7 Christian Life Column.- EDITED BT RET. D. H. TUTTLX, Beaufort, N. C. The Lord is My Shepherd." (Psalms xxin ) BY ELIZA A WHITTIER. As sang a king in olden times, "Trie Lord my Shepherd ia. So now my heart takes up the strain, For I am also Hi3. I ehall not want, for His ia good. No blea3ing He withholds .. From those who truly love His name And keep within the fold. He gives me rest. In pastures green He makes me down to lie. And by his hand He leadeth ma The cool, still waters by. Ha restoration gives to me, My vigor is renewed, And with His favor, grace, and love, I feel my heart endued. For sake of his dear name, He guides In paths of righteousness. And hy my side He still abides, To cheer and love and bless, When through the valley I shall go, No evil will I fear; For He will comfort with His staff, And graciously stay near. For me a table He prepares. My foes I do not dread, For gladness is poured as oil With blessings on my head. My cup is full, yea, overflows, For guardUn aogels two. Goodness and Mercy eti'l are near, To warn and cherish, too. "Aod I will dwell," so eang the king, "In Thine own house, O Lord." My heart takes up the sweet refrain, "Forever with the Lord." Forever in his Mansion bright, And all His glory see, And live with Him through ages long, Amen, eo let it be ! Metuchen. N. J. True or Not, Which? Life insurance knocks all the bless ings that faith gets out of the following Scriptures: Psa. 27; 3, 2, 5; Jer. 49:11; Phil. 4:6, 7, 19, and Heb. 13 5, 6. If these promises of God are good, we need no insurance. If we make Matt. o:19 21;Luke6:33; 3 Cor. 9-7; James 2:15, 16, and 1 John 3:17, with Eph. 1:23 true in our daily lives, God will make the other scriptures true when needed. When Christ comes, will he find faith? If so, in what will it ba ex ercised? Think. To Our Legislators. Now, it is a fact that a good majority of the present General Assembly are members of some branch of the Chris tian Church. That means that they are under some solemn vows to live and work for the upbuilding of Christ's Kingdom on earth. They are to do ju3t what Jesus would do were he in each one's place. What a terrible re flection on the religion of Christ if the present legislature ad j mrns without enacting euch laws as will at least greatly burden and lessen the evils of the liquor tr&flij in North Carolina. D. H. Tuttle. Does It, Or Not? D3e3 prohibition prohibit? Lot fig ures answer. Last yer (1S96) the sale of beer in high-licers i S ats increased 2.356,064 barrels over 1S95, while in prohibition States it decreased 368 bar rels Prohibition Kansas sold only 13,039 barrels, while high licensed Ne braska, with 400,000 less population, sells 161,317 barrels more than twen ty-eix times as much. Strange that liquor nun do not swap sides with pro hioitionist if more l'q'ior was sold in prohibition States than in Anti prohi bition one3. Reader, fight strong drink and save the boys and the coun try. Let them 1) so change the law that the grant ing of license will be in the discretion o County Commissioners, and also of Commissioners of incorporated towns. (2) Let the General Election law be so changed that at least once in two years the people of any locality can have local option elections. D H. Tuttle. For You, Young Men. How does it look? Go to the saloon aext Saturday night; any young men around there? Go to the gambling iioles; any young men or boys there? Go to the house of ill fame; any youDg men there? Look after your Sunday excursions and pleasure resorts next summer; any young men there? Go to the churches Sunday morning or evening. Oae Saturday night a while ago there were by actual count more young men and boys