"Tie Progret ttlre Farmer U a coed paper far Ibove the ayer--ge &ad possibly best advertis. lasr medium In N. g? printer' Ink. 'The Prrvrr- ive Farmer! a good 'paper fax above the average- -and possibly the beat advertis ing medium in U, C." Printer' Ink. An iic1 Li THE INDUSTRIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INTERISTS OF OUS PEOPLE PAfiAHOUNT TO ALL OTHrSfc CONSIDEfiATIONS OF STATE POLICT. Vol. 12. RALEIGH, IT. C, OCTOBER 19, 1897. ITo. 37 n n rrri I I El -i .1 W 1 H tf-il M 1 1 A r i i i i ,532 NATIONAL FARMERS' ALL1- UNION. i?Csid3nt Mann Page, Brandon, Vice Prrsident 0. Vincent, Indian- 'Setary Treasurer W. P. Bricker, Qogan Station. Pa. LKOTTJBERS. j P Sosamon, Charlotte, N." O. Hamlin V. Poore, Bird Island, Minn. F. H. Peirsol, Parkersburg, W. Va. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mann Page. Brandon, Va. ; R. A. flouth worth, Denver, Col.; John Bre Jff W Va. ; A. B. Welch, New York; W. A. Gardner, Andrew's Settlement, jxjdioiast. g. A. Scuthworth, Denver, Colo. i- v. Beck, Alabama. . D. Davie, Kentucky. HORTH OAEOLIKA fABMKBS' BTA1E ALU- President Jno. Graham, Ridgewny, N Vice-President W. B. Upchurch, Uotrisville, N. O. tt Secretary Treasurer J.T. B.Hoover, Hiilsboro. N. 0. . . State Business Agent T. B. Parker, Hillsboro, N. 0. Lecturer-Dr. V. N. Seawell, Villa- BAMistant lecturer W. B. Brick house, Mackev Ferry, N. C. Chaplain W. S. Mercer, Moyock, N C Door-keeper Geo. T. Lane, Greens boro. N. C. distant Door-keeper J aa. K. Lyon, Dirham, N. O. ?ergeant-at-Arms A. D. K. Wallace, Baleigh, N. C. . Traaxee Business Agency Fund W. i. Graham, Machpelah, N. C. IIECUTIVK OOMMrmCB OP THE FORTH CAR :-LI5A FARMZBS STATS ALL1AK0S. J. W. Denmark, Chairman, Ra!eigh, N C John Graham, Bidgeway, N. C. W. B. Fleming, Ridgeway, N. O. A. F. Hileman, Concord, N. C. Dr J B. Alexander, Charlotte, N. C. Thomas D. O-dham, Teer, N. C. gTATE A-X1ASCT JUDICIARY OOSmiTTES. Dr. J. E Person, Pikeville, N. C. V7. S. Barnes. Raleigh, N. C. T. Ivey, Hillsboro, N. C. txih CaroWua Reform Press Association. Offers J. L. Ramsey, President; ?arion Butler, Vice-Presiient ; W. 8. Unmet, Secretary, PAPERS. rTJrwcslve Farmer. State Orcan, Raleigh, N. C. aucxaiaa, Raielgn, . u. utrcarv. Hickory, N. C. tttln. Wrdtakers, N. U. vtr Hone Beaver Darn, N. C. rte Populist, Lumberton, N. C. rhe People's Paper, Charlotte, N. C. fte Vestibule, Concord, N. C. Tte Plow- iov. W&desboro, N. C. urcUaa Watcnman, Salisbury, N. C. y-acn, of the above-ramcd paper are tidied to keep Vie list standing on 4e nt page and add others, provided y Gi-e duly elected. Any paper fail q lo advocate the Ocala platform wtll Stopped from the list promptly. Our ifififife can now tee what paper are blithcd in their interest. , GrORICTJLTTJRET CONTROLLING CROP PESTS. A. recent issue of the Albany, N. Y , Country Gentleman has this to say cerning one good act of our last legis lature : "A reader thinks wo would do well to call attention to the method now pursued in North Carolina under the provisions of chapter 264 of the laws of 187 of that State 'An Act to Pre vent the Introduction and Dissemina tioa ct Dangerous Insect, Fungous and Weed Pe3ts of Crops.' Toi3 act consti tutes a eptcial unsalaried commission consisting of the State Commissioner of Agriculture, the Director of the North Carolina Agricultural Experi ment Station, and the Preeident of the State Horticultural 8ociety. It is the faty Cf this commission to 'adopt regu lationa, not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of this State andjhe Suited States, for preventing the in troduction of dangerous, crop pesta froaa without the State, and for gov erning common carriers in transport plants liable to harbor such peats to.and from the State, and euch regu ktiong shall have the force of laws.' T&e act goes on to say that no person, cr corporation shall knowingly willfully keep upon his cr their Prern's's any plant infested by any aanecroug crop pegt jjed and pub uanea as each by the said commission, Jr permit dangerous weed pesta to ma jjfe eet?d or othf rwise multiply upon j?wr lanri, except under such regula "cna as the commission may prescribe ; rrF su-'-h infested plant and premises hereby declared a public nuisance. j?t;ns under this authority, the com jion declares the following ineect toK8 and f un8oua diseases of plants dangerous pests of crops: San Scale, greedy scale, West India gloomy scale, scurfy scale, oyster gA1 scale, enonymus scale, walnut J?je. plum eoale, peach yellows ; peach JJJ Plum rosette; fire blight, and black HOW TO SAVE HOME-MADE MA NURE. Written for the Prcgresslre Farmer. Now that the guano question is at tracting eo much attention, we think the following article will make good reading. In another column we give a letter from Mr. A. L. Swinson on the use of guano, and in our 'Weekly Di gest" the article on "Home Mixing of Fertilizers" may prove interesting. Ed Raleigh, N. C. We rememb3r having once heard a practical man make a remark about the use of concentrated