend chapter 380, laws of 1889. By McCaskey, to prohibit the manu facture and sale of liquor in three miles of Edwards' Mill, Beaufort county. By Newsom, to amend the insurance laws of the State ; also for the relief of Wm. H. Pratt, of Hertford county, a disabled Confederate soldier. By Justice, relating to Clerk of Su perior Court of Rutherford cDunty. McNeill, prohibiting manufacture and sale of liquor in two miles of Miller Creek church, Wilkes county ; also for relief of S. J. Greenwood, ex Sheriff of Wilkes county ; also to amend section 1,027, of the Code, in regard to attor neys; this bill is to limit the speeches of lawyers in certain cases. . Barker, the drainage of certain low lands in Lire Din county. Olom, to regulate the election of cot ton weighers in Anson county. Anthony, for the relief of J. Hill Bean, of Cleveland county. Bills on third readings: To establish stock law in part of White Oak township, Bladen county. Passed. To allow Caldwell county to levy special tax and to build a jail. Passed. To incorporate the town of Boyette, in Wilson county. Passed. To incorporate Hamlet, in Richmond county. Passed. To incorporate Robinsville, in Gra ham county. Passed. Message received from the Governor relating to the offer of S. A. L Rail road to lease the N. C. Railroad, and at 1 :10 p. m. Mr. McCaskie moved that the Senate go into executive session. Adopted. At 1:45 the Senate re con vened in open session. To incorporate the Moore County and Northern Railroad. Passed. To allow commissioners of Richmond county to levy special tax. Passed. To allow commissioners of McDowell county to levy special tax. Passed. To allow commissioners of Montgom ery county to levy special tax. Passed. To allow commissioners of Watauga county to levy special tax. Passed. Bills cn second reading: To authorize commissioners of Chero kee county to isf ue bonds. Passed.' To allow commissioners of Edge combe county to issue bonds. Passed. To restore the office of Treasurer of McDowell, and to authorize the Gov ernor to appoint a treasurer until the election. Passed second and third readings To extend the time of holding the February tcrja of Guilford county court. On motion of Mr. Atwater 500 copies of the Governors message was ordered printed. Adopted. HOUSE Twenty eighth Day. The following bills and resolutions were introduced: Murphy, to amend section 1255, the Code, so that materials furnished a corporation to keep it going shall act have priority over a previously re corded mortgage, although they do not add to the plant nor enhance its value Hancock, (resolution), to establish the effice of enrolling clerk and provide for the direct election of clerks in the enrolling clerk's office. Ormesby, to give county commis sioners more time for meetings. Murphy, to make bastardy a misde meanor. Lawhorn to allow Moore county to issue $10,000 more of bonds. Person, of Wilson, to incorporate the Bridgersville Agricultural, Live Stock and Poultry Association. hapin, to incorporate the Harnet Central Railway Company, from Spout Springs to a point on the Fayettsville and Wilson Short Cut of the Atlantic Coast Line. Howe, to incorporate the State Grand Lodge of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. Person, of Wilson, to incorporate Hannibal Lodge G. U. of Odd Fellows. Roberts, to amend the Madison county road law. Hartness, to protect wild turkeys and partridges in Iredell. Roberts, to repeal the charter of Mars Hill, Madison county. Sutton, of Cumberland, to amend the charter of Fayetteville by creating a police board composed of E P. Pow ers, A. E Dixon, W. P. Weymss, G A. P. Wilkerson and W. F. Raiford, to take effice the first Monday in May and serve two years and all officials shall be elected by the board. Parker, to make it a misdemeanor to practice law before passing examina tion ana receiving licensg. Holmes, (resolution), to pay Josiah Turner balance due him for public printing ana interest due Yarborough, to repeal chapter 441, acts of 1893, and abolish August term of Caswell Superior Court. Hare, to allow persons to kill cattle not properly secured by the owners, after notice. Walters, to pay D. E. Patrick balance of his salary as Professor of Latin at the University, amounting to $1 700. Bryan, of Chatham, to submit to the qualified voters of that county the ques tion of working the public roads by taxation. Hancock asked that resolution to oust Enrolling Clerk Swinson be placed on the calendar. McKenzie and others objected. Hancock moved that the rules be suspended and the resolution go on the calendar. A division was called for, and the Speaker declared it adopted, ignoring McKer zie's inquiry if 61 votes were not necessary to sus pend the rules. Bills passed establishing a new town ship in Surry; to leave to the people the question of the line between Ala mance and Chatham, (White, of Ala mance, saying this was perfectly satis factory, and Bryan, of Chatham, say ing that while it was not perfectly satisfactory, yet it was all that could be gotten.) A bill to extend the stock law in Wayne came up leaving the question to all qualified voters. Passed