in the saloons of Ithaca between 8 and 12 o'clock than there were the next Sunday in all the churches both morning and evening. Not one in ten of our young men be tween 15 and 25 in the United States is a member of the church of Christ. Is each of the young men trying to lead his companions to Jesus? Pray ing? 8sudying God's word? Getting ready to be teachers, officers, standard bearers for Christ? Are they getting enthusiastic familiarity with the great missionary enterprise of the church of God so as to be ready for leadership of the sacramental hosts on their final march to conquest of the world, when the older hands and hearts shall leave their earthly labor! Are you as full of enthusiasm for these great Christian things as you are, say, for football and fun? Are you carrying the banner of Christ high and clear above and in the midst of all your young gaieties? O, yes, I like the boys' fun and sport and games. But only Ohrist in the heart and the heart in Christ makes fun holy, laughter divine, mirth Christian, the game safe and the j )y of youth superb, enduring, a very grace of God. The Christ within makes young joy beautiful, ex uberant and eternal. The real Chris tian boy is not old, sobersided and goody-goody he laughes, shouts, sings and is the very soul of the fine game the hero on the field of manly sport. But he ought to be, must bp, if he be true to himself, his vows and his Christ, the j -y of his church, the stay of his Bible class, the light of his prayer meeting, the heart's ease of his pastor, the assurance of every Chris tian hope for the future, a roundabout, brave, earnest, happy and everyway trustworthy fellow for every good thing, in word and deed. If you, young man or boy, be not true to your solemn vows to God and your Christian pledges to' your fellows and your church, you cannot be relied on for minly truth in anything. There's a worm at the core of you, eating out ycur heart, killing your integrity, withering away your soul. Oae thing only, now, out of all this, I care much for you to remember, which is that the whole earth and all future and fate fall now, soon, into your hands. Nothing is given you in fee simple, but all in solemn trust. All is in your stewardship. None can share or lessen your appalling respon sibility. You are the fate of the future, whom the ages will bless or curse and whom God will judge according to what you shall have done with his word entrusted to you. Better never have been born than to fail what time you have come to suih a kingdom I Sel. I Reckon that about the stiff est bit of read ing, in any history, is at the be ginning of the 29 :h chapter of Becond Chronicles. It is biography, piety, phi losophy, politics all at once,'in a gem of prose as compact as the carbon in a diamond, and as full of light: "And Hezekiah began to reign And ne reigned nine and twenty years. .... And his mother's name was Adijah. . . And he did that which was right in the eight of the Lord." How is that for a political record? How is that for a ''policy?'' What is to be done about money? "light." What about tariff? "Right." What about civil service? "Right." What shall be done to restore confidence? "Right." What can be done to pre vent strikes? "Right." What shall be tho motive of the foreign policy? "That which is right in the sight of the Lord." If God were true in everything but gravitation the universe would go to pieces in a day. So, if a pastor is true in every thing but politics, his ministry will fail. The leader must be true, not half, two thirds, seven eights all. Not per fect he need not be that; can't be, probably but he cm be, and must be, true to the light, he has all of