chemical for til zTa which appeared to have con siderable common eenee in it. He said that if we undertake to make a crop with such manures oi ly, i would bo like a laboring man trying to do a gocd day's work orr"one drink of whiskey. The liquor would stimulate bis stomach and fire up hia energies for a short time, but hi3 systf m.wculdsoon feel the need of good, BU6tainicg focd. It ia much the same way in fertilizing land with ch mical mixtures. Every practical farmer-knows that good stable manure and heme made composts are icfitely superior and mc re lasting than many of the chemical fer tilizers on the market, therefore any contrivance to help the farmer to ao cumulate and save such materials, in good condition and at the leagt expense, is desirable. Many cf our farmera allow enough material about the barnyard and stables to waste and wash away by rains; to make a lai ge quantity of excellent ma nure. They do this mainly for the lack of a convenient place for the reception of the waste material of the household and barnyard. The sketch is intended to show an efficient and cheaply built manure pen which can be made by anyone at the cost of a few pounds of nails. lip ) As s&own in the cut, it consists of a rough roof of split boards, supported by four posta end surrounded by a pen of logs four or five feet high. The qor ner posts are set in the ground and support the plates and rafters The log pen is built up around the outside of the four posts and are notched in the style of a log cabin. All the frame work may ba round poles and the roof of split boards or slabs. Plank may be used for the roof, but C3st more. A shallow trench should be dag on all sides, for drainage, and the dirt from the trench heaped up around the hot torn logs, to prevent the entrance of rain water. Into this pen should be thrown all the stable manure, litter and droppings of the barnyard, cebes and night soil from the dwellings, slops, old bones, dead animils, oak leaves, sweepings, etc. Occasionally throw on some land plaster or dry earth, especially if the pen becomes offensive. Tne fact of having a handy place to deposit all such things will insure its being used for that purpose and roault in much cleaner and more healthful prem ises, besides saving a large amount of excellent manure. In the course of a year an astound ing quantity of manure will be accu' mulated, at almost no cost whatever, and its qualities are far more lasting than commercial fertilizers. The pen should be conveniently located near the barnyard or stables, but not near the well. It should be the duty of some one on the farm, at frequent intervals, to clean up and deposit in the manure pen every available pound of material about the barnyard and stables, allow ing nothing to go to waste. Occasion ally mix and stir the materials with a shovel or fork, and if too dry, throw on some water from time to time bo that the whole mas3 may become a well rotted compost. Such a pen, 12x16 feet, will contain 960 cubic feet, if piled fiveJeet deep. That quantity of loose earth will weigh over forty-five tons, but a compost will not weigh quite so much. A pen of that s'za would probably be of sufficient cize for a two horse farm. Those who have no better method of saving manure will do well to try this cheap, home heme farm pen. It will save many dollars, even on the smallest farm, in a year's time. Thos C. Harris. THE USE CF GUANO ZSRS. FERTILI- Carreepondence of the Progref slve Farmer. In your iue of October 5th, on first pge, appears a set of resolutions rela tive to guano. I want to eay at the outset that it is unwise and mislead ing ia the statements CDntalned there in, and that thia is not what should come from any Alliance, to go to other farmers and Alliances, for many pec pie will euppoee these resolutions all right, beciusetbey would not know otherwise, and hence would take is for granted that as an Alliance .had endorsed iV that they know it was correct, bafore they would do so, when as a fact they only inferred it to be correct. The 4iwhereas" to these resolutions is correct and good as far as it goes. The first resolution in regard to the reia tivo value of the fertilizers of to day and ten years ago, is very incorrect, and is not a good statement to go out for correctD e3S. Especially is this true of the grades sold in our State fcr in stead of there being a shrinkage in the quality cf the fertilizers sold here to day and ten years ago, they are rather better. The fact that they are so de ceptive inValue is due to the wholesale use that is made of them with so little care different-methods give different results in the use of fertii Z3rs, just aa it dose in anythiDg else, brother. R solution 2 ii also bad, and hardly ia keeping with Alliance influence. Now is it cot a fact, (I say it u) that since the Alliance organized in North Carolina and established a standard grade brand of fertilizer, i e .8 per cent. phosphoric acii,2J percent ammcnia.S percent, potash and contracted through our State