Sin' PE0SIlEZ3iE PADE2E3: AUGUST 10, 1037. fl9 S fc a, tr I a H Christian Life Column, jDTTED BT RSV. D. H. TUTTLB, AJCA SJ VI v. -' 'Wearer To Thee." Lr were singing, sweetly singing, rtl the song melodiously. the evening air was ringing: O my God. to Theer V m tArdroDS glistened flS it stirred the twilight dim, l.ff I wondered as listened . . i.. fkam nflprni" Rim r jf it Drouguw iuolu uvuw L fhfiv use ine we naerer. weary. I Sne and life in sweet accord, Wine in the darkness dreary f In that nearness to the Lord? "fTad His Spirit ever sought them, f o be Blighted or denied! Wd jbat dear song ever brought them i Cioser to the Saviour's side? rm&rd its music often. Felt its meaning deep and sweet. And my weary heart would soften giving at my Master's feet, Searer Thee" O precious feeling I Vearer Thee in gain and lcs3; Nearer Thee when I am kneeling In the shadow of Thy cross I Kearer Thea when love descending Falls in blessing on my head ; Nearer Theo when I am bending O'er the graves that hide my dead ! Nearer Thee in joy. in sorrow, Pi the same where'er I roam ; Nearer Thee to day, to morrow. 0 mv King, my Christ, my home! FraskL Stanton. inSjngsof a Day. The Gospel Field. IX FOREIGN LANDS In Formosa there are sixty-two iowfl8 and villages, in each of which here are one, or more than one, Chris tian Church. Greenland, with its population of 10 000 is almost entirely unrisrauzKi by the Moravian, L itheran and Dan ish missionaries. Aa English Mission in India has won a notable convert, a famous scbalar, who has traveled even to Ttit)et to preach Hindooism. He at tributes hi3 conversion to the Bible alone. Munich, Bavaria, 100 years ago, had but three known Protestants. Ndw, the Prote.-tant community is so numerous that four churches hardly accommodate the worshippers. When the missionaries first went to Uganda, sixteen years ago, there was no written language. Now 10,000 of the population are able to read their lan guage. Bishop Morley of (Tinneveilj) In dia, when cn a confirmation tour little more th3n a year ago, confirmed among others, at Vageikulam, a woman who, in one year afterwards, was the means of the conversion - of twelve people, including her husband, who was also confirmed. The A j mere District, Northwest Iaiia, Methodist Episcopal Mission re porta gratifying progress. There are 10,025 Christians in the District, living in 1.330 different places' pome of which are 125 miles from eacn other. More thin 1,125 converts we baptized; 11, 00 more are ready for baptism. Rav. T. J. Marsh visited friends at Lindiay, Oac, after an absence of five years in the Northwest. He came from Hay R.ver and walken 700 miles, then drove 200 more to Edmonton. A A trader accompanied him from the far Njrth; a dog train of four dogs carried their luggage and provisions. The time consumed was from February 1st to March 27th. The Methodist Episcopal Church Misaion in Mexico reported 380 conver sions during the past year. The W. F. M. 8. in Puebl City has 206 students; and the Institute in Mexico City had H3 students fifty boarding scholars and ninety-three day scholars. The printing press sent forth over ten mil lion pages of evangelical literature during the year. There were in India, in 1891, about tvo and a half millions of Christians. 