it. Turkish Cruelty has been been equaled by the atroci ties of the fiend Weyler. This last named wretch has a string of crimes to his record long enough to hang the whole Spanish nation and damn thrice over those that authorized them. The Liquor Dealer, Washington, D. C. Perhaps Weyler has murdered 1,000 Cubans per month for a few months We have seen no worse charge laid at his door. It has been shown again and again that your businees in this coun try alone murders 60,000 people every year, or at the rate of 5,000 yer month at least Ave times as many as Wey ley is accused of killing. People who live in glass establishments should not throw bricks at Mr. Weyler and the Turks. Power of Prayer. Mr. George Muller, of Bristol, Eag., founder of the Ashley Down Orphan Home, addressed the Western Union of Y. M. C. A. 'a at their recent Annual Conference in Bristol. Mr. Muller has past his ninety second birthday, and when he rose to speak, it was most im pressive, even thrilling. He said that he had had many thousands of an swers to prayer within the last seventy-one years. Whenever he saw that he was warranted to ask for a blessing he pleaded the merits of Christ, and exercised faith in the power and wil lingness of God, and he invariably went on praying till he got the answer. Every stone of the Homes was the re sult of prayer; every particle of tim ber was the result of prayer; for he had never asked a single human being in tho wide world for the 115,000 which the building alone cost. Tear after year now for sixty-two years he had been going on in that way, with our asking for a shilling. In this way he had obtained more than 1.000,000 "And you broke off the ment?" said one young man. engage 4 4 Yes not brutally, you know. But I man aged it." "How?" "Told her what my salary is." Washington Star. DIED. At her home, in Nash county, on Feb. 7ch, Mrs. W. G. Murray, aged about 54 years. She was a member of Free Union Alliance, No. 379, and will be greatly missed in her community, where she had many friends. QREAT,X Ccalinalioa -4 SALE ZBTTG-G-ITIES nt ZE3I .AJRZESTIE S S . Fridajand Saturdav, February 1 Gib and 20th. On the above dates I wilt sen you at auction, without reserve two carloads of Virginia and East Tenuessf-e Horses from 5 to 8 jears old, all sound, good workers. Sale will be made each day, rain or shine. Every horse sold under a guarantee. Frank Stronacli, Raleigh, N. C. Auctioneer. Southern Railway (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ) Condensed Schedule. IN EFFECT NOV. 22, 1896. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 3:40 p. m. Daily. Solid vestibule trains with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via Salisbury, Morganton, Asheville, Hot Springs and Knoxville. Connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksvilie and Keysville, except Sun day. At Greensboro with the Wash ington and Southwestern Vestibule (Limited) train for all poins North and with main line train No. 12 for Dan ville, Richmond and intermediate local stations ; also, has connection for Win ston 8alem and with main line train No 35, 4 'United States Fast Mail" for Charlotte, , Spartansburg, Greenville, Atlanta and all points South; also, Columbia, Augusta, Charleston, 8a vannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida. Sleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Augusta. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11: 45 a. m. Daily. Solid train con sisting of Pullman Sleeping car and coaches from Chattanooga to Norfolk, arriving at Norfolk at 5 a. m., in time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners', Norfolk and Washington and Baltimore, Chesa peake and Richmond 8. S. Co's for all points North and East. Connects at Selma for Fayetteville and intermediate stations on the Wil son and Fayetteville Short Cut daily, except Sunday for Newbern and More head City daily for Goldsboro and Wil mington and intermediate stations on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:30 a. m. Daily. Connects at Dur ham for Oxford, Keysville, Richmond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points North. Express Train. 3 .09 p. m. Daily For Goldsboro and intermediate stations. Local Accommodation. 2:00 a. m. Connects at Greensboro for all points for North and South and Winston Salem and points on the Northwestern and North Carolina Rail road. At Salisbury, for all points in Western North Carolina, Knoxville, Tenn., Cincinnati nd western points; at Charlotte, for Spartanburg, Green ville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C. : Express Train. 3:05 p. m. Daily. From Atlanta, Charlotte, Greensboro and all points 8outh. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 3:40 p. m. Daily. From all points east, Norfolk, Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. . From Goldsboro, Wilmington, Fay etteville and all points in Eastern Caro lina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 a. m. Daily. From New York, Washington, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Hot Springs and Asheville. Express Train. 8:53 a. m. Daily. From Goldsboro and intermediate stations. Local. 7:20 a. m. Daily. From Greensboro and all points North and South. Sleep ing car from Greensboro to Raleigh. '9:00 d. m Daily except Sunday. From Goldsboro and all points East. Local freight trains also carry pas sengers. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh to Greensboro. Double daily trains between Raleigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. W. H. Green, General Superintendent. W. A, Turk, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. J. M. Gulp. Traffic Manager. The date of the label on this paper shows when your subscription was ox t. is yours outt Then renewt please. ALLIANCE PRICE LIST. SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS. GROCERIES. Baking Powder Go-dLrck. EOfull lbs, per case $3 75 100 6 oz size, per case, 3 75 Pertect lbs. per dozen, Philadelphia, 2 00 Perfect. M lbs. (2 doz. in case), per doz. 1 00 Perfect. H lbs, (4 doz. in case), " 5U Coffee Roasted, Richmond, Ariosa. 1003, Richmond, A'ioea. 608, ATiOKA- 3tf. per lb 18 70 18 80 18 90 18 70 18 70 Levering's ELC, 100s, Richmond, ljeverlngs iu u U, wjs. Golden Rio Philadelphia, Ordinary Rio. in bulk, " Coffee-Green, p:rlb T I No 1-Choice Rio. Richmond. 174c T I No 2 Prime Rio, Richmond, 16-M T I No 3 Good Rio. Richmond, 16U T I No 4 Fair Rio, Richmond, 14 Choice La?uayra, D & B, 18J-6 'hotce Greea Laeuayra. Philadelphia. Prime Green Rio, Philadelphia, 14 Fancy Green Rio Philadelphia, 16 Good Green Rio, Philadelphia, 13 Cheese- per lb Cream mall T-oxes, about 30 lb3, lOJc FancrYors otate per ib, Fnlia, if. Prime York State, per lb, Phila 10J4 Sardines- American, 1C0 to case American Mustard, tO to case ' $2 50 2 75 per lb 6 5 6 Candy (Phila)- Stick candy, 2001b bbls Stick candy, 30 lb pails Fine mixtures, 200 lb bbls 25 lb boxes ... Superior mixtures. 200 lb bbls NutB (Phila) per lb Paptr shell almonds 16c Grenoble Walnuts 12 ecans 10 Brazil Nuts 7H Filberts 10. Flour R noke Flour. Richmond per bbl $4 80 High Loaf " Hill City i 5 CO 3 75 530 4(0 4 40 4 60 2 75 Dixie Snow Flake " Golden Sheaf, patent, Phila f omona. Good Family Luxurv. Fish White, fob Phila. per 100 lbs Lye Keystone, 4 dozen in case, Phila Gloucester ball rjotash. " per case 2 50 2 60 2 75 2 75 300 315 350 per lb Potash. Mendleson's Potash. NickJe Potash. Star , , Lye. Mendleson's Liye, btar lllltllllMIK Lard, in tierces Compound, about 350 lbs Tube Rose nearly pure, and sold by many houses as Dare Boat Pure, about 350 lbs Relative prices various size pkgs: 60 lb plain tubs " 1-8 over tie ces 80 lb iancy tubs . 