Trade Agent to supply guano of that grade at 120 to 124 per ton, that the prices of all other guanos of like grade and proportionately so, drop to about sme price as cur Alliance guano; that is for standard grade, dropped from $25 and $30 per ton to $20 to $24 per ton ? And these facts have been pub lished and canvassed by our Alliance papers and officials as a reason for maintaining our Order. Resolution 3 is rather eff also, for it depends on the knowledge and tec in the use of fertilizsr; that ia to under stand the quality of your soil, the need of the crop you are to grow and many ether thing just as important, in point of success, as tad seasons are, to mike mcney by the use of f ertilfz 3rs. Resolution 4 is worse than all the rest, as it would constitute special legislation and force people tc buy what they did not want, and in many cases not the most profitable; it would not be "equal right3 to all and special privileges to none," for it would be a special privilege to such as needed that high grade fertilize only to get it, but would prevent others who needed a lower grade from getting it and force them to take what was .best for some quick grow ing crop, to use where they needed a better grade, that is a lower grade, for their slow growing crop or go without any. And I want to go on record here and now as saying, that no one can farm profitably at the low price of soil products, without the use of fertilizers in the majority parts of North Carolina, and that it is the men who use from 1,000 to 3,000 pounds of fertilizers on their special crops that make the most clear money out of farming. Resolution 5 first part of it is all O. K. the latter part is true in many cases, but is also offset by as many other caees, where it pays well and people will not quit the use of it oan't afford to. Now, brethren, I have written what I have above simply to point out the fact that many people don't eea things as you do, and again that the experi ence of all are different, too, and also on reviewing your resolutions and reading my review of them that you may see how it put us as an order of farmers to have an Alliance publish a eet of resolutions along a lino that is admiseable, so manyobjoctiona to. I admire the spirit and united inter est which I think prompted these reso lutions, but we should be more careful, I think. What the farmer needs in the fertili kt matter ia to better understand bow to use them; what they want, the real market value of the grade of the fer tilizer they do need. Instead of higher priced good3, we need to get just what we need for our crops for less money than we now have to pay. You take the Alliance brand of guano, it has 8 per cent, acid, that is 160 pounds per ton, and this is worth A cents per pound, ($7.20 worth of acid), 2 per cent, ammonia, that is 50 pounds of ammonia in a ton, worth12 cents per pound, ($6 worth of ammonia), then there is 3 per cent, potash, that is 60 pounds in a ton, worth 5 cants per pound, ($3 worth of potash), total 270 pounds of chemicals worth 16.20, the other 1,740 pounds is waste dirt worth nothing, and you pay from $20 to $24 for this $16 20 worth of chemicals, when you buy it in the form of manu factured guano; when I waut a ton of guano equal to any standard brand that contains 8 per cent, acid, 2 per ;eat. ammonia atd 3 per cent, potash, I buy the following goods and mix them myself: 1,000 lbs. acid phosphate 14 per cent, acid contains 140 lbs. acid and cost in Norfolk $5 00 400 lbs. of kainit 13 per cent, con tains 52 lbs. of potash and cost ' in Nor folk 2 20 600 lbs cotton eeed meal contains 52 lbs. of ammonia, 17 lbs. of aoid and 10 lbs. of potash, and cost , 6 60 Thus I get a ton in these goods that has 140 pounds in the phosphate and 17 pounds in the o ,ttcn seed meal makes 157 pounds of phosphoric acid in' the Jot ; I get 52 pounds of ammonia in the cotton seed meal, and I get 12 pounds of potash from the kainit and 10 pounds of potash from the cotton seed meal, making 62 pounds of potash, all at a cost of $13 80, which, with freight added, generally cost me about $15 per ton delivered at my farm ; thus I get a standard grade guano for $15 while most people are paying from $20 to $24 per ton, cash. . , . In cc nclusion, I want to eay that Mr. T. W3. B Parker, cur present State Alii ance Trade Agent, who will take hold about November l3t, is a practical farmer, and like myself, has made and used his own make of guano for years past and can, IadgSfarracge for our Alliance people to get materials and make their fertilizers at a saving in cost of about 50 per cent, over buying manipulated goods. Mr. Parker is a neighbor of mine and a first class truck farmer, and knows what and where to buy fertilizers cheapest. Correspond with him for your fertilizers and com pound your own and save money, too. Abb tt L Ewinson. GoldEboro, N. O , Oct. 9, 1897. ABOUT WEEDS. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. So importont a part does the sup preesion of weeds play in the growth of all cultivated crops, that any means for assisting in the warfare incessantly waged against them is of the greatest practical importarcs. No invariably applicable rule can be laid down, nor line of practice ba adopted, since the character of the crops infested and the nature of the weeds themselves con stantly change. Indeed, the plant grown as a valued crop to day may be come the direct pest to morrow and the harvest of one locality be the bane of another. A weed is really any plant growing out of place; that is, where not in tended or; desired. Timothy becomes a weed in the corn field and cotton is a weed in the cane patch. Weeds grow that man may exterminate them, and their extermination ig his most con stant occupation. - The methods adopted for this ex termination are universal. Cultiva tion is their death, the only variation being in the method or implements uied in performing the deed. Is the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," more applic able than in the attitude of farmers to ward weeds I It is to some of the pes sibilitiesof prevention that I propose to call attention. Preventing the presence of weeds rather than the killing of weeds, should be the aim of the farmer. And here it seems important to observe a too sel dom considered truth that of the rec ognized weed pests of our country fully 80 per cent, are of European origin and are now among our imported luxuries. In light of this fact general restrictive measures would seem to be a crying de mand. In view of the recent history with the "Russian Cactus" which has laid whole counties in the West waste, from an importation in immigrant bedding scarcely a decade ago, legisla tive precautions might even now prove timely. The advantages of prevention over extermination seem to be frequently confuted under the supposition that the killing of tho weeds on the soil has some of the advantages of the turning under of a green crop. Indeed, this practice was for a time advocated by one of tho most assiduous of our ex perimenters. It must be remembered, however, that among, the common weeds of the country there is hardly a leguminous plant. It therefore follows that the fertilizing material contained in a crop of weeds is essentially all of soil origin and the cultivation of this crop simply returns to the soil the plant food originally taken from the soil and in a far less soluble and avail able form than it previously held, in asmuch as decomposition in the soil must intervene before the material of the weeds can again become available. The presence of weeds in cultivated fields is therefore without redeeming feature. Invisible and often almost inexplic able as the origin of a given weed in any locality may be, we know that spontaneous generation is out of the question and that wherever a weed ap pears its seed must have preceded it. The seed therefore is the vulnerable place of attack, and any means by wh cb the presence or formation of weed seed may be restricted is the Barest and most effective way for re ducing the mischief of the weed itself. The most effective time for cultivating the weed infested ground is after the seed has sprouted, but before the re suiting plant has secured a strong hold on the soil. A few repetitions of this course win", by destroying the successive sprouting?, suffice to exterminate the weed crop of any given season. The source of the weed seed in any given field ia of vital importance in supplying the basis for action by en abling us to prevent a re occurrence of the condition resulting in the presence of the pest. Uuquestionobly the manure used is responsible for a larger part of our weed enemies than any other single cause. Any farmer who will once ob serve the difference in tLo prevalence of weeds, where crops are grown with and without manure side by side will easily convince himself of the truth of this assertion. I have repeatedly found the c:st of cultivation to be more than doubled by the use of manure as a fer tilizer and with a certain crop, requir ing much hand weeding, like onions, the use of manure is certain to prove disastrous. The obvious deductions from these facts are- first, that commercial forms of nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid should be substituted for manure where purchased material is to be utilized in feeding the crop. S3Cond, that for garden and close-grown crops only thoroughly decomposed manure should ba used, the heat of rotting in evitably destroying a large part of the weed seed invariably present. This decomposition of the manure necessar ily occurs at the expense of fertilizing material. This loss may be largely prevented by the use of a chemical ab sorbent in the stables and yards. Gyp eum is well adapted to the purpose, but kainit is equally effective as an absorb ent and possesses the added advantage of furnishing needed potash and thus correcting a deficiency in the manure and rendering it a better balanced plant food, and thus more economical. Another advantage