01 these, two and a quarter millions ere natives of India, and one quarter Million were Europeans and Eurasianp. About one and three quarter millions were Roman Catholic and Syrian Chria tians, and about three quarters of a ion were Protestant Christians. Now there are more than three millions native Christians in India. &en are worth more than machines, fcut most millionaires will sacrifice "ten to make money out of machines. Th Pre nrn mantr mrnn nflnnlfl in all our cxarches but it is still true that the sst people in most any community t2lon to some churca. Whatever of infidelity you find among workingmen is borrowed from the "upper ten" who write skeptical while thay live prayerless lives UJ gotten wealth. n impossibility for a father to ech his boy to go toward heaven wte he goes toward hell. A Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys, Traps, Harness lioy direct from factory at Wholesale Prices. SO per cent Bared. uuaranieea two years. Write for ofcica. r-ricesinpiain ngures. iestim awards World 8 Fair and Atlanta Ex display at the Nashville Exposition. Price $ 1 L OQccs & Factories ALUABCE CARRIAGE How To Live. The great problem is, after all, How shall one grow in sympathy and ten derness and generosity and considera tion? How shall he fed on high thoughts and noble aims? How shall he be swift to discern and to avail him self of those opportunities for useful ness to others which are the best chan nels of his own growth? How shall he hold clear and close relation with the divine one? "Be one of the conquerors?" said Balzac. ' Tne universe belongs to him who wills and loves and prays; but he must will, ho must love, he must pray ! ' In a word, he must possess wisdom, force, and faith V Lillian Whiting. Practical Christianity. Some would have us think that fewer eyes are looking upward in reverent gratitude than in other days. But, however this may be, I feel sure that more eyes are looking around in lov ing desire to help the needy than at any previous epoch. And the happiest thought of all is these eyes are young, oos3rvant, and unwearied. To en deavor along Christian lines to increase the sum of human happiness seems to me to be not only the greatest, but the most evangelical thing in the world. To begin to do is an end of contro versy. The severed body of Christ comes back to unity the moment it ceases to preach and begins to prac tice. Frances E. Willard. A Governing God. When things get beyond your con trol, when you face an unknown fu ture, and when trying conditions confront you, remember that there is a governing tfoa m israei, ana that it is His to bring light out of dark ness, j :y out of sorrow, and hope out of sorrow, and hope out of desp-ur. Be patient and acquiescent. L t the Ruler of the Universe and the Lord of the Individual manage tff urs in His own way and at H -sown time Neither grow weary nor become too anticipa tive. R A upon a covenant keeping God your cares, taking His dispensa tions as they come, and multiplying sorrow neither by distrust nor by fore boding. God unravels the future day by day, hour by hour, and moment by moment, accompanying the distribu tion with His supporting and sanctify ing grace. The Presbyterian. Kept. Walking in slippery, doubtful, per plexing places with blind eyes and faltering feet, how much we need a wise and watchful keeper. Myself I cannot save, Myself I cannot keep, But strength in Thee I surely have, Whose eyelids never sleep." God's promises to keep are emphatic and unconditional to His own people who put themselves without reserve into His care. "Who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?" We have no promise that we shall be kept if we voluntarily place ourselves in the way of tempta tion or danger. Accidents happen (to use human modes of speech) to the children of Gxl as well as to those who do not love and trust Him. They suffer pain ; they fail and break their bones; they contract disease, and thieves despoil them of their property. How, then, are they ,4kept?" Certainly not from the outward manifestation of the evil, yet in a higher sense they are truly kept by the power of God; in the midst of all, from any real hurt or harm. It would be useless to attempt