1-4 5-8 1-4 3-8 3-4 7-8 lc 201b wooden pails ,, 0 lb tins, 2 in case 20 1b " 4 ' 101b 6 " 51b " 12 " 31b " 20 " Meats per bbl Dry salt short rib sides. Richmond.... Dry salt extra short clears, .... Dry salt heavy fat backs, .... Dry short talt backs, " .... Mess Pork. " .... yhort cut pork, " .... Smoked Meats Sugar cured hams, aboat 10 lbs Sugar cured hams, 12 to 14 lbs Sakrar cured Calif mia hams Sugar cured breakfast bacon , . Molasses k Kew Crop ruba, Richmond New Croo Porto Rico. Richmond per gal 18c 20 16 18 33 30 2 23 18 hoice Porto Rico, Pnila Fancy Cuba, " Fancy New Orleans. " New Crop Borbidos, No 1, Wilmington, .NWUiOp " ISO Z, New Crop " No 3 it it fsew Crcp Cuba, No 2j, Syrup- ATilte Maple Syrup, Phila Extra ambi-r " " , 15 13 17 21 12 13 18 21 White honey " " Fancy eo.den " " rutrar df log " Number 6 "ugar. Klchmond .... Sweet Sixteen Bight .... Kock candy syrup .... Lamp Oils - fob) Richmond Standard White Aladdin section Prat t'p astral oil.... Hfcd Ill'irui lating Uarnadine red. m 10H 10M LubricatiDg Oilsff o b Richmond) ' apital Cylinder'. 37c 0 16 14 iteDOvvn Ertfiin tlanttc Red liight.lewelSpd West Virginia. fin half-bbls. ?c per pal. more; in cans 53 per gal, more, cans charged for. Spices and Peppers Black Pepper best sifted , ,,,, Xace Ginger, best quality Gloves V'syiee Tea foung Hyson. R B W Richmond Formosa Oolong. A R D, Richmond.... Formosa Oolong. R E No 4, Richmond. Rice - ilice. No 1 quality............. Rice N 2 quality Fane v heads Phila. per lb Pc 7 6 per lb 2lc 26 28 39 $ 250 250 BeDt Grits, bbl, prime Phila.. 4 good ' .., Large Hominy. Richmond.... ttmall Gri.s. Richmond. Sugar, New York basis Standard granulated ( onf 'Ctioners A Be;t Sofc A Kxtia C, white Extra C, yellow 4 4 4 m 3 5-6 per lb 3$ 2 per case $ 500 250 180 9i 150 1 35 260 2 11 120 160 per doz Soda, Baking. 1 lb package. 60 to box Assorted, lbs and halves Assorted lbs halves and quarters Baking Soda in kegs, 112 Ids Starch (Philadelphia) Celluloid, large size 64..... Pelluloid, small size 64 Corn, 40 lo boxes Corn 20 lb boxes Best Large Lump, 60 lb boxes Kest f earl Lump. 50 lb boxs Nickle Htarcb. 9t packaged, 4U oz. Gloss. 48 lbs. in box Laundry. 40 lbs.', loose Corn, 40 lbs, in box Canned Goods (Richmond) Pie Peaches, 3 lb f 0 High Grade Table Peaches 3 lb $1 00 California L-mon Peaches. 3 lb 1 85 California Yellovr Peaches, 31b 1 60 California pricotte. 31b... lt,0 California Bart Jett Pears, 31b 1 Pu f-liced Pmeaople 21b 125 Extra Grated Pineapple, 21b 185 Ocrn. 2 lb, Fine Kegular quality 60 Corn, 2 lb, Extra Fancy Quality 1 00 Tomatoes, 2 lb. Best Quality 50 Tomatoes, 3 lb Best Quality 70 Corn Beef, cases, 2 doz. 21o. cans 1 90 Corn Beef, cases, 2 roz lib cans 110 Chipied Beef, 2 doz lib cans 180 Potted Tongue,' 4 doz H lb cans. 50 Potted Ham. 4 doz. 4 lo cans.. 50 Salmon, in cases of 4 doz 110 Salmon, choice quality J30 Salmon, ei tra fancy quality 1 80 Blacking per doz. Mason's. No. 1 size. 3 doz 45 Mason's, No. 4 s.ze, 3 doz 25 Blueing per gross In s'fting boxes. No. 1. ) gross $1 50 Int-iftlng tioxes No. 3, fc gross... 250 In sifting boxes, o. 5, H gross 3 50 Stxk Blueing, 1 gross to case 2 76 Brooms (Richmond! per doz 2 string, plain 3 string, plain $ 100 130 175 150 . 200 200 4 string, plain 3 string, painted handles. 4 8tnng, v 5 string, Soap (Richmond) ' , Big Olive. 