eecond reading. Bills pass3d to make it a misdemeanor to drive over bridges in Macon at a gait faster than a walk. Bill to pay special veniremen in cap ital cases f 1 per day, came over from the Senate, the latter body having added several counties which were ob jcctionable to the House. McKenzie made a motion that the House refuse to concur in the amendments, and that a committee or conference committee of three be appointed. The Speaker named McKenzie and Cook and Par ker, of Perquimans, as the committee of conference. By leave, Johnson introduced the following bills: To require all bankers or officers and directors of railway s and State banks or other corporations created or char tered by the legislature to take an offi cial action ; the State Treasurer to pre pare the form of oath, and send the blank form to each officer on or before January 1st of each year. Bill to make chapter 294, acts of 1893, discretionary with the State Treasurer, instead of mandatory. Young introduced a bill providing that the Superintendent of Public In struction shall ascertain the entire amount of money now apportioned in aid of the colored State normal schools, and he shall divide this sum equally among the several schools and the State Treasurer shall pay this propor tionate amount. Grubba introduced a bill amending the Code in regard to restoration to citizenship by providing that "the petitioner may elect to file his petition in the Superior Court of the county where the indictment was found upon which the conviction took place, cr in the county wherein he is an actual and bona fide resident at the time of filing his petition, which application shall be heard by the judge at term Brower introduced a resolution raia ing a special committee to which shall be referred all bills relative to Con gressionall districts. Bills passed allowing Anscn county to levy a tax for 1897-98 of 10 cents on the $100. Cunningham, by leave, introduced a bill for the relief of 8heriff Hughes, of Orange. The resolution introduced by Han cock and aimed at Swinson, provides that the offioof Earolling Clerk,' if in law such effice exists, b3 abandoned ; that the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House appoint two "principal enrolling clerks," who are to have entire control and supervision of all bills, to be paid f 5 per diem ; and the necessary assistants to be appointed by the Lieut Governor and Speaker at $5 per diem; this resolution to apply to the election of officers at this session Bills passed to relieve the estate of Smith Lewis, in Buncombe, worth sev eral hundred thousand dollars, by allowing them to sell it. Bill to establish a dispensary at Wax haw, passed. Bills passed repealing the act of 1885, regarding the public schools of Fayette ville; allowing the sheriff more time for settling taxes; to allow Beaufort county to levy a special tax to build bridges. By leave, Mr. Hancock introduced a bill to aid "North Carolina's Rolling Exposition," appropriating to it $2,500; the bill being accompanied by a peti tion. Mr. McCrary got leave to introduce a bill to annul the charter of the Nar rows of the Yadkin Water-power and re enact it. Bill passed to allow Saluda to levy a tax for street improvements. SENATE. Bills and resolutions were introduced 03 follows : Butler, to amend section 1,801 and 1.802, of the Code. Newsom, relating to the collection of special taxes in Hertford county. Alexander, to facilitate the improve ment of roads in Charlotte township, Mecklenburg county. Sharpe, of Wilson, to amend chapter J 156, laws 1895, to put Nash county in criminal circuit court. Hardison, to encourage and protect sheep raising in the State. Hyatt, to incorporate S crowd church in McDowell county. The morning hour having expired, the special order set for to day was taken up, "that of the Edgecombe county road law." This bill provides that no person living in towns shall pay a road tax, but to be taxed for im provement pf streets in the corporate limits of a town. This applies only to Edgecombe county. Bill defeated 32 tol. Bills on third reading: To authorize Cherokee county to issue bonds. Passed. To authorize Edgecombe county to levy special tax. Paesed. To renew and keep in force the char ter of,the Norfolk, Wilmington and Charleston Railroad. Mr. Newsom offered the following amendment: "Provided that the railroad shall pay all the money due certain parties in the State." Mr. Scale 8 thought the amendment would constitute the General Assembly a collection agency, and moved the matter be re-committed. Carried. To amend chapter 156, laws of 1895, so as to add Cumberland county to the Eastern criminal circuit. Bill re refer red. To amend the charter of the Wades boro Cotton Mill Co. Mr. Moye offered the following amendment : "Provided that no woman or child shall work more than 11 hours in such mill for a day's work." Amendment withdrawn. Bill passed second and third reading. To incorporate the People's Benevo lent and Relief Association of North Carolina, passed second and third read ings. For relief of sheriffs and tax collect in the State. This bill gives the sheriffs and tax collectors of each county in the State the power to collect back taxes from 1889 up to and including 1897. The purpose of the bill as stated by Mr. Justice is to give the sheriffs and tax collectors the right to collect only the taxes they have advanced for tax pay ers. Mr. Moye offered a substitute to strike out 1889, '90, '91 and '92. With drawn. Mr Hardison, an amendment "that this shall not apply to the Eighth dis district. Withdrawn. Mr. McCaskey, amendment to strike out 1889, '90, 91 '92 and '93. With drawn. Mr. Person, amendment to except Edgecombe county. Withdrawn. Mr. Justice amended his bill by strik ing out 1889 and 1690, and that it apply only to Rutherford and Orange coun ties.