an expla nation of such experience to any who does not know it for themselves. Such a Gjspel is "foolishess" to them. But to these who are in the secret it is "both the power of Gjd and the wis dom of God:" David, divinely inspired, knew its meaning when he wrote, "Because thou hast made the Most High thy habitation, there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." God reveals Himself as the keeper of His people under many suggestive and beautiful figures : as a home, a sanctu a-y, the keeper of a choice "garden, a fortress, a protector stronger than hills or mountains. Believe, "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slum ber nor sleep;" "The Lord shall pre serve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and e veil for ev ermore. Young lady, the Lord would think more of you if you would help mother more with the house keeping, and give less time to reading trashy novels or running around over the community with other idle girls, who ought to be helping ther mothers. Some fellow J will want you for a wife by the time I you can fit yourself to be one. Illustrated Catalogue showing latest ueai;aia alsfrom lain figures. Testimonials from every state. Highest ciTiosuion. T osition. xne largest and finest Write to-day for free Catalogue. CO., 258 E. Court SU, CIXCIA3A1I, QPrlce $80, Behind ! Who? Why, you are, if you are a Teacher or Proprietor of a school and have not an advertisement in ThG Progressive Farmer, The Very Best medium through which to reach the rural class a class just now fully awakened to the benefits of an education. -OUR- Special Offer To School Advertisers will aston ish you. Lowest rates we have ever offered. Sent free on application. THE PROGRESSIVE FDR. Chicago Board of Trade GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS on m&rglns. There never was a more favorable time and there la no market known that i better than Chicago for conservative, profitable trading. Write us at once for daily and weekly Market Letter and Booklet, telling how to make money on Chicago Board of Trad. DUDEfJHAVER & COMPANY, 660 Consolidated Exchange Building, CHICAGO Southern Railway Condensed Schedule. IN EFFECT NOV. 22, 1896. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 3:40 p. m. Daily. Solid vestibule trains with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via Salisbury, Morganton, Asheville, Hot Springs and Knoxville. Connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksvilla and Keysvilla, exespt Sun day. At Greensboro with the Wash ington and Southwestern Vestibule (Limited) train for all poins North and with main lino train No. 12 for Dan ville, Richmond and intermediate local stations ; also, has connection for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 35, "United States Fast Mail" for Charlotte, Spartansburg, Greenville, Atlanta and all points South; also, Columbia, Augusta, Charleston, Sa vannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida. Sleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Augusta. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11: 45 a. m. Daily. Solid train con sisting of Pullman Sleeping car and coaches from Chattanooga to Norfolk, arriving at Norfolk at 5 a. m., in time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners1, Norfolk and Washington and Baltimore, Chesa peake and Richmond S. S. Co's for all points North and East. Connects at Bel ma for Fayetteville and intermediate stations on the Wil son and Fayetteville Short Cut daily, except Sunday for Newbern and More head City daily for Goldsboro and Wil mington and intermeeiate stations on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8: 30 a. m. Daily. Connects at Dur ham for Oxford, Keysville, Richmond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points North. Express Train. 