20 cakes per box... $2 24 Globe, 100 3 00 Pale Olive 100 240 liectagon,100 Magnolia, 100 Imperial, 100 Empire, ICQ Kangaroo.100 New South inn 2 75 30 325 3 10 175 165 300 wrapped Phila, New South 100 " unwrapped Phila. Best Washing, 100 cakes, Phila, per box Salt (Wilmington) 100 lbs White Cotton 20u lbs Burlao's T.iverpool 200 lbs Factory Filled Dairy ... ." 80 lbs Liverpool. White Sacks. ......."' 100 Its Burlars. Liverpool 37c 65 95 50 34 In car lots 3c less; 2J0 lbs Liv;rpoorin car lots 8c less. Tobacco Barnes' New South, Phila , . . Barnes' Good Cheer. Phila , Barnes' Oar Ideal, Phila Barnes' Big Chew, Phila 27c 23 26 30 Axle Grease (Richmond)- Frazier's M gross cases Golden Star, J4 gross cases. per gross 10 00 42(1 SEEDS (F. O. B.) RICHMOND, VA. Clover per bush PTime Red $ 4 70 Choice Ked 4 90 Mammouth .. 510 Lucerne 5 60 Alsike Japan 5 75 Crimson prime , 2 65 Crimson choice 2 75 Bags charged extra 16 cents. Grass (bags included) per bush of lbs Choice Timothy, bag extra 10 45 Prime Red Top or Herds 48 10 Fancy " " " 17 Prime Orchard Grass 1 60 14 Choice Orchard grass 1 70 14 Extra Ciean Ky. Blue 85 14 Fancy KentucKy 1 6o 14 Tall Meadow Oat 1 55 11 Fine Lawn grass 2 25 14 Meadow F scue 1 00 14 Pere nial Rye Grass 85 14 Italian Rye Grass 1 00 14 Potatoes. Irish per barrel Wood's Earliest $2 75 Early Harvest 2 75 Early Six Weeks 2 60 Early Essex 2 40 Houlton's Extra Early Rote 2 40 Northern Early Ros.... 175 Early Beauty of Hebron 175 Bliss Triumph 2 75 Charles Downing 2 40 Early Ohio 2 5i White Star 175 Pee i less 175 Burbank 165 Mammoth Pearl Oats White Spring Choice, per bus. 32 Black " 32 Virginia Gray Winter, prime, per bus 46 " Choice 5 Red Rust Poof, nrime. " ..... 42 " choice, " 45 Millet- German, per bushel 95 DRY GOODS. Bleaching, "Rarker 4-4 6c Balow Mills 4 " Monroe Mills 4-4 5 " Fruit of Loom 4-4 1 " Lonsdale Cambric 4-4 10 Unbleached Lake George A A, 4-4 , 5 White Star A, 4-4 44 " White Star A A., 4-4 h " Graham Sea Island AAA,4 4 5 " Extra Sea Isiand 7H " Plymouth Drilling 8 Extra Heavy Drilling 10 Ginghams, Kilbernie checks 5 " Fancy dress styles. .......,. 5 Carale'gh 3 Ca'.ico, Lodi Shirtings 3 Central Park Sh'rting 3 " American 4 " Dress Styles 5 Plaids, 25 inch N .C 4 27-inch N. C 5 " Southern Silk 6$ Outing, Fancy Plaids 5 Solid Colors .... 10 Extra Heavy. 10 Satteen Nice Dress 12i Ducking, " " 10 Black 10 and MM Satteen. for Skirts 10, 12$ and 15 Worster, Solid Colors, double-width 10 Fancy 12$ Fricot. all wool, " " 15 Pant goods . school boy j eans 15 Bulger MM " Merino , 25 " Maryland Kersey 35 " Dictej's Kersey 40 Holland Cottonades 84 Manchester Cottonades 10 Princess " 12 Double and Twist Cottonades 18$ rickiEg. Mattress .7K to 9 Feather Ticking 11) t 21 ' J & P Coats Thread, per doz. 45 Glazed (200 yds) per doz 20 " (500 yds) per doz 45 Ball Cotton (2 lbs. in box).:per lb : 20 Knitting Cotton U6 oz. pkg.) 16$ fchoes Gent's lace and sraiters. all prices. Men's Randolph Eng Ties. 6 to ll's $1 45 Women's Randolph Kid Polish. 3 to 8's. . . 1 20 Women's " alf 3 to 8's... 125 Women's Bay State grain, 3 to 8's 1 35 Women's Zeiglers. G. Bals 2 to 8's 1 50 "Women's Vforocco, G. Bals, 2 to 8's, 1 85 Women's " Kid Button Opera, 2 to 7's 2 00 Women's ' Kid Button C. S 2 to 7's 2 00 Misses and Children, all sizes. Hats- Boy's Wool, any size $ 25 to 40 Boy's Felt, " 50 to 75 Men's Wool. " 50 to 100 Men's Fur. " 75 to 1 50 Gent's Alrine Shape 1 00 to 2 50 Gem's Stiff Latest Shape 2 50 HARDWARE. Powder, best rifle, per keg , $400 Hames No 2 hook, iron bound, per doz 3 50 No 3 h H.k, iron bound, per dOz 3 00 No 16 hook, brass bound, per doz 6 25 Plow Lines- Cotton, with snaps, 33 feet long, doz. ... 