- Passed second and third readii g. To amend section 2 202, of the Code. This bill provides that no person, per sons or corporation being non residents of the State shall catch fish by nets or otherwise in any waters of the State without first obtainiog a license from the Treasurer of the State ; said license to be twenty-five hundred dollars per annum. The violation of this act makes it a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of $100 or six montbs imprison ment or bjth fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. The fines and license fees go to the public school fund. Passed second and third readings. To prevent the fishing with anchor drifts or gill nets in Albemarle sound and rivers emptying therein. Passed second and third readings. To incorporate the Wellington and Powelville Railroad. Passed second and third readings. Resolution for appointment of special committee to prepare and Cz salaries and fees. Passed second and third readings To amend charter of the town Saluda. Polk county. Placed on calendar, as 30 days' notice by publication had not been given. By consent, Mr. Person was allowed to introduce the following bill : To incorporate the Bigford Sanata rian for the treatment of negro con sumptives. The Lean All Steel Harrow, which is advertised in our columns, possesses much to recommend it. As indicated above, it is constructed entirely of steel and contains no castings or malle ables that are so likely to break. All bars, and the important corner braces are of angle steel. The top lever ad justs the teeth to any desirable angle enabling the operator to tear up the earth at a considerable depth, or to smooth it on the top. This case of ad just ment, the arrangement of the teeth so they do not track, and the pliability of the sections, adapting themselves to all unevenness of surface, makes this an ideal smothing harrow and weed exterminator. Write the Roderick Lean Company, Mansfield, Ohio, for cata logue and prices, and mention this paper. . "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are unrivalled for relieving Coughs, Hoarse nesa and all throat troubles. Sold only in boxes. fir Si III "WIfcLab Came Tlx Ice in From the Chronicle, Chicago. 111. Five years ago last winter, there was considerable commotion on the banks of the the White River, Wiscon sin, as a young man named E. N. Hal leck, had Jbroken through the ice, and was for some moments lost to view. It was not long, however, before Mr. Halleck came in sight again, and by artistic means was fished from the fluid and restored to society. If the ducking he d been all, is would have oeen well, but unfortunately, the young gentleman contracted a heavy cold, resulting in chronic rheumatism, complicated with diseases of kidney and urinary organs. For six month," writes Mr Halleck, "I was laid up, and not able to do any thing. During this time I suffered with pains in the stomach and small of the back, and headache, urination was frequent; and painful, my heart's ac tion was increased, and I had aches all over my body, and was generally used up. Then 1 was able to go out. but was a col firmed invalid, and for nearly four years I was in that condi tion, and expected then that I should always be disabled, for nothing that I took gave me any relief. "In December, 1895, I read an adver tisement about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and on speaking of it to Mrs A E Derby, she strongly urged that I snould take them, as she said she be lieved they would cure me. I had been under physicians' care for over two years, but as they did me no good I did rvt ask their advice about taking these pills, but laid in a supply and be gan to take them. In about ten days I began to experience supstantial relief and continued to take them for four months, by which time I was cured. The first benefit I obtained was a less E3. JS&. Andrews, TItie Largest Dealer i n F-qrn i ture. Pianos and. Organs Parol Defter Laic Than lever The farmer who begins using Page fence now. is ten years behind those who started out with us. But he will gain nothing by waiting. He or his neighbors have tried the substitutes and found them wanting. Let him now adopt the "standard" of the leading railroads, and settle the question for gxJ. PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., Adrian, Mich. Best on Earth. Hor-ilth, Bull-tHng,Figandt'hIrl'"n-ttebt- V ill our DlTMtX At'TOH ATIC Machine you can make 60 roJ.