cf this course is based on a fact with which every prac tic&l farmer is personally familiar. Weeds grow rankest where nitrogenous plant food is present in excess. They thus secure a start or hold difficult to later overcome. If this excess of ni trogenous fertilizer is prevented, not only is the crop grown, batter fed, but the extermination of the weeds is facili tated. H. R. Stocxbbidge. A Wisconsin local paper eays: A friend appeals to us to suggest some thing for the fly-tormented milkers. It's no use, my veteran friend, we've tried it. Onoe, when a boy, we thought we would fix a frisky heifer, and so Hied her tail to our boot strap. The heifer gave two or three jsrks, and then got right up in meetin' and lit out. We well, we managed -to keep up with the heifer, with the assistance of the tail, but there was altogether too much confusion about it to make it in te resting. We are certain it was no time for reading the Scriptures, or family worship. It is much safer to let a cow switch her tail, than to switch a boy. THE DAIBY. - una nuflUKUU HINTS ON DAI HY ING. By the Late CoT T. D. Curtis. No, L Correspondence of the Progressive Fanaer. SELECTION AND BREEDING. 1. Decide oh your- line of dairying, if rot already decidedV Butter, cheeso or milk for market. 2. If you choose butter making, eeo that your cows give milk rich in but ter fat, and that the fat is in largo globules, so that it will readily separata from the milk. 3. If you choose cheese making or milk for market, see that the butter fat is in small globules, so that it will not readilv senaratfl from thn milh- 4. Te3t every cow, and do not be con tent with your herd until it averages 300 pounds of butter or 750 pounds of cheese yearly per cow. 5 Be sure to select a male that ia from a. family better in your line of dairying than your herd. This ia a guarantee of improvement in th"c2" spring. ' 6. When ycur dairy is up to your ideal standard, be careful not to use a male inferior to your herd lest your breed go down insiead of up. 7. Stick to the line of dairying and the breed of cow which you begin with, keeping the blood pure. Mixing breeds promiscuously works badly. CABS AND FEED. 8. Remember that good care and feed are as essential as selection and breeding. 9. See that the food given to your cows is of the best quality and in tho best condition for digestion. This ia very important. 10. Ba careful that the ration fed to your cows has a proper balanco of ele ments, approximating one part of ni trogenous food to five or six parts of carbonaceous. Tho nitrogenous foods are also known as "albuminoids " and the caibonacsous aa "carbohydrates." 11. Mixed pasture grasses, including ration; but little diy food is relished exceedingly, and- is beneficial. Somo of the best dairymen not only feed hay, but corn meal and bran, or some other form of grain all summer, to advan tage. 12 Ba sure to have some soiling crop to eke out the feed during the dry sea son, and by no means permit a shrink age of the flow of milk because of lack of food. It cannot be fully regained. 13. A most important consideration in the ration is that of bulk. If too bulky, the animal has to eat too much to get sufficient nourishment and bo comes uncomfortable. If not bulky enough, the animal will take in more nutritive material than it can digest, in order to produce the proper sense of fulness. This dsranges the stomach and causes waste. T. D. Curtis1 'One hundred hints on Dairying" have for sometime baen out of print. Before the author's death ho gave the writer the privilege of re pub lishing them, which he intends eome time to do in book form. Bat not be ing at this time ready to do so, he has concluded to give them to the public in the above form. Future issues of this paper will contain remaining parts, till the entire one hundred hints have been published. The hints will be worth a year's subscription to the paper. F. W. Moseixy. Clinton, Iowa. A NEW YORK MILK TRUST. J New York dispatches state that a gigantic milk trust is being formed in that city, with John D. Gilmore, a mil lionaire banker, aa promoter. Tho plan ia to form a corporation with a capital of $10,000,000, which every dealer must join. If anyone refusesr, the old freeze out methods will be em ployed and his business will be ruined. When the combination ia complete tho price will be advanced. If only tho farmers who produce the milk were bright enough, broad enough and stead fast enough to combine and hold to their combination, under wise leader ship, how pale and sickly they could make euch a trust look. But when such farmera are not. enterprising enough to become good dairy students for their own private interest ia tho production of milk, they constitute a rich field for big tru3ts and combina tions to thrive in. Hoard's Dairyman. Now that crops are being gathered in, don't forget to gather in your toola and farm implements. To gather ia your crops and leave your tools in tho field is like "caving at the Epiot and wasting at the buns."