3:09 p. m. Daily For Goldsboro and intermediate stations. Local Accommodation. 2 :00 a. m. Connects at Greensboro for all points for North and South and Winston Salem and points on the Northwestern and North Carolina Rail road. At Salisbury, for ail points in Western North Carolina, Knoxville, Tenn., Cincinnati end western points; at Charlotte, for Spartanburg, Green ville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C. : Express Train. 3:05 p. m. Daily. From Atlanta, Charlotte, Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited, 3:40 p. m. Daily. From all points east, Norfolk, Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboro, Wilmington, Fay etteville and all points in Eastern Caro Una. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 :45 a. m. Daily. From New York, Washington, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Hot Springs and Asheville. Express Train. 8:53 a: m. Daily. From Goldsboro and intermediate stations. Local. 7:20 a. m. Daily. From Greensboro and all points North and South. Sleep ing car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. m. Daily except Sunday. From Goldsboro and all points East. Local freight trains also carry pas sengers. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh to Greensboro. Double daily trains between Raleigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick" time; unexcelled accommodation. ' W. H. Geeen, General Superintendent. W. A. Turk, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. O. J. IL Culp, Traffic Manager. ALLIANCE PRICE LIST. SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS. GROCERIES. Baking Powder Go-dLrick.EO full lbs, per cage $3 75 100 6 oz size, per case, . . 3 75 Perfect lb, per dozen. Philadelphia, 2 00 Perfect, U tbs. (2 doz. In case), per doz. " 1 00 Perfect, H lbs, (4 doz. in case), 5(J Coffee-Roasted, Richmond, Pr lb Ario8a....ll70, Lien... 11 70 LeYering's. ...1155 Golden Rio. Philadelphia, 126 Ordinary Ria.-in bulk, M 10& Coffee Green, Richmond. per lb Fancy Rio ...... UM Fair Rio 104 Choice Rio 12&5 1 Prime Rio 12k Good Rio 11 I Choice Lagnayra, 16 Fair Rio 9 Choice Green Lagnayra, Philadelphia. 14 Prime Green Rio, PhUadelphta. 1154 Fancy Rio 15& Good Rio Wi Cheese Cream per lb Prime si Fancy 8 Sardines American, 100 to case $2 65 American Mustard. 60 to case...... 2 25 Flour Richmond perbbl Roanoke...,, $4 40 Hill City 3 65 Dixie 3 75 Golden Sheaf.PhUa 4 95 Good Family 4 10 High Loaf H 90 Monogram ....... 4 50 Snow Flake 3 40 Pomona 4 60 Luxury, 4 80 D isn. wtute, per iuu lbs 2 uu Lye per case Keystone. 4 dozen In case. Pnlla 2 25 Potash. Nickle.... $2 75 I Star potash. $3 00 Lye, Mendleson's, 3 15 Star 3 50 Lard, in tierces about 350 lbs per lb Compound iH Fairbanks 4M I Best Pure 5 relative prices various size pkgs: tX) lb plain tuba , 1-8 over tierces 1-4 " " 6-8 " M 1-4 " 3-8 M " 3-4 " 7- 8 " M le ni f t iancy tubs 0 i wooden pails 0 1 tins. Sin case ,, 20 1t " 4 " iOlo 6 alb " 12 3 to " 20 Meats- per 100 lbs Dry salt short rib sides, Richmond.... 6 6 8M Dry salt extra short clears. Dry salt heavy fat backs. Mess Pork, per bbl. t Snaoked Meats Sig&r cured hams, about 10 lbs,. ....... Sugar cured hams, 12 to 14 lbs Sugar cured California hams .......... Sugar cured breakfast bacon......,,,,. 11H 10 8 8H per gal 18c 20 17 30 16 18 28 80 2 23 -20 15 Molasses New Crop " uba, Richmond. , New Crop Porto Rico,' Richmond Good ew Orleans ,. Fancy New Orleans Choice Porto Rico, Phila ancy uuDa, - Fancy New Orleans, New Crop Borb&dos, No 1, Wilmington, NftwCion " No 2. New Crop " No 3. " jsew uron uuba. No 2a. Mixed Cuba Syrup WHtlTMaDle Svtod. Phlla 16c; Extra amber " 13 White honey " 18 Fancy golden 21c Sugar drips 12 Number 6 Suear Richmond 12 Sweet Sixteen Very B lght Richmond. .16 Rock candy syrup . 