-sa day for KITSELMAN BROS., Box 96. Ridgeville, Inch ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the est-te of J. u. vtatson, deceased, lstnol Wake county, nut ce is hereby trHen to all p rtits holdi. g cialms against naiil dn edent to n- esent ihe eame t ine on or lefoe the third uy or February 1898. or this notice will b- piead in tar of their recovery, Ail per ons indebted to said et-tate are noticed that prompt pa ment is re quired. This 8. dctay of FJ y 1,000 Peach Trees ?TZ?&Z: 2 to 3 ft. mostly brancf ed. with freight prepaid to anv station east of Miss River for $20; or 500 for $11.50. tampls prepaid So'-. Oth-r size trees proportional prices, K. S. JO EI N SO V, Box No 33 Siockley Del. HI I f vWvvvvy y ' ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS AN ACRE revenue these hard times hese hard times THE POULTRY KEEPER, Bex 1'PARKESBURC Pa SoctVayear it is done. Sample ree. The paper i year and'four grand tolS- tells how il I CAflfC U t?i".y .j7v , ! ,'" ft e3fzs i TiSg' w' k and eggs sell for cash andi lit farmers won Id only learn I . uu 10 proa nee mem tneyl I WOTllr) tlAnt. nnvtn n 1 I 'farm. THE POULTRvl f4- '' :"TZTZZ7 yffSPi-Y6- ntfor descriptive circular. Address Wl CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, HARNESS ( ; aran tVTr r1, .V iiun . . . - . o ' -wn iu Write toJay. Caul.. Frs.. AttIA-C8 CiLXAM - - every siare. h trhMt awai hta.. t r: M . 1 e River of Bi?ea"k-i n gc TIbL:r?o-i-Ler:bi a WisoonsiiL 2R,ve:rr frequent desire to urinate, and lessen ing of that dreadful pain in the back, which ceased altogether very soon. My stomach became comfortable, and my heart's action normal. After the first break my recovery was rapid, and to-day I flatter myself I am a sound man, and able to attend to my busi ness better than I ever could before. ' (Signed) E. N. Halleck I, E N. Halleck, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement signed bv me is true. E N. Halleck. " State of Illinois ) Cock County. ( 88, I, John T. Derby, a Notary Pubiic in and for the Countv and State, do here by certify that E E. Halleck, whose name is signed to the foregoing state ment, is personally known to me, and that he did in my presence and of his own free will and accord, sign and swear to the same. seal John T. Derry. Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are not a patent medicine in the sense that the name implies. They were first compounded as a prercrip tion and used as such in general prac tice by an eminent phy eician. So great was their (ffisacy that it was deemed wise to place them within the reach of all. They are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the doz en or hundred, and the public are cau tioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50. and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. i -n as. Goods bought directly from Manufacturers in large quanti ties and sold at only one small profit no more ! The complete furnishing and equipping of new houses a speci alty. Pianos and Organs sold at the lowest prices and on easy terms Furniture sold at a very f mall margin for spot cash, or on short time, where parties are reliable. Small orders, as well as large ones, receive care and prompt attention Write for Catalogues and Pnos. One postal card may save you many dollais. E. M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N C. The Mastiff Plow. Fanners do you want the best plow on th& market? If so. buy the MAS 11 BIT. If your merchant does not cary them in stock ask him to pet it lor you It has puperi' r advantages over any other turning plow made, having a rew patent improvement which enab es one to adjust the point to any required depth of fur row, without lifting the rear of the p ow. or changing position of frame or harness. Points can be worn completely out without lifting plow in haid and criifcty soiis. Plow always running level and steady, with ease to the op erator. A labor and money saving imi'lempnt. Don't fail to get one. 'ou will be pleased wrtb the plow. Addiess: C. W. M TP HELL AuJander, N.C. A. G. BAZEMOKE. Patentee. WE HAVE BOUGHT JOHN Y. MacHAE'S ZDiE-CLg Store And ask the trade of the people generally. Just now we are talking GARDEN SEED Our Stock is Fresh. We destroyed 1,000 papers of old seed. We pay pot-ge on Seeds. Remember that! HICKS & ROGERS, DBTJGGISTS, RALEIGH. N C. II WW 00 P ACRE of Imp. Trend? .TICHOKES. ESSAY. rice and fit. rates FREE oee treatise called "Fence Features" Obtain both for a pos tal. Write for them at once. J . P. VisBerins, Box s Alton, IIL. w all iMflnnnn steel lUmilUW last OUGHT TO 1 s I if o T tv A CUUALLED tor all kinds of farm work. Haves its cost -v Zr ua isrowin($ crops, aii steel, no castings ro ' yuo. oiiuiigemgna simplest lever aajOKtina arranee- KUUhKinic LEAN MFG. CO. 510 foW - fc- K n a ou VErnrn Box. II PARK, year, will show yon how ou cents perl the hdnn ntfiT hAftt t.h mvnL W-n A for ITZEilEE sample copy. T5 ces. iju per cent, saved. 07 yiaiu litcuxcH. RHumnnia a fivtm cof.in Mtart lU'cU.lmtl OaU. " V

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