1 85 Maaras Hemp with snaps, 33 feet u .... 185 Fence Wire- In ; 00 to 500-lb. lots, 20 cts per huud-ed pounds less, flam wire, put up m mm or l"0 pounds. Barbed wire put up In rolls of 100 pouncts each. jrive pounas staple to tae roll at 4c per pound. Galv. barbed from stock ,. - $ 3 00 Plain wie' not galvanized, from mill: Nos. 6 to 9. $2 00 per hun. Nos. 10 to 11 2 0.5 " Nos. 12 and 12X 2 15 Nos. 12 and 14. 2 40 " No. 16 2 65 Plain Wire, Galvanized, From Mill: Nos.6to9.... .235 " Nos. 10 td 12 2 40 M Nos 12 and 12$ 2 fiO Nos. 13 and 14 2 75 " No. 16 3 00 Buck Thorn Fencing 0 Poultry Netting Put up in rolls of 150 running feet. 2 Inch mesh, 36 in. wide, for running foot. . . . 1H 2 " " 48 .... 2H 2 60 " " .... 2 2 " 72 " " " M " .... 3$ Back Bands 3 Inch with hooks, per doz , 75c 3 1-2 inch, with hooks, per doz 85 Webbing No. 0. 3 1-2 Inch, per 100 feet $ 2 75 " L 3 1-2 " " 1 00 Single Trees Common, with hooks or rings, per doz.. 1 50 Extra quality, hooks or rings, per doz.-, 2 50 Clevises 2 Loop, per doz 75 2 Loop Stonewall, per doz...- 75 3 Loop 100 Buckets. 2 hoop, painted 1 20 3 " 135 " 2 hoop, brass bound 1 80 " 3 - 2 00 Horseshoes, per keg 2 75 Mu e shoes, M 325 Horseshoe Nails, Excelsior, per lb ...... 10c Anchor, per lb 12H Tobacco Flues, best.made, per lb. 5 00 8 50 450 900 325 3 35 350 425 650 859 450 .5 80 86 90 100 115 120 10 125 175 250 300 400 450 650 900 525 660 511 it rrs II 75 100 tt it Kettles 20 gallons au 45 " u 60 Blacksmith Bellows, 3" inch 3J inch Grindstones, per lb lJo Axe handles, straight, rer doz. 85 300 350 400 450 600 650 Plow traces, e 8, 3, per doz pairs 7,8,3, ' .... ... " 7 In 2 1 " " .. ....... . 7.12,2, " Axes, 4 1-2 to 5 1-3 lbs, per doz Hoes. "Bolles" Cotton, per doz. 2 50 Nails, cut, Richmond, Va. 3d headed $2 21 25 1 95 1 85 1 80 1 80 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 10 2 00 . 1 90 1 90 4d 6d 8d lOd 12d 20d 30d it it tt 40d " 60d " 6d finish 8d " lOd " 13d " Nails, wire, from Raleigh, N. C, 65c advanced over cut nails. Plows No. 8, F F " No. 7, " No. 5, " " No. 11, Dixie " Boy " Watt D E Castings for above, per 100 lbs Stonewall Plow 3 00 2 25 1 20 2 50 1 15 1 50 1 75 2 09 2 75 1 90 2 25 6c 61-2 3 90 4 40 5 00 5 50 3 50 2 25 5 00 " Uastlners Plows, Double Saovel southern Malta Steel for same, imitation , Genuine.............. . Corn Shellers Dixie, without fan with fan , Buckeye, without fan . . . . , with fan , Clinton or common Black Hawk corn sheller Cotton Planters fox Eclipse 6 SO Feed Cutters (f. o. b. factory) Telegraph No. 4 H 00 Baldwin No. 1 13 50 Daisy propeller, cutters, 6-in. knives. ... 9 00 " " " 7-In. Ofin improved section cutters Smith's patent lever straw cutter " Blades, Harrows (f. o. b. factory) Clark's cutaway , , . . , , Rival, 16 in, 12 disk Maryland square, l-horse Double V, l-horse, 15 teeth , 10 00 2 50 45 lfl 00 22 60 6 50 7 00 8 00 2 75 3 00 1 75 Cultivators (f. o. b. factory) Iron Age No. 2.... Iron Age Special, steel frame. Fig. 1.... Harrison Cultivator, adjustable ......... Roofing All kinds of iron, tin and felt roofing at low prices. Write for special prices . Cane Mills, (freight paid) No. 11, one-horse mill 21 00 No. 12, one-horse, large mill 28 00 No. 13, two-horse mill 42 00 No. 14, two-horse, large mill , 66 00 No. 11, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 12 80 No. 12, evaporator pan, without furnace. . 14 00 No. 13, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 17-60 No. 14, evaporator pan, without furnace. . 21 00 No. 11, evaporator pan, with furnace 25 20 No. 12, evaporator pan, with furnace 28 00 No. 13, evaporatot pan, with furnace 35 00 No. 14, evaporator pan, with furnace IS 00 Write for catalogue. Cook Stoves (f. o. b. Greensboro) No. 7. 