18c I Maple Cane....,,,, 18 Lamp Oils t o b) Richmond- Standard White .. 8Mc I Aladdin 9Mc Pratt's astral oil. . . . 10M Red 9 I Carnadlne red.... 104 Lubricating Oils (fob Richmond) Capital Cylinder. 35c I Renown Engin .... 20c Atlantic Red 16 Light Jewel Spd ... 14 Summer Black .....11 In half-bbls. 2c Der pal. more: In cans 53 ner gal, more, cans charged for. Spices and Peppers per lb 8c m 61 IK Black PeDDer. best sifted Phila. Race Ginger, best Quality. Cloves 6c I Alspice Black Pepper, best sifted, Richmond. . . . ,Sice- Rice, Head.. 5c Good 43c Fancy heads. Phila 5 Grits, prime 4Hc I Prime 3hI Large Hominy. Richmond $200 Small Gri? s. Richmond 2 20 Sugar, New York basis Granulated 5 Best Soft A U Confectioners A i Extra C. white 4$ Extra C, yellow ... iH Soda, Baking. per lb 1 lb package, 60 to box 2c Assorted, Ins and nalves Assorted lbs. halves and quarters Baking Soda in kegs, 112 Ids m 2H Starch iFnlladelphla) per case Celluloid, large size. 64...., 4 75 Celluloid, small size 64 250 Corn. 401b box....$l40 Corn. 20 lb box... 75 Best Large Lump, 50 lb boxes 1 50 Best fear 1 Lump, ou lb boxes 13? Gloss. 48 lbs. in box 2 IS Laundry, 40 lbs . . . . $ 1 20 Canned Goods (Richmond)-- per doz Pie Peaches, 3 lb: $ 60. High Grade, 3 lb.. .$1 30 Lemon 31b.. 155. Yellow. 3 lb 100 sliced P'eapple.2 lb 115, Grated, 21b 185 cx-rn. tine, a id 60. Fancy. 2 lb 95 Tomatoes, 2 lb 60, Tomatoes, 3 lb..,.. 77 Corn Beef, cases, 2 doz. 2 lb. cans 1 90 Corn Beef, cases, 2 o oz 1 lb cans. 1 10 Chip; ed Beef, 2 doz 1 lb cans 1 90 Potted Tongue, 4 doz 14 lb cans. 45 Potted Ham, 4 doz. Mlo cans 43 almon, 4 doz $1 00, Choice. 125 Salmon, ei tra fancy quality. 180 Blacking Mason's. per doz. No. 1 size, 3 doz .... 45c No. 4, 3 doz 25 Blueing In sifting boxes . Der eross No. 1, gross $1 50 No. 3, H gross ....$2 50 Brooms (Richmond) per doz 2 string, plain 9 95 3 string $1 20. 4 string 1 65 3 string, painted handles 145 4 string 2 00, Sstring 2 25 Soap (Richmond) Big Olive, 20 cakes per box $180 Globe, 100 $2 75 Pale Olive 100 $2 00 Hectagon, 100 2 75 Magnolia, 100 2 60 Imperial. 100 3 15 Kangaroo, 54 1 65 New South 100 4 ' wrapped Phila, 175 New South 100 " " unwrapped Phila. 1 65 Best Washing, 100 cakes, Phila, per box 3 00 Salt (Wilmington) 100 lbs White Cotton. 87c 200 lbs Burlap's Tdverpool 57 324 lbs Factory Filled 1 07 100 lbs Burlaps, Liverpool. 34 In car lots 3c less; 200 lbs Liverpoor in car lots 8c less. Tobacco -Philadelphia New South 27c I Good Cheer.. 28c Our Ideal 28 Big Chew 30 Axle Grease (Richmond) per H gross Frazier's $2 50 Golden Star $1 05 SEEDS (F. O. B.) RICHMOND A. Clover Pr hush Prime Red $4 65 J Choice Red........ $4 80 Mammouth 5 OJ Lucerne 5 60 Crimson prime .... 2 25 i Crimson choice. , . 2 40 Bags charged extra 15 cents for above. Grass (bags Included) per bush of lbs Prime Red Top or Herds 50 m 18 1 30 14 1 35 14 14 1 45 14 1 35 11 2 25 14 1 00 14 90 14 1 00 14 1 55 45 per bus. 95 95 Choice Orchard grass Extra Ciean Ky. Blue..... Fancy Kentucky Tall Meadow Oat Fine Lawn grass... Perenial Rye Grass Italian Rye Grass Choice Timothy, bag extra. Seed Wheat Fulftoster. 95 JCurrelsIroUflc. 1 00 Oats Va. Gray Winter. prime 37 Red Rust Poof. prime .V..:,r-45" Per bushel. Choice 40 Choice......... 45 Millet (bag extra IScr.) German,. ....... Ry... !V) I Ra.Un 85 52 w 4 1VJ ................ . 400 bushels Virginia Winter Gray, or Turf, Oita made on, the Alliance farm, delivered t o. b. Hillsboro, N. C in 5 buahel bags at l0c. per bushel. Now is the time to plant; If planted early a large yield may. ba expacted from light seeding, as tley stool abundantly and make almost tf solid turf over the Held. --1 DRXiQOODS. Bleaching. Barker 4-4 " Balow Mills Vic 5 7H 10 5 " Monroe Mills 4-4. " Fruit of Loom 4-4 Lonsdale Cambric 4-4..,...,, Unbleached Lake George A A, 4-4 White Star A, 4-4. ! White Star A A, 4-4 M Graham Sea Island AAA,4 4 " Extra Sea Island... " Plymouh Drilline Extra Heavy Drilling. 10 Ginghams, Ktlbernie checks 5 Fancy dress styles 5 3 3H Caralelgh..:....MTrr. " Calico, Lodi Shirtings 1 ; Central Park Shirting American ......... ' 4c Dress Styles 5 Plaids, 25 Inch N .C 4 27-inch N. C. J. 5c Southern Silk 6 Outing, Fancy Plaids 5 Solid Colors. ....... .10c I Extra Heavy 10 Satteen. 2?ice Dress. . . .'. M , lZft Ducking. " "z:&:,. 10 Black. 10 and Satteen, for Skirts'! ..; 10, 12 and 15 Worster. Solid Cdlorsf, double-width 10 rancy t 126 Fricot, all wool, . , . " " 15 Pant goods, school boy jeans 15 Bulger 17Xd Merino 25 Maryland Kersey .35 . Dickey's Kersey..., 40 Holland Cottonades. 8 Manchester Cottonades 10 Princess .... .... 12c Double and Twist l&Hc Ticking, Mattress VA to 9 " Feather Tickine 10 1 21 J & P Coats Thread, per doz. 45 Glazed (200 yds) per doz , . 20 (5UU yds) per do 45 Ball Cotton (2 lbs. in box).?per lb 20 Knitting Cotton (16 oz. pkg.) 16 Shoes - 1 ' Gent's lace and waiters, all nrices. Men's Randolph Eng. Ties. 6 to ll's Women's Randolph Kid Polish, 3 to 8's. . . Women's " alf 3 to 8's... $145 120 125 135 150 185 200 200 Women's Bay state grain, 3 to 8's Women's Zeisrlers. G. Bals. 2 to 8's Women's " Morocco, G. Bals, 2 to 8's, Women's Kid Button Opera, 2 to 7's Women's " Kid Button C. S.. 2 to 7's Misses and Children; all sizes. ii-i HARDWARE. Powder, best rifle; per keg $400 Hames 'r,i tl No 2H hook. Iron bound, per doz. ....... No 3 n-Xik, iron bound, per doz No 16 hook, brass bound, per doz Plow Lines 1 ; Cotton, with snaps, 33 feet long, doz. , . , Madras Hemp with snaps, 33 feet " .... 3 50 3 00 625 185 185 Fence Wire . 1 ( Plain wire, putup lo rolls of 100 to 130 pounds. Barbed wire put Up In rolls of 100 pounds each. Five pounds staple to'the roll at 4c per pound. Galv. barbed . .. . . . ,. $ 2 10 Poultry Netting' Put up in rolls oT 150 running feet. 2inch mesh, 36 in. wide, per roll 2 15 2 " " 48 , " , . " ' ....2 75 2 " ' 60 1 "! " " " ... 3 40 WO 14 U 44 44 4 00 . . . Back Bands Hooks , per doz. 3 Inch HVt P 1 3 1-2 mch ' Wo Webbing per jlOO iet No.0. 31-21nch.,.W75' No.L 3 1-2 inch.. $2 00 Single Trees- hdokBor rings, per doz Common it.. $i'S0 1 Extra $2 50 Clevises peruioztr 2 Loop 60c 3 Loop $1 CO Buckets . ; !''. ' 2 hoop, painted . .$1 20 I 3 hoop ....$135 2 hoop, brass bound, 1 80 3 hoop 2 00 Horseshoes, per Veg, all sizes 2 90 Mu:e shoes, ' ! ' " 3 40 Horseshoe Nails, Excelsior, per lb 10 " Anchor, per lb 12H Tobacco Flues,' best inide, per lb 0i Grub Hoes, No. 1, per doz 3 25 No. 2. 3 60 Mattocks, Cutter, per doz 4 50 Bush Hooks, best No 1, per doz 9 00 Pitch Forks. No 21 thimble . 3 00 " Strap and lock cap , . 4 00 No 22 strap....... 8 25 No 24 strap 3 35 Shovels, All Right'Steel. No. 2 6 50 rx & uo. steei, jno. i oou " Remington 760 Plow Bolts, 1x3-8, per 100 70 11-4x5 8, per 100 75 " 11-2x3-8. per 100 85 " 2x3-8. per 100 90 " 21-2x3 8. 95 M 3x3 8, per 100,,,, ..,..,, 1(5 Cotton Rope, white, per lb , , , . 12 " medium white..,, , 10 Farm Bells, 40 lbs, from stock. 90 60 . t . ' " 1 13 75 lbs $ 169 1 100 lbs 2 25 Church and Shool Bells Weight of Bills and Mountings. No. 20, 160 pounds. $ 8 00 No. 22. 175 r 10 00 No. 24. 225 'hi 12 50 No. 26 325 Kettles, 20 gallons.'.. 20 00 4 00 460 45 gal ......I.. $8 50 60 gal 9C0 Blacksmith Bellows, 31 inch 6 00 33inch 560 Grindstones; per Y& l&c Axe handles, straight, per doz 85 Plow traces, 6H 8, S, per doz pairs 8 00 " 7, 8, a. . " .... ... 