18-inch Carolina, with ware 10 00 11 00 11 00 12 00 wo y, 2u-incn No. 8 18-inch " u No. 8. 20 inch " " Fire backs tor above t 25 The f ollowinar ware eroe, with each Bt,ov nhnvK 1 Straight Pot, 1 Bulged Pot. 2 Breai Pans, ITea Kettle, 1 Lore Frying Pan, 1 Ronnd Frying Pan, 1 Griddle, 1 Elbow. 3 Joints of Pipe. 2 Pot Covers and Litters. Every Stove guaranteed. Box Heating Stoves (f . o. b. Greensboro) 18 inches 2 23 0 inch-s 2 75 Js2 inches 3 00 25 irjehes ) 4 00 28 inches 4 75 30 inches 5 00 31 inches 5 25 34 inches. q 75 36 i nches . .. ."."...! . 7 25 Pipe and joins 15 A No. 25-inch stove, with a drum on It, that would heat a room 30x40 all right. for 6 00 WAGON "OCALA." One-horse, 2 1-4 inch thimble skein $22 50 One-horse, 2 1-2 inch thimble skein 25 00 Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein 32 50 Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein. 37 50 One-horse, 1 1-4 inch steel axle 22 60 One-horse, 1 3-8 inch si eel axle 25 00 To-horse, 1 1-2 inch sttel axle... 32 60 Two-horse, 1 3-4 inch steel axle ,. 37 60 All wagons are furnished with box bed In two section-, and one spring seat. If brake Is wanted add $2.50. If bed and seat are not wanted, deduct for bed $2.50. for seat $LO0. Two-horse Dump Carts with Patent Ad justable Saddles and Yoke $42 60 Ocala Road Carts 11 25 ORGANS 'delivered at any railroad sta tion In North Carolina. Warranted for ten vears. Prices Including Instruction book and StiOO 1.) Style 30, Parlor $44 00 " 40, " . 48 00 20, Chapel 44 00 " 15. " 60 00 PIANOS (delivered at any R. R, Station in N C. Style 1, Upright $150 00 " 2, " 160 00 " 3, 171 00 " 4, " 192 00 Buggies Our Lead with top 30 00 Our La.der, wtthouttop 28 00 No. 76 Side Springs, withonttop ' 28 80 No. 74 Side 8pri g. Canopy Top 36 00 No. bSJ. "Our Hummer." Canspy Top. 57 18 Write for catalogue. Sewing Machines Improved Fanners' Alliance with full set attachments and automatic bobbin rider All latest Improvements, fine ly finished, first-class In every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready for Immediate use Price, freight paid 10 Lij xaixruau niauon in .North Caro lina Needles, per doz Prepared Agr'l Lime and Land Piaster: Land Plaster, less car load lot . o. b. Rich mond, per ton Land Plaster, car load lot f. o. b. Nor folk, per ton.. Lime, less car load lot f .o.b. Richmond, per ton..... . ....... Plain shell lime, sacked, L. C. 8., per ton. . , , carload. Cotton-Seed MeaL ter ton t . o. K. Golda. 18 63 25 8 53 700 1000 400 3 60 boro, N C less car load lots...... 20 Ct GUANOh-Alliance Brands N. C. Official Farmers Alliance Guano. (8 per cent. Phos Ac. 2$ per cent. Am , 3 per cent. Potash ) Progressive Farmer Guano (8 per cent. Phos. Ac, 2 per cent Am.. 14 Per cent. Potash.) N. O Ofllcial Farmers' Alliance Acid Phosphate, (13 per cent. Av. Phosphoric Actd.) Write for prices. 3TB U If NO O THERI Peas Any brother having field peas to dispose of piease write us, stating quauiy, quantity, price sacked f. o. b. cars. v Essex Pigs A n in nr cio tra nM ft m to Art V W AW " .................. . V W UJ f W 12 to 14 weeks old 6 00 to 7 60 14 tod8 weeks old: 10 CO to 13 ' Grub Hoes, No. 1, per doz,,,, Mattocks, Cutter, per doz Bush Hooks, best No 1, per doz ...... ... Pitch Forks. No 21 thimble No22 8trap " No 24 strap Strap and lock cap. Shovels, All Right Steel. No 2 H & Co. Steel, No. 2 ! Ray. No 2, Plow Bolts, 1x3-8, per 100 " 1 1-4x3 8, per 100 1 1-2x3-8. per 100 " 2x3-8. per 100 2 1-2x3 8 " 3x3 8. per 103 Cotton Rope, white, per lb medium white , Farm Bells, 40 lbs, from stock I I: 5 ! ; hi i ! n : I ; t

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