8 25 7.1(112. " " 4 00 " 7.122, " 5 25 Axes per dozen Car Clipper, 1)4 to .lbs . $ 50 Champion . J . " 510 Red Warrior ' , 650 Hoes, ("Bolle8',) 6 doz lots- Hoes, 76. 8 8V4, per doz ., Nails, cut, Richmond, Va. 22u 3d headed ........ 6d " ...;.. lOd 20d " .;....'' 2 05 180 165 160 4d headed 8d " 13d " 30d 190 170 165 161 160 40d 60d " 6d finish ...... s.ll2 10 8d finish 2 tO 12d " 190 Kki " Nails, wire, from Raleigh, N. C. 5Cc. advanced over cut nails. ' Plows No. 8,'F P. ; 8 00 - No. 5, .,1 20 t,vct n .... 1 06 No.7,FF 2 25 No. 11. Dixie 2 50 Watt DE 160 Castings for aboYP, per 100 lbs PlOW 1 75 2 00 : iasungs , n 40 Plows. Double Siiovel Southern. ........ 1 90 " Malta i .. 8 25 Steel for same. Imitation 6c Genuine 61-2 Corn Spellers 1 Dixie, with faA 5 50 I Dixie, without fan. 5 00 Buckeye, with fan, 5 60 Buckeye " 6 00 Clinton or common 3 60 Black Hawkcom aheller 2 10 Cotton Planters -.jl-- Eclipse 656 Corn Planters r 12 7S Feed Cutters (f. o. b. factory) Telegraph No. 4 Baldwin No. 1, 6-in knives .., propeller, cutters, 6-in. knives. ... 8-in. - Smith's patent lever straw cutter " " " " Blades. Hay Press, $25 00. f o b Goldsboro, N. C. Hairows (f. o. b. factory) Clark's cutaway Rival, lft in, 12 disk !.!!!,"! Maryland square. 1-horse , Double V, 1-hprse, 15 teeth , Cultivators (f. o. b. factory) 11 CO 13 50 rs so Ll3 75 2 60 43 19 00 22 60 6 60 7 00 8 00 Iron Age No. 1. plain ;. 9 75 8 1ft 4 15 3 (5 4 15 2 3U 2 80 3 00 870 iron Age, with plain wneei Horse hoe combined, with plain wheel No6.5-tooth, plain ' Dixie, plain " with plain wheel " H. H. combined with plain wheel Combined narrow and cultivator For lever adjustment attachments on above add 50c. Harrison Cultivator, adjustable . ..(... 175 Garden wheel hoe. complete Double wheel 6 00 I Single wheel ....... 4 63 " Jewel..5 25 " . Gem. .4 25 kinds of iron, tin and Talt roofing at low prices. Write for special prices. Cane Mills, (freight paid) No. 11, one-horse mill 21 C3 No. 12, one-horse, large mill 23 G3 No. 13, two-horse mill 43 00 No. 14, two-horse, large mill, 66 00 No. 11, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 13 C3 No. 12, evaporator pan, without furnace., 14 00 No. 13, evaporator pan, without furnace., 17 63 No. 14, evaporator pan, without furnace.. 21 CO No. 11, evaporator pan, with furnace...... 5 3 No. 12, evaporator pan, with furnace...... 23 CO No. 13, evaporatot pan, with furnace..,,.. 85 C3 No. 14, evaporator pan, with furnace.,,... 43 C3 Write for catalogue. Cook Stoves, with ware. (f. o. b. Greensboro) No. 7, 18-inch..... 10 0u I No 7, 20-inch Dl CO No. 8. 18-inch U 00 No. 8, 20-inch...... IS 00 Fire backs for above 23 rne roi lowing ware goes with each stove above: 1 Straight Pot, 1 Bulged Pot, 2 Bread Pans, ITea Kettle, 1 Locg Frying Pan, 1 Roand Frying Pan. 1 Griddle. 1 Elbow. 3 Joints of Pipe. 2 Pot Covert and Lifters. Every Stove guaranteed. WAGON M OC ALA." One-horse, 2 1-4 inch thimble skein. ....... 22 60 One-horse, 2 1-2 inch thimble skein 25 00 Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein ........ 82 50 Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein.. 87 60 One-horse, 1 1-4 Inch steel axle. 22 60 One-horse, 1 3-8 inch steel axle 25 00 Two-horse 1 1-2 inch steel axle... 33 60 Two-horse, 1 3-4 inch steel axle ,. 87 60 All wagons are ..furnished with box bed In two sections, and one spring seat. If brake la wanted add $2.50. If bed and seat are not wanted, deduct for bed $2.50, for seat $L00. Two-horse Dump Carts with Patent Ad justable Saddles and Yoke ,....$4360 Ocala Road Carts 1123 ORGANS (delivered at any railroad sta tion in North Carolina. Warranted for ten years. Parlor, Style 30. 44 00 I Style 40 48 00 Chapel 20. . . 44 0C I Style 15, Chapel. . 60 00 Prices including instruction book and . stooD: PIANOS (delivered at any R. R. Station InN C. Upright, Style 1... 150 00 j Style 2 .,160 00 ,f 3. ..171 00 J Style 4 ..,..192 00 Buggies Our Leader with top.....,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,, 30 00 Our Leader, without top 28 00 No. 7H. Side Springs, without top 28 80 No. 7j. Side Sprii gs, Canopy Top 36 00 No. 122. "Our Hummer," Canspy Top 57 If write ior catalogue. Sewing Machines Improved Farmers Alliance with full set attachments and automatic bobbin winder. All latest Improvements, fine ly finished, first-class in every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready for immediate use. Price, freight paid to any railroad station In North Caro lina $ Needles, per doz 18 69 JbTepared Agr'l Lilme and uand flaster: . Land Plaster, less car load lot f. o. b. Rich mond, per ton , ., .$ 8 69 Land Plaster, car load lot f. o. b. Nor folk, per ton T CO Lime, less car load lot f .o.b. Richmond, per ton 10 00 Plain shell lime, sacked, L. C. S.. per ton. . . 4 00 4 " carload, ... 8 13 Cotton-Seed Meal, 'per ton f. o. b. Ral eisrh. N C, less car load lots. ...... ...... 20 CO GUANO Alliance Brands N. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Guano, (8 per cent.-'Phos. Ac, 2 per cent. Am , 3 per cent. Potash ) Progressive Farmer Guano (8 per cent. Phos. Ac, 2 per cent. Am.. 1J6 per cent. Potash.) N. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Acid Phosphate, (13 per cent. Av. Phosphoric Acid.) Write for prices. CSBU x" NO OTHER! Washing Machines Eoss, No 1 5 60 " 5 8 00 Eli " 3 4 40 " 2 6 80 " " 4 4 80 Wringers BossNo. 214 Boss " 1M Relief" 22 Relief" 33 2 25 2 50 2 50 2 75 Mill Stones (best N. C. Grit), write for prices. The Agency handles the Genuine "Iron Age Cultivators and ;Harrows and can save you money. Brethren having anything to bell, as well as those wishing to buy will do well to consult th Agency. k OUR MACHINE PRIZES. For the next year, beginning Juno 1st, 1896, and ending June 1st, 1897, we make the following offer: 1. To i he Sub-Agent who buys the greatest number of Improved Hih Arm Alliance sewing machines we will give one of the same as a prize. 2. To the Sub Agent who buys tho next greatest number, we will give &3 a prize, a High Arm Singer style saw ing machine. v 3 To the Sub-Agent who buys tho third greatest number, we will give aa a prize, either a No, 1 Boss washing machine or a No. 1 set of single buggy harness (at option of contestant.) All prizes will be delivered, freight paid, to any railroad station in North Carolina. 4 To every Sub Agent who buys five of these machines including tho3 agents also who take the prizes, we will give five dollars in cash and one dollar each for every additional machine above five. Any Sub Agent will be en titled to participate in the contest, This is an opportunity for every Sub Agent. Descriptive circulars will bo furnished on application. Address T. Ivet, S. B. A. Hillsboro. N. O WORK YOUR WOOL The Agency is prepared to cive you some valuable aisistance. Write ua for samples and prices and shipping in structions we give a discount from factor's regular prices. T. IVEY. S. B. A., Hillsboro, N. O. IS MORE THAN PLEASED. Eastern Tobacco Warehouse. Oltho L. Joyner, Owner and Prop'r, Greenville, N. C, Oct. 30, 1833. Editor Progressive Farjike Raleigh, Dear Sir: Enclosed find check for k 50 in payment for the ad. you in serted for me. Your bill was for $2. 00; hope you will accept the amount of check, as I got value received for tha ad With good wishes for the con tinued success of your paper, I am, Yours very truly, O. L. JOYKEV .CardwelL with fertilizer attachment.,.. 1700 Eureka .......'.,i..l2 00 1 Centennial